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I Know Who You Are: A Novel
I Know Who You Are: A Novel
I Know Who You Are: A Novel
Ebook384 pages6 hours

I Know Who You Are: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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From the New York Times and international bestselling author of Sometimes I Lie comes a brand new, highly anticipated, dark and twisted thriller: I Know Who You Are.

Meet Aimee Sinclair: the actress everyone thinks they know but can’t remember where from.

Except one person.

Someone knows Aimee very well.

They know who she is and they know what she did.

When Aimee comes home and discovers her husband is missing, she doesn’t seem to know what to do or how to act. The police think she’s hiding something and they’re right, she is—but perhaps not what they thought. Aimee has a secret she’s never shared, and yet, she suspects that someone knows. As she struggles to keep her career and sanity intact, her past comes back to haunt her in ways more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.

In I Know Who You Are, Alice Feeney proves that she is a master of brilliantly complicated plots and killer twists that will keep you guessing until the final page.

Release dateApr 23, 2019

Alice Feeney

ALICE FEENEY is the New York Times bestselling author of Sometimes I Lie, I Know Who You Are, His & Hers, Rock Paper Scissors, and Good Bad Girl. Her novels have been translated into over twenty-five languages and have been optioned for major screen adaptations. Alice was a BBC journalist for fifteen years and now lives in the Devon countryside with her family.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I usually enjoy Feeney’s psychological thrillers but, by the end, I found this one just plain silly.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Spent my day listening to the audio narration by Stephanie Racine. The narration was impressive, the build-up engaging, the child abuse, animal cruelty and spousal abuse disturbing and the twist left me nauseated and ruined the book for me! Needless to say, my least favorite Feeney novel to date!

