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The New Geopolitics of Natural Gas
The New Geopolitics of Natural Gas
The New Geopolitics of Natural Gas
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The New Geopolitics of Natural Gas

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We are in the midst of an energy revolution, led by the United States. As the world’s greatest producer of natural gas moves aggressively to expand its exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), America stands poised to become an energy superpower—an unanticipated development with far-reaching implications for the international order. Agnia Grigas drills deep into today’s gas markets to uncover the forces and trends transforming the geopolitics of gas.

The boom in shale gas production in the United States, the growth of global LNG trade, and the buildup of gas transport infrastructure worldwide have so transformed the traditional markets that natural gas appears to be on the verge of becoming a true global commodity. Traditional suppliers like Russia, whose energy-poor neighbors were dependent upon its gas exports and pipelines, are feeling the foundations of the old order shifting beneath their feet. Grigas examines how this new reality is rewriting the conventional rules of intercontinental gas trade and realigning strategic relations among the United States, the European Union, Russia, China, and beyond.

In the near term, Moscow’s political influence will erode as the Russian gas giant Gazprom loses share in its traditional markets while its efforts to pivot eastward to meet China’s voracious energy needs will largely depend on Beijing’s terms. In this new geopolitics of gas, the United States will enjoy opportunities but also face challenges in leveraging its newfound energy clout to reshape relations with both European states and rising Asian powers.

Release dateApr 24, 2017
The New Geopolitics of Natural Gas

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    The New Geopolitics of Natural Gas - Agnia Grigas



    Cambridge, Massachusetts

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    Copyright © 2017 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College

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    Cover photograph: Cameron Davidson | Getty Images

    Cover design: Lisa Roberts

    978-0-674-97183-7 (alk. paper)

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    The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

    Names: Grigas, Agnia, 1979– author.

    Title: The new geopolitics of natural gas / Agnia Grigas.

    Description: Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2017. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2016045023

    Subjects: LCSH: Gas industry. | Geopolitics. | Primary commodities. | International trade.

    Classification: LCC HD9581.U52 G75 2017 | DDC 382/.42285—dc23

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    For my husband, Paulius


    Introduction: A New Era of Gas


    The Changing Global Gas Sector


    The Politics and Commerce of American LNG Exports


    The Politics of Supply: Russia and Gazprom


    The Politics of Dependence Transformed: Europe


    The Politics of Transit: Ukraine and Belarus


    The Politics of Isolated Suppliers: The Caucasus and Central Asia


    The Politics of Demand: China and Beyond





    Introduction: A New Era of Gas

    Are we entering the golden age of gas? Are we on the edge of a truly global gas market? Are we breaking Russia’s natural-gas chokehold? Or are low oil [and gas] prices killing the US shale boom?¹ Headlines like these have been spinning every bullish and bearish story on natural gas since the early 2010s, when it became increasingly evident that something extraordinary was taking place as a result of America’s shale gas boom and that the long-awaited global gas market could finally be on the horizon. Newfound abundant resources, new producer states, the growth of trade in liquefied natural gas (LNG), the buildup of infrastructure, and the rise of global gas trade are indeed exciting developments for businesses, entrepreneurs, and financiers.

    However, it may very well be that the most profound implications of the transforming global gas markets will be for governments and policymakers. The shifts in gas markets are upsetting the half-century-long status quo of global gas relations and carry profound geopolitical implications. If the optimistic projections of the gas revolution come to fruition, American gas could secure and diversify Europe’s supplies, reign in Russia’s energy influence, woo energy-hungry Asia, and ensure that the twenty-first century once again remains in the firm grasp of the United States and its allies. Other countries have also made it clear that they will not remain on the sidelines. Canada, Australia, China, Argentina, and some European states have either reinvigorated their own gas development or considered shale exploration. Gas-hungry states like China, India, Japan, and South Korea look to import American LNG, while the Central and Eastern European states have likewise lobbied for American LNG exports to reduce their dependence on increasingly revanchist and aggressive Russia. For some, as a cleaner fossil fuel, gas holds promise as a means for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the face of climate change concerns. If a new era of gas is arriving across the globe, then the new geopolitics of gas is coming on its heels.

