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A People’s History of Computing in the United States
A People’s History of Computing in the United States
A People’s History of Computing in the United States
Ebook483 pages5 hours

A People’s History of Computing in the United States

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Silicon Valley gets all the credit for digital creativity, but this account of the pre-PC world, when computing meant more than using mature consumer technology, challenges that triumphalism.

The invention of the personal computer liberated users from corporate mainframes and brought computing into homes. But throughout the 1960s and 1970s a diverse group of teachers and students working together on academic computing systems conducted many of the activities we now recognize as personal and social computing. Their networks were centered in New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Illinois, but they connected far-flung users. Joy Rankin draws on detailed records to explore how users exchanged messages, programmed music and poems, fostered communities, and developed computer games like The Oregon Trail. These unsung pioneers helped shape our digital world, just as much as the inventors, garage hobbyists, and eccentric billionaires of Palo Alto.

By imagining computing as an interactive commons, the early denizens of the digital realm seeded today’s debate about whether the internet should be a public utility and laid the groundwork for the concept of net neutrality. Rankin offers a radical precedent for a more democratic digital culture, and new models for the next generation of activists, educators, coders, and makers.

Release dateOct 8, 2018
A People’s History of Computing in the United States

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Nothing to do with computing. It's all about heteronormativity, white maleness, gender norms, racism, sexism and worst of all praising BASIC. This is what Dijikstra has to say about basic 'It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.'
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A little clunky (tends to list, for example, every game you could play on Dartmouth’s early network), but an interesting counterpoint to a Silicon Valley-centric narrative of how computing developed in the US. Rankin traces a lost history of shared computing (dumb terminals linked over phone lines to a central computer) in a number of places, including Dartmouth and a bunch of high schools to which it linked as well as in Minnesota—the source of the famous Oregon Trail game. Bill Gates and several other people who show up in Silicon Valley histories first encountered computing through these noncommercial, non-personal computer systems, though that’s largely written out of the history. It’s interesting and somewhat sad to think about the road not taken—computing as a utility like power and telephone service. Though that might not have changed as much as we might (like to) think; Rankin regularly points out the gender and racial hierarchies assumed and reinforced by places like Dartmouth, which didn’t admit women at the time it developed its timesharing system.

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A People’s History of Computing in the United States - Joy Lisi Rankin

A People’s History of Computing in the United States

Joy Lisi Rankin

Cambridge, Massachusetts

London, England   2018

Copyright © 2018 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College

All rights reserved

Jacket design: CHIPS

978-0-674-97097-7 (alk. paper)

978-0-674-98851-4 (EPUB)

978-0-674-98852-1 (MOBI)

978-0-674-98853-8 (PDF)

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Names: Rankin, Joy Lisi, 1976– author.

Title: A people’s history of computing in the United States / Joy Lisi Rankin.

Description: Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2018009562

Subjects: LCSH: Computer systems—United States—History—20th century. | Computer networks—United States—History—20th century. | Information commons—United States—History—20th century.

Classification: LCC QA76.17 .R365 2018 | DDC 004.0973—dc23

LC record available at

For Scott and Lucy


INTRODUCTION: People Computing (Not the Silicon Valley Mythology)

1 When Students Taught the Computer

2 Making a Macho Computing Culture

3 Back to BASICs

4 The Promise of Computing Utilities and the Proliferation of Networks

5 How The Oregon Trail Began in Minnesota

6 PLATO Builds a Plasma Screen

7 PLATO’s Republic (or, the Other ARPANET)

EPILOGUE: From Personal Computing to Personal Computers






People Computing (Not the Silicon Valley Mythology)

THE STUDENTS AT South Portland High School buzzed with enthusiasm; the wires in their classroom walls hummed with information. Young men and women played games on their computing network—tic-tac-toe and checkers, solitaire and bridge, basketball and bowling. They clamored for news from other schools on the network, which crisscrossed New England and connected rural Maine to suburban Connecticut. Don’t forget to sign me up for time, they reminded each other.¹ Some of these notoriously difficult-to-rouse high schoolers even rolled out of bed at four in the morning for network access.²

A thousand miles to the west, students and teachers in the Minneapolis suburbs spoke the same language. From the basic building blocks of commands including IF, THEN, LET, and PRINT, they created music and poetry and solved math problems. In a few years, three of them (both students and teachers) would invent the beloved game The Oregon Trail.

