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Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence - A Respectful Exploration into the Ramifications of Abuse Hidden Behind Closed Doors
Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence - A Respectful Exploration into the Ramifications of Abuse Hidden Behind Closed Doors
Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence - A Respectful Exploration into the Ramifications of Abuse Hidden Behind Closed Doors
Ebook373 pages5 hours

Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence - A Respectful Exploration into the Ramifications of Abuse Hidden Behind Closed Doors

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Abuse is never contained to a present moment, it lingers across a person's lifetime and has pervasive long-term ramifications.


Ever wondered why?


Childhood trauma in adults, is so prevalent that it has become a silent epidemic and the lasting scars are difficult to heal. This extraordinarily important book contains valuable insights into the thought processes and emotional impact the abused contend with daily. Many are plagued with questions they fear will never be answered; the top of the list is 'Why, Me? Will I always be haunted by emotional flashbacks?' These and many more questions are answered in this book.


Groundbreaking in its approach; it is truly an exploration into the reality of childhood neglect and sexual abuse. It leaves you with a remarkable depth of understanding and compassion for the survivors of this abhorrent crime. 


Only through understanding pedophile abuse can we protect our children or aid in the recovery of those silently trying to navigate the lingering effects of their history. It uncovers the complexities of being abused and reinforces the fact that it is never the victim's fault.  


It provides a much-needed soul perspective that has the power to change lives, removing mindset obstacles that are part of the abuse, not the person.


So, if you're seeking answers to your questions or want to be informed, then this is a book for you! It is an invaluable resource for victims, survivors, or thrivers of any type of abuse and child protection advocates. 


Abuse is never deserved. It is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage, which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.

Release dateNov 11, 2017
Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence - A Respectful Exploration into the Ramifications of Abuse Hidden Behind Closed Doors

Lorraine Nilon

Lorraine Nilon is an Australian Author, Soul Intuitive®: life researcher, philosopher, and spiritualist. With over 20 years of experience exploring spirituality and self-discovery, she’s gained comprehensive knowledge about how you can develop a deeper connection with your inner self and boost your spiritual wellbeing. Her mission is to share her teachings with the world, educating others on how they can better understand themselves and live more balanced and spiritual lives. For more information, check out her books, courses, and online workshops.

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    Breaking Free from the Chains of Silence - A Respectful Exploration into the Ramifications of Abuse Hidden Behind Closed Doors - Lorraine Nilon


    Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence is an exploration into indifference. Indifference is a multifaceted energy that has varying degrees of destruction. Paedophilic abuse is an experience of many degrees and facets of indifference, and is an attack on the soul of the abused. Those who embody indifference do not just lack concern and compassion, they disconnect from integrity and are insensitive to the point of being cruel. Those who abuse others with their indifference, narcissistically beguile those who are unsuspecting of their deviancy.

    The intent of this book is to broaden the awareness of indifference, explain the layers of trauma resulting from abuse and expose the arrogance of paedophiles who choose an innocent child to be their victim, while relying on the trauma to keep them silent. We as society should be willing to hear the truth of the abused and nurture the integrity of their soul. We should be part of a choir of support and to do that we have to understand the reality of abuse. We can only become informed through the victims’ bravery to break free from the chains of silence and share the truth of their experience, and we need to be present in the uncomfortableness of their truth. Understanding empowers us all. Hopefully, as we educate each other on the travesty of indifference and abuse, we can better comfort the innocent and bring the guilty out of the shadows they hide in by reducing the number of places they can hide.

    This information is multilayered and you do not need to have experienced paedophilic or sexual abuse, to relate to the various forms of indifference exposed. All traumatic experiences leave a residue of indifference. Indifference is within all types of abuse, such as domestic violence, discrimination, harassment, vilification and sexual assault. Verbal, mental, emotional and physical abuse leaves a residue of indifference. This book was written for survivors of paedophilia, but those who have experienced any type of abuse will gain insight into the reality of indifference.

    When the effects of indifference are not acknowledged and addressed, they manifest into a multitude of fears, embedded beliefs and unresolved emotions, becoming emotional prisons that are reinforced by silence. This book sheds light on the reality of that which is left in the wake of indifference and abuse. Paedophilic abuse is insidious and permeates the survivor’s self-perception, which has a cumulative effect on their life and others.