    What will the new geopolitics of gas mean for the United States, Europe, Russia, China, and beyond? This book explores this question by assessing the political implications of the transforming global gas markets. Gas is no longer a scarce, localized, difficult-to-transport resource doled out by energy monopolists (and their affiliated states), not infrequently in expectation of commercial and political concessions under the threat of price hikes or supply cuts. Instead, gas is becoming a freely traded and increasingly available commodity worldwide, and with abundant gas and rising global gas trade, the established modus operandi between importing states and traditional suppliers is changing—strengthening the bargaining position of the former and weakening the leverage of the latter. Markets are increasingly setting the terms of trade, and gas monopolies look poised to lose some of their geopolitical clout. This analysis will focus on the main players in the new geopolitics of natural gas: the new gas leader, the United States; the largest gas importer, Europe; the historic gas powerhouse, Russia; key gas transit states such as Ukraine; isolated gas producers such as Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and beyond; and new centers of gas demand such as China, India, and other Asian nations.

    The strategic and geopolitical role of energy has long colored interstate relations. As a result, energy security has consistently remained a top concern for most governments, even as its definition greatly expanded.² In the past, policymakers and scholars focused mainly on oil rather than natural gas, which played second fiddle to oil on the energy markets. Initially, gas was little more than a waste product of oil production because of its lower energy density. Historically, it has also been mainly a consumer-oriented commodity, while oil has been crucial for the military and industry. Indeed, it was oil rather than gas that won the First and Second World Wars for the Allies, and it was American oil supplies that established the country as the leading power of the twentieth century.

    At the same time, gas was more susceptible to political variables than oil. Difficulties in transporting gas long distances over land or across seas have made it a regional fuel rather than a fungible global commodity. In addition, gas transportation has often been operated by monopolies. Consequently, gas-producing and gas-importing countries have had to forge direct and lasting links with each other via long-term gas contracts and codeveloped pipeline infrastructure.³ For instance, the centerpiece of twentieth-century gas geopolitics—the gas supply relationship between European states and Russia—emerged in the 1960s, with the Soviet buildup of pipeline infrastructure and establishment of long-term contracts. This relationship has remained largely unchanged until the present day. In contrast, in the international oil markets, middlemen freely trade oil. Moreover, because gas historically had been supplied primarily by land-based pipeline monopolies rather than by competing ship tankers moving in any direction across the seas, gas-importing countries have had to rely on a limited number of suppliers. As a result, until recently, many countries, especially in Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, have been 100 percent dependent on a single gas pipeline, a single gas-producing country, and even a single company, such as the Russian gas giant Gazprom. Meanwhile, gas-producing countries such as Russia have likewise been dependent on a fixed set of pipeline export routes and consumers. Then, too, with other states serving as transit territories for the pipelines carrying gas from producing to importing countries, these territorially driven gas trade relationships have impacted national, regional, and international politics. At the start of the twenty-first century, however, changes in the global gas sector are upsetting the status quo and rewriting the rules of the game in the new geopolitics of gas.

