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Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies: Over 400 Ayurvedic, Herbal, Essential Oil, and Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments
Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies: Over 400 Ayurvedic, Herbal, Essential Oil, and Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments
Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies: Over 400 Ayurvedic, Herbal, Essential Oil, and Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments
Ebook437 pages5 hours

Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies: Over 400 Ayurvedic, Herbal, Essential Oil, and Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments

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Discover Hundreds of Holistic Remedies and Wellness Tips

Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies shares a powerful integrative approach to healing and living a more natural life. Author Vannoy Gentles Fite shares effective remedies for more than a hundred ailments, exploring contemporary and traditional techniques using common, everyday ingredients.

Integrative medicine combines natural, holistic approaches with mainstream medicine. In this book, each ailment includes treatments using essential oils, herbs, Ayurveda, and home remedies. The recipes are easy to locate based on your specific needs, and they include materials you can typically find in your home. From balms and baths to tinctures and wraps, these outstanding remedies will support your healing process as you live your best possible life.

One of BookAuthority.Org's 19 Best Holistic eBooks to Read in 2020

Release dateApr 8, 2020
Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies: Over 400 Ayurvedic, Herbal, Essential Oil, and Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments

Vannoy Gentles Fite

Vannoy Gentles Fite (Saltillo, TX) is a certified Ayurvedic life coach, a certified herbalist, a certified aromatherapist, and a licensed yoga instructor. She believes wholeheartedly in natural healing methods, yoga, Ayurveda, and living mindfully and sustainably.

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    Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies - Vannoy Gentles Fite

    About the Author

    Vannoy Gentles Fite is the author of Essential Oils for Healing and currently lives in Saltillo, Texas. She is a certified Ayurvedic lifestyle coach, a certified herbalist, a licensed yoga instructor, and a certified aromatherapist. She believes wholeheartedly in natural healing methods, yoga, Ayurveda, and living mindfully and sustainably. She lives her life as spiritually as her path allows and is forever growing as a soul. Fite continues to grow her own vegetable garden and herbs, instructs and practices yoga, raises chickens, ducks, and fish, studies Ayurveda, and is a part of a beautiful family.

    EM: [email protected]

    FB: Vannoy Gentles Fite, Author

    IG: @vannoylou



    Llewellyn Publications

    Woodbury, Minnesota

    Copyright Information

    Llewellyn’s Book of Natural Remedies: Over 400 Ayurvedic, Herbal, Essential Oil, and Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments © 2020 by Vannoy Gentles Fite.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    As the purchaser of this e-book, you are granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on screen. The text may not be otherwise reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, or recorded on any other storage device in any form or by any means.

    Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the author’s copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.

    First e-book edition © 2020

    E-book ISBN: 9780738763125

    Book design by Rebecca Zins

    Cover design by Shira Atakpu

    Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Fite, Vannoy Gentles, author.

    Title: Llewellyn’s book of natural remedies : over 400 ayurvedic, herbal,

    essential oil, and home remedies for everyday ailments / Vannoy Gentles


    Description: First edition. | Woodbury, Minnesota : Llewellyn Publications,

    [2020] | Includes bibliographical references. | Summary: "This book

    contains more than 400 remedies using everyday ingredients for 101

    different ailments, with each ailment supported by four remedies, one

    from each category of essential oils, herbs, Ayurveda, and home

    remedies"—Provided by publisher.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2020000923 (print) | LCCN 2020000924 (ebook) | ISBN

    9780738762913 (paperback) | ISBN 9780738763125 (ebook)

    Subjects: LCSH: Naturopathy. | Alternative medicine.

    Classification: LCC RZ440 .F55 2020 (print) | LCC RZ440 (ebook) | DDC


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    Llewellyn Publications

    Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

    2143 Wooddale Drive

    Woodbury, MN 55125

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    special dedication

    For my daughters, the best women I know,

    Lin Reynolds and Colleen Hoover. There is no one

    else I would have chosen to take this ride with.


