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How To Analyze People at a Glance - Learn 15 Unmistakable Signals Others Put Off Without Realizing It and What They Mean
How To Analyze People at a Glance - Learn 15 Unmistakable Signals Others Put Off Without Realizing It and What They Mean
How To Analyze People at a Glance - Learn 15 Unmistakable Signals Others Put Off Without Realizing It and What They Mean
Ebook151 pages2 hours

How To Analyze People at a Glance - Learn 15 Unmistakable Signals Others Put Off Without Realizing It and What They Mean

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Would You Want to Know What Others Are Thinking about You with 100% Certainty?


It's inevitable to feel like someone is attempting to tell you no, even when their words point towards "yes."


As humans, we don't always say what we mean and we don't always mean what we say.


Communication is complex, intricate and full of layers.


Just take a look at the following incredible facts:


  • 55% of communication hides in body language and non-verbal cues
  • Sight accounts for approximately 82% of how we take in information
  • Researchers have identified 19 different types of human smiles, each one with its meaning!
  • The amount of non-verbal communication that we engage in on a daily basis varies between 60 and 90 percent
  • To keep an audience engaged when speaking, you have to maintain eye contact for at least 60% of the time


That's a lot to take in, isn't it?


Adding cultural specific and personal nuances makes the situation even more complicated.


So the question remains – is it possible to read people accurately and respond adequately to their signals?


The answer is an obvious yes. You will, however, need to engage in some self-analysis and you'll also have to pay attention to others. Once you become more present in everyday interactions, you will begin pinpointing cues and patterns of behavior that reveal a ton more than spoken word will ever be capable of.


To read people, you have to be attentive and emotionally intelligent. Both of these can be learned, boosting your confidence and helping you form more meaningful relationships.


In How to Analyze People at a Glance, you will discover:


  • The number one reason why non-verbal communication is so much more important than spoken words
  • 7 codes of non-verbal communication everybody should master
  • A surefire way to determine if others are being deceitful
  • The meaning of body language – when words say one thing and the body's telling you something else
  • Practical strategies for differentiating between positive and negative body language
  • Some of the most common signals people give and their meaning
  • Putting the theory of analyzing people to use in your personal relationships
  • Powerful techniques for influencing others and making them like you
  • The basics of neuro-linguistic programming
  • The fine difference between being persuasive and being manipulative


And a lot more.


As humans, we are all flawed, we're all insecure and we're all looking for a deeper connection. Sometimes, however, we go about it in the worst possible way.


How to Analyze People will teach you how to go beyond shallow communication and how to look deep into the actions and motivations of others. Equipped with this knowledge, you will excel in your career, you will make new friends and achieve a level of life satisfaction you've probably considered impossible in the past.


Every human being is an open book if you understand its language. If you want to start reading others and responding to their cues better, scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button now.

PublisherLeo Black
Release dateMay 12, 2020
How To Analyze People at a Glance - Learn 15 Unmistakable Signals Others Put Off Without Realizing It and What They Mean

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    Book preview

    How To Analyze People at a Glance - Learn 15 Unmistakable Signals Others Put Off Without Realizing It and What They Mean - Leo Black

    How to Analyze People at a Glance

    The 27 Unmistakable Signals Others Give Out Without Realizing What They Mean

    Leo Black

    © Copyright 2020 - All rights reserved.

    The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

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    This book is copyright protected. It is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Human Communication – Complex, Confusing, and Often Non-Verbal

    The 7% Rule

    Verbal vs. Non-Verbal Communication






    Non-Verbal Communication

    Non-Verbal Codes

    Interrelation With Verbal Communication

    Chapter 2: Body Language – What It Means

    Body Language in Communication Theory

    Components of Body Language

    Negative and Positive Body Language

    Using Body Language to Influence others

    Chapter 3: Interpreting Some of the Most Common Signals People Send Our Way

    Rules for Analyzing

    Factor in the Context

    Find Clusters

    Form a Baseline Before You Start

    Avoid Biases

    Unmistakable Signals People Send out Without Realizing

    Mixed Signals

    Overcoming the Illusion of Transparency

    Taking a Step Back

    Cultural Deviations

    Chapter 4: Surefire Ways to Spot Lies, Manipulation, and Deceit

    Lies and Deceit

    Detecting Lies

    How to Detect Deceit


    Strategies People Use to Manipulate Others

    How to Know When You Are Being Manipulated

    How to Deal With Manipulators

    Chapter 5: How Analyzing People Helps to Improve Your Relationships

    Enhancing Communication

    It Fosters Better Connections

    It Boosts Intimacy

    Mental Connections




    Chapter 6: The Ultimate Goal – Enhancing the Way Others See You

    Mind Your Non-Verbal Communication

    What You Do When You’re Nervous

    What You Do When You Feel Threatened

    The Way You Talk

    How You Act Around New People

    Mixed Signals

    Master the Art of Persuasion

    How to Persuade

    The Difference Between Persuasion and Manipulation

    Getting People to Like You

    Detecting Romantic Interest

    Chapter 7: Neuro-Linguistic Programming: What Is It and Can Anyone Master It?

