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The Vanishing Man: A Charles Lenox Mystery
The Vanishing Man: A Charles Lenox Mystery
The Vanishing Man: A Charles Lenox Mystery
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The Vanishing Man: A Charles Lenox Mystery

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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“Fiction readers who crush on blue-blooded British detectives will fall hard for Victorian-era sleuth Charles Lenox." —The Washington Post

From the critically acclaimed and USA Today bestselling author Charles Finch comes The Vanishing Man, a prequel to his Charles Lenox Victorian series,
in which the theft of an antique painting sends Detective Lenox on a hunt for a criminal mastermind.

London, 1853: Having earned some renown by solving a case that baffled Scotland Yard, young Charles Lenox is called upon by the Duke of Dorset, one of England’s most revered noblemen, for help. A painting of the Duke’s great-grandfather has been stolen from his private study. But the Duke’s concern is not for his ancestor’s portrait; hiding in plain sight nearby is another painting of infinitely more value, one that holds the key to one of the country’s most famous and best-kept secrets.

Dorset believes the thieves took the wrong painting and may return when they realize their error—and when his fears result in murder, Lenox must act quickly to unravel the mystery behind both paintings before tragedy can strike again. As the Dorset family closes ranks to protect its reputation, Lenox uncovers a dark secret that could expose them to unimaginable scandal—and reveals the existence of an artifact, priceless beyond measure, for which the family is willing to risk anything to keep hidden.

In this intricately plotted prequel to the Charles Lenox mysteries, the young detective risks his potential career—and his reputation in high society—as he hunts for a criminal mastermind.

