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The Secret Pleasures of an Earl (The Valiant Love Regency Romance #11) (A Historical Romance Book): Valiant Love, #11
The Secret Pleasures of an Earl (The Valiant Love Regency Romance #11) (A Historical Romance Book): Valiant Love, #11
The Secret Pleasures of an Earl (The Valiant Love Regency Romance #11) (A Historical Romance Book): Valiant Love, #11
Ebook407 pages5 hours

The Secret Pleasures of an Earl (The Valiant Love Regency Romance #11) (A Historical Romance Book): Valiant Love, #11

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Lady Pia Brooks only ever loved one man.

But… unfortunately, he died before she could tell him.

She could not forget the man who'd caused him pain.

But… when Pia's path crosses the gentleman's she always thought was her enemy, it is not hate that blooms between them.

Lord Sirius Hayes never thought he'd see Pia again.

When she needs his help, he's more than willing to be the man she needs.

Yet the past haunts them both and while Sirius' secret may hold the power to help Pia trust him, it also holds the power to ruin the lives of many.

All is not what it seems.

There is a war building in the shadows of England, and Pia is in the middle of it.

Only Sirius and his friends can stop it from taking more lives than necessary.

What will happen when Pia discovers that the boy she loved isn't dead?

What will she say when she finds out it's been Sirius all along?

Release dateFeb 7, 2020
The Secret Pleasures of an Earl (The Valiant Love Regency Romance #11) (A Historical Romance Book): Valiant Love, #11

Deborah Wilson

As a young girl, Deborah has been an avid fan of Regency authors such as Jane Austen. Deborah has always been in love with the Regency era. Despite the fact that this era is filled with great social, political, and economic upheavals and happenings, yet there is still plenty of room for episodes of romance happenings. In this era, love was pure. In this era, one can still find men and women who would have the courage to express their love while living amongst strict social customs for courtships. In such times, romantic gestures could be small yet they have a beautiful, meaningful impact. It is Deborah’s desire that through her writings, one will find the courage to love, to profess love and to pursue love. And the reason is simple. Everyone deserves to love and be loved. Pure and simple. Deborah is the author of ❦ VALIANT LOVE ❦ series. While the wealthy and titled men and women of the early nineteenth century were known for their extravagance in dress and decor and the rules that governed ‘polite society’, she wanted this series to focus on something different. Honor. What makes a man or woman honorable and where does love fit into all of this? “Let good be thy fortune and honor thy wealth.” Read and find out now for yourself Sign up now to Deborah’s VIP email list. Why? You will never miss a new release. You will be notified by Deborah personally as soon as her next book is out. →⟫⟫ And please don’t forget to connect with Deborah on facebook. She loves hearing from her readers and sharing her thoughts and writing progress. →⟫⟫

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    The Secret Pleasures of an Earl (The Valiant Love Regency Romance #11) (A Historical Romance Book) - Deborah Wilson


    *   *   *

    Pia, you must come down, Adam called.

    She would not.

    Lady Pia Brooks would remain in the tree forever it that was what it took. Her face stung from repeatedly wiping her tears on her skirts. She’d torn the muslin while climbing the tree. In the last orange glow of the sun, Pia studied the rip and fingered the ragged edges.

    Mama was sure to be upset but only if she noticed. Lady Mary Brooks rarely noticed Pia, nor did Papa.

    No one did. Only Grandmama, Aunt Melody, and Adam.

    Adam’s mama as well. Georgiana. She was more mother to Pia than her own.

    But Grandmama had died a few years ago and moments after her burial, Aunt Melody had moved away to join a theater troupe that would take her to Italy and beyond.

    Pia only had Adam and Georgiana now and soon they would leave her, too.

    She would be alone forever.

    Pia, don’t make me come up there, Adam threatened.

    Pia’s heart ached. Just... leave if you must. Go away! I will forget you, Adam Jones.

    There was silence.

    Then she felt the tree shake. She looked down and saw angry blue eyes staring at her. The sixteen-year-old was already halfway up the tree.

    Pia buried her face back in her skirts, her heart pounding.

    Adam had always been the fastest climber she knew.

    She’d been four when they’d met. He’d been six. She’d been walking by a tree, this tree, when he’d jumped out.

    The oak with its twisted veiny branches sat behind her aunt’s home.

