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Jesus, The Best Friend
Jesus, The Best Friend
Jesus, The Best Friend
Ebook22 pages33 minutes

Jesus, The Best Friend

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J.C. Ryle, 1878

 "Yes, He is altogether lovely. This is my Beloved, and this is my FRIEND!" Song of Solomon 5:16

"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say: Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a FRIEND of tax collectors and sinners!" Luke 7:34

A friend is one of the greatest blessings on earth. Tell me not of moneylove is better than gold; sympathy is better than lands. He is the poor manwho has no friends!

This world is full of sorrowbecause it is full of sin. It is a dark place. It is a lonely place. It is a disappointing place. The brightest sunbeam in it, is a friend. Friendship halves our troublesand doubles our joys!

A real friend is scarce and rare. There are many who will eat, and drink, and laugh with us in the sunshine of prosperity. There are few who will stand by us in the days of darknessfew who will love us when we are sick, helpless, and poorfew, above all, who will care for our souls!

Does any reader of this paper want a real friend? I write to recommend one to your notice this day. I know of One "who sticks closer than a brother!" (Proverbs 18:24) I know of One who is ready to be your friend for time and for eternity, if you will receive Him. Hear me, while I try to tell you something about Him.

The friend I want you to know is Jesus Christ. Happy is that family in which Christ has the foremost place! Happy is that person whose chief friend is Christ!
PublisherDarolt Books
Release dateMar 9, 2020
Jesus, The Best Friend

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    Book preview

    Jesus, The Best Friend - John Charles Ryle


    I. Do we want a friend in NEED?

    Such a friend is the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Man is the neediest creature on God's earth, because he is a sinner. There is no need as great as that of sinners: poverty, hunger, thirst, cold, sicknessall are nothing in comparison. Sinners need pardonand they are utterly unable to provide it for themselves; they need deliverance from a guilty conscience and the fear of deathand they have no power of their own to obtain it. This need, the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to relieve. He came into the world to save sinners!

    We are all by nature, poor dying creatures. From the king on his throne, to the pauper in the workhousewe are all sick of a mortal disease of soul. Whether we know it or not, whether we feel it or notwe are all dying daily. The plague of sin is in our blood. We cannot cure ourselveswe are hourly getting worse and worse! All this, the Lord Jesus undertook to remedy. He came into the world to bring in health and cure; He came to deliver us from the second death; He came to abolish death, and bring life and immortality to light through the Gospel. (Jeremiah 33:6; Revelation 2:11; 2 Timothy 1:10)

    We are all by nature imprisoned debtors. We owed our God millionsand had nothing to pay. We were wretched bankrupts, without hope of freeing ourselves. We could never have freed ourselves from our load of liabilities, and were daily getting more deeply indebted. All this the

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