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Hidden Pictures
Hidden Pictures
Hidden Pictures
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Hidden Pictures

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Nancy, Bess, and George must find the truth behind a photographic mystery in this nineteenth book of the Nancy Drew Diaries, a fresh approach to the classic mystery series.

Nancy and her friends are spending the weekend in a small mountainside town called Shady Oaks. The local museum is displaying a never-before-seen collection from famous nature photographer, Christopher DeSantos. So the usually sleepy town is now filled with tourists. But it’s not just the dramatic lighting of the old black and white photographs that people have come to see.

Newspapers all over the country have picked up the story of two visitors who went missing in Shady Oaks only to turn up in the old DeSantos photographs, seemingly frozen in time. What’s more, there was a rumor that DeSantos was cursed by his former partner after a disagreement. Now everyone is wondering if the legend is real.

Nancy, Bess, and George are convinced that there is another explanation to be found. But it quickly becomes clear that someone is making sure they don’t find it. Can these three teenage sleuths solve this mystery before it’s too late?
Release dateJan 14, 2020

Carolyn Keene

Carolyn Keene is the author of the ever-popular Nancy Drew books.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The updated Nancy Drew series -- I especially like the audiobooks -- and this episode in particular is so well done by narrator by Jorjeana Marie. As someone interested in young readers literature, I think this entry in the series is a good introduction to non-violent mysteries for middle schoolers. Likewise, it's a good choice (series) for those who may be reluctant readers. This story/book has an interesting premise about an art exhibit of old Black-and-White photos, where people who went missing only hours before, appear in the old photos. But Nancy, and her two trusty friends, Bess and George, are on the case. It's an entertaining mystery and the updating geared for today's young readers keeps things relevant.

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Hidden Pictures - Carolyn Keene


It’s Raining Suspicion

HEY, NANCY! BESS CALLED TO me from across the street. This is him, right? The photographer?

George and I made our way over to where Bess was standing. She was looking in the front window of an arts and crafts store, where there was a printout of a large black-and-white photograph. The photo was of a serious-looking man with heavy wrinkles, dark hair, and wide, light gray eyes. Or at least they looked gray, since the photograph had no color.

Right, I said. That’s Christopher DeSantos.

We were in the town of Shady Oaks, a drive of several hours from River Heights. It was fall and there were trees everywhere, shading the town with red, orange, and yellow leaves that were covering everything like one large umbrella. Lining the main street were lampposts, and each of them was draped with a banner for the Carlisle Museum and the new exhibit featuring pictures of Shady Oaks by the world-famous photographer Christopher DeSantos. DeSantos had grown up in town and spent his teenage years taking pictures. None of these photographs had ever been seen before. They had all been donated only recently by DeSantos’s granddaughter, who had lived here with her grandfather after his retirement. She had moved to Shady Oaks when she was only a child, over twenty years ago, but she had apparently never left.

He looks…, began George, before eventually finding the right word. Intimidating.

It’s probably just the photograph, said Bess. If the lighting were different and if he was smiling, he wouldn’t look so…

Frightening? George tried again.

Well, yes, said Bess.

Bess and George were my best friends, but they couldn’t be more different. That much was clear just by looking at them. It was raining lightly in Shady Oaks and Bess had brought along a pair of polka-dotted rain boots, pulled up carefully over her jeans, and a matching polka-dotted umbrella. Her blond hair was tucked behind her ears and protected entirely from the rain. George, on the other hand, had thrown on an oversize green parka. She had pulled the hood down low over her forehead, but tufts of her dark hair still peeked out from underneath it and were slowly soaking up rainwater.

Personally, I had opted for something more in the middle. I was wearing my red raincoat, zipped up to protect me from the wind, a warm cable-knit sweater, and a pair of boots.

So where to now? said Bess, turning away from the window. Should we find the museum?

No way, said George. No museums until after breakfast.

I agree, I said. We should definitely get some food first.

Truthfully, I was eager to find the Carlisle Museum and visit the new Christopher DeSantos exhibit. But we had driven to Shady Oaks and checked into our hotel pretty late last night. No restaurants had been open, and I would have felt bad making my friends wait to eat this morning. Especially since I knew neither of them were very interested in Christopher DeSantos, or even photography in general.

We continued walking down the main street. Bess was trying to avoid puddles as she went. I was on the lookout for other potential museumgoers. Shady Oaks seemed pretty busy. Despite the rain and the small size of the town, there were actually a good number of people walking around. Many of the stores had window displays advertising the DeSantos exhibit, and most of the pedestrians were stopping to look at each one. I had to assume we were surrounded by tourists and DeSantos fans.

