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Things in Jars: A Novel
Things in Jars: A Novel
Things in Jars: A Novel
Ebook443 pages7 hours

Things in Jars: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In this “miraculous and thrilling” (Diane Setterfield, #1 New York Times bestselling author) mystery for fans of The Essex Serpent and The Book of Speculation, Victorian London comes to life as an intrepid female sleuth wades through a murky world of collectors and criminals to recover a remarkable child.

Bridie Devine—flame-haired, pipe-smoking detective extraordinaire—is confronted with the most baffling puzzle yet: the kidnapping of Christabel Berwick, secret daughter of Sir Edmund Athelstan Berwick, and a peculiar child whose reputed supernatural powers have captured the unwanted attention of collectors in this age of discovery.

Winding her way through the sooty streets of Victorian London, Bridie won’t rest until she finds the young girl, even if it means unearthing secrets about her past that she’d rather keep buried. Luckily, her search is aided by an enchanting cast of characters, including a seven-foot-tall housemaid; a melancholic, tattoo-covered ghost; and an avuncular apothecary. But secrets abound in this foggy underworld where nothing is quite what it seems.

Blending darkness and light, Things in Jars is a stunning, “richly woven tapestry of fantasy, folklore, and history” (Booklist, starred review) that explores what it means to be human in inhumane times.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateFeb 4, 2020

