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COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You
COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You
COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You
Ebook166 pages1 hour

COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You

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Want to Survive COVID-19?
This Is The Book That Shows You How
Written By A Respected M.D.

Are you worried that you or a loved one might die from COVID-19? It is your healthy immune system that protects you and keeps you alive. In COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies the News Media Will Never Tell You, Paul Thomas, M.D. provides possible solutions backed by sound science and his experience in his own clinical practice. In this book, you will discover:

• The best type of immune-boosting diet.
• Why a ventilator should only be used as a last resort.
• 6 essential dietary supplements that support immunity and lung health (Hint: It’s not just about vitamin C).
• 1 possible way to get a conventional doctor to administer vitamin C while you’re in the hospital.
• Many other easy-to-implement key action steps to strengthen your immune system.

This book provides a way to take your destiny into your own hands and dramatically increase your chances of staying healthy. The many scientific references included in the book also make it an ideal resource for health care providers.

Release dateApr 26, 2020
COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You

Paul Thomas, M.D.

Paul Thomas, MD, ABAM, FAAP“The time has come to take our health and that of our children into our own hands.Gone are the days when you could blindly follow your doctor’s recommendations or count on your health plan or some government agency to put your best interests first.We owe it to ourselves and our children to remain constantly educated and informed so that we can make the best health decisions for ourselves and our families.”Dr. PaulHusband, Father of 9, pediatrician to 15,000, health freedom advocate, wellness and fitness are my hobbies and when I can getting out into nature, on a hike, my motorcycle on a sunny day on a windy road or snorkle with sea turtle and tropical fish - that is relaxation.Dr. Paul Thomas (affectionately known as “Dr. Paul”) received his MD from Dartmouth Medical School in 1985.Dr. Paul is a board-certified in Pediatrics, and Addiction MedicineDr. Paul has taught residents and medical students since 1988 and opened his own practice, Integrative Pediatrics, in 2008 where he currently serves over 15,000 patients in the Portland, Oregon.Dr. Paul opened Fair Start, his medical detox clinic in 2009, where he has helped over 1,000 patients wean off a wide range of opiates.His book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, was published in 2016 by Ballantine Books.His book, The Addiction Spectrum – A Compassionate, Holistic Approach to Recovery, was published by Harper One, in 2018.Author of COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell YouSample or purchase COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You: hosted The Addiction Summit. www.theaddictionsummit.comDr. Paul has over 1 million subscribers on his You Tube channel: up for newsletters, get important links and stay connected

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    Book preview

    COVID-19 - Paul Thomas, M.D.

    COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies the News Media Will Never Tell You

    By Paul Thomas MD

    Published Internationally by Dr. Paul Approved

    Portland, Oregon

    © Paul Thomas, M.D.

    Smashwords Edition


    Dedicated to my friend Bud and all who are suffering from the COVID-19 coronavirus.


    All information in this E-book and otherwise shared by author Paul Thomas, M.D. is for general guidance and informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information provided with other sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by other physicians. Please check with your medical providers before trying anything that you may have learned here.

    Paul Thomas, M.D., author, is writing this using the best information available at this moment. We are early in the pandemic and more shall be revealed. Take what makes sense, and leave the rest. Use what you can and when some of the information in this book becomes obsolete due to new information – disregard it!


    Opening Statement


    Part A: What to do

    1. The most important thing you can do to avoid getting infected

    2. Emergency Respiratory and Immune Rescue Kit

    3. Fear

    4. Time to get healthy

    5. Taking your health into your own hands

    6. Avoid COVID-19 exposure and Boost your Immune System

    7. How to know when it is time to go to the hospital

    8. What to do when you might have a covid-19 infection

    9. Please take COVID-19 Seriously

    10. Working together in community

    11. Respiratory Rescue Kit

    12. Coronavirus Infection Kit

    Part B: The Science

    1. The Virus

    2. How the virus enters the body and replicates.

    3. Tips for keeping COVID-19 out of your house

    4. Symptoms

    5. The China Experience

    6. The USA

    7. Flattening the curve

    Treatment Options

    1. Vitamin C

    2. Melatonin

    3. Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium

    4. CBD

    5. Pharmaceuticals

    Part C: Stories


    New Orleans ER Doctor Tells it Like it is

    Part D: Summary – Putting Things in Perspective

    1. Thoughts

    2. The Rush for a Vaccine

    3. Final Thoughts

    About the Author


    Appendix A – Other Important Resources

    Opening Statement

    The only thing to fear is fear itself– FDR

    May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. – Nelson Mandela

    My hope is that this book will empower you.

    Knowledge is power.

    The unknown and the ridiculous messaging, coming from most sources, is that all you can do is shut yourself in your house and wait a year or more for a vaccine to come and save you. This is stoking anxiety and fear.

