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Tales of Lunis Aquaria
Tales of Lunis Aquaria
Tales of Lunis Aquaria
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Tales of Lunis Aquaria

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Lose yourself in the wondrous world of Lunis Aquaria. Explore daunting deserts, treacherous mountains and the deep blue of the Morcain sea.

If you enjoy the fairy tales of old you will definitely enjoy this collection of nine short adventure stories.

Coming of beasts:

A mysterious Lady uses her powers to cultivate the land. When five otherworldly visitors arrive, she gives them a set of powers to aid them on their quest.

The sacred maiden:

When a young girl's house is raided, she escapes. One thief chases her into the night. Both of them find something they never thought they would.

Moon Flower:

To win the heart of a girl, a young man sets out to find the most beautiful flower there ever was. He faces the dangers of the mountains, looking for a flower that might not even exist.

Thomas and the wolf:

A wolf finds a little boy watching a blazing fire in which his family is trapped. The wolf takes the boy to meet the only person he trusts.

The witch of Monterra Mountain:

The blacksmith's apprentice falls for a woman who's accused of witchcraft. He promised his mother to pass the blacksmith's test before marrying a girl; that meant killing a bear with a sword forged by his own hand.

Shepherd's Stick:

A scholar ventures into the desert to experience the ghost stories the elders tell to scare the children. He finds much more than just a ghost.

Archipelago of Wonder:

A fisherman survives a storm and ends up on a tropical island. As he looks for resources to repair his ship, he receives help from an unexpected source.

Decapod's Ire:

An archer joins a seafaring crew to hunt the creature that destroyed a handful of fishing boats.

Lovers through time:

A time traveller finds the love of his life in the past and must find a way for them to be together.

Release dateApr 18, 2019
Tales of Lunis Aquaria

Tessa Hastjarjanto

Tessa Hastjarjanto is a Dutch/Indonesian writer from the Netherlands. She writes speculative fiction, and blogs at about books, fountain pens, and writing.From a young age, she imitated popular stories and games in creating her own worlds. This love eventually led to a masters degree in media and game studies at the University of Utrecht. However a mundane desk job was enough to inspire her to follow her creative passion. The first fanfics were written in lunch breaks and soon original fiction followed.With the support of her husband, she now focuses on her writing career while battling chronic pain. Swiss white shepherd, Shiro, acts as a therapy dog to keep her healthy and reduce stress through extensive cuddle sessions.

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    Book preview

    Tales of Lunis Aquaria - Tessa Hastjarjanto

    Tales of Lunis Aquaria

    Volume 1

    Tessa Hastjarjanto

    Content warnings: Deaths by fire, (non-graphic) violence, hunting animals, violence towards a mythical creature

    Copyright © 2019 by Tessa Hastjarjanto

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, used to train artificial intelligence, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact Narratess.

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    First Published, 2019

    Cover art & design by Emma Hastjarjanto

    Edited by Anna Reel and Raven van Dijk

    ISBN 9789083006505



    1.The Coming of Beasts

    2.The Sacred Maiden


    4.Thomas and the Wolf

    5.The Witch of Monterra Mountain

    6.Shepherd's Stick

    7.Archipelago of Wonder

    8.Decapod's Ire

    9.Lovers Across Time


    Thank you for reading

    About the author

    Also By Tessa Hastjarjanto


    The sun is setting. The bright blue of the sky changes in a warm orange before it turns navy blue. Twilight slowly turns into night and the voices of the birds fade away.

    To the West, a moon shows itself, chasing away the clouds that block its light. The tree casts a shadow in the moonlight. On the other side of the tree another shadow appears. To the East, a second moon appears from behind the mountains.

    The reflection of light reveals the surface of the moons moves. It’s hypnotizing, how the moons seem to glitter.

    A meow comes from the bushes and a moment later a large feline with fur as dark as night sky jumps out. The silver spots on his fur have the same patterns as the stars above.

    The air behind the feline moves and changes color. The ethereal image of a woman appears without becoming solid. Her lips move as if she wants to say something.

    Welcome to Lunis Aquaria

    Chapter 1

    The Coming of Beasts

    In the earliest of times, there was a celestial being who was referred to as the Lady. If humans knew of her existence, they would surely worship her as a goddess. She rarely showed herself to any living being, but she cared for the land. Her energy flowed through the ley lines crossing the lands, helping the world grow and evolve. She had the power to stop a drought or increase the fertility of fish. She never created miracles but only nudged nature into the right direction.

    This went on for years. Vegetation flourished, and evolution set in for the existing animals. Civilization spread, although slowly. She didn’t mind; she enjoyed watching humanity grow to a thriving civilization. It would take several millennia and not without setbacks. That was a part of life, she learned. The best civilizations survived war, starvation, and natural disasters. She didn’t like it, but it was necessary. It was by her choice she didn’t always interfere with calamities. Necessity and danger were a large source of inspiration for human invention. Conflict and setbacks would allow the world to become stronger, and that’s what she wanted — a strong world, able to take care of itself.