    Category Index



    Warnings and Therapeutic Properties

    cConditions and Recipes

    Abdominal Pain




    Age Spots (Liver Spots)

    Allergies (Seasonal)



    Athlete’s Foot

    Back Pain

    Bad Breath (Halitosis)

    Bed Wetting (Enuresis)

    Bipolar Disorder





    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


    Chapped Lips

    Circulation (Poor)


    Cold Sores








    Digestive Issues


    Eczema (Dermatitis and Skin Issues)






    Hair Loss



    Hearing Loss

    Heartburn (Acid Indigestion)

    Heat Exhaustion



    High Blood Pressure


    Hormone Imbalance

    Hot Flashes

    Immunodeficiency Disorder




    Insect Bites and Stings


    IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)


    Joint Pain


    Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)


    Menstrual Cramps


    Motion Sickness

    Muscles/Ligaments/Tendon Pain


    Neck Pain

    Nerve Pain (Neuralgia)


    OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

    Panic Attacks

    Pinched Nerve


    PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

    Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac



    Respiratory Infection

    Restless Leg Syndrome



    Sleep Apnea

    Smell, Loss of (Anosmia)


    Sore Throat



    Stye (Eye)





    Tonsillitis (and Adenoids)

    Abdominal Pain

    Ulcers (Mouth)

    Vaginal Itch




    Wounds (Cuts and Bleeding)




    category index



    Flower Lip Balm

    Fortifying Balm

    Herbal Arthritis Balm

    Herbal Cramp Balm

    Pain Balm

    Essential Oils:

    Healing Lip Balm

    Itchy Balm

    Oily Chap Balm

    Home Remedies:

    Nutty Lip Licker



    Ayurvedic Scar Paste

    Bug Treatment

    Burn Bandage

    Coconut Wound Healer

    Ringworm Bandage

    Springtime Wart Killer


    Echinacea Boil Bandage

    Ringworm Paste

    Itchy Witchy

    Essential Oils:

    Anti-Wart Blend

    Impetigo Gauze

    Itch Bandage

    Oil Splinter Remover

    Ringworm Fighter


    Essential Oils:

    Arthritis Oil Bath

    Breathe Deep Bath

    Energy Bath

    Itch-Relieving Bath

    Home Remedies:

    Bath Ritual

    Hive Bath Soak

    Natural Bedtime Bath Remedy

    Pain Bath

    Pain-Relieving Bath

    Suck Out the Heat Bath

    Bath Salts

    Essential Oils:

    Breathing Well Bath Salts

    Hormone Salt Bath

    Joyful Salt Bath

    Pain Elimination Bath Salts

    Salty Oil Soak

    Soothing Cramp Bath Salts

    By Mouth


    Ayurvedic Candy

    Ayurvedic Hiccup Destroyer

    Bronchitis Treatment

    Decongestant Spoon

    Halitosis Spoon

    Pressure-Raising Chew

    Pressure Reducer

    Tomato Ulcer Cure

    Home Remedies:

    ADHD Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy

    Enuresis Remedy

    Tinnitus Shot

    Good Breath Chew

    Sore Throat Sip

    Tonsillitis Remedy



    Pleurisy Packs


    Nerve Compress

    Home Remedies:

    Castor Oil Boil Compress

    Ginger Tooth Compress



    Hormone Decoction


    Ear Decoction

    Nettle Detox Decoction

    SSanity Decoction

    Throat Decoction

    The Thyroid Regulator

    Virus Blocker



    Circulation Rice Dish

    Fiber Me Up

    Hearing Diet

    Pitta Heartburn Reducer

    Rice Preparation

    Snorer’s Ghee

    Turmeric Milk

    Zinc Aroma


    Basil Painless Pasta

    Home Remedies:

    Chicken Soup

    Daily Hormone Salad

    Daily Pressure Salad

    Detox Grocery List

    Garlic Snoring Cure

    Home Healing Diets

    Jet Lag Diet

    Old-Timey Smooth Salad

    Seasonal Fruit Salad

    Uplifting Rice Bake

    Vertigo Salad

    Yogurt Fungus Fighter


    Essential Oils:

    Allergy Diffuser

    Breathe Better Diffuser

    Breathe the Air

    Energy Diffuser

    Hangover Diffuser

    Immunity Diffuser

    Migraine Essential Oil Diffuser

    Snoring Diffuser Blend

    Throat-Relieving Air



    Ashwagandha Milk

    Ayurvedic Hiccup Destroyer

    Cellulite Drink

    Cramp Tea and a Chaser

    Digestive Flu Broth

    Respiratory Milk

    Enuresis Treatment

    Fever Sipper

    Hangover Releaser

    Motion Sickness Drink

    Nausea Rice Water

    Stress Morning Drink

    Super Drink

    Virus Milk

    Home Remedies:

    Digestive Juice

    Hangover Juice Remedy

    Neuralgia Juice Remedy

    Queasy Lemon Calmer

    Spicy Anti-Anxiety Drink

    Vein Shrinker Drink

    Foot Bath


    Cinnamon Foot Bath


    Tea Foot Bath

    Home Remedies:

    Old Mustard Foot Bath



    Ayurvedic Salty Gargle

    Throat Gargle

    Essential Oils:

    Halitosis Gargle

    Tea Tree Gargle



    Allergy Infusion

    Herbal Derma Infusion


    Daily Tinnitus Infusion

    Digestive Infusion

    Indigestion Infusion


    Essential Oils:

    Peppermint Inhale

    Lemon Inhale

    Motion Inhale

    Vertigo Inhale


    Essential Oils:

    Essential Oil Cream

    Massage Oil


    Ayurvedic Cooling Massage

    Ayurvedic Leg Massage

    Joint Massage Oil

    Neck Easing

    Panic to Peace Massage


    Head Massage

    Essential Oils:

    Blood Flow Massage Oil

    Calm Me Down Massage Oil

    Detoxifying Massage Oil

    Tinnitus Massage

    Neuralgia Massage

    Home Remedy:

    Bipolar Home Massage Oil



    Focus Meditation

    IBS Preventative


    Home Remedies:

    PPain Management Meditation Remedy

    PMS Stress Buster


    Essential Oils:

    Burn Drop

    Peppermint Oil Pain Beater

    Quick Cooling Oil Relief

    Tea Tree Stye Relief



    Earache Drop

    Grounded While Flying

    Impetigo Oil

    Itch Recipe

    Tooth Swab


    Herbal Scar Oil

    Essential Oils:

    Bite Dabber

    Concentration Roll-On

    Congestion Wonder Oil

    Ear Swab

    Flu Roll-On

    Hypotensive Foot Drop

    Oil Pusher

    Tendonitis Roll-On

    Toothache Oil

    Home Remedies:

    Smell-Inducing Home Remedy

    Oil Pull


    Constipation Pull

    Detox Oil Pull

    Oil Pull

    Tinnitus Pull



    Healing Lip Ointment

    Lower Back Ointment


    Carpal Ointment

    Comfort Me, Comfrey

    Herbal Pain Ointment

    IBS Ointment

    Tendonitis Ointment

    Essential Oils:

    Rash Ointment



    Ayurvedic Drawing Paste

    Boil Paste

    Carpal Paste

    Cucumber Paste

    Flax Paste

    Hive Paste

    Rash Treatment

    Sleep Paste

    Turmeric Paste


    Basil Bite Paste

    Coconut Basil Fungus Paste

    Impetigo Herbal Paste

    Home Remedies:

    Easy Splinter Paste

    Poison Paste



    Baking Soda Poultice

    Migraine Poultice


    Eye Poultice

    Quick Cellulite Fix

    Raspberry Stye Linen

    Soothing Skin Poultice

    Essential Oils:

    Ear Oil Poultice

    Home Remedies:

    Chest Poultice

    Old-Time Salt Poultice


    Essential Oils:

    Anti-Anxiety Powder

    Anxiety Powder

    Sleepy Powder



    Cumin Infusion Rub

    Simple Ivy Treatment

    Essential Oils:

    Anti-Inflammatory Rub

    Carpal Tunnel Oil Rub

    Cellulite Oil Rub

    Chest Reliever

    Chest Rub Decongestant

    Enuresis Oil Rub

    Fresh Eczema Rub

    Fungus Oil Rub

    Godsend Nerve Rub

    Headache Rub

    Healing Oil Throat Rub

    Heartburn and Indigestion Soother

    Infection Oil Foot Rub

    Inflammatory Rub

    Neem Boil Rub

    OCD Rub

    Oil Fungus Killer

    Oil Joint Rub

    Oil Massage Eye Rub

    Pleurisy Pain Ender

    Pain Rub

    Restless Leg Syndrome Rub

    Rosehip Scar Rub

    Stiff Neck Ease

    Thyroid Rub

    Tummy Firmer

    Tummy Rub

    Home Remedies:

    Mermaid Cellulite Remedy



    Headache Bath Sachet

    Home Remedies:

    Oatmeal Bath Skin Sachet



    Euphoria Salve

    Herbal Hormone Salve

    Itch Salve

    Plantain-Yarrow Burn Salve

    Wonder Back Salve

    Essential Oils:

