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Deception: The Night Roamers
Deception: The Night Roamers
Deception: The Night Roamers
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Deception: The Night Roamers

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A dark vampire paranormal romance series written by NY Times Bestselling Author Kristen Middleton.
Book 3 of The Night Roamers.

Previously published as Vengeance -

Nikki arrives in Vegas, with Ethan and Duncan, to search for her family. She soon finds out that not everything is as it seems...and isn't sure of who she can trust anymore, as things begin to unfold.

Meanwhile, Celeste takes advantage of the nightlife in Sin City, while joining forces with a new group of immortals, who will stop at nothing to get their hands on Nikki.

Books in order for this vampire series:

Whisper, Tremble, Deception, Penance

Release dateMar 23, 2020
Deception: The Night Roamers

Kristen Middleton

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kristen Middleton (K.L Middleton) has written and published over thirty-nine stories. She also writes gritty romance novels under the name, Cassie Alexandra.

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    Deception - Kristen Middleton


    COME ON, DOUG, ONE lap dance isn’t going to kill you! John Hadley shouted over the loud music. He put an arm around Doug’s shoulders and punched him playfully in the stomach. Hell, you’re not even married yet, and she’s already got you dragging the old ball and chain.

    Doug smiled. I know. I know. It’s just that I promised Tania I’d look but not touch.

    His other friend, Pete, handed him a Long Island Tea and snorted. For one, you’re in Vegas, and you know the drill – what happens here, stays here. Two, you’re not married. Not yet. Three, you’re not even allowed to touch the strippers, so, technically, you’d be keeping that promise.

    Exactly, John said, as the music died and the current dancer, a long-legged blonde, picked up her piles of bills from the stage and skipped off. "Besides, this is your stag party, man. It’s a rite of passage to have naked women crawling all over you before you cash in all of your chips. Come on, Douger! Grow some balls, and quit being such a candy-ass."

    Doug pushed his wiry glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose. "Listen, guys, I’m perfectly fine just watching them dance around naked. I don’t need a lap dance. Seriously."

    "If you knew what you were missing, you’d know that you need one," John replied, ogling a voluptuous brunette who was leading another guy towards the back of the club. He decided to flag her down for himself before the night was over. Personally, he didn’t give a rat’s ass if his wife found out. Not like Lori would even care, since she’d been holding out on him for the last two months, claiming that she was too pregnant for sex. He knew for a fact that other women had sex in their third trimester. It was more than obvious to him that she was just being overly paranoid and difficult.

    Women, he thought, slamming back the rest of his Whiskey Sour. All Lori had to do was clean the house, spread her legs a couple times a week, and pick up his dry-cleaning on Fridays. Was that really too much to ask?

    If you can’t touch them anyway, what’s the point? Anyway, I doubt I’m missing anything I can’t get at home, Doug replied, twirling the ice around in his glass. Not with a woman like Tania. Hell, she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Doug waved his thumb toward a waitress who was cleaning up one of the tables. She’s just as hot as any of these girls I’ve seen tonight, and that’s why I’m not even tempted. I’m still pretty much in awe that a girl like her is even interested in a man like me. Hell, I’m pretty sure that I hit the jackpot with her.

    Pete’s eyes met John’s. Both guys knew very well that Doug’s fifty-million-dollar inheritance made him very interesting to a gold-digger like Tania. She was the one who’d actually Hit the jackpot.

    Our next long-legged siren will have you squirming in your seats when you see the way she moves, announced the D.J. "Let’s give it up for Montana, a sinfully hot redhead who I guarantee, none of you horny bastards would mind spending eternity with."

    Here you go, Douger, John said as the stripper stepped onto the stage wearing a red sequined Dream-Girl-From-Hell costume. We know how much you like redheads. Whoa, this girl’s drapes might even match the carpeting.

    Doug chuckled as Eminem’s song, Shake That, began pounding through the club, and the girl on stage began to move her body. He had to admit, this chick was the sexiest stripper he’d seen all night.

    Pete chuckled. Oh... Douglas... Tell me you’re not going home tonight without getting a private dance from her? Look at the way she grinds to the music.

    Doug nodded. Uh, yeah, she’s nice. His pants began to tighten as she gyrated her hips on the stage and tossed her thick mane of curls from side to side.

    "Nice? She is hotter than hell. John opened up his wallet. Let’s get her over here."

    Doug watched as the stripper’s eyes scanned the crowd until they rested on him.


    She smiled seductively, and his throat went bone dry.

    Oh, yeah. Here we go! John hollered as she stepped through the strobe lights toward the metal pole in the center of the stage, wrapping a black stiletto boot around it. Oh yeah, ride that pole, girl!

    Doug watched in fascination as Montana slid her body around the metal suggestively. Not only was she beautiful, but the swell of her breasts and the curve of her heart-shaped rear made him forget about everything else.

    Their eyes met again and she grinned, as if reading his thoughts. She flipped herself upside down and straddled the pole with her long, supple legs, making him wish that he was made of metal.

    Baby, lose the costume! Pete shouted.