Release dateFeb 19, 2019

Charles Finch

Charles Finch is the USA Today bestselling author of the Charles Lenox mysteries, including The Vanishing Man. His first contemporary novel, The Last Enchantments, is also available from St. Martin's Press. Finch received the 2017 Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing from the National Book Critics Circle. His essays and criticism have appeared in the New York Times, Slate, Washington Post, and elsewhere. He lives in Los Angeles.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm officially entranced by this Victorian gentleman detective!Dare I say it? I am SO enamored of Charles Lenox, a gentleman detective of Victorian times who can't ask for payment as that would seem like he's in 'trade.'He is a thoroughly nice man (now 26), intelligent, a sense of humor, compassionate and always willing to learn.This case was a difficult one for Lenox as he stepped into the rarified atmosphere of Dukes (of which there are only twenty-eight), their closeness to the throne in the pecking order of things, and how all this impacts Lenox's investigations when his particular Duke, the Duke of Dorset, is taken to the Tower when his manservant of thirty years, Craig, is killed.A lively and often discouraging investigation that includes something stolen from the Duke's real private study (as opposed to his public private study--I love that!), lost Shakespearian realia, a kidnapping, and murder. Somewhat puzzling, because it's never quite front and center, an inmate in Bedlam claiming to be falsely incarcerated becomes a concern for Charles.Then there's Charles best friend and lost love Lady Jane (previously referred to as Elizabeth), and his rambunctious and delightful scamp of a nephew, Lancelot who provided some fabulous light relief. Lancelot's interaction with the Duke is priceless.Mrs Huggins, Charles' most exacting housekeeper finds a scintillating relationship with cats, Graham is as always present and we meet the mysterious Mr Thaddeus Bonden, a man with a peculiar talent for observing and finding things.Filled with intrepid, puzzling and often downright humorous happenings, this is a very clever and well written novel.A Minotaur Books ARC via NetGalley
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Recommended.Although he is only in his mid-twenties, Charles Lenox has already gained a reputation as a good private investigator. It's a strange calling for a member of the British aristocracy such as Charles and he is viewed with some amusement by other aristocrats. On the other hand, his status gives him entree into high society and he has access to many high powered contacts. This story is a prequel to the subsequent series of detective stories and a good indicator of their high quality. The story begins in June 1853 when Charles is consulted by the Duke of Dorset about a portrait painting, which has gone missing from the duke's private study. Surprisingly the painting is of little monetary value. The duke is one of a handful of nobles at the top of society, next to the queen. It is therefore a great honour to be consulted by him. The search for the portrait turns into something akin to a treasure hunt for the manuscript of an undiscovered Shakespearean play. Lenox's sleuthing is complicated by the duke's bizarre behaviour toward him; he is publicly sacked and humiliated, only to be re-hired a short time later. The duke is the prime suspect in the killing of his valet later in the story and puts him into the Tower of London as a prisoner.Aside from the intriguing mystery, the story vividly portrays the rigid social structure and code of conduct in Victorian England. I found that the demonstrates a detailed knowledge of the florid social protocols and customs of the Victorian aristocracy. The duke and others of his status are revered and treated with great deference. Charles enjoys some of this deference as a minor aristocrat: in addition he is well-educated and is the son of a well regarded parliamentarian. It's an entertaining story and does a good jog of setting the stage for the subsequent mysteries in the series.I received my review copy from the publisher via Netgalley. The views expressed are my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the second prequel to the Charles Lennox mystery series. Charles is twenty-six and has begun to build a reputation as an effective and trustworthy private investigator. The Duke of Dorset calls on him to solve the disappearance of a painting from his private study. Solving the mystery will require more than the simple question of who took it, but also why, because one of the most valuable portraits in the world was left hanging beside it. A further complication is added when murder takes place in the house.I enjoyed the complicated plot, the recurring characters readers have come to love, and the Victorian London setting. A new character in the guise of a twelve year old relative has come to stay at Charles' house and I thought he was a disruptive element to the flow of the book, but all in all, a good addition to one of my favorite series.Thanks to NetGalley for a review copy in exchange for an honest review. The Vanishing Man will be released Feb 19, 2019.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Charles Lenox mystery series, set in England in the 1800’s, is among my favorites and this prequel, in which Lenox is age 26 in 1853, does not disappoint. Once again, there is a strong and interesting plot as Lenox comes to the aid of a duke in a complex plot involving family, theft, murder, and Shakespeare, as well as a great sense of time and place. I loved getting this glimpse into the younger Lenox as he is just starting out in his career, and also enjoyed reading about the recurring characters, such as Lady Jane and Graham, at this earlier stage of Lenox’s life.I absolutely love this series and highly recommend it to my friends who like mysteries. The only issue I have is: Do I recommend that people read these books in the order published, as I have, or in chronological order? Either way, this is one terrific historical mystery series!!(I received this book from the publisher, via Net Galley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    London, 1853, Charles Lenox and Lady Jane Grey are about to go shopping but it is to be a short trip as Lenox has an appointment at noon with the Duke of Dorset. In a population of thirty million there were only twenty-eight Dukes in the whole of the United Kingdom and they are first in the land beneath the royal family. The reader is informed of the further ranking of the nobility from the marquesses, earls, countesses, viscounts and barons. An absurd system, dictated mostly by chance, believed in implicitly. So when a Duke calls.....the 26 year old, tall, slender, straight backed bachelor who has been a private Investigator for three years has little option but to accept the investigation.The Duke of Dorset charges Lenox with find a missing portrait but there is so much more to this mystery that unfolds as the story progresses. Lenox is in favor, then out of favor, and in danger of becoming a social pariah. Social status is all important and the confused state of Lenox’s current status is due to the Duke’s power, whim, confusion and wrath. Lenox, his valet Graham, young cousin Lancelot and brother Edmund provide much tongue-in-cheek banter that is absolutely perfect. Intrigue abounds, there are underhanded machinations and an interesting history lesson. The kind and good may not be. The shadowy characters may be the most straight forward. The high and mighty may have to take a fall before they can reclaim their position. This is a strongly written period piece that didn’t race along but did hold my interest. The plot and distractions were extraordinary, interesting and believable?! Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for a copy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another Lenox mystery — enjoyable!Charles Lenox is asked to look into a matter for the Duke of Dorset. It is a very delicate matter with some ties to the Dorset family history, that the family prefers to not be made public. It can also give Lenox a little more credibility in his endeavors to establish himself in the new career of private investigator.A painting of the fourteenth Duke of Dorset has been stolen from the house. The interesting part is the current Duke is not overly concerned with its theft as he is about the portrait that hangs next to where the stolen painting hung. There is a secret history and high value that is part of the neighbouring painting. Lenox is tasked with finding the missing painting and not revealing its secrets. Secrets that could cause a grand scandal to the house of Dorset and demolish Lenox’s reputation in high society.I enjoy Charles Finch’s Lenox series. When reading it I am able to escape into the Victorian world he writes of. The character and their interaction, along with his descriptives of the scenes make me feel as if I am there. Definitely great reading to escape into.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another good one! I liked the first prequel from last year a bit more, but this was very good. Once again, it's the relationships and characters that make me love these books. The mysteries are always good, paced well, etc, but thee thing I look forward to the most in these books are the 50 pages that always follow after they mystery is wrapped up!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely thoroughly enjoy this series, although I am confused as to why the author is now going back in time and writing about investigations that happened before Charles Lenox's marriage to Lady Jane.A family portrait has been stolen from the private study of the Duke of Dorset, but the Duke is more worried abut the one that wasn't stolen (of William Shakespeare), believing that the thief took the wrong painting.The Duke, an insufferable snob and very nasty man, at one point publicly attempts to ruin Charles's reputation by denouncing Charles at their Club... but when one of the Duke's personal servants is shot while attempting to steal the portrait of Shakespeare, the Duke has no choice but to call upon Charles and apologize.After chasing down leads, it becomes apparent that the theft was not committed by an outsider, rather by a family member and it is up to Charles to uncover which one.This book was well written and definitely held my interest.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The investigation revolves around a stolen painting -- believed to be the wrong painting stolen. The painting hanging next to this one was an actual rare portrait of Shakespeare and very valuable. As the investigation progresses a missing Shakespeare manuscript is discovered. In a snobby, society way secrets are covered up, before Lenox figures who actually took the painting and why.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sorry for the flag "not a review" to Auntie-Nanuuq's review, and perhaps I was a little impulsive in handing it out but this was my first venture into a Charles Lenox's book, and I was initially terribly disappointed at your spoiler regarding Charles Lenox marriage to Lady Jane Grey--I was enjoying the little twists and turns of their relationship and looking forward to how it might evolve, in the meantime enjoying their friendship. I wanted to "start at the beginning" so to speak reading the prequels first, but now I guess it doesn't matter. Won't give up reading the series, however, as this prequel is well written, interestingly plotted and with a wonderful look into history, led by characters that are never boring.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Charles Lenox has made a bit of a name for himself, having helped Scotland Yard solve a mystery so the Duke of Dorset enlists his help to find out who took and retrieve a family portrait. Thinking that the thief took the wrong painting (a much more valuable one hung next to the stolen one) Charles andthe Duke lay in wait for the thief to return. Unfortunately, the Duke in his haste to prevent another theft, amy have ended up shooting the wrong person.As Charles works to solve the inconsistencies presented by the events, he also is dealing with a young cousin that is energetic and rambunctious. Great "prequel" for the series!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    June 1853 after some months without a case Charles Lenox is invited to call on the Duke of Dorset at his home. It seems that something of value has been stolen and the Duke wishes to know why. The Duke believes that the wrong painting was taken and is now concerned. Unfortunately the Duke has his secrets which will lead to murder. But Lenox needs help in unraveling the mystery.
    A very enjoyable and interesting mystery and I look forward to the next prequel before I start reading the series.
    A NetGalley Book
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This prequel to the popular Charles Lenox series is my first foray into the fascinating story of this entertaining character. It is a thoroughly enjoyable romp through early Victorian England. Charles Lenox is a gentleman who through the good fortune of his family does not have to worry about finances. He is free to chose any path he cares to pursue in life. Much to the chagrin of his family, he has chosen to become a Private Investigator. He doesn't even charge for his services. He has no need for monetary payments. He does it because he enjoys the mystery, the thrill, and the satisfaction of the hunt for answers and bringing the cases to a close. Neither Scotland Yard nor most of his peers in the upper class appreciate or understand his passion for his work. The one exception to this is his neighbor and longtime friend, Lady Jane Grey. She has always been a supporter of his. If truth be told he has always held a crush on her, yet never had the courage to tell her. It's complicated. His latest case will involve a missing portrait stolen for the elegant townhouse of a well to do gentleman closely connected to the royal family. Lenox gradually finds that there is a deeper mystery lying beneath the surface of this crime. A mystery that may involve a long lost, priceless manuscript attributed to William Shakespeare.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have read others in this series. Each provides an inside look at life in the upper echelons of British society in the mid 19th Century. Each also features a mystery for the amateur sleuth, Charles Lennox. The story seemed to wander somewhat with somewhat more chit-chat than seemed to be necessary. The resolution seemed stretched and, in contrast to the rest of the book, quickly presented. Throughout I found myself engaged and then rather bored. Still a good read.

