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Soul-Augmented Part 2
Soul-Augmented Part 2
Soul-Augmented Part 2
Ebook221 pages2 hours

Soul-Augmented Part 2

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About this ebook

How can one journey across trillions of miles in a trillionth of a second?
Time has abandoned Joshua; hope fades from his slipping grasps, as the chances of finding the abducted soul of his fiancé, Savannah, diminishes. Earth and Olympus are becoming entangled, the planet's slowing rotation means that soon the Earth will be incompatible with life.
Everything he loves will be lost if he cannot break the insurmountable laws of physics…and the supremacy of the Circle of Hermes.

Part two of Soul-Augmented, a thought-provoking social science fiction novel that merges The Time Machine and Stargate to question our existence and redefine our quest for immortality.

This book is an Augmented Reality novel. Contained within the chapters are markers which can be scanned to reveal extra content.

PublisherKas Smith
Release dateAug 15, 2020
Soul-Augmented Part 2

Kas Smith

Kas Smith is a science fiction and fantasy writer, member of the British Science Fiction Association and founder of Sci-fi Visionaries. He has a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering and has worked primarily in the telecommunications sector. He's also and a fan of systems theory and social science. When he's not writing, most of his time is spent developing his own products which focuses on renewable energy harvesting and micro-power generation. If he has any time left between his science and science fiction, he reserves this for his charity work in youth and community development, and holidaying to the sunny Caribbean where he would spend most of his days - if he could. He founded Sci-fi Visionaries to use the power of stories to build great worlds... in order to build a greater world. You can find out more about Sci-fi Visionaries and Kas Smith at

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    Book preview

    Soul-Augmented Part 2 - Kas Smith


    Part 2

    By Author Kas Smith

    Copyright © 2016 Kevin Self

    Produced by Sci-fi Visionaries

    All rights reserved.


    To those who have suffered a loss

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen


    Chapter One

    fatal error

    They all crept backward. Shock locked their jaws. In all of Joshua and his team’s research and theoretical notations—they never saw this coming.

    The worm went from violently wiggling to constantly flipping over, to sliding around in a frantic circle.

    ‘Billy!’ Van DeMay called out. ‘What’s wrong with him?’

    ‘I think it’s going insane,’ Jonahs said.

    ‘No,’ Joshua replied sharply. ‘This is worse. Much worse.’

    ‘Why?’ Zahurska asked, hyperventilating in response to his words.

    ‘Because it’s mutating.’

    His statement became obvious when, to their astonishment, the creature’s size expanded before their eyes and it burst out of the glass dish. Joshua wondered if its growth hormones had been triggered as he witnessed the worm’s mass ten-folding. It’s thorny bristles transformed into crab-like legs, ripping through its reddish-gray body with a wretched tearing of flesh. Within seconds it became the size of a large dog.

    ‘I’m raising the alarm,’ Zahurska cried. She was quick to make good on her words.

    The writhing grotesque mass of the animal released a loud echoing shriek until all life within seemed to stop and it curled up like a dead bug. They ventured closer, Jonahs leading the group. A putrid scent emanated from the critter; the smell of days-old, necrotic flesh.

    Instantly the worm reanimated and began scurrying around, shrieking from the torturous pain of its own accelerated growth.

    ‘We can't let it get away,’ Joshua said. He contemplated that with energy and mass being related, with the amount of energy that had been pumped into the creature, its mass could soon become far greater.

    ‘I’m getting out of here,’ Van DeMay said, dropping the sensor probe he held and backing away.

    It took moments for the worm to grow as large as an adult man. It took even less time for the rest of the group to follow Van DeMay’s lead. It lunged at the fleeing Dr. Pierre with an ear-rupturing shrill, crashing through a table and breaking electronic glass beakers. The mass of the abomination fell upon the hapless victim, and to their utter horror they saw the creature's body sucking the man into it as he screamed. It was a sound of suffering Joshua had never heard. Joshua grabbed Pierre’s only free hand.

    ‘I’ve got you,’ Joshua said as Pierre screamed for help.

    Zahurska came to both their aid, grabbing her colleague’s arm. Joshua exhausted his full strength trying to pull Pierre free, but the worm’s gross segmented, tubular mass absorbed the mathematician like quicksand.

    ‘Get back!’ yelled a security personnel upon entering the Quantum Room.

    Joshua was slow to oblige, and Zahurska had to yank him away as the guard’s handgun rounds swallowed by the body of the ever-growing creature; each shot further angering the monstrosity and drawing its attention. Its body split open, revealing a heinous circular row of triangular teeth. Moving backwards in dread, the guard was pounced upon. Joshua covered his eyes to limit the revolting view of the man being swallowed head-first—his legs severed. Panic rung out in the chamber. Hannerman and Mr. Moreau emerged from the airlock to witness the gruesome attack; behind them were members of Ghost Team One, armed with their advance weapons.

    ‘Holy shit!’ Wingman said, his eyes trying to adjust to the chaos. ‘What the fuck are you people doing in here?’

