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Pardongate: How Bill & Hillary Clinton and Their Brothers Profited from Pardons
Pardongate: How Bill & Hillary Clinton and Their Brothers Profited from Pardons
Pardongate: How Bill & Hillary Clinton and Their Brothers Profited from Pardons
Ebook448 pages6 hours

Pardongate: How Bill & Hillary Clinton and Their Brothers Profited from Pardons

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Bill Clinton’s abrupt departure from long-standing precedent was an astonishing abuse of the Justice Department processes and underscored the shady wheeling and dealing that was common in the Clinton orbit. Bill, Hillary, and brothers Roger Clinton, Hugh Rodham, and Tony Rodham all profited financially or politically from hustling dozens of pardons to some of history’s most undeserving recipients. These ranged from worldwide pariah Marc Rich, to a cocaine trafficking kingpin, to murderous terrorists who hadn’t even requested executive clemency.

A third of the final-day pardons bypassed Justice Department review and went straight to Bill for approval. Dozens of recipients hadn’t even filed a petition. In the final hours of Bill Clinton’s last day in office, the pardon attorney was frantically preparing paperwork for recipients whose names were misspelled or whose addresses were unknown. It was a free-for-all.

The brothers were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to privately lobby Bill for pardons, some of which never materialized. But the brothers were still paid. Hillary collected political and financial IOUs she later cashed in when she sought political office. For most of his presidency, Bill was one of the stingiest presidents of all time when it came to the awarding official forgiveness to felons, but the pardon floodgates opened when Hillary began her run for the US Senate.

It was the selling of pardons for money and influence that launched the Clintons’ nearly two-decade pay-for-play scheme—a scheme that not only amassed billions of dollars for the Clinton Foundation and hundreds of millions of dollars for the Clintons, but also catapulted Hillary into a presidential front-runner. Pardongate reveals details of the Clinton machine that will leave even the most informed citizens appalled.

Release dateJun 30, 2020

Mark Hyman

Mark Hyman, MD, is the editor in chief of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, the most prestigious journal in the field of integrative medicine. After ten years as co-medical director at Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires, he is now in private practice in Lenox, Massachusetts. He is the author of numerous books, including Young Forever, The Pegan Diet, and Food Fix, and coauthor of the New York Times bestseller Ultraprevention. Visit his website

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    Pardongate - Mark Hyman



    ISBN: 978-1-64293-628-5

    ISBN (eBook): 978-1-64293-629-2


    How Bill & Hillary Clinton and Their Brothers Profited from Pardons

    © 2020 by Mark Hyman

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and publisher.

    Post Hill Press

    New York • Nashville

    Published in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated to Julie, Chris, Jenn, Kelly, and Kyle, whose love makes each day special.

    Table of Contents

    A Note to the Reader



    Chapter 1 History, Process, and Controversies

    Chapter 2 Cronies

    Chapter 3 Crooks and Other Miscreants

    Chapter 4 Drug Dealers

    Chapter 5 Arkansans and Whitewater Associates

    Chapter 6 Christmas Clemencies

    Chapter 7 Hugh Rodham, the Drug Kingpin, and the Huckster

    Chapter 8 Tony Rodham’s Circus Act

    Chapter 9 Roger Clinton and the Heroin Trafficker

    Chapter 10 The Puerto Rican Terrorists.

    Chapter 11 The New Square Swindlers

    Chapter 12 The Billionaire Fugitive

    Chapter 13 The Black Liberation Army



    About the Author

    A Note to the Reader

    The public is skeptical. And it should be. There is so much information that is available nowadays and separating fact from fiction can be challenging. Previously well-respected newspapers have become propagandists for one cause or another. Some network and cable news outlets have been caught selectively editing or even doctoring videos. Other news outlets have been guilty of misstating or ignoring inconvenient facts, and citing non-credible, and perhaps even non-existent, anonymous sources in order to support their narratives.

    Some news outlets have been victimized by false reporting. Others have been complicit in it. The public has every right to be jaded about who or what to trust.

    You may notice that I have used what some may consider an excessive number of endnotes. An endnote (or footnote) is generally used to provide amplifying information or to attribute the use of another’s material. I have used endnotes to do just that. In addition, I have added endnotes to aid the reader to easily find many of the facts and sources I have used in this book. I want the reader to be confident in the truthfulness and accuracy of what is written in these pages.