    Detailed review shall follow!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    What the actual ducking hell.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Now that was a surprise ending. I totally did not expect what happened but it was definitely a great ending. In my mind I had a totally different theory throughout most of the book. It keeps it interesting though to find out how wrong you are and how the author manages to keep THE secret A big secret.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I just don't know..bizarre at best. I'm not one to have to make logic of every book I read. After all, how much of life is rather unbelievable especially when you get into peoples minds? So if a psychological thriller is your thing.....take a trip with this one!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Her other novels surpass this one, the end is super creepy. I couldn't accept it.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is the third book I read for Alice Feeney. I read (Sometimes I Lie) then (His & Hers) and finally this book. It is my least favorite. I love the writing style of Alice, especially how she describes the feelings and thoughts of her characters. I love that her books are not just a thriller that you go through to know the answer, they are well written and you end up with several quotes. But this book kind of disappointed me. I admit that it was interesting and I can't put it down, I was so keen to know what was happening, but it could have been a little faster than that. I really hated the ending it was laim and had loose ends. The book was so dark and the characters were so creepy. I don't recommend this book and if I went back in time I would not have read it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great book and characters. Nice twist that I did not see coming, although I am sure everyone else will say they caught the twist immediately as people lie and lie and then lie some more. :-)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Creepy and compelling psychological thriller that lost impetus with a finish requiring the reader to suspend disbelief.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This had me going for a while there. I was so interested in what was happening and pulled in hook, line, and sinker. I would listen for long stretches and had trouble walking away from the story. But the ending, if you can call it that, just had me rolling my eyes. The final answers, without giving it all away, just left me thinking, "Are you serious?" I couldn't believe the resolution to all the conflicts that had been built up, it all felt thrown together in a sort of farfetched way and it was a little laughable. I almost turned off the audio and left myself not finishing it but there was only about 30 minutes left. It was just all too much in the end and it really ruined the story for me because I'm going to be left with the memory of the ending long after this book is over.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed most of this book thoroughly. It was well constructed, the characters believable, and the plot was gripping. It is a story in two parts: that of Aimee Sinclair, very successful actress, and that of the little girl she once was, who ran away from home and was adopted by Maggie.Aimee's husband has disappeared after an awful row the night before. She reports his disappearance to the police and then herself becomes a suspect, their suspicions confirmed when a body is found buried under her back porch. Aimee has been stalked, someone is leaving post cards "I know who you are" and there are things she doesn't want anyone to know.What I didn't enjoy was a twist at the end when the author implements an extraordinary explanation for who the person is that has been stalking Aimee. But then there is a final twist that is brilliant.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Wow! Spoilers? An actress has a terrible childhood - she was living with her abusive father and her brother following her mother's death during childhood. Then she is kidnapped by a crazy and abusive bookie and her long term boyfriend to replace their dead daughter, whom she is apparently a ringer for. As an adult, she becomes an increasingly famous actress whose husband disappears - and to all appearances, it seems she is responsible. Many twists and turns, a fast read if you can handle the increasingly improbable plot twists.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    What...the...actual...eff did I just read?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wow...This one has a twist coming out of left field that I never saw coming. A terrific page turner.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I saw this on the “new books” shelf at the library and wanted to give it a try, even though I didn’t much care for Sometimes I Lie. (I gave it two stars and got frustrated at the suddenly-cliche unreliable narrator trope.) I wish I hadn’t checked it out. The story was SO slow moving, it was written in a very stilted style, and the obvious cliff-hangers at the end of each chapter reminded me of Goosebumps books, except not as well done. It was hokey and over-the-top, but not in a good way. There was a lot of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, rape, and, SPOILER - incest. The twist wasn’t even shocking because you’re too busy thinking “How could that even be…?” I felt like Alicia White was a loose end - does anyone have insight on that? She disappeared at the same time as the brother - was he Alicia in addition to Maggie? I’m baffled. And a little frustrated that I wasted time with this book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the author's second suspense novel and I found it very similar to the first, easy read, entertaining. The author is able to maintain the suspense and throws in a bit of gratitious sex and violence. But the characters are rather creepy; incredibly damaged, suited better for a horror film. The villain reveal wasn't satisfying and read like the author tried to patch it with additional clues.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the second book I have read from this author and I have loved them both. In this newest tale, Aimee Sinclair is an actress that everyone sort of knows, but they really don't as Aimee is not really who she appears. She has a tragic past and lots of secrets that combine with twists in her life that keep the reader entranced. I can't wait for Feeney's next one!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Aspiring actress Aimee is starting to move up in her beloved career. She is brilliant at pretending, lying, being strong on the outside and confused and broken on the inside and playing a role, most of which has been gained by a horrendous childhood and the events that just about failed to break her for good.The problem with faking being who you think others want you to be when you’re constantly alert for someone to realise your act is that it’s tiring, stressful and lonely. But someone remembers who Aimee was and what her actions were in the past and the fear of this causes her to become erratic and drink quite a bit. Her husband is missing but she can’t really understand how even though everyone thinks she’s harmed him and she’s anxious about her agents phone messages, her co star and her future. Being somewhat unreliable the book is fairly ambiguous, leaving plenty of opportunity to question everything and everyone in between chapters, as I tried to work out what’s going on and who is to blame, as well as the identity of the person she keeps seeing sending her frightening notes.This book stands out from others in the genre by being full of ideas and quotable lines that help you understand Aimee’s philosophy and the history given of her childhood in alternate chapters with the present day. There is so little you can really rely on that the book is good at deceiving you and making you guess until the final pages. The character of Aimee becomes more understandable as you see how her childhood made her who she is, and provides a nice comparison of the child and adult voice and situations. Bad things seem to have repeatedly happened to her all through her life so I felt some sympathy for her, as well as feeling unsure about her morals along the way- is she doing the right thing by pretending to be someone she isn’t? Are any of us? I read this quickly as I really wanted to know the answer and the end really delivered for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was Alice Feeney's second novel. I liked her first one, Sometimes I Lie, better but this one was good too.A 5yr old girl, Ciara, is abducted and resumes a new identity, Aimee Sinclair, but when something goes terribly wrong one day, she finds herself in foster homes.All grown up and now an actress and Aimee Sinclair has a stalker. Someone keeps sending her postcards saying "I Know Who You Are" but that can't be right. No one knows her real identity. The ones that did know are dead... or are they?Oh the level of sickness in this book ... makes you just want to vomit. You'll have to read it to see for yourself.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

I Know Who You Are - Alice Feeney


London, 2017

I’m that girl you think you know, but you can’t remember where from.