    The Prospect of a Global Gas Market

    The recent exuberance stemming from the American shale boom and the prospect of a global gas market has also been mixed with skepticism as market conditions have seemed to shift with the wind, exceeding even the rapid developments of foreign affairs. Still, since the early 2010s, and especially since the fall in energy prices of 2014, the overall prospect has been one of energy abundance, accompanied by optimism and even rhetoric about a gas glut, which differs sharply from the pessimistic mind-set surrounding energy scarcity that dominated as late as the mid-2000s. At that time, eminent think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations and agencies such as the US Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA), along with other scholars and analysts, predicted that America’s energy imports would only continue to rise.⁴ Political pundits worried about the vulnerability stemming from the dependence of the United States and its allies on unfriendly or unstable oil- and gas-exporting states, while gas companies and entrepreneurs planned to import significant quantities of LNG and invested some $100 billion worth of LNG import terminals along the US coasts.⁵ However, almost none of these developments came to pass because by then the American shale boom, or the rapid production of gas and oil from shale deposits, was already underway. Shale gas swiftly and consistently increased as a percentage of American natural gas production, from 1 percent in 2000, to over 20 percent in 2010, to about 48 percent in 2014, and to 50 percent in 2015.⁶ While the United States had been competing neck and neck over gas production with Russia for three decades, in 2011 it overtook Russia as the world’s greatest producer of natural gas, a position it held briefly in 2009 upon the start of the shale revolution and before that in 2001.⁷ As a result, in 2016 the United States commenced LNG shipments to Latin and South America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East and looked poised to eventually emerge as one of the world’s leading LNG producers, joining the ranks of Australia and Qatar. By 2020, the United States is expected to add the equivalent of approximately 20 percent of total LNG volumes that were traded worldwide in 2014 into the international gas market.⁸ The global superpower is poised to become an energy superpower.

    These newfound energy resources will bring many domestic benefits and economic opportunities as well as improve America’s energy security, or the availability of sufficient supplies at affordable prices. These advantages, however, are only part of the story.⁹ Energy insecurity—or constrained access to supplies or acute dependence on undiversified imports—has not been an acute dilemma for the United States. Before the shale boom, US net imports of gas accounted for only about 16 percent of total domestic consumption in 2005; by 2015 this figure fell to just over 3 percent. More than 90 percent of imported gas came from friendly neighboring states such as Canada and Mexico, which were not perceived to pose a threat to American energy security. US oil imports have also declined from their peak in 2005 of 60 percent of US consumption, with net imports contributing to some 40 percent of total consumption in 2012 and only 24 percent in 2015, the lowest level since 1970. Oil imports were also well diversified across a number of states with Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela being the top suppliers in 2015.¹⁰ Thus, the US shale revolution can only relatively improve America’s energy security, especially its gas security.

    The greatest strategic potential of American gas lies overseas—to support America’s existing allies and win over new ones, to contain its foes, and to bring its rivals into the fold. However, many of these geopolitical developments will be driven by markets rather than by policymakers. Unlike the energy sector of other energy-producing countries such as Russia or those in the Middle East, the American gas industry is made up of and driven by private corporations and entrepreneurs rather than state-owned companies or state interests. Nonetheless, market developments will be both consequential for and somewhat dependent upon politics. The administration of US president Donald J. Trump will support robust domestic energy production. The availability of US LNG for export will strengthen Washington’s leadership on the world stage, while the appetite for US LNG in foreign markets will depend to a degree on whether states such as the United States or Russia are perceived as trustworthy gas suppliers, potential threats, or potential allies.

    With its booming shale oil and gas production and LNG exports, the United States is well positioned to challenge Russia’s position of energy influence over Europe and its efforts to become a dominant supplier to Asia. Even if the United States’ LNG export volumes were modest, its domestic gas production would meet America’s demand, which otherwise would have been met by imports. At minimum, this would free up gas in other markets, thereby increasing liquidity of global gas markets and theoretically driving global gas trade in a convergence toward a global gas market. Since the mid-2010s, the so-called gas glut has emerged as a popular refrain among market watchers. This surplus of gas in the global market has driven down gas prices and impacted pricing and contract schemes—a key development both for traditional suppliers such as Russia and for import-dependent states in Europe and Asia. Moreover, American LNG exports may eventually make their way to energy-vulnerable US allies. If so, American LNG imports could help meet Europe’s and Asia’s demand for diversification, reduce reliance on long-term contracts with Gazprom and dampen its price gouging, and limit the influence of other potentially hostile or unstable energy-producing states. The result: a shift of the current geopolitical landscape in America’s favor.

