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Care to Die
Care to Die
Care to Die
Ebook346 pages4 hours

Care to Die

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

When an old man is murdered at a Scottish nature reserve, DI Jim Carruthers investigates a web of deadly secrets reaching decades into the past.
While struggling to help his grieving colleague, Sergeant Andrea Fletcher, Detective Inspector Jim Carruthers is thrown into another troubling murder case. The body of an old man was discovered stabbed to death in a nature reserve—a ball of cloth rammed into the back of his throat. The only suspect is a local fifteen-year-old known for antisocial behavior. But the teenager has an alibi. 

When a second elderly man is murdered in the same fashion at the same locale, Carruthers suspects it’s the work of a serial killer. But when revelations about the first victim send Carruthers to Iceland to interview the man’s estranged son, the case becomes truly baffling.

The seemingly disconnected threads of investigation include the decades-old disappearance of a twelve-year-old boy, the brutal murder of a former journalist, and a bitter local dispute about a nature reserve. And when Carruthers and Fletcher put the pieces together, they will lead them straight into a killer’s path.
Release dateJun 1, 2017

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    Book preview

    Care to Die - Tana Collins


    The old man lies on his back, head turned towards her. His left arm thrown out in front of him, right leg bent beneath him. A pool of something dark stains the snow. But it’s his eyes that frighten her most. Wide open and terrified. She takes off a red mitten. Tentatively touches his hand with her bare skin. It feels as cold as ice. Now she knows she is staring death in the face. And not just death. Something worse.

    The wind picks up; a sudden rushing noise. The tops of the trees sway. Scrambling to her feet she screams – a loud lingering scream that pierces the stillness of the woods. Then she turns and runs. Icy air hits the back of her throat. Her mouth feels dry. Sheer terror makes her heart hammer in her chest.

    She tears through the silent woods. Adrenaline carrying her forward. Ghostly branches whip her face, ice from an elder tree cascades down her back. Her foot catches on something. She is propelled forward, her face slamming into the frozen earth. She feels the skin on her chin graze. She smells decaying leaves and earth. Her leg hurts where she has hit it against a tree stump. Whimpering she scrambles to her feet and runs.

    Her bare hand is cold. The taste of blood in her mouth where she’s bitten her tongue. It’s only now she realises she’s left the mitten behind.

    Breathless, she stops and squeezes herself through a gap in the old stone wall beside the Pink Building. She feels the heat from the run in her cheeks. The strap of the rucksack she carries over one shoulder catches on the jagged wall and with a huge effort she finally shrugs it loose.

    Her cry comes out in ragged sobs. The breath visible in the freezing air. Nearly out of the woods. Almost safe. Safe from whatever evil lurks in the forest. She still sees him. Bloodied, mutilated. Lying on the ground. Unmoving. Unimaginable horror etched in his dead eyes. She will never go back and play in the woods again. Never.

    Beyond the Pink Building her house is now in sight and she limps and cries towards what she knows will be the protective arms of her mother.


    The hard ground crunched under foot and the air is so cold that DI Jim Carruthers felt it hit his throat, then lungs. He saw a knot of people up ahead and recognised Dr Mackie, the pathologist. As he put on his latex gloves Carruthers looked around him cataloguing the details. The corpse was lying on its back under an ancient oak. The whole front of the chest was a mass of dried blackish blood. The left arm was stretched out at a right angle to the body, hand clenched. The victim’s right hand was lying across his chest. Carruthers’ eyes narrowed as he observed the darkened ground where the man had bled out.

    The scene of crime officers had already taped off the area. Carruthers started to stoop to duck under the red tape but Mackie stopped him.

    ‘You’ll have to stay behind the tape. Liu hasn’t finished photographing the body yet. He’s just away for a piss,’ said Mackie. Carruthers craned his neck to look at the corpse better and took in the mop of thick white hair, the whiskery chin that ended a long angular face, which was already starting to mottle. He turned to Mackie. ‘What can you tell me?’

