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The Race War
The Race War
The Race War
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The Race War

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Everything Bobby was taught as a kid is now coming to pass. The school says they will take his sister away if she doesn't follow the new "acceptance policy." His grandmother has been denied medical care because she's "too old."


He never paid much attention to that bible stuff he was taught, but it's all coming back to him now. Now he's the one in charge. The only thing he's sure of is, now he's got to stand up. 


Release dateAug 6, 2020
The Race War

Timothy Avants

Timothy Avants is an educator. He has numerous textbooks on the market and has lived and taught around the world. Good luck.

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    Book preview

    The Race War - Timothy Avants





    Book 1

    Ch. 1

    Bobby was a good boy. He had a job, took care of his little sister, and was the man of his house. Having been raised by his grandmother, he knew right from wrong. He knew who God was and acted like it, too. His grandmother was a little older these days and her health was a constant reminder of her near future. Not that she was sick, but she was war-torn.

    Grandma, like many her age, had weathered several wars, buried her husband, and a son, as well. Yes, grandma was the product of a different time. People didn’t flush babies down the toilet. Being gay wasn’t cool, and duty was everything. This was her legacy to Bobby. Bobby’s best friend was a black man. They’d been friends since childhood, and they were more like brothers than anything.

    Bobby was his best man and vice versa. But Bobby’s wife had long run off with someone else. Like a lot of others, she’d been seduced by what they called freedom. So she was-free. Bobby’s little sister was 10 years old and she was a good girl. She had the energy of a miniature train and was as loud as one too, at least when she wanted to get on Bobby’s nerves, or if she wanted something in particular.

    But times had changed in the last several years. People had been taken in by the disinformation campaign of the media, always zoning in on who was hit by what bomb. In an effort to discredit the war in Iraq, and Afghanistan for that matter, the media showed massive amounts of pictures every day and every night, day in and day out. The same approach was used to discredit the war in Vietnam and stupid college kids who never worked a day in their lives demonstrated so fiercely that it disrupted the whole country. The USA got out of Vietnam as a result. The result of that? 2,000,000 people lost their lives in the killing fields of Cambodia after America pulled out. In America, these Iraqi and Afghani images were mostly of those individuals that terrorists had nestled themselves among, even the terrorists themselves, but the media never said that, and the tides were turned against the presidency. Alas, a black man was elected president.

    This was when things turned straight to hell.

    There’s something funny about a coward. Seems like he’ll do anything to justify staying out of the fight, he’ll buy anything to justify his fear-or hide it for that matter. And when a covey of cowards get together, they become life changing. Empires fall. Freedom is lost. And people die. Cowardice is a bug that runs through the blood system. It hunts down any antigen of self-respect and squeezes it to death. But like most viruses, it can only be successful in vast numbers. By its very nature, cowardice cannot work alone. That is why it is cowardly. But when it finds others to help it justify its own fear, then it starts to multiply.

    Mostly, cowardice is made of perversions and fear. The perversions usually do things behind closed doors because, again, by their very nature, they know they are wrong. Fear hides because it is fear. But when the two unite, they use their old-buddy rationalization to justify their own existence and then their actions.

    This was what Bobby had to deal with. Like the rest of the country, he was just trying to make it. But a sudden rain comes on real fast, drenching everything in sight. If there were any way to control it, now would probably be too late. They were already right in the middle of the storm.

    Grandma, I need to get there by 7:00. I can’t be late again.

    There was rustling in the back room. He heard some talking but knew it wasn’t directed to him. Randi his little sister made her way into the front room and plopped on the couch.

    Bobby, why can’t I go this weekend?

    She frowned a little bit and then stuck out her lip. She was a good girl and hadn’t yet learned how to pout.

    Bobby sighed a minute, stopped what he was doing, and looked at her.

    Listen, Randi, if there were an adult there, things might be different. But, as it is, no.

    She fidgeted with her arms folded. She knew that from the beginning but just had to try...him, that is. She just had to try him. Their parents had been gone for some years so the power shift was still moving.

    Grandma shuffled to the front room and stood there. She had her lipstick on and her hair fixed.

    How do I look?

    She dabbed at her hair as if to rearrange it.

    You look fine, grandma. After today, we can get you scheduled for an operation and then your hip won’t be bothering you anymore.

    Oh, Bobby, she trembled, it hurts so bad. I’m up all night most nights.

    I know grandma, he smiled, but with the new healthcare program, it’ll all be taken care of.

    Bobby, you’re a good boy. Your parents would be right proud of you.