    You have every right to be skeptical. Skepticism is healthy and helps build a better, more accurate narrative of historical events, especially if the author is accountable.

    While I have strived to make this book completely accurate, I realize mistakes do occur. If you find a mistake, I ask you to bring it to my attention using the Contact page on my personal website: Please include a citation with the correct information. You can also find a complete index for this book at the same website.


    George Washington, we are told, could not tell a lie. Hillary Clinton, who has repeatedly sought the office Washington once held, cannot seem to tell the truth. I have followed her dishonesty for decades—yes, decades. Her mendacity and cavalier attitude toward what we call the rule of law make her unfit for the presidency, the vice presidency, or dogcatcher in a town without dogs.

    Modern-day politicians tell two types of lies. The first we can call BS-ing. That is to say, lies that are exaggerations, lies that cover up a temporary memory lapse, and, of course, lies about loving everyone in whatever state you happen to be campaigning in. Other lies are more serious. Hillary tells both kinds of lies. For instance, lying about her landing in Bosnia under enemy fire back in the 1990s. As for the more serious lies, consider a sampling of the lies that were found on her private email server and exposed to the public.

    Thanks to Hillary’s private server we know that the night of the September 2012 Benghazi attack when she was secretary of state she told her daughter the truth about the attack. To Chelsea she wrote, Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like [sic] group. Afterward, she told the American people a boldfaced lie, which she kept repeating. She said the deaths were caused by a video containing inflammatory material posted on the Internet. Moreover, days later when the bodies of the murdered American diplomats and security personnel were returned to Andrews Air Force Base Hillary repeated her lie, first to Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith whose coffin lay nearby on the tarmac. Then to Charles Woods whose son, Tyrone, was also one of the fallen.

    There is no debate about this. These are just a few of the lies Hillary has told in pursuit of high office. She has not only told an abundance of lies, but thanks to her server, which she thought her IT people had wiped clean, the lies have been preserved—like the DNA on Monica Lewinsky’s dress.

    Hillary served up an illuminating concatenation of such lies in the summer of 2016 when she lied in her interview with the FBI. She repeated the lies she uttered months before in testimony before Congress and that she would repeat to the American public subsequently. All these lies were discovered thanks to her modern, high-tech server. Hillary’s server proved to be for Hillary what Monica Lewinsky’s DNA bespattered dress was for Bill Clinton, to wit: high-tech evidence that the Clintons are inveterate liars. The Clintons lie when they don’t have to, and they tell an enormous rococo whopper when a little white lie would be perfectly satisfactory. Their lies about the pardons and commutations are nothing new.

    Hillary’s demonstrated lies to the FBI and to the Congress could make her the first candidate for high office to be ineligible to hold a security clearance. All major polls in recent years confirm that the American people consider her untrustworthy. Consider her concatenation of lies in the summer of 2016 when she was running for the presidency.

    Hillary told the FBI on July 2, 2016—as she had previously testified to Congress on October 22, 2015—that she had never sent nor received information that was classified on her private server.

    In subsequent testimony before Congress on July 7, 2016, FBI Director James Comey said her statements were untrue.

    She lied again when she told Fox News that Comey had agreed with her that her testimony was truthful. He did not.

    Also on July 2nd, Hillary told the FBI—as she had earlier testified to Congress—that she had belatedly returned all her work-related emails to the government after her lawyers had gone through every single email. Director Comey said this statement, too, was not truthful.

    Incidentally, we now have tens of thousands of documents discovered by Freedom of Information Act requests proving that she lied about their nature and with her staff’s help attempted to hide many of these emails from discovery.

    Hillary’s earliest statement to the American people about her server was in March 2015, and it was a lie. She said she had used a home server so she would not have to suffer the inconvenience of carrying more than one digital device. Comey said she used multiple devices. Every time she has trotted out this statement she has been lying. She repeated the lies in her testimony before Congress in October 2015 and in her statements to the FBI the following July.

    For nearly thirty years, Hillary has complained she has been the victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy, but that does not explain her ordeals with the FBI. She has had run-ins with them for decades, and few would call the FBI partisan. It began in Arkansas in the 1980s with FBI Special Agent I. C. Smith questioning her role in fundraising for her husband. It continued in the 1990s, coming to a boil in 1997 when FBI Director Louis Freeh, responded to a question in a Congressional hearing if he had ever experienced anything like the FBI’s interactions with the Clintons. He responded, Actually I have. And he likened his dealing with the Clintons to his 16 years doing organized crime cases in New York City. I am not the first to liken Hillary to a career criminal. There’s also FBI Director Freeh.

