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Exiled To Earth
Exiled To Earth
Exiled To Earth
Ebook250 pages2 hours

Exiled To Earth

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About this ebook

Elvis Appoliani, a student of an American college, meets Joshua Micah one day on campus by accident and goes into immediate shock. But later that night in a nightmare realizes he's not from Earth.

The nightmare also reveals that he once had super-normal powers on a planet named Sellier, similar to Earth, a planet on which he was framed for the murder of a high government official and incest, then jettisoned to Earth.

Thus begins his heroic efforts to right the injustice.

But how will he right the injustice when the planet hasn't even been discovered yet on Earth and he's lost his super powers?

Release dateJul 16, 2020
Exiled To Earth

Chaz Van Heyden

Van Heyden has been writing and publishing for the past 14 years. Many of his first books display 'Chaz' Van Heyden. Charles loves children, loves pets, especially retrievers and Dalmations. He's a big fan of and plays tennis well. Likes fast cars. Likes wooded environments, and loves winding roads that disappear to seemingly nowhere-and explores them. Took up professional chauffeuring and now is retired from that occupation in preference for writing as a profession. Loves researching strange topics and coming up with unusual or little-known facts about people and events. Can be found to supply the correct 'phrase' or saying for the misquoted one. And he plays a good game of 'Trivia' (not the game so much as the exercise verbally with his passenger / riders. When he is professionally chauffeuring them. He won't stop writing for a long time to come, and he won't be going to the Great Beyond anytime soon.

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    Exiled To Earth - Chaz Van Heyden


    These are the confessions of Elvis Apolliani, as told to Joshua Micah, a lay minister, and compiled later by a friend of the alien (narrator).


    I didn’t originate from Earth. But that was something I didn’t know until later in my life. I want these confessions recorded so that if something happens to me it will be known why.

    Being born human, was like many of my experiences not pleasant. I do remember being tugged out of a moist, slippery but very constrictive body, my mother, and held up in a glaring light by a white-coated mild mannered man who then slapped my bottom smartly a couple of times. At the time I thought, Is this all there is to the initiation rite?

    By and by I was fed some interesting cocktail from my mother’s feeding apparatus, and then promptly to sleep.

    Next image is of a small jail cell with no roof.

    Every time I opened my mouth to speak a squawk would come out. Therefore, I stopped opening my mouth, except for more cocktail, which it seemed the body that I was inhabiting liked and wanted ever so much.

    In time my physical form got larger and more powerful, and I could get around the enclosure and even out if I cared to.

    Once ambulatory, I plotted my complete escape.

    Bullies & Hashish

    All the years intervening between school and the jailhouse were…boring and pretty much meaningless. It was when I met Christopher that I got interested. He lived in a fabulously outfitted house in the swankiest spot in Manhattan, with chandeliers and sumptuous curving balustrades, and plenty of highly polished marble floors. This I reveled in. And the party food was just as bodacious.

    Unfortunately, it didn’t last because my ding-bat mother moved me and some other aliens to the suburbs. Cruelty, the kind I had never experienced before. I thought.

    The first thing I did when I got to our new home was, I went up on the roof and rained down rocks and anything else solid on the strangers below, seventy feet below. That was when I was five. First confession.

    The one thing my mother did, that was not stupid, was to name me Elvis. But when she did, it was a two edged sword. Girls loved me, not just because of my name but I also could dance and liked to dance with them. The guys on the other hand wanted to pick fights, a lot. One fight, that should have been stopped before it got too far, was with a guy named Roland, a kind of bully, and with a mean streak that I’ve never seen since in another human. He threatened me one day after school, and I had no escape this time, but I was ready for him because I knew the kind of character he was, so I had hid a pair of brass knuckles in my back pocket and told no one. I didn’t wait for him to kick me or wrestle me to the ground and then sit on me, as was his habit, I just turned my back to him and as I whirled away from his sight brought out the knuckles slipped them on my right hand, and as I came 360 launched a blow right below his left ear and down he went, and out. That was fine with me, because some of his gang buddies were there. When they saw what happened and so suddenly and that he was a goner they eased away from me and I headed out down the street. Confession #2.

    Hey Sal, how long before this methedrine kicks in? It was about nine o’clock at night.

    Walk around a little and it will. Sal was a jock in my high school, but I got him started on MJ. Now he was upping the ante, so I had to go along. We downed it in a place called Woodsdale, noted for its close but sequestered location away from the city. I had to admire him, he was a specimen of good strength, physique, body tone, and without his spectacles not a bad looking guy. All this was due to diligent weightlifting and calisthenics.

    Here’s what happened that night: we went our separate ways in a forest area that had few visitors. I started gabbing to myself and felt at the same time my blood racing, and my skin becoming unusually sensitive to the slight breeze. Shortly I found myself naked and luxuriating in what I thought was a sexual experience. I had removed my clothes, and feeling yet warm I continued walking around…and around, and around, until finally I just had to take a D-U-M-P. I’m naked, out in the open but where my clothes are I don’t know, and now I’m paranoid about taking one. So, I search for a hidden place. Then it gets serious. I also don’t know my way back to the cabin, it’s after ten o’clock and I’m still thinking I’ve got to find a hidden place. Just when it’s most critical I see it. It’s a tent, nice tent and it looks uninhabited—a little low for my six foot plus body. When I’m done I get out of there, just in case, and head north where I will rendezvous with Sal no doubt. Confession # 3

    But it starts to rain. This turns out to be a blessing because it is a warm, gentle, titillating rain that increases the pleasure of my walk-around in nature. Hours later I bump into the path I started out on and make my way into the cabin. It’s 3:00 am. Sal comes in a few minutes later, there’s a fire going and two large high-back chairs, perfect. We sit and jabber at each other for another hour or two, going faster than a roller-coaster writing our next two novels verbally to each other, and laughing a lot about it as it’s happening.

