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Christmas Card Murder
Christmas Card Murder
Christmas Card Murder
Ebook352 pages6 hours

Christmas Card Murder

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Everyone dreams of a picture-perfect small-town Christmas, but when murder is in the cards, some holiday greetings are addressed to kill . . .

In the midst of holiday home renovations, Lucy Stone unwraps a murder mystery decades in the making when she discovers an old Christmas card with a nasty message inside. The case may be colder than a New England Christmas, but Lucy’s determined to sort it out before Santa comes to town.

The Island Times Christmas soiree gets off to a scroogey start when Hayley Powell, Mona Barnes, and Rosana Moretti receive a Christmas card from the town flirt, Carol Waterman, who threatens to run off with one of their husbands! The ladies chalk it up to an imprudent prank . . . until they find Carol mistletoe-up under her tree . . .
Slay bells ring when the body of Arborville High School’s beloved art teacher (and annual Christmas card designer), Karma Karling, is discovered on the first day of the Holiday Craft Fair. Now, Pamela Paterson and the Knit and Nibble crew must swap swatching for sleuthing in order to put a Christmas killer on ice.
Entertaining . . . a welcome anthology. Cozy readers seeking undemanding escape from real-life holiday hoopla will be satisfied.
Publishers Weekly

Release dateOct 27, 2020

Leslie Meier

Leslie Meier is the acclaimed author of the Lucy Stone Mysteries and has also written for Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. She lives in Harwich, Massachusetts, where she is currently at work on the next Lucy Stone mystery.

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    Christmas Card Murder - Leslie Meier



    Leslie Meier

    For Linda Randel and Helene Androski

    Chapter One

    People who made their beds every morning were 206 times more likely to be millionaires. That was the interesting factoid that Lucy Stone was mulling as she smoothed the sheets on the bed she shared with her husband, Bill, finding it somewhat hard to believe. She gave the blanket a yank and pulled up the comforter, noting that it was definitely beginning to fray along the top edge. She plumped up her pillow and set it in place, then added Bill’s, thinking that she had been making her bed every morning since she was eight years old, and was still rather far from achieving millionaire status.

    As she propped an accent pillow against the sleeping pillows, in its spot in the exact center of the bed, she considered various millionaires and billionaires, assessing their bed-making potential. Bill Gates, for example, probably made his bed as a kid, but now had people to do it for him; while she rather doubted that Mark Zuckerberg had ever made his bed. She couldn’t quite picture Donald Trump making his bed, either. Even in military school he probably paid some kid to do it for him. Warren Buffett, on the other hand, probably still made his own bed, unless he had a wife to do it for him.

    Come to think of it, weren’t most millionaires and billionaires men? And wasn’t bed making something that wives usually did? Or was she stuck in some sexist role model that no longer existed? Maybe Bill should make the bed, she thought, examining the worn blue-and-white French toile comforter she’d bought on sale years ago at Country Cousins, along with the coordinating linens and accent pillow. No, she decided, he’d make a mess of it; he probably didn’t even know how to make hospital corners and would pretend it was a much-too-complicated task for him to learn.

    Right, she thought, feeling the prickling of discontent. A man who made his living as a restoration carpenter, a man who could miter ogee moldings, couldn’t make a hospital corner? She gave his pillow rather a hard smack and straightened up, banging her head right into the low, angled ceiling beside the dormer, which was a feature of their restored antique farmhouse in Tinker’s Cove, Maine. A rather inconvenient feature, which required a certain amount of mindfulness when getting in or out of bed, or, in her case, when making the bed.

    This wasn’t the first time she’d banged her head on the ceiling, and she suspected it wouldn’t be the last, but that didn’t make it any less painful. If anything, it made her feel extremely stupid for letting her emotions get the better of her and causing her to forget the edge of the dormer. She sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed her head, waiting for the pain to subside and hoping she wouldn’t get a headache. Please, not today, she thought, she had too much to do.

    Christmas was coming, as it did every year, and she had a long to-do list of holiday tasks that would have to be squeezed in between the demands of her job as a part-time reporter for the Pennysaver, as well as her responsibilities as a wife, mother, and grandmother. She was the one who made Christmas happen for her family, and she didn’t want to disappoint them. That meant shopping and decorating and baking, and finding time to write those Christmas cards. They were a nuisance to send, but she loved getting them and hearing from old friends, especially the dear ones who sent long, newsy, handwritten letters and tucked them in their cards.