Jess Kidd

Jess Kidd is the award-winning author of Murder at Gulls Nest, The Night Ship, Himself, Mr. Flood’s Last Resort, and Things in Jars. Learn more at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was transported by this book! I honestly could not stop reading it and it lingered in my mind for days. The characters, the time, the place - all of it was so addicting! I was sad when it ended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    To my surprise, I loved this creepy, macabre Gothic novel set in Victorian London. Actually, it was not a surprise; having read the author’s previous books, I had high expectations. Like the best Irish stories, this one is a collection of outsized characters both living and dead, outrageous escapades, creatures from Irish mythology, seemingly unendurable tragedy, and boundless, eternal love.The main character is Bridie (short for Bridget) Devine, around 30 years old, who is a doughty and eccentric Irish lass living with her seven-foot tall housemaid Cora and working as a detective for hire. Bridie has a talent for the reading of corpses, and thus Scotland Yard passes her the odd case. She has two suitors: one living and one dead. Inspector Valentine Rose of Scotland Yard has the advantage of being alive, but her dead suitor, Ruby Doyle, a former boxer, has a hold on her heart. Alas, they can’t even embrace.As the story begins, Bridie is hired to help find the kidnapped daughter of Sir Edmund Athelstan Berwick. Christabel, age six, was taken from her nursery, and Sir Edmund sent his physician, Dr. Harbin, to hire Bridie to help find her. Dr. Harbin won’t tell Bridie much about Christabel except that “the child has singular traits” which he won’t enumerate.As Bridie goes about her investigation, she is aided by both Cora and by Ruby, whom she first encounters resting against a tombstone smoking a pipe. He is transparent, but handsome, and claims he and Bridie know each other. He shows her his headstone: “Here lies Ruby Doyle, Tattooed Seafarer and Champion Boxer.” He had been dead half a year, killed in a bar brawl. But Bridie’s memory won’t be jogged. Regardless, he begins to accompany her and provide companionship to her, and they grow close.The author’s colorful descriptions of the sights and smells of Victorian London are a wonder. Humorously, she includes both Bridie’s contemptuous perspective and Ruby’s laudatory one. Bridie is usually proclaiming disgust over the unpleasant odors in the street, from the sweat of unwashed workers to the reek of the polluted Thames River. But Ruby, who can no longer smell anything in any event, is nostalgic for all of it, as expressed in this passage:“The street is hopping: the living swarm before Ruby’s dead eyes - street peddlers doing the go-around with trays of oranges and nuts; street performers limbering; kitchen maids sallying forth with market baskets, eyeing the ribbon vendors and eluding the coalmen. Tribes of pickpockets, fleet-footed miscreants, thread through the traffic. Here trots a dapper wag, high collar, and resplendent whiskers. There steps a blue-eyed beauty in a fetching bonnet. Ruby wishes himself a frock coat and new top hat, a hot shave and a good breakfast, a scarlet cravat, a pair of kid gloves, and a pocket watch. He would give the world just to saunter out onto the streets as a living man again, to look and be looked at.”As they walk through the streets together, Bridie envisions what it would be like to grow old with Ruby and their “rabble of dark-eyed children.” For his part, Ruby conjures up an image of “their raucous children, green eyed, please God.” Both fantasize about physical contact, and both get watery eyes over their fruitless imaginings. It could break your heart in two. Meanwhile, Bridie picks up clues as to Cristabel’s whereabouts. The net of suspects widens, and the story goes back and forth in time to flesh out their backgrounds as well as that of Bridie. We also learn about the Resurrectionists, who play a supporting role in the story. These were gravediggers commonly employed by anatomists in the United Kingdom during the 18th and 19th centuries to exhume the bodies of the recently dead for research. Most impressively, the author includes a riff between two prison guards that mirrors the similar scene of comic relief by the gravediggers in Hamlet, Act V. It is doubly pleasurable for any who catch the reference.All of the cruelness and horror depicted by the author is juxtaposed by the tenderness and humanity of Bridie and the other “good” characters. It is a truly masterful symphony of impressions and emotions, and the language is so evocative you may think you are watching a movie rather than reading a book. I particularly liked her description of apothecaries, showing both the beauty and the humor of her writing:“[Apothecaries were] gatekeepers to an esoteric world of unguents and potions and powders. They sold opiate dreams for fractious babies to exhausted mothers, or ointments to unfaithful husbands with the itch. They poisoned and cured in equal measure and everything they dispensed came with a good old-fashioned bracing purgative.”Evaluation: Jess Kidd is an excellent writer, and for those who enjoy good literature with an Irish flavor and a page-turning plot, this book will not disappoint. Highly recommended!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Morbidly fun book! Set in the Victorian era, this gothic mystery merges folklore with medical fanatics and an assortment of strange characters found on the streets of London.Bridie Devine, an Irish orphan, has grown up to become a detective and she has just been hired to find a young girl who has been kidnapped. This isn’t just an average girl as readers will soon discover.As Bridie begins investigating the kidnapping, readers are privy to bits of her life in the past and eventually will learn how her past merges with her present case. Along the way, she is accompanied by a ghostly spirit, Ruby, who has a strong connection to Bridie from her days in Ireland. I absolutely loved this story! Jess Kidd wrote such vivid descriptions, that I felt as if I were actually haunting the Victorian streets of London along with Bridie and Ruby. I hope Kidd is planning a sequel. This book will be one of my favorites of 2020.Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for allowing me to read an advance copy and give my honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Recipe: Throw in a very unusual detective named Bridie, her housekeeper Cora whom Bridie helped rescue from a freak show, and a ghost, an ex boxer who has a tattooed body, with tattoos that move, wearing only a top hat and baggy underdrawers. Add a missing child from a notable personage, the folk story of the merrow, one or two evil men, a unusual but helpful apothecary and freak shows and oddities galore. What one now has is a truly imaginative, inventive and entertaining look at a time when strange ruled the day.Don't know how Kidd comes up with the story ideas she has, but I've enjoyed all three of her very different books. This is a dark London, a hidden London where many things go unnoticed and unreported. Bridie has her hands full and a very interesting back story. The ghost insists she knows him from the past, but she doesn't remember,though by books end that will change. The mood, the atmosphere, the gothic storytelling aided in my quest to know how's the author would bring this all together. She does, in a thriller sty!e with an emotional edge.One can't help wondering where this author will take us next, or if this might be the start of a series featuring Bridie. Time will tell.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Victorian gothic: possibly my favourite genre.Here, Jess Kidd creates a darkly poetic and watery tale. At it’s heart: Bridie Devine, formerly a resurrectionist’s girl, then a medic’s trusted extra hands, and finally a private detective with a penchant for mind altering blends of tobacco and the odd nip of Madeira.I felt like I shouldn’t like this (this is a tale firmly rooted in the supernatural), but I definitely did.