    These gains are not a given, however. Like stock markets, energy markets are cyclical, with boom years alternating with downturns. Oil markets have demonstrated such decade-long cycles in which low prices lead to high demand but result in low investment in production, which, in turn, lead to a constriction of supplies and a rise in prices.¹¹ With gas prices having been traditionally linked to those of oil, natural gas has been described as a manic-depressive industry that is prone to wild swings in mood.¹² Thus, changing market factors such as economic slowdowns, which reduce global energy demand, or falling global oil prices since 2014, which create less incentive for US shale producers, could dampen gas production and reduce the global gas glut. For now, American shale gas producers have shown remarkable resilience, increasingly their productivity and efficiency by cutting their costs and raising their yields. Regardless of any short- or medium-term cyclical market downturns, it is increasingly evident that a gas revolution is in the making.

    Indeed, the story of the changing global gas sector is not solely about the boom or bust of American shale gas or even global shale gas development. This book will focus on three key transformations in the gas markets that together contribute to the integration of regional markets into a global gas market: the growth of LNG trade, the shale boom, and the buildup of inter-connective gas infrastructure, all of which, in turn, have consequences for gas pricing, contracts, and trade.

    There is considerable debate among leading energy scholars and analysts about what a global gas market would entail and even more debate about when it would emerge, with some cautioning that we are still a long way from its arrival. In a truly global gas market, gas trade would take place on short-term and long-term contracts offered by a large array of gas sellers and traders; the European, Asian, and American markets would become more interconnected while regional price disparities ceased to exist; gas prices would reflect supply and demand economics as opposed to indexation to the price of oil; and regional monopolies would theoretically be forced to compete with plentiful gas volumes transported from various pipelines and various LNG sources in a more integrated and connected region.¹³ The gas markets are already seeing many of these developments, which point to an increasing interconnection between different regional markets and a rise in global gas trade.

    The original and possibly most important catalyst for a global gas market was the boom of LNG trade that started in 1997 when Qatar created the world’s largest LNG export plant and took its business global.¹⁴ The availability of sizable volumes of LNG for export and the ability to ship LNG by tankers across the globe first opened the theoretical possibility of gas prices converging across the three main gas markets of Asia, Europe, and North America. By 2012, when Japan’s nuclear power plants were shut down and LNG filled the energy gap, Daniel Yergin, a highly influential energy expert, said that gas had become a global commodity.¹⁵ This trend has only continued with the increased supply and demand for LNG from gas producing and importing countries at the expense of dependence on piped gas. In 2015 global LNG trade rose to a highest ever of 244.8 million tons (MT) in the LNG trade history, surpassing the previous high of 241.5 MT in 2011.¹⁶

    The subsequent shale boom, which unlocked previously unavailable shale gas resources primarily in the United States and Canada, has been the second powerful factor in the transformation of global gas markets. Together with shale newcomers of Argentina and China, these four are the only countries in the world to produce commercial volumes of shale gas. Coupled with LNG liquefaction, regasification, shipping technologies, and the rising global LNG market, it is now possible to leverage the shale revolution outside of North America with American LNG exports. Moreover, a number of other countries also possess shale gas resources. The top ten in order of greatest to least are: China, Argentina, Algeria, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, Russia, and Brazil. The United States has a unique advantage over most other countries due to the confluence of know-how, technology, business environment, financing availability, legislation such as landowners’ mineral rights, and entrepreneurial drive. However, it is possibly just a matter of time before other nations like China will overcome existing obstacles and eventually emerge as notable producers of shale gas. The economic and strategic implications could be similar to or even greater to those of the US shale revolution.

