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Veiled Agenda
Veiled Agenda
Veiled Agenda
Ebook343 pages4 hours

Veiled Agenda

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About this ebook

Dr. Marina Tempel is on the front line of increasingly bizarre contagions erupting across the globe. On behalf of humanity, she races against time to locate the source and stop them.
In this second book in the series the stakes are high as the unthinkable happens – an aggressive and deadly virus is released throughout the world. A massive viral outbreak sweeps her into the cutthroat world of power, domination and murder.
NOTE: This book can be read independently of book one.

Release dateMar 2, 2020
Veiled Agenda

Serenity McLean

I’ve raced in a corvette with the needle buried. Not a pilot, but flown a piper aircraft. Been attacked by machete-wielding natives hunting for heads. Swam with an alligator. Hightailed it in a sailboat racing a monster storm threatening to capsize. And found myself face to face with a growling lynx.Love living the adventure.Serenity McLean, Adventurer and Author

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    Book preview

    Veiled Agenda - Serenity McLean

    Published by Dome Tree Publishing

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-989447-02-4

    © Copyright Serenity McLean, 2020

    All Rights Reserved

    Requests for permission to use or reproduce material from this book should be directed to [email protected].

    All Scripture quotations in the book are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation unless otherwise indicated, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Author’s Note

    When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living being say, Come! I looked up and saw a horse whose colour was pale green. Its rider was named Death, and his companion was the Grave. These two were given authority over one-fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword and famine and disease and wild animals.

    Revelation 6:7–8

    Veiled Agenda is the second book in the Final Moments series. As the world gallops to the final days spoken of in the ancient writings of John the Revelator, The Final Moments are a series of mystery stories related to the increasingly bizarre contagions erupting everywhere.

    The main character in the series, Dr. Marina Tempel, is on the front line of these outbreaks. On behalf of humanity she races against time to locate the source and stop them. In Veiled Agenda the global stakes are high as the unthinkable happens – a virus that kills everyone infected is released throughout the world. A massive viral outbreak sweeps her into the cutthroat world of power, domination and assassination.

    I hope you enjoy this exciting mystery series!


    I dedicate this book to the loving memory of my mom who was my best friend and my biggest fan – love you always and forever, Mom.



    Author s Note



    Virus Dump

    Trouble in Caracas

    Escape Venezuela

    Hair on the Fly s Butt

    Call to Assassinate

    The Bear Necessities

    Not Good One Lah

    Lion Hunt

    Letter to Humanity

    Secret Agent Man

    Singapore Sling

    Life in the Circus

    The Magician

    The Gift

    Heracles and Heroes

    The Package to Belle Haven

    Virus Wars

    The Bad Penny

    Rider in the Storm

    Castanets and Orangutans

    Into the Jaws of the Monster

    The Coconut Pact


    A Chop and Mop Order

    Bears and Wolves

    The Fall of Kazoola

    Three Angels

    Moonlight and Wine

    The Finale

    Certain Thunder

    Thank You

    Other Books

    About the Author

    Virus Dump

    Chapter 1

    It felt like days, quietly sitting in utter and oppressive darkness. He pressed a button on his watch – 12:47 a.m. – and sighed. It had been six hours. Only another 15 minutes. Constricted with barely inches to move, he lifted his soaked shirt and wiped the sweat pouring down his face. The coolest month was desperately hot and humid. Even more so in the tight, enclosed space. Is it my imagination or is it getting difficult to breathe in here?

    He could feel anxiety increasing with his claustrophobia. His hands trembled. His heart raced. The suffocation felt like a python squeezing out his breath. There’s no room! There’s not enough air! What if the guy doesn’t come and let me out? I’m going to die in here.

    No, settle down. Focus. Slow and steady breaths.

    He closed his eyes and thought about walking the long beaches of Salt Rock, his home in South Africa. It took a couple of minutes, but he calmed down his racing mind. He considered opening a water bottle, but thought the better of it. Drink the wrong one and his dreams of owning a bar and grill would never see the light of day. He thought about the half million dollars he would get when the job was done. Slowly he blew the air out of his lungs, releasing the tension in his chest. He shook his hands. I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t so desperate.

    Another wipe of his soaked face – 12:54 a.m.

    Having watched several of the Locked Up Abroad shows, he knew he risked the death penalty for what he was about to do. His breathing quickened. He could feel his pulse pounding in his throat. I can’t think about that now. Anyway, it’s too late. This is my last chance to make something of my life.

    Three knocks echoed on the metal. Finally!

    He answered with two. He heard the high security bolt breaking. The heavy door creaked open. He took a gulp of the fresh air rushing into the cargo container. He grabbed his backpack and stepped out. The man closed the door behind him and asked, Where’s the duplicate security lock?

