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Betrayal in Blue: A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, #3
Betrayal in Blue: A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, #3
Betrayal in Blue: A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, #3
Ebook343 pages6 hours

Betrayal in Blue: A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, #3

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"Cut off the head of the snake and another will grow in its place."


Attorney Zachary Blake returns with Police Captain Jack Dylan in this intense legal thriller. Dearborn, Michigan has enjoyed relative tranquility after beating white supremacists in the field and in the courtroom. However, a second group of dangerous bigots plots revenge for their fallen brothers. Their evil plan? To steal a cache of deadly Sarin Gas and release it in Dearborn. Jack Dylan and his team discover this terrorist plot and are set to diffuse it. At the last minute, the FBI usurps the investigation and achieves uncertain results. Furious with the FBI and operation's outcome, Jack defies orders, goes rogue and chases evil to the small, fishing town of Manistee. When his own plan goes awry, Dylan finds himself under arrest and on trial for murder. He calls on Zack Blake to defend him in the biggest trial the community has ever seen. The local cops and the FBI are hell-bent on convicting Dylan, while Blake and his team seek proof that things are not as they appear.


Can Zack pull off a courtroom miracle or will Jack fall victim to this Betrayal in Blue?

Release dateNov 19, 2019
Betrayal in Blue: A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, #3

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    Book preview

    Betrayal in Blue - Mark M. Bello





    Noah Thompson rushed into the office of Captain Jack Dylan and handed him a message, direct from a search of the dark web.

    Sarin in Dearborn? Are you shitting me? Jack pounded his desk. His morning coffee spilled all over the burglary file he was studying. Coffee was everywhere, flowing across the desk and dripping onto the floor. Jack didn’t notice. He was staring at the two-sentence message.

    What do we know, Noah?

    We don’t have any details, Jack, Noah advised. Thompson was the Dearborn Police Department’s technology guru. What you see is all we have. We’ve decided DB, together with ‘camel-cop,’ means that Dearborn, cops, and Muslims are the principal targets. This is probably some sort of revenge plot for the Blaine situation.

    We can’t take this lightly, Noah. Gather the team immediately.

    Chapter One


    he men around the table became quiet as they absorbed the news. They were an elite unit of Dearborn Michigan police officers, a task force that achieved some notoriety for bringing down a group of white supremacists after one member bombed the local mosque and an Islamic museum. In the process, the task force exonerated and rescued Arya Khan, a young Muslim woman falsely accused of murdering the mosque bomber and who, later, was held hostage by these homegrown terrorists.

    Their leader was Benjamin Blaine, head of the The Conservative Council and an icon/exemplar for numerous, similar groups. After their capture, trials, and many plea bargains, Blaine and seventeen others were now serving multiple life sentences in a Michigan prison.

    What do we know about sarin gas? How is it released? What kind of damage does it cause? Jack Dylan’s mind was racing as he addressed his elite group of cops.

    According to my limited internet research, sarin was developed by the Germans in 1938. No surprise there, I guess, Noah remarked.

    Go on . . .

    It has been associated with acts of terror in the past, as you probably know. There was the Japan subway attack in 1995, resulting in twelve deaths, fifty injuries, and five thousand afflicted with temporary blindness of some sort.

    Keep going, Noah, coaxed Shaheed Ali, Jack Dylan’s righthand man. Shaheed was lieutenant on the task force and its only Muslim. He and Arya Khan became an item following her rescue. Their relationship was the talk of the task force. Shaheed refused to provide the level of prurient detail his nosy and obnoxious colleagues were interested in, which caused them to be more curious and more obnoxious. Such was life in the brotherhood in blue.

    "It was used more recently in Syria last April, where more than ninety civilians were killed by the Syrian air force rockets of Bashar al-Assad. United Nations weapons inspectors have confirmed this incident. This stuff is lethal, guys. Sarin is a clear, colorless, tasteless liquid. Exposure to as little as a couple of drops of it in liquid form might cause death. It is incredibly volatile, turns to gas at room temperature, and can penetrate the skin. It attacks the nervous system, over-stimulating nerves that control muscle and gland functions. Sarin is almost thirty times deadlier than cyanide, if you can believe that.

