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Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death, An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home
Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death, An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home
Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death, An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home
Ebook216 pages2 hours

Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death, An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home

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About this ebook

Come on a journey to another world of eternal bliss, joy and light, in this enchanting narrative which pulls you in and shows you heaven. Meet those who have gone before into paradise and found eternal peace.

Enter into the heavenly Jerusalem, with a man and an angelic guide to discover the truth about immortality, the afterlife and the joy of eternity.

Discover the wonder of paradise, the Garden of Eden, the cloud of witnesses and be thrilled with loved ones reunited, with the hope of heavenly rewards.

PublisherByFaith Media
Release dateFeb 11, 2020
Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death, An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home

Paul Backholer

Paul Backholer is a broadcaster, author and the founder of ByFaith Media ( He is the director of ByFaith TV and the author of many Christian books.Paul was born in the 1970s and after being called to study at Bible College in the 1990s, he later served as staff. Since then his Christian mission outreaches have taken him to over forty nations - from the slums of South America, from Cairo to the Cape, across the Trans Siberian Railway, into the Pacific and through the jungles of South East Asia.Paul has preached in many nations and his TV programmes have aired on more than fifteen Christian networks around the world. Having studied theology, Paul is committed to the integrity of Scripture and faithfulness to it.Paul's life was transformed when he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit as a teenager and this experience with God set him on fire and led to him committing his life to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.Paul's books focus on a variety of subjects, including walking closely with God, knowing the Holy Spirit, prophetic revelations grounded in Scripture, biblical archaeology and Christian history.

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    Book preview

    Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death, An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home - Paul Backholer

    Heaven, Paradise is Real. Hope Beyond Death.

    An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home.

    By Paul Backholer.

    This book is also available as a paperback.

    Heaven: Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death. An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home by Paul Backholer.

    Copyright © Paul Backholer 2020, ByFaith Media. All Rights Reserved -

    Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible:

    The New King James Version (NKJV). Published by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Authorised Version (AV) also known as the King James Version (first printed in 1611).

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any unauthorised retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any unauthorised means – electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording, or any other (except for brief quotations in printed or official website reviews with full accreditation) without the prior permission of the Publisher, ByFaith Media, Paul Backholer. Uploading this work to the internet (in whole or in part) is illegal, as is unauthorised translations. For requests for Translation Rights, please contact ByFaith Media.

    References to deity are capitalised. As is the nature of the internet, web pages can disappear and ownership of domain names can change hands. Those stated within the book were valid at the time of first publication. First edition Copyright © Paul Backholer 2020.

    This book is also available as a paperback.

    - Jesus Christ is Lord -


    Heaven is the final destination for the redeemed and yet, we still have many unanswered questions about our future. What will heaven feel like? What will we look like and what did Jesus Christ mean when He taught we will be like the angels? (Matthew 22:30). The Bible does not discourage such thoughts; instead, it urges us to focus our thinking on things above. ‘If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth’ (Colossians 3:1-2).

    In the Old Testament, the prophets did not know the fullness of God’s eternal plan, therefore Paul wrote of those generations: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But after Christ Jesus was raised from the dead and the Holy Spirit was poured out, God began to reveal His eternal destiny for His people in greater detail. Paul explained it like this: ‘But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit’ (1 Corinthians 2:10).

    The apostle Paul visited the third heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2), and others have had visions and dreams; whilst the apostle John was in the Spirit when he received his visions (Revelation 1:10).

    God speaks to us in His Word and the teaching of the Lord Jesus constantly refers to the afterlife – heaven and hell. His preaching insists we should weigh our actions and walk in His light as we prepare for eternity (Matthew 12:36-42, Luke 16:1-31, 21:3-37, John 10:27-28). He encouraged all to consider the next life and to live with the eternal in mind (Matthew 25:1-46). Jesus also taught that by nature we struggle to understand heaven: If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? (John 3:12).

    In these last days, God is pouring out the Holy Spirit and the Bible states our sons and daughters will prophesy, young men shall see visions, and old men will dream dreams (Acts 2:17). Therefore, the day of revelation is far from over; yet God will never show us anything that contradicts or challenges the authority of Scripture (John 20:31, 2 Timothy 3:16). Consequently, this chronicle may be weighed as a prophetic journal soaked in biblical truth, Divine experiences and lessons given by the Holy Spirit.

    God always speaks for important reasons and believers in Jesus are told to ‘desire spiritual gifts…especially that you may prophesy’ (1 Corinthians 14:1). As the Bible states: ‘The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy’ (Revelation 19:10). We also accept that we know in part and see in part (1 Corinthians 13:12), and revelations must be tested in His light, by the Word (1 Corinthians 14:29).