    Ch. 2

    They stood there fidgeting nervously, waiting to be called in. Bobby kept thinking about losing a half day at work. At the end of the month, it added up. Randi needed some shoes, and he needed some work boots. Grandma sat down on the edge of the bench. The room was filled with patients. They were all waiting on the same thing. This was the new procedure these days. First, the check up. Then, the meeting with the panel. He had heard stories about the panel. About all of it.

    Bobby, can’t you get ‘em to call us any faster? I can’t hardly stand it.

    I know, grandma. Hang in there. It’ll be just a minute.

    After the health care system passed congress, the private system was done away with. The only people who could get this type of thing done were those who paid cash. People hated the previous system so badly that they accepted anything in its place. Now the wait for an appointment took months. Every option was taken away, at least for the common man.

    Mrs. Hope!

    The nurse stood and waited. She was the sanitized picture. Bobby stood with her grandma.

    I’m sorry, sir. Only the patient is allowed in.

    But, I am...

    I’m sorry.

    Grandma followed her in and was shown where to sit. Two men and a woman sat at a desk and stared at her.

    Mrs. Hope, the lady began, we understand that you are a widow.


    The lady scribbled on her paper and continued.

    According to our guidelines, we will be unable to provide medical help. Your age precludes us from making a decision otherwise.


    Ms. Hope, you can appeal this but we suggest that you speak with your counselor to make other arrangements.

    Grandma sat for a minute while they stared silently. Her throat grew a lump.

    But I am in pain every day. I...

    Ms. Hope, we understand that and your counselor will go over all of your alternatives with you. This is protocol. Thank you for coming and we wish you well.

    The nurse came in and tugged gently at her arm, and then led her out. She was taken to the hall, but Bobby had already been returned to the waiting room.

    Ms Hope, we will take you to your counselor now so that you can expedite things. We understand that you may be in pain.

    She followed passively as she was ushered to the next step. She was taken in a room and sat down.

    The doctor was a younger man, late 30s, very sanitized and black as coal. The room smelled like something was dying.

    Ms. Hope, thanks for coming. We understand that you have been denied a procedure. We are going to help you through this difficult time. Tell me about your family. I see you were married with a family.

    She smiled and started to reminisce. She rattled on about her married life and her son, how he was a working man with a business, got married and had Bobby and Randi. She wandered endlessly for 15 minutes as he sat and smiled.

    Then he found an opportune time and broke in.

    You know, Ms. Hope, you have had such a wonderful life. You have had the chances that few people your age have. You had a family and love and even worked for a while. Your life has been very complete. Wouldn’t you agree?

    She grinned and agreed.

    But, Ms. Hope, statistics show that with a hip problem in people of your age, it usually gets worse.

    She gasped a bit and then caught herself.

    See. Ms. Hope, actually about 80% of people your age actually suffer an incredible amount of pain as a result. Most even become paralyzed in some sort.

    He looked at her and let it sink in. His training had taught him how to wait.

    Just think of it, Ms. Hope. You could actually end up being bedridden. You would be a burden on your family. Our data indicates that your grandson’s income is not enough to bear any further financial responsibility. I know you would never want to be a burden to your loved ones, would you?

    Tears sprang down her face.

    She couldn’t believe her ears.

    "Ms. Hope, we have a place where you can go and simply go through what we call the next phase, and then lie down and all the problems would be over. It is such a wonderful experience. Many people set it up in advance and say goodbye to their family beforehand. It is just a lot easier that way. Most people go through the whole experience with a pleasant smile on their faces. I know you need time to think. I can call you next week if you’d like. Let’s set it up for the week after next."

    He looked at her politely and reservedly and simply waited.

    Well, I need to talk with my grandson Bobby, but what do you think?

    Ms. Hope, I think it’s the best alternative. You will save yourself pain and save your family a lot of heartache.

    But, doctor, my religion tells me that is wrong.

    I understand that but we know that God would want us to have a good life. That’s why we have the power to do this. When it gets too painful, it’s time to let go for the next generation. Do it for them...for your grandchildren.

    Ch. 3

    Bobby sat with Grandma and Randi. She was a big girl now and was allowed to sit in on most discussions. Grandma was next to tears but very adamant about her belief system.

    Lord o’ mercy, what in the world has this country come to? All my life, I have paid taxes. Your grandfather paid his taxes. We voted. And now this.

    She shook her head back and forth and looked at Bobby.

    I know, Grandma. Plus all of that, word is that we gotta have so many gays on the floor at work pretty quick. They’re protected and all.

    He made quote signs with his fingers.

    Main thing is, what are we gonna do bout your operation?

    She pursed her lips a little and faintly smiled.

    Don’t worry, Robert. God has never let us down yet.