    Digestive Pain Salve

    Styptic Oil Salve

    Super Respiratory Sleeping Salve

    Home Remedies:

    Homemade Bandage Salve


    Essential Oils:

    Acne Spray

    Burn Spray

    Cool Oil Spray

    Happy Oil Spray

    Hive Oil Spray

    Hormone Balancing Spray

    Hot Flash Spray

    Mood Spray

    Spray Protector


    Sunburn Spray

    Home Remedies:

    Rash Spray Away


    Essential Oils:

    Mood-Stabilizing Spritzer



    Steamy Head Clearer

    Essential Oils:

    Peppermint Steam Inhalation



    Elderberry Syrup

    Onion Throat Syrup


    Elderberry Syrup for Pinched Nerves

    Flu Super Herbal Syrup

    Honey Cough Syrup

    Lowering Syrup

    Natural Ginger Syrup

    Respiratory Infection Syrup

    Thyme Cough Syrup



    Cramp Tea and a Chaser

    Digestive Seed Tea

    Eye Tea

    Pain Tea


    Abdominal Herbal Tea

    ADHD Tea

    Anti-Anxiety Herbal Tea

    Aroma Tea

    Aspirin Tea

    Basil Throat Tea

    Bedtime Tea

    Breathe Deep Tea

    Bronchitis Tea

    Clean Mouth Herbal Tea

    Cool Me Down Tea

    Dandelion Herbal Tea

    Digestive Tea

    Double Mint Herbal Tea

    Echinacea Pain-Relieving Herbal Tea

    Echinacea Tea

    Energy Tea

    Flower Pain Killer

    Ginger Mint Tea

    Ginger Nausea Control

    Herbal Detoxifier

    Herbal Focus

    Hiccup Tea

    Hive Tea

    Hypotensive Tea

    Immunity Tea

    Migraine Herbal Tea

    Motion Tea

    Movement Tea

    Nerve Tea

    OCD Tea

    Sniffles Tea

    Snorer’s Herbal Tea

    Tea for Bipolar Disorder

    Tonic Tea

    Tonsil Herbal Tea

    Willow Bark Tea

    Zen Tea



    Circulation Tincture

    Congestion Herbal Tincture

    Fever Tincture

    Herbal Enuresis Tincture

    Hormone Tincture

    Hot Flash Tincture

    Make-Ahead Ulcer Tincture

    Vertigo Tincture



    Anti-Anxiety Treatments

    Arthritis Approach

    Neuralgia Air

    Cool Onion Wonder

    Depression Approach

    Digestive Tips

    Feng Shui Sleep Application

    Fungus Treatment

    Hair Treatments

    Headache Remedies

    Ice Treatment

    Immunity Tips

    Lip Healing Tips

    Mood Techniques

    Remedies for Bipolar Disorder

    Sun Gazing


    Essential Oils:

    Strong Hair Shampoo

    Home Remedies:

    Age Spot Tips

    Athlete’s Foot Home Remedies

    Back Pain Tips

    Bites and Stings

    Body Cooling

    Bronchitis Tips

    Carpal Tunnel Tips

    Circulation Tips

    Cold/Hot Pain Remedy

    Cold Sore Tips

    Cold Tips

    Common-Sense Virus Tips

    Concentration Tips

    Cotton Ball for Nosebleeds

    Cramp-Reducing Tips

    Decongesting Tips

    Diarrhea Tips

    Dos and Don’ts for IBS

    Energetic Tips

    Fever Remedies

    Grannie’s Headache Remedy

    Healing Burn Remedies

    Heat/Ice Pain Treatment

    Hiccup Home Remedies

    Home Remedies for Hot Flashes

    Hypotension Tips

    Immunity Builder

    Infection Treatments

    Inflammatory Relief

    Itchin’ and Witchin’

    Laryngitis Tips

    Migraine Remedies

    Motion Sickness Prevention

    Natural Indigestion Remedies

    Natural Menopause Tips

    Natural Stress Reducers

    OCD Home Remedies

    The Old Cotton Ball

    Old-Time Eye Soother

    Panic-Reducing Tips

    Pleurisy Tips

    Potato Stye Press

    Preventions for Bloating

    Restless Leg Syndrome Tips

    Scar Smear

    Spot-On Natural Remedy

    Thyroid Balance

    Ulcer Begone Tips

    Wart Home Remedy



    Astringent Wash

    Rash Wash

    Herbal Wound Wash

    Restless Leg Syndrome Wash

    Rosemary Wash

    Wart Remedy

    Home Remedies:

    Egg Wash

    Vinegar Wash Remedy

    Worm Wash



    Witch Hazel Pad


    Comfortable Comfrey

    Home Remedies:

    Tendonitis Vinegar Wrap


    Tree Pose for Balance

    Yoga Eyestrain Asanas

    Home Remedies:

    Breathing Technique

    Yoga Forward Elbow Bend


    I wish first and foremost to thank Jane Dystel, my agent, of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, for always believing in me. Jane makes every one of her authors feel as if they are her star. Thank you to Jane and the rest of the DG&B team for always having my back.

    I want to thank everyone at Llewellyn that had a hand in making this book. This book is so special to me, and I dreamed of writing it for years. Angela Wix, my editor, I love your style, your no-nonsense approach, and how much you actually listen to what your authors want. I appreciate your wanting to include me in every aspect of this publishing process. Thank you from my soul to yours. There is a whole team of people at Llewellyn who work behind the scenes and make such beautiful things happen with my books. I want to thank each of them for their hard work and love of alternative healing. I want to extend a special wish of gratitude to Kat Sanborn, Becky Zins, Shira Atakpu, Lauryn Heineman, Andy Belmas, Anna Levine, and Melissa Mierva. You have all contributed much more to this book than I will ever be aware of. Thank you.

    Vance: You were always my biggest supporter. Now you give your support and love to me in a much higher way. Thank you for continuing to be here for me from the Great Unknown. I miss you. I love you. I feel you.

    Lin and Colleen: We’ve been through so many chapters of life together. We’ve shared untold hard, very hard, excruciating, exciting, wonderful, mundane, glorious, shocking, boring, exhilarating, horrible, and freeing experiences. I wouldn’t want to journey through all of this with anyone else. How was I ever so lucky? How did I deserve you girls? The truth is that I have never deserved the love, respect, and what I have received from you both.

    I wish I could wrap the universe up and hand it to you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

    To Chele and Thomas Michael J. Wagadorn Theodore Oliver Osburn Junior Gentles: I love you two insane people with all of my heart and soul. Chele … can you come help me put some stuff in the attic?

    I would like to thank Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Indigo Chapters in Canada, and Ingram for selling and promoting my books. Thank you.

    To you believers in natural healing. Your emails, questions, support, and love of natural healing is what keeps me going and trying to improve with each book. I will continue to try and give you the books, knowledge, and support you want. I appreciate each and every one of you and will always strive to learn so that I can provide you with every new (or old) approach to healing safely and without any repercussions. Much healing to you!



    Llewellyn’s Book of Natural Remedies provides a simple layout of recipes so that you can find what you need quickly and easily for your healing needs. Learning to heal naturally and effectively is paramount to our continuing health and well-being. There is not a one-thing-cures-all approach to natural or integrative healing methods. We learn from our ancestors, science, and a multitude of alternative healers. While essential oils may clear up your cold and help you sleep, herbs may help you on the path of emotional healing, and Ayurveda may help you to lose weight, get grounded, reduce stress, or heal a rash. It is a combination of these healing, life-long practices that make us healthy and knowledgeable. Home remedies from various cultures give us recipes that have been used for hundreds—and in some cases thousands—of years. They worked then, and they will work now.

    Llewellyn’s Book of Natural Remedies uses the integrative approach for minor everyday ailments. (More serious disorders should be seen by a physician or medical team for diagnosis and treatment.) Each of the ailments in this book can be treated myriad ways; four recipes follow each ailment. The recipes are divided into four categories: Ayurvedic treatments, herbs, essential oils, and home remedies. You can apply just one of the recipes or a combination of them to treat your current condition. This variety can open the door to treatments that you may not have realized were so beneficial.

    My Story

    I used to sell insurance door-to-door. I liked the job, but physically it was too much for me. I had arthritis so bad in my neck, elbows, and shoulders, it was hard to carry the heavy leather bag of forms and books. My skin was split multiple times on my heels, and every step felt like I had glass grinding into the cuts. I had eczema all over my body in numerous outbreaks. I had not slept more than three hours a night for twenty years due to my restless leg syndrome. My lower back and other areas of my body were wracked with pain and inflammation due to autoimmune disorders. I was a physical wreck. Something had to give. I had to quit my job due to the physical hardships on my body. During this period of time, I was learning about herbs and had just started growing my own little herb garden.