    Perhaps Hillary’s trials reached a climax the summer of 2016 with Director Comey. Comey may not have recommended her indictment as many observers thought he would, but he most emphatically told Congress she had lied to the Bureau during her interview.

    From her server we now know that she mishandled intelligence documents and co-mingled her Clinton Foundation work with State Department responsibilities—and concealed it. Director Comey said she lacked the sophistication to discern classified from unclassified documents. He called her behavior extremely careless. With the Clinton Foundation, her term as a senator, and her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary and Bill built a vast personal fortune in a very short time using pay-to-play tactics. They personally amassed an estimated $240 million since leaving the White House and you will see how they have accomplished it in the following pages. No first family has ever accumulated so much money so fast from so many donors, foreign, domestic, and often common criminals.

    As editor-in-chief of The American Spectator, I am uniquely familiar with Hillary’s record of concealing evidence. It did not start with her server. It started at least forty years earlier.

    Today’s vanishing emails were preceded in the 1980s and 1990s by the vanishing papers documenting the Clintons’ Whitewater real estate dealings and the disappearance of Hillary’s Rose Law Firm billing records in the White House family quarters.

    After White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster, a former Rose Law Firm partner, committed suicide in northern Virginia’s Fort Marcy Park there was a race for the papers stored in his office. It was believed by Congress and by the Office of Independent Counsel that these documents would have implicated Hillary deeply in Whitewater, for which her real estate partners, James and Susan McDougal, went to federal prison. By the time Congress and the Independent Counsel subpoenaed the documents they had vanished. Two years later, the documents miraculously turned up laying out in the open in the Clintons’ family quarters. And this is rich. They had Hillary’s fingerprints on them.

    The mystery of the Rose Law Firm billing records was not as strange to me as it apparently was to other reporters. Down in Little Rock we witnessed a lot of documents disappear. One of our sleuths actually went drinking with a fellow who, when not drinking with him, was spending his nights at the Rose Law Firm destroying records.

    Nor is Hillary’s co-mingling of her Clinton Foundation affairs with her State Department work without precedent. Recall if you will the Clintons’ renting out the Lincoln Bedroom for fundraising purposes, occasionally to representatives of foreign governments—the Riady family of Indonesia comes to mind—and donations from the Chinese military. Or for that matter the Clintons selling pardons and commutations as they left the White House. You will read about that in the pages ahead. I wrote about it years ago, but now in this book, Pardongate: How Bill & Hillary and Their Brothers Profited from Pardons, Mark has done a masterful job bringing us all up to speed with new revelations.

    Has America ever seen an operation like the Clintons before? Well, FBI Director Freeh answered that question when he compared them to an organized crime family. No one sued Director Freeh.

    —R. Emmett Bob Tyrrell Jr.


    They were about pardons—desperate pleas from thieves and embezzlers and liars, some still in jail and some who’d never served time but who nonetheless wanted their good names cleared and their beloved rights restored. All claimed to be friends, or friends of friends, or die-hard supporters, though only a few had ever gotten the chance to proclaim their support before the eleventh hour…. Which thieves should be allowed to steal again? That was the momentous question facing the President as the hours crept by.¹

    Justice had a price. The politically connected and the financially well-off were able to buy executive clemency from President William Jefferson Clinton. Although only Bill Clinton held the power to actually grant pardons and commutations, the adult members of his family were major participants in Pardongate. The entire Clinton clan—Bill, Hillary, First Brother Roger and First Brothers-in-Law Hugh and Tony Rodham—got into the act. Everyone profited financially or politically from Bill Clinton dishing out pardons and commutations. The most influential figure behind the most shocking clemency decisions was Hillary.

    There was also more-than-ample involvement from the entire Clinton network. The sheer number of Clinton friends, fundraisers, campaign officials, business associates, cronies, appointees, political insiders, and current and former staffers who were directly involved in the scandalous clemencies is beyond words. Chicanery is a genetic strain in that enormous extended family called Friends of Bill, observed a Durham, North Carolina Herald-Sun editorial. The pardons of the Bill and Hillary Clinton era certainly underscored the chicanery at play. By making pardons and commutations a profit-sharing business for his wife and their three brothers, Bill Clinton stood the entire clemency process on its head.