Some four hundred miles to the southeast, engineers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign perfected a graphical plasma display screen for their computing system, a network that would soon connect people across the United States with communications options we recognize today as instant messaging and screen sharing. Public intellectuals called for computing as a public utility, comparable to electricity or water.

The year was 1968.

When I began researching this book, dozens of vignettes like these appeared on the pages of newsletters, grant proposals, research reports, and newspaper and journal articles, and I was stunned. The people in these histories, the geography of their networks, and even the dates of their activities appeared at odds with both conventional histories of computing and powerful popular narratives.

The origin stories around contemporary American digital culture—our 24 / 7 connected, networked, WiFi, smartphone, tablet, Instagram, Facebook, Tweeting, thumbs-up / thumbs-down world—center on what I call the Silicon Valley mythology. This compelling myth tells us that, once upon a time, modern computers were big (and maybe even bad) mainframes. International Business Machines, much more familiar as IBM, dominated the era when computers were the remote and room-size machines of the military-industrial complex. Then, around 1975, along came the California hobbyists who created personal computers and liberated us from the monolithic mainframes. They were young men in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, and they tinkered in their garages. They started companies: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak established Apple; Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed Microsoft. Then, in the 1990s, along came the Internet to connect all of those personal computers, and the people using them. Another round of eccentric nerds (still all young white men)—Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and Mark Zuckerberg among them—gave us Amazon, Google, Facebook, and the fiefdoms of Silicon Valley. Walter Isaacson’s The Innovators expands the popular narrative of digital history to include less familiar contributors such as the nineteenth-century mathematician Charles Babbage and the twentieth-century computing visionary J. C. R. Licklider. However, Isaacson, like many others, still portrays technology as the realm of engineers, experts, and inventors, or, as his subtitle declares, hackers, geniuses, and geeks. Computer technology, in this mythology, is far removed from everyday life until it reaches the users.

Historians have certainly complicated this Silicon Valley mythology.³ They have pointed out the fundamental roles of federal government funding and university research in producing American computing, and they have highlighted computing’s cultural origins in the Cold War and the counterculture.⁴ They have taken their investigations well beyond the Bay Area, spotlighting the contributions of Boston, Tysons Corner (Virginia), and Minnesota.⁵ Recent scholarship has explored computing in China, England, France, India, and the Soviet Union.⁶ Scholars have produced excellent business histories and excellent histories of the people whose work entailed computing.⁷ But by and large, historians have assumed that personal experiences of digitization began with the emergence of personal computers in the late 1970s, and that experiences of social computing commenced with the popularization of the Internet in the late 1990s.

The Silicon Valley mythology does us a disservice. It creates a digital America dependent on the work of a handful of male tech geniuses. It deletes the work of the many individuals who had been computing, and it effaces their diversity. It masks the importance of the federal government as a principal financial investor in digital development during the 1960s and 1970s. It minimizes the roles of primary and high schools, as well as colleges and universities, as sites of technological innovation during those decades. The Silicon Valley story is neat and pat, but it prevents us from asking how digital culture truly evolved in the United States. In short, this mythology misses the story at the heart of the transformation of American culture during the past fifty years.

The people in A People’s History of Computing in the United States are the students and educators who built and used academic computing networks, then known as time-sharing systems, during the 1960s and 1970s. Time-sharing was a form of networked computing in which multiple computing terminals were connected to a central computer via telephone lines. It was called time-sharing not because one user had an allotment of computing time, and then another user had another allotment of computing time, but because the computer was programmed to monitor—and allocate—its own processing time among multiple simultaneous users. Multiple users could work on their individual terminals, which I identify as personal terminals, simultaneously. Terminals were located in such social settings as middle school classrooms, college dorm rooms, and university computing labs. Because the terminals relayed information to and from the central computer by telephone line, terminals could be—and were—located hundreds of miles away from the processing computer.

