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The Lost Book of the White
The Lost Book of the White
The Lost Book of the White
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The Lost Book of the White

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From #1 New York Times bestselling authors Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu comes the second book in the Eldest Curses series and a thrilling adventure for High Warlock Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, for whom a death-defying mission into the heart of evil is not just a job, it’s also a romantic getaway. The Lost Book of the White is a Shadowhunters novel.

Life is good for Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. They’re living together in a fabulous loft, their warlock son, Max, has started learning to walk, and the streets of New York are peaceful and quiet—as peaceful and quiet as they ever are, anyway.

Until the night that two old acquaintances break into Magnus’s apartment and steal the powerful Book of the White. Now Magnus and Alec will have to drop everything to get it back. They need to follow the thieves to Shanghai, they need to call some backup to accompany them, and they need a babysitter. Also, someone has stabbed Magnus with a strange magical weapon that is changing the very nature of his powers.

Fortunately, their backup consists of Clary, Jace, Isabelle, and newly minted Shadowhunter Simon. In Shanghai, they learn that a much darker threat awaits them. Magnus’s magic is growing unstable, and if they can’t stop the demons flooding into the city, they might have to follow them all the way back to the source—to the very realm of the dead.
Release dateSep 1, 2020

Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare is the author of the No. 1 New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly bestselling Shadowhunter Chronicles. She is also the co-author of the bestselling fantasy series Magisterium with Holly Black. The Shadowhunter Chronicles have been adapted as both a major motion picture and a television series. Her books have more than fifty million copies in print worldwide and have been translated into more than thirty-five languages. Cassandra lives in western Massachusetts with her husband and three fearsome cats.

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    The Lost Book of the White - Cassandra Clare


    Idris, 2007

    IT WAS NOT QUITE DAWN when Magnus Bane rode into the low clearing with death on his mind. He rarely came to Idris these days—that many Shadowhunters close together made him nervous—but he had to admit that the Angel had picked a pretty spot for the Nephilim’s home. The air was alpine and fresh, cold and clean. Pines shuffled affably against one another on the banks of the valley. Idris could be intense at times, gloomy and Gothic and full of foreboding, but this pocket of it felt like something from a German fairy tale. Perhaps that was why, despite all the Shadowhunters everywhere, his friend Ragnor Fell had built his house here.

    Ragnor was not a cheerful person, but he had unaccountably built a cheerful house. It was a squat stone cottage, sharply gabled in rye straw thatch. Magnus knew perfectly well that Ragnor had teleported the thatch directly from a tavern in North Yorkshire, to the consternation of its guests.

    As he trotted his horse down to the valley floor, he felt the troubles of the present fade. At the top of the valley, everything was terrible. Valentine Morgenstern was working very hard to start the war he wanted, and Magnus was so much more wrapped up in it than he would have wished. There was this boy, though, with these very hard-to-describe blue eyes.

    For a moment, though, it would just be Magnus and Ragnor again, as it had been so many times before. Then he would have to deal with the world and its problems, which would be arriving shortly in the form of Clary Fairchild.

    He left the horse behind the house and tried the front door, which was unlocked and swung open at his light touch. Magnus had presumed he’d find his friend engaged in drinking a cup of tea or reading a voluminous tome, but instead Ragnor was in the process of trashing his own living room. He was holding a wooden chair above his own head, in some kind of frenzy.

    Ragnor? Magnus offered, and in response Ragnor threw the chair against the stone wall, where it broke into splinters. Bad time? Magnus called.

    Ragnor seemed to notice Magnus for the first time. He held up one finger, as though telling Magnus to wait a moment, and then with great purpose he strode to the oak bombe chest across the room and, one after the other, pulled each of its drawers out, allowing each to fall and smash against the ground in a huge clatter of metal and porcelain. He straightened up, rolled his shoulders, and turned to Magnus.

    You have crazy eyes, Ragnor, said Magnus carefully.