-- What’s it about? --Things that should not exist.Irish folklore and myth. Men and women who live and breathe violence, anomalies and deceit.Gideon Eames, a man who will open you up just to see what your insides look like, and the sublimely unperturbed Mrs Bibby, a woman with pus claimed toes and a leg badly in need of amputation, whose cunning and malevolence means she may yet outlive the rest of the cast...When Sir Edmund Berwick hires Bridie Devine to find his stolen daughter, Christabel, Bridie soon realises that Sir Edmund is a collector of water based curiosities and Christabel may not be his daughter at all.Can Bridie locate the young girl? Can rumours of Christabel’s terrifying talents possibly be true? And what will Bridie do with Christabel if she does find her?-- What’s it like? --Poetical. Intense. Fantastical.A wonderful depiction of the nonchalance of true evil in an openly brutal era. Oh, and it’s funny, too.Written in the present tense throughout, except for the regular flashbacks to Bridie’s adolescence, the expansive narrative voice turns London and it’s ancient rivers into a character equally as much as a passing raven. This approach can sometimes lead to a little confusion about happenings, but it does make for a wonderfully lyrical narrative.-- A very few favourite quotes: --‘The servants slumber on...The cook snores fruity, unpeeled and well-soaked under warm sheets, as solid and brandy-scented as plum pudding. She dreams of matchless soufflés; she hunts them down as she sails in a saucepan over a gravy sea.’‘Sir Edmund’s home is an architectural grotesque, the ornate façade the unlikely union of a war-ship and a wedding cake.’‘Sir Edmund has done wrong in his collecting. He has been ruminating on his wrong-doing and on the punishments (legal and spiritual) he might reasonably expect. And so rounding the house in a heightened state of remorse and morbid dread, Sir Edmund readily mistakes Bridie Devine for a retributive being of the underworld. A banshee perhaps, or a malevolent imp; it is dusk and her bonnet has the air of a demonic presence perching mid-flight. It takes Bridie several minutes to coax the baronet out of an hydrangea.’‘The back gates are open. They pass through them and follow the road round, with the high wall bordering Sir Edmund’s estate to their left and the woods to their right. The autumn colours are rich in the early sun, with golden tones and deep reds and startling oranges against a rinsed blue sky. The air is rowdy with birdsong. ‘'Clean air: a tonic to the lungs,’ says Ruby. ‘What does it smell like, Bridie?’ ‘'Leaf mould, cow shit and this fella’s feet.’'-- Final thoughts --A deeply enjoyable read, for the wonderfully arranged words, the flashes of humour and bathos, the strange-but-recognisably-dark-and-filthy-Victorian-atmosphere and the memorable characters. All these wonderfully effective aspects of Kidd's writing kept me hooked, rather more than for the story itself, which is in places a little predictable and in other places has, perhaps, an unnecessary flourish or two. What, exactly, was the point of Bad Dorcas’ last story? But maybe in seeking a point I am missing a point: that this is at least partly a story about the power of stories.Keep an eye out for the ghost in top hat, drawers and loose laced boots. This is the point at which I feel I would have given up on most books featuring a ghost, but Kidd's style kept me enjoying the narration to the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Jess Kidd introduces readers to a fascinating new fictional heroine, Bridie Devine, her primary character in her latest offering Things in Jars. This novel, by the author of Himself and Mr. Flood’s Last Resort, is a chimera of historical mystery and fantasy, with a pinch of romance added as well. Bridie Devine is a figure regarded with suspicious respect in Victorian England in her role as a female detective with an odd choice of interests and expertise. Her natural intellect and powers of deduction have become enhanced by an independent spirit and steely hardiness developed as a byproduct of her untraditional Irish background. When Bridie is brought in to help recover the kidnapped child of a Baronet, she wonders why she was selected for the assignment in lieu of the traditional authorities. It becomes clear, however, that the nature of this case involves some unsavory and fantastical elements that require a unique approach. A mystery regarding Bridie’s own past is interwoven with a main storyline that encompasses ghosts, mermaids, Resurrection Men, exploited circus “freaks,” and genetic oddities that attract the interest of unethical medical experimenters. There is a lot going on in this novel, and the stylized language and brief forays into the second person perspective exacerbate a sense of disorientation. Kidd does a fairly good job of keeping the narrative on track, however, with a steady pace and chapter/section breaks that help prevent the reader from getting too lost along the way. Although Things in Jars concludes in a satisfying way, the author leaves open the possibility of a sequel or series featuring Bridie Devine- a character that is compelling enough pique a reader’s interest in revisiting her world.Thanks to the author, Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved Jess Kidd's previous book, Mr. Flood's Last Resort. I was eager to see what story lived between the pages of her latest novel, Things in Jars.What's not to love? 1863 Victorian England, a female private investigator named Bridie Devine, curiosity collectors and a baffling new case.Young Christobel Berwick has been kidnapped and Bridie is on the case. But, as she investigates, she meets much resistance and more questions than answers. There is a mystery surrounding the young girl - rumours of sharp teeth, water and yes, the word mermaid is whispered. Christobel would be a prize for any collector, exhibit or circus.Bridie was such a wonderfully wrought lead character. Bright, tough, accepting, but with hidden wounds in her soul. Those scars figure into the dark plot line that runs parallel to the investigation. Bridie's companions are a ghost named Ruby that only she can see and a bearded, seven foot maid named Cora. Additional supporting players are just as well drawn.Kidd's writing is absolutely fantastic - she captures Victorian England in every passage. Descriptions of time and place conjure up smoky alleyways, dark rooms, fog on the River Thames, questionable activities, Resurrection Men and more. The dialogue is true to the time, flowery and detailedKidd unfurls the mystery slowly, adding in new paths and people along the way. Things in Jars is a journey to be savoured and enjoyed. Mystery, history, fantasy all take turns in Things in Jars, but it is Bridie and her companions that stayed with me after the last chapter ended.I chose to listen to Things in Jars. The reader was Jacqueline Milne and she was brilliant. The lilt and movement of her voice captured the time, the characters and the plot so very, very well. Her voice supports the magical, fantasy feel of Things in Jars. She provided many different voices for assorted characters that matched the mental images I had created. Her voice was pleasant to listen. Absolutely recommended.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Things in Jars is beautifully written, with a lyrical style that's the perfect marriage of fairy tale and historical fiction. Often I'd stop and linger over sentences simply for their subtle twist of elegance.The content explores the darkness of human nature, reflecting society's fascination with oddities and our willingness to exploit the hardships of others for our own enjoyment. But we don't stay mired in gloom. Bridie takes us on quite the adventure, and unexpected humor often had me laughing out loud.The story is wholly unique, incredibly strange, and yet thoroughly engaging and, yes, believable.I loved all the characters! I hated arriving at the last page, because I didn't want to say goodbye to them all.This is the type of book that holds you captive. It's one with which you take your time and savor. Things in Jars is a vacation for the mind.*I received a review copy via Amazon Vine.*