Make no mistake, these were networks.⁸ Any user could communicate with the central computer and with another user at another location on the system via the central computer. As will be seen in subsequent chapters, students and educators embraced the computing and communications dimensions of their time-sharing networks. The possibility of storage on a central computer meant that users could share useful and enjoyable programs across the network. For example, users on the New England network, based at Dartmouth College, produced and used multiplayer games and, in 1968, a program called MAILBOX for sending messages over the network.⁹

A People’s History of Computing in the United States focuses on the users of these time-sharing networks to develop a history of the digital age that emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and community. Time-sharing networks emerged neither from individual genius nor from the military-industrial complex; rather, they were created for—and by—students and educators at universities and public schools as civilian, civic-minded projects. At their most idealistic, the developers of these systems viewed access to computing as a public good available to all members of a collective body, whether that body consisted of a university, a school system, a state, or even a country.

For the students and educators, sharing was a feature, not a bug, of the networks. By design, time-sharing networks accommodated multiple users, and multiple users meant possibilities for cooperation, inspiration, community, and communication. Personal computer purveyors and boosters later insisted on the superiority of personal machines. They celebrated not having to share a computer; rather, they praised the individual access of one person to one computer. Ultimately, in the Silicon Valley mythology, the personal computer became the hero, the liberator that freed users from the tyranny of the mainframe and the crush of corporate IBM. Yet time-sharing users benefited from their technological and social networks. The computing contemporaries with whom they could exchange ideas, programs, tips, and tricks became an exceptional human resource.

The actors and networks in A People’s History of Computing in the United States are new to American technological narratives, and so are their geographical and educational contexts. I showcase the contributions of K–12 and liberal arts college classrooms, as well as education-focused university research labs, as key sites of innovation during the 1960s and 1970s.¹⁰ I examine the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System, which stretched across and beyond New England, the educational networks in Minnesota that culminated in statewide computing with the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium, and the University of Illinois PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations) System. These were not the digital cultures of Silicon Valley. Usually we think of public schools and college classrooms as the last stop for mature technology. But in the story told here, I open up a digital world in which innovation was not limited to garage hobbyists, eccentric entrepreneurs, or military-funded scientists.

I introduce the concept of computing citizens to describe those who accessed time-sharing networks. In this People’s History of Computing in the United States, the definition of a computing citizen hinges on membership in a computing community. This is a broad and inclusive definition of citizenship, mirroring the ways in which the advocates of time-sharing networks envisioned computing access as broad and inclusive. Here, too, citizenship emphasizes the communal institutions, such as schools, universities, state governments, and the National Science Foundation, that enabled access and participation. I chose the term computing citizens to be more encompassing than producers or makers, and to differentiate them from users.¹¹ User is now synonymous with end user or consumer. But in many cases, the computing citizens were not merely end users or consumers.¹² They produced and engaged in personal and social computing.¹³ They built these time-sharing networks. They wrote programs for problem solving, personal productivity, and creative expression. They computed art and poetry and music. They developed methods to bank and share their programs, and they communicated by computer. Students and educators constructed networks: the technical connections among terminals and computers and telephone wires, but more importantly, the social and sociable interpersonal networks. They formed communities around their zeal for computing. Computing citizens simultaneously conveys their individual choices, actions, and activities, and their collective access to a social, communal resource.

This book’s characterization of computing citizens is not explicitly intended in the political sense of citizenship, but questions of political membership can nevertheless be explored through the makeup of each network.¹⁴ For instance, the time-sharing network based at Dartmouth College originated in part because college administrators viewed their students as future business, intellectual, and political leaders of the United States, and those administrators deemed computing experience essential to their leadership preparation. Although the PLATO network based at the University of Illinois started as an experiment in education, its citizens devised explicitly political uses, such as producing a program about an environmental issue. The state of Minnesota, a high-technology hub during these decades, enacted communal and political computing citizenship by creating a statewide time-sharing network for all public school students, from K–12 to community college and university.

Chapter 1 shows how college students—and college users more generally—were central to the creation of the time-sharing network based at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire. In the early 1960s, the mathematics professors Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny elevated user convenience in the design of their time-sharing system at Dartmouth. Their commitment to simplicity of use, instead of efficiency for the computer, combined with their commitment to free computing for all students, set them apart from the academic, industrial, and military computing mainstream.