    He was used to Ragnor being a relatively dapper gentleman, well-dressed, with a healthy glow to his green skin and a shine on the white horns that curved back from his forehead. The man before him would have seemed in bad shape no matter who he was, but for Ragnor, this was very, very bad. He looked lost, his glance flicking around the room as though trying to catch someone hiding just out of sight. Without preamble he said, in a loud, clear voice, "Do you know the expression sub specie aeternitatis?"

    Magnus was not sure what he’d expected Ragnor to say, but it had not been that. Something like ‘things as they really are’? Though that’s not the literal translation, of course. Already this conversation had gone completely off the rails.

    Yes, said Ragnor. Yes. It means, from the perspective of that which is really true, really and truly true. Not the illusions we see, that we pretend are real, but things with all illusions stripped away. Spinoza. After a moment he added thoughtfully, "That man could drink. Very good at grinding lenses, though."

    I have no idea what you’re talking about, Magnus said.

    Ragnor’s focus abruptly snapped and he looked straight into Magnus’s eyes, unblinking. "Do you know what existence is, sub specie aeternitatis? Not our world, not even the worlds that we know, but the whole of everything? I do."

    Do you now, said Magnus.

    Ragnor didn’t break his gaze. "It is demons, he said. It is evil. It is chaos all the way down, a bubbling cauldron of malevolent intent."

    Magnus sighed. His friend had become depressed. It happened to warlocks sometimes; the absurdity of the universe became somehow both more and less funny as their life spans stretched so far beyond any mundane’s. This was a dangerous path for Ragnor. Some things are nice, though, right? He tried to think of Ragnor’s favorite things. The sunrise over Fujiyama? A good old bottle of Tokay? That place we used to have coffee in the Hague, it came in those tiny thimbles and you could feel it burn its way to your stomach? He thought harder. How stupid an albatross looks when it lands on water?

    Ragnor finally blinked, many times in a row, and then dropped into the plaid-upholstered armchair behind him. I’m not depressed, Magnus.

    Sure, said Magnus, total existential nihilism, that’s regular old Ragnor.

    It has caught up with me, Magnus. All of it. Now the big guy’s after me. The biggest guy. Well, the second-biggest guy.

    Still a pretty big guy, Magnus agreed. Is this about Valentine? Because—

    Valentine! Ragnor barked. "Idiot Shadowhunter business, I’ve no patience for it. But the timing is good. For me to disappear. Anything bad happening in Idris right now is probably just part of this whole business with the Mortal Instruments. No reason for the agents of the real threat to question it."

    Magnus was getting fed up. You want to tell me what this is about? Since you asked me to come here? Said something about the matter’s great urgency? Can we have a cup of tea, or have you already smashed the kettle?

    Ragnor leaned in toward Magnus. "I’m faking my own death, Magnus."

    He chuckled, before turning and heading through a doorway toward, Magnus guessed, more redecorating. With reluctance, Magnus followed.

    For heaven’s sake, why? he called after Ragnor’s retreating back.

    I don’t know why now, Ragnor called back, but a bunch of them are coming back. You can’t kill them, you know, you can only send them away for a while, but then they come back. Oh yes, do they come back.

    Magnus was starting to wonder if Ragnor had finally lost it. Who?

    Ragnor suddenly appeared directly beside Magnus, emerging from what Magnus had thought was a closet but was, he now realized, a hallway. He says ‘who,’ Ragnor echoed sarcastically, and for a moment he sounded like his usual self. Who are we talking about? Demons! Greater Demons! What a name. Why did we let them name themselves? They’re not so great.

    Have you been drinking? Magnus said.

    All my life, Ragnor said. Let me say a name to you. You tell me if it means anything.



    Dear old Dad, said Magnus.


    Blobby sort of chap, said Magnus. Where are we going with this? Is one of them after you?


    Magnus sucked in air through his teeth. If Lilith was on Ragnor’s trail, that was very bad. Mother of Demons. Lover of Sammael.

    Right. Ragnor’s eyes flashed. "Not her. Him."

    Sammael? Magnus said, chuckling. No way.

    Yes, said Ragnor, with the sort of finality that made Magnus realize, with a sinking feeling, that Ragnor wasn’t kidding.