    In the background the news unfolded the day’s events. Their attention drew in and out. Something always seemed to obstruct the bigger picture. A smartly dressed black woman delivered the news as her Hispanic co-anchor looked on.

    "In Washington, the ‘Best Translation’ version of the Bible was announced, a scholarly team having finished it in record time. The President called it truly a ‘wonderful piece of scholarship’ designed to bring the good news of peace and acceptance of all.’

    In other news, violence broke out at a union meeting in upstate New York. Several were seriously injured in the altercation.

    The new gay quota seems to be a point of contention among a number of workers. Union officials claim they were never required to declare their sexual preference to gain employment, and the new federal ruling is tantamount to reverse discrimination. As you recall, the new federal requirement mandates that 8% of the workforce must be bisexual or gay. Non-compliance by the employer will result in hefty fines and may even result in nationalization of the company. Last year, two factories in Arkansas were nationalized under such conditions. The employers denied any wrongdoing and indicated no outwardly gay or bisexuals applied for work. Therefore, they could not be expected to actively recruit applicants from alternative lifestyles.

    In school news, the new gender discovery classes are now mandatory. Every student from grades K through 12 will be required to take 5 hours per week of gender discovery and research classes. In an effort to promote peace and harmony between various ideologies, the President has applied this requirement so that youngsters from every social background will be able to make his or own decision about lifestyle. Asked if he thinks this is government imposition into a private area, the President indicated that ‘information simply allows the individual freedom of choice.’  Last year, a 15 year old student was withdrawn from such a program in Vermont by his parents. The AMERICAN  CIVIL LIBERTIES CONSORTIUM later filed suit for divorce on behalf of the boy, and he is now living happily with a same-sex couple and making his own decisions regarding sexuality. Some opponents of the law claim that this interferes with the parents’ right to bring the children up under their value system. Liberals hailed the move and look forward to further such moves in the near future."

    Grandma started weeping.

    Bobby, you just don’t understand. Sometimes I hurt so bad I just can’t stand it anymore.

    The Republican provided what he called definitive proof that allowance of the new ‘Illegal clause’ would cost the taxpayers 4 billion dollars over the next year. Massive demonstrations have taken place around the country. Yesterday a health care worker was beat up by a group of illegal immigrants behind a hospital on Lake Shore Drive. Police speculated that it was a case of mistaken identity. The worker remains in a coma. This was during a demonstration against the new clause which allows illegal immigrants equal access to health care. Opponents claim the new equal access comes at the expense of our elderly. Following a similar plan in Europe, elderly citizens are allotted medical care based on their life expectancy. Supporters of the plan point that it offers a higher quality of life at the time being, allowing the older generation the right to choose when, where, and how they will end their life.

    I know Grandma. We’ll do somethin’. I dunno know what but we’re gonna do somethin’.

    Bobby, Randi loved up against him,  I need to get you to sign a paper for school.

    She handed him a note. He glanced but didn’t look.

    What is it?

    It’s for a class we hafta take. The kids call it the G-spot class.

    He was shocked.

    Where did you hear that?

    At school. What does that mean?

    Never mind, you have to take it?

    I have to, Bobby, or else they’ll notify the state or something. It’s part of the sexual education stuff.

    Leave it with me and I’ll give it to you tomorrow.

    He put it on the end-table under the lamp. Then he turned to Grandma.

    Grandma, let’s pray, ok?

    His daddy had taught him well because the man should always be the priest of the house. He held Randi’s hand on one end and Grandma’s hand on the other.

    Dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for Grandma and the healing she received on the cross. We stand on your Word and say thank you for that, and also ask in the name of Jesus that you deliver her from pain. Please provide the way for her to be pain free. Show us where to go and what to do. Please protect us from this perverse generation because we are Yours. In the name of Jesus, we ask and thank you for these things. Amen.



    Now, baby, you get on up to bed cuz it’s almost 10:00. Ok?

    He hugged his little sister and kissed her on the cheek as the TV hummed on.

    On a final note, 24 more churches across the state have been closed by the state following the new Hate Crime Bill. A series of states had already passed some form of hate crime law that made it criminal to use ‘hate speech’ against a ‘protected’ class of citizens. With the passage of the President’s Hate Crime Bill, it is now a federal crime to denounce alternative lifestyles in any form of public speech. Mostly, fundamentalist preachers have been arrested as have their followers. Because this is a federal crime, the penalties are stiff. The average sentence is ten years, leaving the defendant to serve at least 70% of that sentence. In some instances, victims of the Hate Crime Bill have been able to sue and receive damages from the accused. In many cases, properties of churches have been seized to pay the punitive damages assessed by the court. In many outlying areas, this has also  contributed to racial tensions. If a person can prove he has been attacked, he can file for punitive damages. Immigrants have also benefited from the Hate Crime Bill in that words are classified as weapons, thereby any rhetoric written or spoken that derides, demeans, or questions the place of a protected group in American society is classified as ’hate speech.’