    ‘We’ll know more with the PM, laddie. All I can tell you at the moment is that he sustained a stab wound to the chest, which could be the cause of death. Certainly deep enough.’ Dr Mackie shifted his weight from one knee to the other. It was accompanied by a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan. ‘In terms of a weapon you’ll be looking for a knife, kitchen or hunting, with a serrated edge. You’ll notice how the wound’s jagged.’

    Carruthers tried to peer at it from behind the tape. ‘Just one puncture wound?’

    ‘Aye, and done with some force, I’d say.’

    DS Andie Fletcher sneezed and tucked a tendril of dark hair behind her right ear. She was standing just outside the taped-up area. ‘Unlikely to be suicide then. And no weapon’s been found, Jim.’ Her breath was coming out in gasps and a gravelly voice hinted at a head cold. She was blowing on her hands and stamping her feet. ‘Christ, it’s parky.’ She dived in to the deep pocket of the coat she was wearing and put on her own latex gloves.

    A white flash startled Carruthers. ‘It’s January in Scotland. What do you expect?’ Both he and Fletcher looked up as the clipped voice of Liu announced the return to the locus of the police photographer.

    With difficulty Dr Mackie got up from the kneeling position and put his hand up to stop Carruthers from asking his next question. He placed his hands on the small of his back and straightened up.

    ‘Not as young as I used to be. My knees are the problem. Well, that and the hips.’

    ‘What do they say? Old age doesn’t come by itself. How long dead?’ said Carruthers.

    ‘Wouldn’t say that long. Rough estimate between twelve and twenty-four hours. Any longer and the body would start to freeze.’

    Carruthers could well believe that. Despite it being only January it had already been one of the coldest winters on record in Fife.

    ‘We need the PM to be definite,’ continued Mackie who was peering at the corpse. ‘There’s already been some evidence of animal activity. Possibly foxes. Poor buggers. They’ll be hungry.’ He licked his lips. ‘Reminds me we’ve got a nice bit of roast beef for supper tonight.’

    Carruthers shuddered. He observed Liu taking a series of photographs of the body from different angles, the constant flashing like strobe lighting. The watery sun was low in the sky and cast long dark shadows across the wood.

    ‘Your nose been in a fight with a cheese grater?’ asked Liu of Fletcher. ‘You look awful.’

    ‘Thanks for that.’ She blew her nose furiously.

    ‘He’s right,’ said Carruthers.

    ‘You’re all heart,’ she said.

    Carruthers turned to Dr Mackie. ‘Was he killed here?’

    ‘Every indication. There’s a fair amount of blood.’

    Fletcher angled her head to the side so she too could get a better look. ‘Appears to be in his late seventies.’

    ‘Any ID?’ asked Carruthers.

    ‘This’ll be what you’re looking for,’ said a young female officer. ‘The SOCOs have already bagged his effects.’ She gave a package to Fletcher who opened it and examined the contents before placing them back in the bag and throwing the bag over to Carruthers, who caught it deftly.

    ‘Wallet. Found in his back pocket. His RBS card says Ruiridh Fraser,’ said the officer.

    ‘And you are?’ asked Carruthers, appreciatively noting her natural white blond hair and fair looks. He wondered if she was of Scandinavian descent. More than likely if she came from the far north of Scotland. Her Shetland accent hadn’t escaped him.

    ‘PC Hutchison, sir. First on the scene.’

    Carruthers arched an eyebrow at her. ‘Don’t suppose we’ve got an address for him?’

    ‘We do, as it happens. Two Bridge Street, Cellardyke. Handy letter with him about overdue library books.’

    Carruthers looked over at the young officer, noting her wide eyes and earnest expression. He wondered if this was her first dead body.

    ‘Who found him?’ asked Fletcher.

    ‘Twelve-year-old girl, out playing, ma’am. Being interviewed at the moment. She’s in a bit of a state. Wouldn’t come back out to the woods to show us where she found it. But we’ve found this. Think it’s hers.’ She pointed to a child’s red mitten.

    ‘She being interviewed at home, then?’said Carruthers. ‘I take it she’s local?’