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This one just didn't involve me. I don't even think Bridie being the red haired green eyed feisty Irish main character, of which I've encountered enough for multiple lifetimes. I just got no real gut feeling for a passing parade of obligatory nastiness on the part of the villains and sufferings on the part of the victims. The ghost seemed just along to keep Bridie company, when a warning or a discovery would have at least indicated that he was more than a pipe dream. And as the only consequence of such pipes as she smokes, he seems rather minor.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's 1863, and Bridie Devine, a detective of sorts with an unusual and interesting medical background, is investigating the kidnapping of a child. She's accompanied by the ghost of a dead boxer who latched onto her while she was walking through a graveyard, but that fact seems almost mundane when compared to the strange, violent, watery nature of the child herself.This is a weird and fascinating novel, dark and magical and very hard to categorize. The writing is particularly remarkable, because it often seems as if it should come across as contrived, silly, even purple. And yet somehow it really, really works. I don't know how Jess Kidd pulls that off, but my hat's off to her for managing it, and for creating something this weirdly compelling with it.Rating: 4/5, but I'm seriously tempted to kick it up another half star.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Bridie takes a seat while Mrs Peach battles her crinoline into an armchair. Ruby stands out of the way in the chimney-breast, amid shelves bearing silver-framed photographs, china animals, samplers, ormolu clocks and embroidered bunting. Mrs Peach shows a full-leg's length of flounced pantalettes before managing to beat her hooped cage into submission.Detectives don't wear crinolines; at least Bridie Devine doesn't, as she is a practical woman who likes to be able to 'fit through doorways, climb stairs and breathe'. Her odd childhood has fitted her for a career that mostly consists of working our how people have died, but this time she is investigating the kidnapping of a baronet's secret child, assisted by the ghost of a professional boxer who claims to have known her when she was a child.I liked it and wouldn't mind reading more of Bridie's adventures if the author decides to continue her story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If Charles Dickens and Neil Gaiman and Conan Doyle had devised a Victorian Era Gothic mystery with a female detective partial to 'medicinal' tobacco who is hired to find a kidnapped girl who is perhaps not quite human, aided by a dead man and former circus freak, it would not be outdone by Jess Kidd's Things in Jars.The coal smoke and fog of London, complete with its olfactory smorgasbord of industry and market, the filthy Thames and its dung-filled streets, the miasma blamed for cholera and other deadly diseases is vividly described. The novel is Victorian in writing style, with Dickensian descriptions and sensational penny dreadful worthy murderous villains. It is populated with Resurrectionists, mudlarks, people with false identities, and avid collectors of curiosities--things in jars.Sir Edmund has an extensive collection of aquatic life--aberrations--things in jars, including the Winter Mermaid, the Irish merrow specimen that went missing long ago. The fishy merrow could take on female human form, beautiful but dangerous killers. Sir Edmund's reclusive, 'singular daughter' has disappeared, along with her nurse and the doctor. Sir Edmund won't share details, but he is desperate to find Christabel.Here is time held in suspension. Yesterday picked. Eternity in a jar. ~from Things in Jars by Jess KiddSir Edmund has called detective Bridie Devine to find the missing girl.Bridie's early childhood was spent with a resurrectionist--once a man of science before ruined by drink and gambling--who taught her how to determine how long a body had been dead. Then a gentleman doctor took her from the streets to groom as his assistant. Now, she helps the police, "working out how people died." She failed to find her last kidnapped child case, and perhaps that failure was why she was chosen for this case.Bridie is a wonderful character. Like Sherlock Holmes, she dons disguises, she is identified by her choice of hat, and smokes a pipe. She is also quite modern, railing against societal restraints on women, the 'market price' of their value. Middle age is creeping up--is it too late for a lover? Ruby Doyle's ghost has been following her, claiming they had a history; there is an affection between them. Who was he?Kidd captures a time when Darwin's theory is breaking news and science and pseudoscience is all the rage. I love the novels and era that inspired this novel, and I love this novel, too.I was given access to a free ebook by the publisher through NetGalley. My review is fair and unbiased.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was an interesting and entertaining supernatural mystery of sorts, involving ghosts and mermaids (or technically, Irish merrows, a somewhat scarier version of a mermaid) and the titular “things in jars.” I didn’t really remember anything about this book or why I’d added it to my to-read list, so I was a little surprised when what seemed to start out a light entertainment got pretty dark at points.
    I recently finished Fingersmith, which shared the Victorian English setting, so perhaps I would have been more impressed by the descriptions of the time and setting if I hadn’t just had that excellent recent example to compare to.
    The narrative shifts between two timelines, and maybe because I was listening rather than reading, I found these shifts somewhat difficult to follow. The dates are clearly given—it’s not one of those books that leaves you to figure out from context when things are taking place—so it was clearly my lack of attention.
    The characters were interesting and nicely drawn, if somewhat larger than life. The merrow was a fascinating character, as was the protagonist Bridie Devine. I wasn’t entirely satisfied with how some of the plot threads were resolved, which is why I’m not rating this a full four stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very interesting book! The whole thing has a really creepy ambiance, and with the truly disturbing images spread throughout it, this book might fit in the horror genre as well. I really enjoyed it. The story was compelling, and the characters were real and relatable enough to get the reader to kill. Mysterious, creepy and a very good read!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A story of a kidnapped child with strange aspects. An unusual detective with a scarred childhood keeping company with a ghost. Very much a gothic mystery which is not a genre I should try to read. This story was not a hit for me, largely because the motivations and the characters didn't mesh. Added to my DNF graveyard.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a story!!! Where to begin?! This is a Victorian London (but also Irish) mystery but it has all these different elements that make it SO delicious - a ghost, early medical procedures and some gore, circus life with its criminals and innocents, Celtic mythology of mermaids and sea creatures (selkies came to mind), a badass woman protagonist and her loyal 7ft tall woman sidekick, and of course, murder, ruthlessness and a young street boy that brought to mind Dickens characters. Once I started this I couldn’t put it down. Really quite refreshing, twisty and also has great humor.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's been interesting to see the reaction to this book here, and at Goodreads, as though it's been too "weird" for some folks, whereas for me, I was expecting more of an experience of cosmic horror in the process. Though Christabel Berwick, the McGuffin of this story, is definitely an uncanny being, the real story is about how our main character Bridget McBride, a female detective tolerated for her forensic and medical knowledge, came to be in the position she's in, and how her own past haunts her. If I mark this story down for anything, the motivations of some of the plotters seem a bit weak, but they were mostly weak men, unthinkingly driven by their obsessions. Would I read another book by this author dealing with this cast of characters? Probably. To be honest, I'm not sure another book is really required, if you define a novel as an examination of the defining experience of the main character's life.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book really didn't land with me for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. From page one, there was something about the choice of language that just felt out of sync with the story and mood the author seemed to be trying to create, in that the reliance on alliteration and descriptiveness just didn't seem to fit the no-nonsense heroine. Not that I think Kidd should have skipped description altogether but something just didn't click between the style and the narrative. Add in a story that has entirely too many ties between present and past, and you get a novel that just wasn't quite a hit for me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Set in a magical-realism version of Victorian England, this novel is an atmospheric tale of myth, anatomy, and specimen collecting. Bridie is a sort of private detective who tackles strange or mysterious cases. With her two sidekicks, a seven-foot-tall maid and the ghost of a boxer, she is enlisted by a baronet to investigate and find his missing secret (and reputedly magical) daughter. As she attempts to piece the story together, adventuring around London and beyond, she also must increasingly confront the specters (literal and figurative) of her past.This was a really interesting book. It was tremendously atmospheric, with rich descriptions of Victorian London and the environments in which the characters find themselves. While I found the discussions of medicine and collecting in Victorian England really fascinating--they were what originally led me to take an interest in this book--I think that there was just a few too many magical and supernatural elements in this book for me to absolutely love it. I really do think, though, that someone with more general interest in/tolerance for magical realism would likely enjoy this book a lot, as the plot and atmosphere were generally compelling, and the story definitely had a number of twists that I hadn't anticipated.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cabinet of Curiosities wee common avocations among the English wealthy between the 17th-19th centuries. The collection of natural world oddities often outgrew the cabinet and littering into the other rooms of the home. Sir Edmund Berwick's cabinet included his adopted "daughter", a young girl with unusual features and habits. When she is kidnapped, Sir Berwick hires Bridget "Bridie" Devine, "flame-haired, pipe- smoking [Victorian London] detective extraordinaire," to find and return her. She will be assisted in her investigations by Cora, her seven-foot housekeeper, who she rescued from a circus side show, and Ruby, the ghost of a deceased tattooed boxer dressed only in shorts and boots. Bridie notices when Ruby and she first met in the graveyard that his tattoos were ever moving about his upper torso. Generally, the story moved steadily along but occasionally bogged down when I was introduced to her back story in chapters interspersed throughout the book. However, these chapters were necessary in that they explained Bridie's relationship with an adversary from her past. Bridie and her entourage were so well created that I wanted to hang-out with them. The book hinted at a sequel at its end, which I hope happens.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Just in case you don't look past the title, this ain't about your grandma canning green beans. This gruesome novel starts out grisly and never lets up. I wasn't sure I wanted to read about Victorian resurrectionists and collectors of strange medical specimens., about horrific medical practices and no end of awful things. But a child, someone who is supposed to be strange and a collector's delight, is a prisoner and then reported as missing. Our intrepid heroine is out to solve the mystery and save the girl. To balance out the grisliness, there is a delightful ghost who wears little other than a battered top hat, and some other wonderful characters, including a very tall, very devoted housemaid. This book was a bit much for my tender sensibilities, but I really enjoyed it anyway.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The sea rocked asleep, now wakes and answers, a refrain of waves and shale-song. The rain in the sky that is yet to fall, answers; a storm gathers. All the rivers and streams and bogs and lakes and fens and puddles and horse troughs and wishing wells wake and answer, adding their voices: faint and rushing, purling and gurgling, muddy and clear. The child looks up. For the first time she can see the stars! She smiles at them, and the stars look back at her and shiver. Then they begin to burn brighter, with renewed fever, in the deep dark ocean of the sky.Things in Jars was not at all something I would usually pick, but I am so glad I stepped outside my comfort zone and dived into this dark, gory, Victorian fantasy. I loved the characters, I loved the story, and I loved the details that the author included with respect to the medical establishment...even tho it would be a far stretch to call this "historical" fiction. The atmosphere that Kidd created was tremendous, and I loved that she conjured up settings of London, Liverpool, Dublin and other places without resorting to popular cliches that make Victorian settings such a drab in lesser books.Despite the squalor, gory details of the scenes, the cruelty displayed, and the general meanness of some of the characters, there was a whole lot of warmth in this story, too, and that made the book for me.Things in Jars was not perfect, but I really liked it.As with all terrible, wondrous sights, there is a jolt of shock, then a hypnotic fascination, then the uneasy queasiness, then the whole thing starts again; the desire to look and the desire never to have looked in the first place.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was absolutely everything I wanted it to be. The setting and atmosphere? Gothic and magical. The characters? Enjoyable. The plot? Engaging. The romance subplot? Filled with tension and heartbreak. The writing? *Chefs kiss* A masterpiece.Now, admittedly, this isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, precisely because of the writing style. It took me a couple of chapters to get into the flow of this book because of the writing, but once I was into it, I really loved the writing even on its own. After reading some less glowing reviews, I can see that that'll be the point of contention among readers. I 100% understand why it would not work for some people, so I would say that this is for people who want beautiful writing with diction that stays true to the setting and don't mind (or even appreciate) that it can be description-heavy at times.The setting was an atmospheric wonder. This is directly because of the description-heavy writing style, and I understand why some would find the focus on descriptions annoying. Still, it only helped me feel wrapped in this Victorian gothic mystery. I felt like I was in Maris House or Alberny Hall.And the characters! I love Bridie Devine. I love Cora Butter. I was even captivated by Gideon Eames and Mrs. Bibby. And Ruby Doyle???? That ghost stole the damn show for me. Potentially my favorite character I've encountered in a book this year. These characters have layers. I loved that. Christabel felt more like a chess piece than a character- she could have been replaced with a rare artifact or the holy grail- but for me, the story wasn't about her. It was about slowly peeling back the layers between all the other characters and picking apart the web that connected them.Listen, I don't want to give away too much of what happens in this book. I will warn that if you're going into this expecting a more traditional detective mystery type book, you will not find that. This is a book about characters living in a cruel world, with some slivers of light shining through, and where everything is not what it first seems.