    The third key development is the buildup of gas transport infrastructure such as gas pipelines, pipeline interconnectors, and LNG liquefaction and regasification terminals, all of which help integrate different local and regional gas markets in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and beyond. This growth of interconnectivity also comes from new uses of existing pipeline infrastructure, such as for reverse flows, which enable greater flexibility and diversity in gas suppliers. The rise in traditional pipeline infrastructure should not go unnoticed in light of the more dramatic breakthroughs and technologies of shale and LNG. In fact, the results of pipeline interconnections and reverse flow may come sooner in many parts of the world than progress from shale development or LNG trade, especially for landlocked countries that always have to rely on traditional pipeline infrastructure rather than LNG terminals, which require coastal access. Furthermore, other game-changing gas market developments pertain to distinct regions or countries. These include the rise of energy market regulation in the European Union (EU), as well as calls for reduction of carbon emissions and thus increased use of cleaner forms of energy such as gas in the United States, the EU, and China.

    Shale abundance, LNG flows, and new gas infrastructure are in turn altering the global gas trade. New gas-exporting states and gas-importing states are forming new relationships. Gas trade is poised to be less dependent on traditional east-west pipelines for Russian gas exports to Europe, while across the Atlantic, it is likely to become less dominated by north-south flows through Canada, the United States, and Mexico. These shifting gas trade flows (especially of LNG) are having an impact on gas prices as well as gas pricing models and contract schemes. Price differentials in different parts of the world are converging, long-term contracts are being challenged by increased trade on the spot markets, and pressure for removing destination clauses for gas flows and delinking the price of gas from the price of oil is building. All this favors the emergence of a global gas market and shakes up the status quo of the geopolitics of gas.

    The Study of Geopolitics, Energy, and Eurasia

    The term geopolitics comes from the Greek , meaning earth or land, politikē and refers to the interplay of geography and international politics, particularly the former’s effects on the later.¹⁷ Although many prominent political thinkers, including Montesquieu, Kant, and Hegel, had an implicit understanding of the concept, geopolitics as we know it today developed in the 1970s, when prominent American statesmen and national security advisors such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski combined notions of power politics with regional dimensions.¹⁸ For simplicity’s sake, geopolitics can be distilled into two key elements—namely, territory and power. Together, these form the foundations for understanding energy because natural resources are derived from delineated territories of states, and their endowment or lack thereof has to a considerable extent determined the power and influence of nations. Access to and command of transit territories and the seas for the transportation of energy has also been a critical factor.

    The study of energy emerged in no small part due to energy security considerations of states as they became increasingly dependent on energy imports. Concerns first emerged among government officials in the early twentieth century in the context of oil supplies for armies and navies. Subsequently, scholars started studying energy security in the 1960s and particularly after the oil crises of the 1970s,¹⁹ while conversely, the stabilization of oil prices and the receding threat of political energy embargoes in the late 1980s and the 1990s dampened interest in the subject. In the 2000s, however, the issue once again came to the fore due to rising energy demand in Asia, tensions over Russian gas supply in Europe, and concerns over climate change.²⁰ Then, in the 2010s, during the early years of the US energy renaissance, the links among energy, security, and international relations drew attention, with oil markets once again garnering most of it.²¹ The fundamental shift in the global gas sector likewise requires attention and assessment—something this book will tackle for the first time.

    If the study of the geopolitics of energy is relatively novel, that of the geopolitics of gas is even more so. While there is no agreed to, or precise, definition of the geopolitics of gas, David G. Victor, Amy M. Jaffe, and Mark H. Hayes, who are among the original theorizers on the subject, view it through the prism of the immensely political actions of governments, investors, and other key actors who decide which gas trade projects will be built, how the gains will be allocated, and how the risks of dependence on international gas trading will be managed.²² More broadly and for the purposes of this book, the geopolitics of gas reflects how gas supply, demand, dependence, and transit can determine bilateral relations between importing and exporting states and cause power shifts in specific regions and in the international system as a whole, and at the same time, it reflects how power shifts in the international system, in regions, and in bilateral relations affect gas supply, demand, dependence, and transit.