    A victim might inhale or ingest it or might be exposed to it through skin or eye contact. It can remain on an affected person’s clothing for thirty minutes or so, which will not only expose that person but all the people he or she comes in contact with for that period. Noah stopped and surveyed the room. His colleagues were digesting the information, in stunned disbelief.

    What happens to someone exposed? Shaheed inquired.

    The victim will first experience a runny nose, chest tightness, and eye problems. After those initial symptoms, the person becomes nauseous and begins to drool as he or she loses muscle control in the mouth and throat. The next progression is full-fledged vomiting, loss of body functions, perhaps twitching, shaking, and jerking. Finally, the victim chokes, convulses, and dies from asphyxiation. The whole thing is over within minutes of exposure, Noah advised.

    Jack rose and began to pace around the room, thinking, indifferent to the presence of the others, virtually ignoring them, muttering to himself. He was a distinguished-looking middle-aged man, graying at the temples. Being a no-nonsense cop, he took this threat very seriously. Because of Arya Khan, Shaheed Ali, and the events of last year, Jack became a better cop, more aware of racism and bigotry in his community, someone whom the citizens respected.

    Suddenly, he stopped pacing and sat down at the head of the table, eyeballing his colleagues.

    These internet ramblings are obviously not enough to do anything with at the moment. Turning to Noah, he ordered, Noah, you and your team continue to monitor all internet activity. We need more details. Shaheed, I want you to investigate all white supremacist or nationalist groups in the area. I know the activity among such groups has been increasing over the past year. Look for which groups are most active in the Detroit Metropolitan area and which have close ties with Blaine and The Conservative Council. We are still recovering from the last incident. We have to stop this plot if that’s what it is. We have to stop it cold before it gains any traction.

    Got it, boss, Shaheed acknowledged.

    And by the way, Shaheed, get together with Noah and investigate whether or not the threat may be foreign rather than domestic. Sarin may have been invented in Germany, but its recent use has been limited to Middle Eastern countries and Islamic terrorists. The noise on the web could be a smokescreen for all we know. Better to be safe than sorry.


    Jack turned from his men and gazed out onto Michigan Avenue. It was a dreary spring day. The nasty weather mirrored how he was feeling after hearing the news of another potential terrorist attack in his beloved city.

    The leaves on the trees were in bloom. Dark clouds still blanketed the sky. A storm recently passed. Jack could hear an occasional angry horn as drivers weaved in and out of stop-and-go traffic.

    Commuters with their morning cups of coffee hurried along the sidewalks and streets of the city. The enveloping fog was eerie, like a tightening vice, given the possibility of a sarin gas attack in Dearborn proper. Was the fog a sign of evil about to descend on the city? Jack was startled out of his deep, trancelike state by Shaheed Ali.

    Boss? Jack? Earth to Jack? Shaheed interrupted his thoughts, amused.

    Jack shook himself back into the meeting and immediately turned to Andy Toller, a new cop on the task force. His primary talent was research and operational planning. Andy replaced Asher Granger, once a good cop and a trusted friend. Granger, it turned out, was more invested in the white nationalist agenda than being a loyal officer of the law. Ultimately, Benjamin Blaine killed him after Asher attempted to betray Blaine.

    Andy, Jack continued, I need you to get me everything you can on a black-market distribution of chemicals. If someone wanted to smuggle sarin gas into the city, how would they do it? Where are the obvious and less obvious points of entry? How would they weaponize it? Talk to narcotics officers in all local police departments. Talk to undercover operatives and snitches. I want to get a handle on the situation before making any decisions involving the Feds and Homeland Security. Got it? Jack was determined—all business.

    Got it, boss. Glad to be of service, Andy confirmed, pleased to be seeing some action and excited to prove himself to Jack and the others.

