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Jack Kane and the Kaiser: Jack Kane, #2
Jack Kane and the Kaiser: Jack Kane, #2
Jack Kane and the Kaiser: Jack Kane, #2
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Jack Kane and the Kaiser: Jack Kane, #2

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Accidently getting the job done in the most round-about way possible. A hero's journey is rarely a straight line.


When Jack and Betsy meet Kaiser Wilhelm, they immediately suspect an assassination attempt is about to be made against him. They do everything they can to keep him safe, but little do they know the assassination they expect is coming from a different source with a completely different target.

Can the United States and the world survive the resolution? Can Jack survive Betsy?

Release dateJan 20, 2020
Jack Kane and the Kaiser: Jack Kane, #2

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    Jack Kane and the Kaiser - J. R. Murdock

    A group of people posing for the camera Description automatically generated

    Jack Kane

    and the Kaiser

    Jack Kane, book 2




    Jack Kane and the Kaiser

    This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

    Published by Champagne Book Group

    2373 NE Evergreen Avenue, Albany OR 97321 U.S.A.

    ~ * ~

    First Edition

    eISBN: 978-1-926681-11-5

    Copyright © 2019 Michell Plested & J.R. Murdock All rights reserved.

    Cover Art by Melody Pond

    Champagne Book Group supports copyright which encourages creativity and diverse voices, creates a rich culture, and promotes free speech. Thank you by complying by not scanning, uploading, and distributing this book via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher. Your purchase of an authorized electronic edition supports the author’s rights and hard work and allows Champagne Book Group to continue to bring readers fiction at its finest.


    For my family who continue to push me to greater and greater heights. – Michell

    To my lovely wife and my favorite daughter. – J.R.

    Chapter One

    Felonious Fenduke Filcher the Fourth—looking exactly nothing like the lord he claimed to be—hunched over the fuse of the small explosive device, magnifying glasses on his face. His once elegant coat was encrusted with filth, and his shirt could only be called a dull gray. The cravat was missing entirely; a cardinal sin for a man of his station. In fact, should Felonious have been discovered on the street in his current shabby state, anyone would have thought him a common chimney sweep or gutterman.

    Boss, you got anything you want us to be doin’? one of his large, gorilla-like henchmen asked. The man, missing part of a left ear, had to stoop over in the tunnel to keep from banging his head on the ceiling.

    Felonious ignored the man, fiddling with a sparker, trying to ignite the fuse.

    Boss? the man asked again, moving closer to his employer. I gots sometin’ that will light that explosive for you.

    Felonious gave the sparker another click before he threw it hard at the tunnel wall. Bother it all! He turned to his henchman, his eyes weirdly enlarged by the glasses. Well, don’t just stand there like the oaf you are, minion! Give me something to light this infernal fuse!

    The mountain of muscle, having stepped back when Felonious turned, spoke to his equally imposing companion. Squiggy, give me the matches, would ya?

    You got it, Lenny, Squiggy said. He fumbled through his pockets, massive sausage fingers almost too big to fit.

    Hurry up, gorilla. I don’t have all day! Felonious barked at the man. He stepped up to Squiggy and stood on his tiptoes, trying to get in the man’s face only succeeding in eyeballing his impressive chest.

    Sorry, Boss, the big man said when he finally extracted the matches from his pocket. He tentatively held out the box of matches.

    Felonious snatched the box from his hand, losing most of the matches to the fetid water that flowed around and over their feet. Fool! Now look what you made me do.

    Sorry again, Boss, Squiggy said, his expression much like a beaten dog’s.

    Come on, Squiggy. Let’s give the boss some room to work. Lenny put a beefy hand on his companion’s shoulder and led him back down the tunnel to where a large solid oak door leaned against the curved wall. Lenny grabbed it with his other hand and gave to it Squiggy. Hold this, would ya? When the boss lights that thing, he’s gonna need to get behind us and it.

    Sure thing, Lenny.

    Hey, Boss. What are you trying to do anyway? Lenny asked, yelling down the tunnel.