Chapter 2 demonstrates how the campus context, with its focus on football and fraternities, shaped the development of masculine computing at Dartmouth. I am not the first historian to argue that computing became increasingly masculine during the 1960s and 1970s; however, Dartmouth’s rich archival records enable an in-depth study of the interplay of gender and computing among both computing employees and casual network enthusiasts. Studying the roles and representations of the women employed at Dartmouth’s Computation Center illuminates how the gender roles of the Cold War nuclear family informed college computing.

Chapter 3 argues that BASIC (Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), the programming language created for the Dartmouth network, became the language of computing citizens during the 1960s and 1970s. By 1968, students at twenty-seven New England secondary schools and colleges practiced BASIC on their terminals, connected to each other and to Dartmouth via the time-sharing network. BASIC proved central to the growth of personal and social computing, from New England westward to Minnesota, and ultimately to northern California. This chapter also examines how BASIC spread via the connected efforts of educational computing enthusiast Bob Albrecht and his People’s Computer Company newsletters; the Huntington Project, which produced wildly popular educational computer simulations in BASIC; and the Digital Equipment Corporation, which distributed Huntington Project materials at low or no cost to sell its BASIC-enabled minicomputers to schools across the United States. Chapter 3 underscores the creativity of the BASIC citizens of the early digital era.

In the computing mythos, Americans benefited from an inexorable march from mainframes to minicomputers to microcomputers—otherwise known as PCs. Those who have complicated that story have presented time-sharing as a short-lived phenomenon of the 1960s, and they have focused on three things: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), its Multics time-sharing project, and the financial market for time-sharing. They have overlooked that time-sharing systems were networks and that users appreciated the communication and information-processing capacities of those networks. They have also overlooked the vision of computing for the public good that emerged with time-sharing—the vision for community computing utilities.

Chapter 4 unearths the extensive discourse about computing as a utility comparable to electricity, telephone, or water service, and it highlights the numerous computing networks that emerged between 1965 and 1975. This chapter argues that widespread computing citizenship via computing utilities seemed far more promising in the 1960s and 1970s than the Silicon Valley mythology would have us believe. Neither time-sharing nor the vision for networked computing for the public good were short-lived, nor did they exclusively parallel the MIT-Multics-markets trajectory that others have highlighted.

Chapter 5 exemplifies the unifying themes of the previous four chapters. It analyzes the drive for, and development of, a statewide public computing utility. It delineates how computing citizens implemented a time-sharing network, and it highlights how BASIC enabled their personal and social computing. From 1965 to 1980, Minnesota led the nation in creating computing citizens by implementing statewide interactive computing at its public schools and universities, reaching hundreds of thousands of students. The students and educators in computing collectives, including Total Information for Educational Systems (TIES) and the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC), developed new modes of software sharing, software banking, and software translation. By the late 1970s, Minnesota students played games such as their beloved Oregon Trail thousands of times every month. TIES and MECC illustrate a radically alternative vision of networked computing.

Chapters 6 and 7 move away from public schools and small colleges to a more typical setting for technological development, a large research university. But here, too, education engendered the network. During the 1960s at the University of Illinois, Donald Bitzer recruited and united students and scholars from multiple disciplines to support the creation of a personal computing terminal for education, described in Chapter 6. Bitzer and his colleagues initially created their PLATO system to explore the potential uses of computing in education, but Bitzer’s drive to expand the project motivated him to open it to users across and beyond the Urbana-Champaign campus. PLATO began as a rudimentary time-sharing system, but Bitzer’s emphasis on usability propelled the development of revolutionary personal terminals featuring flat-panel plasma display screens and touch-responsive screens, connected in a vast social network—all before 1975.

