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Playboy: Royal Bastards MC
Playboy: Royal Bastards MC
Playboy: Royal Bastards MC
Ebook194 pages2 hours

Playboy: Royal Bastards MC

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

An innocent girl like Raelynn should've never tracked down Playboy. His name alone should've been a red flag waving in her face, but she needed help.


A ladies man like Playboy should have locked the door on Raelynn the second she knocked. The way she looked at him like he hung the stars should have set him running, but he always took what he wanted.


Raelynn is looking for a hero, not just a tumble in the sheets. 


Playboy isn't anyone's hero.

Release dateMay 12, 2020
Playboy: Royal Bastards MC

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    Book preview

    Playboy - Winter Travers

    Chapter One


    Just another Saturday?

    W here are you going ?

    I dropped my cigarette to the gravel and snuffed it out with the toe of my boot. Bed.

    Jet inhaled deep on his cigarette. Alone or you got company joining you? he wheezed before blowing out a plume of smoke.

    Right now, alone, but we both know that can change from here to my bedroom door.

    It was early Saturday morning at the Sacramento Skinz strip club, and I was ready to call it a night. Most of the dancers were offstage and done for the evening which meant I was going to have my pick of the girls to warm my bed tonight.

    Barracuda talk to you?

    I nodded. Tried to avoid him, but he tracked me down.

    That means you’re in charge of the new weekend muscle?

    That was exactly what it meant. He tried to shine it up by saying I was the head of security, but we all fucking know it means I’m the one throwing out drunk assholes Friday and Saturday nights.

    Jet chuckled. Well, at least you have a week to get used to it.

    I’d rather Barracuda work out whatever shit is going on with the security company than have the club do security.

    Hey, just think of it like when the club first opened Skinz. We rotated nights, and it worked.

    That was before the club became so well known. Now, with Skinz being popular, there were easily one hundred and fifty people in the club at any time. When there was an event going like jello wrestling or bubble parties, that number almost tripled.

    Well, I can handle it for a little bit, but I fucking hope Barracuda is looking for a new security company.

    You’ll have your first shot at the girls if you’re working security.

    I rolled my eyes. I had first shot at the girls either way. I wasn’t called Playboy for nothing. I’ll catch ya later, Jet.

    I opened the door to the club, and the loud thumping of the bass hit me along with the smell of whiskey and cheap perfume. God knew these girls made a shit-ton of money, but it seemed like they all wore the same fucking overly sweet scent.

    Normally, I knew what girl I wanted. They seemed to rotate through with barely any lasting more than a few nights. Tonight, it was different.

    I made my way through the back of the club, my eyes darting to the changing room for the girls.

    You need some company tonight, Playboy?

    My gaze fell on Raine. She waltzed over to the door and leaned against the frame.

    What do you have in mind, sugar?

    She shrugged and draped her arm over her head. Whatever you want, baby.

    Raine was one of the first girls I had slept with when the strip club opened, and she had been clamoring to get back into my bed since. Don’t you think Tank and Rebel will mind me honing in on you?

    She reached out and trailed a finger down my chest. You know they won’t mind. Hell, Tank would probably join us.

    That was true, but it wasn’t anything I was interested in. Maybe another time, Raine. She should have gotten the hint by now that I wasn’t interested in her anymore, but obviously, she hadn’t clued into it yet. Adding Tank into the equation was her latest ploy. Hard pass.

    We all know you don’t want to be alone tonight, Playboy.

    I gently grabbed her hand and dropped it. Who said I was going to be alone?

    She scoffed and pushed off the doorframe. Waste of my damn time, she mumbled under her breath.

    My eyes darted around the room filled with loads of mirrors, half naked women, and a plume of hairspray that hung in the air. Nothing held my attention for more than a second. Have a good night, ladies, I called.

    I made my way down the hallway and pushed into the main room with a nod to one of the prospects who was guarding the door from the dressing rooms into the club.

    Next Saturday, I would be one of the poor saps making sure the drunks don’t get too handsy and try to run back to the girls when they get off stage. I was going to make sure the prospects took all the shit duties, and I can hopefully find a corner to sit in and just keep an eye on everything.

    Prospects were supposed to have the shit jobs. I had been down the prospect path, and I had no intention of heading back down it even if Barracuda told me to do it.

    Vivid Vanessa was on the stage, and she had the attention of every dick in the room. The one girl who had yet to look my way, and I was strangely okay with it. She had moves like no other on the pole, but something made me take a step back from pursuing her. She seemed like she would want a whole hell of a lot more than I had to offer. She didn’t mess with any of the club guys, and she just had a classy air about her.

    I was at the door when a petite hand grabbed my arm. Looking for company tonight, Playboy?

    Bray. I looked her up and down and smiled. Maybe, but you might want to put on some more clothes. It’s pretty chilly on the back of my bike.

    Bray flitted her long lashes. Give me ten minutes? I need to count my drawer and change.

    I nodded. Meet me at my bike. Bray wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but she would keep my bed warm for a bit.

    Ten minutes, she promised. She turned on her heels toward the bar, and I pushed open the door to the outside.

    My bike was in the front row and off to the right. Four other bikes of club members stood parked by mine, and there were about twenty other cars in the lot. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it up to my ear.


    Where you at? Six-Gun asked.