    ‘Yes, sir. Ten minutes’ walk from here.’

    ‘Unlike Ruiridh Fraser, if that’s who our body is. Cellardyke?’ said Carruthers, turning the package over. ‘That’s eight miles away. I wonder what he was doing here? There’s no sign of a car so how did he get here?’

    ‘Bus or a lift?’ said Fletcher.

    ‘Braidwood is part of a nature reserve so maybe he was out for a walk,’ said Mackie.

    ‘I thought this land was owned by the University of East of Scotland?’ said Carruthers.

    ‘It is. Well, the university owns the buildings, the meadow and the woods but there’s always been public access.’ Mackie gestured around him to the great sweep of land beyond the wood upon which stood several huge Victorian institutional stone buildings. ‘This is one of the places I go walking.’

    Carruthers knew Mackie enjoyed his exercise. He turned over the plastic-bagged library letter and looked at the address again. Since moving back to Scotland he had been living in Anstruther, a fishing village on the east coast of Fife, a stone’s throw from Cellardyke. They were practically neighbours. He took another long hard look at the man’s lined face, noting the white beard and still thick mass of wiry white hair.

    ‘Anything else on him?’

    ‘Twenty-five pounds, couple of bank cards, library card for Cellardyke library, organ donor card, and, like I said, a letter about overdue books,’ said PC Hutchison, tucking a stray strand of blond hair behind her ear.

    ‘We can rule out robbery then,’ said Fletcher. ‘Unless they were after his library books. Did you find a mobile or set of house keys?’

    ‘No,’ said Hutchison.

    ‘Pity.’ Carruthers scratched his eyebrow.

    ‘There’s something you’ll want to see in the wallet. Inside left,’ said the blonde officer.

    Carruthers flipped open the wallet. There was a passport-sized photograph of a child. The photo was old, the child blond.

    Carruthers studied it then closed the wallet and dropped it in to the plastic bag along with all the other effects.

    ‘We almost done here, laddie?’ Mackie asked Liu.

    ‘I’m finished.’ Liu slung his camera over his shoulder. ‘Got everything I need.’

    ‘Right, let’s get the body back to the mortuary,’ said Dr Mackie.

    Fletcher sneezed again.

    Carruthers handed her a tissue. ‘Look, I wouldn’t normally say this, but if you’re feeling really bad get yourself home. That’s an order.’

    ‘OK, I will do, but only after I visit Bridge Street. Find out if there’s a Mrs Fraser.’

    ‘Are you sure you’re up to it? Could give someone else the job.’

    ‘I need to do this. It’ll keep me sane.’ Fletcher’s face was set like granite. Carruthers knew when she got into this kind of mood, there was no point in arguing with her, even for her own good. It wasn’t just Fletcher’s cold that was bothering him. Four months ago she’d lost the baby she’d been carrying and was still finding it hard to settle back in to work.

    ‘Do you want me to come with you?’ he asked.

    ‘No, I’ll be fine.’

    ‘Well, take DS Watson with you, will you?’

    Fletcher nodded. ‘I’ll organise for a couple of uniforms to go door-to-door around Braidwood too.’

    ‘In that case, I’ll accompany Dr Mackie back to the mortuary. Keep me posted.’

    Fletcher parked her car in one of the two public car parks overlooking Anstruther harbour. As she opened her car door an icy gust coming straight off the cold North Sea wrenched it from her hand. A blast of freezing air hit her full in the face and she gasped. Getting out of the car with difficulty, she managed to finally shut the door on the second attempt. She turned up the collar of her coat. She knew she was just going through the motions at work. She felt dead inside. Had done ever since she’d lost the baby and Mark had left her.

    From there she set off on foot for Cellardyke. It was a five-minute walk from the harbour to Bridge Street. It hadn’t been hard to find. She knocked on the door of number two. There was no answer. She knocked again. Still silence. She took a couple of paces back, stepping into the road, craning her neck so she could see the upstairs windows. Bridge Street was a typical quaint Cellardyke street, narrow pavement, squashed together tall stone buildings. She took a throat sweet from her pocket, unwrapped it and popped it in her mouth. Placed the wrapper into her coat pocket.

