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Pretty Ugly Lies: A Gripping and Chilling Domestic Noir
Pretty Ugly Lies: A Gripping and Chilling Domestic Noir
Pretty Ugly Lies: A Gripping and Chilling Domestic Noir
Ebook291 pages5 hours

Pretty Ugly Lies: A Gripping and Chilling Domestic Noir

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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From a USA Today–bestselling author, a psychological thriller that asks: What would cause a woman to murder her own family?

Jo's idyllic life would make most people jealous. Until the day her daughter is abducted, and the only way to find her is to unravel her dark past.

Ellie is a devoted wife . . . until she discovers the pain of betrayal. Now vengeance is all she can think about.

Party girl Shayla knows how to hide her demons. But when she's confronted with a life-shattering choice, it will cost her everything.

June knows suffering intimately, though the smile she wears keeps it hidden.

Soon the lives of these four women intersect—and one of them is about to snap . . .
Release dateJul 18, 2018
Pretty Ugly Lies: A Gripping and Chilling Domestic Noir

Pamela Crane

To know PAMELA CRANE, you first need to know her husband. He sleeps with one eye open. He checks the knife block to make sure none are missing. Why? It could be because they have four kids and a farm full of mischievous animals. Or it could be because she writes murder mysteries, and about the occasional woman who has lost her marbles (not based on her real-life psyche, she swears!) Don't worry—her husband is safe...for now. Her books range from witty whodunnits to psychological suspense and even humorous women’s fiction thrown in for good measure. She’s a USA TODAY bestselling author of over a dozen novels (who’s counting?), but her biggest accomplishment is keeping her zoo of animals alive...and her husband in check. Grab a free book at

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Reviews for Pretty Ugly Lies

Rating: 3.9545454454545452 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a thrilling page-turner with well-developed characters and interconnected storylines. The book is easy to follow despite the multiple characters and keeps readers engaged with its mystery. Many readers were pleasantly surprised by how quickly they finished the book and enjoyed the satisfying ending. Overall, this book is highly recommended for thriller fans and those looking for an exciting read.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    wow, page turner , and it kept me on the edge of my seat, left me wanting more. rhe emdong brought it all together. loved the book..
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It was actually good. It took me a while to read it but was worth it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I couldn’t put this book down! Amazing writing! I can’t wait to read more!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was very surprised by this book and how quickly I went through it. It was a page turner for sure, and had a lot of different characters and backstories and it was interesting how they were all connected in various ways. (Although sometimes i lost track just a bit of who was connected to who and how, it still worked well), and it has some mystery as well. I find myself giving up on most books I try to read in the last few years. They just dont excite me or keep me wanting more, and as a lifelong reader it is a frustrating thing, but I read this book in a cpl days and enjoyed everything about it, it was all brought together nicely in the end and I'm going to read more of this author now. I would recommend this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Well this book had me hooked... I'm surprised because it was a different kind of book... There was 4 main families in this book and each chapter was taken in turn about each family... Usually when I start a book with lots of characters to learn I end up giving up but for some reason this one just flowed really well and was not that hard to follow at all... It had me hooked and couldn't wait to find out more... I recommend this book to all you thriller fans out there ?
    Especially that very 1st chapter that was so disturbing and drew you straight in you just had to carry on reading... Also Well-Done! To little Talia. C for creating your own short horror story at the end... Talented little girl ?
    This book is worth 4 stars ??????
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I did enjoy this book. I know some mothers often feel overwhelmed by their duties to husband and children, even though they love them very much. I did have to keep checking which woman I was reading about. It came as a complete surprise when I discovered who committed the crime.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Pretty Ugly Lies centers around the lives of four very different women, but yet their situations are all too similar. What they all share in common is the constant sacrifices they have made for their families, the endless responsibility, feelings of being underappreciated and unloved, and the realization that they have given up their lives and careers for the sake of their family. When it becomes all too much to handle, one of these women finally snaps leaving a deadly path of destruction that rocks the entire community.

    We start off with the murder of a husband and children, but we are left in the dark as to whom the killer may be and we are left wondering why and how a mother could do this to her family. Here starts our journey into the unknown and into the lives of each of these four women as we try to determine which one of them has lost their grip on reality.