Book preview

The Vanishing Man - Charles Finch


Once a month or so, just to keep his hand in the game, Charles Lenox liked to go shopping with his friend Lady Jane Grey.

On this occasion it was a warm, windy day in early June of 1853, quiet, the gently sunny hour of late morning before the clerks would fill the streets on their way to take lunch. The two friends were next-door neighbors on tiny Hampden Lane, in the heart of London, and he was waiting on her steps at ten o’clock precisely. At five past, she came out, smiling and apologizing.

They left, eventually turning up Brook Street and walking past the little string of streets that ran parallel to their own, talking.

Why are you checking your watch every ten seconds? she asked after they had gone about halfway.

Oh! I’m sorry, said Lenox. I’ve an appointment at noon.

I hope it’s with someone you’ve hired to teach you better manners.

The joke’s on you, because it’s with a duke.

The worst-mannered wretch I ever met was a duke, Lady Jane said. As they crossed Binney Street, Lenox’s eyes stayed for an extra moment on a man painting an iron fence with a fresh coat of black paint, whistling happily to himself. Which one is it? she asked.

Out of discretion I cannot say.

I call that disagreeable.

Lenox smiled. It’s a case.

She turned her gaze on him. It had been a long drought since his last case—more than a month. Is it? I see.

Though both considered themselves tenured veterans of London now, anyone observing them would have seen two very young people, as young and resilient as the summer day. Lenox was a tall, slender, straight-backed young bachelor of twenty-six, bearing a gentlemanly appearance, and with, whatever Lady Jane said, a courteous manner. He was dressed in a dark suit, hands often behind his back, with hazel eyes and a short hazel beard. There was something measuring and curious in his face. As for Lady Jane, she was five years his junior, a plain, pretty woman of twenty-one, though she had been married for fully a tenth of those living days, which gave her some obscure right to self-regard for her own maturity. This told in her posture, perhaps. She had soft, dark curling hair; today she wore a light blue dress, with boots of a tan color just visible beneath its hem.

They had grown up in the same part of the countryside, though until he had moved to London, Lenox had never considered her part of his generation. By the time he’d noticed she was, Lady Jane had been engaged.

They neared New Bond Street, where the shops began, as the church clocks chimed the quarter hour.

In truth it was not altogether customary that she went shopping quite so often as she did—in most households like Lady Jane’s, the task would have fallen to a maid—but it was one of the things that she liked, and Lenox liked it for that reason.