    The pain was ebbing and she carefully stood up, crouching a bit until she got clear of the sloping ceiling. How long had she been doing this maneuver? Too long, she decided, wondering if she could rearrange the furniture so that the bed wasn’t under the lowest part of the ceiling. Not possible, she realized, as the dresser was too tall to fit, as was her mirrored vanity table. The bed was where it was because it was the only piece of furniture that would fit in that cozy corner.

    She hung her nightie on the hook in the closet and left the room, stepping into the hall, where she had a sudden insight. What if they broke through the wall into the next room? It would give them a generously-sized master bedroom, with plenty of headroom. There were four bedrooms on the second floor, but they didn’t need them all. Not anymore. Toby had married and left years ago, and was now living in Alaska with his wife, Molly, and their son, Patrick. Elizabeth had also flown the nest, making her home and career in Paris, where she was a concierge at the tony Cavendish Hotel. Sara, next in line, had recently departed for an internship in Boston at the Museum of Science, hoping it would lead to a job, and was subletting a basement efficiency in Quincy from a friend of a friend who was an artist-in-residence at Vassar. Only Zoe remained at home, hopefully finishing up her bachelor’s degree at nearby Winchester College. Even if they expanded into the next room, which happened to be the smallest of the four bedrooms, Zoe would keep her room and they would still have a guest room for visits from Bill’s mom and the kids. They could even all visit at the same time, since there were twin beds in the guest room and Zoe’s room and sleep sofas in the family room and living room, too.

    There might be the possibility of adding a master bath and creating a genuine master suite, she realized, noting the location of the bathroom on the other side of her bedroom. Now that was an exciting thought, and lucky her, her husband happened to be finishing up his latest project and, as far as she knew, didn’t have anything lined up until February.

    Lucy spent the day in a happy fog, designing her longed-for master suite. The January sales were just around the corner, she could pick up some new curtains and linens quite cheaply. Maybe even add a sitting area, where she could retreat to read her favorite cozy mysteries. It was the possibility of that master bath that really excited her, however. She pictured an old-fashioned roll top tub, deep enough for a real soak, and there were such gorgeous faucets and vanities available. Should she go for a farmhouse look with distressed pine and aged bronze, or maybe a sort of Country French mood with a hand-painted vanity and porcelain faucet handles? She’d have to discuss her options with her best friend, Sue Finch, who knew all about these things.

    However, when she broached the subject to Bill that evening, after his favorite dinner of meat loaf and mashed potatoes, he was less than enthusiastic. It’s a bigger project than you think, Lucy, he said, thoughtfully stroking his beard, now touched with gray. And adding a bath, that might require some structural changes to support a tub.

    I think it sounds super, offered Zoe, helping herself to salad. We really need two bathrooms in the morning, when everybody’s trying to get ready at once.

    That’s right, said Lucy. Zoe could pop right into the shower without waiting for us—

    You’re forgetting about water pressure, said Bill, nodding sagely, and we just got a new water heater. We’d have to replace it with a larger one, and, you know, they don’t come cheap.

    But think how much it would add to the resale value of the house, said Lucy, in a last-ditch effort to save the project.

    We’re not planning on selling anytime soon, are we? countered Bill. And these things age out. A bath we added now would look dated by the time we’re ready to downsize.

    I suppose you’re right, said Lucy, probing her scalp and feeling the tender spot where she’d hit her head. I’ll just have to get a helmet to wear when I’m in the bedroom.

    It’s not that bad, insisted Bill. You simply have to keep your wits about you and remember that dormer near the bed.

    Lucy and Zoe shared a look, but neither one challenged Bill’s attempt to imply that Lucy had hit her head because of her own carelessness. Instead, they discussed what to pack in the box of presents they were going to send to Toby and his family in Alaska, which they knew they had to mail soon if it was going to arrive before Christmas.

    It has to get there in time, because Santa can’t be late, said Lucy.

    I wonder, mused Zoe, whether Patrick still believes in Santa Claus?

    Of course he does, insisted Bill, reaching for seconds.

    Later that night, when Lucy was tucked in bed and preparing to sleep, Bill suddenly sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. I forgot to shut the kitchen door, he said, turning back the covers.

    Oh, don’t bother about it, said Lucy, sleepily.

    No. If I don’t, the dog will wander into the family room and you know what happened last time.

    Lucy knew. Libby, their aging black Lab, had recently made herself a nest on the sectional, shredding a couple of throw pillows in the process.

