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The novel's central character is Étienne Lantier, previously seen in L'Assommoir (1877), a young migrant worker who arrives at the forbidding coalmining town of Montsou in the bleak far north of France to earn a living as a miner. Sacked from his previous job on the railways for assaulting a superior - he befriends the veteran miner Maheu, who finds him somewhere to stay and gets him a job pushing the carts down the pit. Étienne is portrayed as a hard-working idealist but also a naïve youth;.
Release dateJul 29, 2020

Émile Zola

Émile Zola was a French writer who is recognized as an exemplar of literary naturalism and for his contributions to the development of theatrical naturalism. Zola’s best-known literary works include the twenty-volume Les Rougon-Macquart, an epic work that examined the influences of violence, alcohol and prostitution on French society through the experiences of two families, the Rougons and the Macquarts. Other remarkable works by Zola include Contes à Ninon, Les Mystères de Marseille, and Thérèse Raquin. In addition to his literary contributions, Zola played a key role in the Dreyfus Affair of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. His newspaper article J’Accuse accused the highest levels of the French military and government of obstruction of justice and anti-semitism, for which he was convicted of libel in 1898. After a brief period of exile in England, Zola returned to France where he died in 1902. Émile Zola is buried in the Panthéon alongside other esteemed literary figures Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "When you're young you think that you're going to be happy later on, there are things you look forward to; and then you keep finding you're as hard up as ever, you stay bogged down in poverty... I don't blame anyone for it, but there are times when I feel sick at the injustice of it all."

    In the thirteenth novel of Zola's staggering Rougon-Macquart cycle, we are reunited with Étienne Lantier, brother of Nana and son of Gervaise, the pathetic heroine of L'Assommoir (neither of which is required reading here, although the latter is my favourite of the cycle thus far). Étienne, impoverished and unemployed, finds himself at the coal mines of Le Voreux, where he attempts to radicalise the miners and their families into a strike to protect their working conditions.

    By now, Zola was at the peak of his powers. Buoyed by a fear that he would reach death or senility before the planned end of his great series of novels, the author found himself writing with a renewed vigour. While he has previously explored the lives of the working classes in L'Assommoir, this was to be a novel about active resistance, as opposed to the "passive" poverty of the former. Although Étienne has dreams for a great socialist state, most of the miners are fighting not for revolution but to hang on to their existing (barbarous) conditions in the face of new restrictions imposed by management. Living in the factory town - with the cookie-cutter name of Village Two Hundred and Forty - entire generations trudge each morning to the mines, children being enrolled as soon as they are able, with the oldies transitioning to above-ground work once the back-breaking labour becomes too much. Their life is one of 'knowing their place', like the heartbreaking - and richly symbolic - horses, Bataille and Trompette, who have served their entire adult lives hundreds of metres below ground, clinging to some atavistic memory of sunlight. And always in the background, the mine of Le Voreux "crouching like a vicious beast of prey, snorting louder and longer, as if choking on its painful digestion of human flesh".

    I read the final chapters of the novel during the early stages of the 2020 global pandemic, which was an interesting parallel to stories of families scraping to get by, pantries exhausted of resources as the strike drags on, vacillating between the two great human urges of kindness to others and self-preservation. Zola chooses a different narrative tone for each of his novels, and here his narrator is scrupulously fair. This is not the same voice that moralised on Nana or gossiped about the sex lives of the characters in Pot-Luck. This is Zola the social anatomist, asking the reader to decide from the evidence alone whether the current system is a fair one. The ownership class are either cautiously sympathetic, too removed to be aware of the reality of the situation, or pitying... but appreciative of the hierarchical nature of society ("Doubtless they were brutes", says one such with compassion, "but they were illiterate starving brutes"). The peasant mob is too easily spurred on by their hunger and oppression to commit acts of grotesque violence (the single most stomach-churning scene in the series thus far occurs, but I'm not going to repeat it here). And the extreme radicals whom Étienne admires are - like the advocates of social reform in any modern era - all too easily caricatured by the media and the bourgeois to appear as ungrateful or even spiteful.

    In short, there is no way to win. Accepting the status quo is an implicit death-knell for oneself and one's children and grandchildren. Politely asking for more is a humiliating and fruitless task. Pushing for it, demanding it, taking it by force is considered the act of brutes - and indeed, often is barbaric in its execution. (Zola's refusal to sugar-coat the lives and intentions of the poor, just as the rich, is especially remarkable - contrast with his contemporary, Charles Dickens.) Germinal is not without hope, but it is a distant hope, a plea for an awakening. This is a novel of ideas, at heart, although Zola's delight in crowd scenes, dissection of character, and "spirit of place" remain on show. Most of his novels have at least one great set-piece, and here it is the final 100 pages, in which a great catastrophe is recounted in excruciating detail. (As always, the author had spent some brief time at an actual coal mine to understand the intricacies of the field.)

    There is an additional note for modern readers, which we should keep in mind. Although set in the mid-1860s (the peak of Second Empire France), this was being written in 1884, the year in which trade unions were finally legalised in what was now the Republic of France. Zola was reflecting on the importance of a movement, although many of the outrageous practices chronicled herein still continued, in France as in other countries. And I would be remiss not to mention a translation: go for a modern one. I read Peter Collier's, as I am devoted to the Oxford series, but what's important is to avoid anything older than the 1970s. You will be inevitably faced with cuts, extreme censorship, or just archaic prose. Avoid it!

