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Lil' Baby Fell for a Certified Hustla 2: A Hood Love Triangle
Lil' Baby Fell for a Certified Hustla 2: A Hood Love Triangle
Lil' Baby Fell for a Certified Hustla 2: A Hood Love Triangle
Ebook190 pages3 hours

Lil' Baby Fell for a Certified Hustla 2: A Hood Love Triangle

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About this ebook

First love feelings never really die when you have soul ties.

Khyren Bingham, also known as Tone, had been living his life to the fullest. Women were his weakness, but there was someone who could make him weaker; his wife. She shakes his whole world up by breaking away completely. Tone’s transgressions come to light and Taphne doesn’t know how to deal with the backlash. Will she fight for who she loves, or let the woman from his past take what’s rightfully hers?

AC conducts the crew’s affairs, but they tend to leave her out of the illegal business. Her life has been anything but simple as she has maneuvered through life without the person she gave her whole heart to. Finally, she is becoming the person she is destined to be, but will her past try to stop her progression?

Seven and Tone are trying to find out who has been causing turmoil in their lives. Both men try to use their intuition to figure out the next move, but they are always one step behind. Lives get turned upside down as enemies come in to destroy their legacy.

Love can make people do crazy things. In the end, everyone wants that feeling of true love, but what will they do to make it work?
Release dateJul 15, 2019
Lil' Baby Fell for a Certified Hustla 2: A Hood Love Triangle

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    Lil' Baby Fell for a Certified Hustla 2 - Juliet Avenue


    After they ate lunch, Seven took them on a ride. He was excited about his new project being finished, so he took El along for the ride.

    Lately, she had been falling asleep anywhere she could lay her head, and he thought that shit was funny as hell. He had numerous pictures of her sleeping in random places.

    Seven took a quick picture, and there was a difference in her face. It was picture perfect for him, so he saved it as his home screen. Now he knew he was pussy whipped. He was happy that she dyed her hair back black after he had clowned her about it.

    Finally, he made it to their destination and looked at it in awe. He sat there in peace, looking around the outside. For the first time since his mother died, Seven let just a couple of tears fall. Quickly, he wiped them away and checked his mirror to see if there was any sign of his emotions.

    Dream! Dream! He shook El’s thigh, and she slowly woke up, stretching. She looked around confused, trying to figure out where she was.

    Why the hell are we at this slave house? El looked slowly at him with her eyes widened. You’re going to keep me here? she asked as she whispered. That shit made Seven want to backhand her.

    You’re so fucking dumb, and I’ma keep telling you that until you get it through that big ass head of yours. I don’t know about you sometimes. Yo’ momma dropped you on your head as a baby. Oh yeah, I forgot you was adopted.

    She busted into laughter, and couldn’t even be mad at him. El had a flashback and ran with it. Being woken up out of your sleep could have you delusional.

    I’m sorry Seven, but whose slave house is this? It looks like a damn plantation. You trying to summon up our ancestors out here? she joked as she looked around.

    It was a beautiful blue and white, two-story house, and she loved how the porch wrapped around the house. It looked more like a modern plantation-style home.

    Ours, Seven replied, smiling wide. And the baby.

    Her lips started to tremble as she looked out the window at the house.

    Yo’ damn crying gon’ take me out of here one day. Dream calm down baby. You gon’ stress the baby out.

    I’m trying to but— She looked at Seven and burst into sobs. Seven threw his arms up and got out of the truck. He made it to her side and opened the door. El stared at him with the tears flowing before she spoke. You weren’t telling lies. You do love me! Her hands flew to her face as her body jerked.

    Seven started to realize this was affecting her as much as him. He turned her legs to face him, opened them, and stood in between them. You want to know why I got this house built like this?

    El nodded her head as Seven pulled her hands off her face.