Lying is what I do for a living. It’s what I’m best at; becoming somebody else. The eyes are the only part of me I still recognize in the mirror, staring out beneath the made-up face of a made-up person. Another character, another story, another lie. I look away, ready to leave her behind for the night, stopping briefly to stare at what is written on the dressing room door:


My name, not his. I never changed it.

Perhaps because, deep down, I always knew that our marriage would only last until life did us part. I remind myself that my name only defines me if I allow it to. It is merely a collection of letters, arranged in a certain order; little more than a parent’s wish, a label, a lie. Sometimes I long to rearrange those letters into something else. Someone else. A new name for a new me. The me I became when nobody else was looking.

Knowing a person’s name is not the same as knowing a person.

I think we broke us last night.

Sometimes it’s the people who love us the most that hurt us the hardest; because they can.

He hurt me.

We’ve made a bad habit of hurting each other; things have to be broken in order to fix them.

I hurt him back.

I check that I’ve remembered to put my latest book in my bag, the way other people check for a purse or keys. Time is precious, never spare, and I kill mine by reading on set between filming. Ever since I was a child, I have preferred to inhabit the fictional lives of others, hiding in stories that have happier endings than my own; we are what we read. When I’m sure I haven’t forgotten anything, I walk away, back to who and what and where I came from.

Something very bad happened last night.

I’ve tried so hard to pretend that it didn’t, struggled to rearrange the memories, but I can still hear his hate-filled words, still feel his hands around my neck, and still see the expression I’ve never seen his face wear before.

I can still fix this. I can fix us.

The lies we tell ourselves are always the most dangerous.

It was a fight, that’s all. Everybody who has ever loved has also fought.

I walk down the familiar corridors of Pinewood Studios, leaving my dressing room, but not my thoughts or fears too far behind. My steps seem slow and uncertain, as though they are deliberately delaying the act of going home; afraid of what will be waiting there.

I did love him, I still do.

I think it’s important to remember that. We weren’t always the version of us that we became. Life remodels relationships like the sea reshapes the sand; eroding dunes of love, building banks of hate. I told him it was over last night. I told him that I wanted a divorce, and I told him that I meant it this time.

I didn’t. Mean it.

I climb into my Range Rover and drive towards the iconic studio gates, steering towards the inevitable. I fold in on myself a little, hiding the corners of me I’d rather others didn’t see, bending my sharp edges out of view. The man in the booth at the exit waves, his face dressed in kindness. I force my face to smile back, before pulling away.

For me, acting has never been about attracting attention or wanting to be seen. I do what I do because I don’t know how to do anything else, and because it’s the only thing that makes me feel happy. The shy actress is an oxymoron in most people’s dictionaries, but that is who and what I am. Not everybody wants to be somebody. Some people just want to be somebody else. Acting is easy; it’s being me that I find difficult. I throw up before almost every interview and event. I get physically ill and am crippled with nerves when I have to meet people as myself. But when I step out onto a stage, or in front of a camera, as somebody different, it feels like I can fly.

Nobody understands who I really am, except him.

My husband fell in love with the version of me I was before. My success is relatively recent, and my dreams coming true signaled the start of his nightmares. He tried to be supportive at first, but I was never something he wanted to share. That said, each time my anxiety tore me apart, he stitched me back together again. Which was kind, if also self-serving. In order to get satisfaction from fixing something, you either have to leave it broken for a while first, or break it again yourself.

I drive slowly along the fast London streets, silently rehearsing for real life, catching unwelcome glimpses of my made-up self in the mirror. The thirty-six-year-old woman I see looks angry about being forced to wear a disguise. I am not beautiful, but I’m told I have an interesting face. My eyes are too big for the rest of my features, as though all the things they have seen made them swell out of proportion. My long dark hair has been straightened by expert fingers, not my own, and I’m thin now because the part I’m playing requires me to be so, and because I frequently forget to eat. I forget to eat because a journalist once called me plump but pretty. I can’t remember what she said about my performance.

