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A Satanic Grimoire
A Satanic Grimoire
A Satanic Grimoire
Ebook68 pages1 hour

A Satanic Grimoire

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A Satanic Grimoire is a guide to using and interpreting the black arts for seduction, manipulation and one of the few books that deals openly with spirits of darkness. This book covers that forbidden area where sex, black magic and the Devil meet in an unholy and lascivious fusion. Included are essays, poetry and a stunning revisiting of magical workings performed by the Magus himself.

True Satanism★★★★★
by His Choice - Mar 22, 2020
I read it in two days because I couldn't put it down. I had high expectations and it met them nicely. It has opened my eyes to a whole new view of satanism. By far the best and the most interesting book on the subject. I recommended to anyone truly interested in satanism.

Release dateDec 10, 2011
A Satanic Grimoire

Aleister Nacht

Aleister Nacht is a Satanic Magus and leader of the Magnum Opus Satanic Coven. His books have found favor with a multitude of searchers crossing all demographic and geographic. With a modern view of Theistic Satanism, he brings the darkness to life in a very tangible manner.Audiobooks by Aleister Nacht: books: books:

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Inane, intellectually barren, emotionally stunted material from a creature that never connected with the realities of this existence.

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A Satanic Grimoire - Aleister Nacht

A Satanic Grimoire

© 2012 Aleister Nacht

Published by Loki / Speckbohne Publishing

All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission of the publisher.


Aleister Nacht’s Satanic Magic:


I hereby invoke the Prince of Darkness, The great Dragon of the bottomless pit Who is the Bringer of Light and Lord of the Earth. Hear me, o mighty God of Hell! Come forth from the black Abyss, Come forth from the ends of the Earth,

Come forth from the nighttime sky!

Great Tiamat, Apophis, Ahriman, Typhon! Leviathan, Azazel, Belial, Samael!

Satan, Lucifer, SET! My Lord and Master, come forth from Hell

And greet me as Your servant and friend.

Join me as I conduct this service in Your honor Out of love and thankfulness for You. Hail Satan!

In nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanas. Introit ad altare Domini Inferi. Before the mighty and ineffable Prince of Darkness, and in the presence of all the dread demons of the Pit, I proclaim that Satan-Lucifer rules the earth, and I ratify and renew my promise to recognize and honor Him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return His mani- fold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors and the fulfillment of my desires.

Bless me, your humble messenger, and allow me to demonstrate through written record an instruction to pour the wages of Hell upon those believers and followers of Satanic Wisdom. Hail Satan. Omni, Omni, Quaecumque vera doce me.

I often receive questions about demons, demonology and how to conjure / summon such a being. Always wanting to address a topic of interest, I decided to write a book on the subject. Let me begin with a few bits of information that are critical to demonology.

First, do not play coy with me by asking these trivial questions of which you ‚mean no harm‚. If you dance with the WILL DANCE. By asking the question, you are opening yourself to a one-way ticket to a harsh reality and education. You cannot unring the bell. I will share, but you must be willing to accept the consequences.

Second, you are not as brave and bravado-filled as you have told yourself while staring into a mirror. Do not assume you cannot be reduced to a sniveling child in the blink of the eye. Let me be clear, as I have stated many times in the past, Satan and all minions of satanic / demonic beings are REAL. There is not an off button for a demon. You are supposed to learn, not to direct.

Third, you are a fool if you are dabbling in the occult to fit into a peer group. You are playing with your life and not theirs. Take heed.

OK, so if you agree to these terms and want to continue, I will guide you through the process. I will not dumb-it-down so please keep up with the to speak.

The name Grimoire‚ is derived from the word ‚Grammar. A Grimoire is a description of a set of magical symbols / actions and how to combine them properly. The Grimoire will be an important element needed for our work. A notepad is fine, even a legal pad will suffice. The objective is to keep accurate notes and an account of the work each time you perform.

The work, similar to dreams, will soon be forgotten if you are working on a higher plane. Just as when you awake from a dream, you should write down what you remember from the working ASAP. If not, you will forget valuable information and loose irreplaceable in- sight experienced during the height of energy working.

Lunar cycles are superfluous to demons. New and Full Moons are known to hold more energy but it is not necessary for our work at hand. The arrangement of the celestial bodies does not dictate the work for our magic. The alignment of stars may be important for horoscopes and other occult workings but not for the workings of our ceremonial initiatives.

I also cover some of the energy differences in my other books posts. Solitude is very important for your first foray into the conjuring world. You must focus your mind and energy on the task and not be distracted by others. Also, do not expect a huge win-fall or magical demonstration to transpire. A test of will is needed and there is no such thing as drive through magic just as there is no success for those who sit on their gluteus maximus all day.

Investment = Returns. For you teenagers, who are going to run down to Bed, Bath and Beyond and buy some candles and conjure up a demon, do not bother. You may actually harm yourself in a maladaptive process.

There are different orders (ordaining) of demons. A working knowledge of their hierarchy is important ergo you must invest time for an understanding. Calling a demon lower in the echelon is preferable for the beginner. Call Samael (Demon

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