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Tungsten: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #3
Tungsten: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #3
Tungsten: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #3
Ebook130 pages1 hour

Tungsten: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #3

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"TUNGSTEN" is the third in the Wicked Griffins, a Reverse Harem Motorcycle Club Contemporary Romance series. If you enjoy a steamy story of a woman being pampered by three strong, masculine men, then be sure to one-click today.



Angela Herrera achieved her dream of owning her own garage; unfortunately, her family wasn't as happy as she was about it. Her momma thinks she needs to be more girly and looking for a husband not doing man's work. With the pressure from her momma, Angela's mind is distracted. Too distracted. That's why on her dad's birthday, she finds herself running behind schedule and backing her truck into Tungsten's, a biker with the Griffin's MC, bike.


Not willing to waste her time with an asshole, she throws money at him and drives off. What she didn't expect was for him to show up at her house after she spent the evening decompressing over margaritas with her best friend, Mateo.


Will Angela be able to remain the strong woman she'd become while the men convince her there is more than work?

Release dateJan 30, 2020
Tungsten: Wicked Griffins RH MC, #3

S.E. Isaac

Coming from a family of military members, S.E. Isaac learned at an early age what it meant to travel. She spent six years of her childhood in Germany and the remainder in Missouri, USA. She became a young mother at the age of sixteen and learned what determination, motivation, and inspiration could do for one’s life. She has experienced just about everything life can throw at a person, from serving in the military, seeing the effects of war, divorces, childbirth, financial struggles, being a single parent, and raising a special needs child alone. Life hasn’t always granted her the happiness, which she desired, but she never quit treading water. You have to fight for what you want in life. Writing has always been an outlet for her, even at the young age of eight, which is when she started writing poetry and short stories. It has always been a dream to have her work published and to have readers connect with her characters. She believes that is every writer’s dream — to have their work truly read. Connect with S.E. Isaac

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    Tungsten - S.E. Isaac

    TUNGSTEN: Wicked Griffins RH MC #3

    Copyright c) 2019 S.E. Isaac & Josette Schaber (as Josette Reuel)

    Cover design by Evanlea Publishing

    Proofreading and Edits: Evanlea Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews – without permission in writing from Evanlea Publishing, Josette Schaber, and/or Josette Reuel.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    This book is sold in print and electronic formats and is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book, when in electronic format, may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you are reading this book in print or electronic format and did not purchase or borrow it through proper channels, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    **Disclaimer: Translations were completed using Google Translate and as such have not been verified. Poetic license has been exercised in regard to spelling and removal of language-specific characters to facilitate the flow of the story. The use of these translations is to create a mood within the story. However, in many cases, names and dialog are fictional creations of the author and not meant to be translations of other languages.

    Published by Evanlea Publishing

    First Edition: 2019 published under Claudia Stevens & Simone Evans

    Second Edition: December 2020




    TUNGSTEN is the third in the Wicked Griffins, a Reverse Harem Motorcycle Club Contemporary Romance series. If you enjoy a steamy story of a woman being pampered by three strong, masculine men, then be sure to one-click today.

    Angela Herrera achieved her dream of owning her own garage; unfortunately, her family wasn’t as happy as she was about it. Her momma thinks she needs to be more girly and looking for a husband not doing man’s work. With the pressure from her momma, Angela’s mind is distracted. Too distracted. That’s why on her dad’s birthday, she finds herself running behind schedule and backing her truck into Tungsten’s, a biker with the Griffin’s MC, bike.

    Not willing to waste her time with an asshole, she throws money at him and drives off. What she didn’t expect was him to show up at her house after she spent the evening decompressing over margaritas with her best friend, Mateo.

    Will Angela be able to remain the strong woman she’d become while the men convince her there is more than work?

    Chapter One


    Look, I don’t know anything about cars. All I know is that I need it fixed as in yesterday and I’m willing to pay you for the rush job. The Prez said that if his Old Lady doesn’t get her car running again soon he’ll start cutting, I watched Cody squirm in front of my counter. I know buildings, not engines.