    As there are dangers of depending on personal revelations and man can add to and misunderstand what God gives (1 Corinthians 14:29-32), we must always return to Scripture. The Bible will always be our only and final source of doctrine, and all other aids to Scripture must be weighed in its balance. This is why this chronicle is filled with biblical references that can be sought-out and studied to corroborate the message within (2 Timothy 3:16). All you read can only be as faithful as the verses that underpin it. As Paul wrote to Timothy: ‘Consider what I say and may the Lord give you understanding in all things’ (2 Timothy 2:7).

    I conclude this introduction by considering the prayer of the apostle Paul that we may receive revelation from God.

    ‘Making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints’ (Ephesians 1:16-18).

    Chapter One


    I sometimes feel like a passenger on a high-speed train shooting through time. Where have all the years gone? I can remember school years, impatiently waiting for them to pass, so I could leave and begin my real life. But now the years go by with inconsiderate speed. In my personal battle with time, I found myself asking this question – where is this sprint through life heading?

    Perhaps it is the knowledge of our mortality that helped me to study the Bible’s description of heaven. When we were young, we spent our time planning in vain for a future which rarely turns out as expected. Life is the events which happen to us whilst we are making far superior plans. Nevertheless, in those precious moments between the daily routines of work, duties, burdens, commitments and responsibilities, we sometimes find a minute to stop and ponder where this mortal journey will lead.

    Day after day, month after month, I opened my Bible and studied the passages of Scripture that give us a glimpse of the promise of heaven. I was amazed at the many references throughout, and the promises that provoked questions and further study. I prayed in the night hours for visions of heaven and with my spirit opened, I saw a perfect world which left me with a deep witness of heaven.

    I cannot explain it all – yet, I felt I passed into another world. There was radiant light shining around me, so intense that it penetrated into my being. I knew by faith this was heaven, yet I was unable to discern where I was ‘geographically.’ I did not physically travel to get here and I lost my sense of coordination. Once I had thought of heaven as a physical dimension above the sky, and then I recalled the apostle John saw the sky receding like a scroll, when it rolled up before him. I concluded this was the spiritual world (Revelation 6:14).

    Suddenly, a glorious shudder passed down my spine; it was not fear I felt, for I knew no harm could come to me. My chill came from my deficiency to comprehend who or what was near me. The light was still too glorious to behold.

    Then a presence touched me on my shoulder from behind. My eyelids began to flicker and in an instant, my eyes felt comfortable to focus in the glory. I wanted with all my heart to look behind me and see the presence, yet I was afraid. It was not fear of harm which stopped me; it was reverence that the presence was not human. I was a stranger in a heavenly land and if I turned to look, I feared I would faint. Theologically I did not believe this could be possible, but one experience can shake a thousand theories.

    I heard soft footsteps behind me walking away and my attention was drawn to my surroundings. Below my feet was thick grass. It was varying shades of rich green, from dark to light, and many had tiny streaks of yellow and red in them. I reached down to touch the grass and it felt soft, reminding me of a fluffy blanket.

    I cautiously took a step forward and the grass slowly bounced, comforting my step and it sprung up again, as if it was lifting me forward for the next step. The grass swayed together in unison and as I drew my gaze into the beyond, there were many green hills before me. The slight smell of ginger and honey lingered in the air.

    As I scanned the scene ahead something benign flew slowly past my face. I drew back to focus and I saw what can only be described as tiny round pieces of glittering ‘confetti’ sailing through the sky, as if blown by a breeze. They danced through the air in groups, like a flock of birds in unison and their colours were gold, silver and fiery bronze. Each one was about the size of a pinhead. As the glittering ‘confetti’ sailed through the air, thousands of other pieces followed and the radiant light around struck each one making them glitter with a golden kiss of light. They sparkled and it seemed like they communicated with light.

    Overhead there was a rich blue sky and as it touched the land in the distance, there was orange light breaking through, like a sunset, with no sun. I saw in the distance flowers unlike any I had ever seen. I walked into their midst and touched them. Some were shaped like golden crowns; they were rich yellow, blue, purple, red and other colours which I could not identify. I touched one and it felt like silk. Then, I noticed they swayed when I touched them, and they released a quiet sound, like that of a triangle being perfectly and gently tapped.

    I continued walking up a hill where the flowers resided in numerous numbers and there was no strain on my legs as the elevation grew. As I moved my feet they touched the heads of the flowers, leading them to move into each other. I was aware that none were being trampled under my feet and as they swayed each one released their own distinct musical sound.

    There were other sounds around me and I listened carefully. I closed my eyes and quietly dancing on the circle of the sky, I heard the singing of a thousand choirs in unison.