The 1960s and 1970s were a crucible for contemporary culture, and PLATO users developed practices that are now integral to our modern digital experience. In Chapter 7, I argue that PLATO’s distinctive and evolving personal terminal, together with Bitzer’s ongoing efforts to create as many PLATO users as possible, fostered a rich social network, partially funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (whose better-known investment was ARPANET, which became a foundation of the Internet). By 1975, the 950 terminals on the nationwide PLATO network enabled on-line communication in the form of bulletin boards, instant messages, and electronic mail. PLATO users swapped jokes and stories every day on their online network, and they reveled in this new sociability. At the same time, they struggled with security, censorship, and harassment, and their interactions revealed a gendered digital divide.

The Epilogue emphasizes the significance of the myriad connections among the students, educators, communities, and corporations in A People’s History of Computing in the United States. I contend that each of the computing communities described in previous chapters struggled with the transition from computing citizenship to computing consumption. PLATO’s revolutionary plasma screens attracted the investment of the Control Data Corporation, which tried (unsuccessfully) to market its own version of the PLATO system to schools and universities. The BASIC programs shared freely around the Dartmouth network and on the pages of the People’s Computer Company newsletter fueled the imaginations of many—including Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates. Gates first learned to program in BASIC, the language on which he built his Microsoft empire. Wozniak adapted Tiny BASIC into Integer BASIC to program his homemade computer, the computer that attracted the partnership of Steve Jobs and launched Apple. And the Minnesota software library, mostly BASIC programs including The Oregon Trail, proved to be the ideal complement for the hardware of Apple Computers. During the 1980s, the combination of Apple hardware and MECC software cemented the transformation from computing citizens to computing consumers.

The title of this work nods to Howard Zinn’s groundbreaking A People’s History of the United States. Published nearly forty years ago, Zinn’s book channeled the energies of the social and political movements of the long 1960s and the ensuing outpouring of social history to write a new kind of American history. Zinn did not write about Founding Fathers and presidents, captains of industry, war heroes, and other influential white men. Instead, he featured people rarely seen or heard in synthetic or textbook history to that point, including Cherokee and Arawak Native Americans, young women factory workers, enslaved African Americans, socialists, and pacifists.

The history of computing and networking has likewise been dominated by a Great White Men (and now, maybe a handful of women) storyline. Part of the Silicon Valley mythology is that the Information Age had Founding Fathers, men including Jobs, Gates, and Zuckerberg. According to this origin story, there were no computers for ordinary people—no personal computing—until those Founding Fathers and their hardware and software made computing accessible to everyone. Business and government leaders around the world look to Silicon Valley for guidance, inspiration, and emulation, but the Silicon Valley ideal venerates grand men with grand ideas. That narrative, by focusing on the few, has obliterated the history of the many: the many people across the United States and around the world who have been computing in different ways for decades.

This is a people’s history of computing because it tells the story of hundreds of thousands of computing citizens. Like Zinn’s history from the bottom up, this is a history from the user up. A People’s History of Computing in the United States demonstrates how people experienced and shaped computing and networking when it was not central to their employment responsibilities. I identify it as a people’s history to differentiate it from the Silicon Valley stories. This is not a history of great white men, or even a history of small teams of innovators. Certainly, in comparison with Zinn’s actors, the people in this book could be considered elite, in that they were affiliated with educational institutions, and the people at those educational institutions were predominantly white. Moreover, as the following chapters demonstrate, men were more likely to have their computing citizenship recognized than women. Nonetheless, the students, teachers, and professors who populate this book constitute a critical group whose contributions have been overlooked in American computing history.

We have lost our computing citizenship. We consume computing via ubiquitous laptops, smartphones, and tablets. The sharing we do now is asymmetrical; we divulge the intimacies of our daily lives for the products of social media, and for the conveniences of on-demand watching, shopping, and searching. These concessions are neither collaborative nor communal. The corporations that dominate digital culture are, after all, profit driven. They increasingly act with the powers of governments, but without the responsibilities and protections that legitimate governments owe their citizens. Even the notion of net neutrality as a public good is under threat by regulation that empowers corporations at the expense of users. Although Internet access—computing access—is increasingly recognized as a necessity around the world, it is no longer conceived as a civic project.