    In analyzing the new geopolitics of gas, this book focuses on the United States and the countries and regions that make up Eurasia, where new gas developments carry the greatest implications for changing worldwide market and political trends. As Victor observes, Whether gas becomes a truly global commodity and the geopolitical effects of the global gas trade will depend centrally on the United States—the world’s largest user of natural gas and the epicenter of most innovation in the industry.²³ Meanwhile, Eurasia—a portmanteau referring to the combined landmass of the European and Asian continents and including over ninety countries such as France, Germany, Russia, China, and India—is both a geographic and geopolitical construct with strategic importance for energy markets. While countries such as Australia, Argentina, and Indonesia, as well as the Middle East states among others, already play an important role in gas markets or will do so, Eurasia will experience the most significant shifts in the new geopolitics of gas.

    Eurasia accommodates around three quarters of the world’s population and a large portion of its natural resources and wealth. This is where considerable gas reserves are located—specifically, in Russia—and where vast gas demand will continue to grow. According to the EIA, although the Middle East has the world’s largest gas reserves at some 2,818 trillion cubic feet (TCF), Russia and the former Soviet republics are a close second at 2,178 TCF; add Europe at 131 TCF and China at 164 TCF, and Eurasia’s total comes even closer to that of the Middle East.²⁴ Eurasia’s demand for gas is reflected in Europe’s continuing interest in increasing use of the clean-burning fuel, while Asia’s growth is driven by China and India, along with LNG demand by Japan and South Korea, two of the most LNG-dependent countries in the world. Moreover, Eurasia is also where the long-standing status quo of gas relations is being transformed between the world’s largest importer of gas and America’s closest ally—the EU—and the world’s largest exporter and revanchist power—Russia. Likewise, the rising powers of China and India are expected to further shift of the balance of power in the twenty-first century.²⁵

    The geopolitical notion of Eurasia is possibly more important than the geographic one and has for decades, if not centuries, intrigued famous thinkers, even as its definition varied greatly from the vantage points of different countries. Halford Mackinder, an early twentieth-century British professor of geography at Oxford University, was among the first theorists. Focusing on the Heartland, a geographic area bounded by the Volga River in the west, the Yangtze River in the east, the Arctic in the north, and the Himalaya Mountains in the south, Mackinder argued that those who commanded the Heartland commanded the world.²⁶ Indeed the regions and countries of Eurasia have competed for centuries for power and territory on their common landmass and the surrounding seas. Today the competition persists for natural resources and their supply routes. It also transcends the landmass and is of paramount importance to the United States.

    As Brzezinski argued during the Cold War, Whoever controls Eurasia dominates the globe. If the Soviet Union captures the peripheries of this landmass … it would not only win control of vast human, economic and military resources but also gain access to the geostrategic approaches to the Western Hemisphere—the Atlantic and Pacific.²⁷ Today this concern remains just as relevant given the changing nature of the global gas sector and the increasing reliance on oceans and seas for gas transport. The growing LNG trade, the emerging trend of building gas pipelines under European waters, and competition for underwater gas reserves in the South China Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Caspian Sea, and elsewhere all contribute to the likelihood of greater geopolitical jostling in waters of Eurasian states and beyond.

    Understanding the competition for power, influence, and energy resources in Eurasia will shed light on Russia’s future role in the global balance of power. While Russian thinkers of the turbulent 1920s argued that as a unique civilization, Russia should unify the lands of Eurasia (in Moscow’s view narrowly defined as the territories that made up the former USSR), and thus withstand encirclement and efforts to crush it by the maritime (Atlantic) civilization,²⁸ this school of thought was eventually crushed by Communist ideology. Nevertheless, the Soviets extended their dominance in Eurasia, and, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea of Russia’s centrality to the landmass reemerged in the Kremlin’s thinking as a civilizational and political counterpoint to the United States and the West.²⁹ Subsequently, Russia has deployed its own concept of Eurasianism since the 1990s in projects such as the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) of 1991, followed by the Eurasian Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Community, and then, most recently, by the Eurasian Economic Union of 2014.³⁰ While energy was an important component of these entities and served as the glue for economic relations, in the 2000s gas exports from the Caucasus and Central Asia to Europe and China began serving a counter-integrative role for a number of former Soviet republics, shifting their focus away from Russia. In the medium term, if successful, Russia’s own plans to supply gas to China could significantly impact the geopolitics of Eurasia.

