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A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year: Holidays with the Wongs, #3
A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year: Holidays with the Wongs, #3
A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year: Holidays with the Wongs, #3
Ebook135 pages1 hour

A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year: Holidays with the Wongs, #3

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

After his family's matchmaking extravaganza at Thanksgiving, high school teacher Zach Wong is terrified of what his parents might do for Chinese New Year. Surely they'll try to set him up yet again, especially now that his older brothers are in relationships. Zach, however, has no interest in dating, not since his fiancée left him.

The solution? Find a fake girlfriend to avoid his parents' matchmaking.

Jo MacGregor, the town dentist, is the obvious choice. They both live in Mosquito Bay and have been friends for years, ever since they bonded over broken engagements.  A few kisses and dates around town, and everyone will believe they're in a relationship. No problem.

Except their fake relationship is starting to feel more and more real…

Release dateJan 7, 2020
A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year: Holidays with the Wongs, #3

Jackie Lau

Jackie Lau studied engineering and worked as a geophysicist before turning to her first love of writing. She is now the author of over twenty romantic comedies including Donut Fall in Love and The Stand-Up Groomsman. When she’s not writing, she enjoys gelato, gourmet donuts, cooking, hiking, and reading. She lives in Toronto with her husband. Find out more at

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    Book preview

    A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year - Jackie Lau

    Meet Zach & Jo...

    After his family’s matchmaking extravaganza at Thanksgiving, high school teacher Zach Wong is terrified of what his parents might do for Chinese New Year. Surely they’ll try to set him up yet again, especially now that his older brothers are in relationships. Zach, however, has no interest in dating, not since his fiancée left him.

    The solution? Find a fake girlfriend to avoid his parents’ matchmaking.

    Jo MacGregor, the town dentist, is the obvious choice. They both live in Mosquito Bay and have been friends for years, ever since they bonded over broken engagements. A few kisses and dates around town, and everyone will believe they’re in a relationship. No problem.

    Except their fake relationship is starting to feel more and more real...

    Holidays with the Wongs

    A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year is the third book in the Holidays with the Wongs series, a quartet of holiday romance novellas about the Wong siblings.


    Reading order:

    (1)  A Match Made for Thanksgiving

    (2)  A Second Chance Road Trip for Christmas

    (3)  A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year

    (4)  A Big Surprise for Valentine’s Day


    To keep up to date with my latest releases and other news, sign up for my newsletter here!

    Chapter 1

    Bouquet of flowers in hand, Zach Wong exited the grocery store and headed down Main Street. It was a crisp winter day in early January. The sun had shone brightly earlier, but now it was dusk and there was a cool wind off Lake Huron.

    He passed the doctor’s office, the dentist’s office, and the pottery shop, which inexplicably had survived for a decade despite the lack of tourism in the sleepy lakeside town called Mosquito Bay. Next, there was the elementary school, the diner, the bakery, and two units that had been vacant for nearly a year.

    A few people were coming out of the Tim Hortons as he walked by.

    Zach! Haven’t seen you in a while. Al, a bartender at Finn’s, slapped him on the back.

    Zach’s brothers didn’t want to live in Mosquito Bay, didn’t enjoy being in a community where everyone knew each other and there was only one bar, but Zach liked it here.

    I guess it’s been longer than usual, Zach said. You weren’t working last Friday, right? How’s the family up in Owen Sound?

    They’re doing well. My old man broke his arm, though. Fell off a ladder when he was putting up Christmas lights. Al nodded at the flowers. Who’s the lucky lady?

    Zach just smiled and shrugged.

    He talked to Al for a couple minutes, then walked onward, passing Wong’s Wok, the restaurant his grandparents had run for decades. A typical small-town Chinese-Canadian restaurant. The new owners weren’t named Wong, but they’d kept the name, not wanting to replace the sign. There was a sheet of paper in the window that said, Now serving pad Thai. That was new, too. There had been no pad Thai back in his grandparents’ day.

    Finn’s was next door. Like Wong’s Wok, there was no one named Finn there anymore, but the name had endured.

    Zach turned off Main Street and walked by Great Lakes Bed and Breakfast. It was another five minutes before he reached his destination. Though the front door was never locked, he rang the doorbell anyway. His mother answered.

    For you, he said, handing her the bouquet as he stepped inside.

    How lovely! Mom enveloped him in a hug. Thanks, Zach.

    Where are my flowers? Ah Ma, his grandmother, asked as she shuffled into the hall. "Ah, I see. They are mums for your mum. It is not fair that there are no flowers called ahmas. They would be a bestseller! The biggest tropical flowers. Bright pink."