    I get it, I really do. Having a family is a sacrifice, but it can also be very rewarding too. I may not have any children, but I do have two sisters. I am twenty years older than both of my siblings and they completely tortured me when they were young. Evil spawns who were determined to make my life miserable. So, I can understand the frustration and how easily it can be to snap. It also led me to the realization that I do not have a maternal instinct. Hence, why I have no children or the desire to have any children. It doesn't mean that I don't like children, I just like them when they aren’t mine. I also had the one thing these four women didn’t. I could leave any time I wanted as they were not my children. These women were stuck with kids, a husband, and responsibilities from the time they woke up until the time they went to sleep. Day after day after day...over and over again. This can take a toll on any mother at any time. So, I can sympathize with some of the thoughts and feelings each of these women are going through.

    “But darkness hid behind closed doors, climbed up the walls, wove a web that would eventually entrap them in misery. I’d been caught in that web”

    Pretty Ugly lies is told through four points of view. Each mother, while seeming to have their lives under control to the outside world, harbor deep and deadly secrets. Pamela Crane really did a fantastic job giving these women a unique voice that made them realistic and relatable. Crane has also given us a story that could have been ripped from the headlines. She gives us a glimpse into the Andrea Yates and the Susan Smith’s of this world. The story just grips you from the first page and as we get to know each of these women, you realize that figuring out who murdered their family is not as easy as it seems. Crane throws these red herrings out at us and slowly reals us in to the point where we think we know who did it, but we are so so wrong. You are completely left in the dark until the very end. I was floored and completely shocked with the reveal.

    Pamela Crane has a deadly grip on domestic noir at the highest level. Pretty Ugly Lies is a twisted tale that delves into the lives of seemingly normal women and veers off into secrets, lies, and a chilling conclusion that will take you through the intricate layers of a psychological thriller that often times blurs the lines of reality. Although this is the first book I have read by Pamela Crane, it certainly will not be the last. Pretty Ugly Lies is a five star read and one that I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pretty Ugly Lies by Pamela Crane is a 2018 Bloodhound Books publication. Pamela Crane’s dramatic thrillers never fail to draw me in. In this story, the author explores the dark side of motherhood and marriage, by giving us a peak into the lives of Jo, Ellie, Shayla, and June. Each of these women have a full plate and hidden thoughts about the mental toll of raising children and maintaining relationships with their husbands. It’s heavier than anyone fully knows or understands- with the pressure building and building until finally- one of them snaps… This is a dark, twisted thriller that packs a good potent punch! The inner thoughts of women who are putting on brave public front, who appear to have charmed lives or have everything together, but who are increasingly finding it harder and harder to cope with their realities. As per Crane’s usual style, the drama is heavy and unrelenting. We have a missing child, adulteries, mental illness, and neurodiversity, and it all culminates in murder. It’s a train wreck- but you know what they say about train wrecks- you can’t help but watch. The author delves into some pretty black territory, giving insights into what might propel someone to do the unthinkable. It was also a nod of understanding for the challenges mothers face, the thankless sacrifices, and the need for greater support from home and community. Overall, a chilling, thought provoking, breakneck thriller full of foreboding and suspense!

Book preview

Pretty Ugly Lies - Pamela Crane


15 Oleander Way

Blood draped around me like a winter coat, thick enough to taste, feel, wear. My fingers were intertwined with my dead husband’s, two platinum wedding bands of regret touching in a soft clink . My other hand clung to a knife with the lifeblood of my children smeared up to the hilt. I sat there, crouched in a puddle of crimson, realizing only one thing amid the blanket of fear that suffocated me: this was only the beginning of the end.

It was the beginning of death and the end of life. At least the life I knew. In their last flutter of heartbeats, I was swallowed up into a new life. A widowed life. A childless life. And I had wanted it mere hours ago—to be free of them all. Now suddenly it was more than I could bear.

Rising from my dead husband’s side, I dropped his limp hand as I shifted one step away. Other than the bloody ooze crawling across the blond acacia floor, the living room appeared immaculate. Every tasteful knickknack in its place, every sofa pillow plump and lint-free, every toy hidden from view. Even the framed art purchased from Pottery Barn hung perfectly straight on the walls.