    Montana uncurled her legs and hopped away from the pole. Then she slid down to her hands and knees, and crawled over toward the three drooling men, her eyes gleaming in the dark club.

    A surge of intense desire slammed into Doug’s crotch as she stared at him directly. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead as he fought to contain himself. He felt like a teenager watching his first porno.

    John chuckled. Now this is why we’re in Vegas. They don’t make them like this back home.

    Doug had to agree. In fact, Montana was even more beautiful up close.

    Her green eyes held his as she reached out and touched Doug’s cheek, making his legs feel like jelly. You ready for me, Douger? she purred.

    Unable to speak, he nodded.

    Montana stood back up while he stared at her long legs, imagining what that creamy skin would feel like under his fingertips. It was a struggle to keep from leaping onto the stage and finding out.

    With a wink, she turned her back to them and gave her bustier a firm tug. The men across the stage howled in approval when she raised the lacy piece of cloth above her head, and tossed it away.

    You’re killing us, Montana, Pete yelled, licking his lips.

    She looked over her shoulder at Doug and gave a seductive smile. You want some too, Sugar?  

    Yes, he croaked.

    Montana’s grin widened. She turned around and Doug stared in wonder at her perfectly sculpted globes. They were the color of porcelain, reminding him of the Gaya melons he’d purchased recently in the grocery store. His mouth began to water as he pictured his tongue on the fruit.

    Beautiful, he whispered, opening up his hands. He longed to touch them, feel their weight in his palms, and press his mouth against their softness.

    She got on her knees and cupped them with her own small hands, as if in offering. So, you like?

    Hell yes, Pete answered, reaching toward her with his left hand.

    Her eyes grew cold. Stop! she hissed. Not unless I give you permission.

    Pete’s hands dropped and his face went slack.

    Her eyes drifted back to Doug’s and she smiled as if nothing had transpired. She stood back up and pulled the rest of the costume away from her body until she wore nothing but a red G-string and her black thigh-high stiletto boots.

    The crowd around the stage roared louder. Wallets came out and bills were thrust into the air while she teased them with her curves, rocked her hips to the music, and took possession of everyone in the club.  

    As her song began to end, Montana swung her hips back over to Doug. She leaned down and touched his cheek tenderly. Meet me in the parking lot in ten minutes.

    It was a demand, not a question.

    Yes, he replied, staring at her lush lips. He’d never seen anyone so beautiful.

    With a dark smile, she pressed her glossy lips against his and stood back up. "Don’t keep me waiting."

    Never, he replied, forgetting all about Tonia. His upcoming wedding. The future.

    Satisfied, Montana moved her gaze to Pete and John, who were staring up at her in adoration. She smirked. Oh, and bring your friends. The more the merrier.

    Although slightly irritated, Doug agreed. Whatever this exquisite woman wanted, he’d give it to her.

    Anything and everything.

    And he did...

    CARMELA FELT SLIGHTLY dizzy as she pushed the cleaning cart out of the motel room and into the dry afternoon heat. She closed the door and rubbed her pregnant belly, trying to somehow calm the baby inside who wasn’t due to arrive for another month.  

    Settle, mi bebé, she whispered.

    If only she could afford to stop working and relax the last few weeks before her maternity leave. Unfortunately, her husband, Luis, had lost another job, and now she was the only one paying the bills.

    She clucked her tongue and sighed.


    His drinking was getting out of hand, and sometimes she wished she had the courage to stand up to him, to tell him to stop being so selfish. But love was a funny thing and very unpredictable. Even though his drinking bothered her, she would do anything to keep Luis, so the thought of him leaving her kept her quiet.  Besides, she knew that she couldn’t complain too much because even at his worst, Luis was still a better man than her own father, who’d physically abused her mother stone-cold sober. Sure, Luis drank until he passed out most nights, but he never threatened or raised a hand to her.


    For that reason, she still held a small ray of hope that possibly, someday, he would quit drinking, and be the man she needed him to be. For now, however, she had the bills as well as the baby to worry about, and was determined to work until her water broke.

    Ignoring another kick from the feisty baby, she pushed the cart to the next motel room and knocked on the door.

    Housekeeping! she called.

    No answer.

    Sighing, she repeated it again, and when nobody answered, Carmela shoved the key into the lock and opened the door. When she stepped inside of the dark room, her stomach rolled in protest as a pungent, coppery smell filled her nostrils. Grimacing, she flipped on the light switch and gasped in horror at the gruesome carnage someone had left behind. Oh, dios mío! 

    Chapter One


    THIS IS RIDICULOUS, Nikki. You have to learn to hunt properly now that you’re one of us. What happens if I’m not around to keep feeding you?

    Ethan and I were alone on the roof of a rundown casino on the outskirts of Vegas. I glared at him in the darkness. You make it sound like we’re hunting rabbits. These are actual people. Isn’t there another way to do get blood?

    His dark hair fell forward into his eyes, and he pushed it aside. Not at the moment.

    I looked off into the distance and sighed. I don’t know if I can do this. I’m afraid I’m going to freeze up or something. This whole idea freaks me out.