    Bobby turned the station. A gay reporter, perhaps male, painted ostentatiously with orange hair, turned to his bullish co-anchor.

    Honey, I think this President is the best thing since personal gratification devices. I mean, he waved his hand like a girl, he has brought us out of the stone age. Girl, it is about time we took our place in society.

    Bobby cruised through several stations before stopping on an all black gay pride station.

    I’m going over to Deke’s house. I’ll be back in a bit.

    Ch. 4

    Deke and Bobby had been friends for 15 years, since they were just kids. They wrestled together, played football together, and he was Deacon’s best man. Dropping by at 10:00 pm was nothing.

    Hey, man, come on in. I’m just hittin’ a brew before bedtime. What’s up, my white brotha?

    Aw, it ain’t nothin’. I’m just tired of hearin’ all that crap on TV. Seems like everything’s falling apart, you know?

    I know what you mean, Bobby. Hey don’t worry bout it. Ever thang’s cool for you and me. Shoot. I gotta kid on the way. Gotta  job. Gotta car. Gotta a fine ole lady. Gotta house. We cool!

    He waved his hand ethnically.

    He continued, Hey Bobby, let’s go out back.

    Outside he had a nice grill and a fenced in back yard. Every working man’s dream.

    Hey Deke, let me come here n set up a tent out back here. I’ll give you a hundred a month.

    No can do, my friend. This is reserved for me and my son to run and catch all day long. After all, we never had a wide receiver in the family.

    Deke shook as if something struck him.

    That reminds me, Bobby. There’s a job for Safety Inspector opening up. You oughta try for it. I think you gotta have like 5 years on the job or somethin’. I’m not sure exactly, but I know your cousin Red put in for it. Hell, he looks like a friggin’ hillbilly so it’s got to go to you. You’re ugly but not as ugly as he is. I know ugly runs in your family and all.

    Deke faked a punch to his stomach.

    Bobby answered in his Elvis voice, Thank you. Thank you very much.

    Listen, Bobby, all you gotta do is talk to HR. By the way, talkin bout ugly, check this out.

    He flipped out his cell and showed him a picture of a beautiful black woman.

    Deke, you better watch out cuz your wife gonna kill you if you’re not careful. I mean you will wake up missin’ some vital parts.

    Deke grinned.

    Don’t worry bout it bro’ cuz I keep my stuff tight.

    They went inside and Sheena was sitting on the couch. She was 8.5 months and lugging around a lot of extra weight.

    She smiled and greeted Bobby.

    Hey there, pregnant lady. How you feeling these days?

    Honey, if I had my way, I’d go in tomorrow. I feel like I’m carrying around barbells in my stomach. She rubbed her stomach. Plus I’ll be honest with you, this little sucker is gonna be a kickboxer or somethin’ cuz he kicks like a mule-all day, every day, 24 hours a day.

    Cool, that means he can kick Deke’s butt when he gets outta line.

    She laughed, Someone needs to.


    The next morning was nice warm day with a lot of promise. Randi was on the couch waiting for Bobby.

    Bobby I am gonna be late again!

    I’m coming, little girl. Hold your horses.

    Bobby, you never did sign that paper for this new class today. It’s mandatory. You have to agree to it cuz if you don’t, you have to go before a court or something.

    Ooh, ‘mandatory.’ Wow. Smart girl. Wait a minute, do you even know what mandatory means?

    Yes, obligatory. It must be done. M-A-N-D-A-T-O-R-Y. Mandatory. And you’ll have to go to court.


    He looked around the front room and moved a pillow.

    I don’t know why exactly but that’s what they said. It’s a new law from the Civil Welfare Department.

    Ok, Randi. Listen. I will find it and then you can take it in the morning, ok? I’m late for work.

    Ooh K, she sighed.


    The school looked almost deserted because they were late. She made her way to the door and turned and waved before going in. She was a delightful child.

    Bobby got out to check a tire and saw a notice on the bulletin board. He eased up to it, drawn in by the colorful poster.


    Come and experience what life has in store for you. Classes start today! Don’t forget, classes are mandatory. Discover a different world, and find out what you want out of life. We are your connection to understanding, acceptance, respect, and harmony. Remember, every act of love is beautiful in and of itself.

