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A Saint from Texas
A Saint from Texas
A Saint from Texas
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A Saint from Texas

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From Edmund White, a bold and sweeping new novel that traces the extraordinary fates of twin sisters, one destined for Parisian nobility and the other for Catholic sainthood.

Yvette and Yvonne Crawford are twin sisters, born on a humble patch of East Texas prairie but bound for far more dramatic and tragic fates. Just as an untold fortune of oil lies beneath their daddy's land, both girls harbor their own secrets and dreams-ones that will carry them far from Texas and from each other. As the decades unfold, Yvonne will ascend the highest ranks of Parisian society as Yvette gives herself to a lifetime of worship and service in the streets of Jericó, Colombia. And yet, even as they remake themselves in their radically different lives, the twins find that the bonds of family and the past are unbreakable.

Spanning the 1950s to the recent past, Edmund White's marvelous novel serves up an immensely pleasurable epic of two Texas women as their lives traverse varied worlds: the swaggering opulence of the Dallas nouveau riche, the airless pretension of the Paris gratin, and the strict piety of a Colombian convent. For nearly half a century, Edmund White's work has revitalized American literature, blithely breaking down boundaries of class and sexuality, and A Saint From Texas is one of his most joyous, gorgeously written, and piercing works to date.
Release dateAug 4, 2020
A Saint from Texas

Edmund White

Edmund White was born in Cincinnati in 1940. His many novels include the autobiographical trilogy A Boy’s Own Story, The Beautiful Room Is Empty, and The Farewell Symphony; he has published biographies of Jean Genet, Marcel Proust, and Arthur Rimbaud, as well as memoirs, short stories, and criticism; in 1977 he co-authored The Joy of Gay Sex. He is an Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. He lives in New York City. 

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    A Saint from Texas - Edmund White


    It all changed in the 1950s when our mother, Margie Ann, died and Daddy married a lady nine months later and brought her back to the little house on Elm Street (Daddy called them e’lums) in Ranger, Texas. Ranger in those days was a ghost town; the wells had run dry twenty years earlier. Just a dirty old rag stretched across the entrance to the town saying, RANGER—OIL CAPITAL OF AMERICA, and we really had been an oil capital for twelve years. Miss Bobbie Jean, Daddy’s fancy lady, declared she was no ghost, and she wasn’t going to sit in a broken-down ranch house with swamp coolers instead of ceiling fans.

    She was a Texas gal herself, from dusty Denton, where her father had been a math professor and written Mental Arithmetic and three nigra joke books. He was the most boring man in the whole world, she said, and he spit chewing tobacco into a spittoon and told endless jokes about colored folks. When someone asked why he was a professor, not a farmer like his brother, he said he wanted a job out of the sun. That was supposed to be funny. His brother, the farmer, was the nice one and he had typed up his life story, I Sure Am Happy.

    No one much liked the math professor. He’d collar a guy while rocking out on the open-air porch of Brown’s Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas, where he was taking the cure, and chaw and spit and pause. Did you ever hear the one about— And off he’d go. I guess he was smart. He used to tell us he was smart.

    Boring. He was the most boring man in the world, with his lean face, his brown teeth, and his sun-creased neck. If an ant had crawled across that neck he would’ve broke his leg. He could tell you how to get up to one-hundred-digit numbers and all in your head. Boring. He was so proud of his mental arithmetic skills. All the men back then wore suits and ties and hats. His suit was brown and shiny and too big for him (double-breasted when he was a single-breasted man), and his tie loud and floral. His porkpie always tipped way back like he was younger than he looked, maybe a reporter in a 1930s talking picture.

    Now, Bobbie Jean, who’d had a quickie Reno divorce from her lying, no-count (but handsome by all the pics) first husband, had done a little snooping around and found out that Daddy had millions in oil money socked away in Farmers–First National Bank in Stephenville, Texas, though we lived in that ranch house with the peeling paint and the swamp coolers, a black-and-white television with a screen no bigger than a third-class porthole and strips of colored plastic across it, green where the grass would be at the bottom, blue at the top where the sky might be, pink in the middle for the faces.