    Felonious momentarily stiffened when he was called and glared back at his henchmen. An experiment. Nothing more. I have a theory that the gases down here will ignite if an explosive is set off. The result should be spectacular. If I am correct, it will lead to bigger and better things.

    Like what? Lenny asked.

    Like mind your own business! Felonious said. Now, get that protection ready. I am about to light the fuse.

    Yes, Boss, Lenny and Squiggy said in unison. The henchmen each grabbed an end of the door and held it up horizontally so Felonious would be able to run under it.

    He nodded when he was certain they were ready. He struck a wooden match against the side of the matchbox and watched it ignite.

    The match head flared, transfixing Felonious for a moment. The flame burned down to his fingers. With a curse, he threw it into the water.

    Did you get the fuse lit? Lenny asked.

    Quiet! Felonious ordered. Your constant questions are distracting me. He struck another match, this time touching it to the fuse. The fuse caught and began to sputter.

    Boss! Lenny shouted. Boss, you need to get back here!

    Felonious ignored Lenny, continuing to watch the flame sparkle and flare its way down toward the explosive.

    Boss? Are you listening? You’ve got to get behind us, Lenny said again, his voice raising slightly.

    The flame continued to burn down toward its final end.

    Lenny handed the door to his friend. Squiggy, hold this. I’ve got to grab the boss before he blows himself up.

    I’ve got the door, Lenny. You do what you need to do with the boss.

    Lenny nodded and released his hold on the door. In three strides he was right behind Felonious. Boss, you’ve got to come with me right now.

    Felonious continued to ignore his henchman.

    Lenny, I think you’re almost out of time! Squiggy said.

    Lenny peered past Felonious. The flame was almost to the explosive.

    Without a second thought, the big man grabbed his employer in a bear hug. He turned and, holding Felonious, ran toward Squiggy and the protection of the oak door.

    The explosion caught him half a step short of safety. The initial detonation was relatively small but the tunnel was filled with sewer gas which immediately ignited. The small burst of fire from the bomb swelled and struck Lenny’s back with the force of a freight train, lifting him off his feet.

    He slammed into the oak door that Squiggy held in front of himself like a shield and pushed the door, his partner and his passenger down the tunnel like wind-swept paper.

    They finally came to a rest against the glazed brick wall of a junction in the tunnel almost a hundred yards away from where they started and lay in the calf-deep filthy water trying to regain their senses.

    Lenny’s ears rang from the deafening sound. At that moment he knew what an anvil must experience whenever a blacksmith hammered it. He shook his head to ensure it was still connected. It didn’t fall off which was a good thing. Not so good? There was something loose flapping on the left side of his head.

    He reached up to locate the flapping. His hand came away bloody.

    Squiggy stumbled to his feet and seemed to be trying to say something. At least, that’s what it looked like. His lips moved, but Lenny couldn’t quite make out the sounds.

    What? What are you saying, Squiggy?

    Squiggy cupped his hands around his mouth. Your ear. You’ve lost some more of your ear!

    Lenny heard that…barely. With a sigh, he pulled a purple polka dotted handkerchief from the breast pocket of his mangled suit and tied it around the wound. There was something terribly familiar about this whole thing.

    Squiggy tugged at his shoulder. Where’s the boss?

    The boss! Lenny jumped to his feet and hauled the water-logged form of Felonious up from under his body. Water poured off the man giving him the appearance of a drowned rat. A lump of something best left unidentified was smeared across his chest.

    Lenny pounded on Felonious’s back. Boss, are you okay?

    Felonious coughed out some water and looked around blearily. It worked, he managed to get out in something like a croak. The sewer gases amplified the explosion just as I predicted.

    Yeah, great work, Boss, Lenny said, carefully picking splinters of door out of Felonious’s clothes. Now, what do we do next?

    Before Felonious had a chance to speak, a prim and extremely proper figure came around the bend. The man, immaculate in his dress and straight as an arrow in his posture, strode toward them wearing hip waders carrying a chipped and grimy mug.

    The next step is tea time, the man said.