    The first choir I heard was similar to the sound of Europeans singing in a cathedral, such as on a royal occasion. Then, I distinctly heard Asian and African choirs singing songs of worship. It was honest and true, and I fell to my knees, as my emotions exploded with adoration and praise to God. In this intensified state, I also discerned songs of praise that I recognised from the Pacific.

    On earth, I thought of these expressions of worship as being uniquely separate from each other; here they blended as one, in perfect pitch as if orchestrated by a master. I sensed that every form of worship on earth was a small sample of the pendulum swing of God’s expressive nature, which He planted in the hearts and cultures of mankind. Here they are united in perfect harmony.

    There was also a deeper level to the worship that I heard; it was an angelic sound that underpinned all, encompassing the forms of praise, whilst catching their essence and corresponding.

    I was aware I was in a timeless place, however, I still chose to measure time by the standards of earth. Perhaps time could be described in simplistic terms as the continuum of experience in which events pass from the past, through the present and to the future; but what happens when there is no past or future? What happens when you step out of time? Eternity is the absence of time.

    By earthly standards, this tiny foray into eternity had lasted longer than twelve hours and there was no approach of night, for there was no sun on the horizon to set (Revelation 22:5). I felt no fatigue and no desire to lie down, to rest or sleep.

    My whole being had been drawn deeply into the worship I heard and it was innocently mesmerising. I felt lost in the praise of eternity and was swept off my feet, and my spirit within was floating. God inhabited the praises of His people in an invisible mist of intensity (Psalm 22:3), and His presence was heavy upon my being, and light on the soul. On earth, I had worshipped in large crowds and when I chose to forget self, and the musicians ministered quietly in the Spirit, I was able to feel that God was near. Yet here it was thousands of times the intensity. I was drawn into love and love overcame me (Song of Solomon 2:4, Romans 5:5).

    The invisible worshippers sang of the holiness of the Lord, and although we had tried to use the same words and phrases on earth, by these standards, every attempt of earthly praise felt tainted and unclean. The worship was in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). I almost felt the desire to apologise for corrupting worship on earth and bringing it down to a human level.

    I had read in the Bible that day and night people are lost in praise in heaven, and I did not know how it could be possible; yet when pure love, joy and light floods into you during worship, the thought is not how long will this go on for, but please may it never stop!

    I felt like a child in a favourite playground, undesirous and unaware that anything could surpass this moment. Suddenly, the unseen presence touched me on my shoulder again and I was gently eased out of rest, with the knowledge I had a journey ahead.

    I walked onwards to the top of a nearby hill to determine what was over the ridge. As my head reached over the peak, I witnessed valleys and hills, all were green and lush. Glorious light filled every part of the land and illuminated every area, bathing it in various colours with the sunlight of His Divine and perfect love. To the far left, there were several thunderous waterfalls and still rivers, with many kinds of plants and flowers growing (Psalm 42:7).

    In my spirit a Scripture sprung forth: ‘The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters, He restores My soul’ (Psalm 23:1-3). These words were being literally fulfilled in heaven!

    To my great surprise, I saw about thirty small white and pink clouds hovering just five-feet above the ground. One was creeping up the hill in my direction and I stepped back as it flowed slowly forward. I reached out to touch it and it felt soft, solid and light. It also felt strong; I held onto it and its movement forced me to walk with it. I was aware it was ascending and I knew that if I kept holding on it would lift me off the ground! In a spirit of discovery I held on a little too long and my feet lifted slightly into the air. I let go and with a bounce landed on my feet.

    The most beautiful locations on earth seemed to be a marred glimpse of this world. I was also aware that I was limited in my ability to describe what was before me. How can you describe a world which has no comparison? There are things and experiences in heaven which are unspeakable (2 Corinthians 12:4); perhaps language itself is too limited. How can you explain an experience that overcomes the soul and spirit to such an extent that you are driven to silent peace and holy ecstasy? How can you share an encounter which feels too sacred for words?

    I had appreciated the greatest natural wonders of earth primarily by sight, but here, the way I felt was just as important. I was filled with a sense of wonder and imagination. This heavenly revelation had finally been received with something charming and glorious wherever I turned. The feelings that overtook me reminded me of an excited child on Christmas morning and I was surprised I could still feel such things. The childlike sense of wonder, delight and imagination, which are stolen from us by the harsh realities of life, came flooding back.

    Then there was joy. Oh, what joy! It was like discovering I had missed out on some new wonderful feeling which existed all along. I felt joy inexpressible and full of glory (1 Peter 1:8). It was flowing into me, pressed down and

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