All these beautiful things I’d spent a lifetime accumulating, putting in just the right place, tending to with dust cloths and lemon-scented cleaner, suddenly it all felt so meaningless. All of it a waste of time.

Where were my family pictures? Where were my children’s stacks of schoolwork spread all over the dining room table? Where were the piles of food-encrusted dishes from a home-cooked family brunch, or dirty cleats scattering blades of grass and chunks of mud all over the entryway?

A museum, that was my home. I lived in a hollow museum—or perhaps a mausoleum was more fitting. No signs of life, no signs of family. Just a sterile block of walls and ceilings and pastoral artwork. This was the lifestyle suburban families like mine slavishly followed—organized and neat, down to the fescue grass in the yard cut to a recommended height of three inches. But darkness hid behind closed doors, climbed up the walls, wove a web that would eventually entrap them in misery.

I’d been caught in that web.

As I heard the distant police sirens screaming, I knew they were coming for me. I imagined the headline: Mom Snaps and Murders Family. Such headlines plagued the news more and more these days. Why? Why were we all losing it?

Was it because we felt neglected, taken advantage of, unloved? Were mothers being torn in too many directions, expected to be more, more than just a mom? A maid, a chef, a tutor, a breadwinner, a chauffeur, a prostitute. Because that’s what we were, weren’t we? Expected to give sex in exchange for a husband’s paycheck? And if we didn’t, well, he shopped somewhere else.

I looked at my husband, a man who a lifetime ago fulfilled me, charmed me, enthralled me. Where had he gone? Where had we gone? A part of me wanted to say good riddance; the other part of me ached to breathe life back into his mouth that had wounded me so deeply.

Blinking blue and red lights illuminated the living room. They arrived faster than I expected. I had placed the call mere minutes ago, though to me it felt like grueling hours. I considered going back upstairs to where my children’s bodies lay—draped across the playroom sofa and spread-eagled on the floor—in front of a moronic kiddie show on TV I had forgotten to turn off, restful as if they were sleeping. But I knew better. Their last breaths had departed for good. I had checked, just to be sure.

Circling my dead husband’s body, a single piece of paper fluttered in my breezy wake. I picked it up, gently rubbing the bruise spreading across my knuckles, then skimmed the familiar handwriting. The first lines captured exactly how I felt, though I would never admit it aloud:

Sorry isn’t enough anymore. Sorry can’t fix what’s broken.

Sometimes a sacrifice is the only way to start over again. This is one of those times.

My legs grew unsteady as the stench of blood saturated the room. Exhausted yet eerily calm, I sat on my overpriced Italian leather living room sofa, waiting. From upstairs, the bombastic sound effects from SpongeBob SquarePants drifted down to the first floor. The kids always did like to blast the TV volume, no matter how many times I screamed at them to turn it down. No more.

I wondered if I’d ever hear children’s programming again.

I closed my eyes to the death, though I could still smell it, taste it. You never expect death to be so palpable until you experience it firsthand. My children’s faces flashed through my mind, but not images of toothless smiles or that childish mischievous glow. All good memories were long gone, none left to unearth. Lately it just all seemed to fall apart—all the smiles and giggles and bright-eyed joy vanished in the chaos of our flat daily lives.

All work, no play, as they say.

We had lost the idea of family somewhere along the path of work and responsibilities, then slipped into becoming cohabitants.

How could that be? In the catalogue of my mind there was nothing fond to reminisce about. I couldn’t even remember the last time our family felt whole, and that painful thought dampened my eyes. Now it never would be again.

Blinking my eyelids open, I pushed away thoughts of the kids. I couldn’t stand reliving their vacant eyes and gaping mouths frozen in a silent scream anymore.

I tucked the letter in my pocket, unsure what to do with it. My palms, sticky with blood, were folded primly in my lap as I waited. Waiting for the cops, waiting for the turmoil to settle, waiting to be led out of this upside-down world and into something that made more sense. My thoughts lapped gently over what I’d lost, but also what I’d gained—the ability to feel something again.

Where had it gone for so long?