    Subjectively, Germinal easily sits within my Top Five of Zola's series but from an objective standpoint, it is perhaps the most important.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I found this book to be very engaging. It is one in a extensive series by Emile Zola. The 13th. In this book, set in coal mining village in North France. This book shows the class struggle between the owners of the minds, the management of the mines and the workers and the beginnings fo organization of the worker. I was surprised by the sexual content of this book. Poor people only having sex to engage in when not working. The promiscuity of the girls and boys at ages too young to even be sexually active. I was not surprised by the abuses fo labor, the abuses of men toward women. The author is considered a master of naturalism. He brings in social evolution, discussing Darwin on occasion.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Solid social realism. 
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As a teenager I found the works of Theodore Dreiser engaging and read through several including his massive novel An American Tragedy. It was only through later study of the development of the art of the novel that I learned that his style was called Naturalism, at least an American variant of the style. So it was with a sense of recognition that I began to read Zola's Germinal, the first of his novels that I read, discovering a French writer with a similar style. Emile Zola writes about Etienne, a a young man who lost his job as a mechanic for slugging a foreman, who travels to the north of France and obtains a job in a coal mine. He soon learns the ways of the poor mining families of that area, especially the children of the family with whom he lives for a while including a 15-year-old girl named Catharine, who becomes the subject of a bristling romantic rivalry between Etienne and another young miner, Chaval. Germinal chronicles the social woes of the miners and their attempts, with the help of Etienne, to better their situation. The union also enters the scene and romance is not the only source of tension for Zola's protagonist. This was an exciting book to read as I found Zola's style felicitous and lucid. While I have not read even half of the many novels in which he chronicled the lives and mores of French society I have enjoyed those like this one that I have read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book depicts the conditions of French miners in the late nineteenth century. Using an outsider who takes up with the miners community, the rather fetching and ideal driven Etienne. With Etienne your able to see a neat cross-section into the deprivations of the labouring classes at the time but also their sometimes emotionally driven sense of solidarity and collective purpose.The main core of the book is based on inter-personal interactions and events surrounding a labour strike, but it conveys well the political climate of the early labour movement with its nods to Marx, Bakunin and Proudhon but also the direction and purpose of a youthful Social Democracy particularly with its upbeat ending.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Zola's naturalism is among my very favorite styles of literature, and Germinal is his Masterpiece, so my feelings about this novel are nothing but praise. I first read it at 16 and now again at 41. It feels so real, the people, places and events, it's hard to imagine they never existed - but in a way I suppose they did exist in mining towns all over the world. Such is the magic of Zola to merge the specific (fictional) and the general (reality) in a singular vision. I look forward to reading it again once enough time has passed as both readings have brought new insights and understandings.After reading I watched Claude Berri's 1993 film adaptation, but in French which I am not fluent - however it didn't matter, it allowed the foregrounding of the beautiful sets and costumes which are the strengths of the film; Zola was a visual author which makes transition to film that much smoother. The vision I had built up from the novel matched up almost perfectly with the movie, suggesting Zola did an excellent job of getting at the reality of the thing - over 125 years of distance in time and a translation to English melt away through the power of words to bring a common experience.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A graphic tale of the miners lives in Northern France at the end of the 19th century. After reading one realises that the working class French and British were little different at that time. In all probability also in the present.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The very title expresses the essence of the passion of this novel: seeds are planted and will germinate into an effective revolution. The germinating of that revolution is passionately portrayed in the toil of the various mine workers and their rise against the head company, with a newcomer spearheading the effort. You begin to pity the efforts of these people who are already suffering due to their uprising but gain respect for them when you realize that the fruits of their labor will one day materialize into something magnificent.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is ?mile Zola's undisputed masterpiece in the Rougon-Macquart novel series. In each of the novels of this series Zola sketches in honest, human detail the life of the working class of 19th Century France; in Germinal, the center of attention is the mining industry of the far north. The story describes the experience of an ex-machinist, Etienne Lantier (who appears as such in one of the other novels) in the Voreux and other mines around the town of Montsou, situated somewhat near Valenciennes. Starving and looking for a job in a period of industrial crisis, he is introduced to the reader as he arrives at the mine. Etienne soon manages to get a job there, and gets to know the great variety of characters that make up the local mining town. But his deep-felt social activism, combined with his somewhat higher education than the local miners, sets in motion a chain of events that changes both his life and that of the reader forever. Zola's brilliant description of the reality of the struggle between classes and the effects, positive and negative, that zealous struggle for the improvement of the world can have on individual humans in dire straits is sure to haunt the reader for a long time. The author manages to describe both the miners, in their jealousy, pride, poverty and despair, as well as the local bourgeoisie in their misguidedness, personal issues and the pressures of capitalism with a deep understanding of the human psyche. The interactions between humans under pressure is described in powerful, terse dialogues and evocative passages. The political and social background of the miners' desperate struggle for a decent living is the general theme of the book, but Zola avoids stereotypes and never clearly takes sides for any particular political position, deftly avoiding preachiness or sentimentalism. The incredible hardship and difficulty of the miners' lives and the degree to which the main characters manage to maintain a sense of dignity is sure to move even the coldest-hearted person, but Germinal is not a Dickens work and tear-jerking is more an effect of the book's quality than the goal of the writer. Above all, however, Zola's best work is simply an incredibly riveting, exciting, deeply moving and tremendously powerful work of fiction. Read the rise and fall of Lantier, Maheu, Bonnemort, Deneulin, Catherine, Souvarin and the other comrades, and weep.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Germinal is generally considered the greatest of Emile Zola's twenty novel Rougon-Macquart cycle. Of these, Germinal is the most concerned with the daily life of the working poor. Set in the mid 1860's, the novel's protaganist Etienne Lantier is hungry and homeless, wandering the French countryside, looking for work. He stumbles upon village 240, the home of a coal mine, La Voreteux. He quickly gets a job in the depths of the mine, experiencing the backbreaking work of toiling hundreds of feet below the earth. He is befriended by a local family and they all lament the constant work required to earn just enough to slowly starve. Fired up by Marxist ideology, he convinces the miners to strike for a pay raise. The remainder of the novel tells the story of the strike and its effect on the workers, managers, owners and shareholders.Zola weaves a strong plot line along with a multitude of characters. The hallmark of this novel is the wealth of people who populate the pages. The miners are not the noble poor but men and women who live day to day, cruel in some ways, generous in others. The managers are owners are not evil, greedy men but complex characters who in some ways envy the freedom of the miners from conventional morality.As with most Zola novels, don't expect a happy ending. But the reader can expect to be transported to a world and a way of life almost unimaginable for its brutality and bleakness. Like other great works of literature, the novel explores the thoughts and actions of people who suffer the daily indignities of poverty and injustice. Germinal is different however because the thoughts and actions are not noble and the consequences of their actions are felt by all. I would strongly recommend Germinal as one of the major novels of the 19th century but one that transcends time and place. The issues evoked in the novel regarding labor versus capital are just as relevant to today's world.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a book that I have wanted to read for quite some time so in some respects it was nice to finally get around to doing so. I had little idea of the subject matter beforehand so came to it with no real prejudices other than I knew it to be regarded as a 19th Century classic. I had not even realised that it was one of an extensive series of books.For those who do not know the story it centres around a homeless unemployed man called Etienne Lantier who in desperation takes work in the harsh environment of a French coalmine. Once there he is horrified by both the working conditions and the treatment of the miners and their families by the mine owners that he decides to lead a strike against these distant owners. The story is about an-awakening Socialism and working conditions during France's Second Empire to which end he certainly pulls no punches as he depicts it's harsh realities. Yet at the same time he tries to take no sides showing also the frailties and insecurities of the managers in charge of the mine, and how they too are not masters of their own destiny.Although the story centres around Etienne there are no real heroes within this book and the gritty reality extends to the foibles and character faults of all within. There is good and bad shown in all just as in real life.This is a great read and I can see why it is regarded as a classic. My one complaint is that the author perhaps goes into just a little too much detail turning it into a bit of a plod rather than a ripping page-turner. But for this point I would have given it 5 rather than the 4 stars that I did.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was my first experience of Zola and I was blown away by the force of his writing. Since I come from a coal mining family myself, I've always known about the hardship faced by people who earn their living underground. But the desperate poverty of the families in this novel was heart wrenching, particularly so because Zola based his novel on actual events and meticulously researched the conditions of the miners. Even though as readers we know that the strike cannot succeed, but that knowledge doesn't help us deal with the painful consequences when it does fail. Highly symbolic and rich in imagery that is unforgettable. Whether you read the end as indicating there is a glimpse of hope, is another question.