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The Dream Daughter: A Novel
The Dream Daughter: A Novel
The Dream Daughter: A Novel
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The Dream Daughter: A Novel

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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New York Times bestselling author Diane Chamberlain delivers a thrilling, mind-bending novel about one mother's journey to save her child.

When Carly Sears, a young woman widowed by the Vietnam war, receives the news that her unborn baby girl has a heart defect, she is devastated. It is 1970, and she is told that nothing can be done to help her child. But her brother-in-law, a physicist with a mysterious past, tells her that perhaps there is a way to save her baby. What he suggests is something that will shatter every preconceived notion that Carly has. Something that will require a kind of strength and courage she never knew existed. Something that will mean an unimaginable leap of faith on Carly's part.

And all for the love of her unborn child.

The Dream Daughter is a rich, genre-spanning, breathtaking novel about one mother's quest to save her child, unite her family, and believe in the unbelievable. Diane Chamberlain pushes the boundaries of faith and science to deliver a novel that you will never forget.

Praise for The Dream Daughter:

"Chamberlain writes with supernatural gifts
...fate, destiny, chance and hope combine for a heady and breathless wonder of a read." —Pam Jenoff, New York Times bestselling author of The Orphan's Tale

"Can a story be both mind-bending and heartfelt? In Diane Chamberlain’s hands, it can. The Dream Daughter will hold readers in anxious suspense until the last satisfying page." —Therese Fowler, New York Times bestselling author of Z

Release dateOct 2, 2018

Diane Chamberlain

DIANE CHAMBERLAIN is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty-five novels published in over fifteen languages. Her books include Big Lies in a Small Town, The Stolen Marriage and The Dream Daughter. She lives in North Carolina with her partner, photographer John Pagliuca, and her sheltie, Cole.

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Reviews for The Dream Daughter