    This book will empower you with the exact information you need and concrete tools to survive COVID-19 should you happen to get it and become really ill.

    You will have the tools to be a warrior and go to battle with confidence and courage. Control your fear and be willing to take action. Don’t just read this book. Use the information to get the tools you need to go into battle if that time comes.

    Many if not most of us have friends and family who either may have the COVID-19 illness or have tested positive for SARS – CoV-2. Perhaps you have loved ones who are elderly or immunocompromised or with significant underlying health issues making them most vulnerable. My heart goes out to everyone around the globe suffering due to this disease. I’m inspired once again by the countless professionals and volunteers risking their lives to help those in need.

    We need calm and humility. Stress is an underappreciated risk factor when it comes to harming our immune systems, and nothing could be worse than the panic so many are feeling. Remember that just as the virus is contagious, so are emotions. I’ve written this book quickly because it offers knowledge and specific do this information that can give you that sense of calm that you need to move through this crisis. I submit with humility that in just days, weeks or months, some of what is in this book will be obsolete as better information becomes available.

    Note that this book is not intended to be a health claim for any dietary supplement. As of this writing, no pharmaceutical drug or any dietary supplement has been proven in long-term placebo controlled studies to treat COVID-19.

    Disclaimer: The information in this book is educational and Informational only: IT IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. It is not intended to diagnose or treat. No pharmaceutical or dietary supplement has been proven in long-term placebo-controlled studies to treat or prevent COVID-19.


    My friend Bud is hospitalized a few miles down the road from me. He is in quarantine, no-one, not even his wife can see him and all we can do is hear about his progressive slide toward death.

    The Kawasaki Vulcan motorcycle I ride was Bud’s. I was just with him a couple months ago at a meeting. Sadly, he went to the hospital before I knew he was even sick and was put in quarantine while awaiting the COVID-19 test results. They came back positive, and over the past week he has gone from being in a hospital room, to needing oxygen, to being placed in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) where he has signed a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order and is likely going to need a ventilator any day now. The death rate for older men once on a ventilator appears to be very high, way over 50%.

    What upsets me and is the reason I am rushing this E-book to the world, is that THERE ARE THINGS WE CAN DO to minimize the infection and help our immune system and body rid the infection. THESE THINGS MAY BE LIFESAVING, but they are not possible once you enter the world of mainstream medicine in the USA and probably in most countries. That’s why it’s crucial to read this book to discover what you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. These are strategies I use as a medical doctor with my patients as well as with my own family at home.

    Take a look at the final thoughts at the end of this book for a perspective that is generally lacking in the media storm we are all being subjected to.


    On March 26, 2020, the U.S. surpassed China and Italy to become the nation with the most COVID-19 infections in the world. This despite the fact that we have only recently started testing and the outbreaks are just getting started in most areas. The Hopkins University dashboard showed the U.S. with 85,840 cases as of 11 p.m., ET, moving past Italy (80,589) and China (81,782), and more than 1,296 people have died in the U.S.

    Disclaimer: The information in this book is educational and Informational only: IT IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. It is not intended to diagnose or treat. No pharmaceutical or dietary supplement has been proven in long-term placebo-controlled studies to treat or prevent COVID-19.


    For hard science, you can read Part 2. However, I decided to jump right in with potentially useful suggestions in case you got lost in the science and gave up before getting to these tips, which could save your life. Nothing written in this book is meant to diagnose or treat and is just informational for you to review with your healthcare provider.

    Please understand that this COVID-19 virus is new, unique and much more infectious and more fatal than anything we have experienced in generations. That said, a healthy immune system and a host of healthy lifestyle choices are the key to survival.

    If you do what everyone else does you will get the results everyone else gets. We have clearly entered uncharted territory.

    Day after day all the media outlets report bad to worse news: more infections, more deaths, shortages of vital supplies and changing recommendations from the CDC and public health officials, governors, the president, the surgeon general and world leaders. You would think there was nothing else happening in the world, other than coronavirus. A massive outbreak in China, then South Korea, then Italy and now throughout Europe exploded in the USA and arrived in your country and town. These same media outlets that have focused on politics to the exclusion of all else now have something even better: death, fear and a massive unknown to exploit.

    The total blunder in testing has resulted in only the very ill getting tested which has propped up death rates which reach 1% - 3% and for those over 80 years old well over 10%. Please realize that in China a death rate of 4,000 out of 1.3 billion translates into a death rate of 1/ 350,000 people. Italy seems to be having the worst death rates although one report says that 99% of those dying had at least one underlying health condition. Numbers from Italy are so massive that they are now already at a death rate of over 1 person/1000 for their entire population. So, take this

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