    The front door of a house two doors along opened and a middle-aged woman came out. She was muffled up against the cold.

    ‘Havenae seen him for a couple of days. You’re after Mr Fraser?’

    Fletcher nodded.‘That’s right. Who are you?’

    ‘Mrs Walker.’

    Fletcher showed her warrant card.

    The woman studied it. ‘Cannae be too careful.’ She sniffed. ‘Is this to do with the break-in? You’re a bit late. Happened last week. Didnae think he was going to report it.’

    ‘Break-in? When?’

    ‘Last Friday, I think.’

    ‘Much taken?’

    ‘I dinnae ken. He wouldnae tell me. Told me to mind my own business.’ She sniffed again.

    ‘Is there a Mrs Fraser?’

    ‘No. Lives alone.’

    ‘When did you last see him?’

    ‘Thursday, I think. He’s alright, Mr Fraser, isn’t he? I mean, nothing’s happened to him?’

    ‘So, no children then?’

    ‘Not as far as I know.’

    ‘You wouldn’t happen to have a key to the house, would you?’

    ‘I asked for one in case of emergencies, but he said there wasnae any need. Probably thought I’d be having a good poke about.’

    You probably would, thought Fletcher.

    ‘What can you tell me about him?’

    ‘No’ much. Keeps himself to himself. Doesnae have many visitors.’

    ‘Do you know how long he’s been here in Cellardyke or what he used to do for a living?’ said Fletcher.

    ‘No, like I said, he isnae much of one for talking. And I’ve only been here five years.’

    Fletcher nodded, imagining that this could be the type of place that you would have to be living at least twenty years before you were accepted as a member of the tight-knit community. She made a mental note to ask Jim about that.

    Fletcher fished her black spiral notebook out of her pocket. ‘Can you give me a description of him?’

    ‘Now you have got me worried. He’s awful crabbit but I wouldnae like to think of anything bad happening to him. He is alright, isn’t he?’

    ‘Just routine enquiries.’ Fletcher sneezed again and fished out a tissue. Her cold was starting to get the better of her. She felt as if she was wearing a snorkel.

    ‘This isnae much of a job for you, love. Do you no’ fancy getting married and settling down?’

    Fletcher stiffened. ‘You can be both married and in the police, Mrs Walker.’

    ‘Any kids?’

    She didn’t like the way the conversation was going and decided to head it off at the pass. Said through gritted teeth. ‘You were going to give me a description?’ She crunched rather than sucked her throat sweet.

    Fletcher listened politely as Fraser’s neighbour described the dead man. Thanking her she then bid a hasty goodbye. She knocked on the door of number one and a few other houses but there was no response. She returned to her car, sat behind the wheel with the engine off and allowed herself a little cry. Sleet was starting to lash the windscreen and the visibility across the harbour was poor. She could just make out the boats bobbing up and down. Told herself she was emotional because she was feeling lousy due to the cold but knew that wasn’t the real reason. She looked at her watch. There were a couple more jobs to do, including giving Carruthers a ring, then she could get back home, go to bed with some pills and block out reality for a few hours.

    ‘This is interesting,’ said Mackie.

    Carruthers peered over Dr Mackie’s shoulder. ‘What is?’

    ‘Tweezers please, Jodie.’

    Dr Mackie’s assistant handed over the tweezers without making eye contact with Carruthers. There was no reason why she should, but he had noticed that she hadn’t looked at him at all since he had arrived. Carruthers didn’t blame her. Months ago he’d told her he’d call with the promise of a drink and hadn’t. Life had got in the way and, if he was being honest, he had been holding out for his wife to take him back. That hadn’t happened.

    ‘This was what I was after,’ said Dr Mackie, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. ‘Aha.’

    He extracted a piece of white material from the open mouth of the corpse and examined it closely before dropping it into a stainless steel dish.

    ‘What is it?’ asked Carruthers, craning to take a look.

