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Hear Them Scream: Summit Lake Mysteries, #2
Hear Them Scream: Summit Lake Mysteries, #2
Hear Them Scream: Summit Lake Mysteries, #2
Ebook325 pages4 hours

Hear Them Scream: Summit Lake Mysteries, #2

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Written by NY Times Bestselling Author Kristen Middleton

Ready. Set. Die... but not before you scream your pretty little head off...

A page-turning crime thriller packed with heart-stopping suspense.

A serial killer obsessed with recreating old horror movies.
A young woman determined to find out who killed her twin.
A small town that can't seem to catch a break.

Whitney Halverson's world is shattered when her sister, Brittany, is found murdered in Summit Lake. Unfortunately, the police have no leads, and the killer is still casting for several roles, including the one her sister didn't scream loud enough for. But now that Whitney is in town, there's an option for a re-take, and the killer is determined to get it right this time…

The Summit Lake Thriller series can be read in any order. No cliffhangers.
Book List:
Forget Me Not
Hear Them Scream

Release dateMar 26, 2020
Hear Them Scream: Summit Lake Mysteries, #2

Kristen Middleton

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kristen Middleton (K.L Middleton) has written and published over thirty-nine stories. She also writes gritty romance novels under the name, Cassie Alexandra.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved it! A plot with lots of turns and twists with a good ending!

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Hear Them Scream - Kristen Middleton

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Chapter 1

Sunday, October 15th

1:20 a.m.

Top Shelf Saloon

Bear Creek, Minnesota

The Director

GO TO HELL, TOMMY, the blonde snapped before tossing what was left of her beer at the tall, tattooed Neanderthal she’d entered the bar with earlier. Nobody would have guessed that just twenty-minutes before, she’d been sitting on his lap, giggling and flirting with the dirt-bag.

And me.

Although we’d never met, I’d caught her staring and smiling my way a few times. Of course, I’d encouraged it by grinning back. Not because I was attracted to her. She just had what I needed.

You, bitch! he growled, shooting up out of his chair. He raised his hand to backhand her when the bouncer, Leo, who’d been monitoring the couple’s argument, made his move.

I wasn’t going to hit her, Tommy lied as Leo grabbed his elbow and shoved him away from the table.

You’re going to have to leave, Leo said sternly. Although he was shorter than Tommy, the bouncer was twice as muscular and wore a patched vest that identified him as a member of a notorious outlaw biker club, the Jersey Rebels. Everyone knew that screwing with Leo meant trouble.

Tommy began to protest. I didn’t do anything. She’s the one who threw the damn beer at me.

From where I was standing, you deserved it, Leo replied. Now, either you walk out on your own, or I can escort you. It’s your choice.

Sulking, Tommy called Amber a few names before grabbing his leather jacket, and walking toward the doorway. He turned around at the last minute and told her to have fun walking home in the dark.

She flipped him off with both middle fingers.

Giving it to her right back, Tommy left in a huff.

You okay? Leo asked her.

She nodded.

You need a ride home?

Amber shook her head. Nah. I only live a couple of blocks from here. I’ll be fine. Thanks, though.

Leo reminded her that a lot could happen in a couple of blocks.

She groaned. "Why does everyone think I need a man to protect me? I can take care of myself."

He shrugged. Suit yourself. Just trying to be nice.

Yeah, right. I’ve learned that nice comes with a price and I’m sick of paying. From now on, Amber Simons— she jerked her thumb toward her chest—isn’t falling for any more bullshit. So, thanks... but no thanks.

The bouncer rolled his eyes.

I had to admit, she had spunk. The woman was exactly what I was looking for.

Amber’s phone went off. She glanced at the screen, scowled, and shoved it into an oversized, fringy black leather purse. Grabbing what was left of Tommy’s beer, she slammed it down, stood up, and walked toward the ladies’ room. A few minutes later, she came back out and headed toward the front door.

If Tommy comes back, tell him to kiss my ass, Leo! she called out.

