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50 Tips On Saving Money
50 Tips On Saving Money
50 Tips On Saving Money
Ebook34 pages28 minutes

50 Tips On Saving Money

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

I want to reassure you that spending isn't a wrong activity, however, there is something that should be taken more seriously than spending, and that is saving for your future. 


As you spend, you've also got to realize that you need to save because tomorrow always comes. Think about it like this; if you spend all the money you had and had nothing left, how do you survive? 


If everything you have now is taken away from you, will you still be alright? If you have been spending a lot and not saving, it may take a while for you to make adjustments with your finances, but if you are resilient and proactive, the steps you will find here will be of great help.

Release dateMar 15, 2018

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    Book preview

    50 Tips On Saving Money - Giovanni Rigters


    We will dive deep into different methods you can use that will help you save money. Why am I doing this? Why is it so important for you to know how to save money? Why can’t we just spend all the money and income we generated from our hard work now without thinking about tomorrow?

    Oh, I know you’ve got a lot of questions, and I can’t wait to give you all the answers to these questions.

    But before we get to answers I want you to know that the financial world is a volatile one, as such, anyone who wants to survive the volatility that comes with it must be armed with the right tools of knowledge.

    Saving and preserving are a part of our culture and our lives which we can track down even to ancient times.

    Even the holy books speak of saving, because wherever there are resources or the means to acquire resources one must think about preserving some of it.

    This book offers ways through which you can prepare for the future because when you save, you aren’t investing in the now but in tomorrow.

    You will discover the secrets to maintaining financial health. I want you to grab a glass of your favorite drink, jump on that very soft warm couch and continue reading with excitement, because not only will you learn a lot, you will be entertained along the way, also.

    Just one more thing before we continue. This book isn't just about me writing and you reading; the keyword here are tips or steps so at some point you will have to move away from the couch and apply the steps you are exposed to here.

    It is one thing to have solutions and another thing entirely to put what you have learned into action.

    Chapter One

    The concept of

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