Book preview

Things in Jars - Jess Kidd


As pale as a grave grub she’s an eyeful.

She looks up at him, startled, from the bed. Her pale eyes flitting fishy: intruder—lantern—door—intruder. As if she’s trying to work out how they all connect, with her eyes cauled and clouded.

Is she blind?

No. She sees him all right; he knows that she sees him. Now her eyes are following him as he steals nearer.

She’s pretty.

She’s more than pretty. She’s a churchyard angel, a marble carving, with her ivory curls and her pale, pale stony eyes. But not stone—brightening pearl, oh soft hued!

He could touch her: stroke her cheek, hold the wee point of her chin, wind her white curls around his finger.

Her lips are beginning to move, pouting and posturing, as if she’s working up to something, as if she’s working up to sound.

Without further thought he puts his hand over her mouth, his skin dark against hers in the lantern light. She frowns and her feet beat an angry tattoo despite the restraints and the coverlet is off. She has two legs, like a girl. Two thin white legs and two thin white arms and not much else in between.

Then she stops and lies still, panting.

The touch of her: she is like nothing in nature. Skin waxy and damp, breath cold: an unnatural coldness, like a corpse living.

And that smell again, stronger now, the sharp salt of the open ocean, an inky seaweed tang.

She fixes him with her pearly eyes. He feels the slick nubs of her teeth and the quick, wet probe of her tongue on his hand.

The man fancies that his head is opening like an easy oyster, the child is tapping and probing, her fingers are inside his mind. Touching, teasing the quivering insides. She is dabbling and grabbing as with a jar of minnows, splashing and peering as with a rock pool. She hooks a memory with her little finger and drags it out, and then another and another. One by one the child finds them, his memories. She cups them in her palm, shimmering, each a perfect tear.

A boy slips on wet cobbles, himself, following a cart with a potato in his hand.

A woman turns in a doorway with the sun on her hair, oh, his brother’s wife!

A four-day-old foal stands in a green field, a pure white flash on its lovely nose.

The child tips her palm and watches the tears roll away.

Panic floods the man. Something swells in him—a pure and compelling disgust, a strong sudden urge to finish this creature off. To throttle her, stove in her face, snap her neck as cleanly as a young rabbit’s.

A voice inside him, the lisping voice of a child, mocks him. Isn’t he the most ruthless of bastards, wouldn’t he smother his own mother without a care? Hasn’t he done all things, terrible things, not stinted on the things he’s done? And here he is frightened to grant the kindest of mercies.

The man looks at the child in dismay and the child looks back at him.

He loosens his grip on her and takes out his knife.

A lantern dips and flares in the doorway and here’s the nurse. An ex-convict with a few years on her and a lame leg, clean of garb but not of mouth, used to bad business. Likes it, even. The others behind like her personal guard—two men, neckerchiefs up around their faces. Odd birds; elbows tucked in, heads swiveling, light-stepping, listening, blinking. With every step they expect an ambush.

Don’t touch her, the nurse says to him. Get away from her.

The man, looking up, hesitates, and the child bites him, a nip of surprising sharpness. He pulls his hand away in surprise and sees a line of puncture holes, small but deep.

The nurse pushes past him to the side of the bed, glancing at his hand. You’ll regret that, my tulip.

She makes a show of pulling on fine chain-mail gloves and unhooks the restraints that hold the child to the bed, dressing her in a harness of strong material, one limb at a time, buckling the child’s arms across her chest, lashing her legs together. The child lunges, open mawed.

The man stands dazed, flexing his hand. Red lines track from palm to wrist to elbow, the teeth marks turn mulberry, then black. He twists his forearm and presses his skin. Sweat beading on his forehead, his lip. What kind of child bites like this, like a rat? He imagines her venom—he feels it—coursing through him, from arm to heart, lungs to bowels, fingertips to feet. A blistering poison spreads, a sudden fire burning itself out as it travels. Then the lines fade and the marks dull to no more than pinpricks.

All the time the creature watches him, her eyes darkening—a trick of the lamplight, surely! Two eyes of polished jet, their surfaces flat, so strangely flat.

The nurse is speaking low, standing back to direct. Roll her, bag her, make haste, watch her mouth.

They wrap the child in canvas, a staysail to make a hammock of sorts.

The man, manipulating his arm, examining the pinpricks, suddenly finds himself beyond words. He makes a sound, a vowel sound, followed by a string of gargled consonants. He drops to his knees, like one devotional, and falls backward onto the hearthrug. He would scream if he could, but he can only reach out. He lies gasping like a landed catch.

From the floor he watches the two men lift the bundle between them. They move with deliberation, as if underwater.

The nurse limps over, lantern in hand, and looks down at the man. Her diagnosis: he is in a bad way, face as gray as his county crop. Not old but already life-waned—and now this.

He begins to sob.

The nurse could sob, too, for the loss of a good thief, the kind who’d abstract the teeth from your head without the opening of your mouth.

She kneels with difficulty. Close your eyes, lad, she whispers. It will help me no end.

Trussed in a canvas hammock she’s no weight. But the two men would carry a far heavier burden with greater ease. Of course they’d humored the nurse, heard her stories in the tavern with a few inside them. But they see it now, in the child, as she said they would: all kinds of wrong.

What of the man fallen? They balked to touch him after. The carrying of him would be worse than the leaving of him and they feel the leaving keenly. The child swings swaddled between them, big eyed in the lantern dimmed; oh, they see it now, in her. By the time they reach the landing the men are sweating with the effort of not dashing her head against the wall. One would shoot her through the eye in a heartbeat; the other would cut her throat in a blink. At the top of the stairs they are in danger of hurling her down.