    Well, Miss Bobbie Jean made Daddy throw out that old TV on the street and the swamp coolers quickly followed. She had big ceiling fans brought in, which would suck air through the windows if you left them open just a slit. A giant color Motorola was installed, a whole family entertainment center, and Daddy was sick when he saw his electric bill quadruple. Before you knew it she’d got herself a candy-colored Cadillac convertible and she’d traded in Daddy’s rusty old Packard, which we called Bouncer, for a black Cadillac sedan that rode as smooth as a hearse and had cigarette lighters in each of the four door ashtrays, as if the corpses needed a light; the lighters were lit up from underneath so you’d never mistake where they were in the dark and they glowed with red coils when you pushed them down and held them up to your cigarette tip.

    My sister and I were twins. Our mother had named us out of a movie fan magazine, Yvonne and Yvette, but she was so ignorant she said our names Why-Von and Why-Vet. By the time we both knew better we liked them and wouldn’t say them proper. We were fourteen and real Texas beauties with our blonde hair, tiny ears, long legs, and high breasts, though our real mother made us cover them up with extra-large blouses. That was 1952 and we even wore girdles to church, though we were skinny little things and our hips were no bigger than a boy’s. Must have been hard to find girdles that narrow, but Mommy special-ordered them through Bacon’s Dry Goods Store.

    All that changed under Bobbie Jean. She made us say our names in the proper French way and corrected our old relatives who mispronounced them—I’m sorry, Bobbie Jean said, but we’re not that country. She bought us tight sky-blue sweaters and threw away our girdles. She drove us to Dallas (not a long ride) and outfitted us at Neiman-Marcus in the latest grown-up Paris styles, but we felt like freaks in our New Look Diors with the cinched-in waists and long wide skirts, prancing around Ranger, when all the other girls in high school were wearing puffy skirts with cute poodle decals or tartan kilts fastened with giant safety pins. We had on high heels while they were bobby-soxers. The girls were so hypocritical—they’d finger our thin wools and heavy medieval leather belts and say, My word, ain’t you all spit and polish?

    As if our Diors weren’t bad enough, Daddy put us through another scandal. He’d been shacking up for years with this pretty but pudgy fake blonde matron from Merkel, Texas. Once a week she’d drive her powder-blue Cadillac into town, pass the Piggly Wiggly, and park on one side of the road, and Daddy would drive his new hearse and park it on the other side. Exactly at high noon. Everyone saw them but nobody cared.

    Well, Bobbie Jean minded and moved in on them like a farmer bagging wasps. And they never tried another rendezvous after ten whole years of sin. Bobbie Jean shot ten bullets into the tin ceiling of their room with her little Miss Derringer pistol, silver and with her initials on it. I did not say tin, I said tin. They weren’t skinny folks neither and they pulled their sheets up over their robust bodies like Roman gods in a fountain. They were terrified! Bobbie Jean didn’t say a word, just walked away, blew across the working end of her pistol, and gave a big tip to the astonished old desk clerk. Bobbie Jean sent that lady packing for good back to Merkel.

    I took an interest in all this, of course, but sister Why-Vet was totally indifferent. She was in her own world a million miles away. She was a bookworm, even though I told her that books are only good for pressing to our breasts and propping them up. She didn’t like that kind of talk. She would wrinkle up her nose like the Christian girls at school wearing their purity rings did when they heard nasty words. Or she’d just look away, as if a shadow on a wall or sunlight on a silo was more interesting than the future and reputation of our whole entire family. She was strange that way, our Why-Vet. We were identical in body alone, down to the least little mole, like a bug squashed on a bleached linen sheet, on our right sides, but in spirit—Lord! In spirit we were in opposite land. At least until we got older.

