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I´m Powerful: Not given
I´m Powerful: Not given
I´m Powerful: Not given
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I´m Powerful: Not given

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I´m powerful

It is the moment to improve your relationship with wealth. In this book, we approach the best techniques and strategies that can help you increase your wealth through methods that have been proved over time.

With the best gestalt therapy, as well as with personal cases, all the book has been developed so you can reach the highest of personal development. This book is for people that: 

Hate to know the potential they have and that don´t know how to exploit it.

You have a dream and they don´t know how to place it in action 

Have fallen in economical crisis or need to get out of one

Have great ideas and just need motivation

Looking for financial security.

If you are sure that you want to exploit your potential that you have inside, this is the perfect moment to read this book. It´s easy to read and with easy action steps to apply.

Don´t wait any longer?

Release dateJun 3, 2020
I´m Powerful: Not given

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    I´m Powerful - Hector Salama

    I am powerful

    Capacity dwells in belief

    Translation into English by Lucy Campbell Diaz


    One´s philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

    Hector Salama´s Prologue

    This book was born from the interest of Adrian and me, to offer options for growth for many people that want to progress and reach a higher economic level in their lives. A man in his fifties that took our Master in Development of Financial Affluence said to a young entrepreneur: I wish I had known all this when I was young.

    From our point of view, it´s never too late to start the task for economical improvement, if we take advantage of all means that appear every day, and we discover the first step to the summit of success. It´s never too late.

    Life is short, but wonderful and it offers us an amount of opportunities. The best option that we have found to take advantage of them it was shown to us, through related readings from our desires, by the contact with wealthy people and a positive attitude to obtain financial achievements.

    It is not something from another world to be a millionaire, if someone did it, any of us can also get it. What do we need?

    Eliminate pessimism and negative beliefs, as an example: How lucky that person was.

    Changing jealousy for admiration.

    Saving a small portion of what you receive from your work to create a savings fund.

    Manage income and expenses.

    Be careful with credit cards.

    Work for pleasure and not for obligation.

    As soon as we start our voyage to success we will soon be in it.

    Take advantage of the opportunities that come up and discard does that we don´t agree with.

    Never belittle your capability to create something new or to improve something existing.

    Accept that you have the right to reach what you want.

    We hope that this book works for you and that you discover your wings so you can use them to get to where you want.

    Adrian Salama´s Introduction

    You don´t know the pleasure I feel to know that you had chosen the path of abundance for your life. At first, it seems like a rocky path, steep and sinuous, however, you will carry with you all the equipment that you need to find success on the peck of the mountain.

    I chose to write this book with my Father, not only for my admiration, but also for the experience he has.

    In 2017, I was prey of my own decisions. I fell in the worst error I had ever made and the natural consequence was bankruptcy. I was not only broke, but I also went down morally. I understand that we all make mistakes, but I felt superior, I was proud and narcissist. According to me, I couldn´t make mistakes and less having finished a Ph.D. in Psychotherapy (luckily it wasn´t in Economy).

    I had to borrow money and I stopped answering hundreds of calls that asked me to pay the credit cards and the services that I had used to solve the horrors of my decisions. To be honest with you, at many times I thought about suicide, however, between cowardice and fear, I decided to make a change of attention and focus in what could be done. That´s how many opportunities and ideas arose. Only now, I know it all came from humbleness. I had to hit bottom and I didn´t have anything to lose. That gave me the strength to use my mind towards my own benefit and not only to look for the money.

    This book obeys to this need. I want to, if you are passing through something similar to what I had lived or simply you don´t want ever to live something like it, this information will be for you, the light that enlightened me. More than two years had passed and more of fifty books read about personal healthy finances and two workshops with international personalities that give economical advice. What I didn´t find in all this information and that it is here in this book, is the how. Everyone tells you what to do, where and when, but very few dare to tell the secret: How to do it.

    I really hope from my heart that, if you are in a crisis like the one I was in, you can get out of it with the information that it´s written here. If you are not in that difficulty, that the content from this book be the road to follow for a peacefulness and wealthy life.


    What is poverty?

    Definition: shortage of lack of what it is necessary to live.

    Origin: it is a lack lodged in our memory whose origin is in the messages received from the responsible adults in your existence.