    Bennington? Lenny asked. What are you doin’ here?

    Let me just say, I have some experience in the master’s experiments and leave it at that, shall we? He proffered the grimy mug to Felonious. My lord, a mug of your favorite Napoleon brandy, just the way you like it. The slightest hint of pain crossed his face. Complete with coffee grounds.

    Chapter Two

    Winter had been a challenge. Not only had Jack needed to help deal with mountains of snow around the city, he’d also had to deal with his new roommate.

    The snow hadn’t been so difficult to handle. He had constructed three walkers for the city to use for keeping the streets clear. Each walker pulled a trailer behind it and would scoop up snow with a broad bucket and deposit it into the back. Once it had a full load, the driver went to the nearest designated park or empty lot and dumped the snow. To Jack, it was a simple matter. The biggest challenge had been painting them the right color of whitish-gray and putting the city logo on the front and back of each walker.

    Dealing with his new live-in partner…now that had been a chore. All his life Jack Kane had lived alone. He came and went as he pleased. Ate when he wanted. Slept when and if he chose. He could even make as much noise in the junkyard as the neighbors would allow. All without having to worry about someone complaining about what he was doing.

    …I say, Mr. Kane. You just aren’t listening to me at all, are you? Elizabeth Wilkes tapped him on the shoulder with her parasol. She adjusted her coat and shook her head.

    Jack gazed up into the dark sky. He’d always enjoyed his early morning walks with his dog, Franklin. He could just allow his mind to wander and dream up new ways to make life easier for the people of New York. Free. Unfettered. Uninterrupted.

    I’m sorry, Ms. Wilkes. I was just thinking about… He surely couldn’t tell Betsy he’d been thinking about his life before she became a full-time part of it. …the magnetic track I installed under the piers. I think I may be ready for a launch in a day or two.

    You know if you’d built another underwater vehicle I could have helped you complete that by now?

    Oh, I know. We were so busy with the White Walkers that there hadn’t been time. I’m just glad the ice hadn’t gotten too thick, and I could still get under water.

    What is it you’re planning on launching? The small capsule you built doesn’t appear to be large enough for either you or me to fit into.

    He hadn’t actually considered putting anything into it. I guess I should give that some more thought. It is a rather small projectile. Perhaps a rat or a small dog.

    Jack! How could you even consider launching a dog into space? That’s unthinkable.

    Well, it’s not like I’d be launching Franklin into space.

    Betsy stopped and knelt to pet the dog as he sniffed a dry spot on the sidewalk. She glanced up, pouting. You better not be thinking of putting this dear into space.

    Well, do you think we should get back? Perhaps have some breakfast? I’d like to do some more checking on the track today and maybe get to work on the project your father asked about. The snow will be melting soon, and he’ll want to know where we’re at with it.

    Why Mr. Kane. Are you concerned with what my father will think of your invention?

    Jack’s cheeks burned. Every time he’d been to see Mr. Wilkes, the man made sure to express his displeasure of her living in the same building as Jack.

    In point of fact, Jack and Betsy didn’t live in the same building. He still lived in his junk pile construct, while Betsy had taken over the main building where Felonious Fenduke Filcher the Fourth had lived. Together they’d destroyed his more nefarious inventions and repurposed others.

    They had even explored a number of the tunnels beneath the buildings and yard, but there was too much for even the pair of them to get through. As part of that exploration, Jack had also insisted they map everything as the tunnels appeared to go off under the city. There simply was no telling just how far they went.

    On one expedition they found themselves in the sewers while another time they descended into an abandoned tunnel partially filled with water. If they hadn’t kept a good map, they surely would have gotten lost.

    Jack offered his hand to Betsy and helped her stand. So shall we return to the Yard or keep going?

    After a slight shiver, Betsy nodded. "I think we should continue on for just a bit longer. Franklin doesn’t seem like he’s ready to go back just yet.