    Anybody have anything to add? Jack queried, looking around the room. Silence.

    Then let’s get to work. Sarin...shit! We must stop these guys...again.

    The men nodded, stone-faced. Was it déjà vu all over again?

    Chapter Two


    he Free America Party was a white supremacist/white nationalist organization headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky. An evil bigot and anti-Semite by the name of Barton Breitner chaired the organization. It was not a large group, but it was an active and angry one, livid over the recent events in Dearborn. Bart was a disciple of Benjamin Blaine, and his group was a splintered faction of the Conservative Council. Retribution for the Council’s downfall was the reason for the Party members’ meeting on a dark, foggy morning in Howell, Michigan.

    Howell is Livingston County’s seat, located northwest of Detroit and southeast of Lansing, nearly halfway in between Michigan’s largest city and its capital. It’s a small city, home to numerous festivals and events. People travel to Howell for its famous holiday parades. The city even placed second in a national newspaper’s 10 Best Main Streets contest.

    But Howell is also known for a dark side—in particular, its long association with the KKK. A white supremacist leader and Michigan Grand Dragon named Robert Miles regularly held KKK gatherings on his Howell farm. Miles died in 1992, but gatherings have continued well into the twenty-first century.

    During Miles’ lifetime, few ever questioned or criticized his behavior or rhetoric. Over the last several decades, citizens stepped up, and the dark perception of their city began to change. Still, many knew the history. Miles’ legacy and Howell’s split personality were important symbolic reasons why Breitner chose to hold the meeting there.

    Fifteen middle-aged white men crammed around a small table in a conference room at the Belview Inn on Barnhardt Drive. Breitner led the meeting. He was much younger than the eighty-five-year old Blaine, and his identity as a white nationalist was far less transparent. While Blaine and his men were unkempt, long-haired bikers with multiple tattoos (including swastikas) all over their bodies, Breitner and his group looked and dressed more like businessmen or professionals on a casual-dress retreat. Breitner, as an example, had well-groomed dark hair and was physically fit. In his khakis and polo shirt, he looked like a country club member who just completed a round of golf. Breitner had an authoritative air, a presence that defied disrespect. With Michelob in hand, Breitner addressed the group. The moment he stood, the room fell silent.

    We all know what happened to Ben Blaine, and I’m certain most, if not all, of you are aware of the parties responsible, he noted. They nodded in agreement.

    I refuse to allow their actions to go unpunished. So, I’ve called all of you here to discuss our revenge strategy.

    Breitner chose the participants carefully. All were very dedicated to the cause, loyal to him, and would blindly follow his orders, even those that imperiled their own life.

    What’s the plan, Bart? What do you have in mind? a member wondered.

    Have all of you familiarized yourself with sarin gas?

    Breitner looked around the room. Confused looks abounded. All read the memo and recognized sarin as a chemical weapon, but they struggled to imagine how they could access it. Only one man, unnoticed at that moment of revelation, seemed shocked at the mention of sarin.

    Sarin has been used in the Middle East, most recently by the Syrian government against the rebels. It’s a gas that attacks a person’s nervous system and causes almost immediate nausea, headaches, and blurred vision. Those exposed convulse, lose consciousness, and die shortly afterward. It all happens pretty quickly.

    Damn, exclaimed one stunned attendee.

    So, what’s that got to do with us? another wondered.

    What if I told you I could get my hands on enough sarin to wipe out the entire Dearborn Police Department and every worshipper at a certain Dearborn mosque? Breitner sneered.

    How do you plan to accomplish that?

    I have a lead on a supply of the gas that was supposed to be destroyed. As luck would have it, some brilliant bureaucrat decided to keep and store it in a secure warehouse in Virginia. A single guard stands on duty at any given time. One of the guards happens to be one of us. He has no record, and he is willing to look the other way either while we take what we need or help us confiscate the gas, Breitner advised.