    Minority Welfare Commission in conjunction with the Youth Education Commission

    What an odd ad, he thought.


    After work, he made his way to the Human Resources department. He approached a white girl at the front desk.

    I’d like to apply for the Safety Inspector position.

    The woman gave him a look of pity.

    Ok, what’s your name?

    Before he could answer, a loud mouth black girl sitting 15 feet away blurted out.

    He gonna hafta go ta the Minority Commission!

    She stared at him from afar and waited for his answer. He looked at the white woman.

    My name is Robert Hope.

    The same one yelled out again: He gonna hafta go ta the Minority Commission, I said! You didn’t hear me?

    She was nasty and hateful. Vile spewed from her mouth with every syllable.

    She’s right, Mr. Hope.

    She handed him a form and wrote M1 on the top. He was puzzled but polite.

    "Why do I have to go to the Minority Commission? I’m not even a minority. In fact, what is the Minority Commission? I’ve never even heard of it."

    The black girl jumped in again as he was talking to the white woman.

    "Fo’ yo’ information, white boy, you hafta go to the Minority Commission because you are not a minority, and the Minority Commission is the best thing ever done by the President of this whole damned  United States!"

    She snapped her fingers in a zig-zag motion.

    Then she audibly muttered under her breath as she bent her head like she was reading, I friggin’ hate white people.

    Her black co-worker on the other side answered, Word.

    From the back room, there was a Damn right!


    The wait was about 30 minutes at the Minority Commission. It was an opulent building with pictures of black people all around the wall, from one end to the other. He was one of hundreds of white people there. As he sat, he realized that employment applications went through the individual offices for people of color. They had a direct line. For the majority, they were sifted out and run through the wheel of luck, all a game of chance.

    The man helping him was a black man with a bowtie. On his desk were pictures of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.

    Mr. Hope, I need two things kindly. First, I need the Statement of Agreement for Miss Randi Hope stating that you agree to abide by the Acceptance Clause in the Hate Crime amendment. Second, I need your Statement of Ethnicity. I have your referral slip from your employer.

    But why do you need these things? I don’t even know what they are.

    Mr. Hope, don’t you watch the news? Your President did all that at the same time that Health Care was nationalized, Praise be to Allah, and the Hate Crime Bill was passed. You do know what the federal Hate Crime Bill is, right?

    He smirked smugly and watched his condescension fall all over Bobby like ice cold water that jolts the heart. Like that same water, if it doesn’t kill on impact, it sure wakes someone up.

    Ok, look, just tell me what I have to do. Are you telling me that I can’t even apply for the job without those two documents?

    I’m telling you that you can’t even apply for the job without those two documents.

    Where can I get them?

    Mr. Hope, you should have been sent the ‘Acceptance Agreement’ sometimes called the ‘Statement of Agreement’ by Miss Randi’s school. In fact, she can’t even register for classes unless she signs that. Your statement of ethnicity is obtained from the Health Department. The cost is $100.

    So, what is the Acceptance Clause..or Agreement?

    I really don’t have time now to give you a Civics lesson, but it is just a statement that says you agree not to discriminate. It is a live and let live document. That’s all.

    His tone changed.

    Face it, buddy, we are the dog now, and you’re the tail.

    Bobby got up. As he was leaving, he noticed a button on the man’s shirt that read, "The Tide Has Changed."

    Ch. 5

    Randi rode the bus home as usual and was surprised to find Bobby already sitting there. He was deep in thought. Hours passed by before she had the courage to bring it up. First, she went in her room and prayed. After supper, she had the strength to face it.

    Bobby she said nervously, I have something to tell you.

    He looked up blankly. His mind was still elsewhere.


    She fumbled around a little at first and then let it flop out.

    I walked out of a class today.

    She looked at him nervously and her eyes brimmed with tears just waiting to overflow.

    He blew up.

    What! Why?! What were you thinking?

    He caught himself and sat back, waiting for her answer.

    Bobby, they were showing dirty pictures in class today...

    He broke in, Who? Why didn’t you tell your teacher?

    She started crying.

    She was the one who was showing it.

    Well, what does that mean? You mean that she called you into a private room and showed pictures?

    No. Bobby, she showed pictures to the whole class.

    He was simmering inside.

    Were they having sex in the pictures?


    She was embarrassed.

    There was a movie too. It was two men having sex. Some were dressed like ladies but you could tell they were men.

    Bobby was hit in the face. At least it felt like it. Just as hard. Just as mean.

    "Bobby, that is why you had to sign the paper. It is part of the sexual education class. If you don’t agree to it, you have to go to court. My friend told me that it is part of a new law for homosexuals.

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