    I sat down on my bike and pulled my keys out of my pocket. Just leaving the club.

    You got someone here looking for you.

    I stuck the key in the ignition but didn’t turn it. Who is it?

    A chick.

    That wasn’t really surprising. You wanna be a little bit more specific than that?

    Brown hair. Dressed like a fucking librarian. Possibly hot if she took off the glasses and her eyes stopped darting around like a scared animal.

    I knocked up the kick stand. She got a name? I had no idea who the hell Six-Gun was talking about, but I was fucking intrigued.

    Won’t tell me. I asked her twice, but all she did was shake her head.

    She’s still there?

    That’s why I fucking called you, brother. She’s here, and she wants to talk to you.

    I glanced over my shoulder toward the club. I’ll be there in five minutes. I shoved the phone in my pocket and started up the bike.

    Bray was going to have to find someone else to keep her warm tonight.

    Chapter Two


    A chiseled god named Playboy...

    This was a mistake .

    This was so stupid.

    What in the hell was I doing?

    I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans and closed my eyes.

    Just figure out where Billie Jean is and get the hell out of here, Raelyn. That was all I needed to do.

    The only kink in that was the person I wanted to talk to wasn’t here.

    He should be here in a couple of minutes. My head snapped up. The guy who I had been talking to came back down the hallway he had wandered to with his phone in his hand. He’s on the way back from the club. You wanna wait here or in his room?

    I opened my mouth to answer, but I didn’t actually have one. I really wanted to run out of here and never look back, but this was my last resort. I didn’t know who else to ask for help.

    The guy shook his head and chuckled. Tell you what. Playboy normally comes in the back door. Give it ten minutes and then go knock on his door, yeah?

    I blinked and nodded. Uh, if you think that’s best.

    The guy shook his head. I think it’s best for you, doll. You look like you’re about to puke all over the floor.

    I gulped and tried to quell my rolling stomach. I’m fine. I just need to talk to Playboy.

    The guy looked me up and down. You ain’t his type, doll. You sure it’s Playboy you’re looking for?

    That was the name Billie Jean had mentioned. She said Playboy had bailed her out of a couple of dicey situations before. I had a feeling she was in a dicey situation right now, and Playboy needed to help me bail her out. I nodded again. I need to talk to Playboy.

    The guy tipped his head to the side. And you can’t tell me your name?

    I looked around the clubhouse. I had never been inside an MC clubhouse before, and the only knowledge I had about them was from TV shows. A bar took up the whole length of one wall, and there were ten stools in front of it. There was a large pool table in the center of the space, and six round tables with chairs sat scattered around the room. A large TV hung on the wall, and two guys were sitting on a large leather couch watching some action movie.

    When I had knocked on the front door, no one had answered, and I stood out there for ten minutes before I gathered enough courage to try the door handle. I was sort of surprised when it opened easily, but the three guys who were on the other side of the door looked even more surprised.

    The two on the couch hadn’t talked to me, but I could feel them watching me the whole time. The guy who had been talking to me asked me my name, but I never told him.

    Raelyn, I croaked. My name is Raelyn.

    The guy nodded. Six-Gun.

    I tipped my head to the side and tried to figure out what that meant. Uh, come again? What an odd thing to say after someone told you their name.

    The name is Six-Gun, doll.

    Oh, I gasped. I was dumb and forgot that most bikers didn’t go by their real names. Hence why I was looking for a guy called Playboy. That’s, uh, sweet?

    Jesus. I pressed my palm to my forehead and wished I had the power to rewind time and take back the word sweet. How is the name Six-Gun sweet, Raelyn?

    Uh, never been called that before, but I guess I’ll take it. Six-Gun twisted around and looked down the hallway he had just walked from. Sounds like Playboy is back. You can head back to his room.

    That was a hell of a lot faster than ten minutes. I had walked in ready to ask  Playboy for help, but when he wasn’t here right away, I retreated back to being a coward who wasn’t ready to talk to him. It’s only been three minutes. If that. Did the guy break the speed of the light to get here?

    You can either go back there on your own terms or I can guarantee he’ll be out here in a minute trying to figure out what you want.

    Well. This was a dilemma. I could wait for him or I could go back there. Uh, which door is his?

    Yeah, I would much rather talk to him without three other guys listening.

    Head down the hallway, hang a left, and he’s the second door on the left.

    I nodded stiffly and willed my feet to move. My legs shifted woodenly, and I’m sure I looked like a nutcracker walking toward Playboy’s room.

    I heard muffled laughter, but I didn’t look back at Six-Gun. If I did, I was likely to make a run for the front door. I made it to the end of the hallway and turned to the left. I passed the first door on the left and then stopped in front of the second door.

    I raised my fist, knocked lightly on the door, and waited.

    Three seconds passed before the door swung open and my eyes fell on the most beautiful rugged man I had ever seen. Normally, rugged and beautiful didn’t go together, but those were the two exact words I would use to describe Playboy.



    His eyes traveled over me, but mine were doing the same to him.

    He wasn’t seeing much by looking at me, but I was getting one heck of an eye full.

    Distressed jeans encased his legs, and black boots adorned his feet. His black shirt pulled taut across his chest, and the left sleeve was rolled up with what I assumed was a pack of cigarettes wrapped in it.

    Dark ink swirled around his forearm

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