The bouncer, who was helping to clean up a spill at the bar, waved without looking. Will do. See ya!

I finished off my beer, put my cowboy hat on, and followed her outside into the brisk, early October morning. She wasn’t dressed for the weather with her thin, black jacket and jean mini skirt. In fact, she was already shivering. I knew this was going to be easy.

Hearing the door shut behind me, Amber turned from where she was standing by the cigarette-butt pail. She relaxed when she saw it was me.

Evenin’. I mean... mornin’, I said, giving her a lopsided grin and titling my hat. Gotta love this weather, huh? It’s cold enough out here to freeze the balls off of a pool table.

Amber’s eyes shined with amusement. You’ve got that right. She looked down at my light-blue jean jacket and matching Levis. You’re not from around here, are you?

Nope. Afraid not.

I didn’t think so. I’d have remembered you. She leaned back against the building. You from Texas?

That night, I was.

I curled my thumbs through the loops of my jeans and rocked back and forth on my boots. Originally. I’m living in San Diego now.

Oh, yeah? What are you doing here in Minnesota? she asked, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket.

Time for the HOOK.

I’m here for business, I explained, which was partially true. I was in Bear Creek for something a little bit more.

Oh? What do you do?

I’m a casting director.

Her eyebrow arched. For what? Commercials?

No, movies.

Amber smiled. Wow, that’s really cool. As in the Hollywood kind?

I nodded.

No offense, but I thought maybe you were here for a rodeo or something. Then I remembered—it’s almost winter time and those usually happen in the summer around here, she said, brushing a blonde curl away from her eyes.

I smiled. Actually, I don’t always dress like this, I said, sweeping my arm down. I’m usually in a tie or one of those monkey suits.

I bet you look mighty fine in a monkey suit, she replied, looking me over with approval.

I cupped my hand behind my ear.

She gave me a funny look. What’s wrong? You hear something?

I’m waiting for the sirens. Something tells me there’s going to be a warrant out for your arrest, I grinned, stealing my heart like that. You’re a dangerous woman.

She laughed and shook her head. Oh, Lord.

Too much? I asked, chuckling.

No, actually, I was just thinking that some things are worth going to prison for, she replied, batting her eyelashes at me.

Couldn’t agree with you more.

You want a smoke? she asked, holding out her pack of Newport cigarettes.

No, thank you. I quit a while ago.

She lit the end of hers and took a drag. I wish I could. Nights like this make it hard.

I stared off toward the parking lot, wondering if her meathead boyfriend was lurking around. I’m sure. Who was the asshole?

Tommy? She rolled her eyes. Just this guy I’ve been dating. He’s an asshole, alright. Always jealous as hell.

Is that right?

Amber smiled slowly. Yep. Tonight he was angry about you.

Me? Why is that?

I think he may have caught me checking you out. It was all in innocence, of course. But, Tommy freaked out and actually accused me of acting like a whore. She frowned and took a drag of her smoke. The prick.

He’s definitely not worth your time.

Amber sighed. Yeah. I’ve been telling myself that for the last few weeks.

A girl like you should be treasured, and for him to treat you with such little respect is deplorable. You’re obviously much too good for a loser like him.

She grinned.  


I swear to God, your smile just made the temperature go up about twenty degrees, I flirted.

Right, she replied, still smiling. You’re so full of it.

No, seriously, I took off my jean jacket. I’m getting too warm over here.

I’m freezing my ass off.

I see that, I said, noticing her teeth were beginning to chatter. Here. I held it out to her. You should put it on. You’ll catch yourself a cold out here.

That’s so sweet of you. I couldn’t take your jacket, though.

Nonsense. Please. Warm yourself up.

Amber put her cigarette out. Fine, if you insist on being such a perfect gentleman, I can at least make the effort worthwhile.  She put the jacket over her shoulders and stared at the black Johnny Cash T-shirt I had on. So, you’re into old country music?


"Yes, I enjoy classical and jazz, too. I’m also into old art, old movies, and good, old-fashioned manners. Especially around beautiful women. Now, that never gets old."

