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Separation Anxiety: A Novel
Separation Anxiety: A Novel
Separation Anxiety: A Novel
Ebook296 pages4 hours

Separation Anxiety: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Separation Anxiety is a hilarious, heart-breaking and thought-provoking portrait of a difficult marriage, as fierce as it is funny.... My advice: Start reading and don’t stop until you get to the last page of this wise and wonderful novel."  —Alice Hoffman 

Entertainment Weekly * Cosmopolitan * USA Today * Real Simple * Parade * Buzzfeed * Glamour * PopSugar 

From bestselling author Laura Zigman, a hilarious novel about a wife and mother whose life is unraveling and the well-intentioned but increasingly disastrous steps she takes to course-correct her relationships, her career, and her belief in herself

Judy never intended to start wearing the dog. But when she stumbled across her son Teddy’s old baby sling during a halfhearted basement cleaning, something in her snapped. So: the dog went into the sling, Judy felt connected to another living being, and she’s repeated the process every day since.

Life hasn’t gone according to Judy’s plan. Her career as a children’s book author offered a glimpse of success before taking an embarrassing nose dive. Teddy, now a teenager, treats her with some combination of mortification and indifference. Her best friend is dying. And her husband, Gary, has become a pot-addled professional “snackologist” who she can’t afford to divorce. On top of it all, she has a painfully ironic job writing articles for a self-help website—a poor fit for someone seemingly incapable of helping herself.

Wickedly funny and surprisingly tender, Separation Anxiety offers a frank portrait of middle-aged limbo, examining the ebb and flow of life’s most important relationships. Tapping into the insecurities and anxieties that most of us keep under wraps, and with a voice that is at once gleefully irreverent and genuinely touching, Laura Zigman has crafted a new classic for anyone taking fumbling steps toward happiness.

Release dateMar 3, 2020

Laura Zigman

Laura Zigman is the author of Separation Anxiety, Animal Husbandry, Dating Big Bird, Her, and Piece of Work. She has been a contributor to the New York Times and the Washington Post, and was the recipient of a Yaddo residency. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At first, I was a little confused about why she wore her shelty dog in a sling. Judy was 50 years old and had a teenager who was extremely non-communicative, a wonderful career of children's book author who hit writer' blog with a bang and her marriage was over. Judy and Gary were only living together in the same house because he could not afford to move out.Now I get it. Judy was overwhelmed with anxiety, grief both in the recent past and known future and it was too much to bear. especially aloneI remember when my parent's marriage had fallen apart and my mother was taking care of myseverely autistic brother and substituting for primary school part time. I had withdrawn, and did not feel accepted at school but did not want to ask my overburdened mother for help. What did we do? In the evening. when we gathered to watch TV together, we each had a warm, soft blanket around us. That really helped in more than one way in the winter but it seemed strange to outsiders in the summer. We too had been overwhelmed and needed the warmth and the feeling of weight against out bodies.I really connected with this book on many levels and want to read more from her.I received an Advanced copy of this book from the Publisher as a win from FirstReads but that in no way made a difference in my thoughts or feelings in this review
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This humorous novel is about getting old and life changing - something that happens to all of us but some people accept it better than others. As with many people, the main character feels that she is invisible to the rest of the world but she comes up with a strange way to handle her feelings. I empathized with her because I've had a lot of the same feelings so it was great to read a funny book about life changing as you get older.Judy is 50 years old. She has a surly teenage son who no longer talks to her and a pot-smoking husband plus her best friend is dying of cancer. Judy is an author who had a very successful children's book but is now in permanent writer's block. She and her husband are always in debt and have trouble with bills - like their son's tuition. They are separated and sleep in different rooms but they can't afford to get a divorce. One day as Judy is cleaning out the basement, she finds the baby sling that someone gave her at her baby shower and she realizes that she's never used it. So she puts it on and tucks her dog into the sling. All of a sudden life begins to feel better and she has the dog with her to help alleviate her anxiety over life. Carrying around the dog in a sling upsets her son and husband but it makes her feel wonderful so she continues to do it. The big question throughout the book is whether Judy will be able to find happiness in her life as she is faced with all of the struggles and set backs that seem to multiple as you get older. And if she does find happiness, will she be able to get rid of the sling or will it keep her set in her old ways and attitudes.It's hard to grow old and become invisible to the rest of the world but even if you are invisible, you can still find happiness. This is a funny but emotional look at finding peace and contentment as you grow older.Thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good book, super all over the place though.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good read but wish there had been more focus on the solution rather than the problem.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The situations are highly improbable, but so relatable.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A woman, feeling a bit insecure, starts carrying her dog in a baby sling. And it gets pretty extreme. The poor dog – a pet store dog seems more a prop, a security blanket, rather than a being. And hubby is afraid of puppets. These people are pretty damaged. But I just couldn't like them. Despite their foibles, they just didn't seem like very nice people. The quest felt more like an escape. I finished this book, but was glad when it was over and I could move onto something interesting.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    None of the characters were likable and I could not muster up sympathy or empathy for any of them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Oh boy, am I seem so normal when compared to Judy Vogel the narrator in this story. Her husband was an aspiring musician way back when he opened for Aerospace. She had a children’s book leap into the best seller lists and then made into an animated movie. But now, she’s just barely coping with life. Her son is now in a 7th grade Montessori school, she’s writing spiffy little positive pieces for an online wellness website. She’s taken to carrying their family dog in a baby sling wherever she goes. She and her husband are separated, but can’t afford separate living arrangements, so he sleeps and smokes his medicinal marijuana in the snoring room in the basement. She’s forced into hosting the people puppets stay performing at her son’s school and she can’t figure out where she belongs. Eventually she discovers an extended family that includes the people puppets and even her middle school crush and she’s happy. May it continue to be a happy life for her.