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Whoa. What a ride! This story of French coal miners going on strike in the 1860s sounded so dull to me when someone first recommended it. Then someone else mentioned it, then another person, and I began to think I needed to check it out. Before I dive into the details I will say that I ended up loving it. It's a powerful book and a few of the scenes are seared into my memory forever. From here on out there are spoilers. I'd recommend skipping the review if you haven't read it.Étienne Lantier arrives in a French town looking for work. Soon he's down in the depths of the earth mining for coal. He becomes friends with a man named Maheu who is a hard worker and well-respected in the mine. The working conditions are atrocious and there's barely enough pay for workers to scrap by. Grumblings start to increase among the workers and eventually they decide to go to their boss to ask for higher compensation and a few small things.Maheu is chosen to speak for everyone and he does so in a calm and dignified way. When their request is casually rejected the situation inevitably escalates. The decide to strike and a mob forms and they travel through the countryside in a whirlwind of destruction. The mob mentality makes the workers willing to do things they would never normally do, Things spiral out of control as the mob continues to progress. Even Étienne who wants to protect the pump at the beginning, later wants to destroy it in his frustration. It culminates in the death of a man named Negrel when he falls from a roof while trying to escape the mob. The women gruesomely mutilate his corpse as the police arrive."It was the red vision of the revolution, which would one day inevitably carry them all away, on some bloody evening at the end of the century."Maheu's daughter Catherine's story really struck a chord with me. She is raped by a man named Chaval, but because of the way their culture views women, she basically just becomes his property. He's brutal and jealous and she believes she has no other choice, even though Étienne loves her.In the final third of the novel there is a collapse at the mine and workers, including Étienne, Catherine, and Chaval, are trapped underground. The scenes are harrowing as we read about their loved ones reactions above ground, but once we descend into the pits it's so much worse. I loved that after all the turmoil the workers still wanted to rescue their fellow miners."All the colliers rushed to offer themselves in an upsurge of brotherhood and solidarity. They forgot the strike, they did not trouble themselves at all about payment; they might get nothing, they only asked to risk their lives as soon as comrades lives were in danger."There was one scene that chronicles the mad dash of a work horse that still haunts me. The animal, Bataille, is desperately trying to find his way out, but in his fearful galloping he becomes trapped as water rises. It was awful to read."It was a sight of fearful agony, this old beast shattered and motionless, struggling at this depth, far from the daylight. The flood was drowning his mane, and his cry of distress never ceased; he uttered it more hoarsely, with his large open mouth stretched out."Another memorable scene took place above ground. The Gregorie family owns the mine. Circumstances lead them to visit one of the miner's homes with a few gifts and during the visit Cécile, the adult daughter, is strangled to death by one of the old workers, Bonnemort. That summery doesn't do the scene justice. The eerie calm as the two people looked at each other before the violence begins, the screams of her mother when she realizes what happened; it's heartbreaking. No one seems to leave this novel completely unscathed. BOTTOM LINE: I was expecting a boring book with political rants about social injustice. Instead I found the gripping story of a group of people mired in an impossible situation. They are desperate and in those dire moments they are capable of the unthinkable. Just a fantastic read. "He simply wanted to go down the mine again, to suffer and to struggle; and he thought angrily of those 'people' Bonnemort had told him about, and of the squat and sated deity to whom ten thousand starving men and women daily offered up their flesh without ever knowing who or what this god might be."
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm a coal miner's daughter ( no, seriously) so this book was a must read. It rang with truth, easily connected to my family's oral history.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In 19th century France, the miners of Village Two Hundred and Forty go on strike after the company cuts their wages below subsistence level. The standoff becomes an outright war against their employers and the region's entire mining industry. This is brilliant, very harsh in places, and excellent at drawing attention to the many sides of the conflict. It felt a real document of its time too, both in terms of what people experienced and, maybe more importantly, what they thought about it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I wouldn't perhaps recommend this to anyone who likes their reading to be a light gallop through events and characters. This is a heavy horse of a novel, powerfully carrying you to places deep in the earth and deep in the human soul. The descriptions of work in the coal mine are extraordinary. I read this on an e-reader, in the dark before sleeping, and the sense of claustrophobia in the sections down the pit was remarkable. No less vivid is the depiction of the miserable lives of the miners' families and the contrast with those of the comfortably-off bourgeois managers. This is a committed novel, but does not shirk from the dilemmas facing the workers in confronting the injustice of the system in which they had to scrape a living. Brutally honest, too, in its depiction of the kind of relationships that such a life forced people into.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Germinal by Emile Zola takes place in a northern France mining village in the 1860s. It depicts in detail the strained circumstances of woefully underpaid miners that eventually will lead to a divisive strike against the well-heeled mine owners."All the way from the silent village to the roaring pit of Le Voreux, a slow procession of shadows wended its way through the gusts of wind, as the colliers {coal miners} set off for work, shoulders swaying and arms crossed on their chests to keep them out of the way, with their lunchtime slab giving them a hump in the small of the back. In their thin cotton clothes they shivered with cold, but never quickened their pace, as they tramped along the road like a wandering herd of animals."This is the 13th novel in his 20 novel "Rougon-Macquart"series, "a natural and social history of the family" in France from 1852-1870. I believe it's the most famous one in the series, with the title coming from a Spring month in the French calendar associated with germination and revolution. The miners are paid by the tub of clean coal. "Stretched on their sides, they hacked away harder than ever, obsessed with the idea of filling as many tubs as possible." Children, girls, women, men, all labored in the mines to make enough to keep the household going, and a young man or woman marrying and setting up a new household would often put additional strain on the old household by depriving it of revenue, while posing a challenge to the newly-weds to establish and maintain their new one.Into this world wanders protagonist Etienne Lantier, an out-of-work, somewhat educated mechanic who's starving and thwarted by the countryside's lack of employment. His timing causes him to fortuitously join the Maheu family's mining crew and become enmeshed in the Monsou mine community. He has an immense attraction to the Maheu's daughter Catherine which seems reciprocated, but circumstances frustrate their alignment. He self-educates himself in political and social theory by reading, and eventually becomes a leader in the community's evolving dissatisfaction with its circumstances, as the mine owners increase the deprivation to protect profits."So the rich who ran the country found it easy enough to get together and buy and sell the workers and live off their very flesh; while the workers didn't even realize what was happening. But now the miners were waking from their slumbers in the depths of the earth and starting to germinate like seeds sown in the soil; and one morning you would see how they would spring up from the earth in the middle of the fields in broad daylight; yes, they would grow up to be real men, an army of men fighting to restore justice."The book is beautifully written and I enjoyed the clear and engaging 1993 translation by Peter Collier. In addition to the complex Etienne, there are memorable characters like the put-upon but determined waif Catherine, the brutish Chaval who is Etienne's romantic and work rival, his political rival Rasseneur, the stoic Bonnemort, the understandably bitter and ultimately vicious La Maheude, the radical Souvarine, and many more.The problem for me with this one: when you hear a book is "monumental", that likely means it's going to be long in addition to its positive qualities. My edition had 524 pages of smallish print, and it was wearing me out by the end. I could hear the voices of the book's many fans telling me to buck up for gods' sake, and it truly was a great piece of work from beginning to end. But it's one of those I was happy to finish, rather than wishing it would go on forever.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a tale of an early coal miners' strike near the border between France and Belgium, set in the 1860s, and written in 1885. It has a curious strength to it that I didn't anticipate (my first Zola). The looming Voreux, Jeanlin's "muzzle", the ambiguous morality of characters like Deneulin, Souvarine, and Negrel, and the incredible depiction of the horses Bataille and Trompette are aspects that will stick with me for a long time. And there are deeper themes, like the way sexuality is woven through almost all the characters and linked to socialism through the mining theme and title: the germination of seeds in the earth. It is a remarkable book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a struggle for me. The writing is awesome, and the story of working class people in 1860s France is interesting, but it was just too gritty and boring in parts. Just when I thought I had heard enough about older women's 'tired breasts'... BAM! The manhood of a dead guy is ripped off and paraded around on a stick. There's really much more to this book, but I'm just over it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    While I can't honestly say that I enjoyed this (too bleak for enjoyment), it was a powerful book. I wish that I had read it in my early 20s when I was on a Dos Passos kick as it would have impressed me even more then...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Out of work engineer Étienne Lantier crosses the plains of mid-nineteenth century northern France in search of work. Near the town of Montsou he walks up to the mouth of a coal pit and strikes up a conversation with an old man. The bad news is that there are no jobs for anyone to work on the machinery. But having no other work Étienne hangs around in hope that something will turn up. He’s in luck, of a sort, because the next morning, the old man’s son, Maheu, has an unexpected vacancy in his crew. One of his coal haulers was found dead the night before, whether of drink or a heart attack, no one knew. So Maheu takes on the inexperienced Étienne to fill out his crew, which includes his daughter Catherine. He’ll work to move the coal hacked out of the coalface on a cart on a rail line back to the mine shaft to be hauled to the surface, hundreds of feet above. One of the first things Étienne learns from Chaval, a rude and angry cutter, is that the work of a hauler is traditionally a woman’s job. The next thing he discovers is that Catherine is a girl, something that he had not recognized because of her drab worker’s clothing. As this brutally realistic portrayal of coal mining, continues Chaval and Étienne will become rivals for Catherine, but this is no romance novel. Sex is as unerotic an escape from the hard work as getting drunk, and looked upon as way of creating more workers for the mine, and hence more income for a miner’s family. The economic disparity between the miners and the owners and managers of the mine, as well as the differing economic pressures upon the two groups is crux of the novel, and morality is subservient to them. But this is not just a political rant about the evils of capitalism or coal mining. Germinal is as exciting as a thriller, and as well wrought as any literary novel. Pugh does a first rate job of narration. This is a great production and deserves high praise. I only wish that the publisher had cited the English translation that was edited or adapted by the narrator for this recording.