The tears were streaming now, but I didn’t bother to swipe them away. I needed this. I needed to let it out. I’d been fighting to keep my sanity for too long, evidenced by my damnable, throbbing, discolored hand. Eventually every battle must end, but the casualties linger on. My family paid the price for my misery, and I felt their sacrifice. They were my collateral damage. My anguish had bubbled just below the surface for far too long, the silence and anger and fear of losing everything just one sob away. And that sob was now.

I heaved, my shoulders crumbling under the pressure of each strained breath, and I couldn’t think, couldn’t feel, couldn’t do anything but weep. It’d be the last time I’d cry today, if ever again, so I better make it count.

In the recesses of my darkened soul I had thought about this day. I had thought often of what freedom would feel like, no strings binding me, no baggage hefted on my back. No husband, no kids—it was a fantasy I guessed all bored, frustrated wives and mothers imagined now and then but didn’t actually want. I, however, almost yearned for it sometimes. But I never told anyone; no, I never showed my true face. It was too horrible a thought to voice, giving it purchase and power in the realm of reality: I wish I’d never married. I wish I’d never had kids. I never said those things. Nevertheless, the wish was there, hidden among my inner shadows.

No husband, no kids—now my wish had come true. And yet, it didn’t feel liberating. The man I gave my body, my youth, my everything to, who used me and abused me, lay facedown in an endless slumber. I should be celebrating getting rid of this loser, user, abuser, and yet I mourned him.

And the leeching kids. Always whining, always fighting, always screaming, always complaining, always take-take-taking … Shouldn’t it feel like a burden had been lifted, to know my time would be mine to sleep in, to eat while my food was hot, to cook what I liked, to clean and know it’ll stay clean, to put on music and actually hear it, to watch the shows I wanted to watch, to live a day for myself for once? But I didn’t feel relief. I felt a complicated blend of regret and release. I felt an emptiness, as if an appendage had been ripped from my very own body.

Yet I had wanted this, hadn’t I? I’d never uttered it aloud, but the daily effort of loving a family that didn’t love me back had ground me into dust.

My macabre ruminations were pierced by the sound of my front door swinging open, slamming against the wall behind it as a herd of police officers rushed into my home followed by paramedics who would prove useless.

Just as the barrage of questions floated off the officer’s tongue, I regained my composure, wiped away the tears, and prepared to tell the story of the day my soul died and awakened a monster …

Chapter 2

Jo Trubeau

Forest Hills Park

Before …

My life was the tide. Some extreme lows, some intense highs, but all in all, it was steady and predictable. Even my thoughts drifted like the ocean, ebbing and flowing seamlessly, only occasionally crashing onto the shore of my brain when I realized I forgot to turn on the Crock-Pot or iron my husband’s clothes for work.

Yes, my life was a perfect, quiet ripple of water. Until today.

Today my life morphed into a riptide dragging me out to sea. And it nearly drowned me.

You never see it coming when you’re in the thick of it, but with the clarity of distance it’s easy to look back and know what went wrong.

For me it all went wrong on an otherwise normal Saturday morning at Forest Hills Park, the park that would forever change me, permanently altering my memory. Never again would I look at that place without the accompanying pang of my heartbeat racing, my breath catching, my fear mounting, my world ending.

The metal was cold even through my Guess jeans as I sat on the bleachers, along with two dozen other mothers, watching Preston’s soccer team haphazardly kick the ball twenty feet here, twenty feet there, eventually making it down the field before another parent’s shining-star soccer player intercepted it. Then the whole process began again heading in the other direction. An exhaustive production of mundanity and futility, at least for those watching.

All of us soccer moms lived in the ideally suburban Oleander Way neighborhood, a long stretch of matching but stately homes that advertised an upper-crust lifestyle. Manicured yards and manicured nails; designer clothes and designer boobs—we were the Kardashians-meet-the-Joneses that everyone else was trying to keep up with. With Mercedes and BMWs parked in every power-washed driveway, Oleander Way families touted wealth, beauty, and perfection.

One of those families was mine.

Time is a harsh mistress. People are always complaining that there’s just never enough time to get everything done. I seemed endlessly gifted with Time, so much so that I often lost track of whole days. To me Time was a wonderful maze that I could get lost in with reading, cooking, cleaning, and homemaking. One day blended into the next until Saturday morning arrived, the only difference being the addition of my successful husband Jay, the eye-candy of joggers trolling for a distraction from their workaholic husbands. Notorious for his shirtless gardening, and tanned, muscled chest, if Jay was tending to the yard, you bet there’d be a bevy of bored housewives wanting to tend to him happening by. I’d see them circling the block as Jay mulched or mowed, and I’d smirk with pride knowing the sidewalk was as close as they’d ever get.