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Readers find this title to be an amazing story with lots of adventure and tear jerkers. The book is highly recommended and the readers couldn't put it down. Even those who are not big on fantasy books enjoyed this one and found it to be well-written and believable. They are looking forward to reading more books by this author.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing story with lots of adventure and tear jerkers! Highly recommend
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely loved this book, could not put it down!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed your book.... Would like to see it as a movie!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am not really big on fantasy books, so wasn’t sure if I would like this one or not, but I was tired of the usual books I had been reading so I thought I’d give this one a try. Glad I did, I enjoyed this book and couldn’t put it down. It didn’t really seem like a fantasy book, it was all very well written and seemed like the story could have really happened. I will definitely be reading more of this authors books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I like most of Diane Chamberlain's books.....but time travel?? I was prepared to stop reading at any time if it got too absurd, but surprisingly she sucked me in. Of course, the whole premise is ridiculous, but Chamberlain made a good story out of it. Except for the ending - it was just a little too "perfect" for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What a great read The Dream Daughter turned out to be. Whilst the synopis gave me an inkling as to where this story was headed, I was pleasantly surprised with some of the twists and turns. It started off a bit slow for my liking but I'm glad I stuck around for the ride
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The Dream Daughter, Diane Chamberlain, author; Susan Bennett, narratorThe time is 1970. The place is Nags Head, North Carolina. Carly Sears is bereft. Within the last year, she has learned two things. Her husband Joe Sears, was killed in Vietnam, only a couple of weeks after he got there, and she, pregnant with his child, had only just learned that the child would not live because of a fatal heart defect.In 1965, Carly had worked as a physical therapist. She was assigned to help a man named Hunter Poole, who was behaving oddly. After getting to know him, she introduced him to her sister Patty, and they married. The four of them became close. When Joe died in Vietnam, about five years later, Carly moved to Nags Head to be with her sister and Hunter. When Hunter revealed his true background to Carly, so he could offer her a way to save her baby, she wanted to have him hospitalized in a psych ward. He told her, he was from the year 2018, and he said he could send her to 2001, because by then, fetal surgery was being done, and he believed her baby could be saved.After he proved who he was, she decided to risk all to save her baby. Without telling Patty of their plans, she sets off. When Patty finds out the truth, she is aghast and furious with both Carly and Hunter for plotting behind her back to endanger Carly. Patty was afraid to lose her sister and didn’t quite understand that while she would go to great lengths to save her only child, John Paul, Carly would also go to great lengths to save her unborn child. In 2001, Carly contacts Hunter’s mother, Myra. She gives her whatever help she can, arranging the surgery and places to stay for the after care. After a series of catastrophic events caused changes in the plans for Carly to return to 1970, through a portal, with Joanna, she is forced to return to 1970, without her newborn. As soon as she gets back to 1970, Carly demands to go back again to 2001, to retrieve Joanna. The calculations for time travel have to be precise, and the tragedy of 9/11, on the morning she drops back into the future, interferes with the date of her arrival. She returns to 2013, not 2001. Now, Joanna is a pre-teen. Carly finds Hunter’s mom, Myra, the genius behind time travel, and demands that she help her discover her child’s whereabouts. She wants to know that she is alive and well. She is obsessed with finding and meeting her. She disobeys Hunter’s mom who insists that she does not interfere, and she interacts with Joanna and her family. She works at an inn, and she brings the inn dog, Poppy, to play with Joanna’s dog Jobs, named, of course, for Steve Jobs.When forces beyond Carly’s control, intercede again, she begs Hunter’s mom to send her back to 1970. After visiting the Vietnam Wall, in 2013, she had discovered that her husband did not die in 1970, but had been held as a POW for three years by the North Vietnamese. He was going to return home in 1973. She had to go home and await his return. Ecstatic, but confused and bewildered, she had decided that her daughter Joanna did not really need her. Joe, however, would surely need her upon his return after all he had been through. Hunter’s mom sends her back to 1970 to wait for his release in 1973, but before she leaves, stepping off into the past from her daughter’s treehouse, she tells Joanna the truth and scares the life out of her. She leaves 2013 to the sound of Joanna’s screams for help.Shortly after Carly returns to 1970, Hunter’s mom, whom Hunter had presumed had been lost because of the rule of five in time travel, shows up at Carly’s door. Myra had decided that she wanted to be with her son. Carly had shown her the importance of being with your child. 52 years later, in 2022, Joanna shows up in Nags Head, North Carolina, with Jobs and Poppy, the two dogs that in 2013, had played together in Joanna’s yard, as Carly trained them and befriended Joanna.Summing it all up, Carly was 27 when she traveled to the future the first time in 2001. She is still 27, when she travels back to 1970 without Joanna, that first time. She is 27 when she returns to 2013, because of a glitch, instead of 2001, for her second trip into the future. Joanna was now almost 13. When she returns to 1970, on her final time travel trip, she is still 27. However, when Joanna goes to Nags Head, it is only 9 years later, for her, from 2013-2022. She is 22 or 23 years old now. For Carly, it is 52 years later and she is now, almost 80. Of course, for Joanna, it is proof positive that Carly had been telling the truth.In this novel, things fall into place magically, like in a fairy tale. I had to force myself to finish the book. The coincidences were overwhelming, and they taxed credulity. Even suspending disbelief didn’t help. Obviously, Carly watches the same soap operas in 2001 as in 1970, she learns about cell phones, internet, and email from Myra. Everyone she meets is only too happy to help her, her doorman, the nurses, Joanna’s mom, the innkeeper. In essence, Chamberlain has created Nirvana for Carly.I also felt as if the author was using this sappy narrative to push a progressive agenda with much of the dialogue. The book was anti-war, anti Bush, anti Nixon, pro Obamacare and immigration. It felt like a treatise for liberals as Oprah Winfrey and CNN were lauded. The Kent State tragedy was highlighted. I had not known that the students disobeyed the police and threw rocks at them. The shameful way the returning Vietnam War soldiers were treated was also highlighted as were the alternating views on the war. Obama was lionized.At first, I thought that the novel would be a kind of marriage between “The Time Traveler’s Wife” and “Benjamin Button”, but this is in a class by itself, and it doesn’t compare to either of those two imaginative novels. I kept thinking that the book would get better, but it kept getting sillier and sillier, filled with mundane details like descriptions of pajamas and descriptions of dog snacks. All things in this fairytale turn out well. Here are some: The fetal surgery goes well, Joanna is in a wealthy, loving home, Joe returns well and not emotionally scarred from a Vietnam POW camp, Hunter finds his mother, Carly goes on to have other children, her daughter finds her in Nags Head and meets her father. Like I said, nirvana.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain is a 2018 St. Martin’s Press publication. A frenetic, heart wrenching, but captivating story of strength, hope, and love-It’s 1970-Caroline ‘Carly’ Sears is newly widowed and expecting her first child. If this weren’t stressful enough, her doctors believe her unborn child may have a fatal heart defect. With her sister and brother-in-law by her side, Caroline must resign herself to the possibility her child will die soon after she is born. Hunter, a physicist, has a tough decision to make. Upon hearing of his sister-in-law’s prognosis, he knows he can save her child. How? But traveling back to the future. As it happens, Hunter is from 2018, but he traveled back in time after his wife dies, meets Carly, then her sister, whom he marries, and starts a family with. He’s carved out a nice life for himself and is content. But, he is willing to risk it all for Carly and her baby. Will she believe him? Is she brave enough to travel into the future? Will be able to return to 1970? How will the truth effect Hunter’s marriage? I’ve been sitting on this book for a while. I knew it would be good because Diane Chamberlain has never disappointed me. The early reviews were amazing. But, I still procrastinated, waiting for the day the book called out to me. After I finished the book, I just couldn’t find the words to write a review. So, I procrastinated some more. I hope I can do the book justice, especially after reading so many wonderful reviews of this amazing book! As I have said many times, time travel is a hard sell for me. But, this may be the most realistic and believable depiction of time travel possibilities I have ever read. However, it is the mother’s love for her child that resonates, that makes the risks worth it. The story is also one of the most suspenseful novels of its kind I’ve ever read. The emotions are raw, tangible, almost physical. I was riveted, held captive by this story, the suspense nearly intolerable, but I was simply unable to tear myself away from it. The characters are eclectic, Carly is obviously the most sympathetic while others are an enigma. The twist and turns are breathtaking, surreal, and pulse pounding, holding me on the edge of my seat, with my heart in my throat. This story is so well constructed, so thought provoking, poignant and soul- stirring!! I don’t think I’ve read anything quite like it before. Chamberlain’s novels always leave an impression on me, but this one, captured my imagination and left me reeling with emotions. I loved it! Loved it! This one is imprinted on my brain and in my heart and I promise it will not fade from consciousness for a long time to come!! 5+ stars
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have been waiting for this book since Diane's last book came out. I didn't know what to expect, but this story blew me away. I can't tell you what happened, but you need to read this book ASAP!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The premise of this book is interesting. It involves a somewhat over used theme these days - time travel. A young widow whose husband dies in Vietnam finds out that she is pregnant with her baby and wants to save it as she is told the baby has a heart disorder and will die it is born. Conveniently she meets a time traveler from the future who says he can send her there where the problem can be corrected in utero before the child is born. From here a lot of pretty predictable things happen that slow her progress. (Murphy's Law). I liked it but it is was not my passion.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I received an audio copy of The Dream Daughter from MacMillan Audio. Diane Chamberlain’s story of Carly Sears, a young widow who will, and does, do literally anything to save the life of her unborn child is mesmerizing. Simply mesmerizing. And Sandra Bennett’s narration is absolutely perfect. Even if you have read The Dream Daughter, listening to Sandra Bennett tell this marvelous story is well worth your time.There is not much you can say about The Dream Daughter without giving away too much of the story. Just let me say that Carly is a strong, brave young woman whose journey for love is extraordinary. Author Diane Chamberlain weaves the time travel seamlessly and believably into the story. The pace is smooth and quick and I couldn’t wait to learn what happened next. I kept hoping and guessing that I knew what the future – or the past – held but I was surprised time after time. I listened to this audiobook while taking my daily walk and often walked much farther and longer than intended because I just could not stop listening.Thanks for MacMillan Audio, Diane Chamberlain and Sandra Bennett for providing me with a reading and listening experience that I will not soon forget.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Loved this! I loved that it had a huge science fiction element but didn’t get too caught up in the minute details of the science, so peasants like me could enjoy the story without feeling overwhelmed and bogged down. Thank you to the publishers and the author for providing me with a free copy of this book!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! I cannot say enough great things about this one!! I loved the writing style and was completely invested in it. Carly is pregnant and lives in 1970. She finds out her daughter has a serious heart problem and there is no medical procedure to help her. Her brother-in-law Hunter has a solution, but can Carly pull it off!? My heart broke, I celebrated successes, found myself surprised and kept imagining myself in her situation. Check this one out!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain 2018St. Martins 3.0 / 5.0This book I wanted to love.The plot seemed like something I would like.Its beginning was intense. The tension was building, until just past the middle of the book....then it seemed to fall apart. It was predictable.I only liked this, I did not like the ending.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book, The Dream Daughter, tells the story of a mother in 1970 who finds out her unborn baby has a heart defect. The technology in 1970 is far from what it is in the 21st century, and there is nothing they can do for the baby. Carly, the mother, is devastated as she also just lost her husband in the war. However, her brother-in-law is familiar with time travel and offers to send her into the future to have surgery to save her baby's life. The story unfolds as Carly does go to the future, the baby's fight for life and then how to get back to 1970.

    Without giving away anything, this is a book about the love of a mother for a child at heart. That love, that bind, is something that time and bounds cannot break, and anyone who has had a child can relate. The decisions Carly makes, the struggles she goes through - while the reader has to suspend reality because of the time-travel element - are all real. The emotion is real.

    The story wraps up and ties up most of the loose ends (the ones that count, anyway). I loved the characters, and I loved the story. I loved the epilogue that gives the reader a glimpse to how things turned out. There were a few lingering questions, especially regarding time travel that I had left, but overall, I loved the book. It's not sci-fi; it's women's fiction that will tug at your heartstrings.