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Considered the greatest of Zola's 20-novel Rougon-Macquart cycle, Germinal is a charge against oppression, a chilling portrayal of the inhuman conditions of coal miners in northern France in the 1860s, and the outrage which drove them to resist further repression by the capitalist owners, that resulted in unforeseen and tragic consequences. Etienne Lantier is an outsider who came into the gray mining towns looking for a job, and found one down in the pits. He is shocked by the conditions of the workers, men, women and children alike, clinging to the bare faced damp walls more than 500 meters below the ground, with very little air, exposed to dangerous gases, mud and rock slides, sudden floods, and all other unimaginable horrors every second of their time below, working like beasts for wages not even enough to feed their families. Life is brutish, and with no exception, everybody is old before their time, many are sick with all sorts of respiratory diseases, or maimed from a fall or accident. But to work is not an option. Children do not go to school, they are sent down into the mines very early. A new and devious wage structure imposed by the company is the last straw, Etienne leads a strike. The effect is contagious, from one mine, it spreads to the rest of the region. The miners hold out, bearing their hunger, sitting out their time quietly, hoping that dialogues with the administrators would result in something positive. Nothing happens, the strike continues -- small children start dying of starvation. Yet they hold out. Then the companies start sending in the police, the guards. The strike turns violent --- there is sabotage, there is killing. The strike lasted six weeks. They couldn't hold out more, or they would be dying like flies. They return to the dark and noxious depths, having paid very dearly and not achieving anything. Yet the tragedies don't end here. I couldn't put down this book --- there was so much realism in his depiction of the mines, the poverty of the families, the diseases of the miners, the hopelessness of their lives. With remarkable description, we feel we are down there too, in the depths. We are drawn to Etienne's strong, if somewhat naive convictions, to the rising fervor among the miners when they realise it's possible to have dreams of a better life, we are introduced to characters who represent the range of ideologies, from the stoic Sauverine who believes anarchy is the solution to social change, to the bar owner who from radicalism has mellowed, now believing no change is possible in a lifetime and that it is a long process, and to the social idealism of Etienne. We are introduced to individual families, to gossipy neighbors, to the petty alliances and loyalties of these families. We meet, as well, the bourgeoisie, the company lackeys, the representatives of the faceless investors in far-off Paris. The themes are bleak, depressing even, but like the title, Germinal, which refers to the 7th month of the French Republican calendar (Mar/April) which heralds spring, the coming of new life, the germination of hope, we feel like Etienne, who continued on his way, keeping the small seed of hope that the fight is not yet over, and that a glorious day will yet arrive for those who believe. As an aside, the description of hunger here and the harshness of life, is even more appalling and more gut-wrenching than in Knut's Hunger and in Solzhenitsyn's One Day....Truly a masterpiece, a grand novel in every sense of the word. I cannot praise it enough.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    1180. Germinal, by Emile Zola (13 Aug 1972) This is the first Zola book I read, and I have only read one since. I cannot say I enjoyed this work. I found it an icky book. The people are animals most of the time. When I think of the abuse Thomas Hardy took for Tess and Jude--which are morality exemplified, compared to Zola! It is laid in French coal mine country in about 1867. The conditions are horrible, the people are loutish, a strike ensues, violence, death, sabotage, and in the end the protagoniat takes off for elsewhere. But I did not conclude I should read no more and I in fact did read another Zola work ( The Debacle) on 29 Nov 1985.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If there was ever a book that demonstrates the need for unions to prevent companies from oppressing the masses, then this is it. This book describes in dark, gruesome detail the lives of coalminers in Northern France during the 1860s. When finally pushed to brink with abysmal working conditions and pitiful wages, the coalminers strike. The military and police are brought in with disastrous results and eventually, the miners return to work, winning none of the concessions they demanded. The scenes especially at the end of the book are brilliant and moving. This book would be 5 stars for me except for one little complaint. There were times when the idealist Etienne is preaching about the masses and it became clear that there was an agenda behind the story. The story on its own was compelling enough that the preaching was unnecessary.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the second Zola novel I've read, and once again I am astounded by his writing. I'm a huge fan of the naturalists in the US at the turn of the century (Theodore Dreiser, Frank Norris), but this was written 50 years prior then these writers and much of the scenes are more brutal and intense then books written in the late 20th century. The novel centers around miners in France. They are uneducated, poor to the point of starving, alcoholics, and in many cases abusive. Zola seems to be unsure if this is the innate nature of the human species or if in different circumstances they would overcome it. Yet there are a few characters that show a tinge of hope in the human spirit. These of course, are compared to the few capitalists living large while thousands around them eat bread and fried onions at every meal. Just like the miners he does have a few capitalist characters that are hardworking, but are struggling to keep the mines open with the decline of the economy. Zola uses two characters to debate socialism vs capitalism vs anarchy, and neither come to an agreement on how to improve the world. In the end the people's strike has failed, and the reader is left unsure of Zola's belief in humans.There are 2 extremely brutal scenes with horses that really unnerved me. Also, one other mob scene is extremely violent to show how quickly the people can become out of control. Zola sort of hits the reader over the head with the metaphors of the dark evil mine (capitalist symbol) eating the humans.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is amazing. I am however emotionally exhausted after reading it. The complex circumstances of all of the characters was at times overwhelming. The book is painfully raw and brutal and I feel grateful that authors like Zola and Dickens existed in history shining lights on the horrible conditions that people lived in.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you thought L'Assommoir was as gruelling as an account of working-class life can be, well, you ain't seen nothing yet! Germinal is longer, tougher, more political, more complex, more engaged, more physical, more ambiguous, more everything. It's the ultimate industrial novel of the nineteenth century. Bar none. Zola takes us into the epic survival struggle of a mining community in the north of France with an unmatched closeness of observation and a viewpoint that is tied right down at the level of the miners and their families. We are only allowed to step back to our "normal" middle-class liberal novel-reader's viewpoint for a few short interludes where the strangely detached and unreal existence of the bourgeois management families is contrasted with the harsh reality of the miners. It's not obvious how Zola did it, or how much is actual reportage and how much his own interpolation, but he shows us so much graphic detail of the practicalities of living with seven people and next-to-no money in a two-room cottage, or of how men, women and children work in the appalling underground conditions of the mine, that we can't help being drawn in and imagining ourselves in that situation. And of course this is all about how that kind of life brutalises people and makes the normal conventions of social existence irrelevant. The brutality — of course, this is Zola we're talking about — comes out in the irresponsible and unrestrained sexual behaviour of the miners, in the anything-but-submissive behaviour of the women in the community, and in the frightening outbursts of violence that mark the big strike that forms the centrepiece of the action. We see that the miners are hopelessly caught in the power of the capitalist mining companies, who are free to reduce their wages to the very limit of starvation. When they strike for more money, they are doomed to lose: they will always starve before the owners do, when it comes to the crunch the owners can always call up police and army to back them up, and there's always the real risk that by stopping work they give the earth the chance to take its revenge on the mine and thus do themselves out of a job... The miners look to socialists and anarchists for help, but the attractive picture of world revolution and the eventual overthrow of capitalism is belied by the revolutionaries' short-term political ambitions, which always end up overriding the miners' need for bread and a fair wage. And of course Zola's readers would have the fate of the Paris Commune fresh in their minds, and would be more than sceptical about revolutions. Makes Sons and lovers look like a walk in the park...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It's unrelenting and it's brutal. The last hundred pages are the most brutal of all. And normally I hate books like that, full of suffering, but it's also brilliant, and the suffering has a purpose. And it's even more pro-communist than I'd thought it would be. It depicts the plight of the coal miners in such a compassionate way, so that any time the bourgeois characters are on the scene, you can really see the stark contrast, how self-absorbed they are, and their obliviousness to the degree of misery they are inflicting. I love that there is such a diverse cast of characters, and so many different viewpoints are depicted, from both sides. I can't even imagine what people must have thought about this book when it first came out. It's radical in so many ways - its frank depictions of sex, the pro-working class ideas, and the depiction of the bourgeoisie as utterly loathsome and ignorant. I recommend this to anyone on the side of unions and the working class, but be prepared for brutality and suffering.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    what a great book. set pieces, narrative, and settings all fantastic.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Echt epische allure, mooie evocatie, maar op het einde enkele ongeloofwaardige elementen. Geen wit-zwarttekening, alleen de potverterende Gregoires komen er niet goed uit. Natuurlijk wel afrekening met blinde kapitalisme.