    Can I sit down or something? Magnus asked.

    THEY TOOK REFUGE IN THE wreckage of Ragnor’s bedroom. He’d managed to split the whole bed frame in two, which was a pretty impressive trick. Magnus sat on a desktop that had miraculously remained intact. Ragnor paced back and forth.

    Sammael, as everyone knows, is dead, Magnus said. He did something that started letting demons into our world, and then he was killed, people say by the Taxiarch—

    You know Sammael couldn’t truly be killed, Ragnor snapped impatiently. Much lesser demons than him come back eventually. He was always going to. And now he has.

    Fine, Magnus reasoned, but I don’t see what it has to do with you. I mean other than in the sense that it has to do with all of us. No, please don’t throw any furniture until you’ve explained.

    Ragnor lowered his hands, and a floor lamp that had been spinning lazily toward the ceiling fell to the ground with a clatter. He’s been looking for me. I don’t know why, but I can guess.

    Wait, Magnus said, his brain starting to catch up. If Sammael is back, why isn’t he, you know, wreaking havoc?

    He’s not all the way back. He can’t spend much time in our world, and he’s still just floating out there in some kind of void. I think he wants me to find him a realm.

    Magnus’s eyebrows went up. A realm?

    Ragnor nodded. A demon realm. One of the other dimensions in the cluster of soap bubbles that is our reality. He’ll be very weak at the start. He’ll need energy to build up his strength, build up his magic. If he can find a realm to claim for his own, he can make it into a kind of dynamo for his own power. And I, Ragnor Fell, am the world’s leading expert on dimensional magic.

    And its most humble. Why can’t he find his own realm?

    Oh, he probably would eventually. He’s probably been looking all this time. But demon time is not the same as human time. Or even warlock time. It could be hundreds more years before he returns. Or it could be tomorrow. He trailed off. In the corner, a wastebasket slowly tipped over and spilled its contents across the uneven planks of the floor.

    So you’re going to fake your own death. Doesn’t that seem—hasty?

    Do you understand, Ragnor roared, what it would mean for Sammael to return to his full might? If he returned to Lilith, and they joined their power together? It would be war, Magnus. War upon Earth. Total destruction. No more bottles of Tokay! No more albatrosses!

    What about other seabirds?

    Ragnor sighed and sat down next to Magnus. I have to go into hiding. I have to make Sammael think I’m gone where nobody can ever reach me. Ragnor Fell, the expert on dimensional magic, must disappear forever.

    Magnus processed that for a moment. He stood and walked out of the bedroom to regard the devastation Ragnor had wreaked upon his living room. He liked this house. It had been a place that felt like a second home for more than a hundred years. Ragnor had been his friend, his mentor, for many more years before that. He felt sad, and angry. Without turning back, he said, How will I find you?

    I’ll find you, said Ragnor, in whatever new persona I adopt. You’ll know me.

    We could have a code word, said Magnus.

    The code word, Ragnor said, "is that I will tell the story of the first night you, Magnus Bane, consumed the Eastern European plum brandy known as slivovice in the Czech tongue. I believe you sang a song that night, of your own composition."

    Maybe no code word, said Magnus. Maybe you can just wink or something.

    Ragnor shrugged. It should not take me long to reestablish myself. I wonder who I shall be. Anyway, if there is nothing more—

    There is, Magnus said. He turned and found that Ragnor had gotten up from the desk and come to join him in the living room. Magnus said quietly, I need the Book of the White.

    Ragnor began to chuckle and then broke into a heartier laugh. He slapped Magnus on the back. Magnus Bane, he said. "Keeping me drowning in Downworld intrigue to my fake last breath. Why, why could you possibly need the Book of the White now?"

    Magnus turned to face Ragnor. I need to wake up Jocelyn Fairchild.

    Ragnor laughed again. Amazing. Amazing! You not only need the Book of the White, you need to find it before Valentine Morgenstern. My friendship with you has always been a rich tapestry of terrible things happening, Magnus. I think I’ll miss it. He smiled. It’s in Wayland manor. In the library, inside another book.