    He sat on the side of the bed and stuck his feet into his slippers, then stood up carefully and made his way around the bed, keeping his head low. Lucy yawned, then turned on her side and shut her eyes. She heard him thump down the back stairs to the kitchen, heard the dog’s clicking nails as Libby got up from her doggy bed to greet him, heard the click of the latch when he shut the family room door, and heard him thump back up the stairs. She heard his footsteps as he crossed the hallway and entered the bedroom, and she heard a whump and an Owww when he cracked his head on the ceiling.

    I guess you forgot to keep your wits about you, said Lucy, flipping onto her back.

    Bill was sitting on the side of the bed, rubbing his forehead. I guess I deserved that, he said.

    Do you want me to get some ice for you?

    I’ll be all right, he said. Funny, I didn’t see any stars when I looked out the window on my way downstairs.

    Well, at least you haven’t lost your sense of humor. She paused. Any chance you’re reconsidering knocking through that wall?

    Okay, I admit it. You’re right. We’re getting too old for all this crouching and remembering to duck. He slid back under the covers and she snuggled against him.

    With a master bath? she asked.

    With a master bath, he said, sighing. I’ll start tomorrow, he promised, pulling her closer.

    * * *

    The next morning was Thursday, the day Lucy met her friends for breakfast at Jake’s Donut Shack. The weekly breakfast had become a way for the four women to stay in touch when their kids grew up and they no longer ran into each other at sports practices, PTA meetings, and bake sales. She always enjoyed getting together with Rachel Goodman, Sue Finch, and Pam Stillings, and today she was excited and eager to tell them about the master suite project.

    That’s a really good idea, said Rachel, approvingly. Too often people get stuck in a rut and don’t make the adaptations they need as they transition through the various stages of life. Your nest is emptying and it’s time for you and Bill to focus on your needs. Rachel, who was married to a successful local lawyer, had majored in psychology in college and had never gotten over it.

    That’s so true, offered Pam, who was married to Lucy’s boss, Ted.

    Enough of this talk, declared Sue. I want to know how you’re planning to decorate this fabulous master suite.

    Well, I was going to ask you for advice, said Lucy.

    Rachel and Pam both gave approving nods. They all knew that Sue was the most stylish member of the group, and her home was not only beautiful and comfortable, but always featured the newest trends. She was the first in Tinker’s Cove to have granite countertops and an under-mounted kitchen sink; she’d installed radiant heating and heated towel bars in her bathrooms; her latest improvement was a hands-free kitchen faucet.

    Well, get me a floor plan and I’ll see what I can come up with, she offered, taking a sip of coffee. You know what I’m seeing a lot now? Antique dressers converted into vanities, they give a bath a lot of character.

    Never thought of that, Lucy admitted as Norine, the waitress, arrived with their orders: a sunshine muffin for Rachel, granola and yogurt for Pam, hash and eggs for Lucy, and more black coffee for Sue.

    Wouldn’t kill you to eat something, she muttered, filling Sue’s cup.

    Sue tucked a lock of expensively-cut hair behind her ear with a perfectly-manicured hand and gave Norine a big smile. Thanks, but not today, she said, revealing freshly-whitened teeth.

    The others shared a look reflecting their suspicion that Sue survived on a diet of black coffee, white wine, and little else.

    What’s the exposure there? asked Sue, returning to her favorite subject. Does it face south?

    Uh, no, answered Lucy, biting into her toast. North.

    We’ll definitely have to warm it up then, Sue said as the wheels started to turn.

    * * *

    Returning home, Lucy was pleased to notice that Bill had installed a construction Dumpster in the driveway, and when she entered the house, she heard bangs and pounding that indicated demolition was already under way. She gave a yell, letting Bill know she was home and asking if it was safe to come up the stairs, and the banging stopped.

    Come on up, he invited.

    She made her way up the dusty stairs, stepping over stray bits of plaster and chunks of splintered wood, which had spilled into the hall, and gazed through the open door at the work in progress. Bill had packed up the breakables in cartons, and had shoved the furniture in both rooms away from the shared wall and tarped it. He was making steady progress dismantling the wall, which Lucy saw was not constructed with plasterboard, but instead had old-fashioned wood lathing and real plaster. Big chunks of plaster were strewn on the floor, along with piles of ripped lathing strips, and everything was covered with a thick layer of filthy, century-old dust.

    It’s one of the original walls, she said, taking in the mess and already having second thoughts. It’s kind of a shame to take down that plaster.

    It’ll be worth it, said Bill, leaning on his sledgehammer. It’ll be a good-sized room, and I’ve already figured out most of the bath.