    What Is NLP?


    NLP Techniques

    NLP Growth


    NLP States




    Establishing Rapport

    Practical NLP Techniques to Build Better Relationships

    Work on Yourself First

    Work on Your State of Mind

    Make the Next Move

    Embrace Who You Are

    Build Rapport

    Share Your Humanity

    Put People First

    Adopt a Systemic View of Your Relationships

    Recognize Your Powers and Respect the Powers of Others

    Stop Judging Others Using Your Worldview

    Do Not Assume Anything

    Be Careful What You Expect From People

    Giving Feedback

    There Is No Right or Wrong, Only Views of What Is Right or Wrong




    "I don’t like that man . I must get to know him better."

    - Abraham Lincoln

    Do you often get confused while interacting with people because you do not know what their words (and/or actions) mean? Do you feel you can improve the way you interact with your friends and/or family simply by understanding them better? And in trying to understand people, do you find that words are never quite enough to get you there? That there might be something else you need to foster those strong relationships you desire? Well, maybe you should consider learning to read people instead!

    And if you have difficulty making friends, then you know the stakes are higher than just understanding people better. In some cases, low self-confidence and esteem issues are attributed to one’s inability to make and keep friends. Poor relationships can also be very stressful, especially because they leave you feeling alone and exposed. Yet, you cannot make and keep friends without the ability to interpret verbal and non-verbal cues. See, people respond more favorably to those they perceive as being receptive and understanding.

    However, you might find yourself having difficulties understanding even the people with whom you are very close. And sometimes what a person says does not match the way they are saying it or their body seems to be saying something entirely different altogether. Responding to these subliminal messages remains the cornerstone of strong relationships, romantic or platonic. As such, interpreting mixed signals accurately is an important skill to learn.

    And sometimes you will be the one sending the mixed signals intentionally or unintentionally. We have all been there: that time your friend thought you were lying because you smiled while telling an incredible story, or your girlfriend/boyfriend thinking you are mad at them simply because you were quiet. For most introverted people, the preference for spending time alone is very often perceived by others as a sign of unfriendly aloofness. Being aware of the signals you are sending out is just as important as interpreting other people’s. After all, people often mirror each other. The signals you receive, especially in a social situation, very likely mirror what you send out. 

    Yet, it is a proven fact that not all people are naturally gifted at interpreting non-verbal cues. Some of us need to learn these all-important skills if we are to have a prayer of avoiding confusing and awkward situations. And that is why I have written this book. It is for you who would like to learn how to analyze people, to understand why people behave in the way that they do and why words and actions often clash. See, it is possible to read people accurately. It will take some time and dedicated practice, but if you are willing to work hard, then you can be sure of great rewards in the end. 

    Analyzing people is also the easiest and most effective way of learning what someone really wants. If you are in a position to help them, then it becomes easier to form a relationship based on mutual support. People are genetically engineered to respond positively to those who fulfill their needs. If you are looking to improve the way you relate with others and make more friends, learning to analyze people will give you a massive boost.

    The title of the book might be How to Analyze People at a Glance, but you will also be learning skills to build stronger relationships by reading others. You will bolster your ability to know when someone is being deceitful to you in any way. Essentially, you will be acquiring the superpower of reading minds. Talk about a confidence boost! I mean, who wouldn’t want to be the person who everyone fears for being able to call them out on their deception?

    You might be thinking you do not need a book to teach you how to interpret non-verbal signals, but a single book is going at it the easy way. Some people (like me) had to spend long years at school, read long-winded psychology books, and write theses on different aspects of non-verbal communication before being certified as experts. These are the people who help law enforcement read hardened criminals and crack difficult cases by interpreting subtle non-verbal signals and body ticks.

    They are able to do this because what we speak accounts for a measly 7% of all the communication we do. Just think about that for a moment. Over 90% of all the information we divulge comes not from the words we say but from non-verbal cues. This is why you need to study human communication in greater depth. This is why you need to read a book like this. Even when a person comes up with the perfect lie to cover up for their actions, the rest of the body will always be telling the truth. It takes a person with the proper reading skills to interpret these signals.

    The foremost skill in reading people is knowing where to look. It is also knowing what every signal means. Sometimes an innocent gesture meant to make others feel one way ends up having an entirely different meaning. For example, you might think you are being enthusiastic while interacting with others, only to discover you are coming off as needy and desperate for approval. So, when interacting with people, you must be very conscious of your own signals. The last thing you want is to use these very effective skills to drive even more people away while you are supposed to be boosting your relationships.

    This book has been brought to you by a person who has seen the world both ways; as an unfriendly, lonesome place and as warm and nurturing. The only thing that changed for me, which happened in college, was learning to communicate with others. This I had to do despite dealing with some serious social phobia after years of being bullied in high school. I went on to pursue a doctorate in Cognitive Neuroscience from Tulane University and have since established myself as an expert in helping people to use communication skills to overcome confidence issues, clinical depression, body image disorders, and numerous other conditions.

    As you start the journey to building a better you, understand that you are being trained on building a better life for yourself by a person with a perfect understanding

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