Book preview

Separation Anxiety - Laura Zigman

Part One

Sheltering in Place

The Sling

I start wearing the family dog, a mini-sheltie, a little Lassie, in an unbleached cotton baby sling across the front of my body like a messenger bag, a few weeks shy of fall. Until I slip the sling over my head and feel a strange surge of relief run through me, a liquid narcotic from an unknown source, there’s nothing special about the day. It’s no one’s birthday, it’s not the anniversary of someone’s death or a reminder of an ancient career milestone, long gone and unsurpassed. Nothing in particular is reminding me more than usual of life’s quick passage of random moments, some good, some not so good, some very very bad, disappearing like train cars into the vanishing point of a distant horizon. It’s just an opaque Thursday in late August, a month before New England is ready to give up the thick haze of summer, a day I randomly pick to try to radically de-clutter the basement using a book everyone is swearing by. The ruthless purging of possessions to the point of self-erasure is what I’m after. I already feel invisible; why not go all the way?

I’m fifty when I head down to the basement. My son is thirteen. He no longer wears matching pajamas or explains the virtues of Buttermilk Eggo waffles compared to Homestyle, or holds my hand when we cross the street or walk through a supermarket. He no longer begs for LEGOs, pulling me into the store at the mall, pointing at all the boxes, jewels on the shelves, gifts waiting to be given.

It’s hard for me to believe those moments ever happened; that I was ever in the middle of all that love, and time, and possibility, and that now I’m not. Life eventually takes away everyone and everything we love and leaves us bereft. Is that its sad lesson? That’s the only explanation I have for why I now wear the dog; my version of magical thinking: little tiny cracks are forming inside me every day and only the dog is keeping me from coming apart completely.

* * *

Like most of the mistakes I’ve made—wearing a three-piece brown corduroy suit (jacket, vest, and skirt) for my bat mitzvah instead of a dress; refusing to take remedial SAT classes after repeatedly failing to crack 500 on either the verbal or math sections; telling people I don’t like carrots and squash and other orange vegetables instead of just lying like a normal person and saying I’m allergic to them; marrying Gary instead of someone else or maybe not getting married at all—to name only a few—there are so many—I consider wearing the dog to be something that happens by accident.