    I forgot about demo and how messy it is, admitted Lucy, glancing at the shrouded furniture, which was covered with bits and pieces of wood and plaster, along with plenty of dust. Where are we going to sleep?

    Bill shrugged. Guest room?

    In twin beds?

    Sleep sofa downstairs?

    I guess so.

    Bill picked up the sledgehammer and swung it at the wall, causing Lucy to flinch at the sound of impact. She watched as a large hunk of plaster fell away. Bill bent down to pick it up, then leaned closer, looking into a newly-exposed area behind the baseboard. Hmm, there’s something here, he said, reaching into the space.

    Buried treasure? asked Lucy, smiling. Back when they first moved into the derelict old Maine farmhouse and began the long process of rehabbing it, they had often expressed the hope that they would uncover something valuable that would reward them for their efforts. Nothing had ever turned up, however, except for some old yellowed newspapers used in a feeble attempt at insulation.

    Sorry, said Bill, producing a bit of red-and-green cardboard. It’s just an old Christmas card.

    With a ten-dollar bill inside? asked Lucy, watching as Bill opened the card.

    Not quite, said Bill, handing it to her. Take a look.

    Lucy smiled at the plump image of the vintage Santa with his rosy cheeks, smoking pipe, and plump tummy, then opened the card. The printed sentiment was a standard Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, but the handwritten note beneath it certainly was not. She gasped in shock when she read the neatly-printed message: You lied and I hope you rot in hell.

    Chapter Two

    Lucy’s jaw dropped as she studied the message, noting that there was no signature, but the sender had scrawled the initials G and B.

    Whoever got this must have known the sender, whoever ‘GB’ was, said Lucy.

    It seems like ‘GB’ was pretty mad at someone. Bill was picking up broken bits of plaster and lath. But why do you think the card was received? Maybe GB lived here and wrote the card in a fit of anger and then decided not to send it and hid it away.

    Like putting a spell on someone by sticking pins in a voodoo doll?


    I don’t think so. Lucy studied the card. The recipient isn’t named for one thing. You’d need some sort of identification for a hex to work. I think this was received by someone who lived here in this very room.

    And hid the card, added Bill.

    Yeah. Lucy stared at the jolly, happy Santa. I wonder why they didn’t simply rip it up and get rid of it? That’s what I would have done. Do you think it could have fallen there, slipped behind the baseboard?

    Bill shook his head. No. The baseboard was quite tight against the wall. It would have taken some effort to wiggle it back there.

    Out of sight, out of mind. Lucy studied the style of the card. It’s not real old. Forties or fifties maybe?

    Bill shrugged. Could be older, I guess. That wall hasn’t been disturbed since the house was built in 1865. We had to rip out the exterior walls to put in insulation and new wiring, but we left the interior partitions in place.

    Yeah, but the paper’s not fragile, like you’d expect if it were over a hundred years old. It’s actually kind of thick and glossy, and the Santa has a fifties look, like those old Coca-Cola ads.

    It doesn’t seem right to use jolly old St. Nick to deliver such a nasty message. Bill was reaching for the sledgehammer, and Lucy figured she’d better get out of the way.

    I think there’s a story behind this, she said, heading for the door.

    And you’re gonna want to find out all about it, said Bill, giving a resigned sigh, before taking an especially forceful swing at the wall.

    You know it, said Lucy, stepping into the hallway. Whoever had received that card didn’t simply want to forget about it, they wanted to hide it. But why? Why the secrecy? Most people would be angry to get such a hateful message, and would have shared their indignation with loved ones, looking for sympathy and support. But this person had hidden the card, perhaps ashamed because the sender was justified. Maybe the recipient had lied about something that caused trouble for the sender. But what? Lucy started down the stairs, wondering what sort of lie could be so terrible that it merited consignment to hell everlasting.

    Her thoughts were interrupted by the ring tone of her cell phone, which she’d left on the kitchen table. She hurried down the steep back stairway and grabbed it, discovering the caller was Rachel.

    Hi, Lucy. I’m just wondering if you’re free for lunch tomorrow. Miss T is a bit out of sorts and I think she’d like some company besides me for a change.

    Lucy smiled. She knew that Rachel provided home care for Miss Julia Ward Howe Tilley, the town’s oldest resident. No one except Miss Tilley’s oldest and dearest friends dared to call her by her first name, and they were a sadly-diminished group as age took its relentless toll.

    Sure, she answered, checking her calendar and noting that apart from a Hat and Mitten Fund meeting, she had a free afternoon. That would be lovely. Can I bring something?