    "It’s hidden in Valentine’s old house?"

    Ragnor smiled even wider. "Jocelyn hid it there. Inside a cookbook. Simple Recipes for Housewives, I believe it’s called. Remarkable woman. Terrible choice of husband. Anyway, I’m off." He began to make for the door.

    Wait. Magnus followed and tripped over what turned out to be a statue of a monkey cast in brass. Jocelyn’s daughter is on her way to ask you about the book right now.

    Ragnor’s eyebrows went up. Well, I can’t help her. I’m dead. You’ll have to pass on the information yourself. He turned to go.

    Wait, Magnus said again. How, um… how did you die?

    Killed by Valentine’s thugs, obviously, said Ragnor. That’s why I’m doing this now.

    Obviously, murmured Magnus.

    They were looking for the Book of the White themselves. There was a scuffle; I was killed. Ragnor looked impatient. Do I have to do everything for you? Here. He stomped past Magnus, pointed at the back wall with his left index finger, and began to write on it in fiery Abyssal script. "I’ll write it on the wall for you so you won’t forget."

    Really? Abyssal?

    ‘I… was… killed… by… Valentine’s… goons… because… they…’ He paused and glanced at Magnus. You never kept up your Abyssal, Magnus. This will be good practice for you. He turned back to the wall and resumed writing. ‘Now… I… am… dead… oh… no.’ There. Easy enough for you.

    Wait, Magnus said a third time, but he didn’t actually have anything to ask. He grabbed at a random glass jar, tipped over on top of the mantelpiece. You’re not taking your—he peered at the label and cocked an eyebrow at Ragnor—horn polish?

    My horns will have to go unpolished, Ragnor said. Get out of my way, I’m faking my own death now.

    I didn’t know you had to polish your horns.

    You do. Or at least you should. If you have horns. If you don’t want them to look dirty and unkempt. I’m leaving, Magnus.

    Finally Magnus’s composure broke. Do you have to? he said, sounding to his own ears like a petulant child. "This is insane, Ragnor. You don’t have to die to protect yourself. We can talk to the Spiral Labyrinth. You don’t have to deal with this alone. You have friends! Powerful friends! Such as myself!"

    Ragnor gazed at Magnus for a long moment. Eventually, he walked over and with great solemnity gave his friend a hug. Magnus reflected that this was perhaps their fifth or sixth hug in their hundreds of years of friendship. Ragnor was not much for physical touch.

    This is my problem, and I will deal with it myself, said Ragnor. My dignity demands it.

    What I’m saying, said Magnus, "is that you don’t have to."

    Ragnor stepped away and looked at him sadly. I do, though. He turned to go.

    Magnus looked at the letters of fire on the wall, now fading to invisibility. I don’t know why I’m making such a big deal of this, he said. You just love a dramatic gesture. We’ll see if this ‘fake death’ thing lasts a week before you get bored and show up in my apartment with your crokinole set.

    Ragnor chuckled and vanished without another word.

    Magnus stood there for a long time, staring at the empty space where Ragnor used to be. His former mentor had taken no luggage, not a change of clothes or a toothbrush. He had simply disappeared from the world.

    The front door hung open, as Ragnor had left it. It looked better for the scenario he was trying to portray, but it gnawed at Magnus like a wound, and after a short while he closed it gently.

    In the ruins of Ragnor’s kitchen Magnus found an enormous clay tobacco pipe, and in the ruins of the bathroom a jar of a rare dried leaf, of Idrisian origin, that had been popular for Shadowhunters to smoke back when Magnus himself was a child, hundreds of years ago. For Ragnor’s sake, for old times’ sake, he lit the pipe and puffed on it thoughtfully.

    From the window he watched the steady footfalls of Clary Fairchild’s and Sebastian Verlac’s horses as they descended into the clearing to meet him.