    We had our bunk beds, everything pink and tidy as a virgin’s undies, and by the glow of our cute little hamster night-light, we’d talk about … oh, life and love, and I’d bring up boys but she never did. I thought she might like girls, but she never looked at the naked girls in gym class and seemed unaware of everyone’s breast size, though bet your bottom peso most girls that age are aware, painfully aware, are they ever!

    I liked to read women’s magazines and stuff, especially about European nobility and Paris fashion, but Why-Vet brought home so many heavy books from the Andrew Carnegie Public Library that the librarians got mad at her until they realized she was helping their circulation numbers, which they could point to down at City Hall, the one where they found a hundred-year-old toad still alive buried between the bricks. Why-Vet would make herself a little picnic lunch and go out to the edge of town under an old creaky windmill, with its rudder turning as the wind shifted, the blades rattling as they turned. She’d find a nice cool mott of wild oak. She’d sit on the ground there for hours in her Dior and read and read. Heavy books, too! All of Shakespeare and Homer. Lots of Pascal.

    We had an aunt Bunn who lived in Bluff Dale, Texas, who’d taught elocution in high school and she coached Why-Vet on how to lose her East Texas twang. You do not say ‘hay-uh’ but ‘hair,’ in one syllable, and it’s not ‘may-um’ but ‘ma’am.’ Aunt Bunn lived in an itty-bitty house her daddy had built, with no heat but a single Franklin stove. She had a big white chenille bedspread on a rosewood double bed and lots of little pillars she’d knitted covers for, cute little kittens and rabbits. Yvette soon sounded like a no-gut Yankee, as bland as Quaker Oats. She had a pretty enough voice. She was a pretty girl, no denying that, but her fire’d been dialed down to a pilot light. Yvette was so smart she made the debate team in our little high school. Our school motto was just three musical notes: B sharp, B natural, but never B flat. Isn’t that cute? Anyway, Yvette was immediately made the captain of the debate team and she won every match until she was best in state. My, Daddy was proud; he was a strangely competitive man. Yvette didn’t even like debating, having to argue pro and con free trade, because she said Plato dismissed those shenanigans as mere sophistry and an orator should argue only what he or she knew to be true.

    Bobbie Jean quarreled deep into the night with Daddy. She wanted to move us all into Dallas. She said we could come to Ranger for weekends, it was that close, but she was surprised Daddy wanted his girls growing up in a played-out ghost town with barely five thousand inhabitants and not one suitable suitor. Your girls are millionaires and sm-a-art! My, are they smart! You’d stunt their fine minds here and get them hitched to bucktoothed farmers in coveralls and cow shit on their boots, pardon my French. These girls deserve some nice, polite, well-spoken gentlemen. Yvonne should have a debut and Yvette should go to a top-notch place of learning like UT at Austin, she’s that bright. Boy, is she bright. You know how proud you were when Yvette took All State. You remember how you wanted her to get a varsity letter, how you said brain was better than brawn? They’re my girls, too, now, and I’d feel I’d let them down if they didn’t have golden opportunities—golden! Platinum!

    Daddy said, They’re sweet little things but in Dallas they might get uppity. I’ve seen them spoiled little Dallas gals.

    You have not, Bobbie Jean exclaimed. You don’t know anything about Dallas! You couldn’t even find Neiman-Marcus or the Adolphus Hotel. And then Bobbie Jean went off into a long complaint about how the head waiter at the Baker Hotel refused to sell her a drink at the bar after a long day of shopping. He said, ‘I’m sorry, ma’am, no single women here at my bar.’ Then he had the nerve to say, ‘We gotta present a moral image to the world,’ as if I was a common streetwalker looking for business.

    She rumbled on and on until Daddy got impatient and brought her back to the issue at hand (clever strategy on her part!).

    Bobbie Jean was very clever. She invited Daddy’s mother along, a dowdy farm woman with a huge mono-bosom and swollen legs, a woman who read out every street sign as we passed it on the highway. If she approved of someone she called her precious. If she disapproved she said, Bless her heart, as in, She eats a box of chocolates a day all by herself, bless her heart. She scarcely ever censored a thought, no matter how dull, inconsequential, or childish. She’d make such dopey remarks that the real estate agent asked in an aside, Has she been like this for a long time? with a look of concern that made Daddy mad.