    The last postcard my momma sent me while she was away for treatment looked like this house. We had talked earlier, and she always sent me postcards since I loved to collect them. I wasn’t like them little bad as kids that loved to collect Pokémon cards. A nigga was a weird ass lil’ kid, he said as El snickered, wiping her face. She always sent me sweet quotes on them. On the last one, the front of it said ‘Home is Where the Heart Is.’ It was like a sign for me, so I always told myself if I found someone I wanted to be with, I would build this house. It took damn near two years, but that was me not believing that I could be the man for you. Dream stop crying, damn!

    Seven wanted to mention his gun collection when he brought up his postcards, but now wasn’t the time to. Eventually, he would show her.

    When she heard him explain a memory that was so special to him, it made El cry harder. He was preparing for his future with her way before she could fathom being attracted to him after he kidnapped her.

    Talk to me, baby.

    She inhaled a deep breath, trying to gather her emotions. This was what I wanted even before you. Just a place to call home one day. After being shipped to multiple foster homes and leaving friends in different cities while doing so, I’ve finally found it Seven, and it’s a bonus that I have you and a son too. Where had you been sleeping this whole time?

    An apartment I owned. Nothing extravagant. Nobody knew where I lived except for Tone and Kill Bill. Not with no bitch.

    Okay, that’s a good enough answer. I just didn’t want you to move to a place you didn’t feel like was your home. She chuckled, awkwardly.

    Seven kissed her forehead, not wanting to go any deeper. He knew what she meant, and she didn’t realize that he was feeling the same way. After leaving his father’s house, he had been chasing that familiar aura that his momma had taken with her. Seven found that love in her.

    They got out the car and took a tour through the house. The furniture and décor was something out of a magazine. It was a six-bedroom, five-bathroom house, equipped with a theater.

    El took note of the feminine touch, and got a little salty. Who decorated? It looks nice.

    AC did this shit. She’s my damn accountant/personal assistant. I’m a little too gutter fa her ass, so you don’t have to worry.

    Her eyes squinted as she tried to find a lie.

    Girl, come on here and let me show you this room. He laced their fingers together and walked to the room that was locked. He pulled out two keys and gave one to her before unlocking the door. This is yours baby! Gon’ head and kiss me!

    She looked in the room and saw that it was filled with camera equipment, and on the other side, there was a place where she could paint next to a balcony.

    I’m not even going to cry anymore. Her voiced cracked as she kissed him on the lips. Thank you baby. You did a good job.

    I know! I got me a man cave so you won’t bother me.

    El rolled her eyes and they left the room to tour the rest of the house.

    Once they made it back outside, the sun was going down. Let’s go on the swing! El clapped when she noticed he had one installed on the porch.

    I knew your ass would like that shit. Childish as hell man.

    When do we move in? El asked as they sat down and got comfortable; Seven’s arms wrapped around her stomach, gently rubbing her flat belly. Her legs curled up in the seat, and she lay back as Seven used his long legs to guide the swing.

    Not right now. I wish we could, though. This shit is peaceful as fuck, but too much bullshit going on to leave you out here by yourself.

    Suga can—

    Dream, you got me fucked up! Suga’s not coming until I feel safe about you being here, so no.

    El didn’t challenge him, knowing he was right. They had security everywhere, even with them now. Just because she couldn’t see them didn’t mean they weren’t keeping them safe.

    Anyway, have you found out who’s behind the shooting? El asked as she looked back at him.

    Dream shut up! You know I don’t discuss shit like that with you. Now mind yo’ business, sis.

    El turned back around since what he was saying was true. He never let her in on any illegal activities, and now since they were together, there wasn’t any difference.

    You know what I just thought about? How the fuck you get pregnant on birth control? Call the doctor for me. I need to ask her real quick, Seven inquired.

    I wasn’t on birth control. I’ve been off it for almost a year. I trapped you. You were taking too long, so I just decided to have a baby, El confessed dryly, like that was normal.

    Seven stopped swinging and it got quiet for a minute. The only thing could be heard was the birds chirping. So you just decided? Seven laughed, humorously.

    Yeah, just in case you wanted to let me go, I had to have another plan. You have eighteen more years to deal with me.

    First off, let’s get something straight. If I wanted you to leave and you was having my baby, I would have put a gun to your head to sign over your rights. Seven was so serious and he didn’t think El knew since she giggled. If he was done with her, then it was over; no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

    Well, I’m glad that you love me, or I would have been out of luck.