Book preview

Germinal - Émile Zola


by Émile Zola

©2008 SMK Books

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except for brief quotations for review purposes only.

E-Book ISBN 13: 978-1-5154-4619-4

Trade Paperback ISBN 13: 978-1-60459-744-8

Table of Contents

Part 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Part 2

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Part 3

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Part 4

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Part 5

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Part 1

Chapter 1

Over the open plain, beneath a starless sky as dark and thick as ink, a man walked alone along the highway from Marchiennes to Montsou, a straight paved road ten kilometres in length, intersecting the beetroot-fields. He could not even see the black soil before him, and only felt the immense flat horizon by the gusts of March wind, squalls as strong as on the sea, and frozen from sweeping leagues of marsh and naked earth. No tree could be seen against the sky, and the road unrolled as straight as a pier in the midst of the blinding spray of darkness.

The man had set out from Marchiennes about two o’clock. He walked with long strides, shivering beneath his worn cotton jacket and corduroy breeches. A small parcel tied in a check handkerchief troubled him much, and he pressed it against his side, sometimes with one elbow, sometimes with the other, so that he could slip to the bottom of his pockets both the benumbed hands that bled beneath the lashes of the wind. A single idea occupied his head–the empty head of a workman without work and without lodging–the hope that the cold would be less keen after sunrise. For an hour he went on thus, when on the left, two kilometres from Montsou, he saw red flames, three fires burning in the open air and apparently suspended. At first he hesitated, half afraid. Then he could not resist the painful need to warm his hands for a moment.

The steep road led downwards, and everything disappeared. The man saw on his right a paling, a wall of coarse planks shutting in a line of rails, while a grassy slope rose on the left surmounted by confused gables, a vision of a village with low uniform roofs. He went on some two hundred paces. Suddenly, at a bend in the road, the fires reappeared close to him, though he could not understand how they burnt so high in the dead sky, like smoky moons. But on the level soil another sight had struck him. It was a heavy mass, a low pile of buildings from which rose the silhouette of a factory chimney; occasional gleams appeared from dirty windows, five or six melancholy lanterns were hung outside to frames of blackened wood, which vaguely outlined the profiles of gigantic stages; and from this fantastic apparition, drowned in night and smoke, a single voice arose, the thick, long breathing of a steam escapement that could not be seen.

Then the man recognized a pit. His despair returned. What was the good? There would be no work. Instead of turning towards the buildings he decided at last to ascend the pit bank, on which burnt in iron baskets the three coal fires which gave light and warmth for work. The labourers in the cutting must have been working late; they were still throwing out the useless rubbish. Now he heard the landers push the wagons on the stages. He could distinguish living shadows tipping over the trains or tubs near each fire.

Good day, he said, approaching one of the baskets. Turning his back to the fire, the carman stood upright. He was an old man, dressed in knitted violet wool with a rabbit-skin cap on his head; while his horse, a great yellow horse, waited with the immobility of stone while they emptied the six trains he drew. The workman employed at the tipping-cradle, a red-haired lean fellow, did not hurry himself; he pressed on the lever with a sleepy hand. And above, the wind grew stronger–an icy north wind–and its great, regular breaths passed by like the strokes of a scythe.