I don’t go down to the basement that day with the intention of looking for the sling a vegetarian friend gave me years ago when Teddy was born that I’d mocked but never used. Back then, I couldn’t imagine wearing my newborn all day across my chest in what looked like a giant diaper. Teddy had been ten pounds at birth. Hadn’t I worn him long enough? The front carrier, a BabyBjörn, another gift, was too complicated—so many straps; so many clasps—but the sling seemed even worse. Uncomfortable and unfashionable. Ridiculous, even. I’d taken it out of its eco-friendly burlap sack long enough to roll my eyes at it before repacking it and shoving it into the back of a drawer. Eventually it ended up in one of the big plastic containers from Teddy’s babyhood marked SAVE in extra thick black Sharpie on a jagged piece of masking tape. All caps, in case there was ever any question.

The day I descend the stairs I have the de-cluttering book’s central question in my head—whether the objects in my basement give me joy or not—to determine whether they should be kept or thrown away. So little gives me joy now that I’m afraid I’ll get rid of every single thing I’ve ever owned and end up with nothing. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Feeling empty only makes me want to be emptier. But within minutes of pawing through the first big plastic box, full of Teddy’s old clothes, I find neatly folded pajamas and jerseys and pants, all impossibly tiny, all heartbreakingly meaningful: the French-striped newborn-onesie we’d brought him home in; the tiger shirt he vomited all over at four months but that I managed to wash in time so it didn’t stain; his first pair of dinosaur pajamas from when he was three; his last pair of Batman underwear from when he was five. Each item I unfold and refold crushes me. Each time that I ask myself the book’s central question, my answer is always the same: these used to give me joy but don’t anymore, because they only remind me of what isn’t anymore.

I’m into semantics now, but I don’t have the book itself—I was too cheap to buy it and couldn’t square the internal conflict between acquiring a possession (the book) for the express purpose of clearing away possessions—to clarify whether, based on the past/present issue, I should keep or purge the things that once gave me joy but now only make me want to stab my eyes out. I blink at the sea of plastic containers, at all the buried treasure—all the best years—babyhood, toddlerhood, the preschool and elementary school years—everything before middle school—forever gone. I drop to my knees then, onto the damp musty cement floor, my hands still touching the clothes, and weep—a messy untidy unjoyful kind of weeping. I wish I could purge myself of my self.

At some point I dig around in one of the boxes for an old burp cloth to wipe my nose with. And that’s when I pull out the burlap sack with the unused sling in it. Like I said, it happens by accident.

The sight of the sling now doesn’t make me think about women in Birkenstocks and hemp pants floating through organic produce aisles with their newborns. This time, the sight of that empty sling gives me joy. It makes me want to pick it up, and hug it, and marry it. And fill it. With something.

* * *

And so, it starts slowly. One minute I’m hugging and wiping my nose with the old baby sling; the next minute I’m slipping the sling over my head, marveling at the economy of its simple design: no straps, no clasps, no ties or buckles. How many of life’s paths are forged this way—one small unplanned step toward, and away from, something else unknown? At some point I stand up. The sling hangs down below my hips. I feel like Björk at the Oscars wearing that swan.

I take a step, then another step, wondering the whole time why I so stupidly never used the sling when I’d had the chance. All that missed opportunity for human closeness. I snap the lids back onto the big plastic boxes of Teddy’s childhood and head upstairs, the fabric swinging back and forth across my abdomen as I go. It’s annoying but not a deal breaker. I know I’ll get used to it.

Once upstairs, it doesn’t take long before I wonder what it would feel like to carry something in the sling. Something soft but heavy. Something baby-like. It’s been so long.