We need histories not of computers but of the act of computing. A People’s History of Computing in the United States spotlights how the computing of 1960s and 1970s students and educators inaugurated America’s network society. It highlights the centrality of education—at all levels—as a site of creativity, collaboration, and innovation. This book showcases the benefits of national investment in education and research, as well as the crucial role of local and state governments in supporting those endeavors. We are digital consumers now. This is a history to inform and inspire the global digital citizenry we may yet become.


When Students Taught the Computer

IN 1958, Tom Kurtz wanted to run a computer program. He woke early on a Tuesday morning and drove five or so miles from his home in Hanover, New Hampshire, to the train station in White River Junction, Vermont. He brought with him a steel box. At the station, Kurtz boarded the 6:20 train to Boston and settled in for the three-hour ride, during which he would read to pass the time. On his arrival in Boston, he took a cab to MIT’s campus in Cambridge. Finally reaching the computer center at MIT, he opened the steel box. It contained hundreds of cardboard cards measuring about three inches by eight inches. One set of those cards, precisely ordered and held together with a rubber band, constituted his computer program. Other sets were programs created by colleagues at Dartmouth College, where he was a professor in the mathematics department. It was thanks to Dartmouth’s participation in the New England Computation Center at MIT that they had access to an IBM 704 mainframe computer. After Kurtz handed the stacks of cards over to an employee at the center he had several hours to wait. On some occasions when he made this trip to Cambridge, he met with colleagues at MIT or nearby Harvard; other times he simply strolled around the city. Late in the afternoon, he returned to the computer center to pick up the cards, along with the precious printouts of each program’s results. Reviewing them on the evening train back to White River Junction, Kurtz saw that the results for his program runs contained error reports—yet again. Finally back at home in Hanover at the end of a long day, he was already thinking of how he might revise his program in the coming days, replace some cards with newly punched ones, and go through the process all over again two weeks later.¹

A decade later, in 1968, Greg Dobbs, a student at Dartmouth College, wanted to run a computer program. He stepped out of his dormitory, Butterfield Hall, and walked a few hundred yards north to Webster Avenue, enjoying the September sunshine. He turned right on Webster and walked just a block to the new Kiewit Computation Center. At night, he could see Kiewit’s lights from his dorm room window. As he made his way to one of the few empty teletype terminals, he recognized some of his friends and classmates among the thirty or so students sitting at teletypewriters. He went through the habitual steps of the login routine, beginning by typing HELLO and pressing RETURN, and settled in to a game of FOOTBALL against the computer, typing his commands and receiving responses within seconds. He, like 80 percent of his student peers and 40 percent of Dartmouth faculty, embraced this new personal and social computing.²

In the early 1960s, computers were remote, inaccessible, and unfamiliar to Americans. The approximately six thousand computer installations around the nation clustered in military, business, and research-focused university settings. Individual access to computing in 1958 had been so rare, and so valuable, that Kurtz was willing to devote an entire day to gain the benefit of a few minutes of it. Within a decade, however, Kurtz and his colleague John Kemeny, together with a group of their students at Dartmouth, had transformed computing by creating an interactive network that all students and faculty, not just those working in the sciences or engineering, could use. This chapter argues that Kurtz, Kemeny, and their student assistants put the user first in the design and implementation of their network, thereby creating computing for the people. Their focus on simplicity for the user, instead of efficiency for the computer, combined with their commitment to accessible computing for the whole student body, set them apart from the mainstream of academic, industrial, and military computing.

The Problems with Mainframes

Computers were far from quotidian in 1958. In the Cold War context of the 1950s, the American military developed computing for defense against the Soviet Union with projects such as the extensive Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) system to protect against Russian airborne attacks. Less than a year after the Soviet Union’s 1957 launch of its Sputnik satellite alarmed Americans, President Dwight Eisenhower requested from Congress a staggering $1.37 billion to speed missile development and expand air defenses, of which $29 million was for SAGE.³

This news conveyed that computers were essential to American protection—powerful and significant, but also remote and intimidating. During this post–World War II decade, American businesses ramped up both their production and their usage of computers. Remington Rand installed some of the earliest electronic, digital computers sold commercially in the United States—at the Census Bureau in 1951 and at General Electric (GE) in 1954. During that time, IBM competed with Remington Rand for leadership in the computer manufacturing field, but together they had only nine installations by the end of 1953.⁴ Although computers proliferated in military, commercial, and university spaces—with several thousand in use by 1960—they functioned behind the scenes. They were used, for example, to maintain consistent oil output at Texaco’s refinery in Port Arthur, Texas; to process checks for Bank of America; and to manage orders and inventories for Bethlehem Steel. In short, computers remained invisible to most Americans. Even when Kurtz visited the MIT Computation Center, he did not interact with the computer there.