    Politics, Markets, and Gas

    To explain gas politics in light of the transforming global gas markets, this book uses several analytical lenses to view the political and commercial relationships of gas-producing and gas-importing countries, as well as those involved in transit. For gas-producing and gas-exporting countries, the conceptual tool is the politics of supply. For gas-importing countries it is either the politics of demand or the politics of dependence. For gas transit countries it is the politics of transit. The importing and exporting states can also share a relationship of interdependence.

    These relationships are neither one-sided nor static; rather, they are situational and can vary in different contexts and moments in time. Thus, for instance, while Russia may at times have a relationship of relative interdependence in its gas trade with the EU as a whole, it can simultaneously pursue the politics of supply with Latvia, which in turn experiences the politics of dependence in its relationship with Moscow. Meanwhile, Russia may be unable to pursue the politics of supply with China, given that their relationship is determined by Beijing’s politics of demand.

    These analytical categories can also be applied to interstate energy relations more generally, though the differences between gas and other resources such as oil or coal should be kept in mind. That is, because oil and coal transport is relatively easier and global market and trade are more robust, they are more fungible as commodities and tend to be less susceptible to politics than gas.


    While energy politics implies an inherent element of power and influence, energy relations are complex and not one-sided in favor of exporting states. The exporting states also depend on their markets, or on the importing state(s), for revenue. The resulting relationship can be one of interdependence, or of symmetrical degrees of dependence.³¹ When gas importers and exporters are interdependent, gas supplies in the long term, if not necessarily in the short term, tend to be generally stable and more resistant to political and security instability.³² Interdependence is based on a number of conditions, including the size of the importer and exporter’s market and the degree to which each side has alternative import or export market opportunities and related infrastructure.³³ Moreover, the degree of symmetry of dependence is not static: it can change with changing gas market conditions, the cycles of glut versus scarcity of supplies, discoveries of new resources or technologies, economic performance, and other domestic, bilateral, and international factors. In the real world of trade and commercial relations, perfect interdependence is a rare occurrence. Thus stable, non-politicized energy relations are elusive.

    The Politics of Supply

    When the relationship between the exporting state and the importing state is asymmetrical in favor of the former, the supplier can pursue the set of policies or benefit from a position of strength that can be described as the politics of supply. The politics of supply enables large energy-producing countries to pursue their national economic, political, and security interests vis-à-vis energy markets and gas-importing countries. They can include both economic and political policies, especially three highlighted by American diplomat Carlos Pascual: flooding markets, starving markets, and assisting friends.

    Flooding markets with increased production can enable the producer to acquire market share or drive out new or existing competitors.³⁴ Although a number of antidumping regulations exist under the World Trade Organization (WTO), these regulations do not apply to oil and gas trade. Thus, oil dumping, for example, was pursued by Saudi Arabia in 1986 to push Russian and US oil out of the international market and to regain its position as the world’s dominant oil supplier. Arguably, Saudi Arabia used this tactic again in 2014 in the global oil market.³⁵ Conversely, producers can also starve markets or manipulate highly dependent importers by limiting access to supplies. Such was the case in the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 and in various attempts made by Gazprom in Ukraine, the Baltic states, Bulgaria, Georgia, and elsewhere. In contrast to both flooding and starving markets, the policy of assisting friends can include price discounts, targeted supplies, or financial or technological support to develop energy resources for partner nations.³⁶ As far as gas exporters are concerned, these three policies depend on gas supply infrastructure, such as long-haul pipelines and LNG terminals, which require sizable upfront investment, years of implementation, and long-term commitments from buyers. Politicking and maneuvering are not in themselves likely to be effective in the commercial reality of gas markets.³⁷