    Somehow I found my clothes and put them on. Sal told me, same thing happened to him. Except the part about the dump.

    My mother and I had only a few talks about sex. She seemed distant when I brought it up. I didn’t tell her anything about Jane the girl who was obsessed over me. I just threw out a couple of harmless questions like, Is it against our religion to have sex with a girl if we’re not married? She was quick to tell me about statutory rape, whatever that was. Later I learned what it meant, but the word rape came in there so strong I stopped asking about that. What if the girl desired it more than I did, was my next question, or would have been. My dad wasn’t and hadn’t been around for many years. It was so odd being secretly afraid of my mother finding out I had magazines with pictures of naked and semi-naked women and girls in them; when at the same time any summer there were dozens of girls who were wearing practically nothing and often would let slip a string here or there.

    There’s this girl that digs me while I’m in H.S. but I don’t dig her. I don’t know why I don’t dig her, I just don’t. We go out with friends, and a couple of parties, and it…we just don’t click at all, not even a little. I learn the more I try and get away from somebody who likes me the harder it is. I hurt her feelings. Another time, I’m at one of the parties, I’m taking a pee in the rest room with no door, and another girl walks in on me, and says Oops. Then the same girl later tries to ignore me turning her back on me, I say That’s OK, I prefer seeing your back to the front. I got for the first time the feeling that I was an alien of some sort.

    Well I guess that’s all for today, did you get it all down, Josh?

    All of it. When do you want to get together again?

    I don’t know, but soon because lots of things are boiling over in my head.

    Military Service

    The Shock

    When it came time for me to register for the draft I thought, ‘Not this war!’ In the back of my head, something very familiar about young men being dragged off to some conflict very distant from their homes. I talked to a lot of guys, some were running across the border, some were getting married quick, and some had the guts to go into the pre-induction physical with all sorts of tricks. I had one, I had been saving it up for just such a confrontation: I could roll my eyes completely up into my head so that only the whites showed and keep them there indefinitely. I did this nonchalantly and with no warning. This scared the examining doctor who, after having tested me positive for drugs, immediately wrote down, not suitable for military training.

    But I wasn’t done. Before I could get off the base, two rather ugly uniformed men, maybe sergeants came up to me and tried to make me join. They had me pinioned between them and were pressing the air out of my lungs. I rolled my eyes and they stopped squeezing the life out of me, long enough for me to tell them that I have syphilis, and I’d bite them if they try that again.

    Normally my height scares most guys away or puts doubt in their minds about trying to overpower me.

    One day I’m tooling along the boardwalk, and I meet YOU, you remember that day, right?

    Never forget it. (Josh got a little uneasy.) You stared at me for about five minutes, and I was freaking out.

    It didn’t seem five minutes to me. More like five light years. I was getting sick, and I was almost falling down, then you came over and said, ‘what’s the gig?’, and I still couldn’t speak I was so bad off. Here’s sort of a confession: that night I had a very bad dream, and the gist of that dream is of being put in a box, a metal box and shot into space. It kept repeating and repeating all night, and I could feel the coldness of space and the shriek of the metal box as it slid out of the atmosphere. Finally, in the morning exhausted and wet, I lay in my wet sheets and came to the conclusion that I’m not from Earth, I was born here on Earth, but I’m from somewhere else.

    To astute readers: Josh studied his friend closely for a minute. He didn’t laugh or even snicker, to do so would be a violation of his vows; but, listening to me talk and confess, Josh was himself strangely affected by the things I was saying.

    Is anyone else aware of this?, asked Josh.

    If you mean my being from another galaxy, no. I did mention the bad dream to some friends.

    Did you get an image of your shape in the metal box?

    Not really because I was wrapped in something very tight like a mummy. There wasn’t any light.

    Any idea from where or why? I could point to the area of the sky, but how far I can’t decide.


    Elvis thought, ‘Because I had done, or was accused of horrible things.

    Joshua waited silently….I was accused of assassinating a government official. I was accused of raping his wife.

    You were exiled then?

    I was exiled, but when I saw you for the first time on the boardwalk, I only sensed I knew you.

    And who am I to you?

    Your name then was Amtar, and you too were sent off to Earth like I was. You don’t recollect?

    None whatsoever.

    You will.

    Nightmare Reality

    That night a dream. In it I saw myself changing shapes. One shape, that of a falcon. And I saw the ground way below and wings to either side and I could also feel the air rushing by. And soon I was in the chamber of the dead man’s wife. It was unclear whether she was alone or what her features were, nonetheless, I knew where I was and who she was.

    You are the one who took my husband’s life! rang out of the hazy scene.

    Only because you said you were tired of him, came the retort. But it was a fair fight. I took his life fairly and in defense of my own life – he attacked me first.

    So, he knew of our affair?

    Quite so, and for some time apparently, enough so that it made him angry bitter and hateful towards me, but not towards you.

    That’s true, Marquez grew indifferent about sex and I on the other hand my needs increased. How shall we escape punishment if there were no witnesses?"

    I have planted the bludgeon in your brother’s room in his closet. This they will find, and with the knowledge of his obsessive love for you they will not execute him but exile him only.

    I sprang out of the dream choking with emotion. I had been sent to Earth as punishment for a crime I had not committed, even the incest never happened. But what most aggrieved me was the fact that at one time I possessed powers to change beingness at will.

    If I could get back that power…. This one thought became my obsession.


    Across town Joshua was telling a friend about, but not the details of Elvis’s confession: "You’re gonna laugh when I tell you this, but I’ve taken on a fellow who believes he’s an

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