    Peacemaker and Tombstone pushed ahead of him to behold the scene.

    ‘Kill that thing,’ Moreau ordered.

    Hannerman shouted for them to wait. ‘Do not use your KEP rifles.’ He was fully aware of the penetrability of the rounds they used on the neo-humans. ‘You might damage the Quantum Transcender or the power cells.’

    Peacemaker dashed forward barging Wingman out of his path and raising his rifle to fire. ‘Out of my fucking line of sight, sir,’ he said to Hannerman—not interested in protecting the all-important machine. He raised his weapon, but a dark hand shoved it back into his chest.

    ‘You’ll blow us sky-high if you hit the battery strings,’ Black Knight said, face to face with him.

    ‘We’re already sky-high, fucker.’

    ‘Use small arms only,’ Tombstone commanded the team. ‘Secure the chamber.’

    The rest of the team pulled out their handguns and unleashed short bursts of shots as they circled out of the creature’s way. Joshua stood protectively in front of Zahurska—forced to endure more of the worm’s loud shrieks; it was worse than a distressed pig’s squeal. The worm crashed through data storage racks before it became immobilized and lifeless. Ghost Team One closed in on the stench left by the mutated worm. Though motionless, its skin sizzled, shifting its form as though being pulled and twisted from the inside. Its elongated, newly grown limbs rhythmically twitched.

    Loca swore, making sure to keep in close proximity to The Boogieman. At six foot eleven and near four hundred pounds, he would have given the beast a run for its money.

    ‘Hold your fire,’ Tombstone ordered, finally convinced the creature’s lifelessness was irreversible.

    While the rest seized, Black Knight continued to pump it full of bullets, ripping chunks of the creature’s guts over the glass floor. Its blood sprayed all over the broken computer systems and his combat armor. He finally released the trigger. At the same time, Peacemaker pulled out his cutlass and began hacking away at the already dead monster’s flesh with unexplainable anger. Being drenched in its putrid blood mattered little to him.

    ‘I’m sure it’s dead now, Lance Corporal,’ Tombstone said.

    ‘Status report Ghost team,’ Colonel Marcs said. His voice could be heard by all from the room’s intercommunication system. ‘Tell me that room is secure, over.’

    ‘That’s affirmative, Colonel,’ Tombstone said in his personal comms link. ‘Assessing casualties now, sir.’

    ‘Idiot!’ Moreau said, looking at Joshua. ‘You could have destroyed decades of work.’

    ‘Two people are dead, is that all you care about?’ Joshua said. The shock of the ordeal still hadn’t fully dissipated from his shaky fingertips. He held Zahurska in his arms trying to contain the effects of the traumatic experience, while her tears dampened his shirt. Van DeMay held his head with both hands in disbelief. Jonahs simply stood, his hands on his hips, emotionless as he stared at what looked like remains of human bodies covered in pink and white puss-like worm guts. Joshua saw how Jonahs watched Peacemaker slash away at the worm and didn’t even break a sweat.

    ‘Their lives are on your head,’ Moreau said. His R-MEN guardians had returned to his side.

    ‘That’s enough soldier!’ Tombstone said to Peacemaker.

    Finally, he desisted his assault after a few more downward stabs at the carcass. Joshua winced at the actions of the special ops operator. He had a sadistic look in his glare as he tried to regain his breath. Peacemaker wiped the broad blade with his pants leg, serving no purpose since his clothes had just as much blood on it.

    ‘You’ve got some issues man,’ Wingman said, raising his tattooed eyebrow. ‘I don’t know who touched you when you were a child.’

    The Boogieman, who wore a vest revealing swollen, sculpted biceps, shook his head at the sight. While Loca covered her nose from the unbearable stench.

    Peacemaker got back up from his knees, his blood still racing. Panting, he took hefty strides up towards Black Knight and squared up to him. ‘I’m surprised you didn’t want to hang back and send someone else to die.’ He raised the cutlass to the taller man’s face, but Black Knight didn’t flinch. ‘What happened to you homeboy? You used to enjoy killing.’

    Peacemaker wiped the blood-stained blade on Black Knight’s shoulder and the black soldier grabbed his hand with a vice-like grip so strong the psychotic soldier gritted his teeth to hold back the pain that surged through him. He unwillingly dropped his blade as the tendons in his wrist squeezed close to breaking point.

    ‘Stand down, both of you,’ Moreau ordered. ‘Before I throw both your asses in the brig.’

    One of the robots analyzed the soldier’s delayed tension and stepped forward. ‘Please desist from your hostilities, violence is unnecessary.’

    The humanoid machine spoke with the gentleness of tone, as though clemency and kindness were at the core of its programming. Black Knight motioned jointed into action like he had heard startling bang and immediately he released his iron grip.

    ‘Get the fuck away from me,’ he said reaching for his weapon.

    It was clear to Joshua that the usually dispassionate soldier, who hadn’t flinched at the sight of the giant worm nor teammate’s madness, now had lost his cool.