    PART I

    New York


    The Sleep Thorn

    September 2010

    IT WAS LATE, AND UNTIL a moment ago, all had been quiet. Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn, sat in his living room on his favorite chair, open book facedown in his lap, and watched the latch of his top-story window jiggle. For the last week, somebody had been prodding and testing the magical wards protecting his apartment. Now it seemed they had decided to prod more directly.

    Magnus thought this a foolish decision on their part. Warlocks kept late hours, for one thing. For another, he lived with a Shadowhunter—who was currently out on patrol, true, but Magnus was fully capable of defending himself, even in his pajamas. He cinched the belt of his black silk robe tighter and wiggled his fingers in front of him, feeling magic gather in them.

    He reflected that years ago he would have been much more casual about this kind of break-in, letting it play out naturally and trusting his instincts to lead him through. Now he sat pointing literal finger-guns at the window. Now his infant son was asleep just down the hall.

    At just over a year old, Max was sleeping through the night most of the time now. This was a relief, but also an inconvenience, because both of Max’s parents kept nocturnal hours. Max, on the other hand, kept military hours, waking every morning at five thirty with a cheerful shriek that Magnus both adored and dreaded.

    The window slid upward. Fire woke in both of Magnus’s palms, and magic blazed in the dark, sapphire-blue.

    A figure pulled its torso through the window and then froze. Framed in the opening was a Shadowhunter in full demon-hunting gear, bow looped over one shoulder. He looked surprised.

    Uh, hi, said Alec Lightwood. I’m home. Please don’t shoot me with magical rays.

    Magnus waved with both hands, blue lights paling, then winking out, leaving faint traces of smoke curling around his fingers. You usually use the door.

    Sometime I like the change of pace. Alec pulled himself the rest of the way in and closed the window behind him. Magnus gave him a look. Okay. Truth. A demon ate my keys.

    We go through so many keys. Magnus got up to embrace his boyfriend.

    Wait, no. I smell.

    There’s nothing wrong, proclaimed Magnus, moving his head toward Alec’s neck, "with the smell of the sweat of a hard night’s work—you do smell. What is that?"

    That, said Alec, is the musk of the common subway tunnel smoke demon.

    Oh, honey. Magnus kissed Alec’s neck anyway. He breathed through his mouth.

    Hang on, it’s mostly on the gear, said Alec. Magnus gave him a little space and he began taking it off: the bow, the quiver, his stele, some seraph blades, his leather jacket, his boots, his shirt.

    Let me help you with the rest of that, Magnus murmured as Alec finished unbuttoning the shirt, and Alec gave him a real smile, his blue eyes warm, and Magnus felt a wave of love thrum through him. Three years in, he still felt as strongly as ever for Alec. More so every day. Still. He marveled at it.

    Alec’s mouth quirked, and he shifted his gaze to the hallway past Magnus.

    He’s asleep, Magnus said, and kissed Alec’s mouth. Been asleep for hours. He moved to pull Alec toward the couch. Only a quick wiggle of his fingers, and the candles on the end table lit and the lamps dimmed.

    Alec laughed, low in his chest. We have a perfectly good bed, you know.

    Bed’s closer to the kid’s room. Quieter to stay here, Magnus murmured. Also, we would have to kick Chairman Meow off the bed.

    Aw, said Alec, dipping his head to kiss the hollow of Magnus’s throat. Magnus let his head fall back and allowed himself a little pleased moan. "He hates that."

    Hang on, said Magnus, stepping back. With a flourish, he divested himself of the robe, letting it fall into a pool of black silk around his feet. Underneath, he wore navy pajamas covered in small white anchors. Alec’s eyes narrowed.

    Well, I didn’t know this was happening, obviously, Magnus said. Or I would have worn something sexier than my fuzzy sailor pajamas.

    They are plenty sexy, said Alec, and then both of them froze, because a sudden scream rent the air. Alec closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, and Magnus could tell he was mentally counting to ten.

    I’ll go, said Alec.

    I’ll go, said Magnus. You just got home.

    No, no, I’ll go. I want to see him anyway. Still only in his trousers, Alec padded toward the hall to Max’s room. He looked over his shoulder at Magnus, shaking his head and smiling. Never fails, huh.