Good day, replied the old man. There was silence. The man, who felt that he was being looked at suspiciously, at once told his name.

I am called Étienne Lantier. I am an engine-man. Any work here?

The flames lit him up. He might be about twenty-one years of age, a very dark, handsome man, who looked strong in spite of his thin limbs.

The carman, thus reassured, shook his head.

Work for an engine-man? No, no! There were two came yesterday. There’s nothing.

A gust cut short their speech. Then Étienne asked, pointing to the sombre pile of buildings at the foot of the platform:

A pit, isn’t it?

The old man this time could not reply: he was strangled by a violent cough. At last he expectorated, and his expectoration left a black patch on the purple soil.

Yes, a pit. The Voreux. There! The settlement is quite near.

In his turn, and with extended arm, he pointed out in the night the village of which the young man had vaguely seen the roofs. But the six trams were empty, and he followed them without cracking his whip, his legs stiffened by rheumatism; while the great yellow horse went on of itself, pulling heavily between the rails beneath a new gust which bristled its coat.

The Voreux was now emerging from the gloom. Étienne, who forgot himself before the stove, warming his poor bleeding hands, looked round and could see each part of the pit: the shed tarred with siftings, the pit-frame, the vast chamber of the winding machine, the square turret of the exhaustion pump. This pit, piled up in the bottom of a hollow, with its squat brick buildings, raising its chimney like a threatening horn, seemed to him to have the evil air of a gluttonous beast crouching there to devour the earth. While examining it, he thought of himself, of his vagabond existence these eight days he had been seeking work. He saw himself again at his workshop at the railway, delivering a blow at his foreman, driven from Lille, driven from everywhere. On Saturday he had arrived at Marchinnes, where they said that work was to be had at the Forges, and there was nothing, neither at the Forges nor at Sonneville’s. He had been obliged to pass the Sunday hidden beneath the wood of a cartwright’s yard, from which the watchman had just turned him out at two o’clock in the morning. He had nothing, not a penny, not even a crust; what should he do, wandering along the roads without aim, not knowing where to shelter himself from the wind? Yes, it was certainly a pit; the occasional lanterns lighted up the square; a door, suddenly opened, had enabled him to catch sight of the furnaces in a clear light. He could explain even the escapement of the pump, that thick, long breathing that went on without ceasing, and which seemed to be the monster’s congested respiration.

The workman, expanding his back at the tipping-cradle, had not even lifted his eyes on Étienne, and the latter was about to pick up his little bundle, which had fallen to the earth, when a spasm of coughing announced the carman’s return. Slowly he emerged from the darkness, followed by the yellow horse drawing six more laden trams.

Are there factories at Montsou? asked the young man.

The old man expectorated, then replied in the wind:

Oh, it isn’t factories that are lacking. Should have seen it three or four years ago. Everything was roaring then. There were not men enough; there never were such wages. And now they are tightening their bellies again. Nothing but misery in the country; every one is being sent away; workshops closing one after the other. It is not the emperor’s fault, perhaps; but why should he go and fight in America? without counting that the beasts are dying from cholera, like the people.

Then, in short sentences and with broken breath, the two continued to complain. Étienne narrated his vain wanderings of the past week: must one, then, die of hunger? Soon the roads would be full of beggars.

Yes, said the old man, this will turn out badly, for God does not allow so many Christians to be thrown on the street.

We don’t have meat every day.

But if one had bread!

True, if one only had bread.

Their voices were lost, gusts of wind carrying away the words in a melancholy howl.

Here! began the carman again very loudly, turning towards the south. Montsou is over there.

And stretching out his hand again he pointed out invisible spots in the darkness as he named them. Below, at Montsou, the Fauvelle sugar works were still going, but the Hoton sugar works had just been dismissing hands; there were only the Dutilleul flour mill and the Bleuze rope walk for mine-cables which kept up. Then, with a large gesture he indicated the north half of the horizon: the Sonneville workshops had not received two-thirds of their usual orders; only two of the three blast furnaces of the Marchiennes Forges were alight; finally, at the Gagebois glass works a strike was threatening, for there was talk of a reduction of wages.

I know, I know, replied the young man at each indication. I have been there.

With us here things are going on at present, added the carman; but the pits have lowered their output. And see opposite, at the Victoire, there are also only two batteries of coke furnaces alight.

He expectorated, and set out behind his sleepy horse, after harnessing it to the empty trams.

Now Étienne could oversee the entire country. The darkness remained profound, but the old man’s hand had, as it were, filled it with great miseries, which the young man unconsciously felt at this moment around him everywhere in the limitless tract. Was it not a cry of famine that the March wind rolled up across this naked plain? The squalls were furious: they seemed to bring the death of labour, a famine which would kill many men. And with wandering eyes he tried to pierce shades, tormented at once by the desire and by the fear of seeing. Everything was hidden in the unknown depths of the gloomy night. He only perceived, very far off, the blast furnaces and the coke ovens. The latter, with their hundreds of chimneys, planted obliquely, made lines of red flame; while the two towers, more to the left, burnt blue against the blank sky, like giant torches. It resembled a melancholy conflagration. No other stars rose on the threatening horizon except these nocturnal fires in a land of coal and iron.

You belong to Belgium, perhaps? began again the carman, who had returned behind Étienne.

This time he only brought three trams. Those at least could be tipped over; an accident which had happened to the cage, a broken screw nut, would stop work for a good quarter of an hour. At the bottom of the pit bank there was silence; the landers no longer shook the stages with a prolonged vibration. One only heard from the pit the distant sound of a hammer tapping on an iron plate.

No, I come from the South, replied the young man.

The workman, after having emptied the trains, had seated himself on the earth, glad of the accident, maintaining his savage silence; he had simply lifted his large, dim eyes to the carman, as if annoyed by so many words. The latter, indeed, did not usually talk at such length. The unknown man’s face must have pleased him that he should have been taken by one of these itchings for confidence which sometimes make old people talk aloud even when alone.

I belong to Montsou, he said, I am called Bonnemort.

Is it a nickname? asked Étienne, astonished.

The old man made a grimace of satisfaction and pointed to the Voreux:

Yes, yes; they have pulled me three times out of that, torn to pieces, once with all my hair scorched, once with my gizzard full of earth, and another time with my belly swollen with water, like a frog. And then, when they saw that nothing would kill me, they called me Bonnemort for a joke.

His cheerfulness increased, like the creaking of an ill-greased pulley, and ended by degenerating into a terrible spasm of coughing. The fire basket now clearly lit up his large head, with its scanty white hair and flat, livid face, spotted with bluish patches. He was short, with an enormous neck, projecting calves and heels, and long arms, with massive hands falling to his knees. For the rest, like his horse, which stood immovable, without suffering from the wind, he seemed to be made of stone; he had no appearance of feeling either the cold or the gusts that whistled at his ears. When he coughed his throat was torn by a deep rasping; he spat at the foot of the basket and the earth was blackened.