    We headed right for Turtle Creek and looked at houses in the $250,000 category—Renaissance palaces and adobe haciendas and an update of Versailles (which the salesman pronounced Ver-sales). He wasn’t much—smelled of Brylcreem and wore a wristwatch, which Daddy thought was sissy, and had a mustache, a sure sign of a weakling or criminal, Daddy said.

    We looked at a mansion with a circular portico. Dang, it’s nice if you want to live in the White House, Daddy said, and I could tell he was impressed but didn’t want to show it. For the White House even his mother got out of the Cadillac and after she stumbled on her thick legs sealed in supportive hose through the Great Hall—or was it the Lincoln Bedroom—she said, It’s precious, well, I declare. When Daddy whispered, How much is this national treasure? the salesman (who was smoking a cigarette, which Daddy also thought was sissy) whispered something to him, and Grandma held her hands over her ears, since ladies weren’t supposed to know about money. Money was common.

    We were shown the four bedrooms, the five bathrooms, the dining room, all carved mahogany and gilt eagles, the basement rec room that extended the length of the property. Namaw, as we called Daddy’s mother, couldn’t manage the stairs but an elevator was found for her. If she wasn’t sure if something was precious she’d describe it uneasily as different. The elevator was sure different. She had a rural fear of sounding overly impressed by something urban, which she laid to rest by calling it dismissively different, thereby acknowledging both the strangeness and the banality of anything new.

    When Bobbie Jean said the price sounded reasonable, Daddy cursed her with a disgusting word that begins with b and ends with h and Namaw said, Why, P.M.,—Daddy’s name was Peter Martin Crawford—no reason to talk ugly about such a precious house. She laughed her mirthless country laugh. I’m going to have to wash your mouth out with soap, P.M. He flushed dark with rage.

    They went on to look at the Alhambra, Sanssouci, the Palazzo Vecchio, and who knows what else—every bathroom, every double oven and warming tray, every winter garden. Ver-sales was being sold fully furnished. The owner had bought Louis the Something chairs and had them copied one and a half times larger, then he’d thrown away the originals. We were shown how the fireplace in the salon was insulated behind glass and was guaranteed not to give off heat and could be lit even in 103-degree weather. Poor Daddy, he must have had considerable in the bank but the idea of squandering so much on the house—why, who knew where it would all end? He was worn out with all the fancy historical labels (we even saw a moat and a portcullis and Daddy had to ask what they were); finally he said, Haven’t you got anything up-to-date?

    Namaw had to use the ladies’ room but Daddy refused. He wanted to get this all over with, like it was a tooth extraction, and Namaw squealed, Why, P.M., you’d have me relieve myself in my shoe, but in the end she got to use the toilet in one of the houses we were inspecting.

    Yvette was practically comatose from all this house-viewing and when asked her opinion, she mumbled, Any sort of shelter will do, won’t it? Most of humanity is exposed to the elements, which obviously isn’t fair. Everyone looked stunned by this bleak reminder of how vain and empty were these disputes of Ver-sales versus the Alhambra, this discontent with just four bedrooms and two glassed-in fireplaces roaring away in August. I couldn’t help but think of the Fisherman’s Wife and how she lost everything because she wanted to be the equal of God—until the magic flounder got fed up and returned her to her hovel. Yvette would’ve been happier in our Ranger, Texas, hovel with the three chickens out back, once including her favorite, Biddy Scratch, and the Concord grape arbor over the pathway, the grapes often sizzling in the heat into cracked miniatures of themselves, and the grasshoppers we’d catch. They’d wriggle dry as sticks in our closed fists before we released them. We’d carpeted the garage and we’d sit there in green-and-white metal chairs and sip iced sweet tea. When our real mother killed Biddy Scratch because cousin Brewster was coming to Sunday dinner, Yvette cried for days, especially because chopping Biddy’s head off was a bloody mess and Biddy ran, headless, all over the yard, scaring the bejesus out of us all. If a poor old Negro woman would come to the door with a tin pail asking for food or beer, our real mother would fill her pail with good vittles but send her to work mopping the kitchen linoleum or dusting the living room, where we never went; it was like a museum or a funeral parlor family grief room with its horsehair couch, yellowing lace antimacassars, big freestanding radio with the cloth face over the speaker, and the carpet with faded roses.