    As the years passed and my knowledge of diet, essential oils, and herbs grew, it became apparent to me that all the prescribed pills, creams, and topical ointments were not what was going to heal me, and some of them were furthering my illnesses. I needed to figure out why my body was doing what it was doing, and not just by treating it on the outside; I wanted to treat it from the inside, but without chemical medications. That’s when I stumbled across a new (I thought) medical treatment called Ayurveda. It was exactly what I had been looking for. Ayurveda teaches us to use our mind, body, diet, and spirit to heal. Herbs, natural healing, and essential oils (my first loves) are a huge part of Ayurveda and are included in every facet of an Ayurvedic practitioner’s life.

    I learned to meditate, eat properly, exercise, and medicate according to the Ayurvedic tradition. Relieving anxiety and stress through Ayurvedic practices were paramount in my improving health, along with diet and detox. After several years of practice and learning to apply all of the herbs, essential oils, home remedies, and Ayurvedic teachings to myself, I improved in ways I never dreamed were possible. I went from envisioning my future in a wheelchair to having optimal physical, spiritual, and mental health, which was astonishing to me.

    Some Cautions

    There are many tips and warnings pertaining to the usage of essential oils, herbs, and natural healing methods that I have listed for you. I cannot advise any of the recipes in this book as a treatment for any illness or disease, as I am not a physician or a diagnostician. Ensure through your doctor that you can incorporate these recipes into your care routine, especially if you are on any medications. You know yourself best. Do your research and learn about the products and services you are using.

    All of the essential oils, herbs, or other natural remedies in this book come in varying strengths, potencies, and degrees of effectiveness. Research for yourself the brand or the amount you wish to use to ensure that you are getting the best product available. Ensure that you are using a safe essential oil before placing it on the skin, as essential oils can be very powerful or are sometimes made with other ingredients. You can ensure you are getting a good essential oil by several factors, such as price, ingredients, and integrity of the brand. You will want to check the ingredients to make sure that it is 100 percent essential oil. True essential oils are pricier than the oils made with byproducts. Experience with the oils is the truest way to learn which ones work and which ones do not. Have fun using the various brands and finding the one that works for you. I find uses for all of them, regardless of price or brand. The cheaper ones I use in my diffuser; the very good clinical-grade oils I use as medicine.

    Never take any medicine internally, natural or chemical, without first checking with your physician and without checking the labels to determine whether or not you can take them internally. Many herbs, essential oils, and plants can have devastating consequences when used improperly or when combined with other medications or illnesses. Always store your essential oils, herbs, and other natural and chemical medications away from children. Storing essential oils and herbs in dark containers protects them from sunlight, which can lessen the potency of the product. Certain of these products can have fatal consequences when taken by children or adults. Never apply any medication to eyes, ears, mucus membranes, or sensitive areas without first checking with your physician.

    Carrier oils are the oils that are used to mix with essential oils, thereby diluting them so that they will not burn or harm your skin. Essential oils are extremely concentrated and too potent to use most of them straight (also called neat). Blending and diluting them with a carrier oil can help to transport the oils to our skin and cells without damaging them. Carrier oil can be sesame, coconut, grapeseed, olive, jojoba, almond, or any oil you like that you feel will enhance the recipe you are making.

    You can conduct a patch test with essential oils by mixing a drop of the essential oil with eight drops of carrier oil. Apply to your skin and leave on for twelve hours. Check at the end of twelve hours to ensure that your skin is not red, itching, blistered, or in any way harmed by the essential oil. If you do notice any skin irritation, then do not use that particular oil in any way.

    Check with your doctor before using any of these recipes if you have any illness or are pregnant, nursing, trying to conceive, or have any medical issues at all.

    These recipes are meant to be fun and healing. Follow all the rules and warnings to have the best results possible.


    Imagine going to your family doctor for a rash. He would probably give you a prescription for a topical ointment and tell you to come back in three months. The whole face-to-face visit is over in less than six minutes. Now imagine that you are going to an Ayurvedic practitioner. She may ask you any number of questions about your lifestyle that you feel don’t in any way pertain to your rash—your diet, your job, your spirituality, or your home life. She might then suggest that you perform various activities that may sound strange to you—anything from wearing the color

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