I scan the kitchen; consider first a clean and folded bath towel at the top of the laundry basket that could be molded into a baby-like rectangle; then a red cabbage on the counter waiting to be sliced and braised with chicken for dinner that could be the baby-head; then a few cans of tomatoes from the pantry that could be thrown in for some baby-weight. But none of these things feels right; none has the right heft; none gives me the feeling I crave of having something next to my body that is alive and childlike, something that wants to be cradled constantly and carried everywhere. Or could be convinced to want that.

So maybe that’s when the dog walks into the kitchen. Or maybe it’s later, when the dog is sleeping on the floor next to the couch, her paws twitching every few seconds and her face, in repose, looking so peaceful and calm—a rare thing for a sheltie, whose mission in life is to herd, to boss, to control—that it first occurs to me. I can’t remember. Does it matter? At some point, as the baby-simulating items go in and out of the sling, I raise an eyebrow and think: What about the dog? And then: What about the dog?

Desire blinds me. I get down on the floor and tug on her collar. And just like that, as her reluctant paws slide along the floor like a Tom and Jerry cartoon sequence, everything changes.

* * *

At first, I only wear the dog inside the house, when no one else is home. It seems harmless enough. An improvised self-care remedy that instantly works better than any psycho-pharmaceutical or baked good ever has. When school starts again right after Labor Day, I drive Teddy in the morning, then come home and pace, avoiding the stacks of bills and my work. But I can’t ignore the dog. I eye her, asleep peacefully on the floor—and try to resist—really, I do—I have a second cup of coffee, check my email and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram accounts twenty more times, knock out a few rounds of Words with Friends, try to block out the awful things the government is now doing daily. But I always give in, defeated. There is no fighting the need to take comfort in whatever form is available. I walk slowly across the house to the bedroom, kneel down in front of the white IKEA bureau that had caused Gary and me to fight so bitterly years earlier while putting it together—Gary had actually accused me of withholding directions to its assembly, as if I wouldn’t have done anything to cut our agony by even a nanosecond if I could have, not prolong it—and open the drawer that had once been just for sweaters I never wear anymore. The mere act of reaching blindly for the sling behind all my moth-eaten cashmere always brings instant relief.

Sure, I feel like a perv when I slip the sling over my head and stalk the dog around the room—catching her in a position where she can be picked up quickly and smoothly, like a weight lifter’s clean-and-jerk lift, before rolling over on her back, thinking it’s some kind of bonus playtime, is always a challenge. Especially when it takes three or four times before I can grab her in a surprise attack and maneuver her inside, always getting dog hair in my mouth and enduring a moment when I fear I might drop her or fall over before finding the sweet spot of the heavy sling on my lower stomach and hip.

Charlotte isn’t light—twenty pounds on a good day—and she is unwieldy sometimes, like when she wants to get out for no reason other than the fact that she’s a normal dog who just wants to be free and her paws scratch against the fabric, even though I always make sure she can see and breathe just fine in there. I usually throw in one of those disgusting dried bull penises sold in pet stores as a chew snack—a bully stick—as a bribe. I know it’s not fair for the dog to endure my obsession without there being something in it for her, too, so I always have plenty of treats on hand to get her in the sling and keep things fun.

It doesn’t take long for the dog to like it. To look forward to it. I know that might sound like wishful thinking or projection on my part, but who’s to say that even if I am projecting that the dog doesn’t actually like it in there? The two ideas aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. I might be floridly demented in thinking the dog likes being carried around in a giant diaper, but the dog might really like it in there. Because seriously, what’s not to like? It’s warm, there are snacks, and for a few hours every day she doesn’t have to walk or sniff or chase or make any decisions of her own. It’s like a vacation, a stress-free state of suspended animation that I sometimes wish I could replicate for myself.