The nurse keeps them in check. Giving whispered orders, steadying them with her strong fingers on arms and ribs.

Bringing them back to the job at hand, for the money.

Don’t think on it! The nurse speaks urgent and low. Don’t think on anything. Hoist her, aye, and we’ll be gone.

The big house is silent tonight, but for our intruders moving through corridors with their trussed burden and breath-held shuffle. Awake to loose floorboards and creaking doors and light sleepers.

But the servants slumber on. The housekeeper, tidy bedded, neat of nightcap and frill (like a spoon put away for best), inspects the linen cupboards of her dreams. Smiling at immaculate piles, heaven fresh, as clean as clouds. The butler, proper, even in his nightshirted sleep, patrols an endless cellar. The bottles giggle in dark corners. They ease out their corks and call to him in honeyed voices. They sing songs of laden vines and sunny hillsides and duty forgotten—liquid bewitchment! He grips his lantern and will not stop. The housemaids, in their attic nests, are dreaming of omnibuses and pantomimes. The cook snores fruity, unpeeled, and well soaked under warm sheets, as solid and brandy scented as plum pudding. She dreams of matchless soufflés; she hunts them down as she sails in a saucepan over a gravy sea. All are senseless in the tucked-in, heavy-breathing, before-dawn quiet.

The big house is silent tonight, but for our intruders, hurrying out of the servants’ door.

The dogs lie poisoned in the yard, their muzzles flecked with spittle, a breeze ruffling their fur. This is the breeze that came over the sea, miles inland, past wood, fields, and lane to whisk the gravel on the drive and dance around the rooftop chimney pots and whistle through the keyholes.

The mice are wakeful and so, too, is the mean-eyed kitchen cat who needles after their fat pelts, sly and silent. This snake-tailed stalker watches the figures hasten across the cobbled courtyard, throwing moonlit shadows in their wake. The barn owl sees them as they round the house. She ghosts above on silent wings.

The lord of the manor. He, too, is awake.

A lamp burns in his study as he frets and puzzles, considers and adjusts. He bends over his writing, his handsome whiskers peppered with gray, his brow furrowed. He could be a fortune-teller, the way he’s inventing the future, coaxing and muttering it into being.

The shadows pass outside, crossing the terrace.

Perhaps hearing their footsteps, the lord of the manor looks to the window but, remarking no change in the night sky, returns to his plans.

The shadows move quickly over the lawn, toward the gate, two with swag slung between them, one following, limping.

The bundle is cradled over the ground. The child feels the grass whip under her canvas hammock. She feels the night air on her face and takes a breath of it and lets out a sigh you can’t hear.

The sea rocked asleep, now wakes and answers, a refrain of waves and shale song. The rain in the sky that is yet to fall, answers; a storm gathers. All the rivers and streams and bogs and lakes and fens and puddles and horse troughs and wishing wells wake and answer, adding their voices: faint and rushing, purling and gurgling, muddy and clear.

The child looks up. For the first time she can see the stars!

She smiles at them, and the stars look back at her and shiver.

Then they begin to burn brighter, with renewed fever, in the deep dark ocean of the sky.



The raven levels off into a glide, flight feathers fanned. Slick on the rolling level of rising currents and downdrafts, she turns her head, this way and that. To her black eye, as black as pooled tar, London is laid out—there is no veil of fog or mist or smoke-haze her gaze cannot pierce!

Below her, streets and lanes, factories and poorhouses, parks and prisons, grand houses and tenements, roofs, chimneys and treetops. And the winding, sometimes shining, Thames—the sky’s own dirty mirror. The raven leaves the river behind and charts a path to a chapel on a hill with a spire and a clock tower. She circles the chapel and lands on the roof with a shuffling of wings. She pecks at brickwork, at lichen, at moth casts, at nothing. She sidles up to a gargoyle and runs her beak affectionately around his eyes, nudging, scooping.

The gargoyle is a creature designed to vomit rainwater from the gape of his mouth onto the porch. The parishioners (when there were parishioners) blamed the blocked gutters, but it was always the gargoyle, holding back only to let go a sudden flood upon the faithful below as they stood at God’s threshold, looking up to the heavens, flinching.

The raven hops to the edge of the porch roof and peers down.

A woman is standing below: she looks up, but she doesn’t flinch. Bridie Devine is not the flinching kind.

What kind is she, then?

A small, round upright woman of around thirty, wearing a shade of deep purple that clashes (wonderfully and dreadfully) with the vivid red hair tucked (for the most part) inside her white widow’s cap. She presents in half-mourning dress, well cut but without flash or fashion. On top of her widow’s cap roosts a black, feather-trimmed bonnet of a uniquely ugly design. Her black boots are polished to a shine and of stout make. The crinoline is no friend of hers; her skirts are not full and she’s as loosely laced as respectability allows. Her cape, gray with purple trim, is short. This is a practical woman, or at least a woman who finds it practical to be able to fit through doorways, climb stairs, and breathe. At her feet, a doctor’s case, patched and antiquated, the leather buttery from handling.

She takes from her pocket a pipe. Here’s a teaser: a fast habit in one so seemly? And isn’t there a canniness to her smoking in the shelter of a deserted chapel (and not puffing down the Strand with a chinful of whiskers and a basket on her head)?

The raven eyes her with interest.

The woman winks at the bird. There is a world of devilment in her wink. The raven responds with a soft caw.

The bird gauges the gargoyle. No water falls; the gargoyle is dry-mouthed, the lips frame an empty grimace.

Reassured, the raven takes to the air.

Bridie Devine watches the raven fly out of sight. Now all that’s moving in this chapel yard are her thoughts, she thinks. The occasional cart or carriage passes the open gate. Otherwise there is a wall of a decent height between Bridie and the world and that is enough.

Bridie breathes out, turning her face up to the sun: autumn warmth, fuller-bodied and lovelier than summer heat, with the mellow dying of the season in it. Bridie welcomes it on brow and cheek. That the sun has found a clear patch of air to shine through (in these days of smoke-haze and mist and fog) ought to be appreciated.

Bridie is alone with the sun and her thoughts and her pipe.

The pipe is unremarkable: clay made, shaped to sit snug in the hand or in a tooth gap, of a cheap variety favored by Irish market harpies. Short of stem and small of bowl so that the nose of a hag may overhang and keep the rain off the tobacco. The pipe may be unremarkable but the contents are anything but. To her usual twist of any mundungus Bridie has lately been adding a nugget of Prudhoe’s Bronchial Balsam Blend. A crumbly, resinous substance that burns with a pleasant incense scent followed by a lancing chemical stink. This is less unpleasant than it sounds, being simultaneously bracing and dulling. You add lots of Prudhoe’s Blend for colorful thoughts and triple that amount for no thoughts at all.

