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Prescription for Trouble: Australian Outback
Prescription for Trouble: Australian Outback
Prescription for Trouble: Australian Outback
Ebook177 pages3 hours

Prescription for Trouble: Australian Outback

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An Australian Outback Story (Book 4)


It's breaking all the rules but when it's two consenting adults, does it even matter?


Dr Sara Winters leaves Sydney and her ex-husband behind, swearing off men and romance in general. What she didn't expect in the quiet town of Bangalow, was to fall into the arms of father of two, Jake. 

 Jake isn't ready for a relationship. He's too busy trying to raise his kids as a single father but when Sara moves to town, he finds himself falling for her. How can two people determined not to fall in love manage these new feelings?

Release dateJun 26, 2020
Prescription for Trouble: Australian Outback

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    Prescription for Trouble - Ann B Harrison


    Enough is enough. Sara shut the front door on her unpacking. She couldn't face another crate. It could wait a few hours. A cup of tea with Steph would be perfect to calm her frazzled nerves. She opened her car door, slid into the driver's seat, then took a deep breath, desperately trying to let go of the stress that still made her shoulder muscles scream after a few hours' work.

    As she reversed out of the driveway, Sara pumped up the volume on the radio. The sudden jolt and scream of metal tearing against metal reached her ears seconds before pain ripped across her chest. Her body was slammed back into the seat before she lurched forward. There was crack as her head smacked into the windshield before she was whipped back into the seat again.

    Stars swam in front of her face, and she closed her eyes. Sara leaned her head gingerly on the steering wheel as she tried to figure out what had happened. Each time she opened her eyes she almost passed out.

    Her car door was ripped open, and a firm hand pressed against her shoulder and helped her sit up. What the hell do you think you were doing pulling out without looking?

    His warm breath whispered over her face, and Sara closed her eyes, clenching her jaw in pain before she spoke to her accuser.I didn't see you there. I-I'm so sorry.

    That much is pretty damned obvious. Are you okay? You're looking kind of pasty.

    Just give me a minute. Let me catch my breath. Sara held her hands in front of her face, scrunched up her eyes, and counted her fingers. She wiggled and touched them to each other, making sure that she was able to function before taking on the testosterone that was filling the doorway of her car.

    Close eyes, breathe in slowly, and relax tense muscles. When Sara opened her eyes again, the spots were gone, and her vision was clear. She turned gingerly to the man hovering at her door.

    I'm so sorry about that. It's my fault. I know that. Insurance will cover any damage. You weren't hurt were you?

    Would it matter if I was? You seem to have more important things on your mind, or you would've looked where you were going.

    I'm a doctor. I just want to make sure you're okay.

    A doctor? His hand moved up and cupped her chin, turning her to face him. Sara? Well, well. What a way to catch up again. Jake, Dave's best man, remember me?

    Um, sure, of course I do. It's been a while though. The adrenaline started to wear off, and the tears welled in her eyes.

    Oh shit, don't cry on me. Jake ran his hands over her face, gently running his thumb over the bump on her head. He looked at her curiously as she stifled the groan, and a half grunt came from her throat. The touch of his fingers on her face was sending jolts through her system. Sorry, I just want to make sure that nothing's broken before I get you out of this car. Jake prodded down her arms and held her wrist with his fingertips to take her pulse before he looked into her eyes. First responder. Had a few years practice, so when you calm down we might see if you can move, okay?

    Sara winced but managed to nod her head slightly. I'm sure nothing's broken. It's mainly my head...ouch. I'm going to have one huge lump by the feel of it. She lifted her fingers and lightly touched the skin, wiping the trickle of blood from her brow.

    Leave it. It's minor damage. I'll clean it up once I get you inside.

    Sara's stomach clenched when her gaze met his warm chocolate-hued eyes. Windblown dark brown locks hung over his forehead and curled around his ears. His square jaw was in need of a shave, and she wondered how it would feel if she lifted her hand and cupped his chin. God, get a grip, Sara. Stop thinking like a sex deprived idiot, and get out of this car before you make a move you'll regret.

    You okay, Sara? Don't be frightened. I promise not to yell about the car. It's okay.

    Adrenaline, she croaked. I think I want to try and get out now.

    Jake held her hand, put his arm around her waist, and she slowly shuffled out of her seat. When she had eased her legs out of the car, he stopped her. Just sit for a bit before you stand. Don't want you falling in a heap.

    She raised her face to him looking for any hint of sarcasm and saw only concern in his eyes.

    Give me your keys so I can unlock the door while you breathe. Jake held his hand out, and she took her key ring from the ignition then passed it across to him.

    He stood and walked to her front door. Sara tried not to focus on the firm butt and the long legs encased in worn denim jeans. He kicked his work boots off at the door and came back to help her inside the house.

    She gripped his hands, fighting the urge to lean into him as he helped her. The dogs bounced around sniffing the feet of the stranger before she ordered them out to the front garden.

    Jake sat her at the dining table and crouched down in front of her, his hands on her knees. Tell me where your first aid kit is, and I'll clean that bump on your head.

    In the pantry. Sara dug her nails into the palms of her hands as he rose and strode into the kitchen. He opened the door to the pantry and stood looking for a moment before reaching up and taking down a large container. Her gaze followed his every move, her breaths coming in smaller gasps as her imagination went into overdrive.

    He was tall and lean, but the way his butt filled his jeans and the length of his legs had her mouth watering. It had been over a year since she had been this close to a good looking guy, let alone had sex.

