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Benign Apparition
Benign Apparition
Benign Apparition
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Benign Apparition

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Dark, dangerous, exotic, and all too irresistible, the djinn, Raheem wreaks havoc on Elise Beauchamp’s ordered, uncomplicated life the moment he appears. There’s no doubt in Elise’s mind that he can create a fire in her blood, but can he grant her the one wish her heart truly desires?

Release dateSep 25, 2020
Benign Apparition

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    Benign Apparition - Marie Morin



    Marie Morin

    ( c ) copyright by Marie Morin, November 2003

    Cover Art by Jenny Dixon

    Smashwords Edition

    New Concepts Publishing

    Lake Park, GA 31636

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

    Chapter One

    It had a strange, pungent odor. It wasn’t unpleasant, just powerful, particularly considering the phial appeared to be empty. Elise Beauchamp wrinkled her nose, jerking away from the tiny bottle she’d just opened and waved beneath her nose.

    Some love potion, she muttered under her breath. Not that she’d believed any of that malarkey the vendor had spouted. It had sounded good, though, and it wasn’t as if the old trinket had cost that much.

    Still, she didn’t know why she’d bought it. She didn’t particularly care for jewelry. She’d only picked it up to study it because of the tiny, cunningly wrought, glass bottle secured to the chain like a charm. Noticing her interest, the vendor had immediately begun to weave tales about its history, asserting finally that there was a love potion inside the bottle that would bring her true love to her.

    That alone had almost been enough to make her put it right back, because she’d already found her true love—and lost him. She supposed, though, maybe, in the recesses of her subconscious, hope still dwelt that she was not destined to live the remainder of her life alone, and she hadn’t been able to leave the charm because she couldn’t leave hope behind.

    She’d brought very little money with her and had had to resort to counting the last of her change just to pay for it. She’d told herself that she would just wander around and check out the wares the flea market merchants were hawking, just so she didn’t have to sit at home and think about the fact that today would’ve been her second anniversary .... If John had only stayed home that day, instead of rushing off to work ... or if they hadn’t overslept ... or if they’d only slept just a few minutes later.

    It tortured her almost as much to think life without John could be counted in minutes as it did having to learn to live without him. If he hadn’t arrived at that particular intersection at that particular moment ....

    Sadness filled her, but the tears had all been cried long ago.

    Slowly, the memories receded and she became aware of her surroundings once more, aware that a dark shadow had fallen over her. She looked up. Comprehension wasn’t immediate. Sluggishly, her brain assimilated the fact that there was a person standing before her—a man.

    Her first impression was ‘naked’. He wasn’t, of course. Just the next thing to it.

    Must be some displaced Yankee, she decided. They might be in Florida, but natives still considered February winter and dressed accordingly. They certainly didn’t go around in public places bare chested.

    It was Gasparilla, though, not nearly as wild as Louisiana’s Mardi Gras, but some people went a little overboard.

    He wasn’t even wearing pants! Not what she’d call pants, anyway. It looked more like those filmy things belly dancers wore, fitted at the waist and ankles, but baggy everywhere else. Since she was sitting on a bench and he was standing, his ‘package’ was practically nose level.

    It was an impressive package.

    It occurred to her that she’d been staring at ‘it’ transfixed for several moments. Even as her gaze jerked upward in the direction of his face she felt blood begin to pound in her cheeks.

    She forgot all about being embarrassed, however, when her gaze reached his face.

    He didn’t look at all pleased. His lips were drawn into a tight, thin line, his dark brows arched but pulled into a sharp v above the bridge of a noble blade of a nose.

    It wasn’t the scowl on his face that stunned her, however. It wasn’t the wicked looking, neatly trimmed ‘Fu Manchu’ that framed his hard mouth. It wasn’t even the scalp lock of silky black hair fluttering from the crown of his head, or his eyes, more gold than brown, glittering with intelligence, curiosity—animosity.