    Even after you’ve experienced the energy and power it brings?

    I turned back to him. It’s not like we’re cracking open a couple cans of Red Bull to get charged up. We’re talking about drinking someone’s blood, which, as you’re well aware of, I’ve always been against. Always. You should have thought all of this through a little better before you went ahead and turned me into one of you.

    He folded his arms across his chest and met my scowl with a much darker one. Oh, and what should I have done? Left you to die after getting shot?  

    I rolled my eyes. No, but you could have taken me to the E.R. instead of forcing this kind of thing on me. You definitely have the strength and speed to have gotten us there in time.

    He sighed and looked away. "What can I say? What’s done is done. I’m sorry if you don’t care for the way I saved your life, he replied coolly. But at the time, I didn’t really think I had any other choice."

    But, you did have one, and now I... don’t, I mumbled.

    Ever since we’d left Shore Lake three nights ago, we’d been bickering. First, over Duncan, and then over everything else. It had gotten so bad that Duncan had finally taken off on his own in search of Celeste and Caleb. I could tell he was also frustrated with the turn of events, but wasn’t sure exactly what to do himself. I’m sure he was still trying to cope with the fact that he was now a vampire, his father had been murdered in cold blood, and Ethan had staked his claim on me. It hadn’t helped that Ethan and I had bonded, and I was still trying to sort my own things out. My emotions for Ethan were strong, but so were my feelings for Duncan. I wasn’t sure how it happened, but I’d went from being a girl who’d never even had a boyfriend to one who’d found herself agonizing over two very complicated beings. I wasn’t even certain if what I felt was love or simply lust.  The only thing that I was completely sure of was my attraction to both of them, and it was an intense and frightening position to be in. Especially since they despised each other and I needed both of them to help me find my family.

    Why don’t you just try it again? he asked, lowering his voice as another couple stepped out of the casino and into the parking lot. And this time, remember what the purpose is.

    The last time I’d tried hunting, I’d chickened out and ended up helping the young woman read her roadmap while Ethan watched from a distance, pissed as all hell.

    I stared at the couple nervously and shook my head. No. I just... can’t.

    He sighed. What’s the big deal? You’re not killing them. In fact, you can make it enjoyable, even orgasmic.

    I grimaced. Okay, that’s creepy and not helping.

    Nikki, he said, kneeling down next to me as the middle-aged couple staggered toward their vehicle, laughing hysterically, both obviously tipsy. You’ve got to try and get a handle on this. You’re getting weak, and honestly, so am I. I can’t keep this up.

    He was right. I was getting so weak that even protesting was becoming difficult. And what if something did happen to Ethan? I guess if he could show me how to control the amount of blood I took from my victims, then it was probably time to figure this out.

    Fine. I’ll try it, but you have to monitor me. I don’t want to do something wrong and put one of them into cardiac arrest or something.

    Ethan smiled. That’s my girl. Now, you take the guy while I subdue the woman. Just remember what I told you about charming him.

    Uh, yeah, try that hypnotizing thingy with my eyes. Okay. I touched my teeth and began to panic. What about the fangs? Why aren’t they popping up?       

    Calm down. He bared his long, pointy ones. They’ll appear once the scent of blood draws them.

    Why are yours drawn when there isn’t any then?

    Anticipation alone draws mine out. Plus, I have better control. You have to remember, I’m older than you; my senses are far more advanced.

    I’d heard the same line from him over and over the last couple of days. True or not, it was getting annoying.


    You’re ornery. Another sign you need to feed.

    Yeah, well you’re not all sunshine and roses either.

    He chuckled.

    Sorry. I’m just frustrated.

    He nodded. Yeah, I get it.

    Isn’t there another way to get nutrition? I mean, has anyone tried anything else?

    Of course they have. Look, blood is nourishment, strength, and life.  The more you consume, the clearer things will become. I know you’re new at this, but I promise, everything will get easier over time.

    I hope so.

    His eyes lowered to my lips and I wondered if he was going to kiss me.  He hadn’t touched me intimately since we’d left Shore Lake. Now that his lips were near mine, I found myself wanting more than just blood.

    He cocked his head to the side, as if listening for something. After a few seconds, he snorted and stood up. It’s time. I think they’re messing around in the car. Who knows, maybe they’re celebrating a big jackpot win?

    Oh, perfect, I said dryly. Now we get to turn their night into something even more special.  

    He smiled. "It is perfect, actually. They won’t be expecting us."

    I stood up. Fine. I nodded toward the parking lot. You lead the way.

    His face became serious. Remember, get his attention quickly. Once he’s focused on you, he’ll forget about everything else and be putty in your hands. I’ll handle the woman.

    He could definitely do that.

    And you’re certain that I won’t hurt him?

    His eyes glittered in the darkness. He might feel a little unpleasantness at first, but you know what they say about pain and pleasure?

    No. What?

    One leads to the other.

    I snorted. "What? I’ve never heard that before. I guess if you’re into S & M. That would probably make sense. Although, I don’t get why anyone would want to be whipped

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