Prudhoe’s Bronchial Balsam Blend is just one of the recreational creations of Rumold Fortitude Prudhoe, experimental chemist, toxicologist, and expert in medical jurisprudence. Prudhoe’s previous legendary blends, Mystery Caravan and Fairground Riot, proved either blissful or petrifying. As such, these blends continue to attract loyal followers among his more adventurous friends, Bridie being one of them.

But now Bridie’s pipe is empty. She has smoked it all.

Bridie puts the bit of her empty pipe in her mouth, just while she’s thinking. A drop more tobacco would be nice. It wouldn’t have to obliterate her thoughts, just line her lungs. She’ll smoke anything: earthy and wholesome or treacly and nasty, street peddler’s dust or gentleman’s savor.

As if in answer, in the far corner of the chapel yard, a wisp of smoke wends its way up into the air.

Bridie takes this as a sign.

Bridie looks down at the man sprawled by the showy tomb of a successful family butcher. Two things strike her as immediately wrong.

Firstly, the man is deficient of clothing (his wardrobe consisting, in its entirety, of: a top hat, boots, and a pair of drawers).

Secondly, she can see through the man.

She is able, with perfect ease, to read the inscription on the tomb that should, by rights, be obscured by the body of the man. She can even see the angels on the decorative stone frieze.

This is an ingenious trick—like Pepper’s ghost! There will be mirrors, screens certainly, black silk or some such, an illusionist’s contraption, a phantasmagorical contrivance. A rudimentary search of nearby graves turns up nothing.

Bridie is baffled. If no external explanation for the presence of this transparent, partially clad man is evident, the cause must be internal. She cannot recollect transparent partially clad men being a symptom of the consumption of Prudhoe’s Bronchial Balsam Blend. But the list is long and includes many adverse reactions, from sweating of the eyeballs to sensitivity to accordion music.

She resolves to inspect this apparition, systematically, from crown to toe.

A top hat is tipped down over the eyes of its owner. Like its owner the hat is transparent. Despite this, Bridie can see that the hat has known better days. It is dented of body and misshapen of rim. The transparent man is naked to the waist; below the waist he sports close-fitting white drawers, tight at the thighs, sagging at the knees. The boots on his feet are unlaced and his fists are sloppily bound with unraveling bandages, none too clean. He is massive of chest and biceps, strong shouldered and thick necked. And tattooed: stern to bow.

Below the tipped-down hat rim: a nose that hasn’t gone unbroken, a clean-shaven jaw, and a shining black mustache (generous in proportions, expertly waxed, certainly rococo). In the mouth, a pipe lolls. A draw is taken from it, intermittently. The smoke has dwindled to a wisp now and has no discernible scent. On inhalation the tobacco in the pipe bowl glows blue.

Bridie wonders if the man has a pinch of tobacco to spare and, if so, whether that’s likely to be transparent too.

The man, perhaps sensing her presence, pushes up his hat idly. His eyes open and meet hers. He springs to his feet in alarm, holding his fists up before him.

He is nothing short of miraculous.

The tattoos that adorn his body—how clearly Bridie sees them now—are, in fact, moving. She is put in mind of Monsieur Desvignes’s Mimoscope. A device of cunning construction (a wonder among wonders at the Great Exhibition), pictures looped between spools, illuminated by a spark. Bridie, transfixed, saw animals, insects, and machinery—static images—flickering to life, to bounce and flutter, slither and winch. Bridie watches this man with the same fascination as, in one continuous motion, an inked anchor drops the length of his biceps. High on his abdomen an empty-eyed skull, a grinning memento mori, chatters its jaw. A mermaid sits on his shoulder holding a looking glass, combing her blue-black hair. On finding herself observed the mermaid takes fright and swims off under the man’s armpit with a deft beat of her tail. On his left pectoral an ornate heart breaks and re-forms over and over again.

He is a circus to the eye.

Had a good look? he asks.

Bridie reddens. Forgive me, sir, if I startled you. I was after borrowing a smoke. She gestures to her empty pipe.

The man lowers his fists. "Merciful Jesus, it is you. Is it not? His expression turns to one of delight. He sweeps off his hat. Oh, darling, do you know me?"

Bridie stares at him. I do not.

Ah now … He runs a hand over shorn hair, black velvet, dense as a mole’s pelt, and wrinkles his strong square forehead. Your name is Bridget.

My name is Bridie.

It is. The man nods. Your full appellation, if you would be so kind?

Bridie hesitates. Mrs. Bridie Devine.

The man grins. What else would it be, with those eyes divine? He pauses. And Devine would be your husband’s name, madam?

"Late husband, sir," corrects Bridie.

The man bows. My sincere condolences, Mrs. Devine.

Bridie turns to go. If you’ll excuse me, sir.

Won’t you stay, Bridget? We could talk about the old times.

Bridie stops. Sir, you are quite mistaken in your belief that you know me—

But I do know you: you are Gan Murphy’s girl.

Bridie’s eyes widen.

I know he was your master, your gaffer. The man pauses, his expression amused. You don’t remember me at all, do you?

Bridie looks at him in desperation, sensing a game that could go on for all eternity. That is not the point, Mr.—

Doyle. He wanders to a grave across the way and gestures down at it. Not a bad spot, is it?

Bridie follows him. She reads the headstone:


Here lies RUBY DOYLE,


Untimely taken, 21 March 1863

He felled them with a bow

Do you know me now? asks the dead man.

Well, sir, you are a boxer by the name of Ruby Doyle. You have been deceased half a year, and still I do not know you.

Ruby Doyle puts his hat back on. Throw your mind back, Bridget. He taps his topper down at the crown. Think awhile. I’m in no hurry.

If this is some kind of trick, Mr. Doyle—

Ruby, if you please, he says, with a rakish tip of his hat rim. What trick?

You being dead.

Trick’s on me.

I do not believe in ghosts, sir.

Neither do I—why do you not?

I have a scientific mind. Ghosts are a nonsense.

I agree.

A parlor trick. Bridie looks at him hard. Smoke and mirrors.

Ruby smiles disarmingly. A chance to pull one over?

A fashionable flimflam.

And what of table-tipping? Ruby, who seems to be enjoying this, scans the heavens: Send me a sign, Winifred.

Dark, overheated rooms and suggestible types.

Half of London is at it!

Half of London is duped. To believe in the existence of ghosts, spirits, phantoms—that one can see and converse with them—is deluded.

Are you deluded, Bridget?

I see you, sir, but I do not believe you exist.