Not that I minded being the envy of the block. We were unbreakable, impenetrable. Jay and I enjoyed a perfect marriage in our perfect home with our perfect children.

I loved my life. I loved my husband. I loved my children. What wasn’t there to love when everything was so perfect?

While Amelia and Abby played at the nearby playground—slipping down the yellow slide, climbing up the red ladders, running across the blue bridge—I held an open book on my lap, its title—A Secondhand Life—pressed against my thigh. Every few pages I glanced up to see where on the field Preston had aimlessly wandered. After this season he would have fulfilled his obligation to his father and thus be freed of his imprisonment to the soccer field. I knew the poor boy couldn’t wait to toss those cleats in the Goodwill bag once and for all.

As my attention was swept away from Preston and the primary-colored playhouse the girls had been climbing on for the past hour, Time lost any allure for me. One moment I was watching Abby adorning her little sister’s hair with bouquets of dandelions, the next moment Abby ran toward me screaming my name—and I never caught the moments in between.

Mommy, she said breathlessly, running up behind me where I sat in the front row. I always preferred easy access to the ground for a quick escape once the game was over. Not that I was antisocial, but after hours of sitting uncomfortably in the sun while my fair skin freckled and burned, the last thing I wanted to do was stand uncomfortably in the sun several minutes more, forced to make idle chitchat about a sale going on at Macy’s or where I got those gorgeous earrings. Jewelry always served up conversational fare among these types of women. Occasionally it’d segue into suspected infidelity or someone else’s financial woes. As far as I was concerned, gossip should be reserved for during the game, not after.

Mommy, can I go see the puppies? Abby finally said after a snatch of breath.

What puppies? I asked, expecting to see my five-year-old and three-year-old hand in hand, their matching blond curls swept up off their sweaty necks. I secretly loved that they took after me with their natural golden waves, inquisitive blue eyes, and sprinkle of freckles. But my three-year-old wasn’t attached to her sister like she always was. I glanced behind Abby. No sign of Amelia. Where’s your sister?

With the puppies, Abby said matter-of-factly, as if it should have been obvious. Can I go, too?

Now I was standing—I don’t recall doing so—tossing my book on my seat and briskly walking toward the playground, my eyes searching. What do you mean ‘with the puppies’? Where are these puppies?

I don’t know. The whine in her voice scratched along my eardrums like nails clawing a blackboard.

You don’t know? Suddenly my voice tensed, a tone I rarely used.

I didn’t want to overreact, but Abby’s ambiguity was forcing my concern. She knew better than to leave her little sister unattended. Even in our own backyard I had a rule about staying together. An HOA-approved fence—the Homeowners’ Association was known for its outlandish rules and was quick to fine rule-breakers—could have easily resolved that issue, but Jay’s tightfistedness with a dollar, despite his seven-figure income as a CFO, buried that option before I could build a case for it.

The playhouse and its multitude of colorful hidden compartments were mere feet away, so I figured Abby had left Amelia inside to wait for her. I stooped to peek under and through every nook, expecting to find a chubby three-year-old with a curly ponytail tucked inside as she hid, giggling.

While I came face to face with toddlers galore, none matched my blond-haired, blue-eyed, hot-pink-adorned daughter. After the last section of playhouse turned up empty, panic officially overtook me. I felt my world shifting, quaking beneath weak knees that threatened to toss me to the ground.

Where is the person who had the puppies, Abby? This time the question came out in a loud, off-key warble as my lungs clenched up. I couldn’t breathe.

The man over there asked if we wanted to hold them … Abby pointed an unsteady finger at an empty park bench. He was right there on that bench. I swear.

A strange man with puppies.

My baby girl missing.

Every mother’s worst nightmare come to fruition.

I began freaking out.

Adrenaline kicked in. My body launched into a frantic headlong dash over every square inch of shaded green expanse that led to the parking lot, but still no Amelia.