    Every single member sat in stunned silence. They weren’t shocked Bart Breitner would use sarin gas on American citizens. They were shocked it was so readily available and guarded by someone loyal to Breitner.

    Sarin? One of them shouted. Guarded by a solitary man in Arlington, who is one of us? God Bless America!

    This is perfect, cried another. We pretend to overwhelm the guard, knock him out or something, and that way, he might still be in play if we ever need him again. Breitner and the others liked the idea. But the man, who was previously aghast at the mention of sarin, spoke out as the lone voice of reason.

    What do any of you really know about this? he queried. I was in Iraq and Syria, and I’ve seen what this type of stuff can do to people. I’m probably the only one in this room who knows firsthand how dangerous chemical weapons are. I saw a whole lot of suffering. It is a terrible way to die. I get the whole revenge thing, but we must draw a line somewhere. How do you plan to contain it so innocent people don’t get hurt? Isn’t there some other way?

    To an outsider, he seemed to be speaking common sense. To the group, he came across as a skeptic. Breitner, however, remained diplomatic.

    Of course, there are other ways, Stone, Breitner obliged. But we have access to this stuff now, and these assholes need to answer for Ben. We’re working on the issues, Stone. We won’t pull the trigger until we have all the answers. But . . . if a few civilians must die for the cause . . .

    Jonathan Stone was not intimidated and would not be silenced, considering the seriousness of the group’s contemplated actions. He adopted a hostile tone and demeanor that surprised the others in the room.

    What does that mean, Bart? How do you define a ‘few civilians’? Five? Ten? You can’t just fly off the damn handle without considering all the consequences, Bart. I’ve seen lots of death in my life, caused a lot of it, too, and I sure as hell don’t care about cops or camel jockeys dying. But these chemical guys have no idea what you’re talking about, let alone what you’re dealing with.

    Breitner was done listening to Stone’s bullshit. This was war, and the rules of war applied. "Shut the fuck up, Stone. I did my damn research, and I don’t have time to hear you run down every scenario. You’re worried about casualties? This is about casualties. If some others go down too, that’s a grim reminder not to cross us. We have access to the stuff now, so now is the time to act."

    But even Bart Breitner could not silence Stone. He was terrified of the group’s contemplated actions. I’ve got to be honest, Bart. I’m not a big fan of this plan. If we carry it out, the guys you choose to release the gas better really know what they are doing.

    With a contemptuous smile, Breitner hissed, You’ve got some balls, Stone, I’ll say that for you. You’ve also got the experience. Great! You get to lead the release team. Now shut up and listen.

    Another man changed the subject to diffuse the tension. What’s the timetable? Who do we have in D.C. or Virginia besides the guard?

    We do this ourselves, Breitner decided. We’ll drive to Virginia, grab the stuff, and transport it back here. The Virginia cops or the Feds will think something is about to happen in Virginia, and the local cops will have no idea the shit is about to hit the fan in Dearborn. As to the timetable, I would like to get my hands on the gas sometime in the next thirty to sixty days. We don’t have to hit the mosque or the police station that quickly, but I want to have the sarin ready for when we do. Let those cop fuckers try to guess what we’re going to do and when and where we are going to do it.

    Sounds like a plan, a member concurred with a sinister smile crossing his face. I like it. I can’t wait to see how much heat there is after the local cops or the Feds discover the stuff is missing. Afterward, we can monitor their movements and observe where their efforts are directed. I’ll bet they fall all over themselves thinking this is for a terrorist act in D.C. or Virginia. Their priority will be to protect the President and the Congress. No one would ever dream it’s in a truck headed for Dearborn.

    Exactly, Breitner grumbled. "We keep this on the down-low. We’ll be crossing four state lines and driving on toll roads. There will be more traffic cams than usual. If they suspect anything, we’re screwed. I suggest renting a small van–indistinguishable, with fake plates and the works. We have our guy in Arlington leave us another—larger, different, but just as nondescript—to pick up the gas from the warehouse. Then, we load it back into the van we go out in and dump the Arlington one. As soon as the cops realize the gas is missing, they will be looking for suspect vehicles around Virginia. By the time they figure anything out, given the small chance they do, we’ll have already made it back.