    Preferential treatment was given to friends and friends of friends. Clinton family considerations also took center stage. Conflicts of interest and ethical shortfalls were the hallmark of a dizzying number of the Clinton clemency decisions. Overall, the Clintons knew no shame when it came to dishing out pardons to anyone who had the right connections. In the end, most connections were those that directly and indirectly benefited the Clintons. Because Bill was leaving elected office, the chief beneficiary of the pardon peddling was Hillary, who was only just launching her political career.

    Major Clinton supporters who were involved in egregious pardon decisions included political activist Jesse Jackson, Boston fundraiser Thomas Dwyer, William Cunningham, who served as campaign treasurer for Hillary’s first Senate race, and Democrat Party fundraising chair Beth Dozoretz. Denise Rich, a particularly close insider of Bill and Hillary who funneled more than three million dollars to the Clintons and their causes, was key to one of the most atrocious pardons in American history. Bank of America CEO Hugh McColl had a close friend pardoned only days after McColl announced a $500,000 contribution to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum.

    Giving absolutely no consideration to the obvious conflicts of interest, current and former Clinton staffers were active in the lobbying for pardons. Among them were David Dreyer, former White House communications deputy, longtime Clinton operative Harold Ickes, former White House counsels Bernard Nussbaum and Jack Quinn, and White House Chief of Staff John Podesta. Justice Department officials including Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and US Attorney Alejandro Mayorkas were complicit in shameful pardon decisions.

    A steady stream of influential Democrat politicians also played prominent roles in springing free countless felons or in wiping clean their criminal records. Some of the more widely known were Senator Christopher Dodd (Connecticut), former New York governor Mario Cuomo, Congressman Jerrold Nadler of New York, Clinton Education Secretary Richard Riley, and Antonio Villaraigosa, the former California Assembly speaker who was elected Los Angeles mayor.

    There were lesser known but equally influential Democrats whose support would be sought as Hillary Clinton made her run for the presidency in 2008 that were also accomplices in the pardon factory. They were Gloria Molina, who served as vice chair of the 2000 Democrat National Convention, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, New York City Councilman Jose Rivera, California Senator Richard Polanco, US Representative Xavier Becerra (California) and Congressman Sam Gejdenson (Connecticut), just to name a few. Philip Grandmaison, the former chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party and an eight-year Clinton appointee as the Director of the US Trade and Development Agency, was a key supporter for Hillary to have when she participated in New Hampshire’s first-in-the nation presidential primary. Grandmaison’s brother received a Clinton pardon.

    There were plenty of politically active lawyers who participated in various Clinton political activities including fundraising, campaign support, legal representation, or had worked alongside the Clintons at some point during their careers. Among them were James Lyons, who was behind the infamous Lyons Report, an unsuccessful attempt to exonerate the Clintons in the Whitewater scandal that was released during the 1992 campaign, Reid Weingarten, who represented countless Clinton associates in several fundraising scandals, James Hamilton who served alongside Hillary in 1974 during the Watergate hearings, Kendall Coffey, the former US attorney in Clinton’s Justice Department who was fired for biting a stripper in a Miami strip club, and the scandal-plagued William Kennedy, who was Hillary’s longtime partner at the Rose Law Firm.

    Close Clinton friends inextricably involved in clemencies or with clemency recipients underscored the sheer amount of cronyism at play. Douglas Eakeley was Bill’s roommate at Yale and Oxford. He parlayed that relationship into a pardon for a client. Harry Thomason was the Hollywood executive who (along with his wife) virtually lived at the White House during the Clintons’ first year. He made successful pardon arrangements for friends. Dan Lasater was one of the closest and most loyal of the Clintons’ Arkansas supporters. He also happened to have been a convicted drug felon. Some of his cocaine chums, including First Brother Roger Clinton, received pardons. Simply by asking Clinton, Jesse Jackson got clemency for three colleagues, including one who had a sexual relationship with a fifteen-year-old. The recipients did not even bother submitting clemency petitions to the Justice Department.

    Still, there were other well-known Clinton supporters who wanted felons freed from prison or completely pardoned. Some of these people were Walter Cronkite, Lady Bird Johnson, and Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League. Perhaps the most notorious were Hillary’s brothers, Hugh and Tony Rodham, and Bill’s half-brother, Roger. All three brothers made hundreds of thousands of dollars from both successful and unsuccessful pardon efforts. They cashed in handsomely on Bill’s constitutional prerogative.