    She’d been thinking about how frightening the tree looked when Adam had pounced to the ground. He’d landed in a crouch and then stood. She’d screamed and cried but soon his kind words and patient eyes had calmed her.

    He’d looked at her and smiled, and Pia had fallen in love.

    At four, she hadn’t known what love was, but she’d wanted Adam’s eyes on her always. No boy had ever looked at her like that. Her father rarely spoke to her. Her grandfather had detested her and had forced everyone else in the house to do the same.

    All because of her eyes.

    It wasn’t her fault that they were not like others. While everyone else got blue or green or brown, Pia got a hideous violet. Just like Aunt Melody’s. Just like Grandmama, the only other people Grandpapa had hated more.

    You’ll forget me, will you? His voice was at her ear. His breath made her neck tingle.

    Fourteen-year-old Pia refused to look up.

    Pia, he said huskily.

    She didn’t know why, but whenever he said her name, her head grew woozy. Either that, or she wanted to giggle.

    Refusing to look at me will not delay the mail coach. I leave within the hour. Won’t you look at me? It isn’t as though I’m dying. We’ll see each other again, I swear it.

    She turned her head and peeked over at him. Will we? She didn’t believe him. Something in her heart told her that if he left, she’d never see him again.

    He wasn’t supposed to leave. He was supposed to stay.

    She straightened. Can’t I come with you?

    He frowned. You know you can’t. He placed his hand at the back of his neck. It was a gesture he made when embarrassed. You’re the Earl of Freylor’s daughter.

    She hated his logic. Didn’t he feel as she did? Their connection? It was unlawful for them to be apart. Why must you go?

    My mother cannot stay here, he said. She has left the Earl of Gordie and still he comes to her at every hour, begging that she take him back, threatening her. He always called him the Earl of Gordie, never Father, though that was who he was. Gordie had never been ashamed of his bastard. My mother, she knows she... is a fallen woman, Adam said. She is not proud of her history, and she wants to be a better person. As her son, it is my duty to help her.

    Duty. Was it possible to love someone and hate someone for the same reason? And you can’t help her here?

    I cannot. I already have a position elsewhere. He would not tell her where they were going or what his position would be. He was being a complete mystery, and it hurt her terribly. No one was to know, he’d said, but Pia was not ‘no one.’ She loved him.

    He went on, I will make enough to see that she never needs another man again.

    And you will forget all about me!

    He gave her a soft smile. How could I ever forget the sweetest girl in all the world?

    She narrowed her gaze even as her heart soared on the wings of his words.

    See here, he whispered. I’ve already done the calculations. With stops, my destination is a five-day journey by coach. But if I walk, for eight hours a day, I can be back to you in three. So, you see? We will not be so far apart. He was the smartest boy she knew, even wiser than his half-brothers.

    What if I walked to you? She straightened. It would make the journey shorter. I could see you in half the time if we started at the very same minute.

    He shook his blond head, and a lock fell into his eyes as he grinned. There was a bruise on his chin. You must stay here where it is safe, but I’ll return.

    Does it hurt?

    No more than the pain in your eyes. Don’t fuss over me. He said the same thing every time.

    She reached out and touched the bruise. She hated it when he got hurt. She was certain his brothers were beating him, but he’d told her it wasn’t true. Were they the reason he was leaving?

    She’d hate them forever if that was the case. When will you come for me?

    I will come to see you at the first opportunity, but...

    She turned her gaze from his chin to his eyes. But?

    He twisted his mouth. Pia, you’re the Earl of Freylor’s daughter.

    So? She didn’t understand. That had been the state of things since the day she was born and since they’d met ten years ago. She could not change her bloodline any more than he could.

    Pia, eventually, you’ll need to distance yourself from me. You’ll marry. Your family will not want me around. They barely want me around now.

    Her heart leapt into her throat. I don’t care! I’ll never marry. Not unless it was to Adam.

    She grabbed his tattered shirt at the collar. I don’t want to be with anyone but you.

    His expression grew intense. What are you saying?

    She said nothing. She didn’t know what to say.

    They were silent as he studied her.

    Come down from the tree, he commanded. Then he was gone.

    She looked down and caught his landing. The tree was tall. She didn’t understand how he could do that without breaking a leg.

    Adam straightened from his crouch and looked up at her, waiting.

    Pia nervously grabbed onto the trunk of the tree and started down.