    * Thank you to St. Martin's press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Diane Chamberlain shows us yet again her incredible writing strength. After reading Necessary Lies, surrounding the Eugenics Programs of the 1940's, I was excited to pick up Diane's newest novel. The Dream Daughter brings Chamberlain FAR outside her typical comfort zone in this genre-crossing, time-crossing, engrossing read. What remains from Chamberlain's previous novels is her dedicated skill in accurately depicting healthcare, but what is increasingly significant in this read is her talent in capturing the time periods in which this newest novel spans. From 9/11 attack, to the age of Apple and the 1970's Vietnam War, Caroline Sears bravely navigates them all to protect her unborn child. *Disclaimer: A review copy of this book was provided by BookishFirst in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If a mother thinks her child is in any danger, she will move heaven and earth. In this novel, the mother's actions are extreme and heroic. The plot is very complex and also very strong. The story evolves to include an orphan, a dead husband, a sister, medical science, and a lot of courage and friendship.Suspense is high throughout as the mother surmounts one hurdle after the other.The plot is so complex the reader cannot predict the ending. However the story ends in a satisfying way.I thought this novel was extremely high quality and memorable. I rank it among the top one or two I've read this year. The story is mostly told through the mother but other characters have their say and thoughts I places as well. All the characters contribute to the plot and interest, including two dogs.This is the kind of caring mother anyone would be glad to have.The characters are all good people. There is no cruelty or fighting, except for the statement in the first part of the book where the author states the husband had been killed previously, fighting in Vietnam. There is also no content not suitable for young people but older people who have closer experience to motherhood and deep friendship among grownups might be able to relate better to the mother's thinking as well as the interactions of the other characters with the mother.I recommend this book for anyone from high school age on.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    arly Sears has just found out that her unborn child has a fatal heart defect. She’s already struggling because her husband, the child’s father, was killed in the Vietnam War. Her life feels hopeless. Then her brother-in-law tells her he may have a way to save her unborn baby. What is a terminal heart defect in the 1970s is operable in the 2000s. Is what he suggesting for real? If so, does Carly have the courage to go through with it?I don’t want to say much more, except that things do not go as planned and so there are many twists and turns to Carly’s story. Time travel is not a new concept in literature but I found the way Chamberlain uses it to be totally original and creative. Carly’s journey to save her daughter is full of complications and I could not for the life of me predict how the book would end. It was bittersweet but satisfying.Even though there is an element of science fiction in this book, at its heart, it’s a story of family and a mother’s love for her child. I think it would make an excellent book club selection. As a mother, it made me think deeply about what lengths I would go to and what sacrifices I would make for my children. I imagine a book club could have a robust discussion about what they could do vs. what Carly did.The other book I’ve read by Chamberlain is Necessary Lies, which I loved as well. However, it’s so different from this book; I’m impressed with the range that she has. I definitely want to read more from her. I also want to read The Dream Daughter again. It’s the kind of book that is so well plotted that you will gain even more from it when you read it through knowing what’s in store at the end. I highly recommend it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    fullsizeoutput_35cdLINDAS BOOK OBSESSION REVIEW “THE DREAM DAUGHTER” BY DIANE CHAMBERLAIN. St. Martin’s Press Oct. 2, 2018Kudos to Diane Chamberlain, Author of “The Dream Daughter ” for writing such a unique, captivating, intense, intriguing, riveting, unusual, time-changing, page turner. There are many layers in this novel. The Genres for “The Dream Daughter” are Fiction, Science-Fiction, Mystery and Suspense. The time-line for the events and characters is different and changing. Diane Chamberlain vividly describes the time-changing events and history and her colorful cast of characters. I loved everything about this book.This story reminds me of “Back to the Future” and the “Time Machine.I could visualize this being a screen play , movie or a series.The author describes her characters as complex and complicated , possibly dictated by the events and circumstances in this story. We meet Caroline, a young physical therapist who is treating her first patient, Hunter, who appears quirky, full of secrets and surprises. Caroline is surprised to hear Hunter singing a new Beatles song that has never been heard before. Caroline introduces Hunter to her sister and they marry. A short while later Caroline marries, and is devastated when she is told her husband was killed in Vietnam. Caroline is pregnant, and Hunter and her sister accompany her to physicians to check on her baby, when other doctors feel something is wrong. These doctors confirm in the year 1970 that Caroline’s unborn baby has a severe heart defect and won’t make it.Hunter takes Caroline aside and offers a strange and unbelievable way to possibly save the baby. It involves Caroline having strength and faith to make a decision that could be dangerous. What will a mother’s love allow Caroline to do?There are twists and turns and ups and downs in this novel. This is a marriage of faith and science. Diane Chamberlain eloquently describes a mother’s love, emotional support, hope and faith. I would highly recommend this novel to readers who appreciate a story that makes you think and ponder after you read it. I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Dream Daughter is a really good book. It’s a bit hard to write a proper review without spoiling what makes it so unique. Carly is a young woman in 1970 studying to be a physical therapist when we meets an injured man who resists treatment until he sees her. They get along famously and she introduces him to her sister and soon he is her brother in law. Carly and her husband and her sister and brother in law are soon fast friends – until Viet Nam intervenes. Carly’s husband is killed and her world crumbles.The only thing keeping Carly going is knowing she is pregnant. She finds out that something is wrong with the baby’s heart and she is devastated. The doctors tell her that the baby will not survive its birth. Her brother in law tells her he has a way to help her but she has to trust him. When she hears what he proposes she wonders if he is sane. But the more she learns she realizes that she is willing to try almost anything to save her baby.To write much more would spoil the plot. I really enjoyed this twisty novel. It’s certainly one that requires just reading and enjoying. Ms. Chamberlain makes that easy by creating characters that are interesting and that the reader wants to get to know. The plot keeps moving along and I kept turning the pages wanting to know what was going to happen. I’m sorry if this is not as specific as some of my reviews but this is a story that has such a specific plot twist that the whole thing can be spoiled with one little slip. Just know it’s a really good read. It’s a great way to distract yourself from whatever is bothering you these days.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I’ve read a few of Dianne Chamberlain’s novels, but this one is the best yet! It was not exactly what I was expecting, but that was a good thing in this case. Carly, who has recently lost her husband in the Vietnam War, is pregnant and discovers her baby will be born with a serious heart issue. To what lengths will Carly go to save this baby? A baby that is all she has left of her life with her husband.The storyline kept me on the edge of my seat and had some unexpected twists along the way. I don’t want to tell anymore than what is on the synopsis so that readers will be as surprised as I was when they get deeper into the story.This will be a great pick for book clubs as there are several topics that could inspire good discussion. It’s also one of those books where a tissue may come in handy.Readers, be sure you have plenty of time to read, because you will not want to put this one down once you get started.Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read an advance copy and give my honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I’m a sucker for a time travel story and this one grabbed me straight away. Evidently the author, Diane Chamberlain, doesn’t typically write this style book. I give her an A+ for this delivery.Carly Sears has had a lot of heartache in a short period of time. Her parents were killed in an accident when she was a teenager and so her only family is her sister Patti. That is established early on so you know what a tight relationship they have.The book starts off in the 1970’s in North Carolina. Carly had recently been told her husband Joe was killed in Vietnam. Unbeknownst to Joe and Carly, she had conceived and was pregnant when he shipped out. Now Carly is a pregnant young widow and to top off that pain she learns her baby has a heart condition that is fatal to the newborn, at least it is in 1970.We start out with Carly as a young physical therapist doing an internship of sorts. She is the only therapist to connect with a depressed patient named Hunter Poole and this is where her life takes a dramatic turn. Hunter is from the future but no one knows this yet. He never wanted anyone to know. Hunter marries Carly’s sister Patti and establishes his life there in North Carolina. It’s before the cell phones, computers, microwaves and all the modern conveniences we have today. It’s also a lot less stressful for him.Once it’s determined through the early development of ultrasound that Carly’s baby will die, he makes the decision to tell her about himself. He knows if he can get his sister-in-law to the future an operation can be performed on the fetus, thus saving her baby. Carly would do a time jump from 1970 into New York City in 2001, get the advanced medical help she needs for her unborn child Joanna, then slide on back to her home in 1970 North Carolina. Easy peasy, right?Obviously she thinks he has a screw loose as this is an unbelievable story. To convince Carly he isn’t crazy he tells her about the Kent State shooting which will happen in a few days. Everything falls into lace for Carly such as the reason he knows the lyrics to Beatles’ songs on the day they are released or how he could know about events before they happened.A quote from Hunter: “There were days I missed the comforts of 2018. I missed my laptop computer and cell phone and the Internet more than anything. I missed being able to easily communicate with my friends, I missed being able to look up information in seconds. But 1970 came with a sort of peace I’d never known before………I traded my laptop and cell phone for a hammock and a book.”Foodie references are not frequent. Fried chicken , ham hocks and butter beans and homemade biscuits. Homemade food, all the time! But Carly in 2001 will experience Taco bell for the first time. Takeaway food, Google searches, iPads, cell phones and more. Wouldn’t that just blow you away? It would for me but I can say, there are times I would trade all this for a Norman Rockwell lifestyle that I had growing up in the 50’s and 60’s.The characters are all likable and that’s a refreshing change from some of the books I have abandoned lately. There is so much more to the story but I can’t give away any spoilers because this was a fun read. I hope if you like the time travel element you will check this out. It’s not all smooth and problem-solved, there are a couple of twists I wasn’t expecting.My only negative comment is that I think the resolution with Hunter’s mother wasn’t necessary. Too neatly tied up and frankly didn’t suit her personality. Yes, you’d have to read it to get a grip on Myra Poole’s character and why I feel this way.Thanks very much to NetGalley for providing me with this pre-lease copy of the Dream Daughter. I very much enjoyed it. Opinions are mine and I was not compensated for this review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely loved this book! In 1970, Carly Sears has just lost her husband in the Vietnam War and then finds out her unborn daughter has a heart defect that will kill her. Her brother in law, Hunter Poole, reveals to her that he was actually born in 1986 and his mother is physicist who discovered a way to travel through time. He can send her through a portal to 2001 where doctors can operate on her unborn baby to save her. After the surgery, Carly and her baby can travel back to 1970 through another portal to resume their lives. It is an incredible story of the lengths a mother will go to for her child. It is so interesting to read Carly's reactions to life in 2001 and later 2013. It's similar to The Time Traveler's Wife although the time travel itself is much more scientific. It definitely requires the suspension of disbelief but it is an incredible story so it's not hard to do. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The quiet undertone of suspense introduced in the PROLOGUE disappears in early chapters, making it's eventual appearance even more alluring.In 1965, Carly chooses to work with the "strange" guy, Hunter, and even introduces this stranger to her sister who marries him! Wait - what about the faintly sinister singing of"Ticket to Ride"? Carly's marriage to her long time love, Captain Joseph Sears, leads to a pregnancy that he never learns of because he is killed in Vietnam.Unborn Baby Joanna is diagnosed with what will be a fatal heart condition until Mom and Baby are time traveled away for preventative surgery. The plot moves quickly up to an overload of repeated hospital drama and a couple of questionable twists. Why does fully rational and scientific minded Myra not give Carly future portals? And, why does selfish Carly not seek a different solution other than the tree house, with its horrifying and haunting climax for her daughter? She could just have emailed her the Outer Banks address, no?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm a huge Diane Chamberlain fan. She never disappoints me so I was thrilled to see this was a 'read now' on Netgalley and snatched it right up. Thank you Netgalley!Now, I'm also someone who reads blind; I rarely read the synopsis. I trust certain authors and genres, the reviews of others, I follow the buzz and I love a good cover and this doesn't always work to my advantage as you can imagine. To say that I was blind-sided to find out that this book was about time travel is an understatement. I had no idea. I can't recall ever reading a book with time travel."If I'd learned anything in the last day, it was that the love of a mother could make a hero out of an everyday woman."When Caroline is told that her baby has a heart defect and won't live long outside of the womb she's devastated. She just lost her husband in Vietnam and this was baby was a piece of him, it would be cruel to lose them both. Her brother-in-law, Hunter, then tells her of a way but what he explains to her is unthinkable. Impossible.It was a little mushy at times and I felt it stalled out once, which is ultimately what prevented me from giving it 5 stars but Diane Chamberlain is a master at story telling.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I received a free copy of this book through the Goodreads First Reads programReview of Advance Readers’ EditionIn 1970, Caroline Sears learns that the baby she is carrying has a fatal heart defect; without exception, the doctor tells her, babies born with this problem die. Devastated by the recent death of her husband in Vietnam, Carly agonizes over the daunting dilemma she now faces. This child is her last link to her beloved husband, Joe, but once the baby is born, there is no corrective surgery for this condition. Either Carly gives birth and watches her newborn baby die or she terminates the pregnancy.But, perhaps there is something, her brother-in-law suggests. And, as fantastical as Hunter’s suggestion sounds, is there any other choice a mother could make when the life of her child is at stake?With well-drawn characters, a strong sense of place and time, and an intriguing plot, this story plumbs the depths of a mother’s love for her child as it explores the lengths to which mothers go to protect their children, to ensure them a life filled with love and joy. Unexpected twists send the narrative in surprising directions, building suspense and keeping the pages turning. At its heart, this is a well-told tale of timeless bonds, of unfathomable love, and of unimaginable courage. It’s the story of a mother’s love. Readers will find a lump in their throats long before turning the final page in this unputdownable narrative of sacrifice, determination, and devotion. Don’t miss this one.Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.5 I have said many, many times that I have difficulties with novels!s that deal with time travel. Before this one there has been only one other, that by Kearsley, that I ended up enjoying. So why is that? In this case I loved most of the characters,but most of all I loved the unique situation presented in this book, a mother fighting for her unborn child's future. If what was possible in this book, was actual!y possible in reality, I can't think of a mother who wouldn't have done exactly what Carly did. The instinct of a mother to protect her child is just, in most cases,too strong, even among animal mothers.This was a unique take, told well, seems straightforward but is anything but, there are still twists and turns one doesn't see coming. Enjoyed the look and history of the different time periods, and the way the story plays out, the end quite poignant. Chamberlain does a fantastic job here, a story that drew me in and kept me reading, not tripping up on details,which would have been easy to do. The time travel aspect became secondary, I just enjoyed the story. It was had not to feel for Carly and the hard choices she had to make. A heart rendering tale well told, though given the subject is does descend occasionally to the sentimental. How could it not?ARC from St. Martin's Press.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was amazing, it got me crying so hard at the ending with such a beautiful story about a mother who would put her daughter first every time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely LOVED, LOVED this book....from the first page to the very last.....just a lovely, fascinating, thoughtful book to read and "dream" about.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    First, suspend disbelief.