    Abuse affects not only the abused but also their loved ones. It is difficult to know how to respond to the unfathomable, and yet it is essential to be compassionately present when listening to the recount of what has occurred. Those who become a witness to a survivor’s recount of abuse can use the information to understand the rawness of emotions and the fallout that ensues. Providing a survivor with a safe place to be heard and understood is one of the greatest gifts we can give to those who have been left emotionally reeling from the trauma they have endured. Abuse is never deserved, it is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage, which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.

    Section two addresses being stuck in your own emotional prison from a soul perspective. This section is not just for victims of abuse, but for anyone who has felt lost in their own emotions. Section two is written with the intention of understanding and exploring being confined by confusion and restricted by your own indifference towards the truth of who you naturally are. It is a reminder that you are much more than just what you have experienced and the emotions you feel engulfed by.

    When you feel trapped by your own indifference against yourself, regardless of the events that lead to you feeling imprisoned, it is difficult to confront your own reality and yet completely necessary to resolve how you oppress your sense of self. Indifference and despair are like quick sand; you can recognise them and struggle only to find yourself succumbing to the hopelessness that indifference and despair invokes. Being indifferent crushes your curiosity, which can cause you to forget the exquisiteness of your own soul and leave you ensnared by your own unresolved emotions.

    Some readers may prefer to read section three first, others may use it from time to time while reading section one. Reading Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence is a personal process, be kind to yourself as you explore what is written.

    Tips for reading Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence

    This book raises difficult issues and you will feel uncomfortable. Feeling uncomfortable about abuse is a good thing; when we become comfortable about the indifference motivating those willing to abuse, we become complacent and numb to reality. This allows indifference to flourish. Reading this book will be a personal experience unique to you. You will filter the information through your own life experiences and this can trigger different emotional, energetic or physical reactions within you. Allow yourself the grace to explore how you react and respond to the information. You are embarking on an exploration of the effects of indifference and the trauma of abuse.

    This book has been written from an awareness of energy and recognition of how we all respond energetically. Coming to terms with the energy you feel can be quite daunting as paedophilia is a difficult subject matter. Energetically you will feel the reality of your own emotional reactions to being exposed to what is written. You may experience energy that at first confuses you, until you become honest about your awareness of feeling energy. Allow yourself the time and space to contemplate and observe your emotional reactions to the truth of your feelings about what you are exploring within Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence.

    There are many layers to your emotions and, as you explore the truth of your unresolved emotions, the depths of them may surprise you. You may believe you have accomplished the resolution of an emotion, only to discover another layer of the emotion. This is all part of the process and as your awareness increases so does your ability to truthfully explore the reality that is being exposed to you. Take your time and give yourself the grace to observe the reality of how impacting abuse is to the soul. Allow yourself the grace to feel the truth of your opportunity to resolve. Your negative self-judgement is a hindrance to the opportunity of discovering the truth of yourself.

    You may automatically react to the information from your unresolved emotions, try not to tell yourself what you should be feeling or create excuses, and instead take notice of what you are feeling. You reveal information to yourself through your feelings, listen and learn from your own awareness. Indifference invokes an agitation, despair or can make you feel shrouded in oppressive energy. The energy produced by indifference can cause your eyes to feel gritty, you can feel extremely cold and feel ‘sick to your stomach’. This book is not graphic about the abuse itself, but the energy can become intense. Saying the ‘Self expose self’ declaration, explained on page 21 helps you to clear the energy you are reacting to, and feel. It also helps to anchor you back to yourself and your present moment.

    Using this declaration periodically, while reading the book and each time after you stop reading, may be beneficial for managing any invoked emotions, distressing thoughts or unpleasant feelings. The declaration will also help when you experience energetic reactions. Energetic reactions are involuntary movements of your own energy, produced by your emotions or recognition of energy. You may at first be unable to identify the emotion, triggering the energetic reaction, but as you acknowledge the truth of your own reaction, you become more open to explore your emotions. Suppressed emotions and fear create energetic reactions and some people are sensitive to the energy they feel or generate. These examples may help you recognise an energetic reaction.