    Soaking in the onetime captain of the local high school football team, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of empathy for him. I knew what it was like to grow up with expectations and then have them yanked away from you. The difference between myself and Cody Jennings… I told my family to fuck off.

    My garage was my life and I was alright with that… well, to an extent, my abuela could still twist the guilt screws, but I forgave her because she believed in me.

    "Look, Cody, I’d love to help ya out, but it’s no bueno. My abuela would have my hide. It’s Papa’s sixty-fifth… I can’t miss it." I turned from my high school crush and pulled the elastic band from my hair.

    Ignoring the quarterback, I ran my hands through waist length dark hair — I’d probably get flak from my mama for the new red highlights but I truly was over trying to impress her. Throwing my hair down in front of me, I bent at the waist and gathered the heavy strands in my hands and began to pull it back through the elastic.

    Fuck… I’m a fucking saint, Cody groaned low.

    What was that? I flipped my ponytail back and came up to look Cody in the eyes. Red rose on his deeply tanned cheeks — which was really something — and I smirked at his embarrassment. I’d caught him checking out my ass and if nothing else, Cody’s Mama taught him some manners.

    Look, you’ll have to take it over to someone in Vegas or one of the other small towns around. I really can’t check it out today, sweetie. I reached out and caressed Cody’s cheek and gave him an affectionate pat.

    What the fuck did I just do? My thoughts went chaotic as I blushed. Something about the jock turned biker had always made my heart squeeze and my insides melt and I still had no idea how to handle it.

    So, instead of dealing with it, I spun away and grabbed my backpack as I shooed Cody out the door. It took me several minutes to fish out my keys so I could lock up, but once I was done, I turned to hop into my truck only to find Cody standing there on the sidewalk wearing a strange expression.

    Move, I snapped in irritation.

    I didn’t like confrontation and having to deal with Cody when I knew my mama was waiting to criticize everything from my heavy black boots and jeans to the kickass skull and roses art my tattoo artist, Everly, had given me… it was all just too much so I pushed past him and got in my truck.

    My phone rang as soon as I inserted the key in the ignition and I groaned. It must be later than I thought.

    "Hola, Mama. Voy en camino," I replied instantly when I swiped the call to answer.

    I could hear her voice as she went into a lecture in a mix of Spanish and English that would have had anyone’s ears burning. Even if they didn’t know Spanish.

    "Lo siento, Mama. I’ll be happy to stop by the store and pick up your list. Just text it to me so I don’t miss anything." Of course, it didn't matter, I could get everything she would text me and there would still be something I forgot. My mama was unreasonable when it came to me and I could do no right.

    My papa on the other hand… well, I’d always been and would always be his princess. He just ignored the fact that his princess liked to get greasy and pretended it was only a phase I was going through.

    I sighed as my mother finished and said her goodbyes.

    See you soon, Mama. I sighed as the call went silent.

    Tossing my phone back in my bag, I turned the key in the ignition and threw my truck into gear. I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t look — to myself — but the furious biker who glared into my rearview mirror after I heard the crunch, well, I’m sure he had other thoughts on the matter.

    Fucking bikers. They were always in my way.

    Chapter Two


    Mother fucker! I growled as I looked at my bike.

    One minute. One fucking minute that’s how long I had been in the damn parking lot. Fucking Prez needed me to pick up a fucking pack of condoms. A pack of fucking condoms just got my bike smashed.

    With quick strides, I marched over to the driver’s side of the truck. The door opened and a pretty brunette with red streaks hopped out. She looked up at me with her hazel eyes. I almost forgot that I was pissed. Fuck, she’s hot.

    I am so sorry, she said. Even her voice was pretty. She had a slight Spanish accent.

    How the hell did you not see my bike? I grumbled. Pretty or not, she hit my damn bike.

    Why the hell was your damn bike parked behind my truck! She snapped back. Her small finger tapped against my chest with each word she spoke.

    Don’t try to justify hitting my fucking bike.

    "There is nothing to justify. You are an idiot. You parked behind my

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