    Second, do not expect the mechanics of time travel to be explained.

    Third, relax and enjoy this sweet story based on the theme of maternal love.

    This is a nice blend of contemporary and historical fiction. I would not call it science fiction, other than the time travel component. With one or two exceptions, the characters are likeable, and it is easy to root for them. I thought I knew where it was going but there are several surprises along the way. It is a little on the syrupy side, but I found it a nice break from some of the heavier reading I have been immersed in lately.

    I read this with another GR member, and our side discussions helped me enjoy it more than I probably would have otherwise. It is a nice reminder about the lengths some mothers will go for their children.

Book preview

The Dream Daughter - Diane Chamberlain



April 1965

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

No one wanted to work with the man in the wheelchair.

There’s something strange about that guy, one of my fellow students warned me in the hall outside the PT ward. If they try to assign you to him, say no.

I remembered his warning now as I stood in the doorway between my supervisor, Betty Connor, and the ward’s director, Dr. Davies. Still, I was curious about the man who sat in the wheelchair by the window, a cast on his lower leg and foot. Crutches rested against the windowsill next to his chair. He was about a decade older than me, maybe thirty or so. He looked unkempt, his blond hair on the short side but tousled. His facial features were slack, his eyes half closed. I could see the shadow of stubble on his cheeks and chin.

How about that patient for Caroline? Betty asked Dr. Davies. Broken ankle, is it?

Dr. Davies nodded, light from the ward’s windows bouncing off his glasses. Displaced fracture of the lateral malleolus, he said, followed by surgery.

Betty turned to me. You haven’t yet worked with a broken ankle, have you? she asked, and I shook my head with some reluctance. I’d been a student intern in a private rehabilitation facility for the last two months, but this was my first time in the hospital ward and although I was excited to get started, my fellow student’s warning echoed in my ears. Say no. Still, the man in the wheelchair looked harmless enough.

I think it would be a good case for her, Betty said to Dr. Davies.

I think not, he said. He was holding several manila folders in his hands and he tapped the top one with his knuckles. The fellow’s name is Hunter Poole, he said. He sustained the broken ankle falling off a three-story building, or so he says, but we think he intentionally jumped. He’s alive only because some shrubbery broke his fall. He refuses to learn to use crutches. None of our PTs have been able to get him to talk, much less engage in any therapy. He’s suffering from depression and—

Oh, I think I heard about him, Betty cut him off. Didn’t he say he was working on the roof and just slipped?

That’s what he told the driver of the ambulance, but his explanation doesn’t hold water. Dr. Davies tucked his free hand into his pants pocket. It was nine o’clock at night, for starters, and there were no tools found on the roof or the ground, so you tell me if that sounds like he was working. We have him on suicide watch. Next stop for him is the psychiatric unit if he doesn’t begin to come around today or tomorrow.

Well, you’re right that he wouldn’t be a good patient for Caroline, Betty said. She looked at me. You need to focus on building your skills right now, she said. You don’t need an unmotivated, clinically depressed suicide risk, for heaven’s sake.

I nodded in agreement.

There isn’t anything you can do for someone who won’t cooperate, Dr. Davies said. I plan to try to work with him myself today. Everyone else has given up.

The man raised his head slowly in our direction as if he knew we were talking about him and I felt his gaze lock onto mine. His eyes widened, brows lifting. Suddenly, he broke into a smile.

You! he nearly shouted, his voice so loud that several people in the room turned to look at me. You’re a physical therapist, right? he asked. "I want to work with you." It was unnerving, the intensity of his gaze. The sudden disarming smile.

Oh God, I thought. Just what I needed. A crazy man for a patient.

Me? I said, almost to myself.

You! he said again. Then in a calmer voice, Yes, please. Please work with me.

I didn’t know he could smile, Dr. Davies said to us under his breath. He turned to me. Are you willing?

Is he … dangerous? I asked in a whisper. I was hungry to work, but not to be murdered in the middle of the PT ward.

If you’re asking if he’s psychotic, Dr. Davies said, we don’t think so, though he’s so closed off that it’s been hard to evaluate him. You’re the first person he’s responded to. It would be wonderful if you could get him to open up.

I don’t know about this. Betty looked concerned.

Hey, the man called across the room, his voice softer now. I didn’t mean to scare you. He actually chuckled. I’ll do whatever you say, he added. I promise.

He sounded harmless enough. I’ll do it, I told Dr. Davies, holding my hand out for the man’s chart.

Dr. Davies handed me the top folder. Main priority is getting him to use the crutches. He spoke quietly. See what you can do.

All right, I said, and I crossed the room toward the possibly suicidal man who was now grinning at me in a way that made me nervous. What did this guy want with me?

The large room had an almost electric atmosphere, very different from the somber private facility. WKIX played rock and roll over the loudspeaker and the Temptations sang My Girl as I dragged a chair from against the wall and placed it in front of the man so I could sit facing him.

I’m Caroline Grant, I said, lowering myself to the chair. Most people call me Carly.

He nodded, almost as if my name was no surprise to him.

Hunter Poole, he said.

Why me? I asked.

You remind me of someone, he said. Someone I knew briefly. Dark eyes and the exact same hair—long and blond, only she wore hers parted in the middle. It was nothing … romantic or intimate. He flashed that grin again. Nothing like that, so don’t freak out. Just … it feels good to see you. His accent was Northern. New Jersey or New York, maybe.

I remind you of someone you liked, then.

Yes. He chuckled again for no reason I could discern.

He is crazy, I thought. And hopefully harmless.

"I didn’t know you … I mean her … well, he said, but I—"

You realize I’m not this person, I said firmly.

Yes, of course. I’m not crazy. Though I know everyone here thinks I am.

No, they don’t. I tried to sound reassuring. They just think you’re depressed.

He nodded. I am that, he said, suddenly very solemn.

They have medication that might make you feel better, I said. It could help lift your spirits.

They have nothing that can help me, he said, and the side effects of the medications are too great now.

This man was not suicidal. I doubted a suicidal person would care a lick about side effects.

"What do you mean, the side effects are too great now?"

He shook his head. I don’t know. Don’t pay attention to anything I say.

Is it your injury that has you so down?

He looked away from me and I thought I saw the shine of tears in his eyes. I lost someone I loved, he said.

Oh. I sat back, surprised that he’d confided in me. I’m sorry, I said. Is that why you tried to … to hurt yourself?

He turned to face me again. Can we not talk about it? he asked, dry-eyed now, and I wondered if I’d imagined the tears. It’s too hard to explain the truth and I don’t want to lie to you.

Of course, I said, touched by that explanation.

Tell me about you instead. He looked at my left hand. You’re engaged?

I looked down at my ring. Joe promised me a bigger diamond someday, but I wanted this one. I wanted this one forever. We would both graduate next month, me from the University of North Carolina, Joe from NC State, and our wedding would be the week after. Joe would graduate as a second lieutenant in the army after being in ROTC for four years and we’d move to Fort Eustis, Virginia, where he’d be stationed. I hoped I could get a PT job up there.

Yes, I said, "I’m marrying a wonderful man. But we’re not talking about me. We need to talk about you and how we’re going to get you well again."

He sighed. I’m not very motivated, he admitted.

I understand, I said. But you said you like me. Or at least, you like the person I remind you of, right?

He nodded. Very much, he said.

Then help me succeed, I said conspiratorially, wondering if that was a terrible ploy. I would never tell Betty Connor I’d used it. You’re my first patient in this rehabilitation ward, I said. Make me look good to my supervisor, all right?

He laughed and I saw a sparkle in his blue eyes. A few heads turned in our direction. The new girl got the suicidal guy to laugh.

All right, he said. It’s a deal.