    Just yourself. See you at twelve?

    With bells on, answered Lucy. She wasn’t just saying that—the warm wool hat she wore during the Christmas season actually did have bells sewn on it and jingled merrily as she walked along.

    * * *

    The little bell on the door to the Pennysaver office also seemed to jingle merrily when Lucy arrived at the office the next morning. Phyllis, the receptionist, paused in her task of tying Christmas cards to a small fake tree and greeted her with a big smile. Phyllis, as always, was togged out for the holiday in a sweater that was liberally appliqued with reindeer and elves.

    All quiet on the Western front, said Lucy, noticing that Ted’s desk was vacant.

    Ted’s covering a story. Word just came that Philip Ratcliffe is up for parole and Ted’s interviewing the DA.

    Already? It seems as if it was only yesterday when he was convicted. She set her big handbag down on her desk and unzipped her parka, hanging it on the coatrack, as the memories flooded in. Seating herself at her desk and powering up her computer, she remembered the dread she’d felt when she’d learned that Sally Holmes was missing from her lifeguard post at the town beach. As the days wore on and she wasn’t found, anxiety grew as people concluded that a kidnapper was on the prowl and began to fear for their own teenage daughters. There had been a huge communal sigh of relief when Philip Ratcliffe was caught and sentenced to life. Do you think he’ll get out?

    It’s unlikely, said Phyllis, snapping the hole puncher that she was using on a Christmas card featuring a bright red cardinal. It gives me chills to think of what the prosecution said he did to that poor girl, she added as she threaded a thin red ribbon through the hole and tied the card to a branch with a neat bow.

    Me too, said Lucy, shuddering and resolving to push the whole sad affair to the back of her mind and get to work. She began by checking her e-mails, discovering only a couple of announcements for upcoming holiday events, including a concert at the high school and a display of antique Christmas cards at the historical society. Lucy decided both deserved previews and made appointments for interviews, then settled down to write up the Town Hall News column. It was close to noon when she finished and headed over to Miss Tilley’s.

    * * *

    The little gray-shingled Cape house was only a few blocks away, so Lucy walked, enjoying the sunny but brisk weather and the charming streetscape of the little coastal Maine town. She loved seeing the old houses, many built by sea captains and dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the occasional peeks at the bay, which was bright blue today. The sidewalk, made of granite slabs, buckled and dipped thanks to tree roots and frost heaves, so she watched her footing as she walked along, occasionally pausing to admire the various holiday decorations. Most of the stately homes were decked with tasteful garlands and wreaths, but a few free spirits indulged in displays of rooftop sleighs with reindeers, set inflatable Santas on their lawns, and draped thousands of colorful, twinkling lights on their trees and bushes.

    Miss Tilley went for none of that, of course. A single bough of fragrant balsam pine, with a narrow plaid ribbon tied in a modest bow that hung on the front door, was the sum total of her holiday décor. But the welcome that greeted Lucy when that door was opened was warm and friendly, and a delicious fragrance filled the air.

    Come on in out of the cold, invited Rachel.

    What are you cooking? asked Lucy, unzipping her parka. It smells fabulous.

    "Boeuf Bourguignon, it’s Julia Child’s recipe," replied Rachel, taking her coat and hanging it up on the hall tree.

    Sit here with me by the fire, invited Miss Tilley, who was seated in the front room. A toasty fire was blazing away in the fireplace, and Lucy eagerly went to join her old friend. Now I want to hear all the news, especially the parts that are unfit to print, continued Miss T, giving Lucy a big smile.

    Lunch will be ready in a few minutes, would you like a small sherry to stimulate your appetite? asked Rachel.

    I certainly would, and so would Lucy, asserted Miss Tilley, who was especially fond of a nice amontillado.

    Lovely, said Lucy, but make it small. We have that Hat and Mitten Fund meeting later and I can’t be falling asleep.

    Rachel promptly appeared with two glasses on a tray, setting it on the antique cobbler’s bench that served as a coffee table, then returned to the kitchen to finish preparing lunch.

    Cheers, said Miss Tilley, hoisting her glass and clinking it with Lucy’s. It’s Christmas, after all.

    Not for three weeks, said Lucy, taking a small sip of the golden liquid and finding it delicious and warming.

    It will be here before you know it, said Miss Tilley, with a sigh. I’ve got to buckle down and finish up my cards. She took a sip of wine. Though I don’t send too many these days.

    "Speaking of Christmas cards, I do have a bit of a story

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