    The moment she gazed up into his face, it was almost as if she’d been struck a physical blow. A shaft of pure animal lust shot through her, right down to her toes, something so alien to her that she wasn’t even certain of what had happened at first. It was almost as if she’d been struck by a bolt of lightning.

    She noticed his lips were moving. It took an effort to still the quivering in her belly in response to those lips. Frowning, she tried to hear past the clamoring din her heart was making in her ears and discovered she still couldn’t understand a word he was saying. What?

    What is your wish?

    Elise stared at him uncomprehendingly. Look. I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re selling, but I’m not interested.

    He looked surprised and then irritated. You summoned me. I have offered to grant a wish.

    Elise gaped at him. She had summoned him? Of all the nerve! She’d been sitting on the bench, minding her own business, completely oblivious to everyone around her. How could anyone, even the most obnoxiously conceited male, interpret that as a come on? I did no such thing! she said indignantly. Now, go away, or I’ll call the cops.

    This is your wish? he demanded, sounding as indignant as she felt. That I go?

    Didn’t I just say so?

    He frowned. You must be more precise. Where am I to go?

    Elise gave him a look, tempted to tell him to go to hell, and then cast a glance around to see if there were any cops nearby. Not a glimmer of a uniform, and wasn’t that always the case? Fail to come to a complete stop at a stop sign and there was a damned cop right on your tail. Need assistance, and there wasn’t one of them in sight. What do you want?

    He crossed his arms, studying her thoughtfully for several moments. To give you what your heart desires.

    Pain, unexpectedly sharp, lanced through her. What her heart desired? John ... but no one could bring him back to her. The pain cost her her patience. Who do you think you are, anyway, Santa Claus?

    He frowned. I am the djinn, Raheem. My patience grows thin, Mistress. Tell me your wish and I will grant it most gladly so that I may return to my own concerns.

    Elise glared at him. Your patience? she echoed. Look, mister. I don’t give a damn who you are, if you’re expecting to get something from me, just don’t hold your breath.

    He frowned. Why would I do that?


    Hold my breath?

    Elise rolled her eyes. She would’ve gotten to her feet and stalked away, except that he was standing so close it unnerved her. He’d said, though, that he was anxious to go about his own concerns, he just had to hear her wish before he could go.

    He was a lunatic, of course. But if it was the only way to get rid of him, why not? If I wish for something, you’ll go away?

    Something gleamed in his eyes, something wicked. Yes, mistress, he said, a slow, tantalizing smile curling those lips in a way that made her heart trip over itself.

    Elise wished she could ignore the effect he had on her, or at least convince herself it was fear that made her heart hammer with excitement at the sound of his voice, the curl of his lips, the gleam in his eyes. She’d never been terribly good at self-deception, however.

    She pasted on a smile, though she was neither amused, nor tempted to flirt with the man. "Fine. Good! I wish you’d go away!"

    His lips tightened with annoyance. I must have a destination.

    Elise pursed her lips. Fine! Go find Santa Claus and tell him I want him to bring me back what I lost Christmas before last, she said tightly, wishing he could bring John back.

    The Djinn frowned, but, to her relief, he straightened, as if prepared to leave. Where would I find this Santa Claus?

    North Pole, Elise said with a cold smile, then turned away, reaching for her purse. If he wasn’t going to go away and leave her alone, she decided, she would leave, and if he tried to follow her .... To her surprise, when she looked up again, the strange man had vanished. She glanced around, expecting to see him striding away. She didn’t, which was really odd considering the bench was set in a very open area.

    Frowning, she got to her feet, looked around again and finally shrugged. Who’d have thought a man that big could move so fast?

    Shaking off the strange encounter, she tucked her ‘love potion’ into her purse and headed for home. There were just too many weirdoes out for her peace of mind.

    * * * *

    Wind driven sleet pelted Raheem from head to toe the moment he materialized. Shuddering, he looked around, narrowing his eyes against the blowing ice crystals. He had never cared for

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