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Swat the Fly: A Covid-19 Self Help Guide
Swat the Fly: A Covid-19 Self Help Guide
Swat the Fly: A Covid-19 Self Help Guide
Ebook171 pages1 hour

Swat the Fly: A Covid-19 Self Help Guide

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A self-help guide to prepare for and survive any virus. There are many herbs, vitamins, micro-nutrients that are proven to support your immune system and also prevent viruses from replicating and or entering your cells.

Release dateMar 29, 2020
Swat the Fly: A Covid-19 Self Help Guide


I am a retired Photography Teacher, Refugee Settlement Manager, and Builder. For the past 10 years, I have been teaching part-time, writing books, taking photos and doing lots of research.All the books I write come from experience and research. Yes, in my life so far I have worked with refugees, taught art, built houses, studied herbs, and health. I have also studied astrology spirituality including meditation, animal welfare, and poetry.I sincerely hope that you can gain valuable information from my books (usually short and sweet introductions) to different facets of life I have visited.

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    Swat the Fly - Roditch

    Swat the Fly


    Self Help Guide


    By Roditch

    copyright © Roditch 2019

    all rights reserved

    [email protected]


    Swat the Fly

    Latest News



    About the Virus

    Preventive Protocol

    Survival Protocol

    Supplements and Micronutrients

    Nutrients and their Food Sources

    Vitamin C

    Colloidal Silver


    Magnesium Chloride

    Baking Soda


    CBD Oil

    Vitamin D3

    Hydrogen Peroxide




    Wonderful Mushrooms

    Papaya Leaves



    Elderberry and Ginger Syrups

    Flaxseed Hulls and Black Sesame Seed Hulls



    Organ support


    Dr Richard Cheng

    The Drs Wolfson

    Andrew Saul PhD

    Dr Rath

    Sayer Ji

    Doctor Keith Scott-Mumby

    Dr Mark Sircus

    Dr Axe

    Mike Adams The Health Ranger

    Special Techniques






    Organic Food

    Managing Life


    Wild foods and Foraging

    Juicing for Health


    Food is your Medicine



    Hydrogen Water



    Peppermint Oil

    Eucalyptus Oil


    Summing Up

    Latest News

    Very useful news is coming out of Wuhan from Chinese Doctors.

    Many serious patients were suffering from Hypokalemia – a lack of potassium which can explain why there is kidney failure – need to take a supplement of potassium of around 5 mg

    Many serious patients were suffering from sticky blood which explains the pressure on the heart and heart failure – need to take cayenne pepper by the teaspoonful: often. This will thin your blood and be antiviral and maybe release mucous from your lungs as well.

    Cytokine Storm – Many people are dying from asphyxiation – cannot breathe because the immune system has gone overboard dealing with the inflammation in your lungs and is filling them with virus covering mucous.

    Some solutions are to take – indomethacin – a non-steroid anti-inflammatory 1 cap, 2 times a day. And some adaptogen herbs like Cordyceps Mushroom, Holy Basil (Tulsi) Chinese Scullcap, Turmeric and Astragalus. Seek advice from your doctor or Naturopath on all these issues.

    Dr keith Scott-Mumby should be your first stop for advice.


    The Corona Virus Covid-19 is probably a virus that is here to stay. The SARS virus came and went and the WHO does not know yet if this virus will do the same or become a headache for millions of people every year. When it passes in 2020 it may come back as normal flu every season.

    This book is about highly reliable and tested anti-viral and immune-strengthening treatments natural and pharmaceutical. It will help you to prevent getting the virus, reduce its strength and survive if you become very sick. I am not a doctor I am a teacher, who developed an interest in antivirals 35 years ago when I was terrified when my children caught the flu and developed high fevers and bronchitis. My father had a deep interest in alternative medicine which was passed on to me.

    If you are worried about the accuracy of the information in this book you need to do three things. The first is to accept that I have done a lot of research and that the information is correct to the best of my ability and sourced from scientists or doctors. The second is to study the authors of the books I have listed and decide for yourself if they are correct and reliable. The third is to accept that they are natural cures; they still need to have the correct doses, but when normal doses are adhered to they will be safe.

    Depending on where you live you will have access to different kinds of herbs that are good for treating Covid-19 Virus. I will do my best to explain varieties from America and South East Asia.

    I was very encouraged reading about the effectiveness of large doses of Vitamin C from an orthomolecular scientist in the USA. I will supply his name at the end of the book. Vitamin C is the most important ammunition you have against any virus. I recently bought 2-500 gram packets of vitamin c powder and it made me feel much safer and they were only $15 each. There are lots of other reasonably priced supplements and herbs you can buy to reinforce the vitamin c like nascent iodine and food-grade hydrogen peroxide.


    I am not a doctor I am a teacher. Over the last 30 years, I have studied a lot about health in general and especially about antivirals. To balance my general knowledge of this subject I have included the names of Doctors, Scientists and Authors who have written very good books on this subject and have vast experience. This will set your mind at ease so you can quickly move forward to do what I and they suggest. I do not take any responsibility for the information in this book with regards to your health. There are so many issues to do with the quality of supplies, allergies and your current health status.

    There are different suggestions for doses of things like vitamin c, hydrogen peroxide, nascent iodine herbs and supplements from different medical practitioners. When in doubt follow the directions of the doctors you trust like Dr Sircus, Dr Axe or your doctor. I err on the low side.

    This book is the result of my investigations over the past three months. One morning while eating my breakfast I thought I would like to share this with everyone in the world as a building block for their ant-viral knowledge bank. Until there is a proven anti-viral from a pharmaceutical company I think this natural approach is a very good one.

    About the Virus

    The Covid-19 virus until now, early March, is a mystery. What is known is that it can be deadly to elderly people with existing health conditions. That it should mutate into a less threatening variety quite quickly. That around 2% of people who get it will develop pneumonia, kidney, liver or heart failure and die. The virus can stay airborne for hours and can survive for 2 hours on shiny objects and 1 hour on paper. It can be killed with heat at 40 degrees centigrade and degrades with strong UV sunlight. It is very contagious. Coronaviruses are related to the common cold, not the Flu so it would not normally be a worry and in many cases, it does stop at the cold and not progress further.

    We know that this is a virus best to avoid at all costs. Stay away from people, wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm soapy water all the time and especially after touching anything. To never touch your face ever, ever, during times when the virus is nearby. When in dangerous places, like buses and planes you must wear an approved face mask and protective eye goggles. To always sneeze into a paper towel and to always dry your hands with a paper towel and then bin them as soon as possible.

    It is imperative you also build your immune system by eating a lot of organic fruit, vegetables and nuts; eating superfoods and pre-soaking your body with Vitamin C around 5 mg a day. If you have recently consumed large amounts of antibiotics you will need to consume large amounts of probiotics like probiotic supplements, kefir, yoghurt, probiotic drinks and prebiotics like garlic and onions to bring your immune system back on track. It is also imperative that you make a pre plan with your doctor to have VITAMIN C IVC 40 – 50 mg over 4 hours if you get the Virus and your condition is getting worse. Because this virus causes lung complications mainly in the elderly, especially over 80, the damage from this virus for most people could be far worse for you economically you’re your health.

    Preventive Protocol

    There are so many things you can do to prevent getting the virus. Washing your hands, wearing masks, staying isolated and staying healthy with exercise and immune-boosting herbs and food. So far I would recommend 10 things to

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