I heard my heart thrumming in my ears. Strange, because it felt like it was in my throat.

Amelia! I screamed as loudly as my parched lungs would allow. Then to Abby I ordered, You stay put and don’t talk to anyone. Just stand here and keep an eye out for your sister, okay?

She numbly nodded, tears wetting her eyes. But I had no time to comfort her.

Amelia! I called again, drawing the attention of several other mothers ambling around as their children played, recognition and fear ghosting their features with traces of relief as they quickly took inventory of their own progeny.

By now too many minutes had passed, and the longer it took me to find her, the more trouble she could be in. I sprinted for the parking lot, glancing back to make sure Abby hadn’t disobeyed. As I neared the curb, I couldn’t decide which way to start looking. There were too many cars coming and going, too many people, too many children.

I picked the more congested side of the parking lot, figuring my daughter’s abductor would have wanted to slip in among the masses.

As I ran, the word sank in: abductor.

My daughter—abducted. Kidnapped. Murdered?

The sequence of thoughts was a train rumbling full-steam, unable to stop in time before it smashed into me.

The sobs and screams for her blended into one frightening, pain-struck chorus. I choked on her name, praying at every car I passed that it’d all been an overreaction. I’d see her chubby little arms wrapped around a squeaky puppy as its tongue lapped at her ruddy cheek.

But as I neared the end of the parking lot with no sign of Amelia, my hope for a happy ending was all but dead.

I needed to call the police. I reached for my cell phone, but my pocket was empty. I must have left it on the bench back at the soccer field. Circling back through the parking lot from the other direction, every empty car turned up more fear.

No Amelia.

And no way to find out who took her.

By now my heart spasmed from the intense workout I hadn’t trained for. My lungs felt like they were ripping apart in my chest as each breath grew more constricted. I needed to stop running, try breathing, pull myself off the brink of a panic attack, but my daughter’s life depended on me, and the adrenaline pushed my legs forward.

I made it back to Abby and yelled at her to follow me, then sprinted to the bench where I found my cell phone. Punching in the three digits I had never in my life expected to use, the operator answered and through my tears and hysteria I was able to push out the words no mother should ever have to utter:

My name is Jo Trubeau and my daughter has been kidnapped.

Chapter 3

Ellie Harper

I’m not a suspicious woman. I’ve never been the jealous type. I have trusted everyone with the naivety of a child, and blissfully so. Well, at least until now. Today, however, I became someone I didn’t recognize.

The chill of the gray tile permeated through the pockets of my jeans and deep into my marrow as I sat cross-legged on the laundry room floor. The scent of fresh linen wafted around me, offering a cheerful refreshment masking the sweaty-meets-worn-socks odor of overflowing piles of dirty clothes that I had no time to deal with.

Stay-at-home moms don’t own the luxury of free time.

After a grocery run in the morning—checking out a brimming cart full of all-organic fruits and veggies and healthy meals planned for the week, while nine-year-old Logan whined for candy as I dragged him from aisle to aisle—I came home to wash, dry, and fold laundry during a DVR’d episode of The Bachelor, while Denny watched SportsCenter in the bedroom and the kids stayed out of my hair. SportsCenter was the reason our sex life dried up. Just the sound bite of the theme song of that show made my libido as arid as the Sahara and made me feel homicidal.

Perhaps I didn’t really know what homicidal felt like until today.

Today it felt real.

Today it scalded my brain with thoughts of stabbing Denny, poisoning him, shooting him, burning him, watching him beg for mercy. I wanted him to share the pain he was putting me through—misery, a hateful emotion I had never experienced before.

I’ve always been the last to admit that I harbor a shallow pool of resentment for giving up my career as a speech therapist so that Denny’s dreams could come true—birthing and raising Darla and Logan, now my reasons for living and breathing. Children and homemaking took over my life, were my reason for breathing, leaving little room for myself. And I was okay with that. I loved my family, even if they didn’t always show it back. Deep down, they had to love me in return, right? I didn’t need a career, though sometimes I wondered why I couldn’t have it all.

All that work for my PhD made worthless, except when a telemarketer would call, addressing me as Miss Harper and I’d correct them to call me Doctor Harper just for fun. My doctorate was laughable

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