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Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess (Divine Warriors Holiday Special)
Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess (Divine Warriors Holiday Special)
Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess (Divine Warriors Holiday Special)
Ebook20 pages11 minutes

Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess (Divine Warriors Holiday Special)

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The champion of the sea goddess must lead the holiday ritual to thank the sea. But if they can’t even read the words, how can Vilqa find the perfect gift?

Vilqa got the opportunity of a lifetime to serve the sea goddess, Sawycha. But being a Divine Warrior comes with lots of responsibilities, and Vilqa is struggling to keep up. They’re still learning how to read, and their leader, Riwenne, wrote down the ritual instructions with very messy handwriting. Vilqa needs help to decipher the ritual and figure out the right gift to show gratitude on Winter Solstice, the holiday for the sea.

Vilqa only has one day to prepare and avoid total humiliation.

“Vilqa’s Gift for the Sea Goddess” is a holiday short story in the Divine Warriors, a steampunk fantasy series for teens. It’s set a few months after the events of book three, but it can be enjoyed as a stand-alone.

Vilqa is a non-binary individual who uses they/them pronouns.

Release dateJul 24, 2020
Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess (Divine Warriors Holiday Special)

Kristen S. Walker

Fantasy author Kristen S. Walker dreams of being a pirate mermaid who can talk to sharks, but she settles for writing stories for teens and adults. She's proudly bisexual, Wiccan, a liberal feminist, and lives in northern California with her family and two rescued pets. To find out more about her stories, please visit

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    Book preview

    Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess (Divine Warriors Holiday Special) - Kristen S. Walker

    Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess

    Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess

    A Divine Warrior’s Holiday Story

    Kristen S. Walker

    Kristen S. Walker

    Vilqa’s Gift for the Sea Goddess

    Copyright © 2019 by Kristen S. Walker

    Cover Design: Kristen S. Walker

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    © Kristen S. Walker and

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    Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess

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    Also by Kristen S. Walker

    About the Author

    Vilqa's Gift for the Sea Goddess

    I ran my hand through my blue-green hair nervously. I’d just cut it short to keep it out of my eyes while I worked, but it felt weird, especially in the cold weather.

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