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Move: Free your Body Through Stretching Movement
Move: Free your Body Through Stretching Movement
Move: Free your Body Through Stretching Movement
Ebook227 pages1 hour

Move: Free your Body Through Stretching Movement

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About this ebook

Our bodies are designed to move. Yet as adults, our jobs, responsibilities and lifestyles rarely allow us to enjoy the kind of movement we once did without thinking.

Move aims to change this – and is a complete dynamic stretching system. Specially developed by yoga instructor and fitness writer, Lexie Williamson, the techniques found in Move are designed to free up the body through movement and are for anyone wanting to be less stiff or stuck – and more supple.

Centring around just six key sequences, Move offers a complete head-to-toe dynamic stretching session, and will help you regain precious long-lost flexibility, get stronger, move better and, most importantly, feel great.
Release dateAug 6, 2020
Move: Free your Body Through Stretching Movement

Lexie Williamson

Lexie Williamson is a British Wheel of Yoga (2008) and Yoga Sports Science® qualified instructor and fitness writer. She teaches Yoga for Runners, Cyclists and Triathletes workshops across Surrey, and writes for running and cycling magazines including Runner's World, Triathlete's World, Cycling Active, Cycling Plus and Outdoor Fitness and the US website She is the author of Yoga for Cyclists and Yoga for Runners.

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    Book preview

    Move - Lexie Williamson




    1: Back Mobility

    2: Cat Play

    3: Unstick the Hips

    4: Lunge Flow

    5: Hamstring Releasing

    6: Shoulder Flossing








    Welcome to Move, a complete system of ‘freeing up’ the body through movement for anyone wanting to be less stiff or stuck, and more supple. These techniques will help you to regain precious long-lost flexibility, but also to stand tall, move better and (most importantly) to feel better.


    Our bodies are designed to move – and move a lot – through all planes of motion, such as forward bending, twisting and side bending. As children, we relished this freedom as we tumbled, ran, flipped and cartwheeled without limits. Yet as adults, our jobs, responsibilities and lifestyles rarely allow us to enjoy the kind of multidirectional movement we once did without thinking.

    Maybe you sit for eight hours a day hunched over a laptop. Perhaps you are frequently behind the wheel as the family taxi driver, or are studying for important exams. This enforced stillness is often an unavoidable element of our busy modern lives, but can lead to a gradual restriction of movement and muscular tension – thanks to the ‘move it or lose it’ principle.

    Our soft tissues – tendons, ligaments and muscles – need to work through their range of movement to stay strong and supple. This, in turn, allows us to live in comfort and move with ease and do the things we love, be it dancing, running, rowing or weightlifting.

    You are probably only too well aware of this need to move more and would love to rediscover that natural flexibility, but lack time and energy, or are just not sure where to start. Maybe you’ve tried yoga and found the spiritual element off-putting or the bendy pretzel poses unobtainable for normal bodies.

    Perhaps you find static stretching dull (you’re not the only one!) or avoid stretching altogether but struggle to touch your toes or are sometimes aware of a niggling ache around your lower back.

    The answer could be a style of dynamic stretching that will entertain even the most stretch-averse! A more playful, active style based on the premise that us humans naturally enjoy flowing motion, be it salsa dancing, running or t’ai chi. A style in stark contrast to sitting still and holding a stretch while the seconds tick by; one that will also offer the regular movement that health professionals tell us is vital to offset the stressful demands of modern life on the mind and body.

    Move packages this, in the form of easy-to-follow, pre-prepared sequences called ‘Moves’ that do all the thinking and planning for you. There are only six Moves and these form the core of the book, so the concept is simple: each Move highlights an anatomical area, from Unstick the Hips to Hamstring Releasing.

    Less mobile and want a simplified version done with the support of a chair? Look up their more Gentle counterparts. Mastered these Moves? Then brave the Advanced versions. The fact that there are harder and easier versions allows for both progression and modification, and means they are open to everyone.

    The idea is to work systematically through anatomical areas using functional but fun movements. These are not tied to one exercise discipline, but are a blend of techniques I feel fit the brief of improving movement ease and efficiency, as well as improving posture and strengthening the core.

    We’ve taken some gym-inspired mobility drills, included the odd animal inspired movement, added a pinch of strength work and mixed in a few yoga flows. Yoga bunnies will spot some staple classic poses such as Cat Stretch and Downward Dog. Gym-goers might recognise a hip flexibility technique or two from working on their squat form in the weights room.

    Health-wise, some of the benefits will be immediately apparent, particularly in terms of releasing tension from areas such as the shoulders, which are quick to tense up. Move uses gentle motion to maintain a healthy back. The days of bed rest for lower back pain are over; the NHS now recommends staying ‘as active as possible’ using walking, yoga or Pilates, not only as rehab but also ‘prehab’ to maintain mobility and strength. Movement, as they say, is medicine!

    Aside from the physical side, there are also clear mental benefits to be gained from taking ‘brain breaks’ in the day, which research has shown can stimulate a flagging mind. Slow, mindful movement, especially when paired with conscious, deep breathing, can also create what psychologists call a state of ‘flow’. Being immersed in this flow state, created by synchronising the breath with movement, is fantastic for calming a busy mind, so works well after a frantic day.

    So, where do we go from here? Before you dive in, take the time to read the next few pages, which will explain how to squeeze the most out of these sequences. We’ll also delve into the language of movement, and explore the numerous health benefits and the science behind this style of stretching movement. What’s more, I’ll explain how to select and combine the Moves to enjoy the best ‘release’ depending on where you feel the most ‘stuck’, and which Moves will give keep you strong and injury-free for running, rugby or rowing.

    There’s plenty to explore, so let’s get twisting, balancing, rolling and reaching. The end goal is a strong, mobile body, but we can have a lot of fun along the way playing with this active form of stretching.

    Ready … set … Move.


    We know we should do some form of stretching but may be somewhat hazy about exactly why. The answer is that the range of health benefits, particularly for this type of dynamic – or motion-based – stretching, are surprisingly wide and varied.

    By marrying stretching with movement we can tick several pages of boxes in terms of physical health and mental well-being. Yes, there are the obvious physical benefits of staying supple and the reduction in aches and niggles that flows from this, but there are also additional physical gains to be had in terms of a stronger core and improved posture. We are also increasingly discovering that taking regular movement ‘brain breaks’ has a psychological effect, too, increasing blood flow and oxygen levels, which may give the brain a boost and help to reduce feelings of stress.

    Let’s break it down and take a closer look at some reasons to swap sedentary for active.


    1. Improves mobility or ‘the ability to move freely’

    Mobility is defined as ‘the ability to move, or be moved freely and easily’. To get the science bit over and done with, it’s the degree to which a joint can move (‘range of motion’) before being restricted by the surrounding soft tissue, such as tendons, muscle and ligaments. It’s a little different to flexibility which is how far a muscle can lengthen and is achieved through static stretching (although the two terms are often used interchangeably).

    As we age, or if we are sedentary for prolonged periods, our natural joint range of motion can become restricted. We might feel stiffer but are also in danger of injury as our bodies don’t move as naturally and smoothly as they should. Regular movement maintains mobility and helps keep niggles and aches, especially in prime spots like the lower back, at bay.

    2. Offsets the desk job


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