    The moment she was close enough, Adam’s hands circled her waist and brought her down the rest of the way. Her toes had barely touched the ground before he spun her around. He cupped her face and forced her gaze up toward his. Explain what you meant in the tree.

    She grabbed his wrist. Her lips felt numb, and she pushed them together. She’d never told Adam how she felt. He was so wonderful and worldly. She was just a silly lady no one loved.

    She hadn’t dared.

    The wind whipped some of her hair loose. The thin strands brushed her nose. She hated her hair. She’d always wanted curls like Adam. His hair was different in every way from his brothers. Full and pale, as though it soaked up the sun’s brilliance.

    Her hair was flat and never kept a curl no matter how much her abigail tried. Before she could reach up to push it out of the way, Adam was there.

    His finger brushed her nose, trailed down the bridge before brushing her lips and finally setting the hair away.

    Her mouth parted at the touch. Her eyes widened.

    Adam’s eyes darkened. She’d seen that expression on him a lot recently. It was a frightening look, close to how he became when angered, yet this wasn’t anger.

    This was a strange intensity.


    Her hands gripped his wrist tighter. Adam.

    His head tilted and lowered.

    She closed her eyes.

    And as though knowing what she was doing, her chin lifted so that his mouth would land safely against hers.

    Their first kiss.

    A first for her, at least, but she suspected that he’d kissed others. He was far too handsome to not have. But she took what she could of him.

    She’d always wondered what a kiss would be like. His mouth was so warm, his taste a new sensation. The flavor was unlike anything she’d ever had before.

    Their lips opened and closed around another over and over again like a dance.

    The best feeling in the world vibrated through her, and hope filled her chest.

    Maybe now he’d take her or better yet, he’d stay.

    She pulled away to ask again, to see if she could change his mind.

    Then she caught sight of her father over his shoulder.

    The rage in her father’s face shocked her. He walked quickly across the field. His walking stick was in hand and his grip on it threatened violence. He lifted it.

    No! Pia pushed Adam back, intending to protect him, but he tripped.

    She gasped and watched in horror as his head hit a stone by the tree. Adam!

    He never made a sound as his eyes closed.


    Her father’s hand on her arm stopped her. Back away from the bastard, Pia! He shall pay for touching you!

    Pia held up her hands to her father. Please! Don’t strike him! He’s leaving. He’ll be gone by nightfall. It was a goodbye kiss, nothing more.

    Her father’s gaze was menacing. My father was right. Those eyes taint you. That you’d allow this boy to ruin you is only more proof. I should kill him for—

    Please, Father, please don’t. She’d never begged him for anything. She’d never even asked him for anything. Please, let him live.

    His surly blue eyes turned to her. He stared into her eyes, something he rarely did.

    He looked away quickly then and his hold on her tightened. Very well. If it was goodbye then I never want to see his face again. Let’s go.

    Pia looked back at Adam as her father dragged her away. Adam finally moved, but he seemed weak. Panic beat madly in her chest. We should tell someone he’s there.

    If I tell anyone, it will be the constable. I’ll have him arrested. Is that what you want? The constable would arrest him and then his mother would have no one.

    Pia pressed her lips together and shook her head. Adam was alive. It was all that mattered.

    She would explain everything upon his return. When he came for her, she would tell him that she loved him and that she hadn’t meant to hurt him. She would tell him that she wanted to be his wife and beg him to take her with him.

    She would wait.

    She would wait for him.

    ∫  ∫  ∫

    0 1

    *   *   *

    October 1823

    Lord Sirius Hayes glared when he heard the door to his office open. He looked up and his expression relaxed at seeing his friend Lord Cassius Hiller, the Duke of Van Dero.

    The man filled the entire doorway. Tall with gold eyes and a formidable form, Cass caused most men to tremble at his presence and that was not even accounting for the vast wealth and power he'd accumulated since becoming the heir to his distant cousin’s duchy.

    To know him was either a promise of life or death.

    Sirius stood and grinned. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the estate? I know how you worry about Milly. Cassius and his wife, Lady Van Dero, were having their first son. At least, Milly had declared it a boy and whatever the duchess wanted, she got.

    Cass closed the door behind him. I won’t be here long. I’ve only come to speak to you. By the way, I did knock at least twice if that makes you feel better.

    Sirius groaned as he moved around the desk and shook his friend’s hand. Sorry. I was busy, as you can see. He motioned to the account books scattered across his desk.

