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Shades of the Moon: Book 3: Shades of the Moon, #3
Shades of the Moon: Book 3: Shades of the Moon, #3
Shades of the Moon: Book 3: Shades of the Moon, #3
Ebook158 pages2 hours

Shades of the Moon: Book 3: Shades of the Moon, #3

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About this ebook

      In the final installment of the Shades of the Moon series, Ava finally feels like her life is on track as she sets off to lead the Everwood pack with Viktor by her side. The Hunters and the Blackwater pack pose challenges that Ava and Viktor hope to overcome by forging alliances. The challenges that lay ahead quickly become even more apparent when Trace, Malakai's father, asks Ava's pack for asylum after he is cast out of the Blackwater pack.

      Her plans to rule the pack with Viktor abruptly change when Malakai calls Viktor's honor into question. Ava suddenly finds herself ruling the Everwood pack alone, and trying to make decisions that will keep her pack safe from the Hunters and the Blackwater pack. As her enemies continue to mount, she finds herself turning to Trace for guidance. She is weary of him ... terrified she is making a mistake that could cost her the pack if she isn't careful. As enemies mount, she has no choice but to trust Trace and hope she isn't making the biggest mistake of her life.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateMay 25, 2020
Shades of the Moon: Book 3: Shades of the Moon, #3

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Book preview

    Shades of the Moon - Ella Price

    Chapter 1

    A month of searching for this ... what the hell? This is it? I didn’t mean to let the disbelief I felt reflect in my tone. My eyes scoured the place ... tents and RVs littered the small plot of land.

    Jack laughed as he leaned forward between the front seats. What did you expect? Most rogue and bitten wolves are nomads ... they don’t have a place to call home.

    They don’t know what loyalty is either, Viktor said dryly as he looked around.

    Jack was sure he knew where they would be, but it turned out Anthony wasn’t dumb. He and his group went into hiding after the Adam incident. They didn’t hide good enough because we still found them ... it just took longer than expected. I chewed my lower lip nervously as I tried to determine what Viktor was thinking. We both agreed this was the right course of action but now that we were here, I wasn’t feeling as confident. I turned my attention back to the campground in front of me. Curious faces were starting to gather, then Anthony appeared near the front of the crowd. It was obvious they didn’t get visitors often. That’s him, I murmured as I opened the door and stepped out.

    Anthony visibly stiffened when he saw me. When Viktor stepped out, he looked like he was ready to bolt. I don’t want any problems. My people haven’t done anything. He immediately went on the defensive.

    We aren’t here to start problems, Anthony. I managed to keep my tone gentle because he seemed skittish. I glanced at Viktor, hoping he would help. I had no idea how to do this ... I was winging it.

    What do you want? I’ve kept my wolves in line since Adam’s been gone. Whatever you think we did, we didn’t. He was starting to get upset ... not a good sign.

    We aren’t here to fight, Anthony. We are here to offer your pack a place among our people. Viktor’s cool tone caught me off guard. He was uncomfortable, but he was hiding it.

    Anthony hesitated, his eyes darting from Viktor to me, then back. The Blackwater pack wants to take us in?

    Not the Blackwater pack, Viktor said firmly. The Everwood pack.

    Confusion flashed in Anthony’s eyes as he looked at me. You’re Malakai’s wolf and he’s his second ... how could you just leave his pack?

    I’m not his wolf ... I’m Sirus’s daughter, and Viktor is my mate. We need ... I started trying to explain, but Viktor immediately cut me off.

    We don’t owe you an explanation. There is an open invitation to join the Everwood pack ... you can take it, or you can leave it. The iciness in Viktor’s tone caught me off guard.

    I frowned at him, slightly confused. Viktor ... they should know what they are agreeing to.

    His hard gaze shifted to me. Their only choice is to join or not to join. By joining they agree to remain loyal to us no matter the decisions we make.

    I pressed my lips together in slight annoyance. I didn’t want to argue in front of Anthony and the others, but I didn’t want to mislead them either. I decided to leave it in Viktor’s hands ... he’d been doing this much longer than I had.

    When Viktor realized I wouldn’t question him, he turned his attention back to Anthony. If you choose to join, you know where to find us. Spread the word ... lineage no longer applies. He turned and started back toward the truck.

    I felt like a lot was left unsaid. Viktor failed to mention we were on the bad side of both the hunters and the Blackwater pack. He wasn’t giving them all the information. I looked at Anthony, wondering what his answer would be.

    I will discuss it with the others. I know you’re fair, Ava ... even though there is obviously something you’re not telling us, I trust you. Anthony’s eyes never left my face making me feel like a weight settled on my chest. It wasn’t fair to ask them to decide without all the information.

    Ava, let’s go, Viktor’s impatient tone grated on my nerves.

    I scowled at him, before looking at Anthony one last time. We will take care of your people if you decide to join.

    He nodded. I know you will.

    I turned and hurried to the truck, climbing in my seat as Viktor climbed in his. I glanced at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking. It’s not fair that we didn’t give them all the information.

    Viktor started the truck and turned it in the direction of the road. Their job is to do as we order and in return, we give them a home. Our future plans and our enemies are no concern of theirs unless they agree to join.

    Viktor ... I started, but he shot me a dark look.

    Don’t undermine me in front of them, Ava. If we don’t look like we are working as one, they won’t trust our leadership, he said firmly.