    At the same time, however, when infrastructure is combined with tactics of flooding or starving markets or assisting friends, political maneuvers can become more effective in enabling gas-exporting countries to gain leverage over importing states. For instance, negotiations of gas supplies or prices can be accompanied by demands that importing nations alter their domestic or foreign policies, join political or economic blocs or alliances with the supplier nations rather than rival ones, or sell off their energy infrastructure or lease their military bases to the suppliers. Similarly, halting gas supply or hiking gas prices can be a form of pressure or type of weapon in times of political tensions or armed conflict. Producers may act globally or bilaterally with international agreements and negotiations. They can also act locally and unilaterally by meddling and supporting lobby groups in the domestic political systems of importing states in order to promote the use of their commodity or to block diversification efforts. Russia, as a dominant piped gas supplier, has in many regards written the playbook on the use of gas for political influence and has employed, over the years, all of these tactics in the politics of supply to various degrees in the EU, Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. However, the increasingly interconnected and liquid gas markets are reducing some of the efficacy of the tactics gas suppliers use to exert pressure on importing countries.

    Not all gas-producing countries can equally pursue the politics of supply. Just as the level of interdependence between the supplier and the importing nation determines whether a producer can pursue the politics of supply, so do characteristics of the producing country similarly constrain or broaden its power and influence in the supply relationship. Smaller suppliers that cannot meet a significant portion of the needs of their customer states lack commercial or political leverage over these importers. Likewise, isolated suppliers that cannot access many markets or importing countries are much weaker players in the politics of supply. The reasons for isolation and constrains in exports, which can be various, include geographical factors such as the lack of coastal access for LNG exports or difficult terrain that makes building pipeline infrastructure expensive or problematic. Diplomatic factors are also relevant and can include international sanctions against the exporting country, as in the case of Iran, while lack of access to reliable transit states when the neighboring region is engulfed in conflict or war can be another problem for exporters. Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan exemplify isolated suppliers that until relatively recently were not able to access the European or Asian gas markets. Nonetheless, they will remain somewhat constrained in their future export capacity due to the lack of coastal access, and in the case of Turkmenistan the shared borders and proximity with the volatile states of Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan.

    The Politics of Demand and Dependence

    When energy-exporting and energy-importing nations are not equally interdependent or their interdependence is asymmetrical, the importing nations can pursue the politics of demand or the politics of dependence, or a combination of both. The politics of demand involves a set of economic and political policy options available to energy-importing countries to pursue their national economic, political, and security interests from a position of strength vis-à-vis energy markets or specific exporting countries or groups of countries. The politics of dependence is a set of economic and political policies available to energy-importing states that are disproportionately dependent on a particular exporting state and thus are pursuing their interests vis-à-vis the exporter from a position of weakness. Three key factors determine whether a country is playing the politics of demand or being played by the politics of dependence: diversification, volumes of imports, and market conditions.

    A country is well diversified when it can both produce some of its own gas and import it from a variety of states through a number of pipelines, as well as via sea routes with access to LNG terminals, and is thus in an ideal position in terms of the politics of demand. If, on the other hand, a country or entity is a small or undiversified importer to begin with, it can become highly reliant on a single or a few supplying countries’ gas resources, supply routes, and / or infrastructure and thereby become subject to the politics of dependence. In these situations, the policy options of importing states are dictated by the interests of the supplier country or countries, which can also exert further economic and political leverage on the importing states. Examples include many of the Central and Eastern European states that for decades were nearly 100 percent dependent on Russian gas delivered by a single pipeline to their country and faced Moscow’s pressure to pursue more cooperative policies toward Russia. The EU has also hovered too close to the politics of dependence in its relationship with Russia. With its twenty-eight member states and all their differing interests, it has been unable to negotiate with one voice with its largest supplier—Gazprom—and its position was thus consistently weaker.

    While it may seem

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