    Cassius glared at the desk before turning that hard gaze back to him. You do realize that you are the bank manager, meaning you are to manage while other people do this sort of work.

    I like doing it, Sirius said. He liked keeping his mind busy. It kept it from wandering where it shouldn’t. So, if you’ve come to stir up rancor by telling me how to spend my time, you may go. You may be the Duke of Van Dero, but you don’t own me.

    Cass narrowed his gaze. You and Nick enjoy reminding me of that. I know I do not own you. You are my friends. Still, you both work for me and I need your help. But I’ve not come for that at the moment. He moved away and looked out the window that faced the busy London street. The sounds of the coachmen and thumping of hooves could be heard over the spring rains.

    The gray light muted the tones in the room. From Cassius’ posture, Sirius could tell that this was not a social visit.

    Cass didn’t really do social interactions very well. He was odd; his thoughts and words often so veracious that clergymen despised him. His intimate relationships were few, just his wife, Sirius, and their friend Lord Nicholas.

    Usually, Cass wrote to Sirius to keep him updated on his life. That Cassius felt the need to call always meant something dreadful.

    What is it? Sirius asked. What do you need me to do?

    Cass looked at him.

    Sirius rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. That was mostly a joke. I do enough for you. I oversee your stocks and business investments. Have you found fault in my work?

    This isn’t about the bank and either way, there is never fault in your work. Your mind is as meticulous as mine, only with numbers.

    Sirius moved and sat on the edge of the desk... and partially on a book he didn’t bother to move. His hands hung between his thighs as he bent slightly forward. I’m not going to like this, am I?

    Cass frowned. I’m going to kill your brother.

    Sirius stiffened and then swallowed. He allowed the words to sink in before he managed to pull in a breath and push it out. You’re going to kill Toby?

    I must, Cass said, waving his hand in the air because he found the conversation pointless. He threatened me. I’m sorry.

    You can’t. Sirius stood, his heart racing. Whatever Toby did, you know he didn’t mean it. He’s an idiot. A fool. Killing him would be like killing a dog for barking.

    Yes, he is an idiot, Cass said. He’s an idiot who is planning to kill me. Of course, he’ll fail even if I do nothing. I already know his plans down to the very minute, but I can’t allow something like this to stand. I can’t allow people to think such thoughts are acceptable.

    Toby wanted to kill the Duke of Van Dero.

    Sirius had always known his brother was a fool, but this... it made no sense.

    Cassius had an army, and Sirius meant that in the most literal of terms. Politely, he called them the Equerry. A few were no better than highwaymen, but others had been trained fighters who’d seen war.

    Cassius’ predecessor had won a war in a foreign land, which had given Cassius a wealth that was nearly unmatched.

    But more than anything else, Cassius had The Book of Affairs, a ledger written by Gregory Hiller I, the former Duke of Van Dero, which held the dark secrets of nearly every aristocrat in England. Last Sirius knew, Gregory’s book had become Cassius’ library. Shelf upon shelf, detailing secrets and sins, filled a room in Cass’ house. There wasn’t a thing a man could do that Cassius wouldn’t find out about.

    Toby had to know this.

    Toby would never do this. You’re mistaken, Sirius said.

    Cass lifted a brow. I’m rarely mistaken. The words were spoken with pride that had been well earned. Cass was rarely, if ever, wrong.

    Unless he was angry, then all bets were off.

    But Cass seemed agitated, not angry. In his mind, Sirius’ brother was no more than a dog that needed to be put down.

    Sirius cursed. Cassius, I am asking you, as my friend, not to kill Toby.

    Cassius studied Sirius over his shoulder and then turned fully to him. With his hands behind his back, he said, All right. If you can give me a good reason to not kill your brother, I will spare him.

    A good reason was what the duke had asked for, but what he required was something else.

    Cass held logic above all else, which meant Sirius had better think well before he answered.

    Sirius straightened his shoulders. You cannot kill him, because... I love him.

    Cass studied him. You love Lord Tobias Hayes?

    Sirius cleared his throat. With all my h-heart.

    Cass cracked a smile. Do be serious, Adam. You and I both know you despised Toby just as much as you did the real Sirius.

    Adam, who now went by his brother Sirius’ name, twisted his lip. He’d tried to convince Cass otherwise, but relation or not, it was hard to love Toby. All right, I don’t like the man either, but he is the earl.

    You were the best thing your father ever created, Cassius said. It was too bad you were born the bastard of his mistress.