The meeting at noon was continually on his mind, even as they walked and spoke. Lenox was a private … well, what word had he settled on! Investigator? Detective? It was a new endeavor yet. Three years could count as new, when the field was one of your own rough-and-ready invention, and when success had been tantalizingly close at moments but remained mostly elusive.

A duke might well bring it close enough to hold with two hands.

This intersection was vastly busier than their peaceful street. She stopped at the corner and looked at a list. After she had been studying for a moment, he said, What do you need today?

Are you going to bother me with questions the whole time? she said, trying to decipher, he could tell from many years of knowing her, her own handwriting.


She looked up and smiled. She pointed to the window next to which they were standing. It was a barber’s. Shall we buy you some mustache grease?

Oh, no, he said, looking at the sign that had inspired the question. I make my own.

How economical.

Yes. Though it puts you in the way of quite a lot of bear hunting.

You are in a very amusing mood, I suppose, Charles. There—I’ve made it out. Let’s go to the greengrocer’s first.

He bowed. Just as you please, my lady.

They made their way carefully down New Bond Street, stopping in at every third or fourth shop. Jane was very canny, while Lenox shopped almost at random; at the confectioner, as she was remonstrating with Mr. Pearson over the price of an order of six dozen marzipan cakes she wanted for a garden party she was having, Lenox decided with little prompting to order a cake to be sent to Lady Berryman, who had invited him to the country for August.

That reminds me, Jane said to the baker. I have an odd request. Could I order an eggless cake from you? Vanilla. It’s for my husband’s aunt. I wrote down the recipe she gave me. She’s lord-terrified of eggs, I’m afraid.

Why on earth? said the baker, so moved by this horrible information that he forgot himself.

Can you think I have asked her, Mr. Pearson?

Blimey, he said. Then amended himself. Blimey, my lady.

She raised her eyebrows. I know. Imagine being married to her.

I couldn’t, said Pearson fervently, which was true for several different reasons.

Lenox was just about to interject that he knew the lady in question, a larger person, and that he would stand on his head if she had ever refused a dessert in her life. But as he was about to speak, Jane threw him a look, and he knew to keep mum.

In the street again, after they’d gone, she explained that she had read a recipe for an eggless cake from Germany and wanted to try it, but didn’t dare insult the baker.

You could have made it at home.

No—no. He has the lightest hand in London, Mr. Pearson, she said. Speaking of which, how is Lancelot?

He made an irritated face at her, and she laughed. Lancelot was a young cousin of Lenox’s on half-term from Eton and therefore in the city for two weeks of what his family had optimistically called seasoning. I would prefer not to discuss it.

Does he still want to come with you on a case?

Ha! Desperately.

Has he gotten you with the peashooter again?

Please leave me in peace.

They proceeded past the cobblers, then the book stall—BACK IN STOCK, EXCLUSIVELY IN ALL OF LONDON, Uncle Tom’s Cabin! a sign declared excitedly—before arriving at the dressmaker. Here Lady Jane went inside alone to have a word, as Lenox skulked outside, feeling like a schoolboy. Soon, though, he was meditating on the upcoming meeting.

The Duke of Dorset!

He thought of the title with a tightening in his stomach, and then of the letter that contained the entirety of his knowledge of the case thus far: His Grace has discovered that a possession upon which he places high value is missing. He would appreciate your advice regarding its potential recovery.

He checked his watch and saw that it was ten past eleven. They were near the end of their ramble, and he felt a quick flicker of melancholy. When he was with Lady Jane, he generally forgot himself; just at the moment, a welcome oblivion.

If Lenox’s first year in London after moving down from Oxford had been characterized by his tenacious, mostly fruitless search for work as a detective, the subsequent eighteen months had been more complex and difficult. In part it was still to do with the scorn his profession drew from his peers, as they advanced steadily onward in their fields—and in part it was to do with the lonely feeling that all around him his friends were marrying, having children even, while he was still by himself.

