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Because of the Dollars
Because of the Dollars
Because of the Dollars
Ebook48 pages47 minutes

Because of the Dollars

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Self-deception regarding his wife, inflicted on the good-natured captain of the ship and the like. the willingness to succumb to base men on the part of the „painted woman”. It truly demonstrates how even those who find themselves in the most extreme situations of life can find redemption, albeit at a terrible cost. And atonement is a rare thing in Conrad. And just to make sure you understand it, the final image of the captain is someone left alone and hopeless, despite his good deeds.
Release dateFeb 13, 2020
Because of the Dollars

Joseph Conrad

Polish-born Joseph Conrad is regarded as a highly influential author, and his works are seen as a precursor to modernist literature. His often tragic insight into the human condition in novels such as Heart of Darkness and The Secret Agent is unrivalled by his contemporaries.

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    Book preview

    Because of the Dollars - Joseph Conrad

    Joseph Conrad

    Because of the Dollars

    Warsaw 2020


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 1

    While we were hanging about near the water’s edge, as sailors idling ashore will do (it was in the open space before the Harbour Office of a great Eastern port), a man came towards us from the front of business houses, aiming obliquely at the landing steps. He attracted my attention because in the movement of figures in white drill suits on the pavement from which he stepped, his costume, the usual tunic and trousers, being made of light grey flannel, made him noticeable.

    I had time to observe him. He was stout, but he was not grotesque. His face was round and smooth, his complexion very fair. On his nearer approach I saw a little moustache made all the fairer by a good many white hairs. And he had, for a stout man, quite a good chin. In passing us he exchanged nods with the friend I was with and smiled.

    My friend was Hollis, the fellow who had so many adventures and had known so many queer people in that part of the (more or less) gorgeous East in the days of his youth. He said: That’s a good man. I don’t mean good in the sense of smart or skilful in his trade. I mean a really GOOD man.

    I turned round at once to look at the phenomenon. The really GOOD man had a very broad back. I saw him signal a sampan to come alongside, get into it, and go off in the direction of a cluster of local steamers anchored close inshore.

    I said: He’s a seaman, isn’t he?

    Yes. Commands that biggish dark-green steamer: Sissie–Glasgow.’ He has never commanded anything else but the "Sissie–Glasgow,’ only it wasn’t always the same Sissie. The first he had was about half the length of this one, and we used to tell poor Davidson that she was a size too small for him. Even at that time Davidson had bulk. We warned him he would get callosities on his shoulders and elbows because of the tight fit of his command. And Davidson could well afford the smiles he gave us for our chaff. He made lots of money in her. She belonged to a portly Chinaman resembling a mandarin in a picture-book, with goggles and thin drooping moustaches, and as dignified as only a Celestial knows how to be.

    The best of Chinamen as employers is that they have such gentlemanly instincts. Once they become convinced that you are a straight man, they give you their unbounded confidence. You simply can’t do wrong, then. And they are pretty quick judges of character, too. Davidson’s Chinaman was the first to find out his worth, on some theoretical principle. One day in his counting-house, before several white men he was heard to declare: Captain Davidson is a good man.’ And that settled it. After that you couldn’t tell if it was Davidson who belonged to the Chinaman or the Chinaman who belonged to Davidson. It was he who, shortly before he died, ordered in Glasgow the new Sissie for Davidson to command."

    We walked into the shade of the Harbour Office and leaned our elbows on the parapet of the quay.

    She was really meant to comfort poor Davidson, continued Hollis. Can you fancy anything more naively touching than this old mandarin spending several thousand pounds to console his white man? Well, there she is. The old mandarin’s sons have inherited her, and Davidson with her; and he commands her; and what with his salary and trading privileges he makes a lot of money; and everything is as before; and Davidson even smiles–you have seen it? Well, the smile’s the only thing which isn’t as before.

    Tell me, Hollis, I asked, "what do you mean by

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