    Bobbie Jean really knew how to play Daddy. She’d figured out that as a teenager he’d suffered because his parents were the poorest people in town—and Weeping Hills was one poor town, cut off from the world with only one radio for five hundred people and only one copy of one newspaper that would arrive in town once or twice a week. Daddy says he can remember that when World War I ended they didn’t know it for a whole day, until an old farmer came running over the hills shouting, Kaiser Bill is done for! No one ever visited except some little salesman who’d come by twice a year selling salt and needles and a special kind of cough syrup that’d drive the ladies crazy. The town couldn’t keep a doctor or a dentist because nobody had any cash money to pay them with. And Daddy’s folks were so poor, they ate for dinner what was called Martin’s supper, toast soaked in bacon drippings. They couldn’t afford anything; their house was falling down and hadn’t had a lick of paint for an age. That kind of poverty is humiliating, even in a godforsaken one-street town like Weeping Hills.

    Our Daddy always wanted to be a big shot. When he was in college for two years in San Marcos, he had to work all the time and even take off one semester to break rock on the state highway. Then, later, he got himself elected to the state government in Austin, but there he earned only six bits a day and four went to room and board. He found other jobs but they were hard as hell and he never could get ahead of his debts until an acre he owned in Ranger, Texas, came in with oil, black gold, and for ten good years he was saving nine-tenths of it. Our poor mother had to break her back washing the sheets once a week in the bathtub, though Daddy bought her a mangle to wring the water out before she hung those heavy sopping things on the line. He refused to hire a woman to help with the ironing or the cooking or the housecleaning. He thought Mama was a healthy woman and should work. He would expect her to polish his boots and wait on him. Sugar, he’d say, mo’ pie. But then she died of TB and exhaustion at forty-nine, and while he was in mourning Daddy read the diary she’d kept all those silent, uncomplaining years. He wrote in the margins, Poor Angel! and What a varmint, when she mentioned him. He read page after page of how he’d offended her, even left her covered with bruises, and he wrote, This man is a monster! My poor baby, how I tortured you! He could see how his whole myth of a happy marriage was crumbling in front of his eyes. Usually Daddy was cocksure—or so insecure he had to prove his way was the best way, the only way, and everyone around him must be envious and an enemy. But this time he sat up late every night listening to sad country music on the radio, all about cheating or broken hearts, and he read and reread Margie Ann’s diary. He was always talking but now he was silent, like a big parade balloon slowly deflating till it was small enough to slip into a hip pocket.

    One morning he locked the diary and put it away and buried the key beside the grape arbor. I imagine that’s why he bowed down to Bobbie Jean’s least wish: he was repentant and she was hard where our mother was soft. She knew what she wanted, whereas Mama was always dithering, fixing to find out what you wanted.

    And then Bobbie Jean kept hammering on about us girls, how we deserved every opportunity money could buy, how we’d lost our mother, whom Daddy had worried and worried into an early grave, how I deserved a debut as lavish as the Hope Diamond and precious Yvette had the right to a first-class education in Greek and Latin and French and Texas history and domestic science!