    Kid’s got a sixth sense, Magnus agreed. Rain check?

    Stay there.

    Magnus opened a little Portal to Max’s room to watch Alec pick up their son and rock him. Alec looked over at the Portal from his end and said, Sure, that seems much easier than just walking down the hall.

    I was told to stay here.

    Alec pointed at the Portal and said to Max, "Is that bapak? Do you see bapak?"

    Magnus had wanted to be called something that felt true to his own childhood, but it always felt strange. His own father, the human one, had been bapak, and when he said it to Max, he felt a little twinge, as though he were walking on his father’s grave.

    Max quickly calmed—these days a scream was more likely to be a nightmare than anything requiring more than soothing—and blinked sleepy eyes at Magnus, who smiled and wiggled little glittery sparks from the ends of his fingers at his child. A smile broke on Max’s face as his eyes drifted shut. He was already almost asleep again, one chubby blue arm flopping out to the side. Max’s skin was deep blue—that was his warlock mark, along with adorable stubs that Magnus suspected would grow into horns. Alec returned him to his crib. Magnus watched, marveling at the strange happiness of his life now, as a beautiful, extremely fit man with no shirt and startlingly blue eyes cared for the baby they had together. He cursed his own sentimentality and tried to think sexy thoughts.

    Alec looked up at him, and in the dim light Magnus could suddenly see how weary he looked. I, Alec declared, am going to go take a shower. Then I will return to you in the living room.

    Then probably another shower, said Magnus. Hurry back. He closed the Portal and returned to his book, a study of Scandinavian mythological artifacts and their owners and locations through history. He planned to begin thinking sexy thoughts again when Alec got back.

    Two minutes into Alec’s shower, which, based on Alec’s usual showers, was likely to last around twenty minutes, Max gave a sudden cry in his sleep. Magnus was immediately alert, and then, when no further sound came, relaxed again and returned to his reading.

    A few minutes later, he heard footsteps in the hallway. Magnus turned around fast. He wasn’t crazy; someone had been testing his wards and planning to break in.

    When he saw who appeared in the doorway, his heart sank. No matter what she was here for, nobody was going to be having any romantic times tonight.

    Shinyun Jung, he said, affecting a blasé tone. Are you here to try to kill me again?

    Shinyun Jung’s warlock mark was a supernaturally still face, her expression blank and secret no matter what she was feeling. The last time Magnus had seen her, she had been tied to a marble pillar to restrain her, her plot to bring the Prince of Hell Asmodeus to power ruined. Magnus had sympathy for her—she had rage and pain inside her that he could understand all too well. And he had not been upset when she somehow escaped Alec’s custody and they had not had to turn her over to the Clave.

    Now she stood before Magnus, impassive as ever. It took a great deal of time to break through your wards. They were very impressive.

    Not impressive enough, Magnus said.

    Shinyun shrugged. I needed to talk to you.

    We have a telephone, Magnus said. You could have just called. It’s not a great time, actually.

    I have some very, very good news, Shinyun said, which was not what Magnus had been expecting. Also, I need the Book of the White. You will give it to me.

    That was more what he had been expecting.

    Magnus considered whether to go into an explanation of why, despite his wishing Shinyun all the best in her life, nevertheless he was wary of giving her one of the most powerful spell books in existence, because of everything he knew about her and all the things she had done. Instead he said, I don’t have it anymore. I gave it to the Spiral Labyrinth. But what is this good news?

    Before she could speak, a second figure stepped into the room from the hallway.

    Magnus gasped.


    Ragnor, who had disappeared three years ago. Who had reassured Magnus he would be in touch soon. Magnus had waited, and then taken up an active search, and in the end he had concluded that Ragnor had been caught after all, that his ruse had failed, that he was dead in truth. Ragnor, who he had mourned for, and said good-bye to in his head, if not in his heart.

    Ragnor, holding Max.