    We will need about four to six men. Do we have any volunteers?

    Every hand in the room but one, Stone’s, shot up in support. Breitner noticed Stone hadn’t volunteered. Is he going to keep challenging me? Will he be a problem? Breitner stared him down. Stone didn’t blink.

    Don’t worry, Stone. You’ve already won your place on the team. For the rest of you, we’ll draw straws. Peterson, you make some contacts to get us an untraceable van and plates.

    I’ll take care of it, offered Peterson.

    Then we have the beginning of a plan. Remember, limit communication over the phone and internet, but if you do, use the codes we have established. Peterson, Stone, the straw winners, and I will all meet back here tomorrow. The rest of you can check out and go home. We will notify you if and when we need you. And of course, we will need all of you when we implement the plan to release the sarin, got it? This meeting is adjourned.

    Revenge was at hand. No one at the table noticed the look of terror on Jon Stone’s face.

    Chapter Three


    couple of days later, Jack and his team were sitting in the conference room reassessing the sarin threat. No new information developed, but Jack insisted on constant updates out of caution. The Chief buzzed over the intercom.

    Jack, may I see you in my office?

    Jack proceeded over to Chief Acker’s office and sat down beside the desk. Across from him were two serious-looking individuals—a man and a woman, in dark suits. Jack noticed the man first. He was clearly the younger of the two and, despite a false air of confidence, must have been new to this line of work. With his hair neatly combed and his new suit, he was evidently trying to compensate for his age and inexperience. Jack turned to the woman. She was alluring yet intense, arguably more severe than Jack himself. Closer in age to Jack, she was at least ten years her partner’s senior. In stark contrast to her partner, she exuded the confidence of someone with much more experience. With her hair pulled back in a messy bun and subtle wrinkles in her jacket, she was a mirror of Jack’s own stress. He knew that look. What’s going on?

    Jack, Acker began. These are Agents Clare Gibson and Pete

    Westmore. They’re with the FBI’s Detroit Field Office."

    Great—Feds, I should have known.

    Nice to meet you both, he deadpanned. To what do I owe the pleasure?

    We’ve recently discovered your community has been linked online to a potential sarin gas threat, Gibson warned.

    Well, shit.

    Gibson continued. "A few days ago, a cryptic message appeared on a dark web forum commonly associated with domestic terror groups and white supremacist organizations. There was mention of both the gas and Dearborn, particularly police officers and, we be-

    lieve, the Muslim community. After what you all faced last year, the bureau felt it was in everyone’s best interest to inform you."

    What’s the risk assessment, Agent Gibson? The Chief wanted to know. The task force was a unique unit in the Dearborn Police Department, and unsubstantiated evidence didn’t require the Chief ’s approval. Up to now, Jack chose to leave the chief in the dark.

    We have placed your city on our alert list, but, according to information gathered thus far, the risk seems minimal. Larger cities see these kinds of threats all the time, and given Dearborn’s ethnic composition and recent history, it isn’t at all surprising. We will keep watching for online details, and our office will be standing by if necessary. All we ask is you remain alert and notify us if anything seems off.

    Well, thank you very much for informing us, Chief Acker retorted. Captain Dylan is the head of our new terrorism task force. The force keeps tabs on any significant threats to the community, and Jack’s team is more than willing to work with you. Aren’t you, Jack?

    Jack’s mind was spinning for the past several minutes. In fact, he missed most of what the agent and the Chief discussed.



    Your team will stay connected with the bureau, right?

    Of course we will, Chief. We’re on board, Agent . . . um . . . Jack stuttered.

    "Gibson. But please, Captain, you don’t need to do anything. We’re uniquely qualified to handle any significant threat that may develop. Dearborn and its police department only need to do what

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