    He pulled it out of the side pocket of the pack. They sealed up the container. No one would know anyone had used it to gain illegal entry into the country.

    The man drove him to a remote section along the perimeter of the seaport. Without words passing between them, he stepped out of the cart. They nodded to each other and the man drove away.

    It was an inky, moonless sky. A dark night for dark deeds.

    Relieved to be out of the tight locker, he pulled the backpack over his shoulders and climbed the fence. A hidden motorcycle with a ring of keys under the wheel waited for him a short distance down an empty road. The bike roared to life. He rummaged through his backpack to pull out a water bottle and held it in front of the headlight to confirm it was one that contained only water. Half the contents disappeared in a couple gulps.

    He headed straight to the water treatment facility several miles north. An 8-foot fence and concrete block building? This is going to be easy compared to six hours in that container coffin.

    He stashed the bike in the bushes and scaled the fence. It surprised him how little security there was. At the side door of the building he used the second key on the ring to gain access. He paused, listening. No alarms went off.

    Navigating through the halls to a door marked Access Point 5, he slipped inside and dropped the backpack on the lab bench. At the far end of the room was a large pipe with an access hatch. He pulled out three large water bottles, each marked with a small black dot on the bottom right corner. Putting on latex gloves, he opened the access panel and watched the treated water flowing for several seconds. The next stop for this water would be a reservoir tank, then someone’s cup.

    He carefully unscrewed the cap of the first bottle. This is it. He held up the bottle as though offering a toast. To the night I hope to never remember and to my future dreams finally realized. Cheers.

    He emptied all three bottles into the flowing water, then placed the empties in a clear garbage bag. Throwing his backpack over his shoulder, he peeked out the door. All was quiet. He made his way back down the hall, tossing out the bag of empties in the first garbage can he saw.

    He drove to the marina on Sentosa Island and got onboard a boat in slip 23. The captain drove him out to a tugboat to catch up with a freighter leaving port.

    Standing amidst stacked containers, he watched the lights of the city slowly fade into the distance.

    He pulled out his cell phone and called his contact.



    It’s Singapore. It’s done.

    Any complications?

    No. Everything went as you planned.

    Good. You’ll have your money by morning.

    He left the deck for his cabin not knowing history would mark him as the second most despised man on earth.

    Trouble in Caracas

    Chapter 2

    Marina suddenly woke up, her thinking still clouded by sleep. Loud banging on her hotel room door immediately cleared the fog.

    Marina! Wake up!

    She stepped out of bed to the sounds of chaos on the street below her window. She started toward the window to look.

    The banging on the door started again – this time with urgency. Marina! It’s Bill Butler!

    She opened the door a crack and squinted into the bright hall lighting.

    Get dressed quickly. We need to get out of Caracas now! Something bad is going down and we’re getting out of the country. The lads sent me to get you.

    The shouts on the street grew louder followed by the telltale sounds of automatic gunfire.

    Okay. Let me get some pants on and grab my stuff. She hurried back into her room.

    Raging threats and banging on doors erupted from the hallway around the corner. Bill stepped into her room and quietly closed the door behind him.

    She froze. What’s wrong?

    He held his finger to his mouth. Shh.

    She hustled through the room throwing things into her luggage. The banging came closer.

    Locking the door he whispered, Get that chair.

    He tucked the high back of the chair under the doorknob, jamming the door shut. He whispered, Hide in the bathroom. If they break in don’t – Loud pounding on their door stopped him mid sentence.

    Angry voices demanded they open the door. Americano! Come out now! We will not hurt you if you come out now!

    Marina thought, They know I’m here. There’s nowhere to hide. If they break in, they will find me for sure. Oh God, deliver us from this danger.

    They battered the door so hard, Bill feared it wouldn’t hold. He heard several men talking in Spanish. Australian miner! We know you’re in there. Open up now! Two of the men shouted at each other. A punch landed. One fell against the door, then more arguing erupted. They finally moved on. He heard them make the same demands at the next room.

    When Bill was sure no one remained outside the door he left his post to join Marina in the bathroom. They might know we’re in the hotel, but lucky for us they don’t know which rooms. I think we’re okay for the moment.

    What’s going on? Who are these men?

    I’m not sure. I think it’s an uprising of the people against President Maduro. These men could be Maduro’s people, Guaidó’s people or a violent faction of protestors. But we need to get out of Caracas and out of Venezuela.

    He pulled out his vibrating phone and answered. Oliver? Yeah, I’m with Marina. There are men in the halls trying to get into the rooms.

    Oliver said, You two okay?

    Yes. I don’t think we can get upstairs to your room.

    Right. Bear is here. He’s got a plan to get us out of here. Can you meet us at the parking lot?

    Yes. In the background he heard Bear say, Tell them to travel light.