But most of all, of course, it had to do with the death of his father. At first he had borne up under this misfortune well, he thought. Fathers were supposed to die before their children, he supposed, and he knew any number of friends who had been orphaned long ago. But recently, especially in the last six months, his grief had shown itself in odd, unexpected ways. He found himself losing minutes at a time on train platforms and in gardens, thinking; he found himself dreaming of his childhood.

Perhaps it had to do with the fact that they had never been especially close. He had loved and revered his father, but the easier friendship had been with his mother. Had he assumed there would be time, later on in life, for their relationship to grow? His father had been only sixty-one when he died; for his second son, it had been, surprisingly, not as if some venerable building in London disappeared, which was what he had always imagined—Parliament, for instance—but as if London itself had.

This past year he felt the loss more keenly with each month, not less, and he was sure that was unnatural. For the first time in his life, he woke each morning with a sense of dejection—a sense that, well, here was another day to be gotten through—rather than happiness.


Of all people, Lady Jane perhaps sensed her friend’s state of mind most delicately. When she came out of the dressmaker’s, a look that was difficult to read passed across her face, as if she knew where his thoughts had turned.

Everything acceptable? he asked cheerfully.

Yes, they’re still making dresses.

They resumed their stroll. A few shops down the long boulevard, they passed the optician. I really would like a barometer above anything, Lenox said longingly, pausing before a beautiful brass one in the optician’s window. Ah, well.

What a waste of money it would be, she said.

They say it is good to have friends who support one’s interests, Lenox replied, studying the barometer.

You are dead in the center of the largest city on earth. When was the last time you even saw a ship?

Ha! There you’re going to feel foolish, because I see them nearly every day on the Thames.

From a cab. She pulled his arm. Let’s go, you can’t be late to your duke.

They proceeded down New Bond, talking of this and that. It seemed Lady Jane had a kind word for every person they passed, and it occurred to Lenox that just as he had been struggling to find his feet in his profession, she had perhaps felt something like an impostor in her first years in London—in the very earliest days of her grand marriage, to an earl’s first son. Perhaps this was why she shopped for herself; perhaps it gave her a sense of intimacy with their leafy, occasionally intimidating London neighborhood, making a community of it. Like him, she belonged, from the first, to a small place, a village. Now she had made a small place here, in the biggest place. A village of its own.

They spent some time discussing the duke. A duke, after all! The whole of the United Kingdom, in its population of thirty million, possessed just twenty-eight such creatures. The least of them was a figure of overpowering consequence. Yet even among their rank were finer gradients, and the man Lenox was shortly to see held one of the three or four greatest dukedoms.

Theirs was the highest tier of the nobility, the dukes, first in the land beneath the royal family. Not only that, but in their innermost souls not a few dukes and duchesses would have pointed to their lineage (the title of duke had come into existence in 1337) and claimed a greater stake in the leadership of Britain than the come-lately family currently chattering around the throne in German accents.

After them, it went so: first the marquesses, thirty-five of these, and their wives, the marchionesses. Then earls—and there it became complicated, because the title of earl was nearly oldest of all, originating as long ago as the year 600, historians said, when each shire of England had a jarl (Norse for noble warrior), which was the reason that in England each earl was still entitled to a small crown: a coronet.

Many earls in England (including Lady Jane’s father, Lord Houghton) would not have admitted for a second to being beneath a duke. Their wives were called countesses, because nobody had ever thought to name them earlesses—which had struck many schoolboys memorizing these facts as extremely stupid indeed.

Thereafter it got greatly simpler. Viscounts were next, nearly a hundred of these, common as church mice, the poor devils. Finally came barons, last rank in the peerage.

And there you’ll be, at the very top of the heap, said Jane.

I doubt he’ll make me a duke there on the spot, Lenox said.

Probably just a baron or something.