George had fallen a few steps behind us. She had taken out her cell phone and was holding it up in the air as she looked for service. I could see the droplets of water already collecting on her phone screen.

No cell service! she called to us. She sounded a bit miserable. And no Wi-Fi at the hotel. Why did we come to such a remote town again?

Next to me, Bess rolled her eyes. George, she called back. Nancy is a big fan of Christopher DeSantos! As her friends, we should be happy to tag along so she gets to experience this. Right, Nancy?

Um, I said. Right. Thanks, Bess.

I knew I wasn’t being very convincing. Especially when Bess turned toward me and looked a little confused. Nancy, she said. "You are a DeSantos fan, aren’t you?"

Well, I said. The truth was, I hadn’t even heard of Christopher DeSantos or his photographs until a couple of days ago. There was another reason I wanted to visit Shady Oaks. But before I could explain what we were really doing there, I saw someone walking toward us.

Hello! the person called out. She was wearing a bright yellow raincoat, and her intensely red hair was pulled back into a ponytail that flicked behind her as she walked. Around her neck she carried what looked like an old-fashioned film camera, but it was encased in a clear plastic covering, to protect it from the rain. Are you guys here for the exhibit? Are you huge Christopher DeSantos fans too?

That’s what we were just wondering, said Bess.

The girl looked confused, so I quickly held my hand out to her. Yes, I said. We’re all big fans. I’m Nancy, this is Bess, and that’s George, with the cell phone.

At the sound of her name, George looked over at us and the new girl. She waved as she walked over to join us.

I’m Riley, said the girl. She smiled, and I could see that she had slightly buck teeth and that her nose was dotted with freckles. I’ve been waiting for this exhibit to open for months. Are you guys staying in town?

Yes, said Bess, smiling back at her. At the Elder Root Inn. Leave it to Bess to be unfailingly polite, even when I knew she was dying to ask me what was really going on.

Oh, me too! said Riley. It’s just so exciting to meet other fans.

Nancy’s the fan, said George, who had come up to stand on my right side. Not me or Bess.

Riley looked between us, clearly confused again, since I had just told her we were all fans of DeSantos’s work. Before I could get our story straight, George continued on.

I just don’t understand why anyone would continue to use a film camera when digital exists, she said. She looked pointedly at what was hanging from Riley’s neck.

George! said Bess, but luckily, Riley only laughed.

You’d be surprised how different they are, she said. I’d be happy to show you. But of course, DeSantos shot using only film, and his work speaks for itself. Right, Nancy?

Of course, I said, a little sheepishly.

I think his series on Copper Canyon would have been impossible to capture with digital, said Riley. And those are probably some of my favorite pieces. What about you? What’s your favorite DeSantos photograph?

Um—uh—well— I stammered. Riley, Bess, and George were all looking at me, but really, I couldn’t have named a single DeSantos photograph if I wanted to.

Just at that moment, a single, piercing scream turned our attention down the street. As I looked in the direction from which it had come, I saw what seemed to be some kind of commotion in front of a large brick building. A sign on it clearly read THE CARLISLE MUSEUM—the same museum that was hosting the photographs of Christopher DeSantos.


The Second Victim

I LOOKED QUICKLY AT BESS and George before we all took off, jogging down the street and in the direction of whoever had screamed. We made it to the museum before I realized that Riley had tagged along as well.

We weren’t the only ones to hear the scream and wonder what was happening. A few people who appeared as though they had been walking past the museum had stopped to check on the sudden sound. There was also a park nearby, and I could see a few people lifting up the hoods of their raincoats or readjusting their umbrellas so they could see what was happening as they walked through.

There were two women standing on the museum’s front steps. One of them looked as though she was maybe a year or two older than me. She had light brown hair that was parted in the middle and hung straight down. Her hand was covering her mouth, and she was crying. It must have been she who had screamed. I watched as she began gesturing at anyone who was nearby.

You have to listen to me! she kept calling out. Please, I need help!

The second woman on the museum steps looked as though she was trying to calm the girl down, or at least move her back inside. This woman was thin, with short white hair and hunched shoulders. She was wearing a navy-blue blazer, and pinned to it was a name tag. I had to assume she worked for the museum.

Nearly everyone who had been in listening distance made their way over, and soon the two women were surrounded by a small crowd of people. The girl started motioning back through the open door of the museum, though it wasn’t immediately clear why. I left Bess, George, and Riley behind and edged my way to the front of the crowd.

Come here, dear, the older woman said. Let’s move over this way.

The crying girl wouldn’t budge, and more people were gathering around her.

What’s happening? someone from

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