    This is so wrong. You should be worried about your car, his car, but no! You have to imagine how that cute butt would look without clothing. Hang on a minute. Jeez, Sara, you idiot. He's a married man for God's sake. Get a grip girl.

    Sara. Sara? With me here? Do you want me to take you to hospital, get you checked out?

    She blinked hard. He was crouched down in front of her again, concern showing on his face as he gazed into her eyes.

    No! I mean no. I'm fine, honestly.

    Jake opened the kit and took out saline and gauze. Just try to sit still while I clean the bump on your head.

    She sat still, her jaw clenched as he washed the blood away. She kept her eyes closed, not from the pain, but because she was ashamed of the way her mind was working. If he saw the lust staring back at him from her eyes, she would die.

    There, I think we should leave it uncovered for now. It's not really bleeding anymore, and it won't hurt for the air to get at it.

    Thanks, I really appreciate it. Sara tried to keep a steady, calm face.

    Let me put the kettle on and make you a cup of tea. I think you should sit still for a bit, and you could probably do with one. I know I could. Jake cleaned up the dirty wipes and put the kit away.

    Really, I don't want to worry you. You must have lots to do. I haven't even asked if your car is badly damaged.

    You hit the back guard with your car's tow ball. Made a bit of a mess but as you say, insurance will cover it. At least it's still driveable. Just lucky that no one was seriously hurt. He turned to her, hands on hips. What was going through your mind when you belted out of the driveway?

    Um, I really don't know. I'm sorry, really. She looked around the room, crates and packing paper everywhere. I have so much to do here. I think I was just sidetracked. Not like me at all.

    The shrill ring of the phone made her jump.

    Jake reached out and picked it up. Hello. Hi, Steph. Yeah you have the right number. I'm at Sara's. We met out on the street. She reversed into me. He grinned at the cowering motion that Sara made. A bit of a bump on the head but otherwise she's fine. Sure, I'll tell her. Cheers, bye.

    He put the phone back and started searching the cupboards. Steph is having a fit and said that she will be here as soon as she finishes work. Be prepared to be taken over.

    Sara smiled at the thought. Steph had been badgering her to move to Bangalow ever since she had divorced Andrew. Claimed she needed someone to look after her, and this stupid accident would have her insisting she was right by the sound of it.

    I know what she is like, believe me. When the doctor that Steph worked for announced his retirement, I was ordered to come and see for myself what a wonderful town Bangalow is. Sara didn't add that she had made an offer on the business and the house on the same day before driving back to Sydney terrified that she would regret the move to such a small, quiet town.

    Jake pressed a cup into her hand, and she wrapped her fingers around it. Thanks.

    Do you want me to wait with you until Steph gets here?

    No, no thanks. I'll be fine, Jake. Thanks for all your help. I'm really sorry about the accident, honestly. I'll get my insurance details for you and pass them on.

    Sure, no hurry. Well I'd better go. I promised Ellie I would pick the kids up from school today. Don't get up, just sit and relax until she gets here.

    Thanks. Sara gripped her cup between her hands and watched him walk out of the house.

    By the time Steph arrived, her tea was finished, and she was still sitting at the table, her mind miles away.

    Oh honey, look at you, Steph cried. She pulled out a chair and sat down with her arms wrapped around Sara.

    The tears came then. All the sadness from the last year hit her now. Her broken marriage, the frustration and stress involved with such a big move poured out. Now she could add hitting Jake's car to her long list of bad moments. Steph held her close rubbing her hand over Sara's back making soothing noises until the tears slowed.

    Sitting back, she wiped her hand over her eyes. What a way to catch up with your best man.

    Honey, it's just a car. You, on the other hand, I'm worried about. Are you sure you're all right? You don't want me to run you into the hospital to get checked?

    No, I'll be fine. I've had so much happen in the last year, and that just topped it off. She gave a little laugh, but the tears threatened again. Heaving a big sigh, she looked around the house. If I hadn't been so intent on getting away from all of this mess, I wouldn't be here sitting with a lump on my head.

    Look, Sara, I know you're hurting. It's understandable and making the decision to move here, buy a practice and a house, well it's a huge deal, and I'm not surprised that your head is all over the place. Steph smiled softly at her. Anyone would be frazzled. Cut yourself a break. I'm taking you home for dinner. You can stay the night so I can keep an eye on you. Uh uh, she said as Sara tried to protest. You know that I'll worry about you, so you may as well give in gracefully. Dave would have a fit if I left you home by yourself with a knock to the head like that. You were coming for dinner anyway, won't hurt you to sleep over.

    Sara gave in, let Steph pack her an overnight bag, and lead her to the car before going back to bring the dogs out. Safely belted into the front, Sara told herself it was for the best. She really didn't need to be alone right now.

    When they arrived at the house, she was helped inside and settled into a big comfy chair while Steph prepared dinner. Poor Jake. How did he take it when he realised it was you that reversed into him?

    He was pretty good. Probably better than I deserved. Sara sighed. What a way to meet up with him again though.

    You'll get to apologize again tonight anyway, Steph said. Dave invited him for dinner. It's time he started dating again.

    What do you mean? I thought he was married. Sara sat up in her chair, bells ringing in her ears.

    His wife died a couple of years ago—brain aneurysm. He deserves to be happy. He's such a nice guy. Steph turned to take the food from the fridge.

    Don't even think about setting me up. I told you I don't want to go there again. Sara huffed and crossed her arms.

    "Stop it. You can't hide yourself away for the rest of

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