    ‘Looks like some sort of cloth. Pushed to the very back of his mouth. Almost down his throat.’

    ‘To keep him quiet, perhaps? Could he have choked? That caused his death?’

    ‘Hmm. Let’s find out shall we?’

    Carruthers took a deep breath as Mackie made a Y-incision from the sternum down to the pubic bone. Never a favourite pastime of his, going to post mortems. Carruthers was starting to feel sick. Of course, it could be due to the final nip of Talisker the night before. When he overdid the whisky it always gave him a queasy stomach.

    Mackie moved the skin and underlying tissues aside and removed the front of the rib cage to expose the organs. Carruthers tried to ignore the sawing sound Mackie’s work made, concentrating instead on the technical aspects in order to control the nausea. No more drinking on a school night, he told himself, but knew that was going to be a tough call at the moment. He was still smarting from his demotion from DCI back to DI after the punch up he’d had at the station with Alistair McGhee. He was lucky that he was still in his old office until they found a replacement for him. The stench of death was overpowering and Carruthers found himself craving a cigarette, normally a rare thing for him.

    Mackie was leaning over the stab wound. ‘Pierced him a good six inches. In terms of weapon, as I said at the locus, you’re looking for a sharp object with a serrated edge. Possibly a kitchen knife.’

    Mackie took off the clear protective shield he’d been wearing, cleaned it with a cloth he fished out from his pocket and replaced it.

    ‘Ah. I can see again. Always helps. Occupational hazard, getting splattered with blood and guts I’m afraid.’

    Carruthers felt the bile rise in his throat. He swallowed it back down. Opened his mouth. Took a deep breath. Best not do it through his nose. He’d much rather be at a safe distance behind the observation window but it wasn’t his style. He was a hands-on man. Always would be. In his book the moment he stopped wanting to be hands-on would be the day he quit the police.

    ‘I wonder what the significance is of the gag to the back of the throat?’ said Carruthers.

    ‘Well, it’s certainly interesting. I’m surprised I missed it at the scene,’ said Mackie.

    The deep husky tones of Jodie Pettigrew, the assistant ME, interrupted his reverie. ‘I would say it was symbolic, wouldn’t you? I think you’re probably looking for someone who knew the victim. Where did you say you found the body?’

    ‘Up at Braidwood,’ responded Carruthers, happy that Jodie was back talking to him, even if her comment did show her to be a little naïve.

    ‘The Old Mental Institution,’ said Dr Mackie.

    ‘Was it?’ asked Carruthers.

    ‘Amongst other things,’ Mackie continued. I believe it was originally built in the early 1800s, apart from the Pink Building that dates back to the mid-1500s. Architecture is a hobby of mine, Jim. As you know it’s now part of the University of East of Scotland. Well, if you’re going to die somewhere I can think of worse places.’

    ‘Time of death?’ asked Carruthers, watching Mackie as he cradled the heart in his hand.

    ‘I wouldn’t say he’s been dead any more than twenty-four hours. If pushed I would put his time of death at between 6pm and 9pm last night. This is probably what killed him though. See?’

    Carruthers did indeed see. He angled his neck so he got a closer view. The heart had a puncture wound to it.

    ‘Knife went straight in to the heart. That stab wound was almost certainly the cause of death, barring something like a fatal administering of poison.’

    ‘There are no defensive wounds,’ said Carruthers, picking up the hands and examining the palms. ‘I know no weapon’s been found. But humour me for a moment. Theoretically, could it have been suicide?’

    ‘He only has the one stab wound. Murder victims often incur multiple defensive wounds and a single, deliberate wound may be self-inflicted – but no, he couldn’t have done this to himself, not even theoretically.’

    ‘Anything else I should be aware of?’

    ‘From the angle of the wound, your murderer was a left-hander. There is one other thing.’ Mackie examined the heart more closely. ‘Heart was in an advanced state of disease. See these vegetations, or masses, that have formed? Endocarditis.’


    ‘It’s an infection causing inflammation of the endocardium which in turn causes damage to the heart valves. In other words, he was a very sick man.’

