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Beyond Coffee: A Sustainable Guide to Nootropics, Adaptogens, and Mushrooms
Beyond Coffee: A Sustainable Guide to Nootropics, Adaptogens, and Mushrooms
Beyond Coffee: A Sustainable Guide to Nootropics, Adaptogens, and Mushrooms
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Beyond Coffee: A Sustainable Guide to Nootropics, Adaptogens, and Mushrooms

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About this ebook

When it comes to productivity, there aren't many things we do today that we did 200 years ago. We send emails instead of post, drive cars instead of horse-drawn carriages, and look up stuff on our phones instead of traveling a hundred miles to the nearest library.

However, when it comes to our morning routines, 80 percent of the world consumes caffeine each day to wake them up and give them a boost for their daily tasks. Whether it's black tea or coffee, most of us consume the same ingredients we consumed 200 years ago without realizing two important facts. First, coffee beans and tea leaves are not the only sources of energy that nature provides us. Second, productivity is more than just wakefulness. It's energy, focus, creativity, decreased stress, and improved sleep, among other things.

What can nature, science, and global access to different ingredients tell us about optimal productivity? And which ingredients are scientifically proven to be effective and safe? Backed by over 240 scientific studies, Beyond Coffee is a simple guide that answers these questions.

Editor's Note

Transform your morning ritual…

Wish you could kick the daily caffeine habit but worried you won’t be able to get anything done without your morning cup of joe? This down-to-earth, science-backed guide breaks down alternatives to caffeine, like nootropics, adaptogens, herbs, and mushrooms, that can increase energy, focus, creativity, and healthy sleep, while decreasing stress. Learn how to transform your morning ritual and supercharge your productivity in this special Scribd Edition.

Release dateJun 30, 2020
Beyond Coffee: A Sustainable Guide to Nootropics, Adaptogens, and Mushrooms

James Beshara

James Beshara is a startup founder, advisor, investor, and writer based in San Francisco, California. He has started multiple companies, selling one (Tilt, acquired by Airbnb), and has invested in a number of multibillion-dollar startups. His career has led to (and been a product of) his passion around efficiency, stress management, and productivity. When he was diagnosed with a heart condition in 2013, his doctor introduced him to several compounds as caffeine alternatives. Like many of us, he was surprised by just how much science backs up the cognitive and productivity benefits of nootropics—as opposed to just drinking yet another cup of coffee, as he was accustomed to doing. He has been researching the supplemental world of nootropics for over six years, and what started as a simple blog post for friends has evolved into this comprehensive book. You can follow James on Twitter @jamesbeshara.

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Reviews for Beyond Coffee

Rating: 4.068965517241379 out of 5 stars

58 ratings4 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a well-written and informative book that encourages further thought. It provides clear and well-organized information for making healthy choices. However, some caution is advised as some claims in the book contradict medical and scientific research. The book could benefit from more research on ancient herbal medicines and their compatibility with other medicines. Overall, it is a valuable guide for readers seeking to make healthy choices."

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Read some (but not all) of the claims in this book with caution, as they contradict medical and scientific research with internet articles that may or may not be drawing sound scientific conclusions.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a well-researched informative book! Clear and well organized. Allows the reader to make healthy choices for oneself. Thank you for writing this.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a manual, but a well-written manual. This is a good guide that encourages further thought from the reader.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What I would describe as a lightweight review
    - worthwhile to read but the research on these compounds is quite limited and often a compound which has been used in tribal or ayurvedic medicines does not get accredited . I would guess the research into natural use has been limited. What this book needs is for the authors to travel to the jungles of the world and fill out the information on these ancient herbal medicines. One of the big gaps is compatibility on other medicines and much more research is needed on this.

    Jeffri Abdullah
    Brisbane, Australia.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Beyond Coffee - James Beshara


About five years ago, I was diagnosed with a heart condition—an irregular heartbeat termed atrial fibrillation. I was twenty-six years old. When the doctor told me the diagnosis, he asked me about my lifestyle, habits, stress, and exercise regimens. Then he asked how much caffeine I consumed each day. I told him that it was anywhere between five and six cups of coffee. He nodded, barely reacting, as if I had confirmed something in his mind. Then, in a somewhat unsurprised manner, he said that my caffeine consumption was likely the major contributor to developing a condition like atrial fibrillation this early in my life.