    The pardon scandal that erupted as Bill and Hillary packed up government-owned furnishings for their move to Chappaqua, New York should not have been a surprise to anyone who had been paying attention. The eight-year White House tenure of Bill and Hillary Clinton was marked by influence peddling from the very beginning to the very end. On Bill’s very first day in office, Hugh and Tony Rodham attempted to shake down lobbyists, corporations, and organizations seeking to curry favor with the forty-second president by asking them to underwrite a lavish inaugural party at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. The Rodham boys threw a for-profit party, although the brothers fell short in the financial arrangements and the Democratic National Committee was stuck with paying off the event’s debts.

    On Clinton’s very last day in office, Hugh and Tony were still at it, benefiting from the largesse of Bill handing out pardons to those felons who generously paid the Rodham brothers to have their prison records wiped clean. In the very middle of the entire fiasco was Hillary Rodham Clinton, the family matriarch who, at times, turned a blind eye to it, and, at other times, was complicit in the Rodhams’ equivalent of launching a pardon yard sale.

    Pardons and commutations are universally recognized as being given in truly exceptional situations. They denote official forgiveness by the government toward certain deserving individuals convicted of committing crimes. Clemency removes some of the stigma of being a convicted felon. A pardon can also restore certain rights, such as voting or gun ownership, and allows convicts to obtain certain professional or recreational licenses. In the instances in which a pardon recipient is convicted yet again, the pardon will allow a sympathetic courtroom to view the recidivist criminal as a first-time offender. This very set of circumstances occurred with more than one lucky Clinton pardon recipient.

    There are established Justice Department guidelines to be followed for every application to ensure a basic level of qualification before an individual receives serious consideration for clemency. There are five major issues to be considered by the Justice Department’s pardon attorney before forwarding a favorable recommendation to the president. These include the applicant’s postconviction conduct, character, and reputation. First, has the applicant demonstrated [an] ability to lead a responsible and productive life? Second, the seriousness and recentness of the offense are to be considered in order to avoid denigrating the seriousness of the offense or undermining the deterrent effect of the conviction. Third, the applicant must accept responsibility, remorse and atonement for committing the offense. Clemency is [official] forgiveness rather than vindication. Fourth, does the applicant have a demonstrated need for relief? Pardon attorney guidelines note that a compelling need to restore employment licenses or bonding may make the difference in an otherwise marginal case. Lastly, input from concerned and knowledgeable officials is required. This is to allow prosecutors, trial judges, prison officials, parole officers, and victims to comment and/or make recommendations, either favorable or unfavorable.

    Justice Department reviews also include a rigorous criminal background check. This is to ensure an intended recipient has been forthright and honest in the clemency application and has led a law-abiding life since the commission of earlier crimes.

    The Clinton family, staff, and friends of Bill skipped the due diligence and circumvented the established DOJ procedures by appealing directly to Bill to issue clemency without any legal and criminal review. In dozens of cases, Clinton awarded pardons and commutations to individuals who did not even seek them and had therefore never submitted an application that would have undergone scrutiny to ascertain the facts. Others refused to accept responsibility for their crimes, a key component before gaining consideration.

    One pardon recipient engaged in illegal conduct only days after receiving his pardon. In another case, Clinton gave a pardon to a felon, represented by Hillary’s brother Hugh Rodham, who was the subject of an ongoing federal investigation of further criminal wrongdoing. Rodham’s client later pleaded guilty to crimes related to those for which Clinton gave him a pardon.

    Most of the attention regarding presidential pardons and commutations handed out by Clinton toward the end of his presidency was focused on the 176 he doled out literally in the dead of night only hours before George W. Bush was sworn in as the forty-third president. Forty-seven recipients, or nearly one in three, did not have a current application filed with the Department of Justice at the time Clinton pardoned them or issued commutations. Thirty recipients had not submitted a clemency application at all. Another fourteen had previously filed applications, but Clinton had denied clemency. Two more lucky recipients had filed applications with the Justice Department, but they were deemed ineligible because they did not meet the bare minimum requirement of having waited five years since their release from imprisonment. Inexplicably, they all received executive clemency from Clinton.