"I do wonder what he wants. A possession upon which he places high value. I only hope it’s not his lucky kilt, or something like that."

Lady Jane laughed. And the laundress has lost it, yes. I could see that being the calamity, I fear.

Lenox himself held none of these titles. Just to confuse things, there was still one title left over, and it was here that he entered the picture: Baronets were called sir, as Lenox’s older brother, Sir Edmund, had now been in the eighteen months since their father’s death.

A knight was also called sir, but his children couldn’t inherit the title. It belonged to a sole person and died with him, a great writer, say, or artist, or dear intimate of the Queen’s ninth-favorite cousin.

All of these gentry taken together with their families numbered not more than ten thousand, but Lenox, as the second son even of a very old, landed, and honored baronetcy, was as far down the slopes of the mountain of aristocracy from the Duke of Dorset as the thirty-millionth Briton, drunk in a ditch, was from Lenox himself.

It was an absurd system. Almost nobody believed in it as more than a matter of chance, except for the very old aunts and uncles who kept the genealogies. Yet all of them also, somehow, believed in it implicitly.

Strange to be an Englishman, an Englishwoman.

At last they reached the turn of New Bond Street, where they saw the most dignified shop in the whole row, housed inside a handsome stone building with purple wisteria climbing its white face. This was the leecher’s—the best leecher in town, people generally agreed, where they boxed the living leeches in boxes bound with blue ribbon, as if they were marzipan cakes themselves.

Despite this enticement, Lenox and Lady passed by the leecher’s in favor of their own favorite shop, which stood just around the corner, behind a short porch made of plain, unsanded boards. Over the door it said nothing but BERGSON in plain white stenciled lettering.

They pushed the door open and saw Bergson himself in a chair behind a broad counter, looking infernally grumpy and making absolutely no movement to rise and greet them. A duke or an earl or a murderer or anyone on God’s green earth could have walked in and his reaction would have been the same.

He was a silent old Swede, Bergson, who had spent most of his life in America and then, for reasons known only to himself, come to London and set up an exact replica of the shop he had once owned in the Wisconsin territory.

An exact replica, truly exact, which meant that there were items of no conceivable use to a Londoner, like two-hundred-pound bags of cornmeal (enough to last a long cabin winter, in lesser demand here), mixed with those of delightful novelty and tireless fascination.

Look! said Jane, handling a necklace with a large polished turquoise at the end of two rubbed-leather ropes. These are the fashion right now, Duch says.

Lenox looked at it doubtfully, then at the stone-faced Bergson, who, in bib overalls of a denim that was either very dark or had never been washed, did not look even adjacent to the world of fashion. Some people said he had lost his whole family to a fever, others that he had left America when Wisconsin had become a state five years before, because he had murdered another man over a plot of property once and could not survive a land with laws.

Lenox suspected him simply of being shrewd; this was one of the most popular shops in London, its stock replenished just often enough to be endlessly fascinating.

Bergson was not telling—he barely deigned to speak to his customers—but he did sell Charles and Jane a variety of items: bars of pine soap, bags of sifted brown sugar, rough lumps of silver, a woven fishing creel that Lenox thought he might give his brother, Edmund. Lady Jane bought a handsome leather cap for her husband, who was due back from India with his troops in August. Lenox considered a tinderbox before buying Lancelot an arrowhead, silvered with mica.

See, you do like having Lancelot, said Lady Jane as they left.

In fact I do not, but I love Eustacia very dearly. This was Lancelot’s mother, Lenox’s first cousin. As for Lancelot, he’ll slit my neck with this arrowhead tonight.

She mulled this over. Better than the tinderbox, then, all things considered, since our houses are side by side. Look, it’s eleven forty, Charles. You had better go and see about your duke.


He arrived at Dorset House twenty minutes later, taking off his hat in the doorway and listening very attentively to Theodore Ward, the duke’s private secretary, who was leading him inside.