We got down to business then. I demonstrated how to use the crutches without putting weight on his ankle, and after a rough start, he got the hang of it. He was cooperative, doing everything I guided him to do as he practiced hobbling around the room. I led him to the ward entrance and taught him how to open and close the door while balancing on the crutches and his good right foot. Despite the discomfort he had to be experiencing, he remained cooperative, almost upbeat, and I felt excited, not only because I was doing what I’d trained to do but because I seemed to have magically brought him out of his shell when no one else had been able to. He actually sang along with a few songs on the radio as he practiced with the crutches, causing some of the people in the room to look at him, chuckling, and I smiled to myself as I walked next to him. He was probably a real charmer when he wasn’t grieving.

He was getting winded from our circuits around the room, and I decided to let him have a rest before I taught him how to negotiate the stairs. As I helped him back to his wheelchair, the voice of the WKIX DJ, Tommy Walker, came over the loudspeaker.

And here it is, as promised! Tommy said. The brand-new Beatles song! It’s called ‘Ticket to Ride.’ Be sure to tell everybody where you heard it first. WKIX! Tommy had been talking about the new song all week as if WKIX was the only station in the world allowed to play it. My sister Patti was going crazy with anticipation and it seemed unfair that I would be able to hear the song before my Beatlemaniac sister. Patti was teaching her fourth-grade class right now and had to keep a professional air about her, which I couldn’t begin to picture, because even though Patti was twenty-four to my twenty-one, she was like a teenager when it came to the Beatles. She planned to drive directly from her school to the record store on Henderson Street to snap up the new forty-five.

To my surprise, Hunter began singing along with the song as I took the crutches from him, leaning them against the windowsill again. He knew every word as well as the melody, which simply wasn’t possible, since Ticket to Ride hadn’t yet been played in the United States. He seemed oblivious to the fact that I was staring at him in awe as I took my seat across from him again.

How can you possibly know this song? I asked. "It’s brand-new, just released today. No one’s even heard it yet, much less had the time to memorize it."

He looked briefly perplexed. I have no idea, he said. Obviously I heard it somewhere. Maybe a different radio station?

That’s impossible.

Apparently not. He shrugged with a sheepish smile.

You’re not … you’re not connected to the Beatles somehow, are you?

He laughed. I wish, he said.

Have you been to England recently? The song had probably been released in England first.

Nope, he said.

Are you a Beatles fan?

Isn’t everyone? he said, then added, I own every one of their albums.

But ‘Ticket to Ride’? I queried. I just don’t get it.

He shrugged again. It’s a great song and I guess I must have somehow heard it and subliminally picked up the lyrics.

That’s crazy, I said, but I was thinking about Patti. Wait until I told her about this guy!

I glanced toward the side of the room where there was a five-step staircase. We should get back to work, I said, knowing my job was not to sit and talk about the Beatles with him. Are you ready to try the stairs?

If you insist, he said. Turning around in the wheelchair, he took the crutches from the windowsill and struggled to stand again.

Have you been to a Beatles concert? I asked as I walked next to him toward the stairs.

I wish, he said again. But alas, no.

My sister took the train to New York to see them twice last year, I said. August and September. And she’s already saving up to go to their August concert this year.

She should see them as much as she can, he said. You never know when they’re going to just pack it in and say ‘enough is enough.’

She would die if they did that, I said.

I taught him how to ascend and descend the stairs using the crutches, but my mind wasn’t on the task. Patti had recently stopped seeing a guy who was a boring stick-in-the-mud and now she was at loose ends. Would it be unethical to introduce her to Hunter? I didn’t know. I tried to picture how I would broach the subject with her: Hey Patti, I met this strange, really depressed guy with a broken ankle at work today and I think you’d make the perfect couple! Joe would tell me not to meddle. Patti will find her own guy when she’s good and ready, he’d say.

When we were done working together and Hunter was settled back in his wheelchair, he caught my hand. Looking into my eyes, his expression turned suddenly serious. Thank you, he said. This was a treat. You have no idea.

I was taken aback by the intensity in his eyes, the sincerity in his voice.

You know, I said. I’d really like you to meet my sister.



April 1970

National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland

As we sat in the stark basement waiting room in of one of the National Institutes of Health buildings, I thought Patti was more anxious than I was. She cuddled one-year-old John Paul on her lap, her left foot jiggling. Sitting next to her, Hunter held her hand. The three of us had the room to ourselves and we seemed to have run out of small talk after the long drive from the Outer Banks.

A dark-haired woman appeared in the doorway. The name on her white coat read S. Barron, RN. Caroline Sears? she called. She had a Northern accent, I thought, much stronger than Hunter’s. She’d barely pronounced the r in my last name.

Yes, I said, getting to my feet. Can my sister and brother-in-law come in with me?

That would be fine, she said. Follow me.

I walked ahead of Hunter and Patti as we followed the woman down a long bare corridor to a room nearly at the end. Inside the small room were six chairs arranged in a semicircle. The only other furnishings in the room were tall metal file cabinets that filled one wall.

Have a seat, the woman said.

I sat next to Patti and John Paul, who was beginning to fuss. He’d been an angel during the long car trip, but I think now we were all getting stir-crazy. Hunter took him from Patti’s arms and began bouncing him gently on his knee.

I’m Susan Barron, the woman said, settling into her own seat, a clipboard and file folder on her lap. Her gaze was on me. I’m one of the designers of the study, though I won’t be the person doing your examination, she said. My role is to gather some information from you beforehand, all right?

I nodded.

She opened the file on her lap and glanced at it. You’re twenty-six years old, correct?


We received the records from your obstetrician, a Dr. Michaels. You’re about twenty-four or -five weeks along at this point?

That’s right.

And your pregnancy has been uneventful until your last exam?

Well, last two exams, I said, shifting on the seat. I was tired of sitting. My legs ached. Dr. Michaels told me a month ago that my baby’s heartbeat was irregular, but he didn’t think much of it. This last examination, though, he was more concerned.

Right, she said. And I don’t know how much information you were given, but our study is actually full. We have all the patients we need at this time. However, your brother-in-law here—she looked at Hunter—is a puller of strings, I see, and he was able to get you in.

I smiled past Patti at Hunter. He sat there looking modest, but she was right. Hunter was a puller of strings. A fixer. I didn’t think there was anything that he couldn’t make right. Except for Joe. He couldn’t fix what happened to Joe.

So you need to understand that this study is in its very preliminary stage as we explore the uses and limitations of fetal ultrasound, she continued. The technology is years away from being used on any regular basis and the images we can obtain are somewhat primitive. However, our previous study, as well as several recent studies elsewhere, had very good results in terms of accuracy, but not in every case, and I need to be sure you understand the limitations.

I nodded.

In other words, Susan continued, let’s say the ultrasound results appear to tell us there’s something wrong with your baby’s heart. They might be inaccurate. Conversely, they might give us the impression everything is fine when it isn’t. I want to be sure you—

I understand, I said. Hunter had told me all of this. He’d explained the mechanism of the ultrasound. It was simply incredible to me that it was possible to visualize my baby while he—I felt certain it was a he, a miniature Joe—was still inside of me. Hunter said it wouldn’t hurt at all. He’d read about it. He was the founder of his own company, Poole Technology Consulting, in Research Triangle Park—RTP—where he worked with enormous computers. He had access to all sorts of technology and material the rest of us couldn’t imagine.

Your baby’s father, Susan said, looking at the folder on her lap. Your brother-in-law told us he died recently?