    Carruthers took in another sharp intake of breath as Mackie placed the heart in a metal container. It had been three weeks since his own brother had had a heart attack. The fit, non-smoking teetotaller. At the mention of another sick heart Carruthers felt his own chest tighten. He was two years younger than his brother, Alan. They weren’t close but Alan’s heart attack had hit him hard. Thankfully his brother had survived.

    ‘Going soft, Jim?’ asked Mackie.

    Ignoring him Carruthers once more focused on the ritual of the post mortem, watching as each organ was weighed and measured. Once the contents of the stomach had been dealt with, Dr Mackie picked up a small saw walking towards the victim’s head. Carruthers excused himself, citing a weak bladder. It was more than he could manage.

    Mackie chuckled. ‘Cigarettes are in the top pocket of my jacket, laddie,’ he said to Carruthers’ vanishing back. ‘After this we’re pretty much done. I’ll ring you if we discover anything else and as soon as we’ve got the toxicology test results back. I’ll leave Jodie to show you out.’ Carruthers lifted his hand in acknowledgement.

    Carruthers stood, back to his car, cigarette between thumb and forefinger. He saw Jodie walking towards him. ‘Look, Jodie, about not calling you …’

    Having taken great lungfuls of fresh air and now smoking the cigarette, he was feeling much better and rather foolish for leaving when he did. If truth be told, he was also a bit embarrassed to be seen smoking when he was usually so anti the habit. But since Alan’s heart attack he found himself craving all the things that were bad for him.

    ‘Och, it’s fine. It was just if you were at a loose end, that’s all. And obviously you weren’t.’

    ‘It’s not that. I wasn’t long out of my marriage.’ Deciding to keep the knowledge to himself that he’d been attracted to the girlfriend of a murder victim, he stubbed the cigarette out. He went towards the litter bin by the side of the building, placed the butt in it then looked at Jodie. Really looked at her, taking in her oval face, deep blue eyes, dark hair and sexy black eyebrows. He was starting to wish he had said ‘yes’ but the time hadn’t been right. He’d already had two women on his mind back then. There hadn’t been room for a third.

    ‘Oh, I didn’t realise. Mackie never said.’

    Carruthers, who’d started walking back to his car, stopped abruptly in his tracks and turned round so he was now facing Jodie. ‘Is it too late for us to go out for that drink?’ he asked. Jodie looked taken aback. ‘I know it was six months ago,’ Carruthers continued. ‘What I mean is, are you seeing someone else?’

    ‘Not at the moment.’ There was a pause. ‘Are you over your wife?’

    ‘As I’ll ever be.’

    A half smile played on her lips. ‘Honest answer. Any chance you’ll get back together?’

    ‘None whatsoever. Let’s just say it wasn’t an amicable separation. We haven’t stayed in touch,’ he added.

    She fell silent for a few seconds, then shrugged. ‘OK, why not?’

    ‘Great. What are you doing tomorrow? Do you fancy a quick bite to eat?’

    Jodie looked surprised. ‘Won’t you be caught up now you’ve got a murder on your hands?’

    ‘I still have to eat,’ he said, thinking of the endless nights he would be spending eating nothing more than pot noodle and sausage rolls and wanting to stave it off for as long as possible. ‘I can’t afford any more than an hour and I’ll most probably have to stay dry as I might need to get back to the station after. Do you want to come over to Anstruther? There’s a nice pub there called the Dreel Tavern. Serves good food. Or do you want to go somewhere else?’

    ‘Anstruther’s fine with me. See you at the Dreel at 7:30pm. Don’t be late.’ She smiled and turning walked back to the building. Carruthers watched her go.

    After spending several more hours at the station Carruthers started to head home. The wind had picked up and as he walked to his car he was buffeted by the gusts coming straight off the North Sea. Once he left the police station on the outskirts of Castletown he drove home through the inky darkness. There had been no fresh snowfall but the plummeting temperatures were starting to turn the wet snow to ice and he took extra care, mindful that the smaller country roads may not have been gritted. Silhouettes of trees cast

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