Just to clarify once more, our expectation, His Grace’s expectation, is that we may trust in your absolute discretion, Lenox. Really, your absolute—well, you understand. You do, don’t you?

I’m scarcely liable to change my answer the ninth time you ask, Theo.

Ward’s brow darkened, and for just an instant they were two boys on the cricket pitch at school again, arguing over whose turn it was to bowl. I say, Charlie, it really is the most highly—

Lenox held up a hand. I’m sorry. You have my word. My absolute word. My rock-solid bottom-of-the-ocean heaven-swear-it word. Honestly.

Ward was mollified. Good. It’s only—I don’t think I have ever even seen the duke perturbed.

I understand.

He did. In his work, Lenox had seen people of all stations experiencing the most frantic moments of their lives. Having encountered wrongdoing or violence, none of them, from scullery maid to stiff-chinned major, could stay unchanged.

Just wait here a moment, then, if you wouldn’t mind.

Lenox smiled. I could live here comfortably enough for a while if you like.

The secretary followed Lenox’s gaze across the enormous entryway. They had just come in from the noisy streets of London, but the cavernous silence made it like stepping into a house recessed deep in the pine-tree countryside: the vast checkerboard marble floor, the curling staircase, the high arched ceiling, a mahogany settle with the proportions of a dinghy.

It’s something rather else, isn’t it? said Ward.

They would have slept thirty of us on that stairwell at Harrow.

Ward laughed. They did cram us. At any rate, stay here. Find a chair if you like. He gestured toward a row of twelve of them. Have a gander at the paintings. I’ll be back when I’ve made sure His Grace is prepared to see you now.

Ward left, and Lenox looked around the hall.

He had seen paintings before—most of them, in his limited experience, seemed to be of streams, cows, or fine personages, and these were no exception—so instead he turned back to the entrance through which they had just come.

On either side of the heavy front door was a large vertical window. He stood close to one and looked out at the Thames, which glimmered gold under the summer sun.

He was in what some people reckoned London’s most beautiful house. It was a white marble citadel built four hundred years before, sitting not all that much more than a thousand yards or so west of the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, the only private residence on this stretch of the city. The Thames faced its front door; Buckingham Palace was a five-minute walk from its back one.

Standing there, Lenox was perhaps just conscious of a slight feeling of fraudulence. He had dressed in too warm a gray wool suit and a somber maroon tie—serious clothes, to indicate his seriousness, though in his sober face was a betraying trace of self-doubt. He was only twenty-six, and while he was passionately interested in this work, the number of serious crimes he had investigated could still be counted on one hand.

After perhaps five minutes, Ward returned, and Lenox strode back to the center of the entrance hall. He was shorter and sturdier than Lenox, Ward—a boxer in the deepest places of his heart—and there was no levity left in his manner.

Just this way, he said. His Grace will see you at the place of the—in his private study. His real private study.

Is there a made-up one? Lenox asked in a quiet voice, because now they were proceeding up the stairwell.

"There is a public private study, where he takes large meetings," Ward replied, equally quietly.

I see.

And he was a duke, after all. Even Jane, whom very little impressed, the daughter of an earl, some distant day destined to be the wife of one when her husband’s father died, had given Lenox a second look when he said the name Dorset. Aside from a handful of people—the Queen, Prince Albert, the old heroic red-faced Duke of Wellington, still just alive—there weren’t many more powerful inhabitants of England. The Archbishop of Canterbury? Probably not. If you took the whole power of Oxford University it might compete with the duke’s.

But not with his wealth.

Theodore Ward (a well-born commoner, son of a squire, which is to say a sort of untitled baronet, and grandnephew of a marquess, bound someday for Parliament in all likelihood—hence this prestigious post) was conscious of this, it was clear. He led Lenox down a red-carpeted hallway of Dorset House as carefully as if they were bound for St. Peter’s gates.

When they reached the duke’s study, he tapped gently upon the door. "Your

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