    The process became so absurd during the final hours that the pardon attorney had to resort to conducting internet searches, looking for news stories of criminal involvement, to determine an applicant’s fitness for clemency. Dozens of the last-minute pardons and commutations were clearly undeserving. Some of those inappropriate clemency decisions were more scandalous than others.

    The Clinton White House executed a sharp break from the Justice Department standards and historical precedent and began issuing pardons and commutations to individuals who were defiant rather than contrite and remorseful. Several refused to acknowledge, let alone accept, responsibility for their crimes, a key component of DOJ guidelines in order to be considered for pardons or commutations.

    Executive clemency was bestowed upon those who did not ask for it and for whom Clinton’s White House lawyers, the pardon attorney, Clinton’s Justice Department, prosecuting attorneys, trial judges, and victims of the crimes (including crimes of violence) felt were unworthy of being pardoned or in having their sentences commuted. In every known instance, victims were never given the opportunity to voice their opinions or enter into the deliberative process the impact the crimes had on their lives.

    Not surprisingly, Clinton doled out pardons and commutations to dozens who had inside connections with the Clintons, or had showered the Clinton family with money, gifts and political influence. Time and time again, the Clintons and Rodhams enriched themselves by abusing the presidential clemency process.

    Countless questions that arose regarding the flurry of last-minute pardons went unanswered. Information trickled out slowly in the months after Bill and Hillary left Washington, DC with Clinton and Rodham family members expressing shock and surprise with each new revelation. Each time they were questioned, answers from William Jefferson and Hillary Rodham Clinton did not square with the facts.

    There were other executive clemency actions in addition to those handed down on January 20, 2001, that were equally appalling. Executive clemency that Clinton irresponsibly gave away started with his commutations of the sentences of a dozen Puerto Rican terrorists who were guilty of a decade’s worth of murder and domestic terrorism.

    Bill Clinton received nearly four thousand petitions for executive clemency from the day he took office until January 1999. Compared with every president since George Washington, Clinton was stingy in approving clemency requests. Of the 3,923 requests received during his first six years in office, every petitioner was left empty-handed except for seventy-seven. The fifty-six Clinton approved during his first term were the fewest of any president since Thomas Jefferson, the nation’s third commander-in-chief when the US had a population of only five million.

    Clinton’s rejection rate was a stunning 98 percent. That is, until Hillary Rodham Clinton decided she wanted to run for the seat of New York’s retiring US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Then, everything changed.

    When it was clear Hillary would run for the US Senate, Bill dished out clemency to the dozen domestic terrorists and he gave them the luxury of a month to decide to accept his offer of freedom in return for the simple agreement of not returning to a life of committing terrorism. The terrorists were conflicted and took the entire month before electing to accept the proffered clemency.

    Another purely political clemency opportunity went to the spectacularly undeserving Carlos Vignali. The Los Angeleno was a major drug kingpin whose drug operation conspired to ship eight hundred pounds of powder cocaine from Los Angeles to Minneapolis to be processed into crack cocaine.

    Clinton commuted Vignali’s sentence after he served just five years in prison. What apparently turned the clemency request in Vignali’s favor was the more than $200,000 that was paid to Hillary’s brother, Hugh Rodham, for Hugh to lobby Bill for the commutation.

    Although a lawyer, Hugh Rodham did not prepare Vignali’s clemency petition. That was someone else’s job. Rodham’s sole assignment was to ensure Vignali had his sentence cut short. On this task, he succeeded quite nicely. Both Bill and Hillary avoided directly addressing the extent of their knowledge of Hugh’s selling White House access to clemency applicants.

    Rodham also successfully represented A. Glenn Braswell Sr., an unrehabilitated direct mail con artist who was under scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, and the US Postal Service, and who was actively being investigated by the US Attorney’s Office and the Internal Revenue Service at the time he applied for clemency. He, too, paid Rodham a $200,000 success fee to arrange for a pardon. Clinton gave him one.

    Is one to believe that Bill and Hillary thought that Hugh just happened to work on behalf of a convicted drug kingpin who lived on the opposite coast, or that he represented a multimillion-dollar swindler who was under ongoing criminal and regulatory scrutiny, and that Rodham did so without receiving any financial remuneration? Observers have long claimed that both Bill and Hillary are exceptionally intelligent individuals, yet America’s premier power couple wanted the public to believe they blindly accepted, without asking any questions whatsoever, the premise that Hugh was simply doing good deeds for people he didn’t even know.

