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Secrets of a Healer - Magic of The Gifts: Secrets of a Healer, #3
Secrets of a Healer - Magic of The Gifts: Secrets of a Healer, #3
Secrets of a Healer - Magic of The Gifts: Secrets of a Healer, #3
Ebook291 pages2 hours

Secrets of a Healer - Magic of The Gifts: Secrets of a Healer, #3

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About this ebook

Unlock the Mysteries Within You...

Have you ever experienced a dream that came true or felt a presence that couldn't be seen? The world is filled with stories of the supernatural, of individuals tapping into extraordinary senses beyond the ordinary. "Secrets of a Healer - Magic of the Gifts" delves into these remarkable phenomena, revealing that these innate "Extra Sensory Perceptions" are not reserved for the few, but can be embraced and cultivated by all.

Discover Your Hidden Potentials...

In "Secrets of a Healer - Magic of the Gifts," you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the inherent gifts you possess and learning to harness their incredible power. Whether you're uncertain about your unique abilities or seeking to refine them, this book offers a comprehensive guide to unveiling and honing these extraordinary skills:

Grasp the essence of personal and quantum energy, delving into wisdom and knowledge.

Empower yourself with techniques for holistic well-being—body, mind, and soul—enabling healing for both yourself and others.

Unveil the manifestations of energy and the profound impact they can have—realize the potential for miracles in your life.

Develop the ability to "read" and interpret information, offering insights and prophecies for yourself and those around you.

Embrace the captivating world of mediumship, discerning and connecting with spiritual realms.

Navigate the four channels of communication and master techniques for seeking answers to life's questions.

Find your foundation in faith by uncovering the truths, proofs, and beliefs hidden within your unique gifts.

Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Insights...

The author's conviction is rooted in the belief that the Bible serves as an unparalleled metaphysical guide. Many of the techniques explored within these pages can be traced back to its teachings, particularly in the Old Testament Stories. Through an exploration of the New Testament's "The Gifts" (Corinthians 1, Chapter 12, Verse 4-11), readers are invited to recognize the variety and unity of these extraordinary abilities:

"Secrets of a Healer - Magic of the Gifts" is an illuminating revelation that the potential for greatness lies within each of us. Let this book be your guide to embracing the supernatural, nurturing your gifts, and shaping a reality that transcends the ordinary.

Release dateJun 16, 2020
Secrets of a Healer - Magic of The Gifts: Secrets of a Healer, #3

Constance Santego

Dr. Constance Santego is a renowned figure in the field of holistic and spiritual studies, having dedicated her life to exploring the realms of metaphysics, religion, and the afterlife. With over twenty years of experience as a teacher of holistic and spiritual courses, she has garnered a wealth of knowledge and insights into these fascinating subjects.Dr. Santego's educational background is impressive, as she holds both a Ph.D. and a doctorate in Natural Medicine. Her academic pursuits have equipped her with a solid foundation in understanding the intricacies of the human body, mind, and spirit, allowing her to delve deeper into the realms of metaphysics and spirituality.Through her extensive research, Dr. Santego has developed a unique perspective that integrates various disciplines, including metaphysics, religion, and the exploration of the afterlife. By blending these areas of study, she offers a spellbinding series that captivates her audience and invites them to contemplate profound questions about existence and the nature of reality.As a teacher, Dr. Santego combines her deep knowledge with a passion for sharing her insights with others. Her holistic and spiritual courses are designed to inspire personal growth, self-discovery, and a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Students who have had the privilege of learning from her describe her teaching style as engaging, thought-provoking, and transformative.Dr. Santego's work extends beyond the classroom as well. She has authored numerous books, articles, and papers, aiming to expand awareness and foster a deeper exploration of the metaphysical and spiritual dimensions of life. Her contributions to the field have garnered recognition and respect from peers and students alike.With her wealth of knowledge, experience, and academic credentials, Dr. Constance Santego continues to be a guiding light in the realm of holistic and spiritual studies. Her dedication to understanding the mysteries of metaphysics, religion, and the afterlife, combined with her ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner, makes her a highly respected figure in her field.

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    Book preview

    Secrets of a Healer - Magic of The Gifts - Constance Santego


    My Personal Story

    In 1996 when I was in my late twenty’s I had to sell a company I owned due to a low back problem. A few weeks later I had taken a course in Emotional Polarity which was the switch to my career choice when I was offered a job in a Natural Health Clinic.

    My first day at the healing center was mind blowing; back then I had never experienced or even heard about anything like it. The client, that my boss’s father was already working on was a woman about sixty and he was giving her a massage...God works in mysterious one told me I was going to be doing massage. So, imagine walking into a room and seeing a person lying down on a massage table covered by a light sheet and having him unveiling her breasts. He didn’t talk much but told me to watch and copy what he was doing (thank God those were my persona channels, visual and feeler).