    The dog stood, head cocked, as if he’d heard something. The only thing about was the usual workers getting crates and trucks loaded or unloaded. The loaded cargo would be headed to the docks or the train station. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    Let’s go, boy. Jack gave Franklin’s leash a short tug. As he did, the dim morning light brightened as every manhole cover from Greenwich Street and all along North Moore Street blew into the air in an explosion of sound and light. Jack, Betsy and Franklin were knocked off their feet by the shaking ground.

    In a practiced series of movements, Jack rolled to his feet, adjusted his satchel, fetched the mask from inside his coat, and covered his face.

    Stay here. I need to see what’s happened.

    Seriously, Mr. Kane. You think you’re just going to run off and leave me here?

    He paused in mid-run. I…didn’t want you to get hurt.

    Betsy sniffed and held her hand out so he could help her up. After all these months, working together day and night, you still think I need you to be my savior?

    My mistake. He took Franklin’s leash and tied the dog to a fireplug on the corner. Holding his hand out for Betsy, he said, Shall we?

    Within seconds the two descended the open manhole. With the flip of a switch, Jack’s mask lit up the underground.

    Betsy lifted her pale-blue dress out of the water. Mr. Kane. I do think you’re going to owe me after this one.

    Owe her? He tried to leave her behind. She had insisted on coming along. How could her ruining her dress be his fault?

    Rather than argue, he said, Well, the circus is in town. I think I saw them pulling in just the other day.

    A trip to the circus? You really think that’s going to make up for this? She hiked her dress higher and raised her foot out of the muck.

    Clanging echoed from somewhere up the dark sewer tunnel. Jack jerked his head away from Betsy and focused up the tunnel. Before he could move, she grabbed the strap of his satchel. Without a word, she dipped her hand in and produced another headlamp.

    So many tunnels.

    Now I’m ready. I’m not happy, but I am ready.

    He wished she would take to wearing pants more often. But, she insisted on dressing like a lady. It made times like this so much more difficult. Sometimes Jack even wished he had another man as a partner.


    There were benefits to their relationship, though. She didn’t come at a problem as a man would and had pointed out many things he overlooked. She also dressed magnificently and smelled delightful. Something no man ever could.

    He just needed to take the good with the bad. If that meant selling another contraption so he could buy her a new dress, so be it. He could do that.

    If only her father were so easy to please.

    I think the noise came from this way. Jack pulled his foot out of the thick slime and trudged forward.

    A faint murmur of voices came from somewhere, but it was difficult to tell just from where they started. He’d seen the sewer maps before, and they were more extensive than Felonious’s own tunnels. Best to just keep moving and listening and hope they stumbled across whoever was down here blowing things up. The whole incident felt all too familiar.

    Chapter Three

    Bennington sat on his bed and pushed down on the top of the only other piece of furniture in his bedroom, a tiny desk. The top of the desk clicked and proceeded to unfold against the back wall, and a small screen raised up. A keyboard emerged at the same time as the screen until it was at hand-height.

    Bennington sat back and wiped an uncharacteristic bead of sweat from his brow. The call was not going to be pleasant. He didn’t need to be a genius to know that. Being a genius only meant he could think of the many ways it would be bad.

    He shook his head. Avoiding the call would not make it any more enjoyable nor would it solve the problem of his master’s increasingly erratic behavior.

    With a heavy sigh, he toggled a switch and activated the screen.

    For a moment, only a slight hum announced the fact the device was, in fact, activated. Then the faintest ghost of green tinted the screen.

    He tapped at the keyboard for a minute, the letters of his keystrokes being repeated on the screen. He took a deep breath and pressed the activation key.

    The green of the screen took on more depth, and the image of an empty room gradually came to light.


    That was promising. If the room was empty, Bennington might postpone the tongue-lashing he knew to be coming.

    Except, he was not a man prone to ignoring problems. It did not make them go away and really only prolonged the pain. No, he needed to deal with the issue now.

    Ahem! he said, clearing his throat loudly, hoping someone on the other end might be monitoring the channel.

    When no one came to acknowledge his challenge, he took more drastic measures. He stabbed at a red button on the keyboard and heard a corresponding klaxon sound in the empty room. It wasn’t subtle by any stretch of the imagination, but it would do the job.

