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Spartan Mental Toughness - Train Your Mind to Sidestep Mental Resistance, Power Through Discomfort, and Ignore Distraction to Achieve the Goals You Truly Want and Others Dream Of.
Spartan Mental Toughness - Train Your Mind to Sidestep Mental Resistance, Power Through Discomfort, and Ignore Distraction to Achieve the Goals You Truly Want and Others Dream Of.
Spartan Mental Toughness - Train Your Mind to Sidestep Mental Resistance, Power Through Discomfort, and Ignore Distraction to Achieve the Goals You Truly Want and Others Dream Of.
Ebook136 pages3 hours

Spartan Mental Toughness - Train Your Mind to Sidestep Mental Resistance, Power Through Discomfort, and Ignore Distraction to Achieve the Goals You Truly Want and Others Dream Of.

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Never lose your focus again with these simple (yet powerful) mindset hacks…


Do you constantly feel as though there are things that easily push you into distraction and wasting time?


Are you regularly confused by where all the time went and how you haven't managed to get anything done?


Do you tend to run away from certain activities and have now become a master at procrastination when it comes to the things that you don't like doing?


In the busy, busy world of today, you're not alone. In fact, in the US workforce alone, it is estimated that distractions end up costing companies over $650 billion per year.


And it can be just as taxing on you as an individual, not only on your wallet, but also on your overall mental state and outlook on life.


Discomfort is a part of life, and a desire to resist it is a biologically uncontrollable phenomenon. But what you do with these feelings and how you act as a result of them is something you have complete control over.


With the right tools and techniques at your disposal, you can train your mindset to become so strong and laser-focused that getting things done in a timely manner will become second nature to you.


In Spartan Mental Toughness, you'll discover:

  • What the mind is truly capable of, and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage
  • Why discomfort is actually a good thing and how to turn it into a superpower
  • 5 of the most powerful tactics to get through any tough situation
  • What the Spartans knew about having a "north-star" and how you can use this information to elevate your mindset
  • Groundbreaking scientific insight into overcoming and ignoring the constant distractions of today's world
  • Why getting mad can actually be a great thing for your creativity
  • How letting go of your dream is the most beneficial thing you can do for it, and why this will catalyze its success

… and so much more.


Even if you are currently the most easily distracted person you know, with just minutes of mindset training a day you can implement these practical pieces of training and become something unstoppable.


Strong focus and the ability to get things done is not a special trait that only the exceptionally intelligent and wise can accomplish. It is not some kind of super-human capability.


On the contrary, it is a simple series of awareness and mindset hacks you can utilize to your advantage.


If you're ready to become as mentally resilient as a great spartan warrior, then start reading this book right now.

PublisherLeo Black
Release dateAug 16, 2020
Spartan Mental Toughness - Train Your Mind to Sidestep Mental Resistance, Power Through Discomfort, and Ignore Distraction to Achieve the Goals You Truly Want and Others Dream Of.

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    Book preview

    Spartan Mental Toughness - Train Your Mind to Sidestep Mental Resistance, Power Through Discomfort, and Ignore Distraction to Achieve the Goals You Truly Want and Others Dream Of. - Leo Black

    Spartan Mental Toughness

    Train Your Mind to Sidestep Mental Resistance, Power Through Discomfort, and Ignore Distraction to Achieve the Goals You Truly Want and Others Dream Of. Even Beginners Can Learn These Brain-training Secrets.

    Leo Black

    © Copyright 2020 - All rights reserved.

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    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: What is the Mind?

    Beyond the Brain

    Stoicism and the Spartan Mindset

    Chapter 2: Why Do We Resist Our Discomforts?

    How to Embrace Change

    How to Embrace Fear

    Chapter 3: The North Star and What Spartans Knew That We’ve Forgotten

    How To Find Your North Star

    The Spartan Code

    Chapter 4: How to Rid Your Life of Those Pesky Distractions

    Breaking It Down

    Focus on Staying Focused

    Chapter 5: Creativity On Demand

    Mental Exercises for Sparking Creativity

    Creativity Is Always There

    Chapter 6: Conquer Your Goals and Create the Life of Your Dreams

    Common Obstacles and How to Avoid Them

    Show Gratitude




    "W hat a disgrace it is to see a man grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which he is capable." - Unknown

    You’re at your desk, hard at work on a project. Your phone buzzes. It’s a text message from your girlfriend or a Facebook notification or a reminder that your phone has a low battery. How long does it take you to get back to work? 20 minutes? 30? An hour?

    Perhaps your concentration is fine on a good day, but the moment something goes wrong in your life, you find yourself unable to perform the simplest tasks.

    Maybe you’re strong and capable when you’re confident, but you fall apart in uncomfortable situations, inevitably making things worse.

    Maybe you’re afraid to take the risks you need to take to get what you want out of life, because you know you’ll just get in your own way and screw everything up.