    I think I was in so much shock of seeing a naked upper body that I did not even notice until my hands were cupping the edge of her left breast rib cage that she had had a mastectomy (removal of the breast). I am not sure what He was doing since I had my eyes closed; there was no way I was just going to stare at her breast area.

    That is when I experienced my first miracle, all I remember while my eyes were closed and after who knows how much time, all of a sudden my eyes went from seeing nothing (remember my eyes are closed) to seeing bright and clean white light.

    I opened my eyes and told Him I was done. He said, No, keep on holding. I waited another few minute and then said again I was done. This time he muscle tested me and said fine.

    Not much longer after that we were finished and left the room. As we were walking to the washroom to clean our hands, I told him that I felt like I was going to throw up. He replied with I was going to have to find a way not to pick up the client’s energy and be able to get rid of it. He said, go wash your hands and shake them well. It did not work, I still felt ill. He said, to go outside and shake my hands. Still it did not work, I felt the same. He said, to wash with salt water. Tried that and it still did not work, I still felt ill.

    His next client was ready for his session and I went into the room with Him. This time the man was about fifty-six and he was sitting in a lazy boy chair. He sat down and took hold of one of the man’s feet and I was to copy with the other foot. The rest of the day was a blur and I remember going home feeling very ill.

    That night I told my husband about my first day of what had happened and how I was feeling. I remember when I went to bed and closed my eyes, I prayed to God to help me with the feeling I was having. A few moments later a book came to my mind that I owned and so I got up and went downstairs to find it.

    I had not read this book; it was on chakras. I started to read the book and even in the first few pages it explained about how the Asian and East Indian cultures teach about seven major chakras; Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow and Crown and how they are part of our meridian system in the body. Acupuncture and Acupressure are based off these meridian systems.

    The book went on to explain on taking a deep breath and imagine each chakra being cleared and any negative energy being vacuumed out of my body and into the cosmos. I immediately started to feel better! Knowledge is power!!! From that day forward I started to read everything I could and started taking even more classes on the healing arts.

    Similar little miracles kept happening. Another time I was practicing how to massage on my boss’s dad with a co-worker. She had worked there for about three years. I was copying whatever she told me to do on Him. We started with his back and then went to his legs, then the front of his legs and when we got to his stomach; I was on the right side of him and my hands touched his side and I felt sick all of a sudden. I told Him; and he told me to hold the area. I decided to close my eyes again.

    It happened again and this time at the same split second that the white light came, she squealed, and I felt his stomach move. Afraid of her scream, I of course opened my eyes and asked what just happened.

    She was so excited and was talking to Him and finally He said, I have been trying to move that for years.  I asked what it was, and he said an aneurysm. I asked what an aneurysm was. He told me it is a blood clot in an artery. I still did not understand the importance of it.

    Many days were like these ones.

    Then a few months into the job to my amazement my life changed forever...I had completed my Reflexology course and was now seeing clients, working on their feet and hands. Everything started out as usual. It was close to 10:00 a.m. and I was just finishing saying goodbye to my first client when I noticed my next client was waiting for me in the lobby. I greeted her and led her into my practitioner room. I had seen her before at the office as she was a regular client with one of the other girls. She sat down in the recliner and readied herself for her Reflexology session by removing her socks and shoes. She was relaxing in the chair and making small talk with me; I was just finishing with her right foot and about to change over onto the left foot when it happened. 

    I started to feel a pressure in my head. It was not quite like a headache; it was just this pressure and then... it turned into voices. This had never happened to me before. I didn’t understand it at first, and then I just knew they wanted to talk to the lady sitting in the chair. I didn’t know what to do and the pressure was increasing and the voices becoming louder. I was so worried that I was about to lose my job. That was all I needed... I could just imagine her running out of the room screaming. I was sure I would be in big trouble with the girls at the front counter since any practice of clairvoyance was against their belief system.

    I was trying to understand what was happening. I could have counted on one hand the number of drinks in a year that I might have had. I do not do drugs, take medication, or smoke anything. What was going on?  I grew up Catholic, going to church every Sunday, Catechism classes, even catholic schools. This was neither funny nor appropriate!

    Finally, the pain in my head was unbearable.

    I have to tell you something. Even with just those words, her face seemed to pale.  You have two boys who want to talk to you...  I paused, not knowing how she would respond.

    She calmly replied, Is that all...

    I almost fell out of my chair... like this happens to me every day. ‘Is that all?’!

    Describe them to me. What are they saying?

    When I gave her the requested information, she proceeded to tell me that both of her teenage sons had passed on in tragic circumstances. I could not believe my ears. Not only did this both intrigue and trouble me but what were the chances that I was right?

    Her husband came to visit me shortly after that and I communicated for him also. The couple invited me to their home and showed me pictures of the boys. I am still amazed at the accuracy of my description.

    I was so afraid of what was happening to me, I would go home with these new experiences of miracles of healing and communicating with spirits that I was so confused. I had grown up Catholic and I was not sure if I was breaking the laws of the bible.  Was I doing the Devils or Gods work?