    Bill answered, Got it.

    Be careful.

    Thanks, Oliver. You too.

    He turned to Marina. We need to get to the parking lot out back. And Bear says to travel light. I guess that means we are going to need to move unencumbered by luggage.

    She nodded. Is my backpack okay?

    Just the bare essentials. You might need to run.

    Got it. She pulled her money out of her wallet and tucked it into the front pocket of her jeans, throwing the wallet in the bottom of the backpack. She rummaged through her things and grabbed a couple of clean T-shirts and underpants, two pairs of socks, a small medical kit she always travelled with and her passport, tossing them into the pack. The last thing into the backpack was a glazed pottery vase given to her by a woman artisan from the Venezuelan village. She wrapped it in a pair of jeans and tucked into the middle of the pack. With the pack zipped closed she threw it over her shoulder. Ready.

    Bill listened at the door for a moment, then cracked it open. All clear. Let’s go.

    They hurried down the hall to the stairs. He opened the door slowly. Hearing voices in the stairwell, he quietly closed it. We’ll try the back stairs.

    Hugging the wall as they approached the door, a slow smile crossed her face. Call me Bond. Jane Bond.

    Listening for a moment, Bill nodded. Okay, let’s go.

    They hustled down several flights to the first floor. As he pulled the door open, they heard a loud bang above them. Male voices echoed through the stairwell. Boot steps of several men approached.

    Bill peeked out the door. It was a darkened back hall, but open to the front lobby where several men with guns milled about. She looked.

    He whispered, We can’t go out there.

    The voices above were just a couple of flights away and closing fast. We can’t stay here.

    He looked out again. Okay. Follow me.

    He quietly stepped into the hall keeping close to the wall and made his way to the back of the hotel. She followed close behind. They pushed through a door into the kitchen. She quickly closed the door behind her just as the men poured out of the stairwell. To her relief they headed straight for the lobby.

    She and Bill navigated past the prep counters to the back of the kitchen.

    He said, I’m regretting that last jug of beer.

    I’ve got some Tylenol if you need.

    He looked back and smiled. Thanks. It’s not a headache. I’m moving a little sluggish.

    Looking for an exit he opened a door, but it led to a pantry. They walked past the refrigerator door.

    With his hand on the knob Bill said, This should take us out back.

    He pulled the door open, then froze.

    An armed young man stood grinning at them. You’re not leaving? he said, pointing his rifle at them. They both raised their hands. Nodding at Bill he said, Who are you, old man? Are you one of the thieves from the Australian mining company, stealing the wealth from my people?

    It’s a British mining company and I am not a thief. I’m helping your people –

    Shut up. He thrust the butt of his gun in Bill’s face. Blood spurted from his nose as he stumbled back. The man poked his finger in Bill’s chest. You look like British ransom money to me. He turned to Marina and fondled a strand of her hair. He grabbed the back of her head, pulled her in close and licked her face. And you smell like something a whole lot sweeter.

    Her stomach churned at the implication. He laughed at her then fired his weapon in the air. Hi-ee-yi-yi-yi-eeee!

    Marina knew this was a call to his brothers-in-arms. She looked at Bill who could barely see past the blood. He was in no condition to initiate an escape. She quickly glanced around, formulating a plan. She had to act fast if they had any chance of breaking away.

    She smiled at the man. Listen Juan. Let’s make a deal.

    Escape Venezuela

    Chapter 3

    The man licked his lips and glanced around. What kind of deal?

    You let us go, and I will –

    The man fell to a crumpled heap. Bear stood behind him grinning.

    Marina grabbed Bill, pulling him outside. Bear, I’m glad to see you.

    Still mopping his bleeding nose Bill said, Thanks, mate. You’re a life saver.

    Bear said, I’d love to chinwag, but we’re a little short on time. We’ve got to go now. He put his arm around Bill to help him.

    Her eyes ran up and down Bear, taking in his messy long hair and athletic body.

    Bill said, I’ll take that Tylenol now.

    Marina looked at his face. You’ve got a broken nose for sure. Maybe even a fracture of your cheek bone. She pulled her pack off her shoulder.

    They heard gun fire and voices.

    Bear positioned the pack back on her shoulder. Wait until we’re in the car.

    He rushed them into the thick trees, Bill moaning with every footfall.

    Marina thought, What’s this guy up to? The parking lot is the other way. She grabbed Bear’s shoulder. I thought we were meeting the other guys at the parking lot.

    We are. I just don’t want to be caught in the open when that guy’s buddies show up.

    Bill said, Don’t worry, Marina. Bear got all the guys from the interior mine safely out. He’s our best bet to get out of here.

    Sure. Trust the Jack Sparrow guy.