Those hours when the dog is in the sling are restorative for me. Like a new drug, it’s helping me taper off an old one, overlapping and masking the side effects of withdrawal. By which I mean, wearing Charlotte is helping me get through the end of Teddy’s childhood. By which I mean, instead of turning to my husband with that overwhelming sadness and longing, I’ve turned to our dog.

No wonder we’re separated.


I wear the dog around the house while I do my content-generating work, writing short engagingly shallow online posts for Well/er, a health and happiness website run by a small local startup with national aspirations whose management team has a median dude-age of twenty-four. Well/er believes in tiny incremental gains in physical and emotional wellness (hence Well/er, not Well), instead of big ambitious ones: DOING JUST ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE is the website’s actual tagline. As a fundamentally lazy person myself, I can’t say I disagree: sometimes less is more.

There’s a bank of article ideas and suggested due dates on the content-management system (CMS), as well as an updated list of timely topics that I can pick from every morning—maintained and sent out by Eden, the content manager who is based in Atlanta and whose avatar is a blue female Avatar from the movie Avatar, even though people refer to Eden with male pronouns in email chains. Whatever. We’re occasionally supposed to meet via Google Chat or Skype, depending on which platform has working sound or video, but since I started a year ago our team Skype calls have mostly been without video. Which is fine with me—I’d rather not remind people of how old I am if I don’t have to, which is the unfortunate effect that staring at my turkey neck on a Skype or Google Chat call—and the occasional and deeply humiliating interruption of my AOL You’ve got mail! alert—has on people. I’m certain that the second the call is over all the twenty-year-olds whisper sweetly among themselves about how I remind them of their moms. I’m certain because that actually happened once before we all got disconnected.

As a contractor paid by the piece, I’m expected to submit three to four articles a day, each one no more than three hundred to four hundred words, written in short paragraphs and in a snappy style, nothing too taxing for our attention-span-challenged readers, but always including links to scientific studies that back up whatever dubious point I’m supposed to be making, even if the research sounds made up to me. People love neuroscience now, how it can support almost every single bad habit and instinct we have, whether it’s for spending too much money (money buys happiness if you spend it on experiences instead of things) or earning less money than you need to (income has a positive impact on happiness, but anything over $75,000 is only mood gravy), or inherent laziness (tiny changes in habits are better and easier to maintain than big changes). I’m not sure any of this is true. In the years when I earned a fair amount of money, it made me quite happy actually, no matter what I spent it on.

But that was a long time ago, when a picture book I wrote, There’s a Bird on Your Head, an embrace-your-weirdness manifesto, became a surprise cult classic and then an animated PBS television series. I’d never imagined, as an art history major in college and then in the early part of my career when I was working for Black Bear Books, the children’s book division of a big New York publisher, that I would ever earn that much. During those good years, everyone told me I would go from success to success, that money and opportunity would keep rolling in. But they didn’t. Life is like that. It’s a series of advancements and regressions, the same tide, coming and going, giving and taking away. A secret part of me still believes the current will come back in after all these dry years. But the bigger part wakes up in the middle of the night wondering what will become of the four of us—Gary, Teddy, Charlotte, and me—if it doesn’t.

Content-generation, the work I do now, feels like another regression, another failure, but Gary and I aren’t getting any younger and there are bills to pay, so I pursue it with nothing short of desperation. Doing just enough is enough, I tell myself when I pick a topic, knock out a few glib paragraphs, search for the perfect gauzy stock photo of a piece of avocado toast or the silhouette of a silver-haired forty-year-old doing yoga on a wood deck at sunset, then pause to come up with a suggested click-bait headline before hitting send and starting another. Magic is everywhere, even in content-generation, like when fabric clogs on a foot model make the perfect visual point for your Does working at home make you less attractive? post. Maybe this new career will magically lead me somewhere, to the next step in my proverbial journey, to a pot of gold at the end of a nonexistent rainbow. It’s the fantasy of being saved that keeps me going.