    Decades passed, and she kept the balance. Before she first reworked the ley lines, power gathered where the lines crossed. Nature bloomed, and animals gathered naturally around these spots. Fruits were juicier, bigger, and had a brighter color. Evolution slowed down in these areas because the conditions were too perfect, and nothing had to adjust.

    Humans didn’t always notice the power, but they felt drawn to them unconsciously. Villages grew around the power sinks, and people felt better when they were close to these places. The power seeping through had a positive effect on people; in some rare cases they even developed gifts beyond their human abilities.

    The power sinks also affected the growth and mutations of the flora and fauna in the immediate area. Flowers changed color. Fruits gained healing abilities and a rich flavor. The animals looked slightly different and had better senses.

    The Lady left a few of these power sinks while she restructured others. Every world needed extraordinary places. She was also curious about what would happen in these places.

    Throughout the centuries, her guidance lessened. The world had adapted to a point of independence. Now, the Lady filled her days with meditating in the sunshine. The grove where she lived was small, but it was the largest power sink. Meditation allowed her to tap into the ley lines and feel how the world was developing.

    During one of her meditation sessions, a feline jumped from a shrubbery into the clearing. He saw the Lady lying on the ground. He stalked towards her with caution, circling her to see what he was dealing with. When he determined it was safe, he approached her face. He sniffed and pushed his head against her hair. Soft purring came from his small body. The feline curled up between her arms and went to sleep.

    The Lady woke up with the sun burning down on her and found her new friend between her arms. She felt an instant connection with the little creature. She never saw anything like him. He reminded her of the night sky with his dark blue fur with silvery markings. His tail was long and fluffier towards the end. He used it as a pillow. He had a pointy snout and ears, looking slender and soft. She patted his small head. The feline woke up and looked at her. In his silver eyes, she saw a shimmer that looked like a nebula.

    Hi Nebula. Do you want to stay with me? She scratched him under his chin.

    The feline meowed and purred, enjoying her attention. A smile appeared on the Lady’s face. She had found a friend when she thought she never would. Most creatures paid no attention to her, and she didn’t know whether it was because they couldn’t sense her, or that they didn’t care for her. She hadn’t received the gift of mind reading like others of her kind.

    Nebula was different. He stayed close to her and demanded attention at the most inconvenient times. He would push his head against her hand or lick her toes. If a squirrel was nearby, he would chase it until it grew tired. He never killed in front of her. The Lady blew leaves in the air to give him something to catch. It was his favorite game in the fall.

    The feline disappeared most nights. He was a night crawler, active only when the moon and stars reflected in his fur. The Lady still spent most days in meditation, and he slept at her feet during the day. Nebula made her life a little more exciting, and she adored him.

    They often looked at the moons together. One was much larger than the other and the patterns changes as the flow of the water did. The coloring in Nebula’s eyes also changed to reflect the patterns of the moons. Even during an eclipse when a moon glows red or blue, his eyes changed. The Lady loved that about him. He was so in tune with what happened in the sky; she wondered if he was a celestial being as well.

    It was rare to see the moons close to each other as they were usually on opposite sides of the sky. Those nights they crossed each other, Nebula stayed as close as possible to the Lady, as if he was trying to protect her. The Lady hadn’t figured out why since she didn’t notice any significant events during those days. His behavior taught her to be more alert on these days.

    During a day before the moons crossed, the Lady noticed she had otherworldly visitors. Five observers were left on her world. She found out their purpose was to find more places which could be inhabited by their own people. The observers were created to report back to their home planet. Through hardship, they had proved immortal. They had self-healing powers and were resistant to diseases. They couldn’t die nor be destroyed.

    The Lady didn’t mind the observers and was entertained by them. The observers were fluid and lacked the senses they needed to experience the world as it was. They moved awkwardly and slowly, taking in as much as possible but not efficiently.

    The Lady was curious to know how they saw the world and if they spotted anything she couldn’t see. A few years later she asked them to share their observations with her in exchange for additional power and access to the ley lines. This power would allow them to do their job more precisely and extensively. They accepted her offer as they had nothing to lose.

    The five observers came to her in a glade deep in the midland forests. They formed a circle around the Lady in the clearing. Nebula peered at the five creatures from a distance. The observers stood there silently when the Lady began her chant. Their fluid appearances slowly became more solid. Ancient words of power filled the silence of the forest. Power built up around her, and she redirected it to the creatures. They were given the shape of an animal the Lady remembered from a previous incarnation. In these shapes they were to roam the planet and see how life was developing.

    One was

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