She chuckled. "And you call me dangerous? You really are a charmer, aren’t you?"  

This time I gave her an appraising look. Just trying to be on my best behavior around a pretty girl.

You’re not so bad looking yourself. I’m surprised you’re not in the movies, instead of casting roles.

My mother was the actress of the family, I said, my smile leaving.

Really? What’s her name?

I told her.

Huh. Sorry, I’ve never heard of her, Amber replied.

I shrugged. She was mostly in ‘B’ movies. Horror ones.

Was? She died?

I nodded.

Sorry for your loss.

I wasn’t.

One of the highlights of my life had been watching the bitch die. I could still remember the shock in her eyes as I choked the last breath out of her scrawny neck. She’d always thought of me as a coward. Had mocked and ridiculed me about it to no end. I showed her just how wrong she’d been and it had been me who’d had the last laugh.

It’s getting cold out here. You need a ride home? I asked, worried that someone would soon see us together. This was taking too long.

She stared at me and chewed on her lower lip. You’re not some kind of a psycho trying to bring me home so you can chop me up into little pieces, are you?

I laughed. Damn, you’re not only beautiful, but a psychic. Let’s drive to Vegas. We’ll get hitched and win ourselves a fortune.

She laughed. Right.

I gave her a serious look. In all honesty, I was thinking that your boyfriend might be waiting for you at home. You shouldn’t have to deal with that tonight.

Amber frowned. Yeah, He’s been texting me left and right. He’s probably at my doorstep right now.

You’re welcome to come back to the house I’m renting. It’s not far from here. We can have a drink and then when it’s safe, I’ll bring you home. Or, you can sleep in my guestroom.

Her eyes roved over me and she nodded. I guess you look harmless enough. Just so you know, I’m not easy. So, if you’re thinking about getting lucky, you’re wasting your time.

I’m not easy either. I winked. My mama always told me to go slow and treat a woman like a lady.

Your momma sounds like a wise woman. I bet she had a big ol’ heart, huh?

A big, ol’ empty one.

Speaking of bigger, they say everything is bigger in Texas, Amber flirted. Is that a bunch of B.S. or the honest to goodness truth?

I can’t answer that ’cause it would be braggin’ and Mama taught me never to do that either.

She let out a breathy sigh. "Where’s your ride?

TWENTY MINUTES LATER, we’d barely made it through my front door and she was all over me.

Cowboy, I want you so badly. It almost hurts, she groaned against my mouth, her hands everywhere.

I wanted her, too.

And there’d definitely be some pain involved.

Amber, I whispered, pulling back slightly.


I stared into her eyes, imagining them filled with terror. It was enough to get the blood flowing in every direction. How hard can you scream?

She gave me a funny look and smiled. That depends, she said, reaching for my fly. On what you plan to do to me.

I grabbed her wrist firmly. Now, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear.

PLEASE, LET ME GO! Amber begged over Fred Astaire’s melodic voice as he sang Cheek to Cheek. It was just one of many classical songs that really put me in the mood.

I hope you’re not too cold, I said, staring down at her as she writhed around on the gurney. She was naked with her ankles and wrists tethered to the corner posts. I had to admit, unclothed she was a little disappointing, especially with the rose and dagger tattoo on her hip. I’d wanted virgin skin for the scene we were going to shoot. In the original film, which had been released back in ’73, the woman had pale, flawless skin. Now I knew that to recreate it, I would need to use stage makeup on Amber. Not a big deal, but it would take some extra time.

You freak! Let me go! she demanded, glaring at me. Now!

Ignoring her ramblings, I wheeled my three camera stands around the room, one by one, to get the best angles and then adjusted the lighting until I was satisfied. Meanwhile, Amber continued swearing and calling me every name imaginable, which put a smile on my face. She was a spitfire. Tattoos, or not, I’d definitely found myself the right actress.

The camera is going to love you. You’re a natural.

Camera? You’re going to be videotaping me?