    Fazing out: If you are emotionally reacting to what you are reading, you may faze out, unable to comprehend what you have just read. You can become stuck repeating a line, feeling confused and vacant. You may reread something without at first recognising you have just read it. You may also experience feeling shocked and zone out, causing you to disassociate from being present. These are all energetic reactions and are a signal to take notice of what you are reacting to. You may need to take a break, acknowledge what you are experiencing and allow your own energy to settle.

    Overwhelmed: If you are extremely reactive to what you are reading, you may lose all concept of time. You may experience feeling groggy and realise that you have lost consciousness for a while and find yourself waking up, feeling disorientated and confused. This can be a signal that you are emotionally overwhelmed and can indicate that you are discovering something that may have a major effect on how you perceive yourself and your life experiences. This reaction exposes the significance of exploring what you feel uncomfortable about. You may need to acknowledge the truth of your reaction to settle your energy, so you can consciously acknowledge what you have unconsciously orchestrated to resist, deny and avoid.

    Agitated: If you are emotionally reactive to what you are reading, you may feel agitated. Your agitation may be a direct result of being made aware of the reality of the indifference energy you are reading about or from a recognition of past indifference. This can trigger an involuntary agitation within you. You may be agitated because your illusion of control is being interfered with, but it is your illusion of control that gets in your way of feeling at peace. Your agitation could stem from your fear of being exposed to that which you want to suppress. You may fear the discovery of truth will cause you to lose how you define yourself. You can use your emotions to fool yourself about the reality of who you naturally are and default to agitation as a protective mechanism to sustain your denial. You may need to take a short break and occupy yourself with something else for a while to settle your energy. At times, you may find it helpful to just read small amounts and give yourself time to digest what you have read and energetically reacted to.

    Denial: If you are emotionally reacting to what you are reading, you may attempt to suppress your awareness of your emotional, energetic and physical reactions to the information. You may feel yourself make excuses for your reactions, permitting yourself to retreat from what is being exposed to you. Your own opposition to feeling the truth of your reactions may cause you to become arrogant about your own ignorance. This may make you indifferent to the significance of your honesty about your own reaction to what you are reading. Your emotional, energetic and physical reactions reveal a lot to you. You may need to objectively observe the truth of your reactions to comprehend the reality of your own suppressed emotions.

    Avoiding: If you are emotionally reactive, you may ignore what you are feeling and become oppositional to the process of discovery, acknowledgement and resolution. Trust that you have encountered this book for a reason. Be honest about your emotions as they reveal information to you and create an opportunity to explore and resolve any negativity you feel about yourself.

    There will be times you want to explore more deeply and times you may seek a rest from your own exploration. Take notice of your emotional and energetic reactions and be honest about the urge to ignore your own insight.

    Try not to engage with the information within Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence from fear or denial, be open to discover and explore. Your awareness of yourself will expand as you explore the truth of your own feelings and unresolved emotions.

    Acknowledge the questions you contemplate within yourself, and accept the significance of your own soul. You matter to this world and to the origin of your soul. Seek support when needed, find avenues that assist, support and nurture you. There is no shame in needing or wanting help, comfort and support, and all souls deserve to be nurtured.

    There are many organisations, support groups and helplines that give practical and emotional assistance. They can help you deal with any triggered memories and emotions. Being emotionally overwhelmed is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of your humanity and the enormity of what you are dealing with. Humanity describes souls within a physical body, experiencing life, and the experience of abuse can make you feel lost, alone or trapped. Liberating yourself from the shackles of oppression that abuse creates is difficult and the aim of this book is to be an assistant to clarity for you.


    Abuse is indifference towards another’s natural value, worth and significance. It is the intent to:

    •Cause harm



    •Be cruel

    •Be violent










    •Betray trust

    Abuse changes how the abused perceive themselves; it changes their experience of life and can be very difficult to resolve. Abuse is never contained to a present moment, it lingers across a person’s lifetime and has pervasive long-term ramifications. Abuse creates traumatic memories and emotional scars that the victim has to contend with.

    Cyber abuse encompasses a wide variety of abuse. The abuser uses the internet and devices such as a phone or computer to exploit or cause harm to another.

    •Internet stalking is obsessively targeting a child or adult with unwanted attention via the use of the internet and electronic devices. The stalker has a compulsive drive to monitor those they prey upon, and this is a severe invasion of privacy. This can also include stealing photographs from social media.