    Magnus was rendered speechless. Under normal circumstances, he would have gone for his seventh-ever hug with Ragnor. But these weren’t normal circumstances. Shinyun was here, and there was something very odd about the way Ragnor was looking at Magnus.

    And the way he was holding Max. He held him indifferently, like a sack of flour. Max didn’t seem to mind, actually. He was still mostly asleep and blinking very slowly.

    So, said Ragnor, more sharply than Magnus would have expected, I see this happened. I always assumed you’d end up with one of these somehow, Magnus. But is it wise?

    "His name is Max, Magnus said. He was just going to take this one moment at a time. Someone had to take him in. So we did. He’s ours. How did you get in, anyway?"

    Ragnor chuckled, a familiar sound made eerie by its unexpected reappearance. Magnus Bane. So great in power, so soft in heart. Always taking in the helpless and needy. You’ve got a whole little shelter here, between the Shadowhunter and this little blueberry.

    Magnus was not sure that, given Ragnor’s attitude, he had the right to call Max a blueberry. It’s not like that, he said. He looked over at Shinyun, who watched the exchange with silent interest. We’re a family.

    Of course you are, said Ragnor. His eyes glittered.

    So, Magnus said, are you still fake dead? Or is this officially your return to life? Also, how do you know Shinyun? Also also, I think you should give me the baby.

    Shinyun spoke up. Ragnor and I are collaborating together on a project.

    Alec was still in the shower. Magnus considered making a sudden loud noise, although he really wanted to get Max back from Ragnor before that. He decided to stall. I hope you won’t mind, he said, "if I ask you about the nature of that project. Last time I saw you, Shinyun, my boyfriend was releasing you from imprisonment, in the hope that you’d learned an important lesson about working with Greater Demons, Princes of Hell, and the like. Specifically, we hoped that you’d learned not to work with them in future." The category of Greater Demons was broad—it included many types of intelligent fiends. Princes of Hell were far more powerful—they were former angels who had fallen when they fought on the side of Lucifer in the rebellion.

    Obviously, said Shinyun with a haughty air, I no longer serve a Greater Demon.

    Magnus let out a slow breath of relief.

    I serve, said Shinyun, "the Greatest Demon!"

    There was a pause.

    Capitalism? hazarded Magnus. You and Ragnor have started a small business and you’re looking for investors.

    I serve the greatest of the Nine now, said Shinyun in a gloating, triumphant tone that Magnus remembered well and hadn’t liked the first time around either. The Maker of the Way! The Eater of Worlds! The Reaper of Souls!

    The Wonder from Down Under? suggested Magnus. And Ragnor? Old buddy? Where are you on world-eating?

    I’ve come around to being in favor of it, Ragnor said.

    I should have mentioned earlier, said Shinyun. Ragnor is entirely under the thrall of my master. And my master has given him the gift of the Svefnthorn. From a scabbard at her side she drew a long, ugly iron spike, barbed along its blade and ending in a sharp point that was wickedly twisted like a corkscrew. It looked like a very goth fireplace poker.

    Magnus’s self-control snapped.

    Give me the baby, Ragnor, Magnus said. He got up and made for his friend.

    It’s very simple, Magnus, said Ragnor, shielding Max from Magnus’s grasp. Sammael, ruler of Greater Demons, the greatest of the Princes of Hell, is inevitably guaranteed to finish the job he started a thousand years ago, briefly interrupted by the nuisance of the Shadowhunters, and rule this realm, as he has ruled others. The inevitability of his victory, he went on conversationally, has—how should I put it—twisted my will with its nigh-infinite strength? Yes, that describes it quite well, I think.

    So faking your own death was basically pointless, said Magnus.

    Shinyun found me, Ragnor admitted. She was very highly motivated.

    Magnus had almost reached Ragnor, but Shinyun closed the distance shockingly quickly and held Magnus at Svefnthorn-point. Magnus stopped short and held up his hands in the classic pose of nonthreatening surrender. His heart was pounding. It was hard to concentrate while Ragnor had his hands on Max.

    You don’t understand, Shinyun said. "We’re not stealing the Book of the White from you. We’re giving you something in exchange. Something even more valuable."