Kurtz’s MIT experience was emblematic of programming in the era of mainframe computers. These machines were large and therefore demanded large spaces. The IBM 704 Data Processing System Kurtz used at MIT would have easily dominated a typical eighty-square-foot office.⁵ The mainframes commonly received input from punched cards like the ones Kurtz carried. A hole punched in the card at a particular location communicated a letter, number, or symbol to the computer, and each card featured several rows of punches. A computer operator loaded the cards into the computer to run the program. The computer communicated its results through more punched cards or magnetic tape or, most commonly, printouts.⁶ In addition to being large, the mainframes were also very fast and very expensive. MIT’s IBM 704 performed four thousand operations per second.⁷ In 1962, GE priced one of its average mainframe computers, the GE-225, and its auxiliary equipment at nearly $240,000—close to $2 million in 2018 dollars.⁸ Thus, any institution that had purchased or leased a mainframe aimed to keep it running as much as possible, to maximize its return on investment.

A carefully ordered set of punched cards often represented the culmination of the programming process. A mathematician like Kurtz first handwrote a program, either on scrap paper or in a special programming notebook. The notebook featured demarcated columns where the program author could write in commands and data that would be understood by the computer. The programmer could also make notes on what each step of the program was meant to accomplish. The columns were visual cues for converting handwritten notes to punched cards. In some cases, program authors punched their own cards using a keypunch machine. By 1958, Dartmouth had installed IBM keypunch equipment for its accounting operations, so Kurtz and his colleagues punched their own cards.⁹ In larger programming operations, the program author submitted handwritten programming notebook pages to a keypunch operator who would then punch the cards. Kurtz would have spent hours working out a complex program. After he translated his program onto punched cards and ran it, additional hours or days would be needed to address any errors—to debug the program.¹⁰

Numerous errors crept into this programming process. A misplaced period—a simple dot—written into the code and punched in the card could dramatically alter the results of a program. A hole punched in the wrong location on a card could create an error. Indicating division instead of addition for a particular programming function could wreak havoc with a program. If Kurtz produced a computer program to perform a series of mathematical operations, and at some point the program told the computer to divide by zero (an operation not anticipated by Kurtz), that would have been an error. Typos, punch errors, misplaced punctuation—all of these confounded programmers, as did the challenges of communicating with the computer via complicated programming languages.

If Kurtz had been the sole user of the computer while he programmed, the very fast and very expensive computer would spend only seconds, maybe minutes, actually running his program. And if Kurtz had been the sole user, the minutes during which he loaded his punched cards and waited for the computer to print his results would have been minutes during which the computer’s central processor was not active—costly minutes lost to inactivity. Thus, at the New England Computation Center at MIT and at other university computer centers during the latter 1950s and through the 1960s, computer managers focused on how to most effectively use the scarce and expensive resource of computer processing.¹¹

As a solution, computer operators organized groups of individual programs to be run together, one group after the next, with as little computer downtime as possible, to maximize computer utilization. These groups of programs were known as batches, and this method of using mainframe computers became known as batch processing. Batch processing kept the computer humming, but it left programmers waiting hours or days for results. A GE consultant offered this description in 1963:

If we follow a particular job [program] through this procedure, we find that the job is still waiting for its turn at all of these various manual input-output operations. It waits for keypunching, it waits for the batch to be collected to be put on the computer, it waits until the computer finishes processing all of the other jobs in the batch, it waits for the batch to be printed, it waits for someone to de-collate the combined output of the many jobs, and then it waits to be mailed or sent back to the man who had the problem run.¹²

Nonetheless, the various scientists, engineers, and business managers who relied on batch processing knew that a computer operating this way would still yield solutions faster than no computer at

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