    His efforts were rewarded within a minute of the klaxon. A much-disheveled but still regal woman opened the door and strode into the room.

    Even if her countenance did not grace a great deal of the world’s currency, Bennington would have known her for the queen she was.

    Bennington, is that you? she asked as she sat in front of her own device. That was reflected by her image which now faced him through his own monitor. Her cultured voice did an admirable job conveying her annoyance.

    Yes, Your Majesty. It is I, he responded. My apologies for the hour, Your Highness, but circumstances have continued to evolve here.

    The Queen ignored Bennington’s words, continuing to speak as if he had remained silent. You know, young man, I was quite vexed with you. You exposed an asset of considerable value when you allowed my ninjas to be compromised. They represented a considerable personal investment on my part.

    I do contritely…

    But the Queen was not done speaking. However, you also uncovered a significant threat to myself and the Crown. It is thanks to your not inconsiderable efforts to support your master and his work to cause chaos in the Americas that certain…elements felt safe enough to show their hands so I could act.

    He could not believe what he was hearing. Highness, forgive my forwardness, but are you praising my work?

    Do not take on any airs with me, Bennington. Make no mistake, you cocked things up epically, but you also did me a tremendous favor. That I will not forget…but if you foul things up like that again, I will also not forgive. Do I make myself clear?

    As crystal, Highness, Bennington said. And thank you.

    The Queen finally allowed a small smile. Dear Bennington. I am quite fond of you. It would be a shame if I had to take steps. Please see that the need never arises.

    I shall endeavor not to let you down, Your Majesty.

    See that you do. Now, out with it! You did not call me at this outrageous hour simply to give me the pleasure of administering a tongue-lashing.

    No, Your Majesty, I did not, Bennington said. I wanted to apprise you of Felonious’s latest enterprise.

    And that would be? Queen Victoria left the question hanging.

    He means to blow up portions of New York.

    The Queen tapped at her bottom lip with her forefinger. I applaud the scope of the plan, but isn’t it a bit…obvious? I am certain the authorities would be on the watch for an attack of that nature after your past escapades.

    Not the way he plans to carry out the explosions. He means to destroy New York by detonating explosives and the methane gas in the city’s sewer system.

    The Queen laughed out loud and slapped her hand down on the desk in her office causing a sharp crack on Bennington’s side to sound. Marvelous! I must make a point of not underestimating your Mr. Filcher. He may very well earn back that title he so covets.

    I will keep that information to myself, if you don’t mind, Your Majesty, Bennington said.

    See that you do. That is one carrot I do not intend to dangle until the time is right, the Queen said. Still, I approve of his grandiose scheme. Just see that you are not caught up in the fireworks!

    I will do as you ask, Your Majesty.

    ~ * ~

    How could this have happened? I planned so well and yet, all I managed to do was clean out the blasted sewers.

    Squiggy snickered and was immediately punched in the shoulder by Lenny. He stopped as fast as he started.

    But not fast enough.

    Felonious whirled to look at the now cringing man. Do you find something funny, minion? Perhaps you would care to share the joke with me? I’m known far and wide for my sense of humor, and I could certainly use a laugh now. Please tell me.

    I’d rather not, Boss, if it’s all the same to you, Squiggy said. It wasn’t particularly funny, and I’m not feeling very well right now.

    Oh, I insist, Felonious said. In fact, I think it’s safe to say, if you don’t do as I command, you will feel a great deal worse.

    Lenny nudged his friend. Go ahead, Squiggy. Tell the boss what he wants to know. In a much lower voice, he added, I’ll come visit you in the hospital, you lunkhead.

    The door to the room opened, and Bennington silently entered carrying a tea service. He raised an eyebrow at Squiggy’s obvious discomfort as he stepped up beside Felonious.

    Squiggy looked at Bennington then back at his boss, gulping before answering. "Well Boss, it’s like this. You said blasted sewer, and that was exactly what it was. You blew up the sewer so it was, in fact, blasted."

    Felonious considered that for a few

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