Vietnam, I said. Right after Thanksgiving.

How difficult for you, she said. I’m sorry.

He didn’t even know about the baby, I said. He was only in Vietnam a couple of weeks.

Patti rested a hand on my arm. It wasn’t a gesture of comfort so much as a warning for me to stop talking. Once I started talking about Joe, it was hard for me to stop. It was so unfair. Joe had been a structural engineer and we thought he’d be safe, away from the action. I didn’t discover I was pregnant until a few weeks after I learned he was killed, I said.

Will you have help with your baby? Susan asked, attempting to change the subject. I didn’t hear her at first, my mind back on the day the captain and second lieutenant showed up on my doorstep with the news that literally brought me to my knees.

Yes, Patti said when I didn’t answer.

Yes, Hunter agreed. She has us.

I live with them now, I said, coming back to the present.

And where is that?

Nags Head, I said. The Outer Banks. After Joe died, I’d moved from Fort Bragg into our old family beach cottage where Patti and Hunter had been living for the past couple of years. I’d expected the move to be temporary—just a few weeks off from my physical therapist job in a Raleigh hospital. But when I found out I was pregnant and my obstetrician told me I needed to take it easy, Patti and Hunter said I could stay with them as long as I wanted. Hunter worked three days a week at his consulting firm in Raleigh and I knew Patti welcomed my company when he was gone.

Where are the Outer Banks? Susan asked, confirming her Northern accent. Anyone south of the Mason-Dixon line knew where the Outer Banks were.

North Carolina, Hunter said before I could answer. About six hours from here.

You drove a long way for this, she said.

I have to find out if my baby’s okay. I folded my hands tightly together in my lap.

Susan nodded. Fine, she said. She asked a few more questions about my general health, which had always been good. And how about the rest of your family? she asked. Do you have other siblings?

Just Patti.

And Patti? Susan asked. You’re a biological sibling, right? Any health problems?

None, she said.

Susan turned back to me. How about your parents? How is their health?

They died in a car accident when I was fourteen, I said.

My. Susan made a note in the folder on her lap, then looked up at me. You’ve had some difficult times.

I nodded, hoping this pregnancy wasn’t going to be one of them.

How about your late husband’s parents? How is their health?

Good, I said, thinking of my robust, tennis-playing mother- and father-in-law. They lived in Texas and they didn’t know about the baby. I’d been about to write them when Dr. Michaels told me something might be wrong. I was afraid to tell anyone after that until I knew the baby was okay.

Susan asked a few more questions about my pregnancy, which had been unremarkable, although the truth was, I’d been so distressed over losing Joe that I couldn’t have separated my symptoms of grief from symptoms of pregnancy. I worried my grief had somehow led to a problem for my baby.

Finally, Susan got to her feet. Follow me, she said to me. You two? She looked at Patti and Hunter. You can wait here. Tight quarters in there.

I followed her into a tiny room with an examining table, a wooden chair, two rolling stools, and a large machine bearing what looked like a small television screen. Susan handed me a pale blue gown.

You can leave your bra on, but everything else off, she said. Put this on so it opens in the front. I’ll be back in a moment.

I undressed as she’d instructed and climbed onto the examining table. My baby gave a little tumble inside me. He’d been an acrobat for weeks now. I rested a reassuring hand on my belly. There’s nothing wrong with you, I spoke silently to him. You are perfect.

Susan returned to the room followed by a very young-looking man with thick black hair, horn-rimmed glasses, and a white coat.

Good afternoon, he said to me. I’m Dr. Halloway, one of the researchers, and I’ll be doing your ultrasound. Nurse Barron explained everything to you?

I think so, I said. Susan had produced a stiff white sheet to spread across my lap and motioned for me to lie down.

Is your husband here? he asked.

My husband died, I said as I lay back on the cool leather of the table. I wished he had checked my file first so I didn’t have to say those terrible words again. I ran my fingers over the rings on my left hand.

Oh, he said. Sorry to hear that.

Her sister and brother-in-law are her support, Susan said. The brother-in-law—that Hunter Poole you spoke with?—they’re both here.

Ah, yes. He nodded. You have an advocate in that pushy brother-in-law of yours, don’t you? he said dryly. I couldn’t tell if he found Hunter’s pushiness annoying or admirable.

Yes, I said, grateful for Hunter and his advocacy.

Susan lowered the sheet to expose my big belly. It was hard to believe I had months yet to go in this pregnancy. Dr. Halloway squirted some cold gelatinous substance onto my stomach, then began running a smooth wand across my skin. Susan lowered the light in the room and indecipherable images appeared on the small screen. Both she and the doctor leaned forward, squinting at the picture. Their heads blocked my view, although every once in a while I had a clear view of the fuzzy moving image on the screen. If my baby was in that picture, I certainly couldn’t see him. How the two of them could make head or tail of what they were looking at was beyond me.

For at least two minutes, neither of them said a word as Dr. Halloway moved the wand this way and that, pressing it into my skin. What do you see? I wanted to ask, but I lay there quietly. In the light from the screen, I could see Dr. Halloway’s frown. He pointed to something on the screen, speaking to Susan in muttered words I couldn’t decipher. She also pointed to something and muttered her own response. My heart pounded in my chest. In my throat.

Can you tell anything? I asked finally.

They didn’t seem to hear me. Instead, they continued pointing and mumbling to each other.

After what seemed like a very long time, Dr. Halloway lifted the wand from my belly and Susan used a white towel to clean the jellylike substance from my skin.

What did you see? I raised myself to my elbows.

Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll speak with you and your family about our findings, Dr. Halloway said. I turned my head from him to Susan and back again, trying to get either of them to look at me, but they seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me.

But what are they? I asked, beginning to panic. Your findings? What did you see?

Get dressed and we’ll talk, he said, the lighter tone he’d had before the exam gone from his voice. I’ve taken some pictures and I’ll show you then.

Dr. Halloway met with us back in that small room with the semicircle of chairs. I didn’t know what had become of Susan. I sat between Patti and Hunter this time, and John Paul was nearly asleep in Patti’s lap. I introduced the doctor, who focused his attention on Hunter instead of me when he began to speak.

I’m afraid there’s a serious problem with the baby’s heart, he said, handing a couple of fuzzy black-and-white snapshots to Hunter.

What do you mean? I asked, trying to pull the doctor’s attention back to me. I was the one carrying this baby.

Hunter passed the photographs to me and Patti leaned over to see them. How can you possibly tell anything like that from these … weird pictures? she asked.

Well, in many cases, we can’t be sure what we’re seeing because our images are still somewhat challenging to decipher, Dr. Halloway said. But in your case—he finally looked at me directly—what we can make out is quite clear. I believe even you will be able to see the problem. He pulled his chair closer to us, scraping it on the floor. He pointed to a gray smudge on the image. Your baby has severe stenosis of the aortic valve, he said, which, I’m afraid, will inevitably lead to hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

How serious is it? Patti asked, as I searched the blotchy black-and-white images for my baby. I couldn’t find him. I couldn’t understand how anyone, no matter how brilliant and well trained, could find my baby in those pictures, much less my baby’s heart.

I’m afraid it’s fatal, Dr. Halloway said.

My head jerked up. No, I said. I felt Hunter’s hand come to rest on my shoulder.

Fatal! Patti said.