    Perhaps what Bill and Hillary Clinton needed was a $29.95 bottle of Memory Caps that Braswell’s company was pushing on unsuspecting consumers. According to the supplement magnate’s website, With Memory Caps, you can hold onto your memory once and for all.²

    If the Clintons had taken Memory Caps, then perhaps they would not have forgotten conversations they had with Hugh, Tony, and Roger regarding their pardon-brokering shenanigans. In addition, Bill and Hillary might have remembered to add their Whitewater investment to their required financial disclosure after Bill declared his candidacy. Somehow, they inadvertently, and conveniently, omitted any mention of the failed multimillion-dollar venture. Hillary could have also remembered where she squirreled away the subpoenaed Rose Law Firm billing records, which remained lost in the White House residential quarters for more than two years after they were subpoenaed and more than four years after it was apparent that Whitewater was going to become an epic political scandal.

    Hillary’s youngest brother, Tony Rodham, told Bill that he worked for Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory, bank fraud convicts, while he was aggressively advocating for pardons on their behalf. Yet, the genius Clinton never stopped Tony in mid-sentence and asked him to explain in what capacity Rodham worked for the Gregorys. The fact alone that Rodham was receiving money from the Gregorys should have set off alarm bells and caused Clinton to untangle himself from the obvious ethical dilemma of passing out pardons to the clients of Hillary’s brother.

    The good news for Bill and Hillary was they did not have to concern themselves with ethical dilemmas as they had long ago freed themselves from the restraint of conscience. Bill Clinton asked no questions of his wife’s youngest brother regarding his financial relationship with the Gregorys and allowed Tony to plow ahead with pushing for pardons. The younger Rodham’s pardon-seeking effort was a successful one at that.

    There have been other presidents who had embarrassing relatives. Lyndon Johnson’s younger brother Sam Johnson was a notorious alcoholic who was virtually kept under house arrest by the Secret Service on the orders of LBJ. Richard Nixon’s brother Donald was a failed fast-food restaurateur caught up in a loan fiasco. Jimmy Carter had his beer-swigging brother, Billy, who tried to lobby US officials while on the payroll of the Libyan government. Ronald Reagan had son, Ron, and daughter, Patti, who were open about their break with their parents and demonstrated it with embarrassing antics. Even in death, John Kennedy has endured more than four decades of embarrassment from brother, Ted Kennedy, the town drunk of Capitol Hill. Then there were Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    Bill and Hillary’s siblings were three of life’s losers: a Clinton and two Rodhams. There was the hapless Roger Clinton, a college dropout, cocaine-dealing addict, part-time no-talent singer and full-time freeloader, who successfully marketed his ties to half-brother Bill. His career highlights include roles in several B-movies such as Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings, in which he played the role of Mayor Bubba and he had a stint as a gofer on a Hollywood TV set. Competing for the title of First Freeloader were Hillary’s two brothers, Hugh and Tony Rodham.

    The eldest of the two Rodham boys was Hugh, known affectionately as Hughie by those close to him. He was an obese, slovenly dressed lout who appeared to fail at nearly everything in his life, from Peace Corps volunteer work to radio talk show hosting to assistant public defending to entrepreneurship. Hugh became a political punch line for his embarrassing run for the Senate in 1994 when he lost in a landslide to Florida’s Connie Mack.

    Similarly, younger brother Tony eked out a living bouncing from job to job. A college dropout and sometimes marijuana user, Rodham was at various times in the metal equipment manufacturing business, in insurance sales, a prison guard, a private detective, a process server, a Democrat National Committee staffer, and he worked a stint as a repo man. He even failed at his attempt at a power marriage to the daughter of California Senator Barbara Boxer. His estranged wife accused him of being a deadbeat dad for not meeting timely child support obligations, claiming he fell behind in payments by as much as six months.³

    Their failings aside, Hugh and Tony Rodham still had one tremendous business asset: Hillary Rodham Clinton. You’re not doing enough for your brothers, was the constant refrain Hillary received from her mother right up through the White House years.⁴ In spite of her mother’s harping on the topic, the fact of the matter was that Hillary was continually supporting her brothers in their wild and wacky business ventures through both tacit and explicit approval.

    To suggest Hillary is embarrassed by her brothers’ antics is an understatement. In her 562-page autobiography Living History, Hillary wrote more references about the long-deceased Eleanor Roosevelt (died in 1962) whom Hillary never met

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