    If this sounds like you, then you’re in good company. Feelings of distraction, fear, and awkwardness plague every human at one time or another. The few individuals who manage to keep their cool in tough situations or remain focused in the face of distractions aren’t superhuman. They aren’t psychologically or emotionally superior, and they certainly weren’t born that way. What they’ve done is mastered the art of mental toughness.

    Sometimes called mental resilience, mental toughness isn’t about shutting down your feelings or feeling no fear. Mentally tough people get distracted, too. They often feel helpless, afraid, or anxious around others. The difference, however, is that they know how to handle these feelings and still maintain control over their own mind. Mental toughness won’t stop you from feeling nervous in social settings or starting to daydream around three in the afternoon. What it will do is give you the tools to overcome the mental and emotional cues that stop you from being the person that you want to be.

    Mental toughness will help you still be the life of the party when you feel nervous in social settings. It will help you to regain focus when you start to drift off, to let go of distractions, and to face life’s challenges without emotionally falling apart.

    Mental toughness is about taking back control of your own mind. Your thoughts and feelings don’t have to be chaotic. Our contemporary world is full of distractions. From social media to text messaging to the easy availability of media like music, movies, and videos, there’s a lot out there to stop us from focusing on the things that are most important. The ability to focus, to think creatively and innovatively, and to face difficult feelings like fear and anger are...well, abilities. They’re skills like any other, skills that anyone can master with the proper amount of training and practice. They aren’t personality traits.

    You don’t have to be scatterbrained or forgetful if you don’t want to be. You don’t have to be too anxious to ask someone you like out on a date or too stressed to search for a better job. You have the power to achieve anything that you want to achieve, and be anyone you want to be. The true obstacles to be faced aren’t out in the world; they’re within your own mind. The biggest obstacle in your way of being who you want to be is your mindset.

    Consider this book a training manual for your mind. It will help you to cultivate heightened mental resilience in the face of any and all adversity. The techniques and philosophies presented in this book are validated by modern psychology, but they are hardly modern ideas. In fact, they’re quite ancient, coming to us from the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta. Known and respected for their prowess in battle, the Spartans were a tough lot. Their culture was built on deep values of glory and humility, but also on savagery and pain. The Spartans developed a unique cultural mindset, a certain combination of mental characteristics that helped them to endure even the toughest of life’s challenges.

    Today’s world is very different from ancient Sparta, but the way the human mind works hasn’t changed at all. You may not be heading off to battle or protecting your land from wild animals, but you face your own set of challenges every day. You face the social, mental, and emotional pressures of paying rent, meeting deadlines, and managing abusive bosses and difficult coworkers. You face the challenge of staying focused with your phone constantly ringing in your pocket, and feeling secure with access to the world’s worst news 24/7. You face the challenges that come with online dating. You manage to pay student loans, utilities, and regularly shop for groceries working a minimum wage job. Your life may look very different from the life of a Spartan, but you and they still live in human societies that are fraught with mental and emotional danger. Though we face different challenges today, we have a great deal to learn from the Spartan mindset. The mental and emotional strategies they developed to become the most respected warrior culture in the ancient Mediterranean can be applied today to help us face the challenges of modern life.

    By studying the Spartan philosophy and pairing it with contemporary psychological knowledge, you can become just as mental resilient as any Spartan warrior. This book will walk you through ancient philosophies and modern techniques for maintaining focus, thinking creatively, and mastering emotions that once seemed paralyzing.

    In this book, I will guide you through the basics of the Spartan mindset, and pair the ancient social guidelines with modern psychological studies. This book will also provide you with a number of practice techniques that you can apply to your own life. Many of the exercises in this book will seem difficult, strange, and uncomfortable at first. That’s ok—it’s part of the process. But with time, you’ll begin to feel yourself growing mentally stronger. As you build up your mental resilience, you’ll find yourself more and more empowered to achieve your goals and get the things that you want out of life. Mental resilience is the key to success. With it, there will be no challenge too difficult for you to overcome, no obstacle big enough to stop you from living the life you want to live. With this book in hand, you will have all the tools that you need to become the master of your own mind, and by extension, the master of your own destiny. 

    Chapter 1: What is the Mind?

    If you are going to train your mind, you need to first truly understand what it is. The mind is everything. Every action begins with a thought. In order to build strength and resilience, you therefore need to begin your training with the mind.

    The Spartans knew this, and this is why Spartan education began extremely early in life. Sparta is a city located in the region of Laconia, which can be found at the southernmost tip of the Greek peninsula. Though still a populous city today, in ancient times, Sparta was one of the most powerful city states in the Mediterranean. Another name for this city was Lacedaemon, one that is often used in literary sources from the period (Jarus, 2017).

    There were two wars in the ancient period called the Peloponnesian Wars, in which Sparta clashed in battle with its powerful rival in the region, Athens. It was at the end of the second Peloponnesian War, in 404 BCE, when Sparta defeated Athens and became the supreme military and political power in the region. At the height of its power, the city of Sparta had no walls. The people preferred to defend their city with men, not stone. However, Sparta’s glory was relatively short lived. Within a few decades, Sparta was defeated by the rising power of Thebes in the Battle of Leuctra, and

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