    And with a jolt she jabbed the Svefnthorn into Magnus’s chest.

    It sank into his chest without any resistance from bone or muscle. Magnus felt no pain at all, nor any desire to move, even as the thorn pierced his heart. There was only a sort of terrible lassitude. He could sense his heart beating around the thorn. He didn’t want to look down, didn’t want to see it sticking out of his chest.

    Part of him couldn’t believe Ragnor was here, watching this. Watching, and not doing anything about it.

    Shinyun leaned forward and gave Magnus a kiss on the cheek. She twisted the thorn a half-turn, like the dial on a safe, then withdrew it. It exited as painlessly as it had entered, leaving a trail of cold red flames emerging from his chest in its wake. Magnus touched the flames, which passed through his fingers harmlessly. The wound didn’t hurt.

    The lassitude was beginning to clear. What have you done? Magnus said.

    As I said, Shinyun said, I’ve given you a great gift. The first part of it, anyway. And in exchange… we’ll be taking the Book of the White.

    I told you— Magnus began.

    Yes, but I knew you were lying, said Shinyun, because I already have the Book. I retrieved it from your child’s bedroom before I made myself known to you. As one would. If one were not stupid.

    Don’t take it to heart, Magnus, Ragnor said sympathetically. Sammael’s very will is bound up with the Book of the White, and his servants feel a constant pull toward its presence.

    Magnus had not known that, in fact, and would probably have left the Book of the White somewhere safer than among a pile of his son’s picture books if he had. I could do things to stop you leaving with the Book, he said, and saw Ragnor’s eyes narrow. And also, Alec is here. But you put me at a disadvantage. Ragnor, give me Max, and you can leave with the Book.

    We would leave with the Book regardless, Shinyun said, but Ragnor, who had never had much of an appetite for a physical fight, nodded.

    No funny business, he said to Magnus.

    Of course not, said Magnus.

    Ragnor came closer and handed the baby to Magnus, who carefully curled Max into the crook of his left arm. Then, in a sudden outburst of motion, he violently stabbed all five fingers of his right hand into Ragnor’s chest, in the general vicinity of his heart. Instantly, through the flow of magic within Ragnor’s body and into Magnus’s hand, he could sense the presence of Sammael’s control: a void, a place where the light of Ragnor’s life-essence fell away into blackness. With an effort, trying not to disturb Max, he attempted to draw it out from Ragnor.

    That’s funny business, Magnus! yelled Shinyun. She was pointing the Svefnthorn at Ragnor, manipulating it in subtle movements.

    Ragnor made a guttural noise deep in his chest as he struggled against Magnus. Then he tensed, and with a sudden strength cast Magnus away. Magnus was thrown back, lost his footing, and managed to fall onto the sofa behind him, cradling Max. The landing was soft, all things considered, but the fall was certainly surprising enough for Max to wake and immediately burst into tears.

    All the adults in the room stopped short where they were. Very quietly Ragnor said, Don’t feel bad, Magnus. The power granted to me by my fealty to Sammael is more than you, or any warlock, could overcome.

    Ragnor! Shinyun hissed. Quiet! The baby—

    She shrieked. And fell suddenly to the ground, the shaft of an arrow jutting from her calf. It was so surprising that Max fell silent again.

    Stay where you are! Alec yelled from the end of the hallway. Ragnor turned to gaze down the hallway with an expression of genuine, curious surprise.

    Magnus ought to involve himself in the melee, he knew, but he was sprawled on his couch underneath his infant son. With some effort he began the elaborate movements necessary to stand up and not drop Max. He considered, not for the first time, teleporting his child, and rejected the idea as not safe. He didn’t have time to get a Portal open. Maybe if he floated Max to the ceiling…

    His thoughts were interrupted by the telltale sound and shimmer of Shinyun opening a Portal of her own. Magnus had foolishly assumed she was out of the fight, and Ragnor was already making a beeline for the Portal. There was no way Magnus could catch him in time.

    But then

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