    You’re damn right with yo’ triflin’ ass.

    Have you thought about finding you sister?

    Seven had broken down and told her all about his sister that his father told him about in the letter. Even though it was killing him not to reach out, there was too much going on to bring her in his life.

    Shit’s too hectic right now. I already got to have someone on you at all times. She would just be someone else I’d have to worry about.

    El nodded, understanding where he was coming from.

    They continued to talk about the baby and the house until Seven’s phone rang. He got up and was about to walk off to take the call, but El was sitting there looking crazy and whatever was bothering her was written all over her face.

    The hell is wrong with you, pregnant lady?

    Benjamin died.

    You be killin’ me with these random outbursts man. Who the hell is—Oh! Seven said as he watched her closely. He knew this was tough for her and he didn’t want to say anything wrong.

    Nodding her head, El looked out into the yard. For some reason, she felt the need to talk about it after many years of keeping it to herself.

    I went to go look for him around the time that Adira died. I got in touch with my old caseworker, Trisha. She informed me that he died shortly after I was released from the hospital. I didn’t even get a chance to say thank you Seven, El said as tears ran down her eyes. He died of Leukemia. That’s why he was on me about telling the social worker about the kids. He told me he was tired. With me being so young, I never noticed the signs. Seven, he hung on just so I could make it out alive.

    By this time, El was bawling as Seven walked over and hugged her. If anything happens to you, I’m going to be alone. What am I supposed to do then Seven? She looked at him and inspected his face.

    Hell, I’on know what to tell you! I know that you’ll have my child, so you’re just going to have to live with that, Seven said as he leaned up and took a step back.

    They both stared at each other and thought of all the possibilities that could happen. He had top-notch security and Seven never really worried about the small shit. It was God’s will if anything happened to him.

    Are we ever going to find out about Yara? I know I keep asking, but I know her parents didn’t really care, El said.

    You still worried about that dead-that skeleton? You really want to talk about this depressin’ ass shit right now, Ariel?

    Seven! El sniffled and snorted, trying to hold back her laughter. This new beginning that I’m going through makes me think about how they looked after me. Without them, I wouldn’t be here. Seven she was still my friend, and she looked out for me!

    Seven never thought about it that way. They kept Dream safe and shit. If they would have given up on her, she wouldn’t be on this Earth about to have his seed.

    You’re right man. I told you before, every lead we get ends up being a fuckin’ dead end. No pun intended, but I’m dead ass serious.

    There hadn’t been any tips in months, so he didn’t know where else to look. Seven loved that she was open enough to forgive Yara; that was what he liked about her. It was rare to find people like her, and he hoped he could continue to do right by her.

    Do you think it had anything to do with the shooting? I’m positive they were aiming in our direction, El revealed.

    You think so? Who all was over there standing with y’all? Tone didn’t think the shooter had a target. His hand went to his chin as he rubbed his beard, hanging on to her every word.

    I thought you didn’t—


    Okay! Okay! It was me, Suga, Bambi, and Tone. Is Bambi the target?

    Seven’s phone rang again, and he cussed under his breath. Let me take this call real quick, baby. He walked to the other side of the porch and leaned on the rail. Yeah?

    Bruh, the police got Kill Bill, six of them thangs, Pop mumbled through the phone and hung up. Seven frantically dialed Tone.

    Tone’s phone kept going to voicemail, and Seven kept calling. His hands were sweaty, not from nerves, but from anger. How in the hell did Kill get picked up, and he didn’t even deal with the drugs? It was a set-up and an inside job.

    Seven tried not to show that anything was wrong in front of El, so he kept his back turned to her. She knew he was crazy, but he promised he would never reveal that side to her. All this shit was happening at once. His family was a priority, but he had to make sure the niggas knew ain’t shit changed. He was still a wild ass nigga.

    After the tenth call, Tone answered the phone sounding like he had just woken up. Hello? Tone had been up for thirty-six hours trying to find the

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