    Six months later we were living in the Turtle Creek White House, with its columned portico, though the lot wasn’t that big, nobody’s was. Bobbie Jean hired a cook and a maid but, boy, was she mean to them! They were colored girls and she paid them tiny salaries. She called the cook Pinky—maybe that really was her name—and Bobbie Jean gave them some sort of dog food to eat. They didn’t eat what we ate, which often enough was steak, big well-done steaks, the way country people like them. You never saw a farmer eat a rare steak. Yvette could barely swallow hers. One day Miss Yvette didn’t touch her blackberry cobbler and later Pinky told her she’d eaten it. I never tasted that cobbler before, she said, though I’ve been fixin’ it since I started working at twelve. I couldn’t be bothered, I knew there were lots of hungry people in the world; when we wouldn’t clean our plates Bobbie Jean would say, Remember the starving Armenians, but I doubt she could even picture them and never went to bed hungry herself. Yvette wrote a paper for our fancy private high school, our young ladies’ academy, Hockaday, on the Armenians and uncovered all those horrors, how the Turks had made them walk through the desert without food or water until they dropped like flies or something. Yvette really did remember the starving Armenians. And the Jews who died in the ovens and Lord knows what else—I didn’t want to think about all those poor people, it just made me sad.

    Daddy had a great big collie. He called him Ole-Boy and said he was his best friend, and he had that big smelly thing sitting right at the huge mahogany dining table under the biggest chandelier you ever did see, Bohemian crystal, and Daddy would give him little bites of steak, though he’d make Ole-Boy beg for it with his big, imploring eyes and his upraised nose. When someone said collies weren’t that smart, Daddy said, That must be why we get along. Yvette learned how to give most of her steak to the dog when Daddy wasn’t looking, though Daddy got suspicious (and a little bit hurt) when his best friend sat by Yvette instead of him.

    Finally Yvette announced she’d become a vegetarian and Pinky served her extra helpings of peas and carrots and grits and Ole-Boy went back to Daddy’s side. Yvette’s dislike of meat made Daddy mad, and he talked about how they’d been so poor when he was growing up he’d get an orange for Christmas, that was all he’d get, and he’d hoard his orange till it turned blue and was rotten. He was so ashamed of his daddy he’d sass him and wouldn’t mind him, that’s what Namaw told me. She was proud of him that he lived in the White House now, but he’d been lucky with oil only for ten years, nothing to brag on him about, plenty of folks were oil-rich, half the families in Turtle Creek.

    I overheard Yvette once in the next room when she was studying with a friend, Duke. They didn’t know I was nearby and listening. He said, I’m so bewitched by you, Why-Vet, and I knew he must’ve been reciting some script or something, using a word like bewitched.

    Oh, come on, Duke. You can sweet-talk my sister. We’re identical twins and she likes you so much.

    I could’ve strangled Yvette for saying that, especially when he remarked, She’s different from you. She’s brassy. She’s forward. When she’s in that little skirt doing her cheerleading …


    "Well, she sprawls when she sits on the gym floor."

    I was seeing red and almost barged in then and there, but I wanted to hear what Little Miss Muffet would say. She didn’t say anything. Finally she whispered, Let’s go back to our equation.

    Why-Vet, I’m so bewitched by your perfume. It’s as sweet as you are.

    Oh, she said. I’ll give you the rest of the bottle. Then you can put it on your hand or your pillow—

    "I don’t want to wear it myself, he said indignantly. I am bewitched by everything about you, your eyes …"

    If I could I’d dig them out and hand them over to you. She said it so simply, almost childishly, that I believed her. Perhaps someday she’d really do it, though I knew she liked to read and write and she liked the look of God’s world, as she said. She needed her eyes.

    I was about to make my presence known when I heard Duke begin to moan. He was breathing hard and gasping and whispering, Just touch it, just touch it. Don’t you like it? Touch it! Out of … the kindness … of your heart, and now he was breathing like a steam engine pulling out of the station. Oh, Why-Vet, if you only knew how painful it is for us fellows, we get blue balls, they hurt so bad, just touch it, Why-Vet, or lick it just there where that clear juice is dripping out.

    Please, Duke, leave me be. Put it away. I’m sure Why-Von would lick it, but I don’t want to. Duke! For the love of God!

    Just hold it in your little hot hand, please, Why-Vet, it hurts so bad. You always want to help people, you don’t like to see other people suffer.