    Peacemaker picked up his cutlass, smiling all the while. He then wagged his blade like it was his index finger. ‘It’s a shame we can’t kill every monster. The real ones come back for you.’

    ‘Dr. Hannerman,’ Moreau said. ‘We better get a detail to survey for any hull fractures and get someone to clean this mess up.’

    ‘What happened, Joshua?’ Hannerman said, coming to his side.

    ‘It worked for the tree trunk. I was certain I compensated for the differences in the worm’s cellular structure in the biological mapping; the plastids, the Vacuole, the lack of Chloroplast. But I must have overlooked how much more geometrically complex biological life is on the quantum level. I can correct it, it will just take a bit more time.’

    ‘Dr. Smith,’ said Colonel Marcs’ voice. ‘From now on, I’m going to be posting armed personnel inside the Quantum Room while you work.’

    Chapter Two

    He knows

    what must

    be done

    The sadness and sense of frustration and failure lingered in Joshua’s mind after the incident. Despite Dr. Pierre being a shy and mostly quiet presence, he was adored by all in the team. They dedicated a short amount away from their work to share a few words and fond memories they each had of him—except for Jonahs. Silence was the only symptom of his bereavement, if he grieved at all. Dr. Zahurska, whose tear-filled eyes showed how much she was affected by his death, revealed that Pierre was actually one of the Circle of Hermes’ most respected scientist. He had made his name, not in the field of science, but finance. His mathematical prowess was instrumental in the rise of suron coin and he was an architect in the demise of state currencies. It was Moreau who realized that Pierre’s skills could best be utilized on project Reclamation Olympus.

    Joshua was surprised at how quickly his remorse faded as he insisted they resumed their work. He convinced himself that it was his desire to save Savannah that had overridden all other sentimentality. But a notion had begun to take hold in his mind, Is this what dire circumstances do to men of ethics? Degrade one’s morality and empathy? Am I now losing my humanity like all the others? He shrugged off the distracting emotions and decided to soldier on; tunnel vision had always been one of his dominant characteristics.

    As he worked on, armed teams continuously monitored from a distance, taking shifts. Yet he noticed that Black Knight hardly ever left. His other Ghost Team members chatted amongst themselves, paying little interest in Joshua’s work. But the tall, dark-skinned soldier would pace the chamber, inspecting ever piece of machinery, his particular interest was the teleportation machine. When Joshua caught his eye, Black Knight would stare back, never breaking eye contact and his eyes would react by narrowing, like a predator tracking its prey. After a while, the team of scientists did their best to ignore him—there was just something too creepy about the man and looking at him made it worse. So much so, that Dr. Zahurska asked if Joshua could request that the soldier be removed from his detail. Joshua preferred not to do anything that would agitate the man, fearing his mysterious nature.

    The intense testing continued, and after multiple iterations of alterations the teleported worms no longer mutated. Though they died in every instance, fully intact. The never-ending experiments took its toll on all the scientists, but Joshua’s determination to come up with new ideas and solutions never wavered. That didn’t stop Hannerman’s increasing concerns about Joshua’s lack of sustenance and the overall deterioration in the appearance of the once handsome man. The determined physicist would take short naps, but be woken up by either new ideas or nightmares of Savannah.

    ‘So close, but yet so far,’ Joshua said to himself. He hunched over in a rotating chair staring endlessly at the computer screen’s simulation of the quantum world. He had hit a low point, all the energy he had left was channeled into watching the purple and red particles on the display, and how they appeared and disappeared.

    ‘Another round of coffee?’ Zahurska came over his shoulder with a steaming cup of his usual black, no sugar.

    ‘You read my mind. Thank you.’ He had smelt her coming. The jasmine and rose fragrance were quite unlike Savannah’s, but still alluring.

    Jonahs was slumped over his desk out cold. Van DeMay was sipping his coffee, still disoriented from the breaking of his slumber.

    ‘You know,’ Zahurska said, flicking her fingers to ease the burn of the cup, ‘a good night’s sleep would be more effective than caffeine.’

    ‘I can’t sleep,’ Joshua said, his resolution hung in his weary voice. ‘I just can’t figure out why the specimens keep dying. It’s almost like…’

    ‘Like what?’

    ‘We can teleport an inanimate object and life as basic as multicellular lifeforms like plants. Complex life may share all of the subatomic elements and many of the same base elements, like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen. But the complexities go far beyond base elements. Perhaps we could succeed, ten years from now, five maybe.’

    ‘Look how far we’ve come. It won’t be long now. You’ve been an inspiration to all of us. We’ll keep working with you to solve this.’

    He needed her assurance. He stared at her and being up close, he felt a certain discomfort for the first time. He was an expert at quantum mechanics, not male-female social dynamics. But Zahurska’s beauty was striking, and he saw the glow in her blue eyes. ‘How did a girl like you get caught up in the Circle of Hermes?’

    ‘Well, that’s a long story. I don’t get involved in any

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