    Sirius took no offense to that, since he knew Cassius didn’t mean to offend.

    The Earl of Gordie had sired three sons: Tobias, Sirius, and Adam. Two belonged to his wife and one to his mistress.

    Sirius’ real name was Adam. He was the bastard, but when Sirius died, the former Duke of Van Dero had forced him to take on his brother’s identity. The real Sirius had left home the same year Adam had moved away with his mother. Then he died and left two daughters behind. To pay a debt, the girls would have ended up sex slaves had Adam not stepped in.

    He’d begged the old duke, Gregory, to keep them. In exchange, Gregory had required him to become Sirius.

    All he’d had to do was disappear for a few years and then return with dark hair instead of his own natural blond. Sirius and his brothers had all inherited the same eyes. A dark Egyptian blue with a golden ring around the middle.

    The only other difference, aside from hair, had been Sirius’ mannerism and his voracious habits. Sirius had been round around the waist and in his face as well. Adam was not. The years away helped explain the athletic transformation.

    No one had suspected a thing. Still, no one did. It showed just how distant Sirius had become from his family years prior. Everyone in the world thought him the true Sirius Hayes except for those who knew the truth. Cassius, their friend Nicholas, his nieces Adalina and Babbette who recognized him as their father, his mother, and Lady Van Dero.

    Milly had figured part of Sirius’ truth out on her own, thanks to Gregory’s book. Her finding it had led Cassius to stealing it from her and thus had begun their romantic tale of love, murder, blood, and happiness.

    Lord and Lady Van Dero were both people one didn’t wish to upset.

    If your life had been easier, you wouldn’t be one of my best mates, Cass said. He rarely showed or even spoke of his fondness for Sirius and Nick, but both men were aware that their friend treasured their relationship. Since you took the place of the second son, you will become earl.

    Sirius sighed. It was what he’d been dreading. More than his brother’s death, he dreaded becoming an earl. But I don’t want it.

    Oh, do stop pouting.

    He stomped his foot. I don’t want to be earl.

    He threatened my family, Cassius said. All humor left him. He threatened Milly, and you know who I’d become without her. She reminds me that I am not God and that I can’t control everything.

    Cassius would become a monster if anything happened to Milly. There were moments when the sight of her humbled Sirius as well. Men with their resources needed to be reminded that there were reasons they still needed to pray. Why not... simply send Toby away? Forever?

    Cassius shrugged. Honestly, I can’t say that having you as an earl won’t benefit me.

    Let me talk to Toby, he suggested.

    Cassius chuckled. Very well. Speak to your brother, but I highly doubt that you’ll change his mind. The one he has doesn’t work very well. But hurry. Others know your brother’s plan. I can’t have people thinking I don’t punish those who threaten my life.

    You could punish Toby, Sirius suggested. Take his finger like you did Barnaby. Barnaby was Cassius’ personal footman, closer to him than his own valet.

    Cassius shook his head. "Barnaby tried to take The Book. Your brother wants my life. It is hardly the same."

    Sirius grabbed his umbrella and started for the door. I’ll speak to Toby. I’ll make this right.

    * * *

    Sirius arrived at his brother’s home an hour later and knocked.

    The butler opened it and bowed. My lord.

    Sirius still found it odd that the staff that had once looked down their noses at him could believe him the real Sirius. It was comical, yet left him uneasy at the same time. Had his presence in this house all those years ago truly meant nothing to anyone?

    A young maid escorted him.

    He found his brother in the earl’s office.

    He and two other men were all looking over a map. Their expressions were pensive.

    Toby’s large finger traced across the map. My men will come in from the north. You will each take either side and create a distraction so my men can get in easily.

    Sirius looked down at the maid who’d shown him to the door to gauge her expression.

    The young woman looked troubled.

    She should be.

    He allowed her to leave and then closed the door loudly behind him.

    The men who stood abreast with his brother looked up... and their expressions moved from recognition to disbelief, to terror.

    Sirius’ reputation was hardly any better than the duke’s. They knew he was close to Cassius. They knew he’d done the odd assignment to get Cassius what he needed. They knew Sirius took no issue ending a life he thought worthy of ending.

    The men backed away from Toby... who’d yet to realize there was anyone else in the room.

    His brother was a true simpleton to speak so freely about killing Van Dero. Toby.

