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Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration
Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration
Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration

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This administrative function of the federal government has one purpose and that is to focus on economic development in communities across the nation. The activities along with their mission and values have been beneficial in creating the strong economy we have today. They encourage innovation and entrepreneurship which is now booming.
This government entity has three distinct values in their proposition statement. These are listed below but more information about the efforts of this entity will be provided in the various chapters in this book.

“EDA makes it easier for businesses to start and grow in the United States”

Our economy needs to be business friendly and today it appears the environment of the past is gone replaced by an environment which has as one of the objectives of this organization is making it easier to start and grow a business.
It definitely has not been easy in the past with the regulations and an overbearing congress controlling every segment in our economy.

“EDA matching grants start with local business conditions and needs, not Washington’s”

There is an old saying that it takes money to make money and this is so true. The backbone of our economy are local businesses and the matching grant program of this organization impacts local business conditions by providing funding to help local economies prosper.
“EDA drives innovation and entrepreneurship throughout the country especially in our manufacturing sector, to help U.S. workers and businesses compete globally.”

The business world of today is no longer limited to local and state economies as we now have a world economy. Our businesses need to succeed in a world market if their products and customers are from all over the world. While we have businesses that do not feel the need or requirement to compete across the globe others do to survive. Innovation and entrepreneurship is driven by the subject of this book the Economic development administration.

Release dateAug 30, 2020
Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration

Dennis AuBuchon

Dennis has a background in quality assurance and auditing and is a certified quality auditor with ASQ (American Society for Quality). He has written over 1,000 articles mostly on the topic of integrity and hot topics of the day. Links to articles can be found on his website and He is not one to shy from controversial topics as can be seen in his articles.Dennis believes in the principle that one person can make a difference and through hisweb site, his articles and his current book he is doing just that. The one key phrase on all his web site pages is quality writing and services to make a difference. Dennis designed his own web site which is a resource for other authors to gain exposure for their work. Through his web site Dennis provides marketing information and opportunities to help other authors and the general public. Any person in business can learn from the information on his site through his articles and articles by other authors. Dennis continually tries to help other authors with information on all aspects of the publishing industryDennis has been a part of auditing teams and a team leader. Dennis’ relationship with quality assurance principles and integrity principles can be seen in his commitment to operate his business and web site with honesty, integrity and quality principles. This is evidenced by the fact that he has signed a business ethics pledge committed to treating all stakeholders fairly, with compassion and a commitment to service.

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    Book preview

    Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration - Dennis AuBuchon

    Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration

    By Dennis AuBuchon

    Copyright © 2020 AuBuchon Books, Articles and Services

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Table of Contents


    This section provides a summary of the objective of this book regarding the responsibilities of the economic development administration. Few individuals know of this organization as it never seems to get exposure or little if any but the results are reported

    Chapter1 – Mission

    The mission of this organization is identified along with additional information related to their mission as part of the executive department

    Chapter 2 – values

    The values of any organization is important and no more so than an administration of economic development

    Chapter 3 – Innovation and entrepreneurship

    Innovation is the key to a successful organization along with entrepreneurship qualities and approach

    Chapter 4 – Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation

    Measuring performance and program evaluation are critical elements on the continued existence of an organization especially in the federal government.

    Chapter 5 – Disaster Recovery

    It is amazing that an organization involved with economic development helps in whatever way they can to assist in disaster recovery

    Chapter 6 – Programs

    This chapter looks at the programs with which this organization is involved to accomplish their mission and objectives

    Chapter 7 – Opportunity Zones

    The subject of opportunity zones and what they represent are discussed in this chapter and how this organization is involved with creating them.

    Chapter 8 – Investment Priorities

    The old saying goes it takes money to make money. In this scenario this organization provides resources for businesses to succeed

    Chapter 9 – Logic Model

    This chapter provides information about the logic this organization uses in their approach to economic development for the country

    Chapter 10 American Competitive Exchange

    This chapter will explore what the American Competitive Exchange and how it fits in the economic development of this administration

    Chapter 11 – Economic development integration

    Economic development integration is a term most of us probably have never heard of let alone understand what it is. This chapter provides information so everyone can understand what this activity represents for our country

    Chapter 12 – Basic Economic Development Terms

    There are several terms related to economic development and this chapter identifies them so the reader of this book can understand what they represent. Some of these terms may be familiar while others may surprise the reader. Some comments will be provided as part of this chapter. Contributing to this list is the International Economic Development Council


    This section is a summary and any conclusions of the information provided in this book

    About the Author

    This section provides information about myself, other books I have written, social media activity information about articles I have written

    Other Books by this Author

    Connect with this Author


    This administrative function of the federal government has one purpose and that is to focus on economic development in communities across the nation. The activities along with their mission and values have been beneficial in creating the strong economy we have today. They encourage innovation and entrepreneurship which is now booming.

    This government entity has three distinct values in their proposition statement. These are listed below but more information about the efforts of this entity will be provided in the various chapters in this book.

    EDA makes it easier for businesses to start and grow in the United States

    Our economy needs to be business friendly and today it appears the environment of the past is gone replaced by an environment which has as one of the objectives of this organization is making it easier to start and grow a business.

    It definitely has not been easy in the past with the regulations and an overbearing congress controlling every segment in our economy.

    EDA matching grants start with local business conditions and needs, not Washington’s

    There is an old saying that it takes money to make money and this is so true. The backbone of our economy are local businesses and the matching grant program of this organization impacts local business conditions by providing funding to help local economies prosper.

    EDA drives innovation and entrepreneurship throughout the country especially in our manufacturing sector, to help U.S. workers and businesses compete globally.

    The business world of today is no longer limited to local and state economies as we now have a world economy. Our businesses need to succeed in a world market if their products and customers are from all over the world. While we have businesses that do not feel the need or requirement to compete across the globe others do to survive. Innovation and entrepreneurship is driven by the subject of this book the Economic development administration.

    Chapter 1 – Mission

    Economic development is always needed for any economy but the key point is to have a mission along with objectives to be accomplished. This organization has a strong mission and based on the status of our economy today I would say it is accomplishing its objectives. Our economy is strong the strongest it has been

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