    I would pray and the answers seemed to come in the way of knowledge. I asked many questions to as many people as I could who were of different religions. I was afraid to go to a Catholic Priest in fear of what may happen to me. Three Jehovah Witness ladies would tell me about the bible as they knew it. I would ask questions and they would show me in the bible were to find the answers. These ladies taught me to take three or four different bibles and read out of all of them at the same time to get a meaning of a verse.

    I had a Seven Day Adventist minister come to the house and teach me one on one bible study. Again, I could ask a question and he would show me in the bible were to find it. On his third visit I finally told him the truth of what was happening. He took a breath and showed me in the bible where it says the word God’s, meaning more than one and was worried that I may be speaking with a misguided or negative spirit. He said all must be done in the name of Jesus Christ so that the correct God was always communicating. It was the first time that I understood Christianity.

    I started to study other religions like Buddhism to get another perspective.

    I needed another perspective, so I went and took a metaphysical course. Again, I shifted. My husband could not keep up to what I was learning and said it all sound to make believe. My friends and family also could not understand what I was going through and just told me to stop. Hubby thank goodness took the same course I had, and he ended up joining my group so we could talk and share the new experiences.

    These weekend classes of learning the art of psychic abilities opened me up to so much more that I never knew existed. Our group use to meet and play with the knowledge we had learned.

    Back at the healing clinic I would set up for a massage or reflexology and once the client was in my room they would say oh no, I want the other stuff. Blank face I would ask other stuff ... The psychic stuff, they would answer. I could not figure out how they found me and knew I could do it. But sure, enough I usually could do what they wanted.

    I told the owner of the clinic what was happening and that I needed to be able to advertise what I could do, and she said I could tell the girls in the front office. But the next day the girls were not okay with what I was doing and so I decided to go on my own. I could not handle, not knowing what someone was coming in for.

    The next phase of my experience...

    February 1999, I went and rented a new location for myself. I was going to open Aurora’s Natural Health Center; it would have a session room, conference room and some retail. I went to city hall to get my business license and the lady at the desk said no. I was in shock; I don’t remember even moving. All I know is that in my mind I had just signed a year’s lease and what was I going to do now. Still in shock I just stood there.

    A man came up to the desk and asked to hear what was going on. He asked me to explain what I was going to open. I had my certificates with me and showed him them and told him about the conference room. He told the lady that I was a school and walked away.

    The lady started to type on her computer and I asked, so what does that mean? She said as long as you are what you say you are then all is good. I paid and walked away.

    Still in shock I went to my Mom’s store (which was beside were I was going to rent) and told her I was a school.

    I set up the new location and had a great conference area. I remember praying up and asking how to set up a school. The image that came back was to teach what I knew. I made up a calendar and put my knowledge into informational seminars on each topic. I would teach to whoever came, sometimes it was one person and sometimes it was many. I also rented out the space to other teachers.

    During the day I offered psychic sessions by donation. I needed proof of what I could do. I wanted to know if what I had learned was real. I did this for one year and then woke up one morning with the insight to start charging for it. The thought was to not create co-dependent clients. And the ones coming who could pay whatever they wanted now had a set fee. It worked, and my clients changed.

    During that year I took more courses: Reiki was one of them, now that story was crazy...

    My husband, Nick, and I were taking a Reiki class taught by a lady who channeled an Egyptian Queen –Nefertiti.  I found it fascinating to watch and listen to her when she channeled. Her voice and gestures would change, even some of her facial features.

    In the Reiki Level 1 class I was the first to be initiated into Reiki (Each teacher has his/her own take on how to do these initiations - the real point is to open the chakras). Our teacher had me stand in front of a semicircle of my classmates. She then proceeded to clear my chakras. (Chakras are from the oriental belief system; they are invisible energy ports whereby chi or life force energy is diffused through specific parts of the body.)

    I closed my eyes, because everyone was staring at me, so I didn’t know what she had done. It only took a few moments and then I was asked to go back to my seat.  Nick was up next. He stood where I had been. The instructor then bent over in front of him. She proceeded to clear his first chakra by blowing at his crotch.  My eyes almost popped out of my head and I let out a peep before I caught what was going to become a laugh. To contain myself from laughing out loud at this absurd scene, I closed my eyes, for there were five more people to be initiated.

    I ended up in a meditative state. I remember a beautiful blond dressed in a white robe with braided gold cords crossing the bodice saying, Father, why this body?  I felt a pang of hurt when I realized she was talking about me.

    All I could imagine was Zeus when a deep authoritative voice answered, It won’t be for long.  I could not see anyone else but her.

    She turned her back to me, with an arrogant attitude. She was definitely not happy with this order.

    The next thing I knew, she was inside me. Her name was Aurora, the only one I probably would have let in. I had named my business after the Aurora Borealis - The Northern Lights - but many people

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