"Yes. Have you ever seen the movie, I’m Still Breathing?’"

She didn’t reply.

It was a film about a woman injected with some kind of experimental drug by the government to make a few bucks. She panicked and left the facilities only to pass out in an alley. When she came to, she was being prepped for an autopsy. You see, the drug she’d been injected with caused her heart and pulse to slow so much, everyone thought she’d died. Of course, the drug didn’t wear off until it was too late and so she had to endure the terror and pain of the procedure. Anyway, I’m going to try a concoction I’ve been experimenting with, using Liquid X and Rohypnol. I didn’t get it quite right, the last time, but I feel pretty confident about this newest mixture.

She stared at me in horror.

I grinned. "So, you have seen it?"

Pulling at her restraints, Amber began to cry. Why are you doing this?

Number one, it’s fun. Number two, other people enjoy my movies. Number three, I grinned again, I can’t seem to stop.

"Butchering people is fun? What kind of a monster are you?"

I snapped my finger. "Oh, yeah, I’m also doing this for my mother, God rest her soul. You see, she actually played the female lead in I’m Still Breathing, and her birthday is tomorrow. I thought it would be a nice tribute to her. Which reminds me, I almost forgot the perfume."

I reached into my tool bag and pulled out the bottle of Chanel No 5. It had been my mother’s favorite and I used it on all of my actresses. I sprayed some on Amber, who began to cry again.

Please, let me go... she sobbed.

I ignored her. Do you like movies? I’ve always been a fan of horror movies, which is why I love recreating them. Not to mention, people are willing to pay an arm and a leg to see them. And... be in them. I chuckled at my own joke.

You’re insane.

I walked over to the cameras and switched them on. Maybe. Maybe not. Like Mother used to say, ‘Embrace your flaws. They are what make you perfect, in an imperfect world.’


I pulled the surgical mask over my mouth and then wheeled the medical tool stand next to her. 

Seeing the sharp objects, she tried fighting against the restraints. If you let me go, I’ll do anything you want! she pleaded. Just tell me what I need to do!

I picked up the scalpel, breathed on it, and wiped off an irritating smudge. You know what I want? Your screams, Amber. Just like how a burp is a natural sign of a good meal, a scream is a natural response to terror. Smiling, I brought the knife to her nipple. So, darlin’, don’t hold back.

Fortunately, she did not disappoint...

Chapter 2

Friday, October 20th,

8:45 pm


"W HIT, YOU ARE not backing out of this trip, my twin sister, Brittany, said from her end of the phone. The cabin is already booked and you have no idea what it took for me to get this time off from work. We’re so understaffed right now, it’s ridiculous."

"I know. I know. I’m not trying to be a pain, I just can’t get up there until Tuesday. I have to be in court on Monday. We’re in the middle of this important case and Jack needs me there. I’m free the rest of the week, though. I promise."

I was a paralegal for a busy law firm and Brittany, my twin, was a nurse. We were both twenty-seven, single, and living in Michigan, two hundred miles away from each other. Since our schedules were crazy, and we didn’t get to see each other very often, we managed to take an annual trip together. Usually, it was in the summer, but this year we were going to visit our Uncle Rocky in Summit Lake, Minnesota. Although he’d offered to let us stay with him and his wife, Jan, we ended up booking a lovely cabin on the lake.

She let out a long sigh. "Fine. I guess there’s nothing we can do about it. But, if you dare call me Monday night and cancel for the rest of the week, I’m going to sneak into your condo and wrinkle every piece of clothing you own."

Seriously, that doesn’t bother me anymore, I lied, wishing she’d forgotten about my neurotic obsession. I knew it was weird, but I couldn’t leave the house in anything that wasn’t perfectly pressed. Nor, could I sleep comfortably in wrinkled pajamas. I ironed everything, even my sheets if they came out of the dryer wrinkled. One morning I was even late to work because of my phobia. I’d made it to the parking lot and had noticed a couple of irritating wrinkles on my blouse. The anxiety had been too much so I drove

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