    You can have money but still be poor. The subculture of misery, permeates in the mind and dictates the impossibility to be rich, even if you have some resources. More for ignorance or because you seek to survive daily, a specific language is stablished where the natural expression is to justify your state through victimization with phrases that contain resentment and blaming society of the abandonment where they are.  

    People that live in poverty spend their money in services and products that they don´t need or that are dangerous to health, and because of ignorance they lose the opportunity to invest it in productive sources. Being poor is not a privilege, since the lack of what´s indispensable takes to malnutrition, frustration, attacks of aggression and in many cases to death or delinquency or other addictions.

    From our point of view, Latin American governments’ don´t love their people. It looks like if popular resentment, originated with the European conquest, keeps going from generation to generation and what is least thought in societies’ development so it could mean the understanding of oppressions and therefore of intellectual rebellion.  

    The governments that appropriate education don´t want successful people that they can´t control, they desire subdued individuals that let themselves be carried to justify their power so they don´t bother. The need to control to whom they see as enemies is the reason for dictatorships in the dominated countries. Less education is the recipe of those who hold the power.

    Sometimes populists’ governments treat poor as if there were children and they give them food instead of supporting them to learn tasks or to offer them a good education for their children so they can move up the social ladder. The major problem of poverty is bad nutrition and the ignorance derived from the above.  

    Helpless words that lead to shortage

    Do that poverty has been classified like a lack subculture, the language used repeatedly is similar to what continues:

    That´s how we were born.

    Settle for what you are given.

    Don´t complain, there are people that are worse than us.

    God will provide.

    You are not the son of a rich.

    Work and contribute to the house.

    Help the family if you have money.

    Ask a relative to help you.

    With alcohol and drugs you cancel the pain.

    Ask for charity on the street.

    God loves the poor.

    Let´s ask for miracles.

    Money is everything.

    Look at this list and if it matches with one of several phrases of lack that you maybe had learnt in your childhood or teenage years. These kind of convictions nullify creativity. Having money doesn´t mean to be rich unless income sources are strengthened. Money is simply a medium of exchange to be able to live the way you want.

    Sometimes, because of ignorance we spend our salaries badly in unnecessary purchases or we play lottery and we keep complaining about our financial status. This problem lies in the lack of education about the benefits of being patient. To have absolutely everything in the wanted moment is a need that just babies experiment as a survival medium. This narcissist omnipotence, like Sigmund Freud[1] explained, is harmful to any society.

    Although, sometimes there are limited deficiencies as the rejection of money, this is the only way in which human beings measure the universally understanding of entrepreneurship progress. It may not be nice to read it, but money in the form of financial states is the best way to measure if we are developing correctly our idea towards prosperity. However, people that had succeeded economically don´t calculate their triumphs by the money they generate, but for the power they develop.

    This is in what millionaires really pay attention too. Developing their potential in a constant way is the idea that guides them. With money you can do virtually almost anything. Help others, generate social changes, cultural, artistic, arquitectural; you can think of anything and with money is even better done. Even in love, money is a source of action. To love someone is to give something, what best if we can give always the best of us to the other and especially to ourselves.

    Do you want to know how to learn even more? With money you speed your knowledge with technology tools that will give you access to more information in a simple way, without having to wait for a turn. Like we mentioned earlier, money speeds facilitates and converts virtually a lot of dreams into reality, as long as it you continue investing in it.

    The false idea that money is a problem

    To blame money of family separations is an excuse not to solve problems. While jealousy, grudge and envy are present, couples and families will come apart.

    In some occasions to have money accelerates the separation of people that anyway were going to get way from each other. We have bought the idea about eternal family relationships, and many times to avoid conflicts we limit the potential of our development to prevent that others feel bad.

    Think that by limiting yourself the only thing you are doing is censoring yourself, is to sleep the talent, gift or ability that you were born with, and you just have this life to take advantage of it. Money can become a solution to many problems, and if these exist in the road, the knowledge that you obtain with this book can take you to fix them in a more creative way possible.

    The belief

    For many years some religions have transmitted to his followers that being poor is good, because when they die they will go to heaven as a reward, while rich are going to hell. This type of ideas support the belief that people shouldn´t desire wealth, because it is a sin and it´s punished. Obviously, religion uses prayers to God from his faithful so they can

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