Étienne looked at him and at the ground which he had thus stained.

Have you been working long at the mine?

Bonnemort flung open both arms.

Long? I should think so. I was not eight when I went down into the Voreux and I am now fifty-eight. Reckon that up! I have been everything down there; at first trammer, then putter, when I had the strength to wheel, then pikeman for eighteen years. Then, because of my cursed legs, they put me into the earth cutting, to bank up and patch, until they had to bring me up, because the doctor said I should stay there for good. Then, after five years of that, they made me carman. Eh? that’s fine–fifty years at the mine, forty-five down below.

While he was speaking, fragments of burning coal, which now and then fell from the basket, lit up his pale face with their red reflection.

They tell me to rest, he went on, but I’m not going to; I’m not such a fool. I can get on for two years longer, to my sixtieth, so as to get the pension of one hundred and eighty francs. If I wished them good evening to-day they would give me a hundred and fifty at once. They are cunning, the beggars. Besides, I am sound, except my legs. You see, it’s the water which has got under my skin through being always wet in the cuttings. There are days when I can’t move a paw without screaming.

A spasm of coughing interrupted him again.

And that makes you cough so, said Étienne.

But he vigorously shook his head. Then, when he could speak:

No, no! I caught cold a month ago. I never used to cough; now I can’t get rid of it. And the queer thing is that I spit, that I spit–

The rasping was again heard in his throat, followed by the black expectoration.

Is it blood? asked Étienne, at last venturing to question him.

Bonnemort slowly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

It’s coal. I’ve got enough in my carcass to warm me till I die. And it’s five years since I put a foot down below. I stored it up, it seems, without knowing it; it keeps you alive!

There was silence. The distant hammer struck regular blows in the pit, and the wind passed by with its moan, like a cry of hunger and weariness coming out of the depths of the night. Before the flames which grew low, the old man went on in lower tones, chewing over again his old recollections. Ah, certainly: it was not yesterday that he and his began hammering at the seam. The family had worked for the Montsou Mining Company since it started, and that was long ago, a hundred and six years already. His grandfather, Guillaume Maheu, an urchin of fifteen then, had found the rich coal at Réquillart, the Company’s first pit, an old abandoned pit to-day down below near the Fauvelle sugar works. All the country knew it, and as a proof, the discovered seam was called the Guillaume, after his grandfather. He had not known him–a big fellow, it was said, very strong, who died of old age at sixty. Then his father, Nicolas Maheu, called Le Rouge, when hardly forty years of age had died in the pit, which was being excavated at that time: a land-slip, a complete slide, and the rock drank his blood and swallowed his bones. Two of his uncles and his three brothers, later on, also left their skins there. He, Vincent Maheu, who had come out almost whole, except that his legs were rather shaky, was looked upon as a knowing fellow. But what could one do? One must work; one worked here from father to son, as one would work at anything else. His son, Toussaint Maheu, was being worked to death there now, and his grandsons, and all his people, who lived opposite in the settlement. A hundred and six years of mining, the youngsters after the old ones, for the same master. Eh? there were many bourgeois that could not give their history so well!

Anyhow, when one has got enough to eat! murmered Étienne again.

That is what I say. As long as one has bread to eat one can live.

Bonnemort was silent; and his eyes turned towards the settlement, where lights were appearing one by one. Four o’clock struck in the Montsou tower and the cold became keener.

And is your company rich? asked Étienne.

The old man shrugged his shoulders, and then let them fall as if overwhelmed beneath an avalanche of gold.

Ah, yes! Ah, yes! Not perhaps so rich as its neighbour, the Anzin Company. But millions and millions all the same. They can’t count it. Nineteen pits, thirteen at work, the Voreux, the Victoire, Crévecoeur, Mirou, St. Thomas, Madeleine, Feutry-Cantel, and still more, and six for pumping or ventilation, like Réquillart. Ten thousand workers, concessions reaching over sixty-seven communes, an output of five thousand tons a day, a railway joining all the pits, and workshops, and factories! Ah, yes! ah, yes! there’s money there!

The rolling of trains on the stages made the big yellow horse prick his ears. The cage was evidently repaired below, and the landers had got to work again. While he was harnessing his beast to re-descend, the carman added gently, addressing himself to the horse:

Won’t do to chatter, lazy good-for-nothing! If Monsieur Hennebeau knew how you waste your time!

Étienne looked thoughtfully into the night. He asked:

Then Monsieur Hennebeau owns the mine?

No, explained the old man, Monsieur Hennebeau is only the general manager; he is paid just the same as us.

With a gesture the young man pointed into the darkness.

Who does it all belong to, then?

But Bonnemort was for a moment so suffocated by a new and violent spasm that he could not get his breath. Then, when he had expectorated and wiped the black froth from his lips, he replied in the rising wind:

Eh? all that belongs to? Nobody knows. To people. And with his hand he pointed in the darkness to a vague spot, an unknown and remote place, inhabited by those people for whom the Maheus had been hammering at the seam for more than a century. His voice assumed a tone of religious awe; it was as if he were speaking of an inaccessible tabernacle containing a sated and crouching god to whom they had given all their flesh and whom they had never seen.

At all events, if one can get enough bread to eat, repeated Étienne, for the third time, without any apparent transition.

Indeed, yes; if we could always get bread, it would be too good.

The horse had started; the carman, in his turn, disappeared, with the trailing step of an invalid. Near the tipping-cradle the workman had not stirred, gathered up in a ball, burying his chin between his knees, with his great dim eyes fixed on emptiness.

When he had picked up his bundle, Étienne still remained at the same spot. He felt the gusts freezing his back, while his chest was burning before the large fire. Perhaps, all the same, it would be as well to inquire at the pit, the old man might not know. Then he resigned himself; he would accept any work. Where should he go, and what was to become of him in this country famished for lack of work? Must he leave his carcass behind a wall, like a strayed dog? But one doubt troubled him, a fear of the Voreux in the middle of this flat plain, drowned in so thick a night. At every gust the wind seemed to rise as if it blew from an ever-broadening horizon. No dawn whitened the dead sky. The blast furnaces alone flamed, and the coke ovens, making the darkness redder without illuminating the unknown. And the Voreux, at the bottom of its hole, with its posture as of an evil beast, continued to crunch, breathing with a heavier and slower respiration, troubled by its painful digestion of human flesh.

Chapter 2

In the middle of the fields of wheat and beetroot, the Deux-Cent-Quarante settlement slept beneath the black night. One could vaguely distinguish four immense blocks of small houses, back to back, barracks or hospital blocks, geometric and parallel, separated by three large avenues which were divided into gardens of equal size. And over the desert plain one heard only the moan of squalls through the broken trellises of the enclosures.

In the Maheus’ house, No. 16 in the second block, nothing was stirring. The single room that occupied the first floor was drowned in a thick darkness which seemed to overwhelm with its weight the sleep of the beings whom one felt to be there in a mass, with open mouths, overcome by weariness. In spite of the keen cold outside, there was a living heat in the heavy air, that hot stuffiness of even the best kept bedrooms, the smell of human cattle.

Four o’clock had struck from the clock in the room on the ground floor, but nothing yet stirred; one heard the piping of slender respirations, accompanied by two series of sonorous snores. And suddenly Catherine got up. In her weariness she had, as usual, counted the four strokes through the floor without the strength to arouse herself completely. Then, throwing her legs from under the bedclothes, she felt about, at last struck a match and lighted the candle. But she remained seated, her head so heavy that it fell back between her shoulders, seeking to return to the bolster.

Now the candle lighted up the room, a square room with two windows, and filled with three beds. There could be seen a cupboard, a table, and two old walnut chairs, whose smoky tone made hard, dark patches against the walls, which were painted a light yellow. And nothing else, only clothes hung to nails, a jug placed on the floor, and a red pan which served as a basin. In the bed on the left, Zacharie, the eldest, a youth of one-and-twenty, was asleep with his brother Jeanlin, who had completed his eleventh year; in the right-hand bed two urchins, Lénore and Henri, the first six years old, the second four, slept in each other’s arms, while Catherine shared the third bed with her sister Alzire, so small for her nine years that Catherine would not have felt her near her if it were not for the little invalid’s humpback, which pressed into her side. The glass door was open; one could perceive the lobby of a landing, a sort of recess in which the father and the mother occupied a fourth bed, against which they had been obliged to install the cradle of the latest coiner, Estelle, aged scarcely three months.

However, Catherine made a desperate effort. She stretched herself, she fidgeted her two hands in the red hair which covered her forehead and neck. Slender for her fifteen years, all that showed of her limbs outside the narrow sheath of her chemise were her bluish feet, as it were tattooed with coal, and her slight arms, the milky whiteness of which contrasted with the sallow tint of her face, already spoilt by constant washing with black soap. A final yawn opened her rather large mouth with splendid teeth against the chlorotic pallor of her gums; while her grey eyes were crying in her fight with sleep, with a look of painful distress and weariness which seemed to spread over the whole of her naked body.

But a growl came from the landing, and Maheu’s thick voice stammered;

Devil take it! It’s time. Is it you lighting up, Catherine?

Yes, father; it has just struck downstairs.

Quick then, lazy. If you had danced less on Sunday you would have woke us earlier. A fine lazy life!

And he went on grumbling, but sleep returned to him also. His reproaches became confused, and were extinguished in fresh snoring.

The young girl, in her chemise, with her naked feet on the floor, moved about in the room. As she passed by the bed of Henri and Lénore, she replaced the coverlet which had slipped down. They did not wake, lost in the strong sleep of childhood. Alzire, with open eyes, had turned to take the warm place of her big sister without speaking.

I say, now, Zacharie–and you, Jeanlin; I say, now! repeated Catherine, standing before her two brothers, who were still wallowing with their noses in the bolster.

She had to seize the elder by the shoulder and shake him; then, while he was muttering abuse, it came into her head to uncover them by snatching away the sheet. That seemed funny to her, and she began to laugh when she saw the two boys struggling with naked legs.

Stupid, leave me alone, growled Zacharie in ill-temper, sitting up. I don’t like tricks. Good Lord! Say it’s time to get up?

He was lean and ill-made, with a long face and a chin which showed signs of a sprouting beard, yellow hair, and the anaemic pallor which belonged to his whole family.

His shirt had rolled up to his belly, and he lowered it, not from modesty but because he was not warm.

It has struck downstairs, repeated Catherine; come! up! father’s angry."

Jeanlin, who had rolled himself up, closed his eyes, saying: Go and hang yourself; I’m going to sleep.

She laughed again, the laugh of a good-natured girl. He was so small, his limbs so thin, with enormous joints, enlarged by scrofula, that she took him up in her arms. But he kicked about, his apish face, pale and wrinkled, with its green eyes and great ears, grew pale with the rage of weakness. He said nothing, he bit her right breast.

Beastly fellow! she murmured, keeping back a cry and putting him on the floor.

Alzire was silent, with the sheet tucked under her chin, but she had not gone to sleep again. With her intelligent invalid’s eyes she followed her sister and her two brothers, who were now dressing. Another quarrel broke out around the pan, the boys hustled the young girl because she was so long washing herself. Shirts flew about: and, while still half-asleep, they eased themselves without shame, with the tranquil satisfaction of a litter of puppies that have grown up together. Catherine was ready first. She put on her miner s breeches, then her canvas jacket, and fastened the blue cap on her knotted hair; in these clean Monday clothes she had the appearance of a little man; nothing remained to indicate her sex except the slight roll of her hips.

When the old man comes back, said Zacharie, mischievously, he’ll like to find the bed unmade. You know I shall tell him it’s you.

The old man was the grandfather, Bonneinort, who, as he worked during the night, slept by day, so that the bed was never cold; there was always someone snoring there. Without replying, Catherine set herself to arrange the bed-clothes and tuck them in. But during the last moments sounds had been heard behind the wall in the next house. These brick buildings, economically put up by the Company, were so thin that the least breath could be heard through them. The inmates lived there, elbow to elbow, from one end to the other; and no fact of family life remained hidden, even from the youngsters. A heavy step had tramped up the staircase; then there was a kind of soft fall, followed by a sigh of satisfaction.

Good! said Catherine. Levaque has gone down, and here is Bouteloup come to join the Levaque woman.

Jeanlin grinned; even Alzire’s eyes shone. Every morning they made fun of the household of three next door, a pikeman who lodged a worker in the cutting, an arrangement which gave the woman two men, one by night, the other by day.

Philoméne is coughing, began Catherine again, after listening.

She was speaking of the eldest Levaque, a big girl of nineteen, and the mistress of Zacharie, by whom she had already had two children; her chest was so delicate that she was only a sifter at the pit, never having been able to work below.

Pooh! Philoméne! replied Zacharie, she cares a lot, she’s asleep. It’s hoggish to sleep till six.

He was putting on his breeches when an idea occurred to him, and he opened the window. Outside in the darkness the settlement was awaking, lights were dawning one by one between the laths of the shutters. And there was another dispute: he leant out to watch if he could not see, coming out of Pierron’s opposite, the captain of the Voreux, who was accused of sleeping with the Pierron woman, while his sister called to him that since the day before the husband had taken day duty at the pit-eye, and that certainly Dansaert could not have slept there that night. Whilst the air entered in icy whiffs, both of them, becoming angry, maintained the truth of their own information, until cries and tears broke out. It was Éstelle, in her cradle, vexed by the cold.

Maheu woke up suddenly. What had he got in his bones, then? Here he was going to sleep again like a good-for-nothing. And he swore so vigorously that the children became still. Zacharie and Jeanlin finished washing with slow weariness. Alzire, with her large, open eyes, continually stared. The two youngsters, Lénore and Henri, in each other’s arms, had not stirred, breathing in the same quiet way in spite of the noise.

Catherine, give me the candle, called out Maheu.

She finished buttoning her jacket, and carried the candle into the closet, leaving her brothers to look for their clothes by what light came through the door. Her father jumped out of bed. She did not stop, but went downstairs in her coarse woollen stockings, feeling her way, and lighted another candle in the

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