    Toby looked up and finally, his mouth closed, but it didn’t stay that way for long. Sirius, what are you doing here? He began to roll up the map as though it would make any difference.

    I know what you’re doing. I’ve come to tell you to stop. Cassius didn’t need to kill Toby. He could beat him like he’d done Milly’s brother for allowing her to sell herself for money—not that she had, but the very idea had sent Cass into a rage.

    If the man’s plans didn’t include hurting Milly, there was a chance that Sirius would be able to help him.

    Toby glared at him even as he tossed the map underneath his table. I have no idea what you’re talking about. The fool.

    I heard everything. Done with this half-brother for the moment, he turned to the tall, thin-nosed man on his brother’s right. Hmm. Sirius leaned back against the closed door—blocking their only way out—and tapped his chin. It’s Boar something, isn’t it? Boar. Deer perhaps?.

    What? The man’s white brows rose. Boar?

    Your name, Sirius clarified.

    The thin man swallowed. Lord Levi Foxton.

    Foxton, yes. Sirius grinned. I knew it reminded me of something to hunt down.

    Foxton threw himself back against the wall and began to cower like the spineless man he was.

    Sirius turned to the other man next. He was larger and stood by the window. Undoubtedly, he wondered if he could make it out before Sirius could catch him.

    Undoubtedly, he would fail.

    A small part of Sirius did enjoy this sort of work. He’d tried to run from it over and over again, yet so long as there were men like these in the world, Sirius’ dark tendencies would prevail.

    I’ve never met you before, Sirius said. What’s your name?

    The giant blinked over and over again. I would r-rather not give it to you. He straightened, trying to intimidate.

    Sirius grinned cruelly. Excellent. I do enjoy a good chase, though you should be aware that the more work I put into chasing you, the more I’ll take out of your hide when I do catch you.

    The giant crumbled to the ground. The very floor shook when he landed. His hands went up. His fingers folded as if in prayer. Please, my lord. Do not tell the duke I was here. I had no part in this. It was all Levi and Tobias! He pointed at them as though Sirius were unaware of who they were.

    Foxton hissed, "You listen here, Harry Callum."

    The giant looked struck by the fact that Foxton had said his name. He glanced over at Sirius to see if he’d caught the slip.

    But it had been no slip.

    Before either man could go on, Sirius lifted his hands. I will deal with you both later. You may go, but I wouldn’t go far. Take my warning and don’t leave the city. I will find you. The moment Sirius stepped away from the door and moved to the center of the office, the men ran.

    They would leave the city, but sadly Sirius would be too busy to chase them himself. Collecting past debts and new infractions was no longer his occupation. He was a banker. An upstanding member of Society.

    Yet somewhere deep inside, the monster hid and eventually came out.

    During the time the other men spoke and eventually left, Sirius’ brother worked to hide the remainder of the evidence as though Sirius were as much an imbecile as he were.

    By the time Sirius reached his brother’s desk, Toby was trembling, shaking enough that his lower jaw jiggled. I’ve done nothing wrong.

    You’re plotting to kill Van Dero.

    Tobias gasped. Who told you?

    Sirius laughed at the bafflement on Tobias’ face. It seemed a crime to kill someone who lacked basic reasoning. Who do you think told me? The duke.

    Tobias’ eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He placed his hands on his desk to keep himself upright. Then he hung his head.

    Sirius waited for the apology. The begging.

    This changes everything. Where I would have delayed a fortnight, I must now act by the end of this week. Tobias pushed away from the desk and then began to open drawers. He pulled out all the papers he’d recently stuffed away. I’ve men ready to see it done.

    Tobias! It’s the Duke of Van Dero. Your men will be wiped away as easily as pollen in the wind.

    Not so! I have the money. I’m paying them well enough. Tobias did have money, all thanks to Sirius. Now he wondered how wise it was to have helped Tobias.

    Sirius rarely did good deeds for those who didn’t deserve them. Now, he regretted it.

    Sirius moved to his brother’s side and grabbed his shoulders, turning Tobias to face him. This was the same boy who’d once spat in his face and pushed him down the stairs whenever he got the chance. As Adam, he’d have not been allowed to stand before him as he did, but as Sirius, he was respected... Mostly. Listen to me. You must stop.

    I can’t! Tobias glared. I simply cannot.


    Because... Tobias looked away. I took something. He’ll be upset when he finds out.

    Sirius narrowed his eyes and dropped his

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