The question of where to put my laptop since my lap is now occupied by the dog is an adjustment at first, until I realize that I don’t actually have to have the dog on my lap—Charlotte can be half on my hip and half on the bed. This isn’t an Olympic sport, after all. There are no rules, no mandatory movements or positions, no points taken off for bad form. I can make it up as I go along, just like I do with my work. Are dogs the ultimate antidepressant? Can dogs ease empty-nester heartache? Anything is possible with a well-placed question mark and an endless supply of dubious functional MRI conclusions available from a simple Google search. Any thought, question, or half-baked idea of mine can become a Well/er piece.

About an hour before it’s time to pick Teddy up from school and before Gary gets home from work, I take Charlotte off, hide the sling in the middle drawer, and bring her out to do all the things a normal dog should be allowed to do in the course of a normal dog-day—including a long walk—slingless, on and off the leash, in the neighborhood or around the reservoir that we drive to, where she gets to play and socialize with other dogs. Once home, she finds a place to nap on the floor or on the bed or on the couch before I leave. The afternoons and evenings pass easily, usually—laundry, cooking, a little more content-generation distracting me from missing the weight around my neck, against my hip, balancing my laptop next to that warm cotton sack of dog fur.

Eventually, though, the hours in between sling-time drag, and I find myself wanting, then needing, to wear the dog like a baby all the time. Who wouldn’t? But need leads to impulsivity, and impulsivity is how accidents happen.

* * *

It doesn’t take long for my secret to get discovered. A few weeks after I start wearing the dog, right after school starts, I get sloppy and lose track of time. I forget that every third Tuesday Gary leaves work as a part-time snackologist at a large communal work space near MIT—managing the infinite selection of organic non-GMO snacks and beverages for the hordes of startup teams and independent contractors half our age paying for daily shared office space—and races home, eager to do a few one-hits out the upstairs bathroom window hours before Teddy gets back from school and while I am usually still out running errands. That September afternoon, as I lumber from refrigerator to sink with the sling, fixing myself and the dog a little snack—cheddar cheese cubes and a few stale Fritos, our favorite—Gary suddenly appears in the kitchen. Tall and rangy and fit, he is wearing his mandatory company black fleece zip-up vest with the WORK IT TOGETHER (WIT) logo over the left breast, black jeans, and black T-shirt, a uniform he hates. With his still-full head of longish salt-and-pepper hair and rimless round Lennon glasses, he looks like an architect or designer, not an underemployed former musician trying to fit into a new corporate culture to help make ends meet.

When I see him I stop short. How will I explain why our dog’s slender pointy-snouted head is poking out of a diaper across my chest? I look down at the sling as if I’m as surprised as Gary to find it hanging there. I was just cleaning out the basement, I say, implying the basement cleaning was today, not almost a month earlier. I reach into the bag for another handful of corn chips but don’t eat them. I hadn’t planned on being discovered. I don’t have my story down yet. But as freaked out as I am, I’m actually relieved. It’s time. I’m tired of having a secret, of having to pretend that everything’s fine. This is who I am now in middle age—lost and confused and shifting constantly between my own world and the real world. If the dog is helping me survive these dark days, then good for me. I shouldn’t be ashamed. In fact, I should be applauded for finding a harmless, nonalcoholic, nonnarcotic, noncannabinoid solution to my pain. (Right?)

Gary leans forward an inch or two, waiting for the rest of my explanation, which is not forthcoming. "And . . . the sling just jumped out and demanded to be worn?" He looks at me like I could not possibly be weirder, like I have a bird on my head.

I slip a corn chip into the sling, then nod at him above the sound of the dog’s crunching, a sound I love almost as much as I love the sound of Teddy crunching Cheez-Its or Goldfish. Actually, that’s pretty much exactly what happened.

His eyes dart over to the freezer. You didn’t eat any cookies, did you?

"Pot cookies?" Sensing an opening, an opportunity to divert attention from my sling-problem to his pot-smoking problem, which

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