It was a review of my first film role last year. A part that changed my life, and my husband’s, forever. It certainly changed our bank balance, but our love was already overdrawn. He resented my newfound success—it took me away from him—and I think he needed to make me feel small to make himself feel big again. I’m not who he married. I’m more than her now, and I think he wanted less. He’s a journalist, successful in his own right, but it’s not the same. He thought he was losing me, so he started to hold on too tight, so tight that it hurt.

I think part of me liked it.

I park on the street and allow my feet to lead me up the garden path. I bought the Notting Hill town house because I thought it might fix us while we continued to remortgage our marriage. But money is a Band-Aid, not a cure for broken hearts and promises. I’ve never felt so trapped by my own wrong turns. I built my prison in the way that people often do, with solid walls made from bricks of guilt and obligation. Walls that seemed to have no doors, but the way out was always there. I just couldn’t see it.

I let myself in, turning on the lights in each of the cold, dark, vacant rooms.

Ben, I call, taking off my coat.

Even the sound of my voice calling his name sounds wrong, fake, foreign.

I’m home, I say to another empty space. It feels like a lie to describe this as my home; it has never felt like one. A bird never chooses its own cage.

When I can’t find my husband downstairs, I head up to our bedroom, every step heavy with dread and doubt. The memories of the night before are a little too loud now that I’m back on the set of our lives. I call his name again, but he still doesn’t reply. When I’ve checked every room, I return to the kitchen, noticing the elaborate bouquet of flowers on the table for the first time. I read the small card attached to them; there’s just one word:


Sorry is easier to say than it is to feel. Even easier to write.

I want to rub out what happened to us and go back to the beginning. I want to forget what he did to me and what he made me do. I want to start again, but time is something we ran out of long before we started running from each other. Perhaps if he’d let me have the children I so badly wanted to love, things might have been different.

I retrace my steps back to the lounge and stare at Ben’s things on the coffee table: his wallet, keys, and phone. He never goes anywhere without his phone. I pick it up, carefully, as though it might either explode or disintegrate in my fingers. The screen comes to life and reveals a missed call from a number I don’t recognize. I want to see more, but when I press the button the phone demands Ben’s pass code. I try and fail to guess several times, until it locks me out completely.

I search the house again, but he isn’t here. He isn’t hiding. This isn’t a game.

Back out in the hall, I notice that the coat he always wears is where he left it, and his shoes are still by the front door. I call his name one last time, so loud that the neighbors on the other side of the wall must hear me, but there’s still no answer. Maybe he just popped out.

Without his wallet, phone, keys, coat, or shoes?

Denial is the most destructive form of self-harm.

A series of words whisper themselves repeatedly inside my ears:

Vanished. Fled. Departed. Left. Missing. Disappeared.

Then the carousel of words stops spinning, finally settling on the one that fits best. Short and simple, it slots into place, like a piece of a puzzle I didn’t know I’d have to solve.

My husband is gone.


I wonder where other people go when they turn off the lights at night.

Do they all drift and dream? Or are there some, like me, who wander somewhere dark and cold within themselves, digging around inside the shadows of their blackest thoughts and fears, clawing away at the dirt of memories they wish they could forget? Hoping nobody else can see the place they have sunk down into?

When the race to sleep is beaten by the sound of my alarm, I get up, get washed, get dressed. I do all the things that I would normally do, if this were a normal day. I just can’t seem to do them at a normal speed. Every action, every thought, is painfully slow. As though the night were deliberately holding me back from the day to come.

I called the police before I went to bed.

I wasn’t sure whether it was the right thing to do, but apparently there is no longer any need to wait twenty-four hours before notifying the police when someone disappears. The word makes it sound like a magic trick, a disappearing act, but I’m the actress, not my husband. The voice of the stranger on the phone was reassuring, even though the words it delivered weren’t. One word in particular, which he repeatedly hissed into my ear: missing.

Missing person. Missing husband. Missing memories.

I can remember the exact expression my husband wore the last time I saw his face, but what happened next is a blur at best. Not because I am forgetful, or a drunk—I am neither of those things—but because of what happened afterwards. I close my eyes, but I can still see him, his features twisted with hate. I blink the image away as though it were a piece of grit, a minor irritant, obstructing the view of us I prefer.