He said, James, with your condition, you really shouldn’t consume more than 80 mg of caffeine a day.

Okay, how much is that in terms of coffee? I had no idea what I was about to agree to.

Well, at five to six cups, you’re currently consuming about ten times that amount.

Despite the fact that I had just heard the news that I had a heart condition (one that I didn’t know existed prior to that doctor’s visit, about which I didn’t know the implications nor the severity), I remember being most overwhelmed by my doctor’s suggestion that I reduce my caffeine intake to about half a cup of coffee. At that time, I was running a company of 70 employees, and I couldn’t imagine taking my energy crutch away. I remember seeing article after article touting how great coffee was for you. I thought about bringing those articles up to my doctor. Then I remembered he was my doctor, not some person who was casually deriding my bitter, black, productivity muse.

Conversationally, we only spent a few more moments on the topic, because there were larger things to discuss (like going to the ER for a cardioversion; fun!). But in our subsequent meetings, in which he continued to make the case for decreasing my caffeine intake, he mentioned green tea (specifically matcha green tea) as a great alternative to coffee. It contained less than 80 mg of caffeine and, he said, includes another compound called l-theanine that adds a calm focus in addition to the reaction of caffeine … It helps reduce the anxiety that coffee can give you as well.

I can’t say it was game-changing at the time. But it did crack the door in my mind to an alternative to coffee. I was intrigued by the comment that another compound, when added to caffeine, could get me closer to what I was ultimately seeking in the first place: short-term and long-term productivity.

I took it for granted that coffee was the ambitious person’s best friend. But five years and 40-plus iterations with different compounds later, I have learned about the different compounds from around the world that allow me to consume a fraction of the caffeine I used to, yet produce a multiple of the energy and productivity that coffee once delivered. These compounds include adaptogens, anti-inflammatories, herbs, mushrooms, and brain-focused supplements, sometimes called nootropics.

I experimented, researched, and sought expertise on the good, the bad, and the ugly: the short-term boosts and long-term drains, the shortcuts, sifting through science and pseudoscience. I read research paper after research paper and heard anecdote after anecdote. What I came up with was the scientifically scrutinized, well-documented, natural, and most importantly—sustainable—approach to these compounds.

To be clear—and this is very important—each of us should focus on five areas when it comes to energy, focus, and productivity, in this order: sleep, exercise, diet, stress-management, and then exogenous compounds like the ones we have researched and written about in this book. If you sleep two hours a night, it doesn’t matter how much caffeine or l-theanine you consume, your productivity will not be optimal. And study after study shows that exercise improves cognitive performance as well as any cognition-enhancing substance.

Additionally, poor diet and high glucose levels have been linked to chronic fatigue. Constantly overloading your figurative plate, too, without a thoughtful approach to stress-management, strains your focus and the relationships with those around you. A guide to the sustainable approach to nootropics would not be complete without calling this out.

In addition to talking with your doctor about any of these supplements, herbs, roots, or mushrooms before taking any of them, you should also talk to your doctor about establishing goals in these prerequisite four areas as well.

Here are our quick tips on those four other areas before jumping into the rest of the book:

Sleep: Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night, while waking up each morning at the same time. Waking up at different times each morning throws off your circadian rhythm and does not allow your body to create a stable, dependable one. No matter what time you go to sleep, try to wake up at the exact same time each morning for optimal sleep each night. Need help falling asleep at an earlier time and don’t want to risk tossing about? The second-best piece of advice on this topic I received from the same sleep doctor was to use 300 micrograms (not milligrams, as that is too much) of melatonin about three hours before you want to fall asleep to kickstart your natural production of melatonin.

Exercise: Practice 30 mins of aerobic exercise three times per week. Get your heart rate up and get your sweat glands going (your skin is your largest organ, after all, put it to work).

Diet: Everything in moderation. There is a lot of compelling research around intermittent fasting (eating within time boundaries of eight to ten hours each day) to optimize both cognitive function and lifespan.¹

Stress-Management: Apps like Headspace and Calm can be great for easily creating level-setting habits once a day around meditation. Another trick is to not over-promise or over-commit each day. As the adage goes everything takes twice as long and is three times more expensive than you think—so plan accordingly by committing to half the things you think you can accomplish in a day. It will leave you the slack in the day to really knock something out of the park, as well as give you ample space for spontaneity or seizing

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