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Cobalt: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #2
Cobalt: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #2
Cobalt: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #2
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Cobalt: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #2

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About this ebook

COBALT is the second in the Wicked Griffins, a Reverse Harem Motorcycle Club Contemporary Romance series. If you enjoy a steamy story of a woman being pampered by three strong, masculine men, then be sure to one-click today.



Kara Thorssen works at a homeless shelter and lives a quiet life. She wears her heart on her sleeve and would give the shirt off her back to help anyone. That's why she is left in shock when she is accosted by a stalker one night after work. She finds herself running towards the local bar and throwing herself into the arms of her knight in shining leather — Cobalt. 


A mix up with Officer Clark Jones has Cobalt in handcuffs and Kara desperately trying to get him freed. With the decade-long feud between the sexy bad boy and cop, things aren't looking too promising to Kara. Both are extremely attractive and just as equally stubborn. Their only thing in common… their desire for Kara.


Will Kara be able to douse the fire between Cobalt and Officer Jones? And, what about Hammer, the biker Cobalt calls to protect her?

Release dateJan 9, 2020
Cobalt: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #2

S.E. Isaac

Coming from a family of military members, S.E. Isaac learned at an early age what it meant to travel. She spent six years of her childhood in Germany and the remainder in Missouri, USA. She became a young mother at the age of sixteen and learned what determination, motivation, and inspiration could do for one’s life. She has experienced just about everything life can throw at a person, from serving in the military, seeing the effects of war, divorces, childbirth, financial struggles, being a single parent, and raising a special needs child alone. Life hasn’t always granted her the happiness, which she desired, but she never quit treading water. You have to fight for what you want in life. Writing has always been an outlet for her, even at the young age of eight, which is when she started writing poetry and short stories. It has always been a dream to have her work published and to have readers connect with her characters. She believes that is every writer’s dream — to have their work truly read. Connect with S.E. Isaac

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    Cobalt - S.E. Isaac

    COBALT: Wicked Griffins RH MC #2

    Copyright c) 2019 S.E. Isaac & Josette Schaber (as Josette Reuel)

    Cover design by Evanlea Publishing

    Proofreading and Edits: Evanlea Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews – without permission in writing from Evanlea Publishing, Josette Schaber, and/or Josette Reuel.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    This book is sold in print and electronic formats and is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book, when in electronic format, may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you are reading this book in print or electronic format and did not purchase or borrow it through proper channels, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    **Disclaimer: Translations were completed using Google Translate and as such have not been verified. Poetic license has been exercised in regard to spelling and removal of language-specific characters to facilitate the flow of the story. The use of these translations is to create a mood within the story. However, in many cases, names and dialog are fictional creations of the author and not meant to be translations of other languages.

    Published by Evanlea Publishing

    First Edition: 2019 published under Claudia Stevens & Simone Evans

    Second Edition: December 2020




    COBALT is the second in the Wicked Griffins, a Reverse Harem Motorcycle Club Contemporary Romance series. If you enjoy a steamy story of a woman being pampered by three strong, masculine men, then be sure to one-click today.

    Kara Thorssen works at a homeless shelter and lives a quiet life. She wears her heart on her sleeve and would give the shirt off her back to help anyone. That’s why she is left in shock when she is accosted by a stalker one night after work. She finds herself running towards the local bar and throwing herself into the arms of her knight in shining leather — Cobalt.

    A mix up with Officer Clark Jones has Cobalt in handcuffs and Kara desperately trying to get him freed. With the decade-long feud between the sexy bad boy and cop, things aren’t looking too promising to Kara. Both are extremely attractive and just as equally stubborn. Their only thing in common… their desire for Kara.

    Will Kara be able to douse the fire between Cobalt and Officer Jones? And, what about Hammer, the biker Cobalt calls to protect her?

    Chapter One


    The day had been never-ending. One crisis after another had me leaving work several hours late. As the lead counselor of the Viper Canyon Shelter and Rec Center, it all fell to me. Things such as finding a replacement for the twenty gallons of spoiled milk, getting onto security about the constant vandalism and deflated basketballs, or doing the intake for the van full of new arrivals from Las Vegas. The larger city was overflowing with the homeless and had begun to ship them out to surrounding communities. We helped them clean up their streets and they donated big dollars to run our programs. It was a win-win — well, it was until I had to stay at the center until ten at night.

    Now I stared down the dark road which led to my tiny one-bedroom apartment. The building was located only a few blocks from downtown Viper Canyon, a fifteen-minute walk from work, and only two buildings away from the old railway station. You would think there’d be plenty of light and people — even at this time of night — but there wasn’t.

    I tugged my sweat jacket closed and hefted my backpack higher on my left shoulder. In my Viper Canyon Shelter-logoed jacket, t-shirt, and jeans I looked like a kid heading home from a late study session. Glancing over my shoulder I searched for the unmarked van but found none.

    Shaking my head, I tossed my long blond braids back over my shoulders and let out a sigh of aggravation.

    A twig snapped behind me. I swung around and searched the shadows. Nothing moved.

    It’s just a cat or something, Kara, I berated myself. Get it together and get your ass home.

    Seconds ticked by and I strained to find the slightest movement. When nothing happened and I didn’t hear anything else, I turned back to the path ahead.

    Like I said, just some animal. Forcing myself to continue walking I picked up my pace as a cool breeze blew debris across my path.

    The nights were always cool in Nevada. Too much open desert which baked in the sun and then froze when it lowered beneath the horizon. I loved living in the southwestern United States, it was beautiful but sometimes I wished for a tropical evening looking out over the ocean.

    Fantasies filled my mind as I approached my turn—

    A shoe scuffed the sidewalk behind me and I whirled. A large shadow darted into the doorway of a closed business. That was no animal, I whined to myself.

    Who’s there? I called out as I remembered the dumb blonde was always the first to die in horror movies.

    Listening carefully, I heard movement but the shadow didn’t disengage from the building and no one responded to my question.

    Look… I’m armed so you better come out and let me know who you are and what you want before someone gets hurt.

    Someone was mumbling to themselves and their voice was echoing off the buildings lining both sides of Main Street. She’s so pretty. Blonde hair just like Lisa. Maybe she won’t like us. She’s ours.

    Fear slammed into me and I spun on the ball of my foot as I rushed the way I’d been walking. A bar was just ahead and would be open until like 1:00 AM. All I needed to do was to get away from the crazy hiding in the shadows.

    Wait… The voice called after me.

    I heard heavy footsteps rushing to catch up to me. The sound caused adrenaline to fill my veins and I worked to put some distance between me and whoever was behind me — I refuse to be the dumb blonde bimbo damn it.

    The door of the bar slammed open to allow music, light, and a large man to pour from the establishment. Laughter came to me on the next gust of wind.

    See you this weekend, Jake.

    Sweetheart! I screamed in relief as I took the next ten feet as if I had wings on my tennis shoes. I’m so glad I made it before you’d left, I gushed as I grabbed his arm and peered behind me.

    A large man with thinning hair and a rotund belly stood on the sidewalk and looked at me and then the man I was attached to like a barnacle. A frown curved his too-thin lips as he tugged at the hem of his stained t-shirt.

    Damn it! Is he one of the homeless? Maybe he didn’t make it inside before we locked the doors and he was just trying to—

    Pretty like Lisa. She’s ours. My stalker glared at the man beside me as he mumbled to himself. Insanity filled his gaze and I shivered in fear.

    Well, hello Babe, is this guy bothering you? My savior pulled me into his side as he wrapped his arms around me. Should I? I looked up into cobalt blue eyes and I fell instantly in lust.

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