Ruby Doyle is crestfallen.

Bridie frowns. If you will excuse me, I have work to do.

Churchyard work, is it? He glances slyly at the bag in her hand. Is there a shovel in there? Let me guess: you’re a resurrectioner, like your old gaffer, Gan?

She rounds on him. And I look like a resurrectioner? I help the police.

Do you, now. In what way?

Working out how people died.

How did I die?

A heavy blow to the back of the neck.

"Now, that’s clever. But you read about it in the Hue and Cry?"

I did not.

"Boxer bested in tavern brawl. I’d survived this fella trying to knock me to pieces, stepped in for a quick celebratory one and then—"

Ruby, I’m wanted in the crypt. They have found a body there.

That’ll be the place for it. Off you go, so. And my compliments to your gaffer—how is your old guv’nor Gan?

Dead. In jail.

Ruby stops smiling. Then I am sorry. Gan was one of those fellas that go on: a long, thin strip of gristle, everlasting. Do you not see him too?

Bridie regards the man with desperation. Gan is dead.

Then am I the only dead fella you see?

Appears like it.

What about Mr. Devine?

Bridie looks puzzled.

Your late husband, Ruby prompts. You must see him?


"Then I’m peculiar to you. Are you surprised, Bridget? Are you rattled?"

Nothing surprises or rattles me.

Is that so? He reflects on this a moment, then: Can I come with you, watch whatever it is that you’re doing in the crypt?

You may not.

Bridie walks through the gravestones. Ruby ambles alongside her. The boots, unlaced, lend a loose parry to his boxer’s strut.

At the edge of the path she stops and turns to him. I am hallucinating. You are a waking dream. She bites her lip. You see, I smoked something a little stimulating earlier …

Ruby nods sagely. The empty pipe—is it Kubla Khan you’re visiting?

Bridie is dumbfounded.

Ruby gestures at his bandages. Ringside doctor, recited while he patched.

When they reach the chapel, Bridie holds out her hand. This is where we part company.

Ruby smiles; it’s a charming kind of a smile that gaily remakes the contours of his fabulous mustache. His eyes, in life, would have been a handsome dark-molasses brown. In death, they are still alive with mischievous intent.

I would shake your hand, Bridget, but—

Bridie withdraws her hand. Of course. Good day, Ruby Doyle.

She heads into the chapel.

I’ll wait for you, Bridget, calls the dead man. I’ll just be having a smoke for meself.

Ruby Doyle watches her walk away. God love her, she hasn’t changed. She’s still captain of herself, you can see that; chin up, shoulders back, a level green-eyed gaze. You’ll look away before she does. She has done well for herself, with the voice and the clothes and the bearing of her.

If it were not for that irresistible scowl and that unmistakable hair, would he have recognized her? But then, the heart always knows those long-ago loved, even when new liveries confuse the eye and new songs confound the ear. Does Ruby know the stories that surround her? That she was an Irish street-rat rescued from the rookery by a gentleman surgeon who held her to be (ah now, this is a stretcher!) as the orphaned daughter of a great Dublin doctor. That despite her respectable appearance (it is rumored among low company), she wears a dagger strapped to her thigh and keeps poisonous darts in her boot heels. That she speaks as she finds, judges no woman or man better or worse than her, feels deeply the blows dealt to others and can hold both her drink and a tune. Ruby Doyle meanders back to his favorite spot, to muse on all he knows and all he doesn’t know about Bridie Devine, lighting his pipe with the fierce blue flame of the afterlife.

The curate of Highgate Chapel is battling the locked door to the crypt with his collar pulled up and his hat pulled down. On seeing Bridie, his face betrays surprise, which turns to displeasure when she reminds him of her business. The vicar is expecting her in relation to the delicate matter of the walled-up corpse. The curate fixes Bridie with a look of profound begrudgement and, managing to unlock the door, leads her into the crypt.

The corpse is propped in an alcove behind loose boards. Discovered by workmen clearing up after a flood, now abated. More than a few Highgate residents blame both the flood and the resurrected corpse on Bazalgette’s subterranean rummagings. All well and good creating a sewerage system that will be the envy of the civilized world, but should one really delve into London’s rancid belly? London is like a difficult surgical patient; however cautious the incision, anything and everything is liable to burst out. Dig too deep and you’re bound to raise floods and bodies, to say nothing of deadly miasmas and eyeless rats with foot-long teeth. The rational residents of Highgate defend Mr. Bazalgette as a first-rate engineer and deny the existence of eyeless rats.

The corpse had been immured in an alcove; its shackles and wide-socketed expression of terror suggest foul play. But the body is clearly of some age, lessening police interest in the case. This is a bygone crime in a city flooded with new crimes.

The coppers are up to the hub in it: London is awash with the freshly murdered. Bodies appear hourly, blooming in doorways with their throats cut, prone in alleyways with their heads knocked in. Half-burnt in hearths and garroted in garrets. Folded into trunks or bobbing about in the Thames, great bloated shoals of them.

Bridie has a talent for the reading of corpses: the tale of life and death written on every body. Because of this talent, Bridie’s old friend, Inspector Valentine Rose of Scotland Yard, passes her the odd case—with the understanding that she stops short of a postmortem, her unqualified status being a bar to this procedure. The cases usually have two things in common, other than having piqued Rose’s interest: bizarre and inexplicable deaths, and victims drawn from society’s flotsam (pimps, whores, vagrants, petty criminals, and the insane). For her considered opinion Bridie receives a stipend (paid, unbeknownst to Bridie, from the pocket of Rose himself) and signs her report with an illegible signature. If anyone asks, her name is Montague Devine. In the event that she is called to give evidence, she’ll give it in a frock coat and collar.

With the curate’s help Bridie clears the remaining stones from the alcove. The crypt is a grim space, with a vaulted ceiling and flagstone floor. As with many subterranean, lightless places it has the climate of a year-round winter. The recent flood has left a rich, peaty smell not unlike a dug bog.

The corpse, a woman, Bridie judges, by size and apparel, is well preserved, allowing for her lengthy entombment. A macabre spectacle decked in finery. There is a cruel theatricality to her, costumed as if for a tableau vivant. A tragic heroine, a goddess—an unknown figure from history! Her gown, rotten now, could be Grecian, Roman. Her pale hair, shedding in clumps, falls onto withered shoulders. Bridie divines last moments spent shackled by the neck in the suffocating dark. It is there in the open mouth, stiffened around a howl.

The curate fusses with the lamp, swearing under his breath. He is a young man with an unfavorable look about him. Slight of stature and large of head, with light-brown hair that cleaves thinly to an ample cranium with bumps and contours enough to astound even a practiced phrenologist. His complexion is as

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