    Yes, I thought, the sore limbs of the old and poor and afflicted, not some big red poker like yours, Duke Willens.

    Don’t, Duke, don’t! And I thought I could hear them wrestling.

    And then I coughed loudly and sang out their names: Yvette, Duke, aren’t you done with that old math yet? I brought you some nice cold iced tea, just the way you like it, Duke, Lipton, three sugars, and cut lemon, here I come! And I rounded the bend and there was Yvette, her dress yanked around and her hair unpouffed, and there was Duke, red-faced, sweat on his forehead, clutching his lap. I could see something poking out. I walked over to the window, pretended to look out, adjusted the air conditioner to high, and did everything very slowly. Oh, I forgot the tea, silly me, now y’all come with me, come with me into the east wing and Pinky will bring it out with some nice Toll House cookies.

    I marched ahead, but when I looked back there was Duke Willens, zipped up but with a big old thing poking his pants with a wet spot soaking the linen just to the right of the zipper. My, I thought, that’s an abnormally big one. It would scare even me.

    Just before bedtime Yvette kissed my hand, which she never did, and whispered, Thanks!

    What for? I asked.

    For saving me.

    I just smiled and patted her shoulder. I wouldn’t want to be saved from Duke Willens. Why, he was the most popular boy on his school team and his folks both sang in the Turtle Creek Baptist Choir. They were lovely people, though Duke’s fat sister was stuck-up and Duke oversexed.

    Yvette was a brilliant student. Daddy had to find her a special tutor in Latin and Greek, which she learned extra-fast because she wanted to read Plato in the original and the Greek tragedies and Cicero’s Treatise on Friendship and Old Age. She picked up Spanish anyway tutoring José the gardener’s kids in English and math. She loved tutoring children, but she said she had no desire to give birth to her own.

    But why not? I asked. That girl kept me stumped, though we were identical.

    That’s not my destiny, she said.

    How do you know that? I don’t have a destiny. We’re only teens.

    She just smiled, her eyes unfocused, as if she’d just ridden through a car wash, the windows being scoured in a deluge.

    She heard from José how Mexican people were staggering across the desert, sleeping on the sand, skipping meals, and broiling in the sun. That broke her heart. I’d catch her crying her eyes out. She started sleeping on the floor and refused to eat. She got so skinny her monthlies stopped. Daddy was furious but silent and drove her to the doctor’s.

    The doctor was a fake Texan, actually from New Jersey, but he wore cowboy boots and a ten-pound belt and a blue shirt snapped shut with pearl pressure buttons, and he had long white hair to his shoulders like Buffalo Bill. White chest hairs poked out of his shirt between buttons. His office was meat-locker cold. He took a friendly, avuncular approach. Well, now, young lady, you’d be a lot prettier if you ate. Look at your twin—as pretty as a Texas bluebell, everything a cowpoke would dream of on his lonely cot.

    I was sitting just beside Yvette and she set her jaw in a real ugly way and wouldn’t meet the doctor’s eye—and seized up when he said "cow-poke in a loud, grinning, fake-Texas way. Everything he was saying was wrong and I felt sorry for my sister. He was talking to her as if she were three years old. Now, you do me a little favor, will you? Be a good girl and eat your Wheaties in the morning and your daddy’s steak with biscuits and gravy at night." I wondered if Yvette would begin to retch.

    I could feel what she was feeling. After all, we were identical, right? But Lord knows I didn’t want to keep her company down her lonely path.

    I wanted to have fun! I wanted to be popular in school and belong to the Crowd, which is what we called the neat kids. I thought with our money and my looks and smarts I could go far—I could be captain of the cheerleaders. Why, I could even be the homecoming queen. Now that I’ve risen so high and even become a baroness, you might could smile at my social ambitions as a teen, but that’s all we could dream of in Dallas in the fifties! Our yearbook motto was: Not on the heights but climbing.

    I served on every committee back then; I was a top majorette baton twirler. I’m afraid I avoided Yvette, who grew so thin she looked all peaked and flat-chested and green and

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