    I didn’t undermine you, but I don’t think omitting information is fair. Would you join our pack knowing what you know? I demanded.

    No! That’s my point! Scaring them before they join is pointless. Once they join, they are obligated to stand with us. I know you think it’s unfair, Ava, but it’s reality. If you want this to work, we have to do things my way.

    I scoffed, slouching in my seat as I crossed my arms. You could’ve discussed your tactics before just doing what you wanted.

    There’s no discussion with you, Ava ... I’m smart enough to know that. He fell silent, and I decided not to argue with him at the moment.

    Jack was in the truck, but he was doing his best to pretend he was invisible. Maybe he agreed with Viktor and that’s why he wasn’t speaking up ... the thought annoyed me a little. My thoughts drifted to Violet. It was the first time I left her since she was born. I knew she was with my mother and Sirus, so she was safe, but I still didn’t like leaving her.

    Viktor reached over and took my hand in his. She’s fine, he murmured, continuing to look straight ahead.

    I smiled faintly, wondering how he knew exactly what I was thinking sometimes. The tension left my body when he touched me. I trusted him completely ... I wasn’t used to the feeling.

    Dawn was coming by the time we made it home. The lights in the house were all out as if everyone had already settled down for the day. Viktor parked in the driveway, then turned the truck off. Jack give us a minute.

    Jack knew Viktor was giving an order not making a request, so he immediately stepped out of the truck and headed for the house. I looked over at him, but he was still staring straight ahead. The silence in the truck was starting to get uncomfortable, at least for me. Do you think they will join?

    I don’t know. His jaw was clenched like he was unsettled or angry. Normally, he only got that look when he was irritated with me. Finally, his eyes drifted to me. We have to be on the same page in order for this to work, Ava.

    I scoffed. How am I supposed to know what page you’re on when you refuse to tell me anything? He acted like the lack of communication was all my fault, but he didn’t help matters by staying silent.

    His expression darkened. Even if I did tell you how we needed to do things, I would get an argument out of you. You don’t understand how being a leader works.

    I rolled my eyes again. Here we go again with the ‘I don’t understand’ bullshit. Maybe I don’t understand, but you’ve done nothing to teach me. All you’ve done is tell me I’m wrong.

    He glared at me as he gripped the steering wheel. Have you ever considered that I don’t really know what I’m doing yet, so how can I instruct you?

    Well then I guess we’re just fucked, aren’t we? I opened the door, then hesitated before stepping out. Maybe I should just forget this whole thing and surrender to Trace ... at least I’ll know everyone I love is safe.

    Maybe you should, he muttered, but he wouldn’t look at me.

    I shook my head in annoyance and stepped out. I slammed the door and headed toward the house. Sometimes, it felt like we were getting nowhere. I knew he was under a lot of pressure because he was the new pack leader, but I was under a lot of pressure too. We both had a lot at stake, and we were worried about everyone else.

    I entered the quiet house and made my way upstairs. Violet was already tucked in her crib sleeping soundly. My gaze drifted to the bed I shared with Viktor, and I immediately scowled. He hadn’t come to bed in over a week now. He’d been sleeping downstairs in his office more than likely avoiding me.

    I walked to the window, rolling my shoulders as I looked out. The darkness was being chased by the dim, gray morning light. I was restless. After finding Anthony’s pack, I thought I would feel better ... I didn’t. Things were starting to feel even more hopeless than before. I didn’t like thinking negatively, but lately it seemed negative thoughts were dominating every thought in my head.

    I didn’t feel like being trapped in the house any longer. I left the room and hurried downstairs. I was careful to be quiet because I didn’t want to disturb anyone. I entered the kitchen, pausing when my eyes locked with Beth’s amused eyes.

    Sneaking out again, she asked dryly as she turned his attention back to making coffee.

    I’m not sneaking. I’m just trying not to disturb anyone. I countered as I crossed the room to the door.

    It would do you and Viktor some good to spend some time together. Perhaps you should invite him out for a run. She looked at me pointedly as she pushed the button to start brewing the coffee.

    I sighed. Viktor and I aren’t exactly seeing eye to eye at the moment.

    I noticed you’ve both been distant toward one another. Sometimes, relationships can get difficult ... avoiding one another does nothing to fix it. She always had some form of motherly advice to offer, but tonight I wasn’t interested in hearing it.

    Yeah, well talking hasn’t done us much good either. I think we just both need space. I slipped out the door because I didn’t want to listen to her suggestions any longer.

    I ducked into the trees taking my usual path toward the river. My mind was racing and lately, I found the only way to calm it was by running. I found my favorite fallen tree and stripped, then I shifted and darted deeper into the woods.

    I came to a crashing halt as I neared the border of our territory. A familiar scent washed over me making the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention ... Trace. I let out a low warning growl as my eyes darted around.

    He stepped out of the shadows, and I went on high alert. He was massive in wolf form just like he was in human form. I started to wonder if he was alone, or if he had backup hiding somewhere nearby. I had no idea why he was here. It had been a month, and I hadn’t heard anything from Malakai or his pack. The last person I expected to see was Trace.

    It took me a minute to realize he was injured. His fur was matted with dirt and blood. He took a couple steps forward, then he collapsed. I started to relax as he retook his human form ... he was definitely hurt. I glanced around again wondering why the hell he was here. He had to know he was in my territory. I debated what I should do next. I couldn’t get him back to the house in the condition he was in ... I

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