    No, they’d be poisonous, Ah Yeh said, coming up behind her. Just like your cooking.

    He stepped to the side as his wife attempted to swat him.

    My cooking isn’t poisonous! Ah Ma said.

    You gave me food poisoning.

    One time, forty years ago. You are always holding that over my head.

    She tried to swat Ah Yeh again, but he moved out of the way. They chased each other around the house, though it was hardly at a fast speed, as they were both close to ninety. It was more like watching two tortoises run a race.

    Zach chuckled. He enjoyed being able to see his family at least once a week. His brothers, Greg and Nick, lived in Toronto and he usually only saw them at holidays. Amber, his little sister, had moved to Stratford, which was an hour away. But Zach had stayed. Well, he’d gone away for university, but he’d come back after finishing teacher’s college.

    Stop it! Dad entered the front hall. He looked at his parents and shook his head. One of you will fall and break a hip, and that’s the last thing we need.

    No, I am strong. Big muscles. Ah Ma stopped chasing her husband and attempted to flex her arm.

    Dad snorted, as did Ah Yeh.

    Dinner is almost ready, Mom said. How about you put the flowers in the vase and set the table, Zach?

    Ten minutes later, he was digging into his roast chicken, potatoes, and green beans. Sunday night dinners with his family had become a tradition in the past few years. He and his grandparents would go to his parents’ house, and his mom and dad would cook. Occasionally Amber came, too.

    So, what did you do for New Year’s? Mom asked.

    Did you kiss anyone at midnight? Ah Ma made smooching noises. Did you go to any big parties?

    I was at Finn’s, Zach said. Nothing exciting.

    You didn’t answer my first question, Ah Ma complained.

    He laughed. No, I didn’t kiss anyone.

    Ah Ma shook her head. "Greg and Nick have girlfriends now. But you. She pointed her finger at him as though accusing him of a heinous crime. You have not dated since Marianne, right? I keep my ears open. Nobody has said anything about you dating. We set you up with Diana, and that did not go well, but we—I mean you—can try again!"

    Zach felt a ball of tension in his stomach as he recalled Thanksgiving. His family had decided that since Zach, Nick, Greg, and Amber were all single, it would be a great idea to set them all up on blind dates.

    Although Zach’s wasn’t exactly a blind date, was it? He’d known Diana since childhood. Their families were friends, and Zach had been particularly good friends with Diana’s older brother, Sebastian.

    Regardless, it had not gone well, though Nick had made out with Greg’s date and they were still together. At Christmas, Greg had convinced the family to help him make a snow fort for his high school girlfriend, and now they were a couple again, too.

    Zach was happy for his brothers. If that’s what they wanted, it was great.

    But Zach had been in love once, and it hadn’t ended well. In fact, it had ended with a diamond ring getting tossed in his face.

    So, no, thank you. He wasn’t interested in going through that again. Why keep doing something that brought you pain?

    He’d spent many long nights at the bar, not drinking himself into oblivion, but simply because he wanted to be somewhere other than the house he’d rented with Marianne.

    The one bright spot in all those late nights at Finn’s?

    He’d become good friends with Jo.

    His engagement had ended more than four years ago, but Zach remembered exactly what it had been like. He didn’t need a repeat.

    His family, however, seemed keen on him being in a relationship. There had been Thanksgiving’s matchmaking extravaganza, and many comments since. Oh, do you know Lizzy, who works at Tim Hortons? She’s Magda’s daughter, and I thought we could set you up... Wasn’t Lizzy cute in her corn-cob costume at the harvest festival?

    And now, the mention of New Year’s reminded him of the next big family dinner.

    Chinese New Year.

    Would his family try to set him up with another woman? Unfortunately, the odds seemed good. True, there were no matchmaking efforts at Christmas for Zach, but he had a feeling they were biding their time and the next family holiday would involve unwanted matchmaking for him and possibly Amber.

    What is going on, Zach? Ah Ma asked. You are deep in thought. It is not like you. You are acting like Greg.

    Oh, nothing, he said. Just trying to prepare myself for work tomorrow.

    He shared pleasant conversation with his family and listened to Ah Yeh describe his latest finds on Amazon.

    But once dinner was over and he was walking home, he started thinking about Chinese New Year again. He couldn’t bear more matchmaking with his mother’s bridge partner’s cousin’s daughter, or the corn-cob costume lady who worked at Tim Hortons. He was happy with his life as it was. He enjoyed his job as a high school science teacher. He had lots of friends. He played in a hockey league on Monday nights. He had his

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