    •Online bullying is using any form of electronic messaging system to send insulting or threatening messages. It is repetitive harassment that can come in many forms of disrespect for the victim’s emotional wellbeing and reputation. This can include distributing naked or sexual images of the victim. It is also making false accusations with the intent to humiliate and defame the victim.

    •Online predators use the internet to locate and lure their victims to become engaged in the illusion of a relationship or friendship, as they seek to procure, groom and engage a child in sexual activities. Predators seek to mislead and coerce their victims to comply with their demands. Some send indecent communication and photos of their own genitals, and others seek to coerce children to post explicit photos of themselves.

    •Online sexual abuse material is the use of visional material that shows or entices an offence against a child or non-consenting adult. It is an offence to access, possess and distribute child exploitation material. It is also an offence to advertise, solicit or supply a child for pornographic purposes.

    Emotional abuse is designed to undermine another’s sense of self. It is deliberate humiliation, with the intent to seize control of how others feel about themselves. An emotional abuser coerces the victim to align to the lies they use to create disparaging definitions for them to adopt. An emotional abuser, desires to corrupt the victim’s relationship with their own soul, with the intent to have them believe they are worthless.

    Emotional abuse affects the victim’s sense of identity and confidence, and is used to ensure they remain trapped in low self-esteem and patterns of behaviour that oppress their awareness of their own soul. It also leaves a victim believing they are unlovable and ‘not good enough’. Emotional abuse is derived from the intent to silence the victim and to browbeat them into submission. Emotional abuse can leave a victim feeling like a shell of a person, separated from the true essence of who they naturally are. It also leads to a victim feeling tormented and tortured by their own emotions.

    Energetic abuse is also known as a psychic attack. It is the intent to cause harm by projecting thoughts, judgement and energy. Those who want to create psychic trauma seek to leave a lasting impression and a residue of their insidious energy. Psychic trauma stems from being aware of, or experiencing, the insidiousness of the abuser. Psychic trauma is the reverberation of the shock at the level of indifference the abuser has for the abused. The purpose of energetic abuse is to create pain for another to carry and to ensure the shock of the abuse has a long-lasting impact. Energetic abuse is derived from the abuser’s desire to intimidate and dominate those they want to manipulate, control or have ownership over.

    Energetic abuse is an intrusion into another’s energy system or a forceful projection of energy at them, with the intent to deprive another of feeling their value, worth and significance. This can be done consciously or unconsciously. The more conscious the abuser is of their own energy, the more intense and repugnant their energy feels. Energetic abuse leaves the victim feeling a foreboding energy that invokes a primal fear, which can develop into psychic trauma.

    Extreme indifference produces an energy that feels like there is an energetic shroud; a film, that descends over the victim, which creates an internal sensation of emotional suffocation, or a trapped sensation entwined with the belief that they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. This creates a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness. These sensations can be carried as a memory of what was felt, or can be felt repetitively as the victim ruminates over their history or becomes aware of thoughts produced by suppressed fear. The carried sensations, thoughts and beliefs can invoke a shame shudder coursing through the body, or an inescapable shadow that lurks in the hidden crevasses of the victim’s awareness.

    Physical abuse is an intentional act to create physical pain, injury or long-lasting bodily harm. It is also the desire to use violence to gain control over whoever the abuser has chosen to victimise. Physical abuse is using brute force to render another incapable of defending themselves. It is also the neglect, enslavement or mistreatment of another in such a way that results in poor health or injury.

    Mental abuse also known as bullying or psychological abuse, violence or warfare is a verbal or non-verbal interaction that leaves the victim believing they are worthless. It is the desire to invoke or create insecurities within another to ensure they feel insignificant and distressed about their safety. This creates anxiety that sustains fear. It is also the desire to sustain a power imbalance and to leave the victim questioning their sanity and self-worth.

    Mental abuse is using mind games intentionally. It is a series of planned manipulative strategies that steer the victim to be disadvantaged or to be more pliable to the abuser’s demands. Mind games cause the victim to be confused and to doubt their own perception or recollection of reality. It is the desire to infiltrate another’s thought processes with confusing and degrading beliefs designed to fester within the victim. Mental abuse impacts how the victim thinks about themselves and diminishes their sense of competency. It is used to ensure they perpetuate their own patterns of self-loathing, self-hatred and soul oppression.