    Automatic fire ripped through the banana leaves dropping them to the ground.

    A quick smile flashed across her face. Just like Ian Fleming says, when you look death in the eye, you’ve lived a second time.

    She locked eyes with Bear. He broke into his usual grin. Welcome to the jungle.

    Yeah, it’s all fun and games here on my knees.

    You know a little Guns and Roses.

    "I know I’d rather be singing Paradise City than Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door. "

    He lifted his head, looked around then dropped to the ground.

    "How about something more mellow like Someone Saved My Life Tonight."

    She said, And you’re Sugar Bear?

    My friends call me Bear.

    Bill said, Can you two save the flirting until we’re out of Caracas?

    Bear winked at Marina and patted Bill’s shoulder. My friend, this is just friendly chatter. He lifted Bill to his feet. But you’re right. We do need to get cracking.

    Love that British accent. If I have to be rescued by someone, a British rogue is a good option. I do love my job.

    He quietly picked their way through the trees then brought them out a few feet from a black Chevy Suburban.

    She smiled. Ahoy, me mateys. It’s the Black Pearl.

    He tapped the rear window three times. Oliver and Riley sat up from the floor.

    And here’s the rest of Sparrow’s crew.

    Bill climbed in the second row with the men and Marina jumped in the front.

    These men wouldn’t trust Bear if he wasn’t dependable. Not every swashbuckler is a bad guy. Sure, he looks like the Terminator, but maybe he’s all Indiana Jones hero.

    Bear looked in the rearview mirror. Either of you two good with a gun?

    Riley said, I’ve done a fair bit of hunting.

    Bear started the engine. Alright. In my pack there’s a pistol and a spare cartridge. Get it out and be ready when I tell you to shoot. Riley nodded. And the rest of you – be ready to duck. The streets are flooded with every conceivable type of assault weapon and behind each one is an untrained man venting his frustration. Then along we come, a Suburban full of Englishmen He nodded at Marina. And a woman – an irresistible target. When I say get down, then drop below window level.

    He backed out. Here we go.

    Marina thought, God, keep us safe tonight. You know I love a good adrenalin rush, but just keep a hedge of protection around us. Thanks.

    Two white men stepped in front of the vehicle waving their arms.

    Bear powered down his window. You boys looking to get out?

    We’ve got a way out of the country. We just don’t have a way out of the city. We’ll give you folks a lift out on our plane if you can get us out of Caracas.

    Bear nodded to the third row of seats in the back. Hop in.

    Thanks, mate.

    Once in the vehicle the bigger man introduced himself as Connor Sykes, an American V.P. with Stranton Oil.

    Bear said, Where is your plane?

    Connor described a small private airfield about an hour south of the city.

    The slimmer dark-haired man spoke with the clipped accent of English gentry. Thanks for picking us up. I’m Nigel Perry, an associate executive with Stranton. Who are you guys?

    Marina watched the passing dark houses listening to the chatter. Escaping the Venezuelan coup with Jack Sparrow and a boatload of Englishmen. This will make quite a story to tell my grandkids, if I ever manage to marry and have kids.

    Oliver said, Except for the lovely Doctor Marina, we are with British American Mining. I’m Oliver Wright.

    And I’m Riley Evans.

    And under all this blood, I’m Bill Butler.

    I’m Marina Tempel with the International Health Institute.

    Nigel leaned forward. I don’t see a ring on your finger. What’s a beautiful woman like you doing in Venezuela?

    Bear stared at Nigel in the rearview mirror. Riley and Oliver looked at each other then back at Nigel.

    Investigating an outbreak in the back country. I was booked on a flight later today, but I suspect it’s been cancelled.

    He laughed. No doubt. Very nice to meet you Marina. He wagged his eyebrows.

    On the road ahead, an open flatbed truck turned from a side street and headed towards them. A bright spotlight blinded their eyes.

    Bear said, Riley, be ready with the gun.

    Connor brandished his own 9 mm gun, snapping in a fresh cartridge. We’ve got to get off this road fast.

    Bear glanced in the rearview mirror at Connor. They briefly locked eyes. Turning his attention back to the road Bear said, Hang on. He squealed around a corner and hit the gas. The truck followed them with the rebels firing at the accelerating Chevy.

    Bear said, Everyone duck down for a minute. They won’t be able to keep up with us.

    Marina tucked under the dash, wrapping herself around her backpack. Memories of hiding under the console of a boat while under fire flashed through her mind. I got out of that one okay. I wonder if there’s a James-Bond-dodging-bullets school. It seems it’s a big part of my life these days.

    Bear quietly sang Born to Run, giving Marina a deep dimpled grin when he got to the part about an everlasting kiss.

    Connor returned fire, taking out one gunman. Inspired, Riley leaned way out and shot at the

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