How can you possibly tell that from these pictures? I argued, suddenly disliking this man intensely. This is just a study. The nurse … whatever her name is … Susan … she said the machine—the ultrasound—could give false information. That it’s just experimental and—

That’s often true, Dr. Halloway said calmly. He was looking at Hunter again instead of me and I wanted to kick him to remind him this was my baby we were talking about. But in this case, he continued, we were able to get a remarkably clear picture of your baby’s heart and I’m certain of my diagnosis. I’m very sorry.

For a long moment, none of us spoke. When he’s born, can he have surgery? I asked finally.

Your baby is a girl, he said, and no. I’m afraid there’s nothing that can be done for her.

A girl! That was nearly as much of a shock to me as the news about his … her … heart, and I instantly felt even more protective of my baby. I looked down at those stupid pictures on my lap. I wished we’d never come. I hated this doctor. Hated Susan Barron. At that moment, I was close to hating Hunter for insisting I come here.

I can’t lose this baby, I said. "He’s—she’s—all I have left of my husband."

You have us, honey, Patti said, though her voice, thick with tears, told me she knew perfectly well that she and Hunter were not enough to erase this loss.

What are our options? Hunter said, as if we were all pregnant.

You can try carrying the baby to term, Dr. Halloway said. She’ll most likely survive the rest of the pregnancy, but with HLHS, she will die very shortly after birth. Or you can abort, he added. You live in North Carolina. You can have a legal abortion there due to a fetal anomaly, though it’s not an easy procedure at twenty-four—

No, I said. I can’t do that. What if you’re wrong?

I understand it’s hard to accept, he said. But you’re holding the evidence in your hand. He nodded toward the fuzzy picture of my baby. I held the picture by the edges and I averted my gaze from it. If I didn’t look at it, I could pretend I still had Joe’s healthy baby inside of me. If I didn’t look, I could pretend this last hour had never happened.



My gut was in knots on the trip back to North Carolina. I was driving, my hands tight as fists on the steering wheel of the Chevy Impala. The sky was beginning to darken and I was so rattled by the last few hours that I could barely see straight. I glanced in the rearview mirror where Patti, Carly, and John Paul had taken over the backseat. John Paul fell asleep the moment we got in the car and I was glad. I could hear Carly’s quiet crying and Patti’s whispered words of comfort. What could she possibly be saying? How did you comfort a woman who lost her husband only five months ago and who was now being told she was going to lose her baby as well? The baby who’d been her one source of happiness since Joe’s death? Still, my persistent wife tried. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but I sensed the depth of emotion in her words. The love. The worry.

I’d never lost the feeling that Patti, Carly, and Joe had saved me. I’d encountered Carly in the rehab unit at the lowest point of my life, and she unwittingly turned everything around for me. I’d never known the sort of all-embracing love I’d found since marrying Patti. I had no siblings. I’d never known my father—never even knew his name—and my mother had been the brilliant, cerebral type who made sure I had a stellar education but few hugs and kisses. She was an astrophysicist so lost in her work that she had little time—or incentive—to dote on her only child, although I never doubted her love. Joe, a smart, determined sort of guy from a military family, had been the brother I’d never had. He and Carly had lived on base most of the time, but when he was around, we’d boat and fish and work on his ’55 Chevy and play tennis, which he always won because of my gimpy ankle, and we’d laugh our butts off and … man, I missed him. Losing him had wrecked both my heart and my sleep. I still wasn’t sleeping well. Nightmares dogged me and sometimes I woke up in a fit of terror, not knowing where I was. After today, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to sleep well again.

When I met Patti and Carly, they were living together in the Raleigh house they’d grown up in. Patti’d only been seventeen when their parents died and she’d fought in court to be emancipated so she could take care of Carly and keep her out of foster care. That described Patti to a T: a devoted, family-first sort of woman. She and Carly had been thick as thieves back then, since all they’d had was each other, and there was still an unbreakable bond between them. When I came along, though, the three of them—Patti, Carly, and Joe—welcomed me with open arms and we became a foursome, a deep intimacy between us that I’d never before experienced. For the first time, I felt as though I had a family.

Now Joe was gone and Carly had to cope with her baby’s problems on top of it. Damn. What was happening to our lives felt mean, almost abusive. I hadn’t been surprised about the baby’s heart condition, though. I wished I had been. I hadn’t even bothered to hope the doctor would tell us the baby was fine. I knew better.

And I knew what I had to do now. It seemed wrong. I could guarantee nothing. Still, I knew the role I needed to play in this miserable drama.

Right now, though, I wasn’t going to make it through another hour of driving without a break.

I need to stop for coffee, I said over my shoulder. We were a bit south of Richmond and I knew a place where we could get something to eat. Maybe a hamburger, I added.

All right, Patti said from the backseat, her voice small and tired.

I pulled off the highway and into the parking lot of the little Tastee Hut.

I don’t want to go in, Carly said. I’ll stay out here with John Paul.

What should we bring you? Patti asked.


You need something, Carly, I said. Tea, maybe? Carly was a tea drinker. Never coffee. A burger? Fries?

Fries, she said, though I was sure she was saying it only to get me off her case. I doubted she would eat them.

I held Patti’s hand as we walked across the poorly lit parking lot. She nearly dragged me to the door, and once inside she turned to me, her arms around my neck, her head on my shoulder as she cried. I rubbed her back, her strawberry-blond hair tangling in my fingers. I know, I said, although she hadn’t spoken. I know. It’s not fair.

She can’t take it, she said. Why does she have to lose everything? What is wrong with God? She wants that baby so badly.

I know, I said again. My words sounded helpless.

But I wasn’t helpless, I thought, as I held my wife close.

I wasn’t helpless at all.



The following Sunday, I sat alone on the crest of the beach-grass-covered dunes behind our cottage, staring out to sea. It was the third of May and the weather was warm. I wore my maternity jeans and a light sweater that stretched over my growing belly. I had the beach to myself for as far as I could see in either direction. Nags Head’s population barely topped four hundred people in the off-season. A mile and a half to my left, the Nags Head pier was a long, dark finger reaching far into the blue-gray ocean. To my right, sea and sand stretched all the way to the horizon. And behind me, the Unpainted Aristocracy, that string of ancient, original Outer Banks cottages, rose from the dunes. The cottages were a mile and a half of history. Ours was one of the northernmost homes, nearly across the beach road from the massive dunes of Jockey’s Ridge. My maternal grandfather bought the house, one of the largest, for a song at the turn of the century. For most of my life, we’d used it only in the summertime, driving to the coast from our home in Raleigh the day after school let out. As kids, Patti and I would race through the closed-up house in excitement as we opened the windows and pushed up the wooden shutters to bring in the salt air and light up the heart pine walls and ceilings. When I was small, the house had only outdoor plumbing and no hot water. But when Patti and Hunter got married, they added indoor plumbing, a water heater, and baseboard heat. They did their best to seal the cracks in the old siding, but the house was still chilly when the wind blew in the winter, and no matter how well sealed the walls, sweeping the sand from the floors and windowsills was still a daily job. So worth it, though. That house was our treasure.

I used to like to sit here alone on the dunes to feel the peace of the sea and sand and sky. In the last few months, though, I’d been coming out here to grieve, and I was so, so tired of grieving. A few days had passed since that visit to the National Institutes of Health. I wished I’d never gone. I rested my hands on my belly through my jacket. Joanna Elizabeth. The name had come to me the day before. I would name her after Joe and my

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