    Sexual abuse is the crime of executing any sexual acts with a child or with a nonconsenting adult. It is exploitation, motivated by sexual interest. Sexual abusers are lewd and lascivious towards their victims. Sexual abuse is being forced or tricked into sexual activities. It is a violation of another’s soul and their freedom.

    Soul abuse is any type of abuse that has permeated through every aspect of a person’s soul, causing them to lose awareness of the foundation of who they are. It is any abuse that destroys the victims’ awareness of the strength of their own soul. It is any abuse that incites the victim to be indifferent to their own truth, and to flood their thoughts, feelings and sense of identity with disparaging self-beliefs. It also diffuses their ability to feel the truth of who they naturally are and leaves them depriving themselves of their own core essences.

    Soul abuse is any abuse that becomes a filter that ensures a person remains separated from their awareness of their own soul and truth. It also any abuse that disassociates the victim from feeling unconditionally loved by themselves, others and their origins.

    Soul abuse results from the use of indifference to intentionally corrupt another’s understanding of their own natural significance. It is the abuse that leaves the victim feeling fractured and fragmented, and deprives them of feeling unity within their soul and at peace with their own life.

    Soul carnage is the pain and damage that is carried from one lifetime to another, until it is resolved. Soul carnage is felt within the depths of the soul, due to the severity of the indifference experienced. It results from callous indifference and a complete disregard for the mayhem the victim has to endure.

    Verbal abuse is the use of words, mutterings, intonations, snorts or sniggers of condemnation. It is using words, lies and sounds as a weapon to undermine another’s self-confidence. This can be loud rants designed to intimidate, or quiet but consistent criticisms. Verbal abuse is communicating in a demeaning way, calculated to make another feel inferior, ‘not good enough’ and to believe that there is something very wrong with who they are. Verbal abuse incites flawed beliefs and invokes shame, and is always a coercive tactic to ensure greater control over the abused. It is an expression of contempt and is used to ensure the victim is more vulnerable to future attacks, manipulation and exploitation. It is designed to persuade and encourage the belief that the victim is useless and unworthy of rescue or respect.

    Verbal abuse is deliberately seeking to create or toy with the victims’ insecurities, and can be systematically used to brainwash the victim. Brainwashing is methodical manipulation that alters the victim’s attitude to form beliefs that can become so ingrained that the victim believes they are true. Brainwashing can leave the victim devoid of independent thought so that they reject any other opinions or evidence of truth that is contradictory to that which has been infused into their psyche. These beliefs undermine the victim’s self-worth and reduce their ability to mentally defend themselves. They often unconsciously align without challenge, to that which they have been indoctrinated to believe. This can also cause victims to blame themselves, not realising that they have been manipulated into believing that the abuse is their fault.

    The words emotional, energetic and physical have been used throughout this book to delineate the different and intertwining aspects and ramifications of abuse.

    Introduction to your energetic system

    True Source Divine Origin Consciousness is a label for the collective purity of truth and is the collective energy of the origin of your soul and the truth of all souls. This is where you come from and where you will return to after your death. This label is used because you do not have a history with it; it is a way of counteracting what you believe you know and enables you the freedom to explore what you discover about your own origin of truth. True Source Divine Origin Consciousness is the source of your soul’s consciousness.

    Your soul’s consciousness is the part of your soul system, which has never abandoned the unconditional love of True Source Divine Origin Consciousness (your origin), or the awareness of truth. Your soul’s consciousness is the truth of who you are unencumbered by any unconscious energy and is naturally the core of your being.

    Your soul’s unconsciousness is the part of your soul system, which is unconscious to the unconditional love of True Source Divine Origin Consciousness, and is the part of you lost within your willingness to oppress your awareness of truth. Your soul’s unconsciousness is the energetic storehouse of your unconscious energy, such as your unresolved emotions, control structures, barriers to truth, framework of soul oppression, fears and beliefs which you use to deny the truth of who you are.

    You are the interface between your soul’s consciousness and unconsciousness.

    Your unresolved emotions are what you use to energetically sustain the vortex of your soul’s unconsciousness. These are the emotions you refuse to resolve, or you have become so unconscious to the reality of them, that you deny their existence. All unresolved emotions are unconscious energy. The trauma of abuse creates a myriad

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