What have we done? What did I do? Why did he make me?

The kind policeman I eventually spoke to, once I’d managed to dial the third and final number, took our details and said that someone would be in touch. Then he told me not to worry.

He may as well have told me not to breathe.

I don’t know what happens next and I don’t like it. I’ve never been a fan of improvisation; I prefer my life to be scripted, planned, and neatly plotted. Even now, I keep expecting Ben to walk through the door, deliver one of his funny and charming stories to explain it all away, kiss us better. But he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t do anything. He’s gone.

I wish there were someone else I could call, tell, talk to, but there isn’t.

My husband gradually reorganized my life when we first met, criticizing my friends and obliterating my trust in all of them, until we were all we had left. He became my moon, constantly circling, controlling my tides of self-doubt, occasionally blocking out the sun altogether, leaving me somewhere dark, where I was afraid and couldn’t see what was really going on.

Or pretended not to.

The ties of a love like ours twist themselves into a complicated knot, one that is hard to unravel. People would ask why I stayed with him if they knew the truth, and I’d tell them the truth if they did: because I love us more than I hate him, and because he’s the only man I’ve ever pictured myself having a child with. Despite everything he did to hurt me, that was still all I wanted: for us to have a baby and a chance to start again.

A brand-new version of us.

Refusing to let me become a mother was cruel. Thinking I’d just accept his choices as my own was foolish. But I’m good at pretending. I’ve made a living out of it. Papering over the cracks doesn’t mean they’re not there, but life is prettier when you do.

I don’t know what to do now.

I’m trying to carry on like normal, but struggling to remember what that is.

I’ve been running nearly every day for almost ten years, it is something I file away in the slim folder of things I think I am good at, and I enjoy it. I run the same route every single morning; a strict creature of habit. I make myself put on my trainers; shaky fingers struggling to remember how to tie laces they’ve tied a thousand times before. Then I tell myself that staring at the bare walls isn’t going to help anyone or bring him back.

My feet find their familiar rhythm: fast but steady, and I listen to music to disguise the sound track of the city. The adrenaline rush kicks in to dismantle the pain, and I push myself a little harder. I run past the pub on the corner where Ben and I used to go drinking on Friday nights, before we forgot who and how to be with each other. Then I run past the council tower blocks and the millionaires’ playground of terraced luxury on the neighboring street; the haves and have-nots side by side, at least in proximity.

Moving to an expensive corner of West London was Ben’s idea. I was away in L.A. when we bought the place; fear persuaded me it was the right thing to do. I didn’t even step inside before we owned it. When I finally did, the whole house was quite transformed from the photos I had seen online. Ben renovated our new home all by himself; new fixtures and fittings for the brand-new us we thought we could and should be.

As I run around the corner of the street, my eyes find the bookshop. I try not to look, but it’s like the scene of an accident and I can’t help it. It’s where we arranged to meet for our first date. He knew about my love of books, which is why he chose this place. I arrived a little early that night, filled with anticipation and nerves, and browsed the shelves while I waited. Fifteen minutes later, when my date still hadn’t turned up, my anxiety levels were peaking.

Excuse me, are you Aimee? asked an elderly gentleman with a kind smile.

I felt confused, a little sick, he was nothing like the handsome young man in the profile picture I had seen. I considered saying no and fleeing from the shop.

Another customer came in earlier; he bought this and asked me to give it to you. He said it was a clue. The man beamed as though this were the most fun he’d had in years. Then he held out a neatly wrapped brown-paper parcel. With the tension removed from the situation, things seemed to fall into place, and I realized this was the owner of the shop, not my date. I thanked him and took what I guessed was a book, grateful when he left me alone to unwrap it. It was one of my childhood favorites: The Secret Garden. It took a while for the penny to drop, but then I remembered that the florist on the corner shared the same name as the book.

The woman in the flower shop grinned as soon as I walked inside, my entrance accompanied by the tinkle of a bell on her door.


When I nodded, she presented me with a bouquet of white roses. There was a note:

Roses are white.

So sorry I’m late.

Can’t wait for tonight.

You’re my perfect date.

I read it three times, as though trying to translate the words, then noticed the florist still smiling in my direction. People staring at me has always made me feel uncomfortable.

He said he’d meet you at your favorite restaurant.

I thanked her and left. We didn’t have a favorite restaurant, having never eaten out together, so I walked along the high street carrying my book and flowers, enjoying the game. I replayed our email conversations in my mind, and remembered one about food. His preferences had all been so fancy; mine … less so. I had regretted telling him my favorite meal and blamed my upbringing.

The man behind the counter at the fish-and-chips shop smiled. I was a regular back then.

Salt and vinegar?

Yes, please.

He shoveled some chips into a paper cone, then gave them to me, along with a ticket for a film screening later that night. The chips were too hot, and I was too anxious to eat them as I hurried along the road. But as soon as I saw Ben, standing outside the cinema, all my fear seemed to disappear.

I remember our first kiss.

It felt so right. We had a connection I could neither fathom nor explain, and we slotted together as though we were meant to be that way. I smile at the memory of who we were then. That version of us was good. Then I stumble on the uneven pavement outside the cinema, and it brings me back to the present. Its doors are closed. The lights are off. And Ben is gone.

I run a little faster.

I pass the charity shops, wondering if the clothes in the windows were donated in generosity or sorrow. I run past the man pushing a broom along the pavement, sweeping away the litter of other people’s lives. Then I run past the Italian restaurant where the waitress recognized me the last time we ate there. I haven’t been back since; it feels as if I can’t.

I am paralyzed with a unique form of fear when strangers recognize me. I just smile, try to say something friendly, then retreat as fast as I can. Thankfully it doesn’t happen too often. I’m not A-list. Not yet. Somewhere between B and C I suppose, a bit like my bra size. The version of myself I wear in public is far more attractive than the real me. It’s been carefully tailored, a cut above my standard self; she’s someone nobody should see.

I wonder when his love for me ran out.

I take a shortcut through the cemetery, and the sight of a child’s grave fills me with grief, redirecting my mind from thoughts of who we were, to who we might have been, had life unfolded differently. I try to hold on to the happy memories, pretend that there were more than there were. We are all programmed to rewrite our past to protect ourselves in the present.

What am I doing?

My husband is missing. I should be at home, crying, calling hospitals, doing something.

The memory interrupts my thoughts but not my footsteps, and I carry on. I only stop when I reach the coffee shop, exhausted by my own bad habits: insomnia and running away from my problems.

It’s already busy, filled with overworked and underpaid Londoners needing their morning fix, sleep and discontentment still in their eyes. When I reach the front of the queue, I ask for my normal latte and make my way to the till. I use contactless to pay and have disappeared inside myself again, until the unsmiling cashier speaks in my direction. Her blond hair hangs in uneven plaits on either side of her long face, and she wears a frown like a tattoo.

Your card has been declined.

I don’t respond.

She looks at me as though I might be dangerously stupid. Do you have another card? Her words are deliberately slow and delivered with increased volume, as though the situation has already exhausted her of all patience and kindness. I feel other sets of eyes in the shop joining hers, all converging on me.

It’s two pounds forty. It must be your machine, please try it again. I’m appalled by the pathetic sound impersonating my voice coming from my mouth.

She sighs, as though she is doing me an enormous favor, and making a huge personal sacrifice, before stabbing the till with her nail-bitten finger.

I hold out my bank card, fully aware that my hand is trembling and that everyone can see.

She tuts, shakes her head. Card declined. Have you got any other way of paying or not?


I take a step back from my untouched coffee, then turn and walk out of the shop without another word, feeling their eyes follow me, their judgment not far behind.

Ignorance isn’t bliss; it’s fear postponed to a later date.

I stop outside the bank and allow the cash machine to swallow my card, before entering my PIN and requesting a small amount of money. I read the unfamiliar and unexpected words on the screen twice:



The machine spits my card back out in electronic disgust.

Sometimes we pretend not to understand things that we do.

I do what I do best instead: I run. All the way back to the house that was never a home.

As soon as I’m inside, I pull out my phone and dial the number on the back of my bank card, as though this conversation could only be had behind closed doors. Fear, not fatigue, withholds my breath, so that it escapes my mouth in a series of spontaneous bursts, disfiguring my voice. Getting through the security questions is painful, but eventually the woman in a distant call center asks the question I’ve been waiting to hear.

Good morning, Mrs. Sinclair. You have now cleared security. How can I help you?


I listen while a stranger calmly tells me that my bank account was emptied, then closed yesterday. Over ten thousand pounds had been sitting in it; the account I reluctantly agreed to make in joint names, when Ben accused me of not trusting him. Turns out I might have been right not to. Luckily, I’ve squirreled most of my earnings away in accounts he can’t access.

I stare down at Ben’s belongings still sitting on the coffee table, then cradle my phone between my ear and shoulder to free up my hands. It feels a little intrusive to go through his wallet—I’m not that kind of wife—but I pick it up anyway. I peer inside, as though the missing ten thousand pounds might be hidden between the leather folds. It isn’t. All I find is a crumpled-looking fiver, a couple of credit cards I didn’t know he had, and two neatly folded receipts. The first is from the restaurant we ate at the last time I saw him, the second is from the petrol station. Nothing unusual about that. I walk to the window and peel back the edge of the curtain, just enough to see Ben’s car parked in its usual spot. I let the curtain fall and put the wallet back on the table, exactly how I found it. A marriage starved of affection leaves an emaciated love behind; one that is frail, easy to bend and break. But if he was going to leave me and steal my money, then why didn’t he take his things with him too? Everything he owns is still here.

It doesn’t make any sense.

Mrs. Sinclair, is there anything else I can help you with today? The voice on the phone interrupts my confused thoughts.

No. Actually, yes. I just wondered if you could tell me what time my husband closed our joint account?

The final withdrawal was made in branch at seventeen twenty-three. I try to remember yesterday, it seems so long ago. I’m fairly sure I was home from filming by five at the latest, so I would have been here when he did it. That’s strange… she says.

What is?

She hesitates before answering. Your husband didn’t withdraw the money or close the account.

She has my full attention now. Then who did?

There is another long pause.

Well, according to our records, Mrs. Sinclair, it was you.


Mrs. Sinclair? The bank’s call center sounds very far away now, even farther than before, and I can’t answer. I’ve come undone. Time seems like something I can no longer tell, and it feels as if I’m tumbling down a hill too fast with nothing to break my fall.

I think I’d remember if I went to the bank and closed our account.

I hang up as soon as I hear the knock at the door and run to answer it, practically tripping over my feet. I’m certain that Ben and a logical explanation will be waiting behind it.

I’m wrong.

A middle-aged man and a young girl, wearing cheap suits, are standing on my doorstep. He looks like a guy with friends in low places, and she looks like lamb dressed as mutton.

Mrs. Sinclair? she says, coating my name in her Scottish accent.

Yes? I wonder if they might be selling something door-to-door, like double glazing or God, or, even worse, whether they might be journalists.

I’m Detective Inspector Alex Croft and this is Detective Sergeant Wakely. You called about your husband, she says.

Detective? She looks like she should still be in school.

Yes, I did, please come in, I reply, already forgetting their names and ranks. It’s very loud inside my head right now, and my mind is unable to process the additional information.

Thank you. Is there somewhere we could all sit down? she asks, and I lead them into the lounge.

Her petite body is folded into a nondescript black trouser suit, with a white shirt tucked underneath. The ensemble is not unlike a school uniform. Her face is plain but pretty, and without a smudge of makeup. Her shoulder-length mousy hair is so straight it looks as though she might have ironed it at the same time as her shirt. Everything about her is neat and uncommonly tidy. I think she must be new at this, perhaps he is training her. I wasn’t expecting detectives to appear on my doorstep; a uniformed officer perhaps, but not this. I wonder why I’m receiving special treatment and shrink away from the potential answers lining up inside my head.

So, your husband is missing, she prompts as I sit down opposite them both.


She stares, as though waiting for me to say more. I look at him, then back at her, but he doesn’